Shall Revolution Bring Evolution? In the Far East? How a missionary buried in far inland China sees the trend of the latest de- velopments in the land of the “Christian general.” By Sherman A. Nagel NUMBER of years ago, while in the States on furlough, I heard the Hon. W. J. Bryan give his far-famed lecture against evolution. He began by saying, “Three assertions from the first book of the Bible, from the very first chapter of the Bible, prove evolution false.” His whole lecture was based on these three principles: “In the beginning God,” ‘“‘after his kind,” and “God created man in His own image.” Genesis 1: 1, 24, 27. During the lecture he turned to me and asked, “Do missionaries in China ever save any heathen by teaching them that ‘mr onkey-doctrine’?”’ I answered “No!” Well do I remember his vivid word picture of evolution’s attempt to explain how man as he evolved from a monkey lost the overabundance of hair once possessed by his monkey ancestors. Said he, “Evolution teaches that the females of the species developed a liking for the males with the least hair. Probably in ‘leap years’ these lady monkeys mated only with the males who had little hair, and thus after a millennium of ages they bred off the hair.” And then he added with a twinkle in his eye, ‘‘Fe- males have changed since then. A bald-headed man doesn’t stand any chance now!” But, you ask, what has this to do with the awaken- ing of the heathen — one of the most significant signs of our times? You shall know presently. The late Doctor Sun Yat-sen has been called the PAGE TEN Herbert Photos, Inc. Old China looks askance at the innovations of late years, but the old must be thrust aside George Washington of China. His was the great mind behind the Chinese revolution. His was the force that established a republic out of the world’s oldest monarchy. Since his death a few years ago his body has been in a wonderful bronze coffin in old Peking. Recently a committe has been appointed to bring his remains to the new capital, Nanking, where his loyal followers have erected a grand monument in his honor. Dr. Sun Uses EvVoLuTIoN R. SUN was also a great writer. He published several books explaining his idea of government, and just before he died he uttered his parting will and testament, which was to govern his party’s future actions. At every meeting of the Kuomin- t ng, the members stand a few moments in silence before the picture of their worthy leader, and then recite his last will and testament. All his followers have pledged themselves to carry out his wishes stated in his book “The Three People’s Principles.” Some time ago I read the English translation of this interesting work, and you may THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE