Wilding THE neds, Wapces, after the Col. 2, Crom. the third phinciple, he en his hands. | fo ufc je fot the good of nies acknowledge the cx- Alken for government, if he had 8 powerina righteous way, © Bub ft the nmatiol In great “cofufion; to they :tefteted the; focongd ith good wards and fair fpeeches, with- ting any fixed and certain Conditiohs with of “after which, pricfteraft was fed to np tumules in diferent, partsobithe country, J yh Tok € ithen to cry, The church is in danger! which RE tee tribes) + sngived the parlainent to make laws to exclude | {1 the tee ~ allperfons from teaching either 1ngiphuorches or © $i ga realpRablespre Beds CO ee fchools; who refufed an affent and:confent 0 their © eda tp DAE shem back by. 1% 9 . Ordiaprices.of men, and aHo to declare it to ke un. lawful to take np-arms again the king, won any ust whatfver. And, asDr. Calamy obfieryes, b. piflive-obeditnce and non-refiftance, was the.doe- © | h v a: But he hifory of 2 *,¥rine that for 25 years made their pulpitsring and - 4 EL an ud that) wheo: men & « x. peeffes groan. Yet mo fooner was this doétiine ob cin W they. often. eligi : Tarned again the epifcopalians than: behold | 2 - Evo recur ta igh they called in the prince of Orange, with an armed BR “auth (as they think wil defignt pi force to drive their bing from bis throne | And: now ; J Shin cover their wrete! Cove. I. "thefourth principle is prefered, and a compact, | EEE 2 robf of which B «2 cAgabie ? aataining a large BILL OF RIGHTS, 3s made with Pe. Math hey William béfore “his coronation 3 and he and: hi cotintrn Jabanie com ‘were bre y “¢{olenmly to promile and vern the people. of the kmgdom of fhe dominions. thereto belonging, the ftatutes in parliament agreed on, : ad sulloms. of the fame i) te, \