SIGNS OF THE TIMES. AND EXPOSITOR OF PROPHECY. TERMS.—$1,00 PER VOL. (24 Nos.) IN ADVANCE OFFICE No. 14 DEVONSHIRE STREET, BOSTON. Vol. VI.—No. 24. Boston, Wednesday, Jan, 31, 1844. Whole No. 144. J. Y. IIIfflES, J. LITCH, and S. BLISS, Editors. Dow & Jackson, Printers, 14 Devonshire St. {^TABERNACLE.—M r. Miller lectured all (lav and eve ning. on the Sabbath, lo all who could gain admittance to the Tabernacle, it being filled to ovet flowin? The congre- gation were very attentive. He is e> peeled to lecture each evening through the week. The Conference commenced on Monday afternoon. We shall give a full account in our next. {Jtf-This number closes the SIXTH VOLUME of this paper. That we may occupy till the Lord come, we shall commence another volume and continue it as lung as the Lord Ity his providence shall direct, though we hope to have no occasion to complete it. {^Conferences in New York, Feb. 6; and in Philadel- phia, Feb. II; QCI"Map ol ihe Four Universal Monarchies, with theirdi- visions, as brought to view in the Scriptures. We have ju-l published a lurge map ot' this character, tile size ofthe large chart. Price $2. {Jff-More new Tracts this week.