| DR Ellew G Wh, h{’;) The Pavadise \/Q,He fn«/»u Fecivima . e e—— e e e i e e e E.G. White Resaarch Center ‘ R A Moowtoiw View, Calv S:mwut, 'P.xc\—? c'?hzos vbhhisluda i FILE oOPY | - Assocration, ‘304) 5”{"":“" hesumw,u«e_‘: Sevies B, | " Nos.,. l‘+ W 1o, 11, o ; 1 o Daracdien T\ P ! lf o | 10 The Paradise Valley Sanidarium ‘ The Pa,)a(ch Valley Sanitarium 11 Fo given 3'?"0 that now is our opportunity. to reach the | : Palmer and his wife, who had spent the winter in invalids focking to the health resorts of Southern ‘ : Arizona, were in San Diego, and they were willing Cabfornia.” ‘ . 1o take charwe of the work of fittms up the sanitarium : In December we 1\,&1‘}101 that this P]()Ce LOUl(l be S , ' buhd)nrv for use.. A purchased for eleyen thousand dollars, and I en- - When we visited the place in \*O\mmber 1904, we conraged Dr. Whitelock to take steps to secure it. But s found that much had been done during the summer. our loaumfl brethren in the Southern California Con- f , The building had been thoroughly repaired, inside ference were not ready to.co- opemu in the matter, and out, and painted outside. It had been fitted up and nothing was done. o -' ' ' o - witn eleetrie lights, and about one third of the rooms . In the summer of 1903 the PPOPGWY was offered o o were furnished. By taking advantage of several sales to us for eight ‘thousand dollars, and again we found ; of furniture by “}(myhy families leaving the country, that our brethren were not in.a position to act. first-class Iurmture had’ been secured at very low The drought continued, and the owners of this _prices. : L property were very much discouraged. ‘The orchards ' § Onr great anxiety about the place was the matter were dying. In January, 1904, Dr. Whitelock wrote " of aWample_supply of water. Years ago, when the to me that the mortgages could be hought for six ’ valley was prosperous, it depended npon ihe water thousand doltars, and perhaps less. Agamn 1 advised” | of the mountain streams stored up by great dams, | aur brethren connected with the medieal work in - but as the result of the many years of drought, there ‘ Southern California to seeure the place. But I ~ was no water in the reservoirs to supply our needs. o learned that they were. not ‘prepared ,to act. ;Then- N - Bome of our neighbors.in the valley had good wells, | 1 Jaid the matter before Sister Gotzian, and she con- L but our place was a little to one side.” The great ques- ‘ sented 10 join me in secnring the place.. Thcn we tele- " tion 'was, Can'we get plenty of water by digging? craphed an offer of four, thousand dollars for the ‘ - " The ‘\,(,]1_(],gg915 had gone down eighty feet, and { morteages. Two days later a telerrmm returned ac- founid a little Water, but they wanted much more. cepting the offer. Meanwhile ‘a Jetter from. other o 0 how,much depended upon our finding plenty. of : parties in San Diego was on its way to New. York, f ~ good, pure water! With an abundance of water our | affering six thousand dollars for the mortgages. : ' work could go forward, but without it, what. should : Shortly after we had secured the place, Elder and ; we do? From the beginning, I had felt the assurance. ‘ Mrs. JJ. F. Balleneer joined us in raising the amount ‘ that _the. Lm d would open the wav~ bnt who. could to be paid for the property. ' 1ell when and how?. Our people nwere deeply de- Having secured the plaec, we, needcd a mnn.wer 4 sirous of seemm the sanitarium make a success, and as and we found one ready for the work. Brother E. R. we mel them, the question was, ‘‘Have you found water?’’