SKETCHES oF City Missions. 135 ings have been held. There have been four hundred and sixty- seven Bible readings given by the workers. About $50 worth of books have been sold from the mission, and over $200 worth have been sold by workers not.regular canvassers, while doing colportage work. Very little time has been devoted to the canvassing work. : Thirteen have signed the covenant, some of whom are now very stanch S. D. Adventists. The workers at the mission now report a good interest among their readers. They take a club of 20 Signs and use them for about four weeks on trial, and then solicit subscriptions. The address of the mission is 167 Clement St. (old No.). DES MOINES, IA. This mission was established in Oct., 1886, with Eld. A. G. Daniells and wife as managers. At the time it was started, it was impossible to rent a suitable house, and as none could be obtained till about the first of December, some rooms were rented. Eld. Daniells and wife, one canvasser, and five workers (with Laura Ginley for instructor), composed the family. Dec. 1, they succeeded in obtaining a house of fifteen rooms, in a desirable location, just what was needed,.as the Confer- ence had decided to establish’ the State depository there. As “goon as possible the mission family moved, and their number was increased with workers, canvassers, and the State secretary and assistant. . : Co From twenty to twenty-five accepted the truth as the result of the first six months’ labor. Now they have a good mission of eight rooms, and a nice new church of their own, There are now about fifty Sabbath-keepers. Not all of-these have come into the truth through the Bible readings, as two courses of lect- ures were held here during the summer, and some obeyed the truth as the result. The force of workers now consists of ten persons. ' "GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. This mission was opened in May, 1886. The building is a large dwelling-house, with room for about twenty-five persons, located in a pleasant part of the city, on the corner of Sheldon and Goodrich Sts. The first two months the family numbered ten persons; since that, about twenty. From the first but two or three workers have been engaged who have had any former experience in canvassing or holding Bible readings. This mis- sion has taken somewhat the form of a school, and as some have