Manuscript Release #1115--17 Palmer and Willie came to my room and told me that there was 15 feet of water in the well. The next morning there was 18 feet of water, and the workers are pumping hard to get the water out; for they wish to go a fey feet further down, so as to make a reservoir for the water that flows in. [ am so glad that we shall have no dearth of water. The report is that the water in the new well is soft and pure. The old well has never yet gone dry, and at present the house is supplied from this well. 1 think that when the new well is in operation, there will be water enough for all domestic and irrigating purposes. The view from the west windows of the sanitarium building is beautiful, From them can be seen Paradise Valley and, beyond, the Pacific Ucean, In the evening when the last rays of the setting sun make a path of gold across the water, the view is especially fine.--Letter 311, 1904. Letter 319, 1904. (To May Lacey White, Henry, Herbert, and Gracie,* December 4, 1904, from Glendale, Calif.) A week ago last Tuesday Sara, Maggie, and I left San Diego and came to Los Angeles. Brother [J. A.] Burden met us at the station and took us to the restaurant, where we had dinner. In the afterncon we came out to Glendale, to the new sanitarium, where we have been staying ever since. We found much to do, and the brethren have held several important meetings. We are glad to be able to write that the business which has kept us here is closing up. In a board meeting held today the most diffi- *Henry, Herbert, and Grace were Ellen White's grandchildren. The twin: boys were eight and Grace was four when this Tetter was written. Manuscript Release #1115--18 cult point was settled. Brother Simpson resigned his place as manager of the sanitarium, and has been appointed purchasing agent for the sanitarium and restaurant. This is the last hard piece of work, and now [ am sure that other matters will be easily adjusted, and we shall soon be able to start for home. We shall go to Redlands tomorrow, to stay over Sabbath and Sunday. The next week we shall go to Fernando, and then to Mountain View. We are pleas- antly situated here, but I am longing for home. I do so much want to see you all. Your father has worked very hard, and he wants to go home as much as you want him to come. But the nature of the work here demanded our stay- ing for a while. We could not have gone home earlier, for we felt that we must do something to help this sanitarium to get started on right lines. Brother Burden has been chosen as manager of the institution, and Sis- ter Rurden as bookkeeper, and we feel sure that they will be fully competent to carry forward successfully their work in connection with the sanitarium. They will labor faithfully and earnestly. But the way had to be prepared so that they could work to advantage. There are at Redlands some brethren and sisters who are able to help the institution with their means. We hope to meet these people, and to in- spire in them such confidence in the management of the sanitarium that they will feel free to give of their means and make liberal loans. The sanitar- jun is just beginning its work, and it greatly needs this help. The Lord has worked on minds, and a much more favorable conditon of things exists here now than has existed for some time. We hope much from this, and we pray much that the Lord may soften hearts by His grace, and that His truth may triumph.