our climate How our climate has taken a turn for the WOIse in the hast ten years. | our rainforests the equivalent of the amount of irreplaceable rainforest land deforested in the Amazon 8.4 million soccer fields 24,000 sq. miles 10.3 million American football fields Sea Level rose almost 2 inches overall in the past decade. In 2018, global mean sea level was the highest in the satellite record Dioxide rose by about Atmospheric Carbon 25 parts per million Global average temperature increase from 0.88C (1.6 F)to11C (2 F) our animals 10 animals that have been declared extinct in the past decade. Pinta Tortoise Formosan Clouded Leopard Caribbean Monk Seal Liverpool Pigeon West African Black Rhinoceros Christmas Island Pipistrelle ELE EET HT ell Ta ET ITE Yangtze River Dolphin Japanese River Otter Alaotra Grebe 31