InTERNATIONAL T. AND M. Sociery CONSTITUTION. 103 ARTICLE VI—MINISTERS' REPORTS. Smcrron 1. It shall be the duty of the ministers of this Conference to make a written report to each annual meeting, of their labors each week during the Conference year, or of so much of the year as they have been in the employ of the Conference. Sec. 2. It shall also be the duty of the ministers of this Conference to report to the annual meeting thereof, all donations which they have received during the year from churches and individuals, and such dona- tions shall be considered by the Auditing Committee in settling the ac- counts of said ministers. ARTICLE VIIL.—DELEGATES. Section 1. The delegates to this Conference shall be elected accord- ing to the following ratio : Each organized church shall be entitled to one delegate, and one additional delegate for every members. Src. 2. The members of the Executive Committee shall be members of the Conference ex-officio, and all ministers holding credentials from this Conference shall be considered delegates at large. Sec. 8. In case any of the delegates to which a church is en- titled do not attend the Conference, the delegates attending may cast the full number of votes to ‘which said church is entitled. Src. 4. Unorganized companies of believers shall be represented in *the Conference by the delegates at large. ARTICLE VIII.—AMENDMENTS. This constitution may be amended at any regular meeting of the ‘Conference, by a two-thirds vote of the members, provided that such amendment shall not conflict with the constitution of the General Con- ‘erence. INTERNATIONAL TRACT AND MISSIONARY SOCIETY CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. — NAME. This Society shall be known as the Internatiorial Tract and Mission- ary Society.* ARTICLE II.— OBJECT. The objects of this Society are, (1.) To take an oversight of the va- rious State tract societies, and to suggest such plans as will secure uni- formity of action ; (2.) To assist State societies in the management of «city missions; (3. ) To secure an extensive and systematic distribution of our publications in foreign countries and in those portions of our own land not included in State organizations; (4.) To place upon steamers and vessels sailing to different portions of the world, such reading matter as is thought to be best adapted to promote the interests of present *This Society was originally called, ** The General Tract and Missionary Society of Seventh-day Adventists:’® but at the annual session held in Rome, Y., December, 1882, the name was changed to “The International Tract and ome oy Soclety.”