THE MINNESOTA WORKER. This is the Week of Prayer and may the Lord help his people to seek Him while he may be found, and call upon him while he is near; for it will be too late ‘‘when your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind ; when distress and anguish cometh upon you. Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me.” * * * Bro. Stone passed through Minneapolis on his way to the Athens meeting. He reports a very live- ly interest at Artichoke where he has been laboring since the General meeting. The meeting house has been filled to its utmost capacity each evening, The meetings have been well attended by our Baptist brethren. This has caused envy to spring up in the heart of their pastor who commenced a work in op- position. ) The latest issue of the Religious Liberty Library is No. 50, edtitled, “Functions of the Church and State, a Distinguished Plea for Civil and Religious Liberty, by William Birney of Washington, D. C., a prominent lawyer of that city, and is much interes- ted in the principles we advocate. By the way, Mr. Birney is a regular subscriber to the American Sentinel, The tract contains 36 pages, and is an able exponent of the truths we teach. Buy it, read it, and ecircu- late it among your neighbors. Price 1% cent. Ad- dress Minnesota Tract Society. * * ¥ The sad news of the sudden death of Brother Ed- gar Allee, who was at one time connected with this office, and son of Fld. N. W. Allee, has just been re- ceived. All the particulars we have been able to learn thus far is that he left Atlanta, Ga., where he was connected with the tract society office, on Mon- day the 13th of December for Savannah on business: and on Wednesday a telegram was received at At- -lanta that he was dead and the remains would be sent the next day. Later it was learned that he was taken ill and died suddenly of a difficulty resulting from an internal injury received some years ago in Nebraska. The bereaved parents and the wife, daughter of Brother and Sister Teachout of Minneapolis, have the prayers and sympathy of their many acquaint- ances in Minnesota. We cannot always understand God's ways, but we know they are the best, and if we are prepared tq go when God calls, it will be to his glory that our life is laid down till the trump of God shall sound to awake the sleeping ones of whom it is said ‘‘blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth”. mT — CANVASSERS’ REPORT For Two Weeks, Ending Dec. 10, 1897. ORDERS TAKEN. Book Yal. Ernestena Richel G. P. $ 4.25 D. A. Deedon Cc. 0. 8. 8.15 Mrs. H. Truesdale hoe 13.90 Val, Helps, 6.50 21.25 8.00 15.95 4.50 5.00 8.50 2.75 Martha Lee C. John Tetz “ A. E. Grant Louis Skadsem Ida KE. Mann Mrs. Lena Copeland H. E. Shelstad Gust Henrikson 2.06 1.00 $98.85 $15.31 There was $28.00 worth of books and $6.25 of helps delivered the past week. We are glad to be able to give such a large re- port, as it is nearly all for one week. I am glad to see so many interested in the work, May they con- tinue faithful in the work is my prayer. We are pleased to hear from so many who expect to attend school this winter, but if there are others who have not written who are planning to come, please write in at once so that rooms may be ar- ranged for you. Some have made inquiry in refer- ence to books. Bring what books you have, and we can arrange when you get here, J. F. PoGUE. AAAAAAT ARAGON ALANANARLLANALAANLANALGANACAN ALAR ALARALONARLKNALK SAC 0 7 7 iy’ Y FRITZ GUY, | WATGHMAKER and JEWELER. No. 714 St. Germain St., St. Cloud, Minn. Dealers in everything found at a first-class jewelry store. Also Pianos from $200 up, Organs from $37 up. Guitars, Mandolins, Banjos, from $5 to $125. Any kind of goods sent on approval if 5c is sent, which will be credited if goods are bought. Mail orders promptly filled. FRITZ GUY, 714 ST. CERMAIN STREET, ST. CLOUD, MINN. SVVMTTINIVYVIYTVN I PVE PY PV VS VVY NYY SY VV SUV VV TVS YV SY VV SS VY YS VV Ua vvY Better Goods for less money. Although we have been selling peanuts considerable below the regular wholesale price heretofore we are glad to say to our patrons that a better acquaintance with the markets in other places and our increasing trade enables us to offer better peanuts than we have been handling, for less money. We now quote No. 1 Spanish, shelled, in 100 Ib. lots 5}4c per 1b. In less than 100 1b. lots 6¢ per Ib. A good mill for making nut butter and nut meal with instructions for making both only $1.75. M.A. Winchell, 2908 Harriet Ave., Minneapolis,Minn. CoCo eee SSeS 22 ATTENTION st ARE you out of work this winter? If so and want work at home, where you can make $35 to $80 per month write at once to the undersigned who will call at your home and show you how. M. C. COON, Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn.