Friday January 9 From Creator | to Created EXPLORATION John 1:14 CONCLUDE Because our minds are finite and human, we find it difficult to wrap our imagi- nation around the idea of God becoming human. Why would anyone give up heav- en—perfection in its most ideal setting? Why risk everything to save a people whose main goal was to destroy and kill you for trying to save them? Only a God of amazing love and grace can give such a gift. Once we realize what God has done, how do we even begin to show our gratitude? CONSIDER Bl Painting a picture that expresses absolute joy for you. HB Singing the song “Amazing Grace” by yourself in an empty room with your eyes closed. As you sing, imagine God sitting before you as your only audience. BW Visiting a nursery or a friend with a newborn baby. Think about the new- ness and beauty of the creation of a child. Imagine what it must have been like for the Creator to become the created. HB Writing a Thank-You letter to God. In your letter be very specific about why you are glad God chose to save the human race and what it has meant to you in your life. HB Reading chapters 2 and 3 of Athanasius’s On the Incarnation, translated and available online at . Think about how this document relates to your own concept of the Incarnation. HB Studying a map of Jerusalem and creating an imaginary walk through Jerusalem in a field or park near your home. As you walk, try to visualize what it must have been like for Jesus to walk the streets and towns of His day—knowing He had once walked the streets of heaven. HB Talking with someone you know who seems to give unconditional love in the toughest circumstances. Ask what gives him or her the ability to love through heartache, pain, and disappointment? CONNECT The Desire of Ages, chap. 55. Max Lucado, God Came Near. Janya Mekeiburg, Lincoln, Nebraska ny