Publisher's Department WILL YOU CONTRACT? IF NOT, WHAT WILL YOU DO? “We have appreciated the special Watch- man and believe it will do much good.”— Elder J. H. Krum. “I am so highly pleased with your special that I want to offer my compliments for the excellent success that you have made in getting out this number. I notice that our mission- ary workers are highly pleased with it, and they who are selling it are meeting with splen- did encouragement.” —FElder IV m. Covert, Pres. Northern Ill. Conf. “I think it is the best extra we have ever had to sell to bring the truth for this time to the attention of the world. I have been out a few days and it takes well with the business men and at the homes of the people.”—G. S. Honeywell. “It is not too late to order the special Watchman entitled, ‘The End of the World in This Generation. This issue merits wide circulation.”—Indiana Reporter. “Inclosed find $50.00 for 2,000 specials. 1 will take the contract of selling 10,000 copies.” —E. E. Smith. The cover page of this number of the Watch- man has an appropriately colored illustration of Christ on the Mount of Olives, saying, “Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away till all these things be fulfilled.” Side panels on this page show how Christ's words are being fulfilled. The paper is well il- lustrated, and is printed in five colors. Its twenty pages are very attractive, so that in- terest is quickly aroused in the good articles published. The date of issue is not conspicu- ous, and this number is especially appropriate for distribution throughout the entire winter. Will you not at once decide to send for a quantity of these message filled specials? Would you not like to spend all your time for several months selling this messenger of life from door to door and on the streets in the cities about you? A number of people are now engaged in this work. Write for con- tract prices on 10,000 copies. Whether you can use one copy or ten thou- sand copies, send in your order at once. You can get more when the first lot is sold. Cor- respondence solicited. Prices or THE Special Watchman. When mailed to one address — I to 4 copies.......... 5 cents each 5 to24 copies.......... 4 cents each 25 to 299 copies........ 3 cents each 300 or more copies. ... 215 cents each When mailed to lists of names — I to 24 copies.......... 5 cents each 25 Or more copies. ...... 4 cents each A neat Watchman badge will be sent free, if requested, to any person ordering fifty or more papers to sell. Send your order to your nearest Publishing House or State Tract Society, or direct to the Southern Publishing Association, Nashville, Tenn. : THE WATCHMAN OF 4 CF a OF AU aa) an oF a ch anlcl anich acl acl alc alc acl ach alchacl ach ach a THE WATCHMAN 79 ~~” Sample copies sent on request. the news of salvation to others. A sixteen-page weekly religious magazine for the home. Its various departments make it interesting and instructive to all. day gospel truth. Especial prominence is given to the great lines of Bible prophecy which show that we are now living in the days just prior to the second and glorious coming of the Lord Jesus. The power of the Gospel in preparing people for that event is clearly shown. Agents wanted in every locality to sell regular clubs of the Watchman every week. Correspondence solicited with persons who are interested in working for the soul’s salvation of others, and who will put forth definite efforts to carry’ See subscription prices on last page It is appropriately illustrated. It is brimful of present- CV aCV aN CV) Address all correspondence to the SOUTHERN PUBLISHING NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE ASSOCIATION N20 NIP 0 NIP 0 NID_4O NID 4O N40 NIP 40 NIP £O NIP 20 NIP <0 NIP INP 20 NIP QO NI ANF ONE ON OF QP No) A LOT OF SOILED BOOKS That is what the following list of books is’ They are not in bad condition, most of them soiled only a little, but we cannot send them out on orders for perfect stock. There are only a few copies of some of these and the first orders will get the books. While the stock lasts these will be sent post- paid as follows:— Making Home Happy, cloth, .. ... .. .. . .25 ““ Le ‘ paper, ............. 15 Our Paradise Home, cloth, .......... ooo .20 Our Little Folks Bible Nature, board, ...... .16 Story of Joseph, board,... .......... | .15 Helps to Bible Study, cloth,......... ...... 21 Best Stories, cloth, .. ...... ...... 32 “ ““ board,.... ............... .25 ““ ““ paper, ............ ......... 12 Christ our Saviour, board, ..... . .. .. . .21 Songs for Service, board,.. ... .. . 25 Uncle Ben’s Cobblestones, ....... . . . .32 Bible Readings, plain,.. .......... .. . .55 Great Second Advent Movement, ........ . .87 Prophecies of Jesus, marbled, ...... . .. oo. .90 Home Hand Book, cloth, ......... .. 2.10 History of Sabbath, paper, 3 parts, ... .... 25 Story of Daniel, .... ........... © .55 Seer of Patmos, ................. . ... 55 Daniel and Revelation, plain, ...... .... .60 Coming King, plain, ..... ......... | .52 ““ Cogley, oo ..70 Supremacy of Peter,..... .60 Health, ..................... .......... .. .50 Drummond’s Addresses, ........ .... .. .. . .50 Send all orders to the Southern Publishing Association Nashville, Tenn. CANVASSING REPORT Of the S. U., C, for Week Ending January 11, 1907 Sey | | Es 82 3% Ll mx NAME Y] T= Lg J > 2 . = oe < Q oO < 8 Z Z = >a Tennessee River Conference Mamie Moore....cvvvvenraneens BR 29 $39 oo F 5 co Mrs EH Mc Kay...ccovannn. SofP 3 10 75 10-15 Cumberland Conference GS Vreeland.oiviieiiinnss DotA I5 <0 12 30 North Carolina. TH Jeys covieiieiaiinncnnnns Misc 4 80 Wm H Brown...... Sof P CK BS 22 35 25 OR Steed covviiiiiieeinnnnnes CK 28 3 25 2 25 George Jeys vvvinieseiiinnes NTP so 26 so FASIate coieiiiiiiiniiannnnes CK 10 1 50 South Carolina HB Gallion....ovivenanienean CK 16 22 oo 6 235 Alabama Oscar A Prieger.....cvievenns CK 32 33 75 1 00 LW Dortch vvvvienneinn. CK BS 32 61 co 2 75 RI Keate,ioiiareraenns. CK NTP 33 59 oo 2 50 Edwin A Keate ..ovvvivinaeens CK 1 7 co 11 00 WH Waite.......ooovvan. CK FB 40 12 83 2 8s Louisiana. IT Reynolds.....ovvuuun.. BR CK 28 56 50 8 50 G S Rogers vocivvennnn. D&R GP 18 26 75 22 75 AB Cheek.ivvvvriiinniniinnas BR 16 18 35 9 50 Mrs A E frank....BR CK Sof D 31 45 8 oo Florida . E C Dettwetier.vovivoveane.., Misc 15 13 10 13 10 Recapitulation. Tennessee River Conterence..... 32 $49 75 $15 15 Cumberland Conference......... 15 co 12 50 North Carolinaceceseviiiiiin..., 110 65 oo 8 55 South Carolina ...vvivvvinann.. 16 22 oo 6 25 Alabama .........co0iiiiii 138 173 60 20 10 Louisiana ...veviiniierecionnnns 62 133 05 49 25 Florida «.cvvvvveniinnenniiionsens 15 13 10 13 10 Total seneieeveeniveniannes 373 $471 50 $ 124 go Beautiful Bible Mottoes No home is complete without at least one There is no better time than right now to sell Mottoes. $7 buys 100 large Mottoes. Net profit $13.00. Agents make from $4 to 810 a day. Will you help us raise 8500 in the next six months to help the Southern Schools? We are Seventh Day people. We will fill your order the day it reaches our office. Address with 2c. stamp, THE HAMPTON ART CO., Hampton, Iowa. PEANUT BUTTER VERY CHOICE Samples Free, Prices Low Address B. B. NEWMAN, Tampa, Fla.