Siegel Northcott, Vera Behrens, Wilma Walter, Harvey Howard, Missionary Literary Accountant News Freburn James, Forum Prof. P. N. Pearce, Faculty Adviser Harvin Evens, Business Mgr. Lester Sevener, Ed-in-chief Clarence Atteberry, Circulation Mgr. Our school has been interrupted very little during the year 1919-20. We could not afford to have it disturbed because we were so busy. Of course we had a Harvest Ingathering Day; October 16. Our Goal was set at $2,000 and we passed it, for, that is always our way of doing things. The total amount was $2,400. On January 16 a memorable chapel hour was spent. This dav we cele- brated the passing of another goal, that of the “400 Students campaign.” Our enrollment on January 16 was 407. Today it stands at 427. Then came the only sorrowful part of the school year. Influenza invaded our territory and made many take refuge in Brooknook, our private sanitarium. We were spared from the hand of Death this year and we feel very thankful to our Heavenly I'ather for His great goodness to us. - At this time we feel that Mr. Carl W. Pruitt is due an expression of thanks and appreciation for the splendid service he has given us in the making of the cover design and drawings of this annual. We wish to take this opportunity to thank our many friends and patrons for their hearty cooperation which has made our magazine a success.