CIFIC UMNI0Mm Monday, January 12, 1981 / Volume 80, Number 27 / Angwin, California / Official Organ of the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Religious Liberty Is Endangered By Roland R. Hegstad, Editor, Liberty, a magazine of religious freedom Pictured from left to right are Angel de la Torre, Rodolfo Varela, Eliezer Benavides and Manuel Vasquez. Mr. Varela is receiving his graduation certificate. Spanish Personal Ministries Has Theme for New “Each one win one in Eighty- one’ is the theme of the Spanish Personal Ministries thrust in the Pacific Union Conference for 19K 1. To assist the nearly 15,000 Spanish lay persons meet this challenge, a number of Lav Ral- lies (Sabbath afternoons on how to witness for Christ), Lay Con- gresses (weekends, on the methods and techniques for soul winning), and 10-day Lay Training Schools will be conducted throughout the Union from the church to the con- ference level. One of these lay training schools was given at Modesto Spanish church in November. IF ABSEN KES THE HEART GROW FONDER, SOME PEOPLE MUST REALLY LOVE CHURCH. | RAY SHURANCE, PASTOR THIS NEIGHBORHOOD SIGN il- luminating a Sunday church at Kailua, Hawaii, might just as well have been posted in behalf of Seventh-day Adventists. where records show that 4 out of every 10 members regularly miss Sab- bath school and/or church service. However, this new year is a great time to begin again with one's stewardship of worship time. Year Thrust Subjects taught were: Modern Doctrines, by Angel de la Torre, pastor of the Modesto Spanish Church; Lay Evangelism and Bi- ble Survey, by Manuel Vasquez, associate director otf the Spanish Department, Pacitic Union. Eighteen members of the Mo- desto Spanish Church graduated and participated in the receiving of certificates, the pinning of the “70 Disciples Sent Out’ button, and a candlelight ceremony. Is religious liberty really as much a part of our national scene as apple pie? Most Americans would answer spontancously “*Of course.” But as cditor of Liberty, a magazine specializing in religious rights, I'm not so sure. In fact, ['ve met many people who don't seem to like “tapple pie’ liberties. During the 20 vears I've been in the nation’s capital, I've seen vir- tually every facet of religious free- dom attacked as un-American, subversive and communist. Rights guaranteed under the First God’s Spiritual Goals for His People Are Revealed in Scripture Several years ago I came upon a text that has become increasingly impressed on me as the most com- prehensive state- ment in Scrip- ture as to what LIF our church 1S MINISTRIES about In these last days. In this choice text, God reveals His own spiritual goals on behalt of His people: ‘I will seck the lost, and | will bring back the strayed, and 1 will bind up the crippled, and I will strengthen the weak, and the tat and the strong | will watch over; I will feed them In justice.” Ezekiel 34:16, RSV. I propose that these goals, which God has set for Himself in January TELESEMINAR Countdown Is On Seven hundred churches are cooperating nationwide for It Is Written’s TEL ESEMINAR sched- uled tor Sunday, March 1. Approximately 25.000 people will be involved. Now is the time to prepare tor this once-n-a- lifetime experience. Early January provides one final opportunity to further cultivate Tt Is Written names and vour special omterests for this event. Are they viewing the tele- cast? This 1s one sure wav to deepen conviction and stimulate terest in TELESENINAR. Have vour interests been con- tacted by vou personally? Do they know of vour sincere mterest in ther spiritual growth and vour desire that they explore the faith? Remember that the more thor- ough the preparation and the more definite the cultivation now, UNITED WE FALL “| sense . . . the mood of some of my fellow evangelicals . . . and it scares the daylights out of me. The Israelites discovered, after they got what they wanted, that power, even with anointed beginnings. has an unfortunate way of turning in upon and magni- itself. | see little fying to convince me that evangelical power—past or present—is less immune to that kind of misuse than any other kind of power." —Stan Mooneyham, editor of World Vision, quoted in LIBERTY, Sept.-Oct., 1980, p. 7. the more truitful the results of TELESEMINAR and the reaping that follows. This month It Is Written will mail a colortul brochure to cach viewer with an mvitation to attend TEIESENITINAR. Tt will reach the homes later in the month, with a similar follow-up mailing arriving in carly February, avmen may use these brochures with their local interests. The piece gives the benefits of attending, an outline of the dav's program, and intor- mation on how to register—com- plete with coupons to Hill out and mail mn. Let little groups be praving tor this endeavor. Could not this be an opportunity for serious in- tercession for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit? If you're reading your Bible through this year you should complete Genesis and Exodus this month. His own ministry tor His people, are the very goals toward which we as a church ought to be praying and working to ftulfill our ap- pointed share in His ministry to the world. They tell us what we should be about as a church. They should guide our planning and our decisions of policy. They should torm the rule by which every church program should be tested. Let’s briefly consider these goals: 1. Seeking the Lost This has ever been a major priority of God’s in His mission to the world. Jesus said He came into our world ‘‘to seek and to save the (Continued on page 2) Amendment have been labeled drivel, obscenity, bigotry, trash and hogwash—to mention only a few of the printable designations. Readers have suggested using Lih- erry tor lining trash cans, papering privies and cleaning dirty paint- brushes. I believe such critics of religious liberty are a minority mn today’s America. But polls show that a majority of Americans are willing to discard some guarantees of the Bill of Rights. Even those who survive these tests of commitment waver before seeming threats to their “rights.” Today there is talk by the Moral Majority of ‘“‘anti-God’ forc- es—the November 17 ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court that struck down the Kentucky law re- quiring the posting of the Ten Commandments in the state's public schools, and the U.S. Su- preme Court's praver—and Bible- reading decisions of the carly 1960s—which, they sav, ‘kicked God out of our schools.™ Attempts to rectify the per- ceived ills have included a drive to (Continued on page 8) *... yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. John 16:2.