Conference Advisory Meets; Subcommittees Present Recommendations The Conference Advisory met recently and heard its committee chairmen present recommenda- tions for the conference. Among the suggestions were the follow- ing. Church Growth Committee (Shirley Maxwell, chairman) — Design and implement a survey regarding ongoing church growth programs and projects in the local congregations. Suc- cessful programs would be rec- ommended for use by other churches. — Hold a lay congress to include workshops on subjects such as Michael Jackson presents a report during operating a church day-care center, using the media in soul winning, and improving family relationships. Finance and Governance Commit- tee (Michael Jackson, chairman) — Retain a professionally trained conference personnel director who could, among other duties, lead out In a positively-ori- ented performance evaluation for all conference employees. — Recommended that all churches develop a written five-year church-growth plan and imple- ment an annual budget. Intercultural Fellowship (Daniel Robles, chairman) HARA, meeting of the Conference Advisory. Mr. Jackson, president of the White Memorial Medical Center, chairs the Advisory’s subcommittee on finance and governance. General La Voz de la Esperanza Will Share in Offering A portion of the VOP offering received October 13 will support the work of La Voz de la Esper- anza, the Church’s Spanish language radio outreach. Earlier this year, La Voz became a separate component of the Adventist Media Center, reflecting the importance the Church places on the role the pro- gram fills in the over-all world evangelism program. ‘““Merardo Leb6n, a retired minister born in Peru, reports that each Sunday morning in his home- town a Catholic priest broadcasts La Voz de la Esperanza over loud- speakers installed in the belfry of his church,’’ says Milton Peverini, director-speaker of La Voz. “The whole town gathers to hear the messages every week.’’ While searching for Biblical truth, a Los Angeles family reports being brought providen- tially to an opportunity to study a Bible course through La Voz de la Esperanza. Today, this family is active in the church, often using La Voz materials in their lay soul- winning efforts. “We pray that your gift to the radio ministries offering on Oc- tober 13 will be especially gener- ous this year,’”’ says Elder Pever- ini. ““We believe that investing in soul-winning radio is an oppor- tunity for wise stewardship.” LONGTIME FRIENDS Kenneth Holland (left), editor of Signs of the Times, and H. M. S. Richards, Jr., director-speaker of the Voice of Proph- ecy radio broadcast, have become partners in the project to send the VOP edition of Signs to all new listeners requesting help from the broad- cast. This special edition of Signs will feature a monthly back-cover arti- cle by Elder Richards. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER /OCTOBER 1, 1984 — Pair churches with sister churches of another culture to enhance intercultural under- standing. — Arrange for a pastor and musical group from a church of one culture to exchange places with those from another culture on a designated Sab- bath during the year. — Stage a multicultural pageant at the annual convocation to highlight the diversity of cultural heritages represented in our conference. — Develop a conference prayer calendar so that churches and schools can pray for one another by name on specified days. Spiritual Nurture (Dan Matthews, chairman) — Encourage churches to organize Home Bible Fellowships so that every member can par- ticipate in a nurturing small group. — Renew emphasis on the unique- ness of Adventism. This would involve a focus on the implica- tions and applications of proph- ecy. — Pay attention to inspiring, creative worship as a time of celebration. The four committees of the Conference Advisory are each meeting at least four times in 1984. Suggestions for the commit- tees are welcome. Feel free to con- tact the chairmen. THE LIFE AND TIMES of the Bible come alive for children and adults alike as they tour the Near East Institute Archaeological Museum, located across from the Adventist Book Center in Glendale. Curator Michael Blaine says that tours are available for church and school groups with prior notice. Call (818) 242-1441 for arrangements. Pictured above, Elder Blaine leads youngsters from the La Canada Community Youth House in a hands-on study of archaeology. Health Seminar Scheduled in Pomona The Norwalk Church Health Center directors Aileen Luding- ton, M.D.; Shirley Hon Masaoka, M.D.; S. Dale Leamon, pastor of the Norwalk Church, and Yolan- da Leamon will conduct a week- end health seminar October 12-14 at the Pomona Adventist church. Friday at 7:30 p.m., Dr. Lud- ington, who has spent two years as instructor at Weimar, will speak on the subject ‘‘“How to Manage Stress and Energy Level.” The schedule on Sabbath will include a 1:30 p.m. sing-along, with special music from the Leamons, Dr. Masaoka and local singers, followed by a slide presentation entitled ‘‘Health Outreach in Action.” At 3:30, Elder Leamon will present ‘‘The Significance of the Health Message to Adventists.” Sunday’s schedule features “The Common Sense of the Original Diet” by Dr. Masaoka 10 a.m. to noon. This will be followed by a luncheon to let par- ticipants sample the delicious and nutritious possibilities of the natural diet. Friday’s and Saturday’s lectures and demonstrations are free, while the Sunday seminar and luncheon will cost $6 per person, $10 per couple or $15 for the entire family. For more information call (714) 622-1450. pastor at Torrance. nia. The following pastors have now joined the con- ference staff or have accepted new church assignments within the conference: Adolphus Garnett: associate pastor at Berean; coming from Oakwood College. David Glass: associate pastor at Van Nuys; was Feliciano Gutierrez: pastor at Glendale Filipi- no; coming from pastorate at Berkeley, Califor- Tom Glatts: associate pastor at Temple City; coming from Pacific Union College. James Neergaard: associate pastor at Holly- wood; coming from mission service in Egypt. James Park: pastor at Torrance; returning from the seminary at Andrews University. UPDATE. . . from the president Marcus Payne: planned giving consultant in the department of legal affairs; was a conference evan- gelist. Robert Thompson: associate pastor at 54th Street, coming from Oakwood College. Brent Wood: associate pastor at the White Memorial Church, coming from Loma Linda University Church. For 20 years, Elder Wilford Goffar served as an officer and program chairman for the Angelus Nature Club. He has now retired from that posi- tion and Phil Schwarz was elected to take his place. Our thanks go to Elder Goffar for his many years of leadership in the Angelus Nature Club, which has brought an increased appreciation for God’s world to the people of the Southern Cali- fornia Conference. Your Support for Camp Cedar Falls Still Needed It’s not too late to help in the unique and effective form of evangelism that is carried out by Camp Cedar Falls. Last year Camp Cedar Falls served the needs of approximately 10,000 Southern California Con- ference constituents who attended retreats, seminars, and camps. More than 40 churches, schools, departments and other groups utilized the facilities of beautiful Camp Cedar Falls. Camp Cedar Falls indeed is a unique family and youth evange- listic outreach and needs generous consideration. Faith For Today Special Television Presentation SO NEAR SO FAR Two families torn by misunderstanding. Can they learn to forgive and forget? Channel 13, KNTV, Las Vegas, NV Thursday, October 4, 1984, 9:30 PM * Look for ad in TV Guide