Ren By to frpo, WET STUDIES IN THZ CrHILOSCPHY OF CREATION l. Compare the definitions of the following terms, as given in several good reference works: Philosophy, Religion, Science, Scientific lMethods, Evolution, Creation. 9 2, Five ways in which we learn about God, or rather ways by which God seeks to reveal himgelf to us: Nature, Conscience ( the direct Voice of God ), Providence ( including God's providences in History ), the Historic Christ, the Scriptures. What is the historical order(in the history of the world)of these methods? | 9 What is the natural gr logical relationship of these methods? How have all been misunderstood and counterfeited? 3. The relationship between true Science ( nature study ) and the Bible. Cady, 984, o 983, 383, 941, 1368, 1346. "Predicament,” 5 - 11,//3& | ¢ 7 185; CT187; 6T185-6; cT1R6; FE 1BE; 57390 (CTH); G C 373%. 4s Creation and Evolution gs contrasted philogopiiies: "Qe Be Duy 7 = 95 127 - 8; “"’redicament," 103 - 113, Je Theories about tie origin of tue solar system: the Nebular Hypotiiesis, the Planetesimal | Hypothesis, the Tidal Theory. "The New Geology," 28 - 30; "Blunders," 29 - 33; "Phantom," 197 - 199. Also look np these theories in several good reference works. 6. The modern light on the origin of matter: "Q. E. D.," 15 - 30; "Phantom," 200 - 202; one or the other of the three following hooks by Sir James H. Jeans: "Eos," 56, 52, 55; "Mysterious Universe," 154; "The Universe Around Us," 73, 74, 316, 317. 8 T 253 - 9 ( Cady, 217 ); T1135 - 6 ( Cady, 219 ). See also Smithsonian Report, 1931, p. 277-- Uillikan on "Present Status of Theory." The latter is wrong in trying to teach that the creation of matter is still going on. 7 God's continual working throughout the universe: "q. E. De," 31 - 74; "Blunders," 44 = 47; Law of the Conservation of Energy, "Action at a Distance," etc., 3 E. D.," 35 - 40; "Blunders," 38 - 43; 8 T 360 ( Cady, 363 ); 8 T 259- 260 ( Cady, 404 ); 2 P 115 ( Cady,. 1595 ); "iducation,m, 130 - 1; III 217; oo. ® 1 404 Ji 2 E11 ( Cady 95 "3 ,", 13 p3¥ ’ “Io Drak, Su-p00; 47, 8, The Origin of Life. "\. TI. D.", 43 -5h; , Blunders,” 60 —- bh; "Phantom," 202 - 204; "Case Mires on eat #2; 5 C 71 ( Cady, 774 ); gr. 264 ( Cady, 1320 )e + &- Qe Tv § eed - wtf Z1- . rR » Aial Bio Thana / 47-152 r ! | 9. ‘What Kinds Were Originally Created? "shantom," 202 - 209; 209 - 215; Austin H. Clark, > 190--199193, 124, 100; Leo H. Berg, 406. What is meant by the Web of Life? 9 Mod. Biac.* 45-47, 10. Evolution professes to givé®h higtory of something that has occurred on the globe, and ce), an explanation of how it occurred. The thigtory" can come only from the ~ fogsils ( geology ); the explanation of the how is what was given by Lamarck ® and Darwin. But both of these latter theories are now discredited, also the alleged ‘history" is now seen to have been a blunder. ‘hat follows? 11, Lamarckism: "Blunders," 76 - 82; the work of August Weismann, "Phantom," 190-191; ® . "Dogma," 163 - 184 ( this is much too favorable to Lamarck ). Look mp both Lamarck and Weismann in several good reference works. 12. Darwin and His Work. "Blunders," 83 - 91; "Dogma," 185 - 240, 167 -168. laster the chief events in the life 6f Chas. Darwin, also his three chief theories. Darwinism, "rredicament," 84 + 93; "Phantom," 179 - 196. Singer, 155-3063 Mmed. SALE 101-11], Weadpr 4F-Y 7 2: