1918 YEAR OOK OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST DENOMINATION Comprising a Complete Directory of the General Conference, all Division, Union. and Local Conferences, Mission Fields, Educational Institutions, Publishing Houses, Periodicals, and Sanitariums Also a survey of the field for 1917. PREPARED BY H. E. ROGERS, Statistical Secretary ol the General Conference. PUBLISHED BY REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION WASHINGTON, D. C. Dare to Do or Die By C. P. Bollman We're enlisted in the army, In the army of the Lord, And we're going forth to battle Armed with his almighty word. They're still fighting in the trenches For a cause not half so dear, Why should we then faint or falter As we face another year? Now our Captain bids, " Go forward." And shall any listless be E'en while warriors brave are dying That republics may be free? Though our weapons are not carnal, They are mighty, they are true ; Jesus says to us, " Be valiant,— Strong to dare, to die. to do." We must fail not then nor falter, But must dare to do or die; Though we fall amidst the conflict, We shall reign with Christ on high. 1 PREFACE. The following pages contain a revision of the Conference directories for the year 1918. Complete revisions will be found for all the fields represented with the exception of certain unions in the European Divi- sion, which are reprinted from the former Year Book, as indicated in later pages. This was necessitated because of the impossibility of secur- ing returns from the fields. The number of conferences, missions, and institutions in the various divisions is indicated by the following table: — Union Confs. and Divisions � Missions Local Confs. Missions — Schools Pub. � Sanita- Houses riums North American � 12 68 4 41 16 18 European � 10 42 42 6 12 6 Asiatic � 7 12 33 23 8 5 South American 3 4 13 3 2 1 Union South African � 1 3 15 1 1 3 West Indian � 1 3 1 Miscellaneous North Latin Amer. 8 � - 1 Bahamas � 1 Hawaii � 1 Totals � 34 132 117 74 41 33 In the following pages will be found a complete directory of 134 periodicals, issued in 39 languages. Literature in various forms is now issued in 94 languages, as indicated on page 225. A summary of denom- inational literature issued in all forms, at the close of 1917, shows the fallowing: — No. Pages Value Periodicals � 134 30,038 $ 79.61 Bound Books � 562 137,294 558.48 Pamphlets � 364 25,639 43.49 Tracts � 1,648 23,069 • 25.62 Totals � 2,708 216,040 $704.50 The foregoing indicates that it would cost $704.50 to purchase a sam- ple copy, in cloth binding, of every book, pamphlet, and tract, and to secure an annual subscription to each periodical issued by the denom- ination. 4 � PREFACE. The pages devoted to a survey of the field for 1917 contain much interesting matter regarding the progress of the work in various lands. This has been prepared by those in charge of each field. The number of missionaries tore-enforce the work in these fields sent out during 1917 was 59. This makes a total of 542 new workers sent out to service in foreign mission- fields during the past five years; the preceding five years indicated a total of 506 workers sent to foreign Directory of the Seventh-day Ad- ventists Denomination -GENERAL CONFERENCE. Organized May 21, 1863. Territory: The North American, European, Asiatic, and South. American Division Conferences; the following-named Union Con- ferences: South African, West Indian, and the missions of Bahamas, Hawaii, Mexico, Gua- temala, Salvador, North Hon- duras, South Honduras, Porto Rico, Haiti, and Cuba. Cable Address: Adventist, Wash- ington. (A B C Code, fifth edition.) Telegraphic Address: General Con- ference, Washington, D. C. (NOT Takoma Park.) Express and Freight Address: General Conference, Takoma Park, D. C. (Not Washington.) Consign freight via B. & 0. Ry. Postal Address: Takoma Park Station, Washington, District of Columbia, U. S. A. 'OFFICERS. President: A. G. Daniells, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Vice-President for North Ameri- can Division: I. H. Evans, Ta- koma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Vice-President for European Divi- sion: L. R. Conradi, Grindel- berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Vice-President for Asiatic Divi- sion: J. E. Fulton, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Vice-President for South Ameri- can Division: 0. Montgomery, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Ameri- ca. Secretary: W. A. Spicer, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Treasurer: W. T. Knox, Takoma Park Station, Washington,-D. C. Auditor: J. J. Ireland, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Appointed Assistants. Field Secretary: W. W. Prescott, Takoma, Park Station, Wash- ington, D. C. Assistant Secretary: J. L. Shaw, Takoma Park Station, Wash- ington, D. C. Office Secretary: T. E. Bowen, Takoma Park Station, Wash- ington, D. C. Assistant Auditor: S. E. McNeill, Takoma Park Station, Wash- ington, D. C. Statistical Secretary: H. E. Rog- ers, Takoma Park Station, Wash- ington, D. C. GENERAL CONFERENCE COM- ' MITTEE. GENERAL. A. G. Daniells, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. I. H. Evans, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. L. R. Conradi, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. J. E. Fulton, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. 0. Montgomery, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. W. A. Spicer, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. W. T. Knox, Takoma Park Sta, tion, Washington, D. C. 5 6 � GENERAL CONFERENCE. PRESIDENTS OF UNION CON- FERENCES. North American Division. 1.„,th...ntiz: R.' D. Quinn, South Lan- caster, Mass. Central: R. A. Underwood, College View, Nebr. Columbia: B. G. Wilkinson, 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Eastern Canadian: A. V. Olson, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. Lake: L. H. Christian, 3145 Lyn- dale St., Chicago, Ill. Northern: Chas. Thompson, 2718 Third Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. North Pacific: C. W. Flaiz, Col- lege Place, Wash. Pacific: E. E. Andross, Box 146, Glendale, Cal. Southeastern: W. H. Branson, 169 Bryan St., Atlanta, Ga. Southern: � E. Wight, 2006 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Southwestern: J. W. Christian, 401 Scott Thompson Bldg., Okla- homa City, Okla. Western Canadian: C. F. McVagh, Room 304, I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Cal- gary, Alberta, Canada. European Division. Vice President: J. T. Boettcher, Seminary, Clinton, Mo. British: M. N. Campbell, Stan- borough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Central European: G. W. Shu- bert, Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Ger- many. Danube: J. F. Huenergardt, Krisz- tina Kiirfit, 167, Budapest I, Hungary. East German: H. F. Schuberth, Uhlandstrasse 189, Berlin-Charl., Germany. East Russian: J. F. Ginter, Post box 2, Post office Birsha, " Excel- sior," Saratov, Russia. Latin: L. P. Tieche, rue Nicolas Roret, 1, Paris, XIIIe, France, Scandinavian: J. C. Raft, Mar- grethevej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. West German: — West Russian: 11. J. Loebsack, Post box' 2, Post office Birsha, " Excelsior," Saratov, Russia. Siberian Union Mission: 0. E. Reinke, Post box 2, Post office • Birsha, " Excelsior," Saratov, Russia. Asiatic Division. Vice-Presidents: F. H. De Vinney, 12 Wilkie Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. J. S. :lames, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Australasian: C. H. Watson, " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. East Asian: J. M. Johanson, 171 Amanuma, Suginami-mura, Toyo- tama-gun,Tokyo, Japan. India: W. � . Fletcher, 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Malaysian: F. A. Detamore, 12 Wilkie Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Philippine: � , 707 Ver- mont St., Manila, Philippine Islands. South China: B. L. Anderson, 6 Austin Ave., Kowloon, Hong- kong, China. North China: F. A. Allum, Wang Gia Dun, Hankow, Hupeh, China. South American Division. Austral: J. W. Westphal, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Ar- gentina, South America. Brazilian: F. W. Spies, Estacao Sao Bernardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil. South America. Inca Union Mission: E. L. Max- well, Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru, South America. Miscellaneous Union Conferences. South African: 'W. B. White, Rose- mead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa. West Indian: A. J. Haysmer, Box 5007, Cristobal, Canal Zone, Panama, GENERAL CONFERENCE. � 7 4ECRBTARIBS • OF DEPARTMENTS. Sabbath-school: Mrs. L. Flora Plummer, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Publishing: N. Z. Town, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Educational: F. Griggs, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Medical: W. A. Ruble, M. D., Mel- rose, Mass. Missionary Volunteer: M. E. Kern, Takoma Park Station, Wash- ington, D. C. ELECTIVE MEMBERS. G. I. Butler, Bowling Green, Fla. W. C. White, R. F. D. 1, St. He- lena, Cal. S. N. Haskell, South Lancaster, Mass. W. C. Sisley, Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal. J. L. Shaw, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. E. R. Palmer, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. G. B. Thompson, Takoma Park Station, Washington,D. C. Dr. H. W. Miller, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. C. S. Longacre, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. W. W. Prescott, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. 60 Members. PUBLISHING DEPARTMENT. Office Address: Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. OFFICERS. Secretary: N. Z. Town. � • Assistant Secretary: W. W. East- man. GENERAL MEMBERS. W. C. White, R. F. D. 1, St. He- lena. Cal. J. E. Fulton. Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shan,•hai, Ch;na. C. C. Crisler, Box 523. U. S. Postal Agency. Shanghai, China. J. S. James. Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. F. A. Detamore, 12 Wilkie Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. L. V. Finster 707 Vermont St., Manila, Philippine Islands. J. M. Johanson, 171 Amanuma, Suginami-mura, Toyotoma-gun, Tokyo, Japan. L. R. Conradi, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. W. B. White, Rosemead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa. J. C. Raft, Margrethevej 5, Co- penhagen, V., Denmark. 0. E. Reinke, Post box, 2, Post office Birsha, " Excelsior," Sara- tov, Russia. 0. Montgomery, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. G. W. Caviness, 1420 Avenida 20, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. W. W. Fletcher, 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. PUBLISHING HOUSE MANAGERS. E. R. Palmer, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal. R. L. Pierce, 2123 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. W. E. Read, Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. H. Hartkop, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Jens Olsen, Akersgaten 74, Chris- tiana, Norway. E. Lind, Gamla Kungsholmsbro- gatan 38, Stockholm, Sweden. L. E. Borle, Apartado 492, Barce- lona, Spain. C. N. Woodward. 14 Calle Luna. Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Islands. J. Robert, Gland, Switzerland. W. H. B. Miller, Warburton, Vic- toria, Australia. A. Pages, Estacao Sao Bernardo, S. P. R., Sfio Paulo, Brazil, South America. G. E. Hartman. Florida, F. C. C. A.. Buenos Aires. Argentina, South Ain-V ra. W. P. FTenderson. Br) 856. U. S. Postn A ,re y, Shanubai, China. Lyman Borers, Seoul, Chosen (Korea). W. S. Mead, 17 Abbott Road, Lucknbw, India. 8 � GENERAL CONFERENCE. MANAGERS CIRCULATING DE- PARTMENTS AND BRANCHES. H. H. Hall, Mountain View, Cal. Jas. Cochran, Mountain View, Cal. J. D. Snider, Room 314, 32 Union Square, New York, N. Y. J. W. Mace, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. D. W. Reavis, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. G. C. Hoskin, 719 East Flanders St., Portland, Oreg. J. B. Giddings, 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. L. D. Randall, 169 Bryan St., Atlanta, Ga. C. E. Hooper, 2123 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. J. R. Ferren, 1224 Euclid Ave., Kansas City, Mo. • L. W. Graham, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. S. N. Curtiss, Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill. H. H. Rans, Melville Bldg., South Bend, Ind. H. R. Gay, 411 West Railroad Ave.,. Fort Worth, Tex. Superintendents. E. L. Richmond, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. W. A. Harvey, 2123 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Foreign Department Secretary. Steen Rasmussen, Brookfield, GENERAL FIELD MISSIONARY SECRETARIES. V. 0. Cole, South Lancaster, Mass. C. V. Leach, 411 Cedar St., Tako- ma Park Station, Washington, D. C. J. B. Blosser, Berrien Springs, Mich. M. W. Shidler, 2006 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. A. F. Harrison, 401 Scott-Thomp- son Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. D. W. Dillen, 169 Bryan St., Atlanta, Ga. J. H. McEachern, College View, Nebr. E. M. Oberg, 2718 Third Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. C. E. Wreaks, Box 523, U. S. Pos- tal Agency, Shanghai, ' China. F. E. Painter, 620' Acacia Ave., Tropico, Cal. H. E. Loop, 719 East Flanders St., Portland, Oreg. W. L. Manfull, 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. J. W. Davis, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. G. S. Joseph, " Mizpah," Wahroon- ga, N. S. W., Australia. A. R. Sherman, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. G. C. Jenks, Rosemead Ave., Kenil- worth, Cape, South Africa. J. A. P. Green, Box 5007, Cristobal, Canal Zone, Panama. H. A. Robinson, Apartado 492, Barcelona, Spain. H. Box, rindelberg 15a, Ham- -burg, Germany.. R. M. Carter, EstacSo Silo Ber- nardo; S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Bra- zil, South America. W. Maudsley, Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. HOME MISSIONARY SECRE- TARIES. Miss E. M. Graham, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. F. W. Paap, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. MEDICAL MISSIONARY DE- PARTMENT. OFFICERS. Secretary: W. A. Ruble, M. D., New England Sanitarium, Mel- rose, Mass. Assistant Secretary: L. A. Han- sen, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. • H. W. Miller, M. D., Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C., -W. B. Holden, M. D., East Six- tieth St., Portland, Oreg. A. C. Selmon, M. D., 162a Bubbling Well Road, Shanghai, China. W. C. Dunscombe, M. D., Wabash Valley Sanitarium. La Fayette, Ind. \V. E. Bliss, M. D., New England- Snnitarium, Melrose, Mass. L. M. Bowen, Loma Linda, Cal. J. A. Burden, Paradise Valley Sanitarium, National City, Cal. GENERAL CONFERENCE. � 9 1. H. Heald, Takoma 'Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. 1. B. Olsen, Surrey Hills Hydro, Caterham Valley, England. Z. H. Habenicht, M. D., Diamaute, Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. Way Russell, M. D., Soonan, Chosen (Korea). 7. L. Mann, M. D., Chuharkana. Mandy, Gujranwala Dist., Pun- jab, India. Tewton. G. Evans, M. D.. Loma Linda, Cal. Frederick Griggs, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. ). D. Comstock, M. D., 515 Citizen's Bank Bldg., Pasadena, Cal. fulia A. White, M. D., Huntington Beach, Cal. T. A. Sherwin, M. D.' Sanitarium, Wahroonga, N. S! W., Aus- tralia. L. W. Semmens, M. D., 108 Pon- sonby Road, Auckland, New Zealand. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCA- CATION. OFFICERS. secretary: F. Griggs, 'Takoma Park Station, Washig ton, D. C. assistant: W. E. Howell, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Other Members. • L. Shaw, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. 7. C. Lewis, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. /. J. Graf, Berrien Springs, Mich. 1. F. Machlan, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. 1. W. Irwin, Pacific Union College, St. Helena. Cal. 'aul Steiner, Gland, Switzerland. 1, E. Kern, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. rik Arnesen, Akersgaten 74, Christiania, Norway. I. U. Stevens, Diamante, Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. V. E. Straw, Main St., Bulawayo, Rhodesia, South Africa. J. E. Shultz, Box 856, U. S. Pos- tal Agency, Shanghai, China. H. F. Benson, Tenmajimachi, Aizu- wakarnatsu, Japan. T. F. Blue, 17 Abbott Road, Luck- now, India. C. H. Schowe, Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia. C. L. Benson, Berrien Springs. Mich. H. A. Morrison, College View, Nebr. W. I. Smith, College Place, Wash. Glen Wakeham, Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Dr. E. Meyer, Friedensau, Bez. Magdeburg, Germany. S. L. Frost, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. A. W. Anderson, " Mizpah," Wah- roonga, N. S. W., Australia. W. C. John, Takoma Park, D. C. SABBATH SCHOOL DEPART- MENT. OFFICERS. Secretary: Mrs. L. Flora Plum- mer, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Asst. Sec., Rosamond D. Ginther. OTHER MEMBERS. 0. B. Thompson, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. W. W. Prescott, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. M. C. Wilcox, Mountain View, Cal. J. L. Shaw, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. W. A. Spicer, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Vesta J. Farnsworth, Pacific Union College, St. Helena, Cal. E. R. Palmer, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Fannie D. Chase, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. T. E. Bowen, Takoina Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. W. E. Howell, Takoma Park. Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. C. C. Lewis, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. 10 � GENERAL CONFERENCE. YOUNG PEOPLE'S MISSION- ARY VOLUNTEER DEPARTMENT. OFFICERS. Secretary: M. E. Kern, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Asst. Secretary: Matilda Erickson, Takoma Park Station, Washing- ton, D. C. Field Secretary: Meade MacGuire, Sanitarium, Cal. Office Secretary: Mrs.' I. H. Evans, Takoma Park Station, Wash- ington, D. C. OTHER MEMBERS. C. L. Benson, Berrien 'Springs, Mich. Erik Arnesen, Akersgaten 74, Christiania, Norway. Guy Dail, Wabernstr. 91a, Bern, Switzerland. S. L. Frost, Box 523, U. S. Pos- tal Agency, Shanghai, China. Mrs. L. Flora Plummer, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Fannie D. Chase, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Miss E. M. Graham, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. F. Knight, Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Frederick Griggs, Takoma Park Station; Washington, D. C. Howard Lee, Soonan, Chosen (Ko- rea). W. E. Howell, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. 0. K. Butler, 27 Firs Ave., Bloem- fontein, Orange Free State, South Africa. I. F. Blue, 17 Abbott Road, Luck- now,' India. Glen Wakeham, Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. B. P. Hoffman, 171 Amanuma, Su- ginam i-mura, Toyotama-gun, To- kyo, Japan. J. A. P. Green, Box 5007, Cristobal, Canal Zone, Panama. C. P. Crager, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos. Aires, Argentina, South America. L. L. Caviness, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. GENERAL CONFERENCE COR PORATION. Incorporated 1904. Legal Title: " General Conferenc Corporation of Seventh-day Ad ventists." � - Constituency: The General Con ference delegates. Office Address: Takoma Park Sta tion, Washington, D. C. Officers: Pres., I. H. Evans; Sec H. E. Rogers; Treas., W. Knox. Board of Trustees: I. H. Evans W. T. Knox, J. L. Shaw, F. M Wilcox, E. R. Palmer, B. G. Wil kinson, H. E. Rogers. GENERAL .CONFERENCE ASSO CIATION. Incorporated 1887; reincorporate( 1916. Legal -Title: " General Confereno Association of the Seventh-da: Adventists." Constituency: The General Con ference delegates. Office Address: Takoma Park Sta tion, Washington, D. C. OFFICERS. President: F. M. Wilcox, Takom( Park Station, Washington, D. C Treasurer:. W. T. Knox, Takom. Park Station, Washington, D. C Secretary: H. E. Rogers, Takoim Park Station, Washinoton, D. C Board of Trustees: F. M. Wilco?, I. H. Evans, W. T. Knox, E. B Palmer, W. WI Prescott, H. 1 Rogers. FOREIGN MISSION. BOARD. Incorporated 1899. Legal Title: " Foreign Missio Board of Seventh-day Advent ists." Trustees: A. G. Daniells, W. A Spicer, W. T. Knox, I. H. Evans W. B. White,G. B. Thompsor W. W. Prescott. GENERAL CONFERNCE. � 11 Officers: Pres., A. G. Daniells; Sec., W. A. Spicer; Treas., W. T. Knox. TRANSPORTATION AGENTS. W. T. Knox, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. (Also general agent for trans-Atlantic steamship lines.) C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal. (Also general agent for trans- Pacific steamship lines.) Review and Herald Publishing As- sociation, Room 314, 32 Union Square, New York, N. Y. A. Bacon, 84 Upper Tollington Park, London, N., England., H. H. Todd, 116 North California Ave., Chicago, Ill. W. E. Abernathy, 169 Bryan St., Atlanta, Ga. G. C. Hoskin,719 East Flanders St., Portlan, Oreg. C. B. Caldwell, 810 Jackson Ave., New Orleans, La. H. C. Kephart, Drawer M, Cristo- bal, Canal Zone, Panama. GENERAL LABORERS HOLD- ING CREDENTIALS FROM THE GENERAL CON- FERENCE. Butler, G. I., Bowling Green, Fla. Daniells, A. G., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Haskell, S. N., South Lancaster, Mass. Kern, M. E., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Knox, W. T., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Lewis, C. C. Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Loughborough, J. N., Lodi, Cal. Prescott, W. W., Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Shaw, J. L. Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Spicer, W. A., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. � • Town, N. Z., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. White, W. C., R. F. D. 1, St. Helena, Cal. LICENTIATES. Bowen, T. E., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Hansen, L. A., Takonia Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Haskell, Mrs. H. H., South Lan- caster, Mass. Ruble, W. A., Melrose, Mass. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES; Graham, Miss E. M., Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Ireland, J. J., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. MacEnterfer, Sara, Sanitariu-m, Cal. Plummer, Mrs. L. Flora, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Rogers, H. E., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. NORTH AMERICAN DIVISION CONFERENCE. Organized May 26, 1913. Territory: The following-named Union Conferences: Atlantic, Central, Columbia, Eastern Ca- nadian, Lake, Northern, North Pacific, Pacific, Southeastern, Southern, Southwestern, West- ern Canadian. • Population: 100,000,000. Cable Address: Adventist, Wash- ington. (A B C Code, fifth edi- tion.) Telegraphic Address: North Amer- ican Division Conference, Wash- ington, D. C. (NOT. Takoma Park.) Postal Address: Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. OFFICERS. President: I. H. Evans, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Secretary: G. B. Thompson, Ta- koma Park Station, Washing- ton, D. C. Treasurer: W. T. Knox, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. General. I. H. Evans, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. G. B. Thompson, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. W. T. Knox, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. PRESIDENTS OF UNION CON- FERENCES. Atlantic: R. D. Quinn, South Lancaster, Mass. Central: R. A. Underwood, Col- lege View, Nebr. Columbia: B. G. Wilkinson, 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Eastern Canadian: A. V. Olson, Oshawa, Ontario. Lake: L. H. Christian, 3145 Lyn- dale St., Chicago, 12 Northern: Chas. Thompson, 2718 Third Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. North Pacific: C. W. Flaiz, College Place, Wash. Pacific: E. E. Andross, Box 146, Glendale, Cal. Southeastern: W. H. Branson, 169 Bryan St., Atlanta, Ga. Southern: S. E. Wight; 2006 Twen- ty-fourth Ave., North, Nash- ville, Tenn. Southwestern: J. W. Christian, 401 Scott Thompson Bldg., Okla- homa City, Okla. Western Canadian: C. F. McVagh, Room 304, I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Cal- gary, Alberta, Canada. SECRETARIES OF DEPARTMENTS. Publishing: W. W. Eastman, Ta- koma Park Station, Washing- ton, D. C. Medical Missionary: H. W. Miller, M. D., Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Educational: Frederick Griggs, Ta- koma Park Station, Washing- ton, D. C.; Assistant, W. E. Howell. Missionary Volunteer: M. E. Kern, Takoma Park Station, Wash- ington, D. C. Sabbath-school: Mrs. L. Flora Plummer, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Religious Liberty: C. S. Longacre, Takoma Park Station, Wash- ington, D. C. Negro: C. B. Stephenson, Grays- ville, Tenn. FOREIGN DEPARTMENTS. General: Steen Rasmussen, Brook- field, Ill. German (West): G. F. Haffner, Clinton, Mo. German (East): B. E. Miller, 1703 Gates Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Danish-Norwegian: P. E. Broder- sen, 2009 Thirty-second St., East, Minneapolis, Minn. Swedish: S. Mortenson, R. F. D. 1, Box 20, La Grange, Ill. NORTH AMERICAN DIVISION CONFERENCE. � 13 ELECTIVE MEMBERS. Frederick Griggs, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. W. W. Prescott, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. W. A. Ruble, New England San- itarium, Melrose, Mass. F. M. Wico x, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. 31 members. APPOINTED ASSISTANTS. Heme Missionary Secretary: F. W. Paap, Takoma Park Station; Washington, D. C.; Assistant, Miss E. M. Graham. PUBLISHING DEPARTMENT. Office: Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Secretary: W. W. Eastman. GENERAL MEMBERS. N. Z. Town, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. W. C. White, R. F. D. 1, St. He- lena, Cal. HOME MISSIONARY SECRETARIES. F. W. Paap, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Miss E. M. Graham, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. FOREIGN DEPARTMENT SEC- RETARY. Steen Rasmussen, Brookfield, Ill. PUBLISHING HOUSE MANAGERS. E. R. Palmer, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal. R. L. Pierce, 2123 Twenty-fourth Ave., North; Nashville, Tenn. SUPERINTENDENTS. W. A. Harvey, 2123 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. E. L. Richmond, Takoma Park Sta- . � tion, Washington, D. C. . TREASURERS. R. T. Dowsett, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. H. G. Childs, Mountain View, Cal. M. F. Knox, 2123 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. MANAGERS OF BRANCH PUBLISH- ING HOUSES. J. D. Snider, 311-314, 32 Union Square, New York, N. Y. H. H. Rans, Melville Bldg., South Bend, Ind. S. N. Curtiss, Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill. G. C. Hoskin, 719 East Flanders St., Portland, Oreg. J. R. Ferren, 1224 Euclid Ave., Kansas City, Mo. J. B. Giddings, 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. L. D. Randall, 169 Bryan .St., At- . lanta, Ga. H. R. Gay, 411 West Railroad Ave., Ft. Worth, Tex. CIRCULATION MANAGERS. J. W. Mace, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. H. H. Hall, Mountain View, Cal. D. W. Reavis, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. L. W. Graham, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Jas. Cochran; Mountain View, Cal. C. E. Hooper, 2123 Twenty- fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. UNION FIELD MISSIONARY SECRETARIES. V. 0. Cole, South Lancaster, Mass. C. V. Leach, 411 Cedar St., Ta- koma Park Station, Washington, D. C. J. B. Blosser, Berrien Springs,- Mich. M. W. &idler, 2006 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. E. M. Oberg, 2718 Third Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. D. W. Dillen; Graysville, Tenn. F. E. Painter, Tropico, Cal. W. L. Manfull, 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. A. F. Harrison, 401 Scott Thomp- son Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. J. H. MeEachern, College View, Nebr. .J. W. Davis, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. H. E. Loop, 719 East Flanders St., Portland, Oreg. 14 � NORTH AMERICAN DIVISION CONFERENCE. MEDICAL MISSIONARY DE- PARTMENT. Headquarters: Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Secretary: H. W. Miller, M. D., Takoma Park Station, Wash- ington, D. C. �• Assistant Secretary: L. A. Han- sen, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. OTHER MEMBERS. W. E. Bliss, M. D., Melrose, Mass. L. M. Bowen, Loma Linda, Cal. F. Griggs, Takoma Park Station, - Washington, D. C. H. A. Green, M. D., Boulder, Colo. J. D. Shively, M. D., College View, Nebr. D. D. Comstock, M. D., 515 Citi- zens Bank Bldg., Pasadena, Cal. Newton G. Evans, M. D., Loma Linda, Cal. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. Office: Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Secretary: Frederick Griggs, Ta- koma Park Station, Washing- ton, D. C. Assistant Secretary: W. E. How- ell, Takoma Park Station, Wash- ington, D. C. OTHER MEMBERS. J. L. Shaw, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. ' C. C. Lewis, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. M. E. Kern, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. C. L. Benson, Berrien Springs, Mich. C. W. Irwin, Pacific Union Col- lege, St. Helena, Cal. 0. J. Graf, Berrien Springs, Mich. W. I. Smith, College Place, Wash. H. A. Morrison, College View, Nebr. E. G. Salisbury, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. M. E. Cady, 2547 Piedniont Ave., Berkeley, Cal. C. S. Longacre, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. L. L. Caviness, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D._ C. W. W. Ruble, College View, Nebr. M. B. Van Kirk, 2718 Third Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. E. D. Dick, Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. W. E. Nelson, Keene, Tex. W. C. Flaiz, College Place, Wash. L. H. Wood, 2006 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Leo Thiel, Ooltewah, Tenn. A. J. Olson, Oshawa, Ontario, Can- ada. H. W. Miller, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Newton G. Evans, Loma Linda, Cal. C. A. Russell, Berrien Springs, Mich. B. F. Machlan, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. C. L. Stone,411 Cedar St., Ta- koma Par Station, Washing- ton, D. C. J. I. Beardsley, Box 414, Huntsville, Ala. M. E. Olsen, South Lancaster, Mass. F. R. Isaac, Clinton, Mo. M. L. Andreasen, Hutchinson, Minn. H. 0. Olson, R. F. D. 1, Box 58, La Grange, Ill. A. E. Hall, San Fernando, Cal. H. J. Sheldon, Redfield, S. Dak. S. M. Butler, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. N. S. Ashton, care Academy, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. J. A. Tucker, 169 Bryan St., At- lanta, Ga. J. F. Simon, 196 South Corona St., Denver, Colo. C. J. Boyd, Box 414, Huntsville, Ala. SABBATH SCHOOL DEPART- MENT. . (Same officers and members of department as for the General Conference.) NORTH AMERICAN DIVISION CONFERENCE. � 15 YOUNG PEOPLE'S MISSION- ARY VOLUNTEER DEPARTMENT. OFFICERS. Secretary: M. E. Kern, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Asst. Secretary: Matilda Erick- son, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Asst. Secretary: Ella Iden, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Office Secretary: Mrs. I. H. Evans, Takoma Park Station, Washing- ton, D. C. Field Secretary: Meade MacGuire, Sanitarium, Cal. Field Secretary: C. L. Benson, Berrien Springs, Mich. Field Secretary (for German): J. F. Simon, 196 South Corona St., Denver, Colo. OTHER MEMBERS. J. L. Shaw, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Frederick Griggs, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. W. E. Howell, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Mrs. L. Flora Plummer, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Mrs. F. D. Chase, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. C. J. Boyd, Box 414, Huntsville, • Ala. Louis Halsvick, 675 Hicks St., Brooklyn, N. Y. All Union Missionary Volunteer Secretaries in the Division. All presidents and principals of colleges, foreign seminaries, and fourteenth-grade academies. RELIGIOUS LIBERTY ASSO- CIATION. Headquarters: Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Secretary: C. S. Longacre, Ta- koma Park Station, Washing- ton, D. C. OTHER MEMBERS. J. 0., Corliss, 316 Everett St., Glendale, Cal. Allen Moon, 34 Carroll Ave., Ta- koma Park Station, Washing- ton, D. C. W. M. Healey, 667 Eighteenth St., San Diego, Cal. C. P. Bollman, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. G. B. Thompson, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. D. W. Reavis, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. J. E. Jayne,Room 602, 32 Union Square, Nw York, N. Y. F. M. Wilcox, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. W. A. Spicer, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. W. L. Burgan, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. C. E. Holmes, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. L. L. Caviness, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. A. J. Clark, Holly, Mich. S. B. Horton, 1211 March St., Kal- amazoo, Mich. W. F. Martin, 310 Loring Bldg., Riverside, Cal. UNION CONFERENCE SEC- RETARIES. K. C. Russell, 338 Hazelwood Ter- race, Rochester, N. Y. L. A. Smith, 2123 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. H. W. Cottrell, 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. C. B. Haynes, 169 Bryan St., At- lanta, Ga. B. G. Wilkinson, 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park Station, Washing- ton, D. C. L. H. Christian, 3145 Lyndale St., Chicago, Ill. C. Thompson, 2718 Third Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. J. W. Christian, 401 Scott Thomp- son Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. C. F. McVagh, 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. R. A. Underwood, College View, Nebr. A. V. Olson, Oshawa, Ontario, Can- ada. NORTH AMERICAN DIVISION CONFERENCE. FOREIGN DEPARTMENTS. Department Headquarters and Office: Box 684, Brookfield, Ill. Secretary: Steen Rasmussen. DANISH-NORWEGIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. I'. E. Brodersen (secretary), 2009 Thirty-second St., East, Minne- apolis, Minn. Lewis Johnson, 3022 West Sixty- second St., Seattle, Wash. M. S. Reppe, Hutchinson, Minn. C. A. Thorp, Brookfield, Ill. L. H. Christian, 3145 Lyndale St., Chicago, III. GERMAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE, EAST. • B. E. Miller (secretary) 1703 Gates Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. C. W. Weber, 3306 West Thirty- first St., Cleveland, Ohio. G. P. Gaede, 630 Twenty-second St., Milwaukee, Wis. 3. G. Hanhardt, 196 South Corona St.' Denver, Colo. GERMAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE, WEST. G. F. Haffner (secretary), Clinton, Mo. F. R. Isaac, Clinton, Mo. Carl Leer, Harvey, N. Dak. John Isaac, Box 644, Oklahoma City, Okla. G. A. Grauer, R. F. D., Box 135a. Modesto, Cal. SWEDISH ADVISORY COMMITTEE. S. Mortenson (secretary), R. F. D. 1, Box 20, La Grange, Ill. Fred Johnson, 9609 Eighty-third Ave., South Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. G. E. Nord, 19 Tatman St., Wor- cester, Mass. August Anderson, East 1014 Eighth Ave., Spokane, Wash. Carl Svenson, 679 Holly Ave., St. Paul, Minn. JEWISH ADVISORY COMMITTEE. F. C. Gilbert, (secretary), South Lancaster, Mass. R..- D. Quinn, South Lancaster, Mass. .1. K. Jones, South Lancaster, Mass. M. E. Olsen, South Lancaster, Mass. FRENCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE. G. G. Roth (secretary), South Lancaster, Mass. L. F. Passebois, 386 Rue St. Valier, Quebec, Canada. R. D. Quinn, South Lancaster, Mass. J. Vuilleumier, Seminary, Oshawa, Ontario. H. C. Hartwell, 317 West Bloom- field St., Rome, N. Y. Foreign Literature Depository. Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brook - field, Ill.; Manager, S. N. Cur- tiss. HOME MISSIONARY DEPART- MENT. Headquarters: Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Secretary: F. W. Paap, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Assistant Secretary: Miss E. M. Graham, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. OTHER MEMBERS. I. H. Evans, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. W. T. Knox, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. W. A. Spicer, Takomo, Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. N. Z. Town, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. G. B. Thompson, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C, W. W. Eastman, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. E. R. Palmer, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. H. H. Hall, Mountain View, Cal. R. L. Pierce, 2123 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. .1. D. Snider, Room 311, 32 Union Square, New York, N. Y. J. W. Mace, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. L. D. Randall, 169 Bryan St., At, lanta,. Ga. NORTH AMERICAN DIVISION CONFERENCE. � 17 H. R. Gay, 411 West Railroad Ave., Fort Worth, Tex. G. C. Hoskin, 719 East Flanders St., Portland, Oreg. S. N. Curtiss, Brookfield, Ill. V. 0. Punchs , South Lancaster, Mass. F. W. Stray, College View, Nebr. J. W. Hirlinger, 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park Station, Washing- ton, D. C. S. A. Ruskjer, 2718 Third Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn Ernest Lloyd, College Place, Wash. B. E. Beddoe, Box 146, Glendale, Cal. J. B. Locken, 169 Bryan. St., At- lanta, Ga. W. L. Adams, 401 Scott-Thomp- son Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. J. B. Giddings, Room 304, I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. J. L. McConaughey, 3145 Lyndale St., Chicago, Ill. 0. R. Staines, 2006 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. V. 0. Cole, South Lancaster, Mass. J. H. McEachern, College View, Nebr. C. V. Leach; 411 Cedar St., Ta- koma Park, D. C. •J. B. Blosser, Berrien Springs, Mich. E. M. Oberg, 2718 Third Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. H. E. Loop, 719 East Flanders St., Portland, Oreg. • F. E. Painter, 620 Acacia Ave., Tropico, Cal. D. W. Dillen, 169 Bryan St., At- lanta, Ga. M. W. Shidler, 2006 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. A. F. Harrison, 401 Scott-Thomp- son Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. J. W. Davis, Box 707, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada, W. L. Manfull, 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. G. F. Haffner, Clinton, Mo. B. E. Miller, 1703 Gates Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. P. E. Broderson, 2009 Thii.ty-see- ond St., East, Minneapolis, Minn. S. Mortenson, R. F. D. 1, Box 20, La Grange, Steen. Rasmussen, Brookfield, DI. NORTH AMERICAN NEGRO DEPARTMENT. Secretary: C. B. Stephenson, Grays- ville, Tenn. OTHER MEMBERS. S. E. Wright,.2006 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. W.H. Branson, 169 Bryan St., At- lanta, Ga. L. H. Christian, 3145 Lyndale St., Chicago, Ill. R. A. •Underwood, College View, Nebr. B. G. Wilkinson, 411 Cedar St., Ta- koma Park Station, Washing- ton, D. C. R. D. Quinn, South Lancaster, Mass. J. K. Humphrey, 141 West 131st St., New York, N. Y. J. M. Campbell, 1820 West Chest- nut St., Louisville, Ky. M. C. Strachan 169 Bryan St., At- lanta, Ga. Sydney Scott, Box 14, Little Rock, Ark. W. H. Green, 638 Thirtieth St., Detroit, Mich. U. S. Willis, 4220 West Lucky St., St. Louis, Mo. PRESS BUREAU. Secretary: W. L. Burgan, Ta- koma Park Station, Washing- ton, D. C. NORTH AMERICAN CONFER- ENCE CORPORATION OF SEVENTH-DAY AD- VENTISTS. Incorporated Nov. 5, 1913. Trustees: I. H. Evans, W. T. Knox, G. B. Thompson, W. W. Prescott, F. M. Wilcox, M. E. Kern, H. E. Rogers. Officers: Pres., I. H. Evans; Treas., W. T. Knox; Sec., H. E. Rogers. 18 � NORTH AMERICAN DIVISION CONFERENCE. GENERAL LABORERS HOLD- ING CREDENTIALS FROM THE NORTH AMERICAN DIVISION CONFERENCE. MINISTERS. Benson, C. L., Berrien Springs, Mich. Bollman, C. P., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Brodersen, P. E., 2009 Thirty-sec- ond St., East, Minneapolis, Minn. Eastman, W. W., Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Evans, I. H., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Griggs, F., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Haffner, G. F., Clinton, Mo. Longacre, C. S., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. MacGuire, Meade, Sanitarium, Cal. Miller, B. E., 1703 Gates Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Miller, H. W., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Mortenson, S., R. F. D. 1, Box 20, La Grange, Ill. Ostoich, M., Box 360, Granite City, Ill. • Paap, F. W., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Palmer, E. R., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Reed, L. A., Mountain View, Cal. Roth, G. G., South Lancaster, Mass. Schilling, J. H. 116 North Cali- fornia Ave., Chicago, Ill. Stephenson, C. B., Graysville, Tenn. Tait, A. 0., Mountain View, Cal. Thompson, G. B., Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Wilcox, F. M., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Wilcox, M. C., Mountain View, Cal. LICENTIATES. Howell, W. E., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Rasmussen, Steen. Brookfield, Ill. Simon, J. F., 196 South Corona St., Denver, Colo. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Burgan, W. L., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Erickson, Matilda, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Evans, Mrs. I. H., Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Follett, Orno, Thoreau, N. Mex. Iden, Miss Ella, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Smith, L. A., 2123 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Neall, Virle R., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Rogers, C. L., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Wilcox, Kathrina B., Mountain View, Cal. ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE. Organized 1901. Territory: The Conferences of Eastern New York, Greater New York, Maine, Massachusetts, Northern New England, South- ern New England, Western New York, and the Bermuda Mission. Office: South Lancaster, Mass. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., R. D. Quinn. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, C. L. Kilgore. Executive Committee: R. D. Quinn, the presidents of confer- ences composing the Atlantic Un- ion, and C. L. Kilgore, W. E. Bliss, M. D., V. 0. Cole, F. C. Gilbert, J. D. Snider, J. K. Humphrey, M. E. Olsen, L. 0. Machlan, V. 0. Punches, D. H. Kress, M. D. Legal Assn.: " The Atlantic Un- ion Conference Association of S. D. A." Pres., R. D. Quinn; Sec. and Treas., C. L. Kilgore. ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE. � 19 Union Book Depository: New York Branch of Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Rooms 311-314, 32 Union Square, New York, N. Y. Manager, J. D. Snider. Union Field Miss. Sec., V. 0. Cole. Educational Dept.: Sec., L. 0. Machlan. Medical Missionary Dept.: Sec., W. E. Bliss, M. D. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., K. C. Russell, 338 Hazel- wood Terrace, Rochester, N. V. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Mrs. R. D. Quinn. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., V. 0. Punches. Negro Representative: Sec., J. K. Humphrey, 141 West 131st St., New York, N. Y. MINISTERS. R. D. Quinn, South Lancaster, Mass. M. R Olsen, South, Lancaster, Mass. G. G. Roth, South Lancaster, Mass. F. C. Gilbert, South Lancaster, Mass. Eugene Leland, Hamilton, Ber- muda Islands. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. P. F. Bicknell, South Lancaster, Mass. C. H. Edwards, 318 West E St., Ontario, Cal. S. J. Hersum, R. F. D. 3, Gorham, Me. P. B. Osborne, Lock Box 475, Fair- field, Me. J. W. Raymond, 203 Waverly St, Buffalo, N. Y. D. G. Turk, 3 Farr Place, John- son City, N. Y. S. W. Walker, R. F. D. 1, Berwick, Me. H. L. Shoup, 238 Haywood St., Asheville, N. C. S. B. Whitney, Keene, N. Y. C..1. Coon, Lincklean Center, N. Y. LICENTIATES. V. 0. Cole, South Lancaster, Mass. V. 0. Punches, South Lancaster, Mass. L. 0. Machlan, South Lancaster, Mass. J. D. Snider, Room 311, 32 Union Square, New York, N. Y. C. A. Shull, South Lancaster, Mass. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. C. L. Kilgore, South Lancaster, Mass. Miss Pearl L. Rees, South Lan- caster, Mass. Mrs. R. D. Quinn, South Lan- caster, Mass. J. L. Johnson, 38 Simonson Place, Port Richmond, Staten Island, N. Y. Dr. W. E. Bliss, care New Eng- land Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass. Dr. J. A. Pines, care New England Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass. Miss Nora Lacey, care New Eng- land Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass. Dr. W. A. Ruble, care New Eng- land' Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass. Clara Schunk, M. D., care New England Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass. Honorary Missionary Credentials. Mrs. J. C. Hennessy, Room 602, 32 Union Square, New York, N. Y. Ellery Robinson, Saylesville, R. I. Chas. E. Palmer, 7 Upland. Road, Everett, Mass. Mrs. M. A. Scribner, 46 Chase St., Burlington, Vt. � • H. C. Wilcox, 609 Franklin St., Hartford, Conn. W. A. Wilcox, Lincklaen Center, N. Y. 20 � ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE. EASTERN NEW YORK CON- FERENCE. Organized 1906. Territory: That portion of the State of New York east of a line formed by the eastern boun- daries of the counties of Cayuga, Tompkins, and Tioga, and north of the line formed by the north- ern boundaries of Sullivan, Ul- ster, and Dutchess Counties. Office: 317 West Bloomfield St., Rome, N. Y. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., H. C. Hartwell. Sec. and Treas., H. A. May. Executive Committee: H. C. Hartwell, H. A. May, W. H. Holden, W. H. Lewis, W. A. Wilcox, C. J. Coon, G. H. Warren. Legal Assn.: " The New York Conference Association of Seventh- day Adventists." Pres., H. C. Hart- well; Sec. and Treas., H. A. May. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., H. A. May. Field Miss. Sec., Elmer Whelp- ley. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Miss Florence L. Hoxie, R. F. D. 2, Blossvale, N. Y. Educational Dept.: Supt., Mrs. Bessie J. Rice, Keene, N. Y. Medical Missionary Dept.: Sec., � Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., � • Young People's Dept.: Sec., Mrs. Bessie J. Rice, Keene, N. Y. Home Missionary Dept.: - Sec., E. C. Wood. MINISTERS. L. C. Hartwell, 317 West Bloom- field St., Rome, N. Y. W. H. Holden, 29 Second St., Al- bany, N. Y. LICENTIATES. A. W. Coon, 136 Clinton Ave., Cortland, N. Y. H. P. Gram, Miner St., Canton, N. Y. Joseph Schnetzler, 153 Kingsboro Ave., Gloversville, N. Y. J. E. Whelpley, 317 West Bloom- field St., Rome, N. Y. H. A. May, 317 West Bloomfield St., Rome, N. Y. Missionary Credentials. Gertrude Birdseye, 46 Arthur St., Cortland, N. Y. Glenn Eaton, 317 West Bloomfield St., Rome, N. Y. Miss Theresa Hacker, 46 Arthur St., Cortland, N. Y. Mrs. W. H. Holden, 317 West Bloomfield St., Rome, N. Y. Miss Florence L. Hoxie, R. F. D. 2, Blossvale, N. Y. L. H. King, Jr., 225 Emma St., Syracuse, N. Y. Mrs. Bessie J. Rice, Keene, N. Y. Mrs. J. Schnetzler, 153 Kingsboro Ave., Gloversville, N. Y. E. C. Wood, 317 West Bloomfield St., Rome, N. Y. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Miss Florence Kidder, S. D. A. Church, Swan and Jay Sts., Al- bany, N. Y. Mrs. Ethel Roberts, 970 Cortland Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Miss Sarah Fuller, care W. A. Wilcox, Lincklaen Center, N. Y. Miss Helen Rhodes, care L. A. Wade, Norwich, N. Y. Mrs. W. S. Lawrence, Otego, N. Y. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Albany, 120 Jay St. Binghamton, 71 Pennsylvania Ave. Rome, 321 West Bloomfield St. Schenectady, Eastern and Rankin Ayes. Syracuse, 363 South Ave. Utica, Union and Hopper Sts. Watertown, Clay and Academy Sts. ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE. � 21 GREATER NEW YORK, CON- FERENCE. Organized 1902. Territory: The city of Greater New York, Long Island, and the counties of Westchester, Rockland, Putman, Orange, Dutchess, Sullivan, and Ulster, in the State of New York. Office: Room 602, 32 Union Square, New York, N. Y. OFFICERS. Conference: � " Pres., J. E. Jayne. Sec. and Treas., N. C. Van Horn. Executive Committee: J. E. Jayne, B. E. Miller, C. T. Everson, J. D. Snider, J. K. Humphrey, D. N. Wall, L. Klebhan, S. F. Svensson, J. C. Stevens, N. C. Van Horn. Legal Assn.: " Greater New York Corporation of Seventh-day Ad- ventists." Pres., J. E. Jayne; See., J. D. Snider; •Treas., N. C. Van Horn. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., N. C. Van Horn. Asst. Sec. and Treas., P. W. Derby. Field Miss. Sec., � Asst. Field Miss. Sec., A. J. Ad- dicks, 159 Chambers St., New burgh, N. Y. - Periodical Supt., Mrs. James Robinson, 120 Wadsworth Ave., New York, N. Y. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. J. E. Jayne, 129 Clere- mont Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Educational Dept.: Supt., J. E. Jayne. Medical Missionary Dept.: Sec., B. B. Kinne, M. D., 10 Benton Ave., Middletown, N. Y. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec, — Young People's Dept.: Sec., Mrs. J. E. Jayne, 129 Clere- mont Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec.. Herbert Mould, 412 Eighth Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. MINISTERS. J. E. Jayne, Room 602, 32 Union Square, New York, N. Y: C. T. Everson, 825 West 178th St., New York, N. Y. J. K. Humphrey, 141 West 131st St., New York, N. Y. B. E. Miller, 1703 Gates Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. S. F. Svensson, 436 East 138th St., New York, N. Y. J. C. Stevens, 604 East Seven- teenth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. D. N. Wall, 617 East 158th St., New York, N. Y. Halsvick, 675 Hicks St., Brook- lyn, N. Y. W. R. Andrews, 1366 St. Nicolas Ave., New York, N. Y. LICENTIATES. R. Immonen, Room 602, 32 Union Square, New York, N. Y. -Herbert Mould, 412 Eighth Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Honorary Missionary Licentiate. Mrs. J. M. Calvert, 32 Union Square, New York, N. Y. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Sarah Crowe, 82 West 139th St., New York, N. Y. H. P. Hansen, 210a Twenty-ninth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Anna Hoglund, 4219 Seventh Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Miss E. Kehrein, 314 East 156th St., New York, N. Y. Miss Lena W. Lewis, 611 West 142d St., New' York, N. Y. Henry DeFluiter, 120 Wadsworth Ave., New York, N. Y. Mrs. H. DeFluiter, 120 Wadsworth Ave., New York, N. Y. 22 � ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE. Mrs. J. Robinson, 120 Wadsworth Ave., New York. N. Y. Mrs. J. E. Jayne, 129 Cleremont Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Miss F. E. Wagner, 1704 Linden St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Miss Emma Wells, Lincoln Block, Middletown, N. Y. Miss Florence Tate, 257 Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. N. C. Van Horn, Room 602, 32 Union Square, New York, N. Y. Miss Anna Dunn, 239 East Twenty- eighth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Miss Minnie Buchner, 389 Willow St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. Anna Spahya, 511 East Seventy-ninth St., New York, N. Y. J. E. Hanson, 117 Jefferson Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.' Mrs.. J. L. Johnson, 38 Simonson Place, Port Richmond, Staten Island, N. Y. Mrs. J. C. Stevens. 604 East Sev- enteenth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. Belle Kershaw, 609 West 178th St., New York, N. Y. Miss Bertha Stokka, 833 Fortieth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Miss Jennie Robinson, 120 Wads- worth Ave., New York, N. Y. Miss Florence I. Thompson, 578 Classon Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Henry E. Alston, 3 West 136th St., New York, N. Y. Miss H. E. Norman, North White Plains, N. Y. Mrs. C. T. Everson, 825 West 178th St., New York, N. Y. J. J. Mitchell, 590 East 137th St., New York, N. Y. Miss Mary Lewis, 73 Kingston Ave., Port Jervis, N. Y. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Brooklyn: No. 1, Christian Church, Sterling *Place Bet. Sixth and Seventh Ayes. No. 2 (colored), 1661 Dean St, near Schenectady St. Danish-Norwegian, 675 Hicks St. German, 1831 Gates Ave. Swedish (Greenwood Heights), Forty-fifth St. and Seventh Ave. Middletown, 3 Linden Ave. Mt. Vernon, Odd Fellows' Hall, 36 South Fourth Ave. Newburgh, cor. Third and Cham- bers Sts. New York: Bronx, English, Grace Baptist Church, Prospect Ave. and Boston Road. German, Eagle Ave. near 163rd St. Harlem (colored), 144-146 East 131st St. Hungarian, 334 East Eighty- sixth St. New York No. 1, Baptist Chapel, Washington Heights, 145th St. and Convent Ave. Swedish, Presbyterian Chapel, 137th St. and Willis Ave. Poughkeepsie, 23 Franklin St. Staten Island, Masonic Temple, Port Richmond. White Plains, 15 South Lexington Ave. MAINE CONFERENCE. Organized 1867. Territory: The State of Maine. Office: 75 Grant St., Portland, Me. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., H. W. Carr. Sec. and Treas., J. E. Osterblom. Executive Committee: H. W. Carr, E. E. Osborne, E. C. Taylor, Ward Bickford, R. S. Hobbs, W. R. McLaughlin. Legal Assn.: " Maine Conference Association of S. D. A." Pres., H. W. Carr; Clerk, W. 0. Howe; Treas., J. E. Osterblom. Trustees: H. W. Carr, J. E. Osterblom, E. C. Taylor, W. 0. Howe, R. S. Hobbs. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., J. E. Osterblom. Asst. Sec. and Treas., Miss Mar- cia L. Keller. Field Miss. Sec., C. 0. Perkins. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. H. W. Carr. ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE. � 23 Educational Department.: Supt., Miss Jennie R. Bates. Medical Missionary Dept.: See.. Dr. Ethel H. Walters. Religious Liberty Dept.: See., W. 0. Howe. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Miss Jennie R. Bates. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., C. 0. Perkins. MINISTERS. H. W. Carr, 75 Grant St., Port- land. Me. E. E. Osborne, Fairfield, Me.. A. .1. Verrill, Mechanic Falls, Me. A. E. Sanderson, 73 College St., Lewiston, Me. M. A. Altman, 75 Grant St., Port- land, Me. C. Meleen, New Sweden, Me. LICENTIATES. W. 0. Howe, 64 Brentwood St., Woodfords Station. Me. M. R. Bailey, 60 Howard St., Lewis- ton, Me. C. 0. Perkins, 75 Grant St., Port- land. Me. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Jennie R. Bates, Norway, Me. W. G. McKeene, 24 Saunders St., Portland, Me. Miss Cora Bowers, 75 Grant St., Portland, Me G. W. Howard, Kezar Falls, Me. Mrs. H. W. Carr, 75 Grant St., Portland, Me. L. L. Howard, West Falmouth, Me. J. E. Osterblom, 75 Grant St., Portland, Me. Miss Marcia L. Keller, 75 Grant St., Portland, Me. Ray Farley, 487 High St., Bath, Me. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Auburn-Lewiston, 163 Main St., Lewiston, Me. Portland, 75 Grant St. MASSACHUSETTS CON- FERENCE. Organized 1870, being a portion of the territory originally known as the New England Conference. territory: The State of Massa- chusetts. Office Address: Box 306, South Lancaster, Mass. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., J. K. Jones. Sec. and Treas., C. H. Castle. Executive Committee: J. K. Jones, C. H. Castle, P. F. Bicknell, F. C. Gilbert, G. E. Nord, W. E. Bliss. M. E. Olsen, E. L. Cardey, M. R. Coon, W. W. Rice. Legal Assn.: � " The Mass- achusetts Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists." Pres., J. K. Jones; Clerk and Treas., C. Li. Castle. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., C. H. Castle. Field Miss. Sec., A. L. Griffis. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. E. M. Wilber. Educational Dept.: Supt., Bessie R. Munn. Medical Missionary Dept.: Sec., W. A. Ruble, M. D. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., P. F. Bicknell. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Mrs. E. M. Wilber. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., E. R. Numbers, MINISTERS. J. K. Jones, South Lancaster, Mass. L. L. Cardey, Room 609, Tremont Temple, Boston, Mass. H. S. Prenier, South Lancaster, Mass. S. E. Norton, New England San- itarium, Melrose, Mass. . 24 � ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE. C. E. Nord, 19 Tatman St., Wor- cester, Mass. M. R. Coon, 56 Pasadena St., Springfield, Mass. W. W. Rice, 340 Lake Ave., Wor- cester, Mass. LICENTIATES. W. A. Butler, 527 Sawyer St., New Bedford, Mass. F. J. Gonsalves, 812 Belleville Ave., New Bedford, Mass. C. W. Yearwood, 35 Rice St., North Cambridge, Mass. C. H. Castle, South Lancaster, Mass. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. E. R. Numbers, South Lancaster, Mass. A. L. Griffis, 46 Burrage Ave., North Leominster, Mass. Mrs. E. M. Wilber, South Lan- caster, Mass. Mrs. M. A. 'Wheeler, 273 Elm St., West Somerville, Mass. Miss, Ethel W. Meek, 25 Parker St., Malden, Mass. Miss Cora A. Spencer, 20 Leslie St., Dorchester, Mass. Miss Ruth B. Messenger, South Lancaster, Mass. Miss Alice A. Tiney, South Lan- caster, Mass. Miss Ruth Roth, South Lancaster, Mass. Mrs. M. R. Coon, 56 Pasadena St., Springfield, Mass. Mrs. J. J. Gallagher, 104 Quincy St., Springfield, Mass. Miss Florence Campbell, 74 Ven- tura St., Springfield, Mass. Mrs. Oris Armstrong, 29 Francis St., Worcester, Mass. Mrs. P. F. Bicknell, South Lan- caster, Mass. J. M. Tvedt, 45 West Newton St., Boston, Mass. Mrs.. J. W. Sypher, 8 Jackson Court, Natick, Mass. Miss Alfreda Johnson, 19 Tatman St., Worcester, Mass. L. J. Smith, South Lancaster, Mass. MEDICAL MISSIONARIES. Dr. Mary Sanderson, R.- F. D. 1, Box 67, Amherst, Mass. Miss Frieda Bange, New England Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Clifford A. Wilkinson, R. F. D. 1; Box 116, Athol, Mass. Miss Ruth Sinclair, 89 Austin St., Worcester, Mass. Mrs. C. W. Battersby, 532a Main St., Melrose, -Mass. Miss Hazel Richardson, 25 Parker St., Malden, Mass. Miss Hazel Brooks, R. F. D. 2, Southbridge, Mass. Miss Bessie R. Munn, South Lan- caster, Mass. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Boston: First, Chipman Hall, Sixth Floor, Tremont Temple. Colored, 85 Cabot St., Roxbury, Mass. Fitchburg, Knowlton Terrace. Lowell, cor. School and Liberty Sts. New Bedford, cor. Willow and Bul- lock Sts. Springfield, Summer Ave. and White St. - Worcester, English, Redmen's Hall; Day Bldg., 306 Main St. NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND CONFERENCE. Organized as the Vermont Con- ference June 15, 1862; reorgan- ized 1909. Territory: The States of Verniont and New Hampshire. Office: 136 North Main St., Con- cord, N. H. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., R. J. Bryant. See. and Treas., H. B. Tiniker. Executive Comtnittee: R. J. Bryant, H. B. Tucker, E. G. Farns- worth, H. A. Clark, C. F. Ball, M. D., C. J. Rider, M. F;.Crarn. Tract Society: Sec., H. B. Tucker. Field Miss. Sec., C. W. Farley. - ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE. � 25 Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Miss Mabel I. Hawthorne. Educational Dept.: Sec., Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., R. J. Bryant. Medical Missionary Dept.: Sec., Miss Mabel I. Hawthorne. Young People's Dept.: Sec., C. M. Scott. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., 0. M. Scott. MINISTERS. R. J. Bryant, 136 North Main St., Concord, N. H. C. J. Rider, Randolph, Vt. F. S. Hartwell, 6 Pillsbury St., Derry, N. H. LICENTIATES. FL A. Clark, R. F. D. 5, Enos- burg Falls, Vt. G. M. Scott, 8 Sheldon Place, Rut- land, Vt. G. W. Farley, 136 North Main St., Concord, N. H. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. H. B. Tucker, Concord, N. H. Miss Mabel I. Hawthorne, 7 North Spring St., Concord, N. H. Mrs. M. A. Scribner, 46 Chase St., Rutland, Vt. Miss Nella Eastman, 33 East Broadway, Derry, N. H. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Miss Lillian Eastman, 33 East Broadway, Derry, N. H. Miss Lucy Kinney, 190 North Winooski Ave., Burlington, Vt. Miss Bessie Tilton, Wilton, N. H. Mrs. L. D. Kelsey, Randolph, Vt. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Burlington, Vt., 190 North Winoos- ki Ave. Concord, N. H., Capital Hall, War- ren St. Keene, N. H., in church building, McKinley St. Rutland, Vt., in church building opposite high school. SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND CONFERENCE. Organized in 1903; from territory formerly comprised in the New England Conference. Territory: The States of Connect- icut and Rhode Island and the towns of Attleboro and North Attleboro, Mass. Office: 51 Whitmore St., Hartford, Conn. OFFICERS. Conference: � • Pres., A. T. Robinson. Sec. and Treas., F. M. Dana. Executive Committee: A. T. Rob- inson, H. C. J. Walleker, F. L. Abbott, D. B. Parmelee, F. M. Dana, B. E. Nicola. Legal Assn.: "The Southern New. England Conference Assn. of S. D. A., Inc." Pres., A. T. Robinson; Sec. and Treas., F. M. Dana; Titistees: A. T. Robinson, F. M. Dana, J. A. Tefft, D. B. Parmelee, G. P. Coates. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., F. M. Dana. Field Miss. Sec., � Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. Bessie P. Wilcox. Educational Dept.: Supt., � Medical Missionary Dept.: Sec., B. E. Nicola, M. D. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., Young People's Dept.: Sec., Mrs. Bessie P. Wilcox. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., E. A. Jones. 26 � ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE. MINISTERS. A. T. Robinson, 51 Whitmore St., Hartford, Conn. W. R. Uchtman, 33 Lester Ave., Westerly, R. I. H. C. J. Walleker, 165 Tenth St., Providence, R. I. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. B. E. Nicola, M. D., Sanitarium, Attleboro, Mass. LICENTIATES. F. L. Abbott, 51 Summit St., South Manchester, Conn. E. A. Jones, 51 Whitmore St., Hartford, Conn. A. Krucovsky, 51 Whitmore St., Hartford, Conn. • MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. Eva B. Daggett, 306 Spruce St., South Manchester, Conn. Mrs. W. B. Eldridge, South Meri- den, Conn. Mrs. Luella McKean, 4 Quince St., Providence, R. I. Mrs. H. C. J. Walleker, 165 Tenth St., Providence, R. I. Mrs. Bessie P. Wilcox, 509 Frank- lin Ave., Hartford, Conn. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Olive Lindberg, 680 Dixwell Ave., New Haven, Conn. Netelka Berrell, Guilford, Conn. R. E. Moore, Amston. Conn. Ruth C. Starr, Waterford, Conn. Edna Carlson, 51 Whitmore St., Hartford, Conn. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Bridgeport, Conn., Wilmot Ave. Guilford, Conn., Boston St. Hartford, Conn., English and Swe- dish, Whitmore St. Middletown, Conn., ine St. New Haven, Conn., Brewster St. New London, Conn., Union Chapel, Ocean Ave. Norwich, Conn., W. C. T. U. Chapel, Shetucket St. Pawtucket, R. I., 239 Central Ave. Providence, R. I., 381 Northup St. Westerly, R. I., Lester Ave. Willimantic, Conn., W. C. T. U. Chapel, Valley St. Woonsocket, R. I., French, 109 Roberta Ave. WESTERN NEW YORK CONFERENCE. Organized 1906. Territory: The State of New York west of the eastern boundary of the counties of Cayuga, Tomp- kins, and Tioga. Office: 60 Grand Ave., Rochester, N. Y. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., K. C. Russell, 338 Hazel- wood Terrace, Rochester, N. Y. Sec. and Treas., D. A. Bailey. Executive Committee: K. C. Rus- sell, H. M. Fleming, J. E. Belknap, Lee S. Wheeler, F. H. Hicks, D. A. Bailey. Legal Assn.: "The Western New Ytrk Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Pres., K. C. Russell; Vice-Pres., F. H. Hicks; Sec., J. E. Belknap; Treas., D. A. Bailey; Auditor, H. M. Flm ing; Councilmen:* J. S. Jenks, F. C. Carlson. Tract Society: See. and Treas., D. A. Bailey, 60 Grand Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Field Miss. Sec., F. D. Wells, 114 Peck St., Rochester, N. Y. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. E. E. Prescott, 718 Ashland Ave.. Buffalo, N. Y. Educational Department: Supt., Mrs. K. C. Russell, 338 Hazelwood Terrace, Rochester, N.Y. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., K. C. Russell, 338 Hazel- wood Terrace, Rochester, N. Y. ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE. � 27 Young People's Dept.: Sec., Mrs. K. C. Russell, 338 Hazelwood Terrace, Rochester, N. Y. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., D. E. H. Lindsay. MINISTERS. K. C. Russell, 338 Hazelwood Ter- race, Rochester, N. Y. L. S. Wheeler, 92 Hedley St., Buf- falo, N. Y. F. C. Carlson, 508 Elizabeth St., Elmira, N. Y. R. B. Clapp. Hornell, N. Y. M. H. Wentland, 157 Burgard Place, Buffalo, N. Y. LICENTIATES. John Hottel, Fernwood Academy, Tunesassa, N. Y. G. C. Russell, 60 Grand Ave., Roch- ester, N. Y. F. D. Wells, 114 Peck St., Roches- ter, N. Y. C. F. Woertz, 92 Hedley St., Buf- falo, N. Y. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. D. A. Bailey, 60 Grand Ave., Roch- ester, N. Y. Marie A. Bentz, 179 Garner Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Mrs. W. J. Frank, 57 Bridge St., Corning, N. Y. Effa Gilbert, 1124 North Goodman St., Rochester, N. Y. A. E. Iverson, 60 Grand Ave.,Roch- ester' N. Y. Mrs. K. C. Russell, 338 Hazelwood Terrace, Rochester, N. Y. Mrs. E. E. Prescott, 718 Ashland Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Mrs. L. S. Wheeler, 92 Hedley St., Buffalo. N. Y. Mrs. L. E. Weigand, 431 Sixth St., Niagara Falls, N. Y. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Mattie B. Tefft, 92 Hedley St., Buffalo, N. Y. Ralph L. Russell, 60 Grand Ave., Rochester, N. Y. F. N. Stanley, Elmira, N. Y. Mabel West, Burt; N. Y., care H. M. Fleming. Frank "Gallagher, care Fernwood Academy, Tunesassa, N. Y. Ava G. Simkin, care S. D. A. Church, Cherry St., between Seventh and Eighth Sts., James- town, N. Y. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Buffalo, 92 Hedley St. Elmira, West Third St. Jamestown, Cherry St., between Seventh and Eighth Sts. Rochester, 60 Grand Ave. Salamanca, 24 East Jefferson St. BERMUDA MISSION. Address: Hamilton, Bermuda Is- lands. Minister and Director: Eugene Leland. Church School Teacher: Dorothy Smith. Secretary of Y. P. S.: Dorothy Smith. INSTITUTIONS IN THE AT- LANTIC UNION CON- FERENCE. Educational: Fern wood Intermediate School, Tunesassa, N. Y. South Lancaster Academy, South Lancaster, Mass. Publishing: New York Branch of Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Rooms 311- 314. 32 Union Square, New York, N. Y. South Lancaster Printing Co South Lancaster, Mass. Sanitarium: New England Sanitarium, Mel- rose, Mass. CENTRAL UNION CONFERENCE. Organized 19oz. Territory: The Conferences of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, and Wyoming. Office: College View, Nebr. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., R. A. Underwood. Sec. and Treas., Miss Mettie E. Cornell. Auditor, W. J. Huffman. Executive Committee: R. A. Underwood, the presidents of the local conferences in the Union, the Union Conference auditor, the Un- ion Conference treasurer, the sec- retaries of the Medical, Educa- tional, Young People's, Religious Liberty, and Missionary Depart. ments, the Union field missionary secretary, the presidents of Union College and the Clinton Seminary, the manager of the Kansas City branch of the Pacific Press Pub. -Assn., and the business manager of the Boulder-Colorado Sanitarium. Legal Assn.: " Central Union Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Pres., R. A. Underwood; Sec., W. W. Ruble. Union Book Depository: Kansas City Branch of Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1224 Euclid Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Manager, J. R. 'Ferren. Union Field Miss. Sec., J. H. Mc- Eachern, College View,Nebr. Home Miss. Sec., F. W. Stray. Educational Dept.: See., W. W. Ruble; Advisory Board, the educational secretary of the Union (chairman); president of the:Union Conference, presidents of the local conferences in the Un- ion, the local conference educa- tional superintendents, principals of academies in the Union, presi- dent of Union College, normal di- rector_of Union College, and prin- cipal of the Clinton Seminary. 28 Medical Missionary Dept.: Sec., Dr. H. A. Green. Young People's Dept.: Sec., W. W. Ruble, College View, Nebr. Work for the Blind: Board in charge of the " Chris- tian Record " and the work for the blind: R. A. Underwood, H. C. Lacey, W. W. Ruble, S. J. Quan- tock, M. E. Ellis. Editor, H. C. Lacey; Manager, M. E. Ellis; Sec., Miss Mettie E. Cornell; Treas., Central Union Conference. ( The following-named persons may be addressed at College View, Nebr., unless other address is given.) MINISTERS. R. A. Underwood, W. W. Ruble, H. C. Lacey, J. N. Anderson, J. H. McEaehern, G. G. Andrews, H. A. Morrison, F. W. Stray. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. J. H. Morrison. LICENTIATES. F. R. Isaac, care Clinton Seminary, Clinton, Mo. E. C. Kellogg, College View, Nebr. MISSIONARY CREDENTIALS. J. F. Harder, Clinton, Mo.; W. J. Huffman, Mettie E. Cornell. MEDICAL MISSIONARY. H. A. Green, Boulder, Colo. COLORADO CONFERENCE. Organized 1883; divided and re- organized 1908. Territory: The State of Colorado east of the Continental Divide. Office: 1112 Kalamath St., Deliver, Colo, CENTRAL UNION CONFERENCE. � 29 OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., W. A. Gosmer. Sec. and Treas., S. J. Abegg. Executive Committee: W. A. Gosmer, H. A. Vandeman, E. J. Baker, G. Bohlender, G. C. Mathie- sen, D. D. Rees, J. G. Hanhardt. Legal Assn.: " The Seventh-day Adventist Association of Colorado." Pres., W. A. Gosmer; Sec. and Treas., S. J. Abegg. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., S. J. Abegg. Field Miss. Sec., D. T. Snidefnau. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Stella M. Parker. Educational Dept.: Supt., Stella M. Parker. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., J. F. Pearson, 2441 High St., Denver, Colo. Young People's Dept.: Sec., J. W. Turner. Medical Missionary Dept.: Sec., Dr. H. A. Green, Boulder- Colorado Sanitarium, Boulder, Colo. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., J. W. Turner. MINISTERS. W. A. Gosmer, 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, Colo. G. W. Anglebarger, 531 Sante Fe Drive, Denver, Colo. 0. 0. Bernstein, 1633 Cook St., Denver, Colo. E. E. Farnsworth, Boulder-Colo- rado Sanitarium, Boulder, Colo. J. G. Hanhardt, 196 South orona St., Denver, Colo. G. R. Hawkins, 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, Colo. C. S. Lightner, 1320 East Twenty- fourth Ave., Denver, Colo. 0. J. Nerlund, 541 Fox St., Den- ver, Colo. p, E, :Robinson, Loveland, Colo. .1. NV. Turner. 1112 lialamath. St., Denver, Colo. EL A. Vandeman, 847 South TJnion Ave., Pueblo, Colo. J. Z. Walker, Salida, Colo. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. G. M. Alway, 2965 South A COnla St., Denver, Colo. Ii'._ A. Aufderhar, Pierce, Colo. W. D. Emery, R. F. D. 2, Boul- der, Colo. C. R. Kite, Bellvue, Colo. U. P. Long, Red Lion, Colo. F. G. Specht, R. F. D. 3, Loveland, Colo. LICENTIATES. C. W. Allen, 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, Colo. J. A. Deapen, 1112 Kalamath ,St., Denver, Colo. � • - K. L. Gant, 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, Colo. A. E. Hagen, 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, Colo. Mrs. E. Flo Hawkins, 1112 Kala- math St., Denver, Colo. D. D. Rees, Campion Academy, Loveland, Colo. A. G. Wearner, 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, Colo. Missionary Credential. J. S. Kilgore, 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, Colo. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. S. J. Abegg, 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, Colo. Frances Brockman, 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, Colo. Genevieve Low, 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, Colo. Ada Madison, 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, Colo. Emma Mallett, 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, Colo. Stella M. Parker, 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, Colo. D. T. Snideman, 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, Colo. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Iva Beaird, Route 3, Loveland, Colo. Sarah Bohlender, 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, Colo, 30 � CENTRAL UNION CONFERENCE. Catherine Combs, care Wm.. Mul- der, Yuma, Colo. Alice Crooks, Blanca, Colo. Grace De Land, Fort Lupton, Colo. Edyth Dorman, 1402 Tenth St., Greeley, Colo. Olive Eisenman, care B. H. Peter- son, Haxtun, Colo. Ella Garner, Bellvue, Colo. Beulah Jenkins, 635 First Ave., Boulder, Colo. Pearl Keene, Jaroso, Colo. Olive Konkel, 445 Maxwell Ave., Boulder, Colo. Lillian Laubach, care P. S. Sparks, Lyons, Colo. Olive Hays, care Jay Penfold, Bur- lington, Colo. Anna Meyer, La Salle, Colo. Mrs. Opal Regester, 423 Gay St., Longmont, Colo. � • Lydia Stoelting, Jaroso, Colo. Clara Witzke, care Karl Zeigler, Brighton, Colo. Mrs. Verlene Whorton, 532 Adams St., Loveland, Colo. Mrs. Ella Robinson, 507 East Eighth St., Loveland, Colo. Mrs. Cassie Hendrickson, Jaroso, Colo. Miss Hildred Brown, Monte Vista, Colo. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Boulder, Seventh St. and Highland Ave. Canon City, Main St., near Twelfth. Colorado Springs, 324 North Wah- satch St. Denver: � • First, cor. West Eleventh Ave. and Kalamath St. York St., cor. East Thirteenth Ave. and York St. Colored, 2917 Glenarm Place. Scandinavian, 1618 East Thirty- eighth Ave. Fort Collins, cor. Whedbee and Magnolia Sts. Greeley, cor. Fourteenth Ave. and Eighth St. Pueblo, 825 South Union Ave. KANSAS CONFERENCE. Organized 1875; reorganized 1914. Territory: The State of Kansas. Office: 204 North Topeka Ave., Wichita, Kans. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., Morris Lukens. Sec. and Treas., F. I. Mohr. Executive Committee: Morris Lukens, W. H. Clark, A. G. Stein- ert, H. S. Osterloh, J. D. McBrooni, H. C. Hughey, 0. A. Olson. Legal Assn.: " The Kansas Sev- enth-day Adventist Conference Assn." Pres., Morris Lukens; Sec. and Treas., F. I. Mohr. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., F. I. Mohr. Field Miss. Sec., C. B. Sutton. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Miss Faye Eagle. Educational Dept.: Supt., Miss Alma L. DuBois. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., W. H. Cark. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Harry Cooper. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., Harry Cooper. MINISTERS. Morris Lukens, 204 North Topeka Ave., Wichita, Kans. W. H. Clark, 821 West Fifth St., Topeka, Kane E. T. Wilson, 1228% North Main St., Hutchinson, Kans. A. G. Steinert, Bison, Kans. A. B. Campbell, 802 Maple St., Wichita. Kans. D. E. Huffman, Oswego, Kans. M. G. Huffman, Parsons, Kans. W. L. Nott, 409 North Garfield St., Chanute, Kans. B. H. Shaw, 2206 North Seventh St., Kansas City, Kans. J. W. Allison, 712 Everett Ave., Kansas City, Kans. A. E. Johnson, 1000 Alabama St., Lawrence, Kans. Bernard Voth, Lehigh, Kans. CENTRAL UNION CONFERENCE. � 31 Honorary Ministerial Credentials. A. S. Bringle, Oswego, Kans. R. H. Brock, Kissimmee, Fla. W. E. Neff, 204 North Topeka Ave., Wichita, Kans. LICENTIATES. C. A. Carlson, 703 North Oak St., McPherson, Kans. Harry Cooper, 204 North Topeka Ave.' Wichita, Kans. H. J. Miller,711 North Buckeye St., Iola, Kans. Joseph Phillips, College View, 'Nebr. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. R. L. Bradford, 926 North Third St., Salina, Kans. W. F. Surber, Thayer, Kans. F. I. Mohr, 204 North Topeka Ave., Wichita, Kans. C. B. Sutton, 204 North Topeka Ave., Wichita, Kans. Miss Alma L. DuBois, 204 North Topeka Ave: Wichita, Kans. Miss Faye Eagle , 309 South Osage St., Wichita, Kans. Miss Maud I. Davis, 409 North Garfield St., Chanute, Kans. Miss Dottie P. Jones, 1409 Fillmore St., Topeka, Kans. Miss Esther Knude, 409 North Gar- field St., Chanute, Kans. Mrs. B. H. Shaw, 2206 North Sev- enth St., Kansas City, Kans. R. B. Stauffer, 824 North Buckeye St., Iola, Kans. Clarence P. Clark, College View, Nebr. Ira V. Minner, 124 South Vine St., Wichita, Kans. Dr. R. L. Stokes, Kansas Sani- tarium, Wichita, Kans. LeRoy Birdwell, Kansas Sanitar- ium, Wichita, Kans. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Imo E. Albee, 1302 North Washing- ton St.,Wellington, Kans. Maude eese, Garden City, Kans. Clara M. Huenergardt, 135 North Milwood St., Wichita, Kans. Sydney Bacchus, 135 North Mil- wood St., Wichita, Kans. • John L. Burgess, Oswego, Kant„ Hazel B. Ringer, Liberal, Kans. Freda Pearson, 508 East Fourth ' St., Hutchinson, Kans. Mrs. Mina Boli, 2206 North Seventh St., Kansas City, Kans. Adella M. King, Falco, Kans. Vienna Hamilton, Iola, Kans. Cora Lee Davis, Route 1, Galena, Kans. Jessie Pride, care Hill Academy, Downs, Kans. Bessie Mahurin, 507 South First St., Arkansas City, Kans. Mrs. Crystal Duce, Gardiner, Kans. Gertrude Sinclair, Thayer, Kans. Mrs. D. E. Huffman, Oswego, Kans. Miss Pearl Schneider, Shaffer, Kans. Miss Estelle Corwin, Nekoma, Kans. Miss Esther Weese, 1531 Georgia Ave., Kansas City, Kans. Mrs. Elsie Cooper, 319 South Sen- eca St., Wichita, Kans. Romain Dixon, Downs, Kans. Lloyd Dixon, Medicine Lodge, Kans. Grace Casebier, Horace, Kans. Goldie Ewing, Jetmore, Kans. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Hutchinson, cor. Sixth and Bis- mark Sts. Kansas City, 2200 North Fifth St. Oswego, West Fourth St. and Cali- fornia Ave. Topeka, 821 West Fifth St., Wichita, cor. Dodge and Burton Sts. MISSOURI CONFERENCE. Organized 1876; reorganized 1914. Territory: The State of Missouri. Office: 203 West Franklin St., Clin- ton, Mo. � • OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., D. U. Sale. � • Sec. and Treas., Lucy Page Emer- son Executive Committee: D. U. Hale, J. C. Bradley, C. G. Bellah, H. E. Reeder, F. R. Isaac. Legal Assn.: " The Missouri Con- ference Association of the Seventh day Adventists." Pres., D. U. Hale; Sec., F. R. Isaac; Treas., Lucy Page Emerson. 32 � CENTRAL UNION CONFERENCE, Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., W. H. Griffith. Field Miss. Sec., Felix A. Lorenz. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Miss Mary V. Walter. Educational Dept.: Supt., A. C. Madsen. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., J. C. Bradley. Young People's Dept.: Sec., A. C. Madsen. Home Miss. Dept.: Sec., F. A. Lorenz. MINISTERS. D. U. Hale, 203 West Franklin St., Clinton, Mo. D. P. Miller, 731 West Scott St., Springfield, Mo. C. G. Bellah, 5331 Goodfellow Place, St. Louis, Mo. F. H. Hoxie, 203 West Franklin St., Clinton, Mo. H. E. Reeder, Box 308, Carthage, Mo. Martin Stueckrath, 2819 Cherokee St., St. Louis, Mo. V. J. Johns, 4332 Euclid St., Kan- sas City, Mo. U. S. Willis, 4220 West Lucky St., St. Louis, Mo. - A. C. Chatman, 2310 Woodland Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. W. W. Stebbins, 3845 East Sev- enteenth St., Kansas City, Mo. L. W. Terry, Rockville, Mo. LICENTIATES. •A. C. Madsen, 203 West Franklin St., Clinton, Mo. E. Kauffman, 203 West Franklin St., Clinton, Mo. F. A. Lorenz, 203 West Franklin St., Clinton, Mo. H. J. Winter, 203 West Franklin St., Clinton, Mo. F. G. Young, 203 West Franklin St., Clinton, Mo. J. C. Stotz, 203 West Franklin St., Clinton, Mo. A. B. Tetzlaff, 203 West Franklin St., Clinton, Mo. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. J. C. Bradley, Goldsberry, Mo. Mrs. A. E. Daniels, 4403 Washing- ton Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Miss Mary V. Walter, 203 West Franklin St., Clinton, Mo. Miss Pauline Krauss, 4732 Minne- sota Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. Ella M. Merrell, 2636 Belle- fontaine St., Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Anna A. Hall, 314 West Ro- sine St., St. Joseph, Mo. Mrs. Mary Barry, 1911 East Sev- enteenth St., Kansas City, Mo. Miss Lucy Page Emerson, 203 West Franklin St., Clinton, Mo. Miss Alma Gerhart, 5331 Good- - fellow. Place, St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. Laura B. Wilson, 4220 West Lucky St., St. Louis, Mo. Miss Sadie Godsey, 4505 Michigan St., Kansas City, Mo. J. F. Harder, Clinton, Mo. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Carthage, Jackson St. Kansas City, First, Twenty-sec- ond and Prospect Sts. Kansas City, Second, Twenty-third and Woodland Sts. Springfield, cor. North Main and Lynn Sts. St. Joseph, .1701 Second St. St. Louis, Central, 616 North New- stead Ave. St. Louis German, eor. Minnesota and Potomac Sts. NEBRASKA CONFERENCE. Organized 1878. Territory: The State of Nebraska, excluding the eleven western counties, which belong to the Wyoming Conference. Office Address: College View, . Nebr. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., J. S. Rouse. Sec. and Treas., R. T. Emery. Executive Committee: J. S. Rouse, M. N. Helligso; Ralph Rhodes, L. B. Johnson, J. D. John- son, L. F. Trubey, J. W. Rogers.. CENTRAL UNION CONFERENCE. � 33 Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., R. T. Emery. Field Miss. Sec., Fred. C. Clark. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., M. N. Helligso, Educational Dept.: Supt., Miss Florence Howell. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., H. F. Saxton, 1403 E St., Lincoln, Nebr. Young, People's Dept.: Sec., M. N. Helligso. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., B. M. Garton, Seward, Nebr. MINISTERS. J. S. Rouse, College View, Nebr. M. N. Helligso, College View, Nebr. H. F. Saxton, 1403 E St., Lincoln, Nebr. C. E. AeMoody, 921 West Seventh St., Grand Island, Nebr. B. M. Garton, Seward, Nebr. C. Avery Hansen, M. D., College View, Nebr. W. M. Cubley, 1122 South Thirty- second St., Omaha. Nebr. D. P. Gaede, College View, Nebr. L. E. Johnson. Ringgold, Nebr. E. L. Cook, 835 North Cedar Ave., Hastings, Nebr. J. D. Johnson, 2129 South Forty- second St., Omaha, Nebr. L. F. Trubey, College View, Nebr. R. L. Bradford, Jr. 3033 Burdette St., Omaha, Nebr. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. R. F. Andrews, College View, Nebr. J. S. Hart, College View, Nebr. L. B. Porter, Rosalie, Nebr. LICENTIATES. A. F. Kirk, 417 East High St., Hastings, Nebr. C. J. Paulson, 410 East High St., Hastings, Nebr. C. M. Christy, Beatrice, Nebr. B. B. Baird, Nebraska City, Nebr. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Ralph Rhodes, College View, Nebr. Miss Agnes Thoger, 718 North Thirtieth St., Omaha, Nebr. H. I. Pettis, Kearney, Nebr. Mrs. R. Leo, College View, Nebr. Miss Florence Howell, College View, Nebr. Mrs. B. B. Baird, Nebraska City, Nebr. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Mrs. Gllie G. Manfull, College View, Nebr. Miss Mable Dimond, College View, Nehr. Mrs Edith :-;ummings, College View, Nebr Miss Clara Ogden, College View, Nebr. Miss Alice Hermann, 304 East High St., Hastings, Nebr. Miss M. Rosa Welch, 722 West Eleventh St., Grand Island, Nebr. Miss Justina Maxson, North Platte, Nebr. Miss Elizabeth Eitel, care H. Co- win, Oakdale, Nebr. Miss Grace Palmer, Route 3, care Chris. Christensen, Wilcox, Nebr. Miss Minola Rouse, care Wm. Brebr.,;r, Bloomington, ,Nebr. Miss Helen Richard, care Wm. Glantz, Culbertson, Nebr. Miss Elizabeth Goertz, care Nels Hansen, Sterling, Nebr. Miss Edith Martin, care L. E. Johnson, Ringgold, Nebr. Miss Anna Christen.,en, care Mrs. J. P. Jensen, Decatur, Nebr. Mrs. Lulu Harris, 923 North Twenty-sixth St., Omaha, Nebr. Miss Elza Hayes, Ethel, Nebr. Glenn George, 211 East High St., Hastings, Nebr. Miss. Vera Shepard, 905 North California Ave., Hastings, Nebr. John L. Beggs, 905 North Cali- fornia Ave., Hastings, Nebr. Mrs. Emma Lee Beggs; 905 North California Ave., Hastings, Nebr. 34 � 'CENTRAL UNION CONFERENCE. WYOMING CONFERENCE. Organized 1907. Territory: The State of Wyoming; the following-named counties in Nebraska: Sioux, Dawes, Sher- idan, Box Butte, Scotts Bluff, Morrill, Banner, Kimball, Chey- enne, Garden, Deuel; and the following-named counties in South Dakota: Butte, Meade, Lawrence, Pennington, Custer, Fall River. Office: Crawford, Nebr. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., N. T. Sutton. Sec. and Treas., Asa Smith. Executive Committee: N. T. Sutton, E. H. Curtis, J. M. Fletcher, H. A. Fish, W. A. Long. Legal Assn.: " Wyoming Con- ference Assn. of the S. D. A." Pres., N. T. Sutton; Sec. and Treas., Asa Smith. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., Asa Smith. Field Miss. Sec., E. H. Meyers. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Alice Reid, Crawford, Nebr. Educational Dept.: Supt., J. M. Fletcher, Broad- water, Nebr. Young People's Dept.: Sec., J. M. Fletcher, Broadwater, Nebr. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., E. H. Curtis. Home Misionary Dept.: Sec., N. T. Sutton. MINISTERS. N. T. Sutton, Crawford, Nebr. C. H. Miller, Sidney, Nebr. E. H. Curtis, Scotts Bluff, Nebr. P. C. Curtis, Garland, Wyo. W. A. Long, Basin, Wyo. N. V. Willess, Lander, Wyo. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. G. W. Berry, Angora, Nebr. LICENTIATES. H. A. Fish, Spearfish, S. Dak. J. M. Fletcher, Broadwater, Nebr. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Asa Smith, Crawford, Nebr. E. H. Meyers, Crawford, Nebr. G. T. Glendrange, Drawer 218, Crawford, Nebr. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Miss Inez Williams, Broadvvater, Nebr. Miss Fern Tillotson, Pringle, S. Dak. Miss Beulah Davis, Lisco, Nebr. J. B. Jenkins, Jr., Sheridan, Wyo. Miss Anna Kinder, Encampment, Wyo. INSTITUTIONS IN THE CEN- TRAL UNION CONFERENCE. Educational: Campion Academy, Loveland, Colo. Clinton Seminary, Clinton, Mo. Hastings Intermediate School, Hastings, Nebr. Oswego Academy, Oswego, Kane. Union College, College View, Nebr: Publishing: Pacific Press Pub. Assn. Branch, 1224 Euclid Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Christian Record Pub. Co., Col- lege View, Nebr. Sanitariums: Boulder - Colorado Sanitarium, Boulder, Colo. Kansas Sanitarium, Wichita, Kans. .Nebraska Sanitarium, College View, Nebr. Nebraska Sanitarium, Hastings, Nebr. COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE. Organized 1907. Territory: The Conferences of Ohio, Eastern Pennsylvania, West Pennsylvania, New Jer- sey, District of Columbia, Ches- apeake, Virginia, and West Vir- ginia. Office: 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., B. G. Wilkinson. Sec. and Treas., C. C. Pulver. Executive Committee: B. G. Wil- kin.son, the presidents of the con- ferences composing the Union, and C. C. Pulver, B. F. Machlan, Dr. H. W. Miller, C. V. Leach, C. L. Stone, D. W. Reavis, N. S. Ashton, Dr. D. H. Kress, J. W. Hirlinger. Legal Assn.: " Columbia Union Conference Assn." Pres., B: G. Wilkinson; Sec. and Treas., C. C. Pulver. Auditor, C. C. Pulver. Union Field Miss. Sec., C. V. Leach. Educational Dept.: Sec., C. L. Stone. Medical Misionary Dept.: Sec., Dr. D. H. Kress. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., B. G. Wilkinson. Young People's Dept.: Sec., C. L. Stone. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., J. W. Hirlinger. MINISTERS. B. G. Wilkinson, 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park Station, Wash- ington, D. C. C. L. Stone, 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. R. T. Dowsett, 123 Willow Ave., . Takoma Park Station, Wash- ington, D. C. Dr. H. W. Miller, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. N. S. Ashton, care Academy, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. C. M. Sorenson, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Dr. , D. H. Kress, 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park Station, Wash- ington, D. C. B. F. Machlan, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. S. M. Butler, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Stewart Kime, care Sanitarium, Takoma Park Station, Wash- ington, D. C. J. W. Hirlinger, 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park Station, Wash- ington, D. C. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. H. W. Herrell, Oakton, Va. S. S. Shrock, 842 Taylor Ave., Scranton, Pa. H. H. Burkholder, Box 147, Bell- ville, Ohio. D. E. Lindsey, Clyde, Ohio. H. F. Graf, 2242.East Eighty-sixth St., Cleveland, Ohio. J. W. Watt, R. F. D. 5, Indiana, Pa. I. N. Williams, Fredonia, N. Y. H. E. Robinson, Fords Store, Md. W. H. Armstrong, Rileyville, Page Co., Va. LICENTIATES. C. V. Leach, 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. 0. C. C. Pulver, 411 Cedar St., Takoma, Park Station, Washington, D. C. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. E. G. Salisbury, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Honorary Missionary Credentials. C. D. Wolff, Sarasota, Fla. Mrs. Elsie M. Evans, Ariel, Pa. Miss Ella Talmage, R. F. D. 4, Mt. Gilead, Ohio. 3.5 36 � COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE. CHESAPEAKE CONFERENCE. Organized 1890. Territory: The States of Delaware and Maryland, except the coun- ties of Montgomery, Prince George's, Charles, St. Mary's, Garrett, and Allegany, in Mary- land; and including the counties of Morgan, Berkley, and Jeffer- son in West Virginia. Office: 2901 Brighton St., Balti- more, Md. After June 1: 1901 Rosedale St., Baltimore, Md. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., J. 0. Miller. Sec. and Treas., Emma S. New- comer. Executive Committee: J. 0. Mil- ler, A. S. Booth, J. H. Wierts, James Richardson, Charles Mat- thews. Legal Assn.: "Chesapeake Con- ference Association. of S. D. A." Pres., J. 0. Miller; Sec. and Treas., Emma S. Newcomer. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., Emma S. New- comer. Field Miss. Sec., M. S. Pettibone, Pennsylvania -and Delaware Ayes., Dover, Del. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Miss Phoebe Ellwanger, Greensboro, Md. Educational Dept.: Supt., Miss Phoebe Ellwanger, Greensboro, Md. Medical Missionary Dept.: Soc., H. N. Sisco, M. D., 1315 North Charles St., Baltimore, Md. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., G. A. Stevens. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Phoebe Ellwanger, Greens- boro, Md. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., M. S. Pettibone, Pennsyl- vania and Delaware Ayes., Dover, Del. MINISTERS. J. 0. Miller, 2901 Brighton St., Bal- timore, Md. A. S. Booth, 2901 Brighton St., Baltimore, Md. J. H. Wierts, 3700 Fait Ave., Bal- timore, Md. A. S. Kellogg, 2901 Brighton St., Baltimore, Md. S. T. Shadel, 809 North Mulberry Ave., Hagerstown, Md. G. A. Stevens, Richardson Park, Del Leslie Muntz, 405 East Eleventh St., Wilmington, Del. M. C. Strachan, 2901 Brighton St., Baltimore, Md. LICENTIATE. G. Medairy, Hagerstown, Md. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Miss Emma S. Newcomer, 2901 Brighton St., Baltimore, Md. Mrs. Catherine Booth, 2901 Bright- on St., Baltimore, Md. Miss Mary C. Hurlock, 1642 Brad- dish Ave., Baltimore, Md. Miss Phoebe Ellwanger, Viola, Del. M. S. Pettibone, Pennsylvania and Delaware Ayes., Dover, Del. Miss Anna M. Cately, 36 Fair- ground Ave., Hagerstown, Md. Ernest Atkinson, 556 Presstman St., Baltimore, Md. Beulah Wagner, 1222 Sergeant St., Baltimore, Md. Laura Yingling, 1914 Riggs Ave., Baltimore, Md. A. C. Dewers, 139 Summit Ave., Hagerstown, Md. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Miss Lora L. Tarbell, Box 26, Rich- , ardson Park, Del. Miss Mabel Witt, Box 26, Richard- son Park, Del. Mrs. W. C. Witt, Rock Hall, Md. Mrs. Gertrude Burgess, 1111 North Carey St., Baltimore, Md. Miss Carrie Durham, 1714 Druid Hill Ave.' Baltimore, Md. Miss Annie Turner, 405 Robert St., Baltimore, Md. Miss Mary E. Fleming, 1917 Mc- Culloh St.„Baltimore, Md. Miss Ruth Murphy, R. F. D., Har- rington, Del. COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE. � 37 CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baltimore: English, Rosedale St., off North Ave., Walbrook. German, 3700 Fait Ave. Colored, 1901 Druid Hill Ave. Hagerstown, Cross St. and Mc- Comas Ave. Wilmington : No. 1, 1604 Howland St. No. 2, 1126 French St. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CONFERENCE. Organized 1909. Territory: The District of Colum- bia, the counties of Montgomery, Prince George's, Charles, and St. Mary's, in Maryland; and the following counties in Alexandria, Fairfax, Loudoun, Prince William, Fauquier, Staf- ford, Northumberland, King George, Westmoreland, Rich- mond, and Lancaster. Office: 7 Fourth St., N. E., Wash- ington, D. C. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., R. E. Harter. Sec. and Treas., R. C. Taylor. Executive Committee: R. E. Harter, a'. E. Bowen, C. M. Soren- son, L. A. Hansen, Stewart Kime, R. C. Taylor. Legal Assn.: " District of Col- umbia Conference Corporation of S. D. A." Pres.. R. E. Harter; Sec. and Treas., R. C. Taylor. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas.; R. C. Taylor. • Field Miss. Sec., W. H. George, Takorna Park, D. C. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. Maude Harter, 115 Carroll Ave., Takoma Park, D. C. Educational Dept.: Supt., C. M. Sorenson. Medical Missionary Dept.: Sec., Dr. G. Williams, M. D., 1252 Sixth St., S. W., Washington, D. C. Young People's Dept.: Sec., W. A. Nelson, Takoma Park, D. C. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., F. E. Gibson, 1925 Four- teenth St., N. W-., Washington, D. C. MINISTERS. R. E. Harter, 115 Carroll Ave., Ta- koma Park, D. C. Allen Moon, 34 Carroll Ave., Ta- koma Park, D. C. Stewart Kime, care Sanitarium, Takoma Park, D. C. F. E. Gibson, 1925 Fourteenth St., N. W., Washington, D. C. F. H. Seeney, Mushpot Road, Alex- andria, Va. N. W. Philips, 1210 M St., N. W., Washington, D. C. G. P. Rodgers, 606 N St., N. W., Washington, D. C. LICENTIATES. H. M. S. Richards, care College, Takoma Park,* D. C. D. A. Rees, Laurel. Md. Chas. Patterson, Arlington, Va. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. A. J. Bristol, 7208 Blair Road, Ta- korna Park, D. C. Mrs. Charlotte Littleton, 900 Ninth St., S. E., Washington, D. C. Miss Janet Morris, care College, Takoma Park. D. C. Miss Flora Briggs, Laurel, Md. Mrs. Margaret Howard, 625 Tenth St., N. E., Washington, D. C. J. W. Thompson, White Stone, Va. W. H. George, Takoma Park, D. C. R. C. Taylor, 7 Fourth St., N. E., Washington, D. C. Mrs. R. E. Harter, 115 Carroll Ave., Takoma Park, D. C. Dr. G. Williams, 1252 Sixth St., S. W., Washington, D. C. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Mrs. C. C. Sorenson, Takoma Park, D. C. Miss Sarah Rudolph, Takoma Park, D. C. 38 � COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE. Miss Ruth Meleen, Takoma Park, D. C. Mrs. Bessie Wallace, 623 Eighth St., N. E., Washington, D. C. Miss Mildred Stuart, 7 Fourth St., N. E., Washington, D. C. Mrs. Lillian Budd, 1829 G St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Miss Anna Childs, Foneswood, Va. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Alexandria, Va. First, Odd Fellows Hall. Arlington, Va. Near Columbia Station. Laurel, Md. Laurel, Odd Fellows Hall, Main St., near Fourth. Takoma Park, Md. Sligo, Washington Missionary College. Takoma Park, cor. Carroll and Willow Ayes. Washington, D. C. Capitol Hill, 7 Fourth St., N. E. Ephesus, cor. Sixth and N Sts., N. W. First, Eighth St., near H St., N. E. Memorial, 1210 Twelfth St., N. W. EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA CONFERENCE. Organized in 1903, out of terri- tory comprising the Pennsylvania • Conference, which was organized in 1879. Territory:- That portion of Penn- sylvania lying east of the east- ern line of Potter, Clinton, Cen- ter, Mifflin, Huntingdon, and Fulton Counties. Office: 4738 York Road, Philadel- phia, Pa. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., D. A. Parsons. Sec. and Treas., W. B. Mohr. Executive Committee: D. A. Parsons, J. S. Washburn, 0. F. Schwedrat. Legal Assn.: " The Pennsylvania Tract and Missionary Society." Pres., D. A. Parsons.; Sec.' and Treas., W. B. Mohr. Tract' Society: Sec. and Treas., W. B. Mohr. Field Miss. Sec., C. E. Reichen- baugh. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Miss Bessie Acton. Educational Dept.: Supt., Miss Bessie Acton. Religious Liberty Dept:: See., J. S. Washburn. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Miss Bessie Acton. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., T. H. Barritt. MINISTERS. D. A. Parsons, 4738 York Road, Philadelphia, Pa. J. S. Washburn, 5318 Chancellor St., Philadelphia, Pa. 0. F. Schwedrat, 2426 Poplar St., Philadelphia, Pa. C. S. Baum, Hamburg, Pa. V. Nutter, 1418 Berryhill St., Har- risburg, Pa. Chas. Baierle, 4738 York Road, Philadelphia, Pa. F. D. Gauterau, 4738 York Road, Philadelphia, Pa. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. S. S. Shrock, 842 Taylor Ave., Scranton, Pa. T. H. Branch, 2011 Reed St., Phila- delphia, Pa. LICENTIATES. H. G. Gauker, 4738 York Road, Philadelphia, Pa. T. H. Barritt, 4738 York Road, Philadelphia, Pa. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. C. E. Reichenbaugh, 4738 York Road, Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Sadie Stevenson, Elkland, Pa. Miss Mary T. Myles, 5027 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa, COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE. � 39' Miss Ida M. Poch, 227 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. Mrs. A. Durr, 2426 Poplar St., Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. D. A. Parsons, 4738 York Road, Philadelphia, Pa. Miss Florence Kimmel, 4738 York Road, Philadelphia, Pa. Honorary Missionary Credentials. Miss Enima Poch, 227 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. H. C. Baumgartner, Mohnton, Pa. Miss Eloise Williams, Hampden and Windsor Sts., Reading, Pa. Mrs. Elsie Evans, Honesdale, Pa. Miss Allene L. White, R. F. D., Ariel, Pa. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Allentown, cor. Oak and Poplar Sts. Harrisburg, Sible and Clarks Hall, Third and Cumberland Sts. Lancaster, 25 East German St. Northumberland, Second St., be- tween King and Queen Sts. Philadelphia: Fifty-first and Locust Sts. Grand Fraternity Hall, 1626 Arch St. German, 2426 Poplar St. Colored, 2011 Reed St. Reading, Windsor and Hampden Sts. Scranton, Leonard Bldg., Adanis Ave. Wilkesbarre, 9 South Franklin St., Third Floor. Williamsport, Seventh and Court Sts. NEW JERSEY CONFERENCE. Organized 1902. Territory: The State of New Jersey. Office: 200 Columbus. Ave., Tren- ton, N. J. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., W. H. Heckman. Sec. and Treas., Clarence Lawry. Executive Committee-: W. H. Heckman, H. J. Adams, G. E. Lang- don, G. W. Spies, J. W. MacNiel, Paul Matula, S. G. Silvers. Legal Assn.: " New Jersey Con- ference Association of S. D. A.", Pres., W. H. Heckman; Sec. and Treas., Clarence Lawry. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., Clarence Lawry. Field Miss. Sec., H. F. Kirk. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., L. D. Warren. Educational Dept.: Supt., L. D. Warren. Young People's Dept.: Sec., L. D. Warren. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., � Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., H. F. Kirk. MINISTERS. W. H. Heckman, 200 Columbus Ave., Trenton, N. J. G. W. Spies, Franklin Furnace, N. J. Paul Matula, 44 .Oak Ave., Irving- ton, N. J. H. F. Taylor, 144 Bostwick Ave., Jersey City, N. J. P. F. Richard, 155 North Ninth St., Paterson, N. J. G. E. Langdon, 1432 Ormond Ave., Camden, N. J. J. W. MacNeil, 297 Amhurst St., East Orange, N. J. LICENTIATES. G. W. Holman, 115 Oak St., Bridgeton, N. J. J. A. Svenson, 200 Columbus Ave., Trenton, N. J. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. C. J. Beach, 46 Munson Ave., Rock- away, N. J. Freida Ebert, care P. F. Richard, 155 North Ninth St., Paterson, N. J. Christina Kuklish, 44 Oak Ave., Irvington, N. J. Miss Jessie M. Weiss, 200 Colum; bus Ave., Trenton, N. J. 40 � COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE. Clarence Lawry, 200 Columbus Ave., Trenton, N. J. H. F. Kirk, 200 Columbus Ave., Trenton, N. J. L. D. Warren, 200 Columbus Ave., Trenton, N. J. T. D. Gibson, 99 South Sixteenth St., East Orange, N. J. Ethel Wilson, 82 Pavonia Ave., Arlington, N. J. Pauline Khmer, 99 South Sixteenth St., East Orange, N. J. Mrs. T. D. Gibson, 99 South Six- tenth St., East Orange, N. J. Mabel Smith, 126 Grant St., Jer- sey City, N. J. W. W. Jennings, 721 Railroad Ave., Vineland, N. J. Ida Paulson, 241 Tan Vorst St., Jersey city, N. J. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Miss Linnie Baumgartner, 601 Gen- essee St., Trenton, N. J. Arthur E. Kibler, R. F. D. 9, Bridgeton, N. J. Miss Elizabeth Nichol, 155 North Ninth St., Paterson, N. J. E. Lambert Parish, Cor. Grove and Grain Sts., Newark, N. J. Miss Hazel Philips, 144 Bostwick Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Miss Mary E. Barrett, Somers Point, N. J. Miss Kathryn Snider, Cape May Court House, N. J. Miss Olive Boynton, Swedesboro, N. J. Miss Ruth Sterner, 115 Ohl St., Bridgeton, N. J. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Atlantic City, Lake Ave., Pleas- antville. Bridgeton, East Commerce St. and Carol Ave. Burlington, Conover St. Camden, cor. Kenwood and Pem- broke Sts. Jersey City: First, Stegman St. and Boule- vard. Second, Hall at 110 Hutton St. , Newark: English, cor. Grove and Grain Sts. Paterson, English, W. C. T. r, Hall, Broadway. Perth Amboy. 411 Neville St. Trenton, cor. St. Francis and Co- lumbus Ayes. Vineland, Flora Hall. OHIO CONFERENCE. Organized 1863. Territory: The State of Ohio. Postal Address: Box 8, Mt. Ver- non, Ohio. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., E. K. Slade. Sec. and Treas., H. D. Holtom. Executive Committee: E. K. Slade, G. C. Quillin, N. S. Ash- ton, W. W. Miller, R. R. Hilborn, A. R. Bell, R. S. Lindsay. Legal Assn.: " The Ohio Con- ference. Association of the S. D. A. Church." Pres., E. K. Slade; Business Agent, G. C. Quillin; Sec., A. R. Bell. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., J. I. Cassell. Field Miss. Sec., Carl Fairchild. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., 0. S. Hershberger. Educational Dept.: Supt., 0. S. Hershberger. Medical Missionary Dept.: Sec., R. R. Hilborn, M. D., 693 North Howard St., Akron, Ohio. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., A. R. Bell, 852 Colburn St., Toledo, Ohio. Young People's Dept.: Sec., 0. S. Hershberger. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., H. K. Christman. MINISTERS. E. K. Slade, Box 8, Mt. Vernon, , Ohio. F. M. Fairchild, Clyde, Ohio. COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE. � 41 F. H. Henderson, 87 Fay St., Ak- ron, Ohio. J. J. Marietta, 1031 Hanover St., Hamilton, Ohio. W. W. Miller, 2247 Ontario Ave., Springfield, Ohio. C. W. Weber, 3306 West Thirty- first St., Cleveland, Ohio. H. A. Weaver, 1252 Lincoln Way East, Galion, Ohio. � • R. S. Lindsay, Twinsburg, Ohio. J. H. Behrens, 4119 Grove Ave., Norwood, Ohio. A. R. Bell, 852 Colburn St., Toledo, Ohio. W. J. Venen, M. D., 1110 Glen- wood Ave., Young7stown. Ohio. S. A. Wellman, 386 Midland Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Wm. • Lewsadder, 1141 Huffman Ave., Dayton, Ohio. R. E. French, 133 South Third St., Coshocton, Ohio. John Klepe, 87 Fay St., Akron, Ohio. H. K. Christman, Box 8, Mt. Ver- non, Ohio. LICENTIATES. H. A. Rossin, 1310 Cedar Ave., College Hilt, Cincinnati, Ohio. G. C. Quillin, Killbuck, Ohio. Joseph Shellhaas, Laura, Ohio. 0. S. Hershberger, Box 8, Mt. Ver- non, Ohio. J. E. Cox, 328 South Sixth St., Columbus, Ohio. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. H. D. Holtom, Box 8, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Cora B. Gibson, 1031 Hanover St., Hamilton, Ohio. Anna E. Smith, 12931A North High St., Columbus, Ohio. M. Hortense Howell, 1293% North High St., Columbus, Ohio. Ida M. Walters, 2563 Glen Mawr Ave., Columbus, Ohio. J. I. Cassell, Box 8, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Carrie M. Askey, 1405 Addison Road, Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. H. A. Weaver, 1252 Lincoln Way East, Galion, Ohio. Mary I. Meek, 1045 Huffman Ave., Dayton, Ohio, Fannie Emmel, 1880 East Fifty- ninth St., Cleveland, Ohio. Helen Greunke, 2142 Monroe St., Toledo, Ohio. Goldie E. Hixon, Box 8, Mt. Ver- non, Ohio. Carl Fairchild, Box 8, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. R. R. Hilborn, M. D., 693 North Howard St., Akron, Ohio. Lelia I. Whitlaw, 4185 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Florence Hartsock, 87 Fay St., Akron, Ohio. Bessie Mount, 2217 Ontario Ave., Springfield, Ohio. Joseph P. Beach, 304 South Central Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Nellie Multcr. Ravenna, Ohio. Mrs. Mary Mitchel, Route 1, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Vera Behrens, Box 8, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Lily Schar, Route 3, Dresden, Ohio. Home Schools. Bertha Acton, care Sanitarium, Newark, Ohio. Ethel Harrington, Wellington, Ohio. Marie Smith, Wellington, Ohio. , Lottie Gibson, Route 4, Vakeman, • Ohio. Lena Lane. La Grange, Ohio. Andra Reichenbaeh, 1433 Four- teenth St., N. W., Canton, Ohio. Ruth Fahrner, Route 1, Reiners- ville, Ohio. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Akron, 825 East Buchtel Ave Alliance, 849 South Arch St. Ashtabula, 5 Perry St. Bellefontaine, 136% South Main St. Bowling Green, West Evers Ave. Canton, •Forester Hall, Cassilly Block, East Tuscarawas St. Cincinnati: Hall G, Odd Fellows Temple, cor. Seventh and Elm Sts. Colored, West Eighth, near Mound St. 42 � COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE. Cleveland: English, Hough Ave., near East Fifty-fifth St. German, 3161 West Fourteenth St. Columbus, Ohio Ave. and Fair St. Colored, 1222 Mt. Vernon Ave. Dayton, Young Women's League Auditorium, 24 West Fourth St. Elyria, 327 Fourth St. East Liverpool, Third floor Old Opera House Bldg., Sixth St. Lima, 708 East North St. Mansfield, 116 Dawson Ave. Marion, 288 South State St. Mt. Vernon; Academia, Academy chapel. Newark, 159 West Main St. Piqua, 1015 Covington Ave. Ravenna, Ohio Ave., near South Prospect St. Springfield, 515 East Catherine St. Colored, 624 South Center St. Toledo, Orchard St., near Broad- way. Youngstown, Bushnell Hall, 127 West Federal St. Zanesville, cor. Larzelere and In- diana Sts. VIRGINIA CONFERENCE. Organized 1883. Territory,: The State of Virginia; except the counties of Fauquier, Loudoun, Prince William, Fair- fax, Stafford, Alexandria, King George, Westmoreland, North- umberland, Richmond, and Lan- caster, which belong to the Dis- trict of Columbia Conference. Office: Gordonsville, Va. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., W. C. Moffett. Sec. and Treas., W. H. Jones. Executive Committee: W. C. Moffett, W. G. Dick, L. 0. Gordon, T. D. Richardson, R. T. Fultz. Legal Assn.: " Virginia Confer- ence Agency of S. D. A." Pres., W. C. Moffett; Sec. and Treas., W. H. Jones. Negro Mission Committee: W. C. Moffett, I. D. Richardson, L. 0. Gordon, J. B. Mallory, W. H. Se- bastian. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., W. H. Jones. Field Miss. Sec., F. E. Hankins. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. W. C. Moffett. Educational Dept.: Supt., W. C. Moffett. Young People's Dept.: Sec., R. F. Farley. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., R. D. Hottel. MINISTERS. W. C. Moffett, Gordonsville, Va. R. D. Hottel, New Market, Va. W. E. Bidwell, Gordonsville, Va. L. 0. Gordon, Gordonsville, Va. I. D. Richardson, Gordonsville, Va. W. H. Sebastian, Gordonsville, Va. J. B. Mallory, 113 East Baker St., Richmond, Va. LICENTIATES. R. F. Farley, Gordonsville, Va. H. M. Forshee, care Academy, New .Market, Va. A. J. Evelyn, 228 South Main St., Danville, Va. W. H. Jones, Gordonsville, Va., R. H. Watkins, Toano, Va. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Anna C. Rice, 3 South Vine St., Richmond, Va. F. E. Hankins, Gordonsville, Va. Mrs. E. V. Manners, R. F. D. No. 1, Box 80a, Hampton, Va. Mrs. W. C. Moffett, Gordonsville, Va. A. J. Painter, Stanley, Va. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Florence N. Swan, 3 South Vine St., Richmond, Va. Alice Gray, Rileyville, Va. COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE. � 43 Robbie Sutphin, Rileyville, Va. Arnie Walter, Republican Grove, Va. Jane Carlyle, Portsmouth, Va. CHURCH DIRECTORY. White Churches: Lynchburg, Park Ave., opposite Miller Park. Newport News, No. 1, Roanoke and Twenty-fourth Sts. Portsmouth, 1610 County St. Richmond, 9 North Morris St. Colored: Richmond No. 2, 908 North Sixth St. WEST PENNSYLVANIA CON- FERENCE.. Organized 1903. Territory: All of Pennsylvania lying west of the easterly line of Potter, Clinton, Center, Mifflin, Huntingdon, and Fulton Coun- ties. Office: 7155 Mt. Vernon St., Pitts- burgh, Pa. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., F. H. Robbins. Sec. and Treas., J. S. Neely. Executive Committee: F. H. Rob- bins, I. N. Williams, C. F. Ulrich, W. F. Schwartz, F. A. Harter, E. E. Read, F. Shaw. Legal Assn.: " West Pennsyl- vania Assn. of S. D. A." Pres., F. H. Robbins; Sec. and Treas., J. S. Neely. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., J. S. Neely. Field Miss. Sec., T. M. Butler. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., E. A. Maury. Educational Dept.: Supt., E. A. Manry. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., C. F. Ulrich. Young People's Dept.: Sec., E. A. Manry. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., E. A. Manry. MINISTERS. F. H. Robbins, 7155 Mt. Vernon St., Pittsburgh, Pa. B. F. Kneeland, 213 South Brady St., DuBois, Pa. G. L. West, 58 South Kendall St., Bradford, Pa. W. F. Schwartz, 2402 Pennsylva- nia Ave., Erie, Pa. A. N. Durrant, 7306 Kelly St., Pittsburgh, Pa. J. P. Gaede, 342 Miller St., Pitts- burgh, Pa. F. A. Harter, 7155 Mt. Vernon St., Pittsburgh, Pa. C. F. Ulrich, 708 Twenty-seventh . St., Altoona, Pa. LICENTIATES. R. M. Spencer, 7155 Mt. Vernon St., Pittsburgh, Pa. E. A. Manry, 7155 Mt. Vernon St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Wm. Robbins, R. F. D. No. 2, Con- nellsVille, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. J. S. Neely, 7155 Mt. Vernon St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Sophie Gooss, 342 Miller St., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Maud. Gauntlett, 2851 Orbin St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. R. M. Spencer, 7155 Mt. Ver- non St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Lillian Burdick, 7155 Mt. Vernon St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Miss Maud Belmont, 7155 Mt. Ver- non St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. J. P. Anderson, 7155 Mt. Ver- non St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Fred Shaw, Coudersport, Pa. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Mrs. R. M. Spencer, 7155 Mt. Ver- non St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. Katherine Rock, Route 5 In diana, Pa. . ; 44 � COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Allegheny: No. 1 (English) Century Build- ing, Pittsburgh, Pa. No. 2 (German) Century 'Build- ing, Pittsburgh, Pa. Erie, East Tenth St. Johnstown, Hickory St. Pittsburgh: No. 1, 6713 Rowan Ave. No. 2 (colored), Chauncey St. • WEST VIRGINIA CON- FERENCE. Organized 1887. Territory: The State of West Vir- ginia except the counties of Mor- gan, Berkeley, and Jefferson, and including the counties of Garrett and Allegany in Maryland. Office: Cor. Third and Juliana Sts., Parkersburg, W. Va. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., T. B. Westbrook. Sec. and Treas., Jennie Burdick. Executive Committee: T. B. Westbrook, T. M. French, John McHenry, J. E. Meredith. Tract Society: Pres., T. B. Westbrook. Sec. and Treas., Jennie Burdick. Board of Directors: T. B. West- brook, John McHenry, Jennie Bur- dick, J. E. Meredith. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. T. B. Westbrook. Educational Dept.: Supt., Mrs. T. B. Westbrook. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., T. M. French. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Mrs. T. B. Westbrook. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., Mrs. T. B. Westbrook. ( The following-named persons may be addressed at Cor. Third and Juliana Sts., Parkersburg, W. Va.) MINISTERS. T. B. Westbrook, T. M. French, H. J. Detwiler. LICENTIATE. A. H. Rulkoetter. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. John McHenry, Jennie Burdick, Mrs. T. B. Westbrook, Mrs. A. H. Rulkoetter, Miss Mable Gage, Jessie Welsh, (32 Jones Ave., Morgantown, W. Va.). CHURCH DIRECTORY. Charleston, 901 Grant St. Parkersburg, Mark and Andrew Sts. INSTITUTIONS IN THE CO- LUMBIA UNION CON- FERENCE. • Educational: Fireside Correspondence School, Takoma Park, D. C. Mt. Vernon Academy, Mt. Ver- non, Ohio. Shenandoah Valley Academy,. New Market, Va. Washington Missionary College, Takoma Park, D. C. Publishing: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, D. C. Sanitariums: Washington Sanitarium, Tako- ma Park, D. C. Washington Sanitarium Hospi- tal, 1252 Sixth St., S. W., Washington, D. C. EASTERN CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE. Organized 1901. Territory: The Conferences of On- tario, Maritime, Quebec, and the Newfoundland Mission. Office: Box 276, Oshawa, Ontario. OFFICERS. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., J. L. Wilson. Sec. and Treas., Miss Amy Frank. Executive Committee: J. L. Wilson, E. M. Chapman, C. L. Tay- lor, Wm. Wasell, W. G. Steeves. New Brunswick Legal Assn.: " The Executive Board of the Prov- ince of New Brunswick in connec- tion with the Seventh-day Advent- ist Church of the Maritime Prov- inces." Chairman, J. L. Wilson; Sec., J. C. Porter. Nova Scotia Legal Assn.: " The Executive. Board of the Province of Nova Scotia, in connection with the Seventh-day Adventist Church of the Maritime Provinces." Chair- man, C. L. Taylor.. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., ,Amy Frank. Field Miss. Sec., Geo. Butler. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Amy Frank. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Geo. Butler. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., Geo. Butler. MINISTERS. J. L. Wilson, Oxford, Nova Scotia. E. M. Chapman, 76 Duncan St., Halifax, Nova Scotia. C. L. Taylor, Williamsdale East, Nova Scotia. LICENTIATES. Win. Wasell, St. John, New Bruns- wick. B. E. Manuel, Oxford, Nova Scotia. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Miss Manuella Verge, Williams- dale East, Nova Scotia. Miss Amy Frank, Oxford, Nova Scotia. 45 Conference: Pres., A. V. Olson. - Sec. and Treas., F. A. Spangler. Executive Committee: A. V. Ol- son, H. M. J. Richards, J. L. Wil- son, D. J. C. Barrett, F. A. Span- gler, J. W. Davis, N. H. Saunders. Legal Assn.: " Eastern Canadian Union Conference Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists." Union Book Depository: Canadian Publishing Assn., Man- ager and Treas., F. A. Spangler. Union Field Miss. Sec., J. W. Davis. Young People's Dept.: Sec., N. H. Saunders. Educational Dept.: Sec., N. H. Saunders. MINISTERS. A.' V. Olson, Oshawa, Ontario. J. Vuilleumier, Oshawa, Ontario. H. S. Miller, Oshawa, Ontario. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. F. A. Spangler, Oshawa, Ontario. Miss Olive L. Leach, Oshawa, On- tario. MARITIME CONFERENCE. Organized 1902. . Territory: The Provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and • Prince Edward Island. Office Address: Oxford, Nova Sco- tia. 46 �EASTERN CANADIAN Mrs. Wm. Wasell, St. John, New Brunswick. Geo. Butler, Oxford, Nova Scotia. H. K. Martin, Williamsdale East, • Nova Scotia. ONTARIO CONFERENCE. Organized 1899. Territory: The Province of On- tario lying east of the eighty- ninth parallel. Office Address: 1114a Dufferin St., Toronto, Ontario. • OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., H. M. J. Richards. Sec. and Treas., E4na P. Leach. Executive Committee: H. M. J. Richards, J.- W. McComas, W. J. I-Turdon, Joseph Capman, F. G. Hill. Field Miss. Sec., Joseph Capman. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. Bertie C. Richards. Educational Dept.: Supt., N. H. Saunders. Young People'i Sec., N. H. Saunders. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., Joseph Capman. MINISTERS. H. M. J. Richards, 1114a Dufferin St., Toronto, Ontario. J. � � . McComas, 235 High Park Ave., Toronto,Ontario. B. M. Heald, 1 Cumberland Ave., Hamilton, Ontario. LICENTIATES. W. J. Hurdon, 107 Preston St., Ottawa, Ontario. A. L. Beazley, Smith's Falls, On- tario. 0. D. Cardey, Smith's Falls, On- tario. W. H. Boyce, 73 East Pearl St., St. Thomas, Ontario. H. P. Gray, 318 Concord Ave., To- ronto, Ontario. H. J. Capman, 50 Allenson St., Hamilton, Ontario. E. G. Franklin, Hagersville, On- tario. UNION CONFERENCE. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Joseph Capman, 50 Allenson St., Hamilton, Ontario. Mrs. Joseph Capman, 50 Allenson St., Hamilton, Ontario. Sadie Baker, 295 Princess St., Kingston, Ontario. Mabel Hillyard, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Edna P. Leach, 1114a Dufferin St., Toronto, Ontario. Evelyn L. Case, 234 Concord Ave., Toronto, Ontario. Mrs. Bertie C. Richards, 1114a Dufferin St., Toronto, Ontario. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. - Roy MacKenzie, 63 Ascot St., To- ronto, Ontario. Miss Edna Trout, 50 Allenson St., Hamilton, Ontario. Miss Alma Hill, Oshawa, Ontario. Miss Beatrice Sterling, Brantford, Ontario. Miss Abbie Culbert, Ottawa, On- tario. Miss Sadie Oickle, Kingston, On- tario. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Hamilton, cor. Greenway Ave. and Wilson St. London, cor. Rectory and York Sts. St. Thomas, cor. Mary and Curtis Sts. Toronto, cor. Awde and Dufferin Sts. QUEBEC CONFERENCE. Organized 1880. Territory: The Province of Quebec. Office Address: South Stukely, Quebec. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., W. C. Young, South Stuke- ly, Quebec. Sec. and Treas., F. E. Dufty, Box 3189, Montreal, Quebec. Executive Committee: W. C. Young, F. McElroy, W. H. Knowl- ton, L. F. Passebois, F. C. Webster. EASTERN CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE. �47 MINISTERS. W. C. Young, South Stukely, Que- bec. F. C. Webster, 280 Villeneuve West, Montreal, Quebec. L. F. Passebois, 386 St. Valier St., Montreal, Quebec. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. H. W. Ingham, South Stukely, Quebec. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Montreal, English, 280 Villeneuve West. � • NEWFOUNDLAND MISSION. Territory: The Island of New- foundland and Labrador. Office Address: Box 217, St. John's, Newfoundland. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., D. J. C. Barrett. Treas., L. R. Gray. Mission Committee: D. J. C. Bar- rett, R. A. Hubley, G. H. Morgan, J. R. Johnstone. Sabbath School and Home Mission- ary Dept.: Sec., Mrs. R. A. Hubley, Box 52, Bonavista, Newfoundland. Educational Dept.: Supt., L. R. Gray. Young People's Dept.: Sec., R. A. Hubley. MINISTERS. D. J. C. Barrett, Box 217, St. John's, Newfoundland. R. A. Hubley, Box 52, Bonavista, Newfoundland. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. R. A. Hubley, Box 52, Bona- vista, Newfoundland. Mrs. D. J. C. Barrett, Box 217, St. John's, Newfoundland. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. L. R. Gray, Box 217, St. John's, Newfoundland. INSTITUTIONS IN THE EAST- ERN CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE. Educational: Eastern Canadian Missionary Seminary, Box 308, Oshawa, Ontario. Williamsdale Academy, Wil- liamsdale East, Nova Scotia. Publishing: Canadian Publishing 'Assn., Osh- awa, Ontario. LAKE UNION CONFERENCE. Organized 1901. Territory: The Conferences of East Michigan, Indiana, North- ern Illinois, North Michigan, North Wisconsin, Southern Illi- nois, South Wisconsin, and West Michigan. Office: 3145 Lyndale St., Chicago, Ill. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., L. H. Christian. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, A. N. Anderson. Executive Committee: L. H. Christian, A. N. Anderson, the presidents of the conferences composing the Lake Union Con- ference, and 0. J. Graf, J. B. Bios- ser, J. L. McConaughey, W. C. Dunscombe, M. D., C. A. Russell, H. 0. Olson. Legal Assn.: "Lake Union Con- ference Association of Seventh-day Adventists." Pres., L. H. Chris- tian; Sec. and Treas., A. N. An- derson. 48 � LAKE UNION Union Book Depository: Review and Herald, 212 South Lafayette St., South Bend, Ind. Manager, H. H. Rans. Union Field Miss. Sec., J. B. Blosser, Berrien Springs, Mich. Educational Dept.: , Sec., C. A. Russell. Training-school Representative, 0. J. Graf, Berrien Springs, Mich. Medical Missionary Dept.: Sec., W. C. Dunscombe, M. D. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., L. H. Christian. Young People's Dept.: Sec., C. A. Russell. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., J. L. McConaughey. MINISTER. L. H. Christian, 3145 Lyndale St., Chicago, Ill. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. E. I. Beebe, Ovid, Mich. LICENTIATES. J. B. Blosser, Berrien Springs; Mich. C. A. Russell, Berrien Springs, Mich. • 0. J. Graf, Berrien Springs, Mich. H. 0. Olson, R. F. D. 1, Box 20, La Grange, Ill. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. J. W. Mace, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. A. N. Anderson, 3145 Lyndale St., Chicago, Ill. • EAST MICHIGAN CONFER- ENCE. Organized 1902, from territory formerly comprising the Mich- igan Conference. Territory: The southeastern por- tion of Michigan, including the following counties: Hillsdale, Lenawee, Monroe, Wayne, Washtenaw, Jackson, Ingham, Livingston, Oakland, Macomb, St. Clair, Lapeer, Genesee, CONFERENCE, Shiawassee, Clinton, Gratiot, Saginaw, Tuscola, Sanilac, Hu- ron, Bay. Office: Holly, Mich. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., A. J. Clark. Sec. and Treas., Tillie E. Barr. Executive Committee: A. J. Clark, 0. M. Kittle, W. H. Green, J. B. McKenney, Daniel Wood, H. B. Westcott, W. E. Perrin. Legal Assn.: " East Michigan Conference .Association of the S. D. A." Pres., A. J. Clark. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., W. E. Perrin. Field Miss. Sec., W. A. Berg- herm. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., E. Lois Carmichael. Educational Dept.: Supt., Mrs. Flora H. Williams. Young People's Dept.: Sec., E. Lois Carmichael. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., 0. M. Kittle. MINISTERS. A. J. Clark, Holly, Mich. 0. M. Kittle, Holly, Mich. B. L. Post, 18 Murdock Place, Mt. Clemens, Mich. L. T. Nicola, 1204 West Washte- naw St., Lansing, Mich. A. V. Cotton, 227 Grand Ave., De- troit, Mich. W. H. Green, 638 Thirtieth St., Detroit, Mich. W. D. Parkhurst, 114 Orange St., Jackson, Mich. H. B. Westeott, 350 Auburn Ave., Pontiac, Mich. L. E. Wellman, 728 Brooks St., Ann Arbor, Mich. N. H. Pool, 822 Brewster St., Sagi- naw' Mich. A. V. Morrison, Holly, Mich. C. L. Taylor, Berrien Springs, Mich. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. L. G. Moore, 213 North Pine St., Lansing, Mich. E. L. Sanford, 428 Trumbull Ave., Detroit, Mich. M. Shepard, Holly, Mich. LAKE UNION CONFERENCE. � 49 LICENTIATES. Timothy Summerville, Holly, Mich. D. C. Newbold, Holly, Mich. E. L. Peterson, 191 Poplar St.; Wy- andotte, Mich. J. 0. Ferris, 312 Eleventh Ave., Flint, Mich. J. E. Patzkowski, 363 Peter Hunt St., Leesville P. 0., Detroit, Mich. Frank Dudley, 551 Stanley Ave., Detroit, Mich. Honorary Ministerial Licentiate. H. S. Guilford, Chesaning, Mich. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Katherine M. Dunham, R. F. D. 2, Rives Junction, Mich. Tillie E. Barr, Holly, Mich. Marie P. Harriman, 426 Trumbull Ave., Detroit, Mich. Agnes Everest-Webber, 426 Trum- bull Ave., Detroit, Mich. Mrs. M. T. Summerville, Holly, Mich. Bertha J. Cass, 906 Lothrop Ave., Detroit, Mich. Etta L. Young, 350 Auburn Ave., Pontiac, Mich. Pearl Morrison, Holly, Mich. Phillip Schank, Holly, Mich. Thos. W. Steen, Holly, Mich. Vara Lynch, 401 Walnut St., Bay City, Mich. E. Lois Carmichael, Holly, Mich. Clare Wood, 114 Orange St., Jack- son, Mich. W. E. Perrin, Holly, Mich. F. A. Quackenbush, 1207 Chestnut St., Port Huron, Mich. W. A. Bergherm, Holly, Mich. Mrs. Flora H. Williams, Holly, Mich. Honorary Missionary Licentiate. Mina Pierce, R. F. D. 2, Milford. Mich. CHURCH SCHOOLTEACHERS. Miss Marion Robb, R. F. D., care E. J. Bailey, Leslie, Mich. Miss Violette Hall, care W. H. Green, 638 Thirtieth St., Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Lydia Nathie, 426 Trumbull Ave., Detroit, Mich. Miss Dot McCormick, 426 Trum- bull Ave., Detroit, Mich. Miss Alfaretta Sherman, R. F. D. 1, care Mila Ford, Fenton, Mich. Miss Hattie Polague, care Mrs. Harmon, 1001 Beach St., Flint, Mich. Miss Frances Baldwin, R. F. D. 8, St. Johns, Mich. Mrs. Florence Robinson, Holly, Mich. Miss El-la Osburn, Holly, Mich. Miss Zeo Lehman, R. F. D., care Geo. Gruesbeck, Ithaca, Mich. Miss Marian Briggs, 320 North East Ave., Jackson, Mich. E. J. Smith, care Ray Park, May- ville, Mich. Miss Nettie Birmingham, 1106 Platte St., Lansing, Mich. Miss Abbie Little, R. F. D. 2, care John Lambert, Saginaw, Mich. Miss Ruth Shepard, Napoleon, Mich. Miss Olive Medford, R. F. D., care Hugh Collier, Pompeii, Mich. Miss Grace Shepard, 19 Hill St., Pontiac, Mich. Miss Ruby Crain, 1330 North Bond 'St., Saginaw, Mich. Miss Matilda Russell, St. Charles, Mich. Miss Maggie Hicks, R. F. D., care LeRoy Dean, Milford, Mich. CHURCH DIRECTORY. ISay City, 304 South Dean St. Detroit: Central, 424 Trumbull Ave. West Side, cor. Stanley and Six- teenth Sts. Colored, 921 Hastings St. Flint, 709 Stockton St. Jackson, cor. Summitt and Ten - Eyck Sts. Lansing, 614 West Washtenaw St. Saginaw, 1200 North Michigan Ave. INDIANA CONFERENCE. Organized 1872. Territory: The State of Indiana, excepting the seven northern tier of counties. Office: Rooms 417-2-1 Castle Hall Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. 50 � LAKE UNION CONFERENCE. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., Wm. A. Westworth. Sec. and Treas., 0. G. Albert. Executive Committee: Wm. A. Westworth, F. R. Eastman, T. A. Goodwin, R. W. Hostettler, J. H. Crandell, R. C. Wirth, J. V. Moore. Legal Assn.: " The Indiana As- sociation of Seventh-day Advent- ists." Pres., Wm. A. Westworth; Sec. and Treas., F. R. Eastman. " The Indiana Medical Mission. ary and Benevolent Association." Pres., Wm. A. Westworth; Sec. and Treas., Dr. W. C. Dunscombe. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., 0. G. Albert. Field Miss. Sec., E. M. Fishell. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Miss Edith Shepard. Educational Dept.: Supt., Miss Edith Shepard. Medical Missionary Dept.: Sec., Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., Young People's Dept.: Sec., Miss Edith Shepard. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., J. W. Hofstra. . MINISTERS. Wm. A. Westworth, 2004 Ruckle St., Indianapolis, Ind. Wni. A. Young, 904 College Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. T. F. Hubbard, 658 East Twenty- fifth St., Indianapolis, Ind. C. L. White, 2124 South Adams St., Marion, Ind. J. G. Lamson, care Academy, Need- ham, Ind. M. J. Allen, 3202 Broadway, Ft. Wayne, Ind. J. W. Hofstra, Rooms 417-21, Cas- tle Hall Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. L. W. Browne, 1911 Alvord St., Indianapolis, Ind. G. W. Rader, Rooms 417-21, Castle Hall Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. C. L. Taggart, Wabash Valley Sanitarium, Lafayette, Ind. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. 0. S. Hadley, 1605 Sturm Ave., In- dianapolis, Ind. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. F. R. Eastman, Sanitarium, La- fayette, Ind. E. M. Fishell, 1500 East Michigan St., Indianapolis, Ind. C. E. Garnsey, Wabash Valley San- itarium, Lafayette, Ind. Mrs. 0. S. Hadley, 1605 Sturm Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Miss Mary Kent, Rooms 417-21, Castle Hall Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Miss Myrtle Robertson, 321 West Mechanic St., Shelbyville, Ind. Miss Edith Shepard, Rooms 417-21, Castle Hall Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Miss Eva Pitcher, Rooms 417-21, Castle Hall Bld., Indianapolis, Ind. Earl Dudley, 352 East Fifth St., Peru, hid. Miss Nellie Stevens, 388 Hill St., Wabash, Ind. Hugh Williams, Princeton, Ind. CHURCH scriooL TEACHERS. Hazel Guild, R. F. D. 8, Anderson, Ind. Mrs. Elizabeth Lawson, R. F. D. 9, Anderson, Ind. Stella Jacobs, Academy, Needham, Ind. Susie Blake, 308 Cottage Grove, Bloomington, Ind. Francis Vaughan, Elnora, Ind. Mrs. Bertha Stottlemyer, Fortville, Ind. Blanche Hicks, 312 East Main St., Hartford City, Ind. Ruby Ratcliffe, 1202 South Jeffer- son St., Hartford City, Ind. Clarence Voris, 1607 Sturm Ave., Indianapolis, hid. Mrs. Clarence Voris, 1607 Sturm Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Mayna Miller, 1711 Central Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Loraine Fankhouser, 405 West Walnut St., Kokomo, Ind. Edna Stureman, R. F. D. 4, Mid- dletown, hid. LAKE UNION CONFERENCE. � 51 Orville Dunn, 2124 South Walnut St., Muncie, Ind. Ethel Havens, Maxwell, Ind. Mulis Cunningham, R. F. D., Mon- ticello, Ind. Harold Bogar, R. F. D., Monon, Ind. � • Mrs. Alta Thompson, 501 High St., North Vernon, Ind. Mrs. R. Brooks, North Vernon, Ind. Waive McAllister, New Palestine, Ind. Faye Ellis, 616 East Third St., Peru, Ind. Ruth McCreery, •R. F. D., Reynolds, Ind. Inez Bird, 153 Richmond Ave., Richmond, Ind. Mrs. G. Gavert, 333 Mechanic St., Shelbyville, Ind. Irene Presnall, Davis Flats, App 10, Terre Haute, Ind. Lena Plake, R. F. D. 1, Tell City, Ind. Elizabeth Blake, R. F. D. 1, Albion, Ind. 13eatrix Spohr, R. F. D., Wolcott, Ind. NORTHERN ILLINOIS CON- FERENCE. Formerly part of the Illinois Con- ference organized in 1871; di- vided and reorganized in 1902. Territory: The northern portion of the State of Illinois to the south- ern boundary of Iroquois, Ford, Livingston, Woodford, Peoria, Knox, Warren, and Henderson, excluding the city of Peoria. Office: 116 North California Ave., Chicago, Ill. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., J. H. Schilling. Sec. and Treas., H. H. Todd. Executive Committee: J. H. Schilling, Adolph Johnson, H. H. Todd, M. H. St. John, E. W. Web- ster, J. W. Cummings, Andrew Christensen. Legal Assn.: " The Illinois Con- ference Assn. of S. D. A." Pres., J. H. Schilling; Sec., H. H. Todd. " Northern Illinois Med. Miss. and Sanitarium Assn." Pres., J. H. Schilling. Tract Society: Sec., H. H. Todd. Field Miss. Sec., � Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., Miss S. F. Godsey. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. E. W. Webster, 1215 Fifteenth St., Moline, Ill. Educational Dept.: Supt., Augusta Blosser. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Augusta Blosser. MINISTERS. J. H. Schilling, 116 North Califon- • nia Ave., Chicago, Ill. R. Calderone, 726 South Oakley Blvd., Chicago, Ill. E. R. Lauda, 207 Prairie Ave., Jol- iet, Ill. M. H. St. John, 628 North Latrobe Ave., Chicago, Ill. E. W. Webster, 1215 Fifteenth St., Moline, Ill. Adolph Johnson, 2710 Montrose Ave., Chicago, Ill. J. M. Erikson, R. F. D. 1, Box 20, La Grange, Ill. W. D. Forde, 4748 Evans Ave., Chi- cago, Ill. I. J. Woodman, 4812 Indiana Ave., Chicago, Ill. LICENTIATES. R. C. Gardner, 260 Percy St., Elgin, Ill. J. H. Miller, 116 North California Ave., Chicago, Ill. P. H. Herman, 1510 East Sixty- second St., Chicago, Ill. L. F. Kucera, 2411 South Sawyer St., Chicago, Ill. B. M. Butterfield, 1611 School St., Rockford, Ill. N. R. Nelson, 116 North California Ave., Chicago, Ill. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. H. H. Todd, 116 North California Ave., Chicago, Ill. W. L. Avery, Sheridan, Ill. Mrs. Helen Odell, 216 West Prairie Ave., Pontiac, Ill. 52 � LAKE UNION CONFERENCE. Miss W. Muller, 120 North Califor- nia Ave., Chicago, Ill. Miss Rosa Kozel, 120 North Cali- fornia Ave., Chicago, Ill. Miss Vesta Cash, 120 North Cali- fornia Ave., Chicago, Ill. Mrs. Helen Jarvais, 120 North Cal- ifornia Ave., Chicago, Ill. Miss Anna Sokup, 120 North Cali- fornia Ave., Chicago, Ill. Miss Anna Johnson, 4742 West Erie St., Chicago, Ill. Miss Mary Senator, 5255 Wabash Ave. Chicago, Ill. Mrs. Kate Williams, 418 Marcy St., Ottawa, Ill. • Mrs. Cleora Webster, 1215 Fif- teenth St., Moline, Ill. Miss Augusta Blosser, 116 North California Ave., Chicago, Ill. Gabriel Vas, 9353 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, Ill. Jean B. Henry, 4719 Calumet Ave., Chicago, Ill. J. A. Dominski, 116 North Califor- nia Ave., Chicago, Ill. W. J. Harris, 193 West Station St., West Kankakee, Ill. P. T. Hjelle, 3145 Lyndale St., Chi- cago, Ill. Mrs. P. T. Hjelle, 3145 Lyndale St., Chicago, Ill. CHURCH. SCHOOL TEACHERS. Miss Mabel Rank, 120 North Cali- fornia Ave., Chicago, Ill. Miss Mabel Seitz, 120 North Cali- fornia Ave., Chicago, Ill. Miss Mamie Meleen, 120 North California Ave., Chicago, Ill. Miss Evelyn Meleen, 120 North California Ave., Chicago, Ill. Miss Olive Jensen, 120 North Cali- fornia Ave., Chicago, Ill. Miss Marie Asey, 6347 Eberhart Ave., Chicago, Ill. Miss Wilhelnaina Jensen, 120. North California Ave., Chicago, Ill. Miss Edith Peterson, care 0. Man- ley, Stockton, Ill. Miss Marguerite Porter, care W. A. Marsh, Aledo, Ill. Miss Ella Foreman, 250 Blaine Ave., Galesburg, Ill. Miss Grace Gibbons, 115 South First St., Streator, Miss Ellen Knudson, 405 Rich- . mond St., Joilet, Ill. Miss Lena Wadleigh, 15646 Myrtle St., Harvey, Ill. Miss Harriette Schadiway, care J. R. Branson, Kingston, Ill. Miss Dorotha Case, 511 East North St., Princeton, Ill. Miss Florence Ptiels, Rock Falls, Ill. Mrs. Edith Graf, 148 Walnut St., Aurora, Ill. Mrs. Chas. Wineland, care Sanita- rium, Hinsdale, Ill. Mrs. Lucile Birdwell, care Sanita- rium, Moline, Ill. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Chicago: Dearborn (colored), 4802 Dear- born St. Forty-sixth St., 58 East Forty- sixth St. German, 2318 Roscoe Blvd. Danish, 2914'West North Ave. Swedish,' 213 West Oak St. Italian, Gilpin Place. West Central, 3214 West Monroe St. � . North Shore, Terminal Hall, 1124 Wilson Ave. Englewood, 6818 Wentworth Ave. Bohemian, 1845 West Forty-sev- enth St. NORTH MICHIGAN CON- FERENCE. Formerly a part of the Michigan Conference organized in 1861; divided and reorganized in 1902. Territory: All of the Lower Pe- ninsula north of the counties of Bay, Saginaw, Gratiot, Mont- calm, and Muskegon, excepting the eight southern townships of Newaygo County; and all the Upper Peninsula east of the counties of Marquette and Me- nominee, and including the Har- ris church in Menominee County. Office: 510 Petoskey St., Petoskey, Mich. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., E. A. Bristol. Sec. and Treas., C. N. Keiser. LAKE UNION CONFERENCE. � - 53 • Executive Committee: • E. A. Bristol, F. J. Harris, E. A. Piper, M. Stephens, F. E. Fenner. Legal Assn.: " North Michigan Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Pres., E. A. Bristol; Sec. and Treas., C. N. Keiser. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., C. N. Keiser. Field Miss. Sec., Hugh Stearns. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Miss Carolyn Rasmusson. Educational Dept.: Supt., Miss Carolyn Rasmusson. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., E. A. Bristol. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Miss Carolyn Rasmusson. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., E. C. Townsend. MINISTERS: E. A. Bristol, 220 Michigan St., Petoskey, Mich. F. J. Harris, R. F. D. 1, Cadillac, Mich. R. J. Bellows, Cooks, Mich. E. A. Piper, 523 South Lake St., Boyne City, Mich. F. E. Fenner, 420 North Ball St., Cheboygan, Mich. H. M. Kelley, 510 Petoskey St., Petoskey, Mich. J. C. Harris, 436 Howard St., Cad- illac, Mich. • LICENTIATES. E. C. Townsend, 510 Petoskey St., Petoskey, Mich. Howard Wilcox, Boyne City, Mich. S. C. Hannon, Wilson, Mich. A. M. May, Pellston, Mich. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Hugh StearnS, 435 West Tenth St., Traverse City, Mich. Carolyn Rasmussen,' 510 Petoskey St., Petoskey, Mich. C. N. Keiser, 808 Howard St., Pe- toskey, Mich. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Emilie Crouch, Wilson, Mich. Birdie Jaques, Cooks, Mich. Beatrice Connor, 823 Wadsworth. St., Traverse City, Mich. Verda Cowles, Dublin, Mich. Mertie Thompson, Buckley, Mich. Goldie Gaul, Mesick, Mich. Alice Wehner, Edenville, Mich. Jennie Judson, Stittsville, Mich. Mrs. F. J. Harris, R. F. D. 1, Cadil- lac, Mich. Myrtle Grahl, Onaway, Mich. Mrs. A. P. Friday, 1004 Division St., Boyne City, Mich. Florence Orth, Gaylord, Mich. Shirley Waters, Bitely, Mich. Effie McDonald, Omer, Mich. NORTH WISCONSIN CON- FERENCE. Organized 1916. Territory: The northern portion of Wisconsin, including the follow- ing counties: Pepin, Eau Claire, Pierce, Dunn, Rusk, Taylor, Lincoln, Langdale, the north- ern nine townships of Ocon- to County, Marinette, Florence, Forest, Oneida, Vilas, Price, Iron, Ashland, Sawyer, Hayfield, Douglas, Washburn, Burnett, Polk, St. Croix, Barron, Chippe- wa; also the following-named counties of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan: Menominee, Dick: inson, Marquette, Iron, • Baraga, Houghton, Keweenaw, Ontona- gon, and Gogebic. Office: Room 5, Ashland National Bank Bldg., Ashland, Wis. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., J. J. Irwin. Sec. and Treas., H. W. Johnson. Executive Committee: J. J. Ir- win, C. Edwardson, E. A. von Pohle, H. W. Johnson, Alfred. Nel- son. Tract Society: Sec., H. W. Johnson. Field Miss. Sec., Loren C. Shep- ard. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., T. S. Copeland. 54 � LAKE UNION CONFERENCE. Educational Dept.: Supt., T. S. Copeland. Young People's Dept.: Sec., T. S. Copeland. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., J. J. Irwin. MINISTERS. J. J. Irwin, Room 5, Ashland Na- tinal Bank Bldg., Ashland, Wis. J. M. Hoyt, Spooner, Wis. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. J. B. Scott, R. F. D. 2, Chetek, Wis. F. Stebbeds, Clearwater Lake, Wis. H. W. Reed, Clearwater Lake, Wig. LICENTIATES. W. A. Schebo (formerly A. W. Erickson), Box 496, Prentice, Wis. G. W. Wikander, Houghton, Mich. V. R. Hillman, 221 Vaughn St., Ironwood, Mich. E. A. von Pohle, Hines, Wis. Loren C. Shepard, Room 5, Ash- land National Bank Bldg:, Ash- land, Wis. E. Hamar.a, Box 291, Houghton, Mich. • MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Miss Sue Jones, Merrill, Wis. H. W. Johnson, Room 5, Ashland - National Bank Bldg., Ashland, Wis.• Miss Aurora Wearner, 221 Vaughn • St., Ironwood, Mich. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Miss Gertrude Holmes, Hines, Wis. Miss Esther Kirschner, Luck, Wis. Miss Lillian Kirschner, Chetek, Wis. Mrs. Hazel Fink, Clear Lake, Wis. Miss Laura Ellis, Shell Lake, Wis. Miss Helen Aunet, Ashland, Wis. Miss Arvilla Ebert, Clearwater Lake, Wis. Mrs. N. H. Hollingsworth, Gleason, Wis. Miss Myrtle Ebert, Merrill, Wis. Home Teachers. Mrs. Maude Scott, Chetek, Wis. Mrs. Silas Bottsford, Goodrich, Wis. Mrs. W. 0. LaBonte, Three Lakes, Wis. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Ashland, cor. Third St. and Eighth Ave., West. Superior, cor. Eleventh St. and Cuming Ave. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS CON- FERENCE. Formerly a part of the Illinois Conference organized in 1871; divided and reorganized in 1902. Territory: The southern part of the State of Illinois, south of the counties of Iroquois, Ford, Livingston, Woodford, Peoria, Knox, Warren, and Henderson; and including the city of Peoria. Office: 304 West Allen St., Spring- field, Ill. OFFICERS. Conference: Free. v. � Peterson. Sec.and Treas., H. E. Moon. Executive Committee: E. F. Pe- terson, H. E. Moon, R. B. Craig, W. W. Brayshaw, C. W. Curtis, A. L. Van Fossen. Legal Assn.: " The Southern 111i- nois Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Pres., E. F. Peterson; Sec., R. B. Craig. Tract Society: � • Sec. and Treas., H. E. Moon. Field Miss. Sec., A. L. Van Fos- sen. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Miss Grace Evans. Educational Dept.: Supt., Miss Grace Evans. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Miss Grace Evans. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., E. F Peterson. LAKE UNION CONFERENCE. � 55 MINISTERS. E. F. Peterson, 304 West Allen St., Springfield, Ill. P. C. Hanson, 811 East Bell St., Bloomington, Ill. E. N. Sargeant, 310 Archer Ave., Peoria, Ill. C. W. Curtis, 303 North Sycamore St., Centralia, Ill. Louis Drews, R. F. D. 4, Box 256a, Belleville, Ill. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. C. H. Bliss, 1207 Oaklawn Ave., Peoria, Ill. LICENTIATES. F. C. Phipps, 304 West Allen St., Springfield, Ill. C. J. Smith, 949 Frazier Ave., Cen- tralia, Ill. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. H. E. Moon, 304 West Allen St., Springfield, Ill. A. L. Van Fossen, 304 West Allen St., Springfield, Ill. Grace Evans, 304 West Allen St., Springfield, Ill. Mary B. Craig, 1104 North Ed- wards St., Decatur, Ill. Rika Wohlers, 304 West Allen St., Springfield, Ill. MEDICAL MISSIONARY. R. B. Craig, Citizens' Bank Bldg., Decatur, Ill. CHURCH SCHOOLTEACHERS. Mrs. F. H. Johnson, 304 West Allen St., Springfield, Ill. Miss Amanda Trueblood, 422 South St., Danville, Ill. Miss Bessie Hopkins, care Will Taggart, Martinsville, Ill. Hartwig Halverson, care U. D. Holloway, Strasburg, Ill. Miss Viola Spradling, 529 South Lincoln Blvd., Centralia, Ill. Miss Lena Ambs, care E. R. Ford, Du Quoin,,I11. Miss Cora Anderson, care J. G. Manring, Xenia, Ill. Miss Mildred E. Avery, 820 South Twenty-second St., Herrin, Ill. Miss Alta Anderson, care R. J. Watson, Carterville, Ill. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Bloomington, Knights of Pythias Hall. Danville, cor. Main and First Sts. Decatur, cor. College and Packard Sts. Peoria, Machin St. Urbana, cor. Main and Harvey Sts. Springfie ld, 300 West Allen St. SOUTH WISCONSIN CON- FERENCE. Formerly a part of the Wisconsin Conference organized in 1871; di- vided and reorganized in 1916. Territory: All counties south of the northern boundaries of Buffalo, Eau Claire, Clark, Marathon, and Shawano Counties, and all of Oconto County south of a line drawn due east from the north east corner of Shawano County to Marinette County, and from there following the northern boundary of Oconto County to Green Bay. Office: Rooms 304 and 305 Ruh Bldg., Fond du Lac, Wis. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., C. S. Wiest. Sec. and Treas., W. J. Walter. Executive' Committee: C. S. Wiest, P. L. Larson, G. P. Gaede, E. F. Ferris, C. W. Johnson, H. H. Hicks, Charles McCrillis. Legal Assn.: " Wisconsin Con- ference Assn. of the S. D. A." Pres., C. S. Wiest; Sec. and Treas., W. J. Walter. Executive Committee: C. S. Wiest, W. J. Walter, P. L. Larson, E. F. Ferris, G. P. aede. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., W. J. Walter. Field Miss. Sec., E. E. Franklin. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Miss May Bell. Educational Dept.: Supt., Mrs. E. E. Franklin. 56 � LAKE UNION CONFERENCE. Medical Missionary Dept.: Sec., P. L. Larson, care Sanita- rium, Madison, Wis. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., H. H. Hicks, 2703 Washing- ton Ave., Racine, Wis. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Miss May Bell. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., Arthur Belding. MINISTERS. C. S. Wiest, 304 Ruh Bldg., Fond du Lac, Wis. H. H. Hicks, 1132 Fifth St., Mil- waukee, Wis. P. M. Hanson, 700 Woodward Ave., Chippewa Falls, Wis. E. F. Ferris, 719 West Walnut St., Green Bay, Wis. G. P. Gaede, 630 Twenty-second St., Milwaukee, Wis. A. F. French, 121 Pine St., Bara- boo, Wis. P. E. Berthelsen, Bethel, Wis. J. H. N. Tindall, 840 Humboldt Ave_, Milwaukee. Wis. �• Honorary Ministerial Credentials. D. H. Oberholtzer, Palm City, Cal. S. S. Smith, R. F. D., New Lisbon, Wis. LICENTIATES. E. E. Trowbridge, Marshfield, Vlis. Michele Cali, 338 Milwaukee St., Milwaukee, Wis. Emery Lorentz, 683 Walker St., Milwaukee, Wis. E. E. Franklin, 305 Ruh Bldg., Fond du Lac, Wis. MISSIONARY LICENCIATES. W. J. Walter, 305 Ruh Bldg., Fond du Lac, Wis. A. Belding, 305 Ruh Bldg., Fond du Lac, Wis. P. L. Larson, care Sanitarium, Madicon, Wis. H. T. Elliott, Bethel, Wis. Miss May Bell, 305 Ruh Bldg., Fond du Lac, Wis. Mrs. D. B. Christianson, 422 North Henry St.,: Madison, Wis. Mrs. Mary Howell, 304 Rub Bldg., Fond du Lae, Wis. Miss Frances E. Perham, 305 Rub Bldg., Fond du Lac, Wis. Miss Serina Larsen, 2703 Wash- ington Ave., Racine, Wis. Mrs. E. E. Franklin, 304 Rub Bldg., Fond du Lac, Wis. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Miss Grace Jorgensen; Route 3, Baraboo, Wis. Mrs. Bertha Peake, Bethel, Wis. Miss Mabel Parfitt, 508 Water St., Eau Claire, Wis. Miss Flora McChesney, 817 Cora St., Green Bay, Wis. Miss Frances DeVinney, La Farge, Wis. Miss Nita Sackett, care Sanita- rium, Madison, Wis. Miss Matie Hanson, Richfield Road, Marshfield, Wis. Miss- Lillian McDowell, Milton Junction, Wis. Miss Helen M. Johnson, 865 Fifth St., Milwaukee, Wis. Miss Kittie Hickok, R. F. D. 1, Mo- sinee, Wis. Miss Edith Hickok, care 0. Larsen, Route 5, Ft. Atkinson, Wis. Mrs. C. S.1Viest, 173 Everett St.. Fond du Lac, Wis. _ Miss Hilda Nielson, Poy Sippi, Wis. Miss Maybe] V. Jensen, R. F. D. 9, care P. Peterson, Franksville, Wis. Carl Wilson, Box 412, Sturgeon Bay, Wis. Miss Maude Bisbee, ' care G. B. Richardson, Yuba, Wis.. Miss Della Wood, Cassville WiS. Glen Chapman, R. F.. A. 2, West de Pere, Wis. Mrs. L. Anderson, Uataract, Wis. Miss Grace Bush, Route 2; Valley Junction, Wis. • CHURCH DIRECTORY. Appleton, cor. Richmond and Gil- more Sts. Eau Claire, Francis St., Shawtown. Fond du Lac, I. 0. 0..P. Hall, South Main St. Green Bay, 704 West Walnut St. Kenosha, cor. Howland and Salem Sts. LAKE UNION CONFERENCE. � 57 Milwaukee, 865 Fifth St. New London, cor. Smith and Pine Sts. Oshkosh, cor. Forest Ave. and Elm St. Racine, 1201 Tenth St. Sheboygan, cor. Calumet and Mer- tens Sts. WEST MICHIGAN CON- FERENCE. Formerly. a part of the Michigan Conference, organized in 1861; divided and reorganized in 1902. Territory: Southwestern Michigan south of the southern boun- daries of the counties of Oce- ana, Mecosta, and Isabella, and the eight southern townships of Newaygo; and west of the coun- ties of Gratiot, Clinton, Inghaiii, Jackson, and Hillsdale, and the following counties of Indiana: Steuben, La Grange, Elkhart, St. Joseph, La Porte, Porter, and Lake. Office: 8 Pearl St., Grand Rapids, Mich. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., Wm. Guthrie. Sec. and Treas., D. K. Royer. Executive Committee: Wm. Guthrie, F. S. Clarke, D. K. Royer, J.E. Root, 0. F. Gaylord. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., D. K. Royer. Field Miss. Sec., W. B. Maris. Sabbath School Dept.:' Sec., Miss Edna L. Walker. Educational Dept.: � • • Supt., Miss Lotta E. Bell. Medical Missionary Dept:: Sec., Dr. 0. R. Cooper, Berrien Springs, Mich. Religious Liberty Dept.: See., S. B. Horton, 1211 March St., Kalamazoo, Mich. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Miss Edna L. Walker. Home Missionary Dept.: . Sec., Lyle C. Shepard, 1965 Hor- ton Ave., Southeast, Grand Rap- ids, Mich. MINISTERS. Wm. Guthrie, 8 -Pearl St., Grand Rapids, Mich. U. S. Anderson, Berrien Springs, Mich. R. J. Nethery, 429 South Barry St., Greenville, Mich. W. H. Wakeham, Berrieli Springs, Mich. N. M. Jorgensen, 37 Beidler St., Muskegon, Mich. F. W. Johnston, 801 Sherman Ave., South Bend, Ind. R. U. Garrett, Cedar Lake, Mich. W. J. Blake, R. F. D. 7, Box 26a, Battle Creek, Mich.' Wm. Reefman, 146 West Fifteenth St., Holland, Mich. 0. F. Gaylord (formerly 0. F. Butcher), Tabernacle, Battle Creek, Mich. S. B. Horton, 1211 March St., Kalamazoo, Mich. A. E. Serns, Benton Harbor, Mich. R. B. Thurber, Berrien Springs, Mich. W. H. Sherrig, 101 Ridge Ave., S. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. M. S. Burnham, Otsego, Mich. • W. C. Hebner, 978 Pavone St., Ben- ton Harbor, Mich. H. Nicola, 123 Manchester St., Bat- tle Creek, Mich. J. J. Graf, Berrien Springs, Mich. J. W. Covert, R. F. D. 1, East Le- roy, Mich. LICENTIATES. F. A. Wright, Allegan, Mich. L. C. Shepard, 1965 Horton 'Ave.. Southeast, Grand Rapids, Mich. 0. L. Ice, Gobleville, Mich. W. P. Elliott, Greenville, Mich. B. F. Williams, Nashville, Mich. H. B. Lindquist, 200 North Wash- ington St., Battle Creek, Mich. 58 � LAKE UNION CONFERENCE. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. D. K. Royer, 8 Pearl St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Lotta E. Bell, 8 Pearl St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Frances L. Case, care Tabernacle, Battle Creek, Mich. Jennie DeYoung, 523 Prince St., Grand Rapids, Mich. � • Mrs. Emma Hebper, 978 Pavone St., Benton Harbor, Mich. Edna L. Walker, 8 Pearl St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Beatrice Smalley, 1211 March St., Kalamazoo, Mich. Frances P. Goodwyn, Albion, Mich. E. L. Smith, 294 West VanBuren St., Battle Creek, Mich. Mrs. Bertha E. Jorgensen, 37 Beid- ler St., Muskegon, Mich. Miss Nina Fleetwood, 8 Pearl St., Grand Rapids; Mich. Mrs. Edith Cross, 517 Adams St., S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Prof. W. J. Blake, Route 7, Battle Creek, Mich. Mrs. W. J. Blake, Route 7, Battle Creek, Mich. J. H. Tiney, Route. 7, Box 29b, Bat- tle Creek, Mich. Ida Thompson, 177 Ann Ave., Bat- tle Creeks Mich. • Hattie Belle Abbott, 177 Ann Ave., Battle Creek, Mich. Agnes Schoonard, 93 North Ken- dall St., Battle Creek, Mich. Rose Herr, 170 Oak Lawn St., Bat- tle Creek, Mich. Luella Wells, R. F. D. 1, Hudson- ville, Mich. Winona Sevey, 127 Park Drive, Al- legan, Mich. Katherine Hale, Emmanuel Mis- sionary College, Berrien Springs, Mich. Frances Frye, Emmanuel Mission- ary College, Berrien Springs, Mrs. Lela Brown, Emmanuel Mis- sionary College, Berrien Springs, Mich. Susie Klose, Academy, Cedar Lake, Mich. Mary DeVillez, Covert, Mich. Mrs. Lillian Eyestone, R. F. D. 2, Stanton, Mich. Miss Ida Eggleston, 129 South Barry St., Greenville, Mich. Mae Reid, care J. E. Root, Coopers- ville, Mich. Viola Boat, care 0. S. Thompson, Allen, Mich. Mrs. Nelson Peterson, Berrien Springs, Mich. Edna Decker, 112 West Orleans St., Otsego, Mich. Grace Martin, 901 Jefferson St., Muskegon, Mich. Pearl Drumb, R. F. D. 3, Belding, Mich. Lucy Boothby, care F. S. Clarke, Carson City, Mich. Florence Ashley, R. F. D. 5, Hast- ings, Mich. Forest Schoonard, 632 South Main St., Charlotte, Mich. Faye Strickland, Edmore, Mich. Maziebelle Terry, 634 Adams St., Southeast, Grand Rapids, Mich. Florence Bylsma, 1228 Stockbridge Ave., Kalamazoo, Mich. Una Garton, R. F. D., Dowagiac, Mich. Mrs. Nellie Brainard, R. F. D., Hastings, Mich. Hazel Royston, care Ms. G. O. Brown, Greenville, Mich. Hazel Klose, 410 Dean Bldg., South Bend, Ind. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Battle Creek, cor. Washington and Main Sts. Charlotte, Sheldon St. Grand Rapids, Cass Ave. Kalamazoo, cor. Sheldon and Jack- son Sts. South Bend, 212 South Lafayette St. Holland, North Water St. Muskegon, cor. Jefferson and De- lano Sts. • Otsego, cor. Franklin and Kalama- zoo Sts. INSTITUTIONS IN THE LAKE UNION CONFERENCE. Educational: �• Adelphian Academy, Holly, Mich. Beechwood Academy, Needham, Ind. LAKE UNION CONFERENCE. � 59 Bethel Academy, Bethel, Wis. Broadview Swedish Seminary, R. F. D. 1, Box 58, La Grange, Ill. Cedar Lake Academy, Cedar Lake, Mich. Emmanuel Missionary College, Berrien Springs, Mich. Fox River Academy, Sheridan, Ill. Walderly School, Hines, Wis. Publishing: South Bend Branch of the Re- view and Herald Pub. Assn., Melville Bldg., South Bend, Ind. Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brook- field, Ill. Emmanuel Missionary College Press, Berrien Springs, Mich. Sanitariums: Madison Sanitarium, Madison, Wis. Tri-City Sanitarium, 1213 Fif- teenth St., Moline, Ill. Wabash Vdlley Sanitarium, La Fayette, Ind. NORTHERN UNION •.CONFERENCE. Organized 1902. Territory: The Conferences of Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Office Address: 2718 Third Ave., South, Minneapolis; Minn. OFFICERS. Conference: • Pres., Chas. Thompson. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, W. H. Edwards. Executive Committee: Chas. Thompson, W. H. Edwards, A. R. Ogden, G. W. Wells, S. E. Jack- son, E. T. Russell, M. B. Van Kirk, M. L. Andreasen, E. M. Oberg, S. A. Ruskjer, Dr. H. W. Barbour. Transportation Agent, W. H. Edwards. Legal Assn.: " The Northern Union Conference Assn. of S. D. A., Incorporated." Pres., Chas. Thompson; Sec. and Treas., W. H. Edwards. Union -Book Depoiitory: Kansas City Branch of the Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1224 Eu- clid Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Union Field Miss. Sec., E. M. Oberg. Educational Dept.: Sec., M. B. Van Kirk. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., Chas. Thompson. Medical Missionary Dept.: Sec., Dr. H. W. Barbour, Neva- da, Iowa. Young People's Dept.: Sec., M. B. Van Kirk. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., S. A. Ruskjer. MINISTERS. Chas. Thompson, 2718 Third Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. M. B. Van Kirk, 2718 Third Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. M. L. Andreasen, Hutchinson, Minn. S. A. Ruskjer, Sauk Center, Minn. M. S. Reppe, Hutchinson, Minn. H. R: Johnson, Hutchinson, Minn. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. A. E. Christian, R. F. D. 1, Ben- son, Minn. E. Hilliard, 1431 Thomas St., St. Paul, Minn. 0. Madsen, Ruthven, Iowa. N. J. Ronlund, 933 North Main Ave., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. H. Steen; 718 Maryland St., St. Paul, Minn. 60 � NORTHERN UNION CONFERENCE. LICENTIATE. W. H. Edwards, 2718 Third Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. E. M. Oberg, 2718 Third Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. H. W; Barbour, Nevada, Iowa. Bessie Thompson, 2718 Third Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn IOWA CONFERENCE. Organized 1863. Territory: The State of Iowa. Office.: Nevada, Iowa. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., A. R. Ogden. Sec., Mrs. Flora V. Dorcas. Treas., A. R. Smouse. Executive Committee: A. R. Ogden, W. K. Smith, Wm. Ostran- der, S. A. Oberg, A. P. Hanson, C. J. Robinson, J. E. Shively. Legal Assn.: " The Iowa Sev- enth-day Adventist Association." Pres.; A. R. Ogden; Sec. and Treas., A. H. Smouse. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., R. F. Woods. Field Miss. Sec., L. L. Grand Pre. District Miss. Directors: Steen Jensen, F. J. Wilbur, J. W. Beams Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. Flora V. Dorcas. Educational Dept.: Supt., S. A. Oberg. Asst. Supt., Miss Juliette Klinger. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., Wm. Ostrander, 1820 West Ninth St., Des Moines, Iowa. Young People's Dept.: See., S. A. Oberg. Asst. Sec., Miss Juliette Klinger. Home Missionary Dept.: - Sec., Mrs. Minnie Sype. MINISTERS. A. R. Ogden, Nevada, Iowa. J. C. Clemens, Apt. 6, Columbus Flats, Davenport, Iowa. J. W. Dorcas, Nevada, Iowa. Wm. Ostrander, 1820 West Ninth St., Des Moines, Iowa. F. M. Corba ley, 2781 Jackson St., Dubuque, Iowa. J. W. Beams, Nevada, Iowa. - V. B. Watts, Nevada, Iowa. W. A. McKibbin, 1915 Sherman St., Sioux City, Iowa. W. K. Smith, 506 South Gunnison St.. Burlington, Iowa. S. A. Oberg, Nevada, Iowa. L. A. HoopeS, Nevada, Iowa. D. F. Weatherly, Box 238, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. G. W. White, 114 Iowa Ave., Coun- cil Bluffs, Iowa. R. J. Sype, Nevada, Iowa. C. J. Metzger, Nevada, Iowa. G.- E. Leffler, 1517 Buchanan St., Des Moines, Iowa. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. E. G. Olsen, Forest City, Iowa. C. W. Heald, care Sanitarium, Bat- tle Creek, Mich. H. Rorholm, Route 3, Altoona, Iowa. LICENTIATES. Mrs. Minnie Sype, Harlan, Iowa. W. C. Foreman, Nevada, Iowa. A. R. Srnouse, Nevada, Iowa. C. E. Adams, 484 North Second St Ft Dodge, Iowa. F. W. Meyer, 607 Clinton St., Charles City, Iowa. I. V. Counsel], Riceville, Iowa. R. F. Carr, Nevada, Iowa. H. A. Johnston, Riceville, Iowa. S. B. Slater, Nevada, Iowa. D. K. Olsen, Forest City, Iowa. H. E. Edwards, Nevada, Iowa. W. C. Hannah, Nevada, Iowa. Earl Reynolds, Nevada, Iowa. Roy Kent, Nevada, Iowa. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Steen Jensen, Blanchard, Iowa. R. F. Woods, Nevada, Iowa. Mrs. Flora V. Dorcas, Nevada, Iowa. NORTHERN UNION CONFERENCE. � 61 Laura E. Buck, Box 238, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. • Mrs. Meta Meyer, Charles City, Iowa. Mrs. Esther Jones, 1348 West Thir- teenth St., Des Moines, Iowa. Mrs. Myrtle Asay, Nevada, Iowa. Mrs. C. A. Prescott, 1209 Fifth Ave., Council Bluffs, Iowa. Hannah Larson, Nevada, Iowa. L. L. Grand Pre, Nevada, Iowa. Alice Kinney, 614 Washington St., Waterloo, Iowa. Henry M. Jones, 1348 West Thir- teenth St., Des Moines, Iowa. Eva Davis, Bridgewater, Iowa. Mrs. Lela Whorton, 219 Summer St., Burlington, Iowa. A. Helen Wilcox, 1330 Fourteenth St., Des Moines, Iowa. Florence Dietel, Hawkeye, Iowa. F. J. Wilbur, Nevada, Iowa. Mrs. Linnie Ferguson, Boone, Iowa. Miss Ida Robinson, Burlington, Iowa. Miss Beulah Affolter, Cedar Rap- ids, Iowa. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Des Moines, Eighth and Washing- ton Sts. Council Bluffs, Story and Bluff Sts. Davenport, 2036 Iowa St. Dubuque, Elm St., between Twen- ty-first and Twenty-segond. Keokuk, Seventeenth and Exchange Sts. MINNESOTA CONFERENCE. Organized 1862. Territory: The State of Minne- sota. Office: 679 Holly Ave., St. Paul. Minn. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., G. W. Wells: Sec., Miss Mary D. Hopkins. Treas., S. D. Hartwell. Executive Committee: G. W. Wells, S. D. Hartwell, P. G. Stan- ley, H. M. Hiatt, J. IL Hoffman, R. L. Renton, Legal Assn.: " The Minnesota Conference Association of Sev- enth-day Adventists." Pres., G. W. Wells; Sec. and Treas., S. D. Hartwell. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., G. L. Gulbrand- son, 679 Holly Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Field Miss. Sec., G. A. Campbell, Anoka, Minn. Home Missionary Dept.: � ' Sec., Anol Grundset, Crookston. Minn. Educational Dept.: Supt., H. M. Hiatt, Anoka, Minn. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Miss Mary D. Hopkins, 679 Holly Ave., St. Paul, Minn Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., R. L. Benton, Wells, Minn. Young People's Dept,: Sec., E. L. Sheldon, Alexandria, Minn. MINISTERS. • G. W. Wells, 679 Holly Ave., St. Paul, Minn. • S. D. Hartwell, 679 Holly Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Carl Svenson, 679 Holly Ave., St. Paul, Minn. A. W. Kuehl, 312 Van Brunt St., Mankato, Minn. Stemple White, 920 East Sixth St., Duluth, Minn. J. H. Hoffman, 981 Bradley St., St. Paul, Minn. G. L. Budd, Alexandria, Minn. P. G. Stanley, 325 East Twenty- seventh St., Minneapolis, Minn. Anol Grundset, Crookston, Minn. H. M. Hiatt, Anoka, Minn. R. L. Benton, Box 446, Wells. Minn. E. L. Sheldon, Alexandria, Minn. C. Edwardsen, 679 Holly Ave., St. Paul, Minn. LICENTIATES. C. V. Anderson, 709 North Fifty- fourth Ave., West, Duluth, Minn. 0. J. Dahl, Middle River, Minn. 62 � NORTHERN UNION CONFERENCE. B. P. Le Due, 679 Holly Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Edwin Bye, Montevideo, Minn. Ray Hendricks, Pipestone, Minn. Herbert Christenson, Virginia, Mimi. Alfons Lockert, Gatzke, Minn. R. A. Hare, Maple Plain, Minn. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. G. A. Campbell, Anoka, Minn. G. L. Gulbrandson, 679 Holly Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Gust. Freeman, 2430 Fourth Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Miss May Jenson, 906 East Eighth St., Duluth, Minn. Miss Mary D. Hopkins, 679 Holly Ave.' St. Paul, Minn. Miss Erma Jondahl, 325 East Twenty-seventh St., Minneapolis, Minn. Miss Helen E. Bergersen, 2024 Twenty-eighth Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. George L. Sather, 679 Holly Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Miss Jennie La Rue, Jackson, Minn. Miss Bernice Fischer, 981 Bradley St., St. Paul, Minn. Miss Vesta Jenson, Virginia, Minn. Mrs. Katie M. Pogue, 2815 Port- land Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Miss Grace Brown, Alexandria, Minn. Miss Clara Anderson, R. F. D. 5, Box 2, Anoka, Minn. Miss Huldah Johnson, Austin, Minn. Miss Ethel Gott, Barnesville, Minn. Miss Grace Anderson, Bm idji, Minn. Miss Mabel Broderson, Brainerd, Minn. Miss Elva Babcock, Detroit, Minn. Miss Myrtle Cady, Dodge Center, Minn. Miss Vesta Andreasen, 528 East Sixth St., Duluth, Minn. Miss Mabel Campbell, Eagle Bend, Minn. Miss Julia Nelson, Hutchinson, Miss Pearl Beaty, La Moine, Minn. Miss Jennie Burgeson, Lockhart, Minn. Mrs. Elva Haak, 609 West Sixth St., Mankato, Minn. Miss Vita Tyndall, 2653 Stevens Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Miss Ethel Griese, 2653 Stevens Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Miss Clara Holm, Montrose, Minn. Miss Betsy Jensen, New York Mills, Minn. Miss Erma Crook, 416 East Pearl St., Owatonna, Minn. Miss Elizabeth Gott, Pine Island, Minn. Miss Ruth Riechel, Red Lake Falls, Minn. Miss Alta Hilliard, 1431 Thomas St., St. Paul, Minn. Miss Luella Crane,'Wells, Minn. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Duluth: English, 331 West Twenty-third Ave., West Duluth. Mankato, 213 State St. Minneapolis: English, cor. Stevens Ave. and Twenty-seventh St. Scandinavian, cor. Franklin Ave. and Twenty-fourth St. St. Paul: English, 679 Holly Ave. Scandinavian, cor. r-lreenbric.r and Jenks Sts. St. Cloud, 23 Second Ave., N. E. NORTH DAKOTA CONFER- ENCE. Organized 1902. Territory: The State of North Da- kota. Office Address: Drawer N, James- town, N. Dak. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., S. E. Jackson. Sec., J. J. Jutzy. Treas., Andrew Roedel. Executive Committee: S. E. Jackson, Carl Leer, J. H. Roth, C. C. Jensen, E. L. Stewart, S. G. Burley, Andrew Roedel. Legal Assn.: " The North Da- kota Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists." NORTHERN UNION CONFERENCE. � 65 Miss Amanda Jensen, care T. J. Dolan, Camp Crook, S. Dak. Mrs. A. J. Beardsley, R. F. D. 3, Box 38, Parker, S. Dak. Everett COurser, Madison, S. Dak. Fred Trautmann, care Wm. Reiner, Bowdie, S. Dak. CHURCH DIRECTORY: Aberdeen, Sixth Ave. and Lloyd St. Huron, 1146 Sixth St. Sioux Falls, South Duluth Ave.,. between Thirteenth and Four- teenth Sts. INSTITUTIONS IN THE NORTHERN UNION CONFERENCE. Educational: Danish-Norwegian � Seminary,. Hutchinson, iVIinn. Maplewood Academy, Maple Plain; Minn. Oak Park Academy, Nevada, Iowa. Plainview Academy, Redfield, S. Dak. Sheyenne River Academy, Har- vey, N. Dak. Sanitarium: Iowa Sanitarium, Nevada, Iowa. NORTH PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE. Organized igo6. Territory: The Conferences of Montana, Southern Idaho, Southern Oregon, Upper Colum- bia, Western Oregon, Western Washington, and the Territory of Alaska. Office: College Place, Wash. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., C. W. Flaiz. Sec. and Treas., S. J. Lashier. Executive Committee: C. W. Flaiz, H. W. Decker, G. F. Wat- son, H. G. Thurston, J. W. Nor- wood, H. W. Cottrell, J. Riffel, J. F. Beatty, J. J. Nethery, S. J. Lashier, F. W. Peterson, J. A. Rip- pey, J. F. Piper, L. Johnson. Legal Assn.: " North Pacific Union Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Pres., C. W. Flaiz; See. and Treas., S. J. Lashier. Auditor, S. J. Lashier. - Transportation Agents, S. J. Lashier and G. C. Hoskin. Union Book Depository: Portland Branch of Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 719 East Flanders St., Portland, Oreg. Manager, G. C. Hoskin. Union Field Miss. Sec., H. E. Loop. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., W. C. Flaiz. Educational Dept.: Sec., W. C. Flaiz. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., H. W. Cottrell, 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. Young People's Dept.: Sec., W. C. Flaiz. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., H. E. Loop. MINISTERS. • • C. W. Flaiz, College Place, Wash. 0. A. Johnson, College Place, Wash. F. S. Bunch, College Place, Wash. W. T. Hilgert, East Sixtieth and Belmont Sts., Portland, Oreg. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. H. W. Decker, College Place, Wash. A. J. Breed, College Place, Wash. J. C. Foster, Darby, Mont. U. G. Adkins, Butte Creek, Mont. A. C. Bird, Caldwell, Idaho. B. C. Tabor, 459 Morton St., Ash- land. Oreg. L. A. Gibson, Prineville, Oreg. C. A. Burman, College Place, Oreg. Wash. 66 � NORTH PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE. F. D. Starr, Forest, Idaho. L. H. Ells, College Place, Wash. W. W. Steward, Milton, Oreg. Oscar Hill, College Place, Wash. T. H. Starbuck, 506 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg.. R. D. Benham, Cornelius, Oreg. C. Johnson, McMinnville, Oreg. Daniel Nettleton, Port Townsend, Wash. H. Hansen 15091/2 H St., Belling- ham, Wash. N. W. Lawrence, Lothair, Mont. A. J. Stover, R. F. D. 1, Box 2, Ridgefield, Wash. J. E. Graham, 2846 West Sixty- first St., Seattle, Wash. P. A. Hanson, Touchet, Wash. E. J. Hibbard, Scappoose, Oreg. C. F. Parmele, Astoria, Oreg. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. S. J. Lashier, College Place, Wash. Miss Pearl Cook, College Place, Wash. H. E. Loop, 719 East Flanders St., Portland, Oreg. F. W. Peterson, College Place, Wash. W. C. Flaiz, College Place, Wash. Honorary Missionary Credentials. Mrs. B. C. Tabor, 459 Morton St., Ashland, Oreg. Mrs. M. A. Neal, Cottage Grove, Oreg. Mrs. Iva Cady, Tillamook, Oreg. Mrs. Alice H. Robinson, 2320 Broadway, Bellingham, Wash. A. D. Guthrie, Banks, Oreg. Stella B. Lowry, 2320 Broadway 0." Bellingham, Wash. Miss Lucy B. Post, R. F. D. 2, Box 60, Parma, Idaho, F. E. Rew, Gaston, Oreg. Clara B. Silver, 1414 West Ray St., Seattle, Wash. MONTANA CONFERENCE. Organized 1898. Territory: The State of Montana. Office: 411 Black Ave., South, Bozeman, Mont. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., G. F. Watson. Sec. and Treas., T. G. Johnson. Executive Committee: G. F. Watson' T. G. Johnson, V. T. Arm- strong, W. D. Rittenou se, S. W. Palmer. Legal Assn.: " The Montana Conference Association of Sev- enth-day Adventists." Chairman, 0. F. Watson; Sec and Treas., T. G. Johnson. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., T. G. Johnson. Field Miss. Sec., S. W. Palmer. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. G. F. Watson. Young eople's Dept.: Sec., Mrs. G. F. Watson. MINISTERS. G. F. Watson, 411 Black Ave., South, Bozeman, Mont. Paul Iverson, Plentywood, Mont. J. T. Jacobs, 411 Black Ave., South, Bozeman, Mont. C. F. Cole, 19 Jefferson Ave., Bil- lings, Mont. J. K. Fischer, Billings, Mont. LICENTIATES. 0. B. Watson, Bozeman, Mont. L. E. Campbell, 221 -North Eighth St., Miles City, Mont. � . MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. T. G. Johnson, 411 Black Ave., South, Bozeman, Mont. Marie C. Voth, .10 Jefferson Ave., Billings, Mont. V. T. Armstrong, Route 4, Boze- man, Mont. S. W. Palmer, 411 Black Ave., South, Bozeman, Mont. Mabel P. Oliver, 411 Black Ave., South, Bozeman, Mont. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Louisa Noah, Bozeman, Mont. Marie C. Voth, 10 Jefferson Ave. Billings, Mont. Mrs. Effie Booth, Missoula, Mont NORTH PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE. �67 SOUTHERN IDAHO CON- FERENCE. Organized 1907. Territory: That portion of Idaho south of the forty-fifth paral- lel, including all of Lemhi county, together with six coun- ties in Oregon, as follows: Wal- lowa, Union, Baker, Malheur, Harney, Grant. Office: Cor. Sixth and Main Sts., Boise, Idaho. Office Address: Box 719, Boise, Idaho. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., J. W. Norwood. Sec. and Treas., H. A. Green. Executive Committee: J. W. Norwood, F. D. Wagner, C. H. Rit- tenhouse, R. W. Airey, H. A. Green, Wm. Butler. Legal Assn.: ." Southern Idaho Conference Assn." Pres., J. W. Norwood; Sec. and Treas., H. A. Green. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., H. A. Green. Field Miss. Sec., Wm. T. Tall. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. J. W. Norwood. Educational Dept.: Supt., R. W. Airey. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., F. D. Wagner. Young People's Dept.: Sec., R. W. Airey. MINISTERS. J. W. Norwood, Box 719, Boise, Idaho. F. D. Wagner, 760 South Main St., Twin Falls, Idaho. C. S. Prout, 1114 Fort St., Boise, Idaho. C. H. Rittenhouse, Baker, Oreg. R. W. Airey, Caldwell, Idaho. LICENTIATE. A. J. Meiklejohn, 505 South John-, son St., Pocatello, Idaho. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. H. A. Green, Box 719, Boise, Idaho. Miss Edith Anderson, Box 719, Boise, Idaho. Mrs. C. H. Rittenhouse, Baker, Oreg. Wm. T. Tall, Box 719, Boise, Idaho. Mrs. F. D. Wagner, 760 South Main St., Twin Falls, Idaho. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Howard Wilson, Parma, Idaho. F. A. Hartley, Caldwell, Idaho. Miss Fadelma Ragon, 1116 Fort St., Boise, Idaho. Mrs. H. McAlexander, 1116 Fort St., Boise, Idaho. L. S.Tambaugh, Cambridge, Idaho. Miss Enid Sparks, Cambridge, Ida- ho. Miss Ellen Firman, Eagle, Idaho. Miss Vivian Allen, Hazelton, Idaho. Miss Lois Van Hook, Lennox, Idaho. Miss Margarete Tomeuce, Ontario, Oreg. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Boise, eon Sixth and Main Sts. SOUTHERN OREGON CON- FERENCE. Organiied 1910. Territory: All the southern part of Western Oregon south of the northern boundary of Lane County, including the counties of Lane, Douglas, Coos, Curry, Josephine, Jackson, Klamath, and Lake. Office Address: 116 West Oak St., Roseburg, Oreg. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., J. A. Rippey. Sec. and Treas., E. C. Stiles. Executive Committee: J. A. Rippey, A. V. Rhoads, C. A. Pur-, 68 � NORTH PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE. dom, J. C. Dutcher, W. E. Cook. Legal Assn.: " Southern Oregon Conference Association of S. D. A." Pres., J. A. Rippey; Sec. and Treas., E. C. Stiles. Missionary Society: Pres., J. A. Rippey. Sec. and Treas., E. C. Stiles. Field Miss. Sec., 0. H. Shrews- bury. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., E. C. Stiles. Educational Dept.: Supt., S. C. Rockwell. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., J. A. Rippey. Young People's Dept.: See., S. C. Rockwell. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., S. C. Rockwell. MINISTERS. .1. A. Rippey, 116 West Oak St., Roseburg, Oreg. A. V. Rhoads, Medford, Oreg. C. A. Purdom, Klamath Falls, Oreg. LICENTIATES. C. F. Flaiz, Marshfield, Oreg. E. E. Rippey, 116 West Oak St., Roseburg, Oreg. S. C. Rockwell, 116 West Oak St., Roseburg, Oreg. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. 0. H. Shrewsbury, 116 West Oak St., Roseburg, Oreg. E. C. Stiles. 116 West Oak St.. Roseburg, -Oreg. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. B. E. Schaffner, Roseburg, Oreg. Warren E. West, Grants Pass, Oreg. Adele Oberg, Medford, Oreg. Blanche Sanders, Roseburg, Oreg. Edythe C. Gruber, Cottage Grove, Oreg. Vesta Kruse, Eugene, Oreg. Mrs. J. B. Haynal, Gravel Ford, Oreg. UPPER COLUMBIA CONFER- ENCE. Organized 1880. Territory: That portion of the State of Washington lying east of the Cascade Mountains; the counties of Umatilla, Morrow, Gilliam, and Wheeler, in the State of Oregon; and that por- tion of the State of Idaho lying north of the forty-fifth parallel, excepting Lemhi County. Office: College Place, Wash. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., J. J. Nethery. Sec. and Treas., L. E. Biggs. Executive Committee: J. J. Nethery, A. M. Dart, S. A. Miller, F. W. Peterson, A. Anderson, B. M. Grandy, Conrad Schierman. Legal Assn.: "Upper Columbia Mission Society of Seventh-day Adventists." Pres., J. J. Nethery; Sec., F. W. Peterson; Treas., L. E. Biggs. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., L. E. Biggs. Field Miss. Sec., F. H. Doleman. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Miss Anna J. Olson. Educational Dept.: Supt., Miss Anna J. Olson. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec.. A. M. Dart. Young People's Dept.: See., Miss Anna J. Olson. MINISTERS. J. J. Nethery, College Place, Wash. A. Anderson, East 1014 Eighth Ave., Spokane, Wash. A. M. Dart, 1502 Lincoln Ave., North Yakima, Wash. W. H. Thurston, College Place, Wash. C. J. Cole, 418 Adams St., Lewis- ton, Idaho. R. A. Libby, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. H. J. Dirksen, College Place, Wash. B. M. Grandy, College Place, Wash. NORTH PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE. �69 R. H. Martin, 26 York Ave., Spo- kane, Wash. C. A. Burman, College Place, Wash. LICENTIATES. S. W. Munro, Chelan, Wash. E. H. Swanson, Sand Point, Idaho. Titus Kurtichanov, College Place, Wash. J. A. Chaney, Trout Lake, Wash. W. B. Ochs, College Place, Wash. W. M. Landeen, College Place, Wash. T. R. Flaiz, College Place, Wash. D. Ochs, College Place, Wash. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. John Reith, M. D., College Place, Wash. Miss Anna J. Olson, College Place, Wash. Mrs. Emma Wilkinson, East 2705 Pacific, Spokane, Wash. Mrs. J. W. Harmer, North 3107 Normandie, Spokane, Wash. Miss Elsa Hagberg, College Place, Wash. L. E. Biggs, College Place, Wash.. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. C. 0. Smith, College Place, Wash. Mrs. B. B. Davis, College Place, Wash. Miss Anna A. Pierce, College Place, Wash. Mrs. G. W. Rhine, College Place, Wash. Miss Mary Metcalf, Viola, Idaho. Mrs. Lew C. Greenwood, Touchet, Wash. N. C. Bungor, Viola, Idaho. Mrs. N. C. I3unv,or, Viola, Idaho. R. F. Beall, 502 South Seventh St., North Yakima, Wash. Miss Irma Goulard, Culdesac, Ida- ho. Bertis Ritz, R. F. D. 2, Sunnyside, Wash. L. I. Stiles, College Place, Wash. F. J. Ogden, Farmington, Wash. Miss Rhoda Straong, Ferdinand, Idaho. Miss Neva Ells, Nez Perce, Idaho. Miss Iris B. Yaw, Milton. Oreg. Miss Mabel Hallberg, 412 Garden St.. Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. T. C. Duncan, Wenatchee, Wash. Mrs. Beulah Boyd, Loomis, Wash. L. L. Rockwell, R. F. D. 6 North Yakima, Wash. Miss Anna Haffner, Penawawa, Wash. Lucy Andrus, R. F. D. 6, North Yakima, Wash. S. C. Hanson, R. F. D. 8, Spokane, Wash. Mrs. S. C. Hanson, R. F. D. 8, Spo- kane, Wash. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Spokane, Wash., cor. Nora Ave. and Normandie St. Walla Walla Wash., cor. Fourth and Birch Sts. WESTERN OREGON CON- FERENCE. Organized 1877; reorganized 1902. Territory: That portion of the State of Oregon lying west of the western boundary lines of Gilliam and Wheeler Counties, and north of the northern boun- dary lines of Lake, Klamath, and Lane Counties. Office: 508 East Everett St., Port- land, Oreg. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., H. W. Cottrell. Vice-Pres., H. G. Thurston. Treas., C. E. Olcott. Asst. Treas., Clyde Lowry. Sec., H. G. Thurston. Executive Committee: H. W. Cottrell, H. G. Thurston, J. H. Hanson, W. C. Emmerson, B. J. Cady, P. C. Hayward, Wm. Reith. Legal Assn.: " Western Oregon Conference Association of Seventh- day Adventists." Pres., H. W. Cottrell; Sec. and Treas., C. E. 01- cott. Board of Trustees: H. W. Cottrell. T. H. Starbuck, J. H. Hartog, J. A. Reiber, John Peter- son. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., C. E. Olcott. 70 � NORTH PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE. Asst. Sec. and Treas., Clyde Lowry. Field Miss. Sec., E. A. Hamil- ton. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Miss Edith Starbuck. Educational Dept.: Supt., G. E. Johnson. Medical Missionary Dept.: Sec., W. B. Holden, M. D., 1002 Stevens Bldg., Portland, Oreg. Religious Liberty Dept.: Secretaries: H. G. Thurston, Salem, Oreg. P. C. Hayward, 5805 Forty- sixth St., Southeast, Portland, Oreg. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Miss Edith Starbuck. Home Missionary Dept.: See., C. E. Oleott. • MINISTERS. H. IV! Cottrell, 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. H. G. Thurston, Salem, Oreg. J. L. Kay, Gaston, Oreg. P. C. Hayward, 5805 Forty-sixth St., Southeast, Portland, Oreg. B. J. Cady, 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. A. A. Meyer, 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. 0. E. Sandnes, 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. G. E. Johnson, 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. L. K. Dickson' 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. W. T. Hilgert, Portland Sanita- rium, East Sixtieth and Belmont Sts., Portland, Oreg. Albert Carey, 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. T. H. Starbuck, 506 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. LICENTIATES. J. A. Reiber, 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. E. H. Emmerson, R. F. D. 2, Gas- ton. Oreg. D. E. Stewart, 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. R. R. Figuhr, 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. L. E. Folkenberg, 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. I. C. Colcord, 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. I. C. Emmerson, 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. V. P. Hulse, Forest Grove, Oreg. 0. M. Huetter, 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. G. C. Hoskin, 719 East Flanders St., Portland, Oreg. C. E. Olcott, 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. John Peterson, 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. Miss Edith Starbuck, 508 East Ev- erett St., Portland, Oreg. Clyde Lowry, 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. Mrs. H. W. Cottrell, 70 East Tenth St., North, Portland, Oreg. Mrs. Grace Campbell Folkenberg, 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. Miss Eliza Cole, 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. Mrs. Cora Hayward, 5805 Forty- sixth St., Southeast, Portland, Oreg. E. A. Hamilton, 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. Miss Pearl Stafford, 508 East Ev- erett St., Portland, Oreg. Mrs. Iva F. Cady, Tillamook, Oreg. Miss Katherine Rask, 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. Harold Reith, R. F. D. 2, Gaston, Oreg. George J. Appel, 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Prof. I. C. Colcord, 1480 East Gli- san St., Portland, Oreg. Mrs. I. C. Colcord, 1480 East Gli- san St., Portland, Oreg. H. W. Emmerson, Forest Grove, Oreg. Miss Marie Lucas, Forest Grove, Oreg. Miss Alma Champhe, Silverton, Oreg. NORTH PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE. � 71 Miss Henrietta Anderson, Silver- ton, Oreg. Miss Bertha Mosser, McMinnville, Oreg. Miss Inez Mortenson, 1619 Harri- son St., Oregon City, Oreg. Miss Clara Miller, Monitor, Oreg. Miss Edna Hanson, R. F. D. 2, Hillsboro, Oreg. Miss Harriett Versteeg, Box 186, Falls City, Oreg. E. H. Emmerson, R. F. D. 2, Gas- ton' Oreg. Miss Jeanette Newcomb, R. F. D. 2, Gaston, Oreg. Miss 'Myrtle Rippey, R. F. D. 2, Gaston, Oreg. Miss Hazel Gibson, Lents, Oreg. R. R. Figuhr, R. F. D. I, Amity, Oreg. Miss Carrie Graham, R. F. D. 1, Amity, Oreg. Miss Gladys Rosser, R. F. D. 1, Amity, Oreg. Miss Helen Homm, 1315 North Fifth St., Salem, Oreg. Miss Colema LaFountaine, 206 Philadelphia St., St. Johns, Oreg. Mrs. Ethel Davis, Newberg, Oreg. Miss Coy Steck, Borings Oreg. Mrs. Max Grimm, Scio, Oreg. Mrs. Myrtle Lockwood, Tillamook, Oreg. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Brownsville, South Brownsville. Dallas, Washington St., near Jef- ferson. Falls City, One block north and east of R. R. Station. Forest Grove, Third St., between Second and Third Ayes. Hood River, Fifteenth and C Sts. Lebanon, Fifth and Oak Sts. McMinnville, Lincoln and B Sts. Newberg, Second and Grant Sts. Oregon City, Head of Seventh St., opposite Eastern School. Portland: Albino, German, Skidmore St. and Mallory Ave. Central, Eleventh and East Ev- erett Sts. Lents, Marion Ave. and Blu- mauer Blvd. Montavilla, East Eightieth and Everett Sts. Mt. Tabor, Sixtieth and Belmont Sts. St. Johns, Central Ave. and Charleston St. Scandinavian, Ogden Hall, Al- bino. Tabernacle, K. of P. Hall, cor. Eleventh and Alder Sts. Salem, Gaines St. and Fifth Ave. Silverton, Oak St. near South Mill. Tillamook, Fourth St. and Fourth Ave. Toledo, Three blocks south of High School. WESTERN WASHINGTON CON- FERENCE. Organized 1902. Territory: All of the State of Washington west of the Cas- cade Mountains. Office Address: Auburn, Wash. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., J. F. Piper. Sec. and Treas., T. L. Copeland. Executive Committee: J. F. Piper, F. M. Oliver, J. A. Hol- brook, J. E. Graham, T. L. Cope- land, S. N. Rittenhouse. Legal Assn.: " Western Wash- ington Corporation of Seventhlday Adventists." , Pres., J. F. Piper; Sec. and Treas., T. L. Copeland. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., C. E. Babcock. Field Miss. Sec., W. H. Thomp- son. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. Anna B. Piper. Educational Dept.: Supt., A. N. Nelson. Medical Missionary Dept.: Sec., W. B. Scott, M. D. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., AmoS Mitchell. Young People's Dept.: Sec.. A. N. Nelson. 72 �NORTH PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE. MINISTERS. J. F. Piper, 3519 Meridian Ave., Seattle, Wash. L. Johnson, 3022 West Sixty-sec- ond St., Seattle, Wash. J. A. Holbrook, 5336 Eighth Ave., Tacoma, Wash. N. E., Seattle, Wash. C. A. Wyman, Battle Ground, Wash. • A. J. Stone, 5702 South Alaska St., Tacoma, Wash. J. W. Boynton, Hoquiam, Wash. F. M. Oliver, 5813 Thirtieth Ave., N. W., Seattle, Wash. 0. S. Lee, 1121 South Fifteenth St., Tacoma, Wash. F. H. Conway, 1420 South Fifty- second St., Tacoma, Wash. C. L. Lingenfelter, 1800 Twenty- fourth Ave., South, Seattle, Wash. LICENTIATES. S. N. Rittenhouse, Centralia, Wash. A. N. Nelson, 1208 Shelby St., Seattle, Wash. L. E. Tupper, Kelso, Wash. Missionary Credentials. G. Hugh Murrin, Winlock, Wash. Miss Hazel Canary, 1420 South Fifty-second St., Tacoma, Wash. Miss Elsie Leadsworth, 1622 Tay- lor Ave., Seattle, Wash. Ceo. L. Coleman, 300 Fifth Ave., North, Seattle, Wash. W. C. Thompson, Auburn, Wash. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. T. L. Copeland, Auburn, Wash. Mrs. Magda Johnson, 3022 West Sixty-second St., Seattle, Wash, Stella B. Lowry, 2320 Broadway, Bellingham, Wash. Mrs. Anna B. Piper, 3519 Meridian Ave., Seattle, Wash. C. E. Babcock, Auburn, Wash. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. J. J. Paulson, Ferndale, Wash. Pauline Caywood, Anacortes, Wash. Virgil Becraft, Sedro Woolley, Wash. Charles Degering, Mount Vernon, Wash. Mrs. C. B. Evilsisor, Mount Ver- non, Wash. Josie L. Moody, East Stanwood, Wash. Clyde M. Cramlet, 309 Second Ave., North, Seattle, Wash. Marthea Matterand, 309 Second Ave., North, Seattle, Wash. Irene Rudolph, 309 Second Ave., North, Seattle, Wash. Fred Flahaut, Harper, Wash. Lila Hazelton, Auburn, Wash. - Virgie Goodman, Orting, Wash. Ruth Haystad, Centralia, Wash. Mrs. Alice Lagreide, Pe Ell, Wash. Grace Wooster, Raymond, Wash. Lillian J. Ogden, Ridgefield, Wash. Fred Boardman, Vancouver, Wash. G. S. Bugbee, Battle Ground, Wash. A. C. Hollenbeck, Battle Ground, Wash: Ella Purdy, Eden, Wash. Mrs. Anna Kingsbury, Shelton, Wash. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Aberdeen, cor. First and E Sts. Bellingham, 1510 H St. Everett, cor. Rockefeller and Ev- erett Sts. Seattle: • 309 Second Ave., North. Cor. East Seventy-fifth and Fifth Sts., N. E. Scandinavian, cor. Twenty-sec- ond, N. W. and West Sixty- seventh Sts. Tacoma, Central, South K and Six- teenth Sts. Vancouver, cor. New York and McKinley Sts. ALASKA MISSION. MINISTER. D. H. Hanson, Juneau, Alaska. INSTITUTIONS IN THE NORTH PACIFIC UNION CON- FERENCE. Educational: Laurel wood Academy, Gaston, Oreg. Mt. Ellis Academy, Bozeman, Mont. NORTH PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE. Walla Walla College, College Place, Wash. Publishing: Portland Branch of the Pacific Press Publishing Association, 719 East Flanders St., Port- land, Oreg. Sanitariums: Portland Sanitarium, East Six-* tieth and Belmont Sts., Port- land, Oreg. Walla Walla Sanitarium, Col lege,Place, Wash. PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE. Organized 1901. Territory: The Arizona, Califor- nia, Central California, Inter- Mountain, Northern California, Northwestern California, South- eastern California, and South- ern California Conferences, and the Nevada Mission. Office: 908 West Broadway, Glen- dale, Cal. Postal Address: Box 146, Glen- dale, Cal. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., E. E. Andross. Sec. and Treas., B. M. Emerson. Executive Committee: E. E. An- dross, E. W. Farnsworth, B. M. Emerson, Claude Conard, B. E. Beddoe, W. F. Martin, N. P. Niel- sen, Clarence Santee, J. L. WEI- hany, J. Adams Stevens, J. Ernest Bond, W. S. Holbrook, M. M. Hare, H. E. Lysinger, F. E. Painter, M. E. Cady, C. H. Jones, C. W. Irwin, G. W. Reaser, L. N. Bowen. Legal Assns.: " Pacific Union Conference AssoCiation of Sev- enth-day Adventists." Board of Counsel: E. E. Andross, G. W. Reaser, L. M. Bowen, Claude Con- ard, C. E. Rice, C. H. Jones, B. M. Emerson. " Pacific Union College Associa- tion." Board of Directors: E. E. Andross, E. W. Farnsworth. J. L. McElhany, J. Adams Stevens, Clarence Santee, N. P. Neilsen, B. E. Beddoe, W. F. Martin, J. Er- nest Bond, W. S. Holbrook, New- ton G. Evans, NI. D., C. W. Irwin, J. H. Paap, W. C. White, C. H. Jones, M. E. Cady, G. W. Reaser, Claude Conard, H. E. Lysinger, A. Earl Hall, M. M. Hare, C. E. Rice, F. B. Jones, M. D., M. W. Newton. Officers: Pres., E. E. Andross; Vice-Pres., E. W. Farnsworth; Sec., Claude Conard; Treas., C. W. Irwin. Union Book Depository: Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Mountain View, Cal. Manager, C. H. Jones. Union Field Miss. Sec., F. E. Pa inter. Educational Dept.: Sec., M. E. Cady. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., � Cor. Sec., F. A. Coffin. Young People's Dept.: Sec., B. E. Beddoe. Home Missionary Dept.: See., B. E. Beddoe. Press Bureau: Sec., F. A. Coffin. MINISTERS. E. E. Andross, Box 146, Glendale, Cal. E. W. Farnsworth, care Pacific Union College, St. Helena, Cal. 0. W. Reaser, Box 146, Glendale, Cal. J. 0. Corliss, 316 Everett St., Glen- dale, Cal. H. A. Washburn, Pacific Union College, St. Helena, Cal, 74 � PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE. M. E. Cady, 2547 Piedmont Ave., Berkeley, Cal. J. W. McCord, Box 146, Glendale, Cal. B. E. Beddoe, Box 146, Glendale, Cal. LICENTIATES. C. W. Irwin, Pacific Union Col- lege, St. Helena, Cal. F. E. Painter, 620 Acacia Ave., Tropico, Cal. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. B. M. Emerson, Box 146, Glen- dale, Cal. H. H. Hall, Mountain View, Cal. F. A. Coffin, Box 146, Glendale, Cal. James Howarth, Box 146, Glendale, Cal. Mrs. Lela B. Howarth, Box 140, Glendale, Cal. Miss Lou Ellen Watts, Box 146, Glendale, Cal. Claude Conard, care Pacit.c Union College, St. Helena, Cal. Newton G. Evans, M. D., Loma Linda, Cal. C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal. Miss Hattie Andre, Pacific Union College, St. Helena, Cal. ARIZONA CONFERENCE. Organized 1902. Territory: The State of Arizona. Office Address: 615 North Tenth St., Phoenix, Ariz. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., J. E. Bond. Sec. and Treas., 0. J. Bond. Executive Committee: J. E. Bond, C. D. M. Williams, C. E. Stump, I. T. Reynolds, L. L. Hutchinson. Legal Assn.: " Arizona Con- ference Corporation of Seventh- day Adventists." Pres., J. E. Bond; Sec., C. D. M. Williams. Tract Sdciety: Sec. and Treas., 0. J. Bond. - Field Miss. Sec., I. T. Reynolds. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Miss Goldie Black. Educational Dept.: Supt., J. E. Bond. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., C. D. M. Williams. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Mrs. Tressa Hutchinson. (All persons named below may be addressed at 615 North Tenth St., Phoenix, Ariz.) MINISTERS. J. E. Bond, C. D. M. Williams, I. P. Dillon, L. L. Hutchinson. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. H. F. Courter (Safford, Ariz.), W. L. Sims, M. Serna. LICENTIATES. F. M. Owen, E. E. Morrow. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. Tressa Hutchinson, Jessie H. Dillon, Lena E. Williams, I. T. Reynolds, Mrs. Ethel H. Bond, Ismael D. Sanchez, Augestine Sanchez, Miss Goldie Black, 0. J. Bond. Honorary Missionary Licentiates. Mrs. M. T. Poston, A. L. Whitaker. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. L. B. Ragsdale, Mrs. L. B. Rags- dale, Miss Ellen Lambeth. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Flagstaff, South Side. Globe, Squaw Hill. Phoenix, car. Third and Pierce Sts. Tucson, 607 East Ninth St. ' CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE. • , Organized 1873. Territory: The following-named counties in the State of Califor- nia:. Alameda, Contra Costa, Monterey, Santa Cruz, Santa PACIFIC UNION Clara, San Mateo, San Francisco, San Benito. Office: 537 Twenty-fifth St. (near Telegraph Ave.), Oakland, Cal. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., J. L. McElhany. Sec. and Treas., H. B. Thomas. Executive Committee: J. L. McElhany, A. Brorsen, R. S. Fries, H. S. Shaw, H. G. Childs, B. M. Shull. Legal Assn.: " California Confer- ence Association of the Seventh- day Adventists." Pres., J. L. Mc- Elhany; Sec. and Treas., H. B. Thomas. Tract Society: Sec., D. R. Sperry. Treas., H. B. Thomas. Field Miss. Sec., G. H. Barbee. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. J: L. McElhany. Educational Dept.: Sec., Miss Esther Francis. Religious Liberty Dept.: • Sec., R. S. Fries. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Mrs. J. L. McElhany. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., H. B. Thomas. MINISTERS. J. L. McElhany, 537 Twenty-fifth St., Oakland, Cal. A. Brorsen, 844 Thirty-fourth St., Oakland, Cal. R. S. Fries, 537. Twenty-fifth St., Oakland, Cal. L. E. Froom, Mountain View, Cal. W. F. Hills, 537 Twenty-fifth St., Oakland, Cal. H. S. Shaw, 474 Forty-first St., Oakland, Cal. A. E. Place, Garden City Sanita- rium, San Jos6, Cal. LICENTIATE. J. D. Livingston, 537 Twenty-fifth St., Oakland, Cal. • CONFERENCE. � 75 MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. C. H. A. Brooke, Lightkeeper, Western Pacific Mole, Oakland, Cal. G. H. Barbee, 537 Twenty-fifth St., Oakland, Cal: Esther Francis, 537 Twenty-fifth St., Oakland, Cal. Miss Celia Green, 537 Twenty-fifth St., Oakland, Cal. Miss Ida B. Hudson, 537 Twenty- fifth St., Oakland, Cal. Mrs. Ada LaFrance, 537 Twenty- fifth St., Oakland, Cal. Mrs. E. E. Parlin, 445 Rich St., Oakland, Cal. Mrs. J. L. McElhany, 537 Twenty- fifth St., Oakland, Cal. D. R. Sperry, 537 Twenty-fifth St., Oakland, Cal. H. B. Thomas, 537 Twenty-fifth St., Oakland, Cal. Y. Watanabe, Mountain View, Cal. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Miss Mary Clark, Mountain View, Cal. Mrs. Emma Covell, 605 Sixty-first St., Oakland, Cal. Mrs. R. S. Fries, 567 Thirtieth St., Oakland, Cal. Miss May Holt, 2547 Piedmont Ave., Berkeley, Cal. Vernon Hendershot, 569 Thirty- seventh St., Oakland, Cal. Miss Winnifred James, Mountain View, Cal. Miss Grace Jones, 916 Laguna St., San Francisco, Cal. Miss Bertha Lofstad, 1151 Elev- enth Ave., Kaimuki, Honolulu, Hawaii. Mrs. R. W. Smith, 1151 Eleventh Ave , Kaimuki, Honolulu, Ha- waii. Miss Madge Moore, 2641 Telegraph Ave., Oakland, Cal. Mrs. M. D. Utt, 138 South Third St., Richmond, Cal. Miss Hazel Wilcox, 916 Laguna St., San Francisco, Cal. Other Worker Employed by the Conference. Mrs. Harriett E. Allee, 537 Twen- ty-fifth St., Oakland, Cal. 76 � PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Alameda, 1523 Verdi St. Berkeley, 1630 Fairview St. Fruitvale, Harrington Ave. at San Juan St., Oakland, Cal. Oakland, 531 Twenty-fifth St. San Francisco, 916 Laguna St. San Jose, 65 South Seventh St. CENTRAL CALIFORNIA CON- FERENCE. Organized 1911. Territory: The following-named counties in the State of Cali- fornia: Tulare, Madera, Fresno, Kings, Mariposa, Merced, and Kern County north of the Te- hachapi Mountains. Office: Central California Con- ference of S. D. A., Fresno, Cal. Postal Address: Box 1304, Fresno, Cal. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., N. P. Neilsen. Sec. and Treas., G. A. Wheeler. Executive Committee: N. P. Neilsen, E. H. Adams, G. A. Grauer, F. E. Brown, Nis Hansen, B. L. Howe, P. J. Wolfsen. Legal Assn.: " Central Cal- ifornia Conference Assn." Pres., N. P. Neilsen; Sec. and Treas., G. A. Wheeler. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., G. A. Wheeler. Field Miss. Sec., C. L. Davis. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Educational Dept.: Supt., Mrs. Alice Mina Mann. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., B. L. Howe. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Mrs. Alice Mina Mann. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., G. A. Wheeler. MINISTERS. N. P. Neilsen, Box 1304,- Fresno, Cal. E. H. Adams, 217 Mariposa St., Fresno, Cal. F. E. Brown, 215 Porter St., Han- ford, Cal. G. A. Grauer, R. F. D., Box 135a, Modesto, Cal. B. L. Howe, 1802 Forest St., Bakersfield, Cal. Honorary Ministerial CredentiaL Chas. N. Miller, Portersville, Cal. LICENTIATES. R. R. Breitigam, Box 1304, Fresno. Cal. G. A. Truesdell, care Pacific Un- ion College, St. Helena, Cal. Geo. T. Vore, Selma, Cal. L. M. Rice, Box 1304, Fresno, Cal. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. G. A. Wheeler, Box 1304, Fresno, Cal. C. L. Davis, Selma, Cal. Chas. D. Utt, Box 1304, Fresno, Cal. Mrs. C. D. Utt, Box 1304, Fresno, Cal. Miss Ada Bond, Box 115, Visalia, Cal. Mrs. Alice Mina Mann, Box 1304, Fresno, Cal. Mrs. Gertrude Rodman, 35 Effie St., Fresno, Cal. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Dr. Myrtle Hudson, 215 Porter St., Hanford, Cal. Miss 1. Mae Hudson, 215 Porter St., Hanford. Cal. Miss Violenty Ryder, Route K, Box 227, Fresno, Cal. Benjamin Gregory, Route K, Box 154, Fresno, Cal. Guy E. Mann, 441 Glenn Ave., Fresno, Cal. Lindsay Semmens, 441 Glenn Ave., -Fresno, Cal. Miss Vivian Stone, 3175 Washing- ton Ave., Fresno, Cal. Miss Esther Maxson, Chowchilla, Cal. PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE. � 77 Miss Ruth Carr, Winton, Cal. Miss Bertha Messick, Toll House, Cal. Mrs. Lena Morris, Dinuba, Cal. Miss Bessie Loper, Dinuba, Cal. Miss Margaret Borland, R. F. D., Exeter, Cal. Mrs. Minnie Miller, Portersville, Cal. Miss Edith Willits, 1129 California Ave., Bakersfield, Cal. Isaac Schneider, Shafter, Cal. Miss Louva Sheldon, Route A, Box 230, Laton, Cal. Mrs. Beatrice Haney, Laton, Allen Johnson, 2058 East Front St., Selma, Cal. H. E. Giddings, Route A, Box 194, Lemoore, Cal. Mrs. H. E. Giddings, Route A, Box 194, Lemoore, Cal. Miss Carrie Rich, Armona, Cal. INTER-MOUNTAIN CONFER- ENCE. Organized 1916, from territory formerly comprising the Utah and Western Colorado Confer- ences. Territory: The State of Utah, that part of Colorado west of the Continental Divide, and San Juan County, New Mexico. Office: 122 South Eighth St., Grand Junction, Colo. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., H. E. Lysinger. Sec. and Treas., J. H. Weaks. Executive Committee: H. E. Ly- singer, J. A. Neilsen, W. M. An- dress, C. L. Snodgrass, J. L. Sau- der, H. C. Holloway, J. H. Weaks. Legal Assn.: " Inter-Mountain Conference Association of Seventh- day Adventists." Pres., J. A. Neilsen.; Sec. and Treas., J. H. Weaks. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., J. H. Weaks. Field Miss. Sec., H. B. Meeker. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. Lulu Pease-Wilcox, R. F. D. 2, Rifle, Colo. Educational Dept.: Supt., F. A. Lashier. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., J. L. Humbert. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., H. E. Lysinger. Young People's Dept.: Sec.. F. A. Lashier. MINISTERS. H. E. Lysinger, 122 South Eighth St., Grand Junction, Colo. W. M. Andress, 751 East Ninth South, Salt Lake City, Utah. C. L. Snodgrass, 122 South Eighth St., Grand Junction, Colo. H. G. Gjording, 219 Thirty-third St., Ogden, Utah. E. A. Curtis, Glade Park, Colo. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. Chas. Nelson, Logan, Utah. LICENTIATES. F. S. Chollar, 122 South Eighth St., Grand Junction, Colo. F. A. Lashier, 122 South Eighth St., Grand Junction, Colo. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. J. A. Neilsen, R. F. D. 2, 'Rifle. Colo. J. L. Humbert, 122 South Eighth St., Grand Junction, Colo. H. C. Holloway, 1957 South Twelfth East, Salt Lake City, Utah. Mrs. H. C. Holloway, 1957 South Twelfth East, Salt Lake City, Utah. Esther Smith, 122 South Eighth St., Grand Junction, Colo. J. L. Sauder, 551 Sherman Ave.. Salt Lake City, Utah. Mrs. Lulu Pease-Wilcox, R. F. D. 2, Rifle, Colo. J. H. Weaks, 122 South Eighth St., Grand Junction, Colo. 78 � , PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE. Honorary Missionary Licentiates. J. E. Carmichael, Delta, Colo. C. A. Frederick, Cortez, Colo. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Mrs. H. G. Leffingwell, Grand Junction, Colo. Marie Coombs, Delta, Colo. Mae Johnson, Montrose, Colo. F. S. Pruett, R. F. D. 2, Rulison School, Rifle, Colo. Emma Snyder, Cedaredge, Colo. Theodore Reuff, 551 Sherman Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Pearl MacPherson. Educational Dept.: Supt., J. W. Rich. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., N. W. Kauble. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Ella H. Osborne. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., Belle C. Hall. MINISTERS. NORTHERN CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE. Organized 1911. Territory: The following-named counties in the State of Cali- fornia: Stanislaus, Tuolumne, San Joaquin, Calaveras, Ama- dor, Sacramento, Yolo, Sutter, Yuba, Colusa, Glenn, Butte, Tehama, Shasta, Siskiyou, Al- pine, Eldorado, Placer, Nevada, Sierra, Plumas, with the excep- tion of that small portion. of these counties lying east of the summit of the Sierras. Office: 341 East Lodi Ave., Lodi, Cal. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., Clarence Santee. Sec. and Treas., Verah Mac- Pherson. Executive Committee: Clarence Santee, A. J. Osborne, N. W. Kauble, T. C. Tunsen, T. H. Wat- son, J. W. Rich, P. H. Glantz. Legal Assn.: " Northern Cali- fornia Conference Association of the Seventh-day Adventists." Pres., Clarence Santee; Sec. and Treas., Verah MacPherson. Tract Society: Sec., E. C. Peifer. Treas., Verah MacPherson. Field Miss. Sec., E. H. Abbott. Clarence Santee, Lodi, Cal. Henry Shultz, Lodi, Cal. A. J. Osborne, 2131 P St., Sac- ramento, Cal. D. T. Fero, Lodi, Cal. M. C. Israel, Oakdale, Cal. J. W. Rich, Lodi, Cal. N. W. Kauble, Lodi, Cal. T. H. Watson; Lodi, Cal. W. P. Dayton, Lodi, Cal. LICENTIATES. J. H. Paap, Lodi, Cal. M. J. King, Wheatland, Cal. . Verah MacPherson, Lodi, Cal. E. C. Peifer, Lodi, Cal. E. H. Abbott, Lodi, Cal. James Crawford, Chico, Cal. F. M. Butterfield, Crescent Mills, Cal. C. A. Holt, Lodi, Cal. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Pearl MacPherson, Lodi, Cal. J. Archie Wiley, Sacramento, Cal. Mrs. Ella H. Osborne, 2131 P St., Sacramento, Cal. Mrs. E. J. Buchanan, Stockton, Cal. Belle C. Hall, Lodi, Cal. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Miss Ruth Dolson, Chico, Cal. Miss Mary Kinniburgh, 2301 K St., Sacramento, Cal. Miss Dorothy O'Neil, Winter, Cal. Miss Ethel Walder, Electra, Cal. Miss Nellie Hartwick, Camino, Cal. Mrs. G. M. Price, Lodi, Cal. W. B. Miramontez, Lodi,. Cal.' PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE. � 79 Mrs. C. A. Holt, Lodi, Cal. Miss Velma Wallace, Lodi, Cal. Miss Rhea Yoeman, 923 South Hunter St., Stockton, Cal. Miss Vinna Hart, Hughson, Cal. C. D. Stone, Salida, Cal. Mrs. C. D. Stone, Salida, Cal. G. B. Morrison, 215 Pine St., Mo- desta, Cal. Miss Myrta Hart, Modesto, Cal. Robert. R. Sanders, Turlock, Cal. Mrs. R. R. Sanders, Turlock, Cal. Miss Della Chapman, Esmeralda, Cal. NORTHWESTERN CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE. Organized 1915. Territory: The following counties in the State of California: So- lano, Marin, Napa, Lake, Sono- ma, Mendocino, Trinity, Hum- boldt, Del Norte. Office: 742 Third St., Santa Rosa, Cal. Postal Address: Box 408, Santa Rosa, Cal. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., J. Adams Stevens. Sec. and Treas., S. Donaldson. Executive Committee: J. Adams Stevens, A. Nelson, J. D. Alder, Claude Conard, E. W. Alsberge, C. E. Rice, M. A. Hollister. Tract Society: Depository at 537 Twenty-fifth St., Oakland, Cal. Sec., D. R. Sperry. Treas., H. B. Thomas. Field Miss. Sec., G. H. Barbee. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. Vesta J. Farnsworth, care Pacific Union College, St. Helena, Cal. Educational Dept.: Supt., Miss Esther Francis, 537 Twenty-fifth St., Oakland, Cal. Young People's Dept.: Sec., J. R. Dieffenbucber. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., S. Donaldson. MINISTERS. J. A. Stevens, Box 408, Santa Rosa, Cal. J. D. Alder, 3012 E St., Eureka, Cal. S. T. Hare, Sanitarium, Cal. • Andrew Nls on, Sanitarium, Cal. M. A. Hollister, 311 Fitch St., Healdsburg, E. A. Brown, Fort Bragg, Cal. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. W. H. Saxby, Sanitarium, Cal. LICENTIATES. J. R. Dieffenbacher, Box 408, Santa Rosa, Cal. A. L. Baker, Box 408, Santa Rosa, Cal. C. L. Bond, Box 408 Santa Rosa, Cal. L. 0. Pattison, Box 408, Santa Rosa, Cal. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Laura B. Morrison, Box 408, Santa Rosa, Cal. Oleta Butcher, Box 408, Santa Rosa, Cal. S. Donaldson, Box 408, Santa Rosa, Cal. Mrs. Vesta J. Farnsworth, care Pacific Union College, St. Helena, Cal. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Victor Wolfkill, 3012 E St., Eureka, Cal. Miss Irma Young, 3012 E St., Eureka, Cal. Lyle Wilcox, - 418 Brown St., • Healdsburg, Cal. Miss Margaret Cady, 500 Univer- sity Ave., Healdsburg, Cal. Mrs. R. H. Bowen, 1200 Oak St., Napa, Cal. � • Miss Jessie Osborne, care Pacific Union College, St. Helena, Cal. Miss Hazel Carmichael, care Pacific. Union College, St. Helena, •Cal. Miss Mabel. Swanson, care Pacific Union College, St. Helena, Cal. SO � PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE. Miss Ella P. Nelson, St. Helena, Cal. J. K. Battin, Sanitarium, Cal. Mrs. L. G. Stafford, Sanitarium, Cal. Miss Anna Johnson, Sanitarium, Cal. Mrs. Viola Miller, Sebastopol, Cal. Miss Ruth Leininger, Sonoma, Cal. John Hart, 317 Arkansas St., Va- llejo, Cal. Hulda Messick, Ukiah, Cal. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Arcata, D and Twelfth Sts. Eureka, E and Harris Sts. Fort Bragg, cor. Whipple and Pine Sts. Fortuna, cor. Sixth and D Sts. Healdsburg, cor. Fitch and Mathe- son Sts. Napa, cor. Church and Second Sts. Petaluma, cor. English and Up- ham Sts. San Rafael, Fifth Ave., bet. D and E Sts. Santa Rosa, Orchard St., near Johnson. Sebastopol, Petaluma Ave. St. Helena, Madrona Ave. ' Pine St. Ukiah, N. E. cor. Bush and Henry Sts. Vallejo, Tennessee St. SOUTHEASTERN CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE. Organized 1915. Territory: The following-named counties in the State of Cali- fornia: Orange, San Diego, Im- perial, Riverside, and San Ber- nardino. Office: 310 Loring Bldg., Riverside, Cal. � • OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., W. F. Martin. Sec. and Treas., J. C. McRey- nolds. Executive Committee: W. P. Martin, J. A. Burden, R. S. Owen, C. F. Folkenberg, Newton Evans, M. D., L. E. Brant, D. D. Lake. Legal Assn.: " Southeastern Cali- fornia Association of Seventh-day Adventists." Pres., W. F. Martin; Sec. and Treas., J. C. McReynolds. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., W. R. Goss. Field Miss. Sec., H. A. Hebard. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. W. F. Martin. Educational Dept.: Supt., Max Hill. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Max Hill. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., H. A. Hebard. MINISTERS. W. F. Martin, 310 Loring Bldg., Riverside, Cal. R. S. Owen, 3988 Ingalls St., San Diego, Cal. J. A. Burden, Paradise Valley. Sanitarium, National City, Cal. W. M. Healey 667 Eighteenth St., San Diego, Cal. C. F. Folkenberg, 3020 B St., San Diego, Cal. L. E. Brant, 2055 North Main St., Santa Ana, Cal. F. M. Burg, Loma Linda, Cal. G. B. Starr, Loma Linda, Cal. L. H. Proctor, 753 East E St.. Ontario, Cal. H. C. Basney, Brawley, Cal. W. A. George, M. D., Loma Linda, Cal. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. J. W. Adams, Hinkley, Cal. W. L. Black, 163 Palm Court, Riverside, Cal. D. D. Lake, Brawley, Cal. C. McReynolds, Loma Linda, Cal. D. H. Oberholtzer, Palm City, Cal. W. W. Sharp, National City, Cal. Luther Warren, Paradise Valley Sanitarium, National City, Cal. C. H. Edwards, 318 West E St., Ontario, Cal. Andrew Mead, 850 Van Ness Ave.. Santa Ana, CO. and PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE. � — S t LICENTIATES. John Knox, Elsinore, Cal. H. E. McWhinny, 310 Loring Bldg., Riverside, Cal. R. G. Schaffner, 3829 Thirtieth St., San Diego, Cal. A. W. Truman, M. D., Loma Linda, Cal. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. John C. McReynolds, 310 Loring Bldg., Riverside, Cal. H. A. Hebard, 310 Loring Bldg., Riverside, Cal. W. R. Goss, 310 Loring Bldg., Riverside, Cal. Max Hill, 310 Loring Bldg., River- side' Cal. Mrs. W. F. Martin, 310 Loring Bldg., Riverside, Cal. Frank Brainard, 310 Loring Bldg., Riverside, Cal. Miss Myrna C. Lee, 669 Eighteenth St., San Diego, Cal. Miss Myrtle McGill, Redlands, Cal. Miss Minnie W. Smith, 669 Eigh- teenth St., San Diego, Cal. Miss Olive E. Adams, Hinkley, Cal. Mrs. Luther Warren, Paradise Valley. Sanitarium, National City, Cal. Mrs. W. L. Black, 163 Palm Court. Riverside, Cal. Mrs. John Knox, Elsinore, Cal. Mrs. L. H. Proctor, 753 East E St.. Ontario, Cal. L. M. Bowen, Loma Linda, Cal. Newton Evans, M. D., Loma Linda. Cal. Honorary Missionary Credentials. Walter Harper, Fruitland, Hum- boldt Co., Cal. Miss Rebecca Hannaford, Paradise Valley Sanitarium, National City, Cal. Mrs. Josephine Gotzian, Paradise Valley Sanitarium, National City, Cal. Mrs. W. W. Sharp, National City, Cal. Mrs. M. S. Boyd, Loma Linda, Cal. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Miss Alma Fink, Box 46, Hemet, Cal. Mrs. E. C. Cushman, Hemet, Cal. Mrs. B. A. Rogers, 807 East Cen- tral St., Redlands, Cal. Mrs. Lotta Butka, Loma Linda, Cal. Floyd W. Gardner, Loma Linda, Cal. Mrs. Floyd W. Gardner, Loma Linda, Cal. Miss Edith M. Barnes, 1441 South Orange St., Riverside, Cal. Miss Vivian Nightingale, 671 Wal- lace St., San Bernardino, Cal. Miss Korine Hartog, Garden Grove, Cal. Miss Pearl Cooper, Garden Grove, Cal. Miss Anna Jensen, 1725 Valencia Ave., Santa Ana, Cal. Miss Laura Sturges, Escondido, Cal. Mrs. Marie B. Marchus, Escondido, Cal. Miss Tda Bennett, 669 Eighteenth St., San Diego. Cal. Miss Orpha Andrews, 4221 Van Dyke St., East San Diego, Cal. Miss Ileen McKenzie, 328 Sampson St., San Diego, Cal. Miss Letha Atwood, Paradise Val- ley Sanitarium, National City, Cal. Miss Lura Atwood, 713 Holt Ave., El Centro, Cal. Miss Emma Hengst, Brawley, Cal. Mrs. H. A. Gober, R. F. D. 2, El Centro, Cal. L. M. Hesseltine, R. F. D. 2, El Centro, Cal. Mrs. H. E. Farmer, Calipatria, Cal. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Ontario, cor. West B St. and Vine Ave. Redlands, East State St., near Church St. Riverside, West Twelfth St., be- tween Orange and Lemon Sts. San Bernardino, cor. Hansen and F Sts. San Diego: G St. Church, cor. Eighteenth and G Sts. University Ave. Church, 2 Uni- versity Ave. Santa Ana, cor. Fifth and Ross Sts. 82 � PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE. SOUTIL6RN CALIFORNIA CON- FERENCE. Organized 1901. Territory: The following-named counties in the State of Cali- fornia: San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura' Los Angeles, and that portion of Kern County lying south of the Tehachapi Mountains. Office: 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., M. M. Hare. Sec. and Treas., W. L. Mecum. Executive Committee: M. M. Hare, G. A. Snyder, C. J. Kunkel, H. G. Lucas, W. M. Adams, E. G. Fulton, C. A. Burrows. Legal Assn.: " Southern Cali- fornia Association of Seventh-day Adventists." Pres., M. M. Hare; Sec. and Treas., W. L. Mecum. Tract Society: Sec., C. L. Cyphers. Treas., W. L. Mecum. Field Miss. Sec., C. C. Morlan. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Jennie L. Ireland. Educational Dept.: Supt., H. G. Lucas. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., G. A. Snyder. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Mrs. M. M. Hare. Home Missionary Dept: Sec., C. C. Morlan. MINISTERS. M. M. Hare, 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. F. I. Richardson, 417. West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Gal. H. G. Lucas, 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. � • G. A. Snyder, 215 'South Jackson St., Glendale, CaL J. R. Patterson, Arroyo Grande, Cal. A. Ritchie, 562 West Second St., Glendale, Cal. W. M. Adams, 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. H. F. Rand, care Glendale Sani- tarium, Glendale, Cal. C. J. Kunkel, 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. P. L: Knox, 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. F. R. Shaeffer, Box 226, Sawtelle, Cal. G. A. Rauleder, 1245 East Forty- fifth St., Los Angeles,. Cal. L. D. Santee, 1061 Raymond St., Pasadena, Cal.... 0. E. Jones, Tropico, Cal. V. H. Lucas, 2007 Morton Ave., Pasadena, Cal. � . E. W. Snyder, 1430 Garfield Ave., Pasadena, Cal. LICENTIATES. C. E. And]. oss, 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. H. Z. Davis, 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. G. G. Brown, 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. J. L. Beane, 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. W. L. Mecum, 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. C. L. Cyphers, 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. C. C. Morlan, 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. P. B. Bontemps, 726 East Forty- eighth 'St., Los. Angeles, Cal. Mrs. M. E. Hoyt, 1327East Fiftieth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Miss Elizabeth Carter, 1327 East Fiftieth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. Florence W. Merrill, 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Miss Jennie L. Ireland, 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Miss Violet R. Bell, 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. Amy R. Temple, 1038 El Molino St., Los Angeles, Cal.- PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE. � 83 Miss Reathel Jenkins, 4511 East First St., Los Angeles, Cal. Miss M. Belle Shyrock, 1368 East Fifty-sixth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Miss Cora A. Rapp, 438 South Westlake Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. M. M. Hare 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. L. E. Cox, 1425 Chappale St., Santa Barbara, Cal. Honorary Missionary Licentiates. Mrs. E. J. Calkins, 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. C. F. Marvin, 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. L. A. Parsons, Glendale Sani- tarium, Glendale, Cal. Miss Grace Ford, 936 Gratton St., Los Angeles, Cal. MEDICAL MISSIONARIES. Julia A. White, M. D., care Glen- dale Sanitarium, Glendale, Cal. A. C. Larson, M. D., 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Josie G. Shyrock-Warren, M. D., care Glendale Sanitarium, Glen- dale, Cal. � • J. M. Warren, M. D., care Glendale Sanitarium, Glendale, Cal. C. A. Burrows, M. D., Glendale, Cal. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Ada Somerset, 814 West Broad- way, Glendale, Cal. Mrs. Roy Carmichael, 401 North Maryland St., Glendale Cal. Miss Henriette Hughes, Fifth and Everett Sts., Glendale, Cal. Miss Verna Magnussen, 140 East Mountain St., Pasadena, Cal. Mrs. Delpha Shaeffer-Miller, care Academy, San Fernando, Cal. Miss Evelyn Parr, care Academy, San Fernando, Cal. Miss Annie Bennett, 715 East Anaheim St., Long Beach, Cal. Miss Olive Traviss, 140 East Moun- tain St., Pasadena, Cal. Miss Mary Trautwein, 3709 Adair St., Los Angeles, Cal. Miss Minnie Overman, Arroyo ' Grande, Cal. Mrs. J. J. Ward, Long Beach, Cal. Mrs. L. M. Knapp, 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Miss Mary E. Learned, 749 East Fifth St., Pomona, Cal. Miss Lucile Vlier, 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Will Potts, 531 South .Rowan St., Los Angeles, Cal. Miss Mabel De Groot, care S. D. A. Church, Twelfth St., San Pedro." Cal. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Glendale, Third and Isabel Sts. Long Beach, Tenth and Linden Sts. Los Angeles: Boyle Heights, 123 South Dit- man St. First, 141 Carr St., between Main and Hill Sts. South Side, 668 East Thirty- sixth St. Pasadena, Mountain and Summit Sts. � • Pomona, East Sixth St. San Fernando, in Academy Build- ing. San Pedro, Twelfth St., between Dodson and Pacific Sts. Santa Barbara, opposite High School building. NEVADA MISSION. Organized 1913. Territory: The State of Nevada, and that portion of California east of the summit of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Office: 452 Ralston St, Reno, Nev. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., W. S. Holbrook. Sec., C. W. Pierce, Box 576, Reno, Nev. Treas., B. M. Emerson, Box 146, Glendale, Cal. Mission Committee: W. S. Hol- brook, C. W. Fuller, G. G. Sims, C. W. Pierce, H. A. Hartman. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. M. E. Holbrook. . 84 � PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE. Educational Dept.: Supt., Mrs. M. E. Holbrook. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Mrs. M. E. Holbrook. Home Missionary Dept.: See., Mrs. M. E. Holbrook. MINISTERS. W. S. Holbrook, 452 Ralston St., Reno, Nev. � • C. W. Fuller, Winnemucca, Nev. G. G. Sims, 452 Ralston St., Reno, Nev. James Taphouse, Bishiip, Cal. LICENTIATES. H. L. Wallace, Elko, Nev. G. L. Wilkinson, Fallon, Nev. Wilbur Holbrook, 452 Ralston St., Reno, Nev. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. M. E. Holbrook, 452 Ralston St., Reno, Nev. Mrs. Bessie A. Wallace, Elko, Nev. Mrs. Nellie A. Wilkinson, Fallon, Nev. Mrs. Mabel 0. Fuller, Winneumcca, Nev. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Mrs. Orva Hammersmark, Reno, Nev. Miss Ione Cochran, Winnemucca, Nev. - Miss Edith Bedford, Bishop, Cal. Mrs. Nellie A. Wilkinson, Fallon, Nev. Mrs. May L. Hanley, Calneva, Cal. INSTITUTIONS IE. THE PA- CIFIC UNION CONFERENCE. Educational: Lodi Academy, Lodi, Cal. Loma Linda College of Medical . � Evangelists, Loma Linda, Cal. Pacific Union College, St. Hele- na, Cal. Phoenix Intermediate School, Phoenix, Ariz. San Fernando Academy, San Fernando, Cal. Publishing: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Moun- tain View, Cal. Sanitariums: Glendale Sanitarium, Glendale, Cal. Loma Linda Sanitarium, Loma Linda, Cal. Paradise Valley Sanitarium, National City, Cal. St. Helena Sanitarium, Sani- tarium, Cal. SOUTHEASTERN UNION CONFERENCE. Organized 5908. Territory: The Conferences of Cumberland, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. Office Address: 169 Bryan St., Atlanta, Ga. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., W. H. Branson. Sec. and Treas., W. E. Aber- nathy. Executive Committee: W. H. Branson, the presidents of the conferences composing the Union, and W. E. Abernathy, D. W. Dillen, - Leo Thiel, C. B. Haynes, J. A. Tucker, L. D. Randall, J. B. Locken. Legal Assn.: " Southeastern Union Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Pres., W. H. Branson; Sec. and Treas., W. E. Abernathy. Auditor and Transportation Agt,, W. E. Abernathy. Union Book Depository: Atlanta Branch of Southern Pub. Assn., 169 Bryan St., Atlanta, Ga. Manager, L. D. Randall. SOUTHEASTERN UNION CONFERENCE. �S5 Union Field Miss. Sec., D. W. Dillen. Educational Dept.: Sec., J. A. Tucker. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., C. B. Haynes. Young People's Dept.: See., J. A. Tucker. Cantonment Work, T. E. Pavey. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., J. B. Locken. Press Bureau: Sec, C. B. Haynes. MINISTERS. W. H. Branson, 169 Bryan St., At- lanta, Ga. C. B. Haynes, 169 Bryan St., At- lanta, Ga. F. W. Field, Ooltewah, Tenn. J. B. Leicken, 169 Bryan St., At- lanta, Ga. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. G. H. Baber, Graysville, Tenn. F. Peabody, 40 West End Ave., Atlanta, Ga. W. W. Williams, Route A, Box 223, Miami, Fla. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. W. E. Abernathy, 169 Bryan St., Atlanta, Ga. D. W. Dillen, 169 Bryan St., At- lanta, Ga. L. D. Randall, 169 Bryan St., At- lanta, Ga. Leo Thiel, Ooltewah, Tenn. J. A. Tucker, 169 Bryan St., At- lanta,,Ga. T. E. Pavey, Columbia, S. C. Union Negro Mission Department. Supt., W. H. Branson. • Sec., W. E. Abernathy. Home Missionary, Educational, and Young People's Sec., Miss Anna Knight. Union Evangelist, G. E. Peters. Executive Committee: W. H. Branson, the Presidents of the con- ferences compOsing the Union, and the following: W. E. Abernathy, B. W. Abney, R. E. Williams, H. N. Gemon, M. C. Strachan, G. E. Pe- ters, W. E. Strother, Miss Anna Knight. MINISTER. G. E. Peters, 169 Bryan St., At- lanta, Ga. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. Miss Anna Knight, 209 Greens- ferry Ave., Atlanta, Ga. CUMBERLAND CONFERENCE. Organized 1900. Territory: Eastern Tennessee, the western boundary being the western line of the counties of Macon, Smith, DeKalb, Warren, Grundy, and Marion; also seven counties in northwestern Geor- gia, viz., Dade, Walker, Catoosa, Whitfield, Murray, Fannin, and Gilmer. Office: 31 Deaderick Bldg., Knox- ville, Tenn. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., J. L. Shuler. Sec. and Treas., C. T. Roper. Executive Committee: J. L. Shu- ler, Cyrus Simmons, F. E. Wash- burn, R. L. Williams, U. D. Pick- ard. Legal Assn.: " The Cumberland Conference Association of S. D. A., Inc." Pres., J. L. Shuler; Sec., C. T. Roper. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., C. T. Roper. Field Miss. Sec., F. E. Washburn. Sabbath School Dept.: See., Mrs. U. D. Pickard. Educational Dept.: Sec., Mrs. U. D. Pickard. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., Cyrus Simmons. Young People's Dept.: Supt., Mrs. U. D. Pickard. Medical Missionary Dept.: Sec., Dr. M. M. Martinson, 6321/2 Market St., Chattanooga, Tenn. 86 �SOUTHEASTERN UNION CONFERENCE. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., U. D. Pickard. MINISTERS. J. L. Shuler, 31 Deaderick Bldg., Knoxville, Tenn U. D. Pickard, 31 Deaderick Bldg., Knoxville, Tenn W. R. Hanson, 31 Deaderick Bldg., Knoxville, Tenn Honorary Ministerial Credentials. Smith Sharp, Graysville, Tenn. W. L. Killen, 110 Wesc, Chestnut St., Johnson City, Tenn. LICENTIATE. Cyrus Simmons, Box 522, Knox- ville, Tenn. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. F. E. Washburn, 31 Deaderick Bldg., Knoxville, Tenn. C. T. Roper, 31 Deaderick Bldg., Knoxville, Tenn. Miss Dollie Thrailkill, 31 Deader- ick Bldg., Knoxville, Tenn. hiss Ora Latham, 31 Deaderick Bldg., Knoxville, Tenn. Dr. M. M. Martinson, 6321h. Mar- ket St., Chattanooga, Tenn. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Mrs. Mary Anderson-Knox, Grays- ville, Tenn. Miss Nell Travis, Graysville, Tenn. Mrs. Mary Ballard, 620 Luttrell St., Knoxville, Tenn. Mrs. F. E. Washburn, 2501 Vir- ginia Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. Miss Alice Bates, 303 Hamilton Ave., Johnson City, Tenn. Miss Aurelia Woolridge, Lenoir City, Tenn. Negro Mission. Negro Mission Committee: J. L. Shuler, H. N. Gemon, S. J. Thomp- son. MINISTER. H. N. Gemon, 31 Deaderick Bldg., Knoxville, Tenn. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. ' Mrs. Emily McGlocklin, Morris- town, Tenn. Miss Edna Bryan, 31 Deaderick Bldg., Knoxville, Tenn. CHURCH SCHOOL • TEACHERS. Miss Edna Bryan, Knoxville, Tenn. Miss Maggie Clark, 422 Lookout St., Chattanooga, Tenn. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Chattanooga, Beech and Duncan Sts. Knoxville, Third Ave. and Gill St. FLORIDA CONFERENCE. Organized 1893. Territory: The State of Florida; excepting the counties of Es- •cambia, Santa Rosa, Walton, Holmes, Washington, Jackson,. and Calhoun, which belong to the Alabama Conference. Office: Cor. East Robinson and West Sts., Orlando, Fla. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., A. R. Sandborn. Sec. and Treas., A. L. Bayley. Executive Committee: A. R. Sandborn, W. H. Smith, C. R. Ma= goon, J. W. Siler, John Mitchell. Legal Assn.: " Florida Confer- ence Association of S. D. A." Pres., A. R. Sandborn; Sec. and Treas., A. L. Bayley. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., A. L. Bayley. Field Miss. Sec., J. W. Siler. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. R. G. Stringer. Educational Dept.: Sec., W. H. Hayes. Medical Missionary Dept.: Sec., R. S. Ingersoll, M. D. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., W. H. Smith. Young People's Dept.: Sec., B. W. Spire. Home .....issionary Dept.: Sec., W. H. Hayes. SOUTHEASTERN UNION CONFERENCE. �87 MINISTERS. A. R. Sandborn, cor..East Robin- son and West Sts., Orlando, Fla. W. II. Smith, 1902 Lackawanna Ave., Jacksonville, Fla. C. R. Magoon, cor. East Robinson and West Sts., Orlando, Fla. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. L. T. Crisler, Formosa, Fla. Victor Thompson, 310 West Six- teenth St., Jacksonville, Fla. J. C. Mikkelsen, Plant City, Fla. LICENTIATES. Allen Walker, Palatka, Fla. B. W. Spire, Orlando, Fla. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. C. P. Whitford, Drawer 28, Or- lando, Fla. R. S. Ingersoll, Drawer 28, Orlando, Fla. Dr., L. L. Andrews, Drawer 28, Or- lando, Fla. � • J. W. Siler, cor. East Robinson and West Sts., Orlando, Fla. A. L. Bayley, cor. East Robinson and West Sts., Orlando, Fla. W. H. Hayes, cor. East Robinson and West Sts., Orlando, Fla. Mrs. R. G. Stringer, cor. East Rob- inson and West Sts., Orlando, Fla. Dr. Olive Ingersoll, Drawer 28, Orlando, Fla. Miss Bessie Smith, 1902 Lacka- wanna Ave., Jacksonville, Fla. Miss Grace Smith, cor. East Rob- inson and West Sts., Orlando, Fla. L. Cope, Palatka, Fla. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. E. W. Tonges, Orlando, Fla. Mrs. Anna To: ges, Orlando, Fla. Miss Pearl Lewis, Sneads Island, Fla. J. H. Shrock, Box 517, St. Peters- burg, Fla. Miss Angie Foster, . Gainesville, Fla. Miss Lillian Hickok, Miami, Fla. Mrs. Calvin, Miami, Fla. Negro Mission. Committee: A. R. Sandborn, J. S. Green, R. E. Williams. MINISTER. R. E. Williams, Tampa, F1a. J. S. Green, Jacksonville, Fla. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. F. H. Stevens, Orlando, Fla. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Felicia M. Palmer, 2735 Evergreen Jacksonvile, Fla. Anna Ave., Vard, Punta Gorda, Fla. Mrs. E. M. Woodard, Orlando, Fla. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Daytona, Cypress St. Jacksonville: Cor. Roselle and Charles Sts. Colored, Southwest cor. Third Ave., and Johnson St. Miami: Third St., near Avenue D. Colored, Second St. Orlando: Cor. East Robinson and West Sts. Colored, West Robinson Ave. St. Petersburg, cor. South Sixth St., and Fifth Ave., South. Tampa: In 2800 Block on Florida Ave. Colored, Allen Temple, cor. Scott and Lamar Sts. GEORGIA CONFERENCE. Organized 1901. Territory: The State of Georgia, excepting the counties of Dade, Walker, Catoosa, Whitfield, Mur- ray, Fannin, and Gilmer, belong- ing to the Cumberland Confer- ence. Office: 169 Bryan St., Atlanta, Ga. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., B. W. Brown. Sec. and Treas., J. K. Macmillan. EXecutive Committee: B. W. Brown, J. K. Macmillan, Dr: J. R. Mitchell, J. D. Haynes. Legal Assn.: " Georgia Confer- ence Association of S. D. A." Pres., B. W. Brown; Sec. and Treas., J. K. Macmillan; 8S �SOUTHEASTERN UNION CONFERENCE. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., J. K. Macmillan. Field Miss. Sec., � Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., � Educational Dept.: Supt., 0. B. Crary. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., B. W. Brown. Young People's Dept.: Sec., 0. B. Crary. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., 0. B. Crary. MINISTER. B. W. Brown, 169 Bryan St., At- lanta, Ga. LICENTIATES. Dr. J. R. Mitchell, 320 Grant St., Atlanta, Ga. 0. B. Crary, 169 Bryan St., At- lanta, Ga. J. D. Haynes, 169 Bryan St., At- lanta, Ga. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. .1. K. Macmillan, 169 Bryan St., Atlanta, Ga. Lena A. Brown, 185 Glenwood Ave., Atlanta, Ga. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Miss Sallie Mae Van Sant, Route 3, Decatur, Ga. Miss Eva, Sommer, Route 4, Bos- ton, Ga. Negro Mission. Committee: B. W. Brown, T. S. Tate. LICENTIATE. T. S. Tate, 1310 Twenty-fourth St., Columbus, Ga. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Jennie Hankinson, 1504 Chestnut St., Augusta, Ga. Miss Julia F. Baugh, 2410 Florence St., Savannah, Ga. Mary E. Jones, 411 Eighth St., Columbus, Ga. Mrs. M. J. Tate, 209 Greensferry Ave., Atlanta, Ga. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Mrs. M. J. Tate, 209 Greensferry Ave., Atlanta, Ga. Miss Julia F. Baugh, 2410 Flor- ence St., Savannah, Ga. � . CHURCH DIRECTORY. Atlanta: Cor. Cherokee Ave. and Orleans St. Colored, 209 Greensferry Ave. Macon, Log Cabin Heights. Savannah: Cor. Thirty-fifth and Whitaker Sts. Colored, Florence and Forty- third Sts. Columbus, 1312 Twenty-fourth St. NORTH CAROLINA CON- • FERENCE. Organized 1901. Territory: The State of North Carolina. Office Address: Room 2, Richard- son Bldg., High Point, N. C. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., � Sec. and Treas., C. R. Callicott. Executive Committee. � � , B. W. Ray, J. A. Strickland, W. P. Dougherty, C. R. Callicott. Legal Assn.: " North Carolina Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Pres., � , Sec. and Treas.. C. R. Callicott. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., C. R. Callicott. Field Miss. Sec., W. P. Dough- erty. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., K. R. Haughey. Educational Dept.: Supt., K. R. Haughey. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., — SOUTHEASTERN UNION CONFERENCE. �89 Young People's Dept.: Sec., K. R. Ha'.ughey. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., K. R. Haughey. Negro Mission. Committee: , C. R. Callicott, B. W. Abney, J. F. Crich- low, Warren McKnight. MINISTERS. . J. A. Strickland, Box 602, High Point, N. C. H. L. Shoup, 238 Haywood St., Asheville, N. C. B. W. Abney, Box 602, High Point, N. C. J. F. Crichlow, 701 McRae St., Wil- mington, N. C. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. D. T. Shireman, Morganton, N. C. LICENTIATE. S. R. Haynes, 1219 Washington St., Greenville, N. C. - MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. W. P. Dougherty, Box 602, High Point, N. C. C. R. Callieott, Box 602, High Point, N. C. K. R. Haughey, Box 602, High Point, N. C. Mrs. K. R. Haughey, Box 602, High Point, N. C. Miss Delia Russell, 12 South Ann St., Asheville, N. C. Miss Elizabeth McHugh, 38 Pas- teur St., Newbern, N. C. Miss J. M. Gillam, Box-602, High Point, N. C. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Mrs. N..P. Fox, R. F. D. 3, Box 52, Statesville, N. C. Mrs. B. F. Wrenn, Box 602, High Point, N. C. Miss Belle Burton, care D. T. Shire- man, Morganton, N. C. Miss Earsie Brown, 238 Haywood St., Asheville, N. C. Mission School Teachers. Dr. G. E. West, 4 Lee St., New- bern, N. C. Miss Lucile Long, Gen. Del., Wil- son, N. C. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Asheville, 238 Haywood St., Ashe- ville, N. C. SOUTH CAROLINA CON- FERENCE. Organized 1907. Territory: The State of South Carolina. Office Address: Room 1, People's Bank Bldg., Columbia, S. C. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., E. W. Wolfe. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. Clara Rus- sell. Executive Committee: E. W. Wolfe, J. A. Traugh, 0. F. Turner, C. L. Collison. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., Mrs. Clara Rus- sell. Field Miss. Sec., C. L. Collison. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., A. B. Russell. Educational Dept.: Supt., A. B. Russell. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., C. B. Haynes, 169 Bryan St., Atlanta, Ga. Young People's Dept.: Sec., A. B. Russell. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., A. B. Russell. MINISTERS. E. W. Wolfe, Room .1, People's Bank Bldg., Columbia, S. C. J. A. Traugh, Room 1, People's Bank Bldg., Columbia, S. C. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. A. N. Allen, 300 Darlington Ave., Darlington, S. C. 90 � SOUTHEASTERN UNION CONVERENCE.- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. E. W. Wolfe, Room 1, Peo- ple's Bank Bldg., Columbia, S. C. C. L. Collison, Room 1, People's Bank Bldg., Columbia, S. C. A. B. Russell, Room 1, People's Bank Bldg., Columbia, S. C. Mrs. A. B. Russell, Room 1, Peo- ple's Bank Bldg., Columbia, S. C. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Miss Virginia. Greer, Spartanburg, S. C. Miss Ida Acker, Route 4, Greer, S. C. W. E. Patterson, Cherokee, S. C. Mrs. W. E. Patterson, Cherokee, S. C. Negro Mission. Committee: E. W. Wolfe, W. E. Strother, W. H. Maynor, F. A. Osterman. MINISTER. W. E. Strother, Camden, S. C. LICENTIATES. W. H. Maynor, 521 Dingle St., Sumter, S. C. F. A. Osterman, Newberry, S. C. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Mrs. W. H. Maynor, 818 South Main St., Darlington, S. C. Mrs. J. A. Godley, Newberry, S. C. Mrs. Ella B. Canty, 521 Dingle St., Sumter, S. C. Mrs. J. W. Sweedenberg, 63 Cooper St., Charleston, S. C. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Charleston: Nunan St. White, K. P. Hall, King St. Columbia: 1012 Assembly St. Colored, 1218 Henderson St. Greenville, Hampton and Echol Sts. Spartanburg, Wolf and Wofford Sts. INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTH- EASTERN UNION CON- FERENCE. Educational: Southern Junior College, Oolte- wah, Tenn. Publishing: Atlanta Branch of the Southern Pub. Assn., 169 Bryan St., At- . � lant a, Ga. Sanitarium: Florida Sanitarium, Orlando, Fla. SOUTHERN UNION CONFERENCE. Organized Igor. Territory: The Conferences of Alabama, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee River. Office: 2006 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. HFFICERS, Conference: Pres., S. E. Wight. Sec. and Treas., G. H. Curtis. Auditor and Transportation Agent, G. H. Curtis. Executive Committee: S. E. Wight, G. H. Curtis, L. H. Wood, C. N. Sanders, A. L. Miller, R. I. Keate, R. L. Pierce, M. W. Shid- ler, C. J. Buhalts, M. F. Knox, MT. R. Elliott, E. A. Sutherland, I. M. Martin, 0. R. Staines. - Legal Assn.: " Southern Union Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Pres., S. E. Wight; Sec. and Treas., G. H. Curtis. Union Book Depository: Southern Publishing Associa- tion, 2123 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Manager, R. L. Pierce. SOUTHERN UNION CONFERENCE. � 91 Union Field Miss. Sec., M. W. Shidler. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., L. A. Smith. Educational Dept.: Sec., L. H. Wood. Young People's Dept.: Sec., L. H. Wood. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., 0. R. Staines. MINISTERS. S. E. Wight, 2006 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. J. H. Lawrence, 1080 Mississippi Blvd., Memphis, Tenn. I. M. Martin, 2006 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. L. H. Wood, 2006 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. W. E. Videto, 2006 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. E. A. Sutherland, Madison, Tenn. F. W. Halladay, Box 414, Hunts- ville, Ala. W. L. Bird, Box 414, Huntsville, Ala. C. N. Martin, Bon Aqua: Tenn. , C. M. Kinney, R. F. D. 2, cor. Li- gon Lane and Dickerson Pike, Nashville, Tenn. J. I. Beardsley, Box 414, Hunts- ville, Ala. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. M. W. Shidler, 2006 Twenty- fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. G. H. Curtis, 2006 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. 0. R. Staines, Madison, Tenn. Miss Anna Hornung, 2006 Twenty- fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Honorary Missionary Licentiate. Julia Lowe, 1701 Simkin St., Nash- ville. Tenn, Southern Union Mission. Superintendent, S. E. Wight. Sec. and Treas., G. H. Curtis. Committee: S. E. Wight, G. H. Curtis, A. L. Miller, C. J. Buhalts, C. N. Sanders, R. I. Keate, W. R. Elliott, T. B. Buckner, J. G. Das- ent, J. H. Lawrence, N. B. King, Randall Johnson, J. M. Campbell. ALABAMA CONFERENCE. Organized 1901. Territory: The State of Alabama, and the following counties in Florida: Escambia, Santa Rosa, Walton, Holmes, Washington, Jackson, and Calhoun. Office: 316 Lyric Bldg., Birming- ham, Ala. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres.,, A. L. Miller. Sec. and Treas., B. C. Marshall. Executive Committee: A. L. Miller, J. F. Wright, M. L. Wilson, F. J. Rowland, 0. P. Ivie, C. J. Boyd. Legal Assn.: " Alabama Confer- ence Assn. of S. D. A." Pres., A. L. Miller; Sec. and Treas., B. C. Marshall. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., B. C. Marshall. Field Misst Sec., M. L. Wilson. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. J. F. Wright, 1007 West Texas St., Mobile, Ala. Educational Dept.: Supt., Miss Florence Williams. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., A. L. Miller. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Miss Florence Williams. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., A. L. Miller. 92 � SOUTHERN UNION CONFERENCE. MINISTERS. A. L. Miller, 1705 Eighth Ave., North, Birmingham, Ala. J. F. Wright, 1007 West Texas St., Mobile, Ala. LICENTIATES. M. L. Wilson, 316 Lyric Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. F. J. Rowland, 1625 Thirteenth Ave., South, Birmingham, Ala. • MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. B. C. Marshall, 316 Lyric Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. Mrs. Pearl M. Wilson, 1705 Eighth Ave., North, Birming- ham, Ala. Sarah V. Parker, 316 Lyric Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. Miss Florence 'Williams, 316 Lyric Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. Negro Mission. Committee: A. L. Miller, B. C. Marshall, M. L. Wilson, T. B. Buckner, C. A. Blackwood. MINISTER. T. B. Buckner, 110 Early St., Montgomery, Ala. LICENTIATE. C. A. Blackwood, 412 Range St., Dothan, Ala. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. S. D. Miller, 316 Lyric Bldg., Bir- mingham, Ala. C. A. Wilson, 1006 West Gadsden St., Pensacola, Fla. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. White: Mrs. C. Elford, Birmingham, Ala. Mrs. Ruth Williams, R. F. D., Elkwood, Ala. Mrs. E. C. Warren, R. F. D. 1, Borden Springs, Ala. Mrs. L. C. Scott, R. F. D. 1; Long Island, Ala. Mission: Mrs. C. A: Wilson, 1006 West Gadsden St., Pensacola, Fla. Mrs. C. A. Blaekk wood, 412 Range St., Dothan, Ala. Mrs. L. W. Crichlow, Birming- ham, Ala. Mrs. T. R. Battle, Talledega, Ala. Mrs. Julia Wesley, 14 Franklin St., Montgomery, Ala. CHURCH DIRECTORY.. Birmingham : 725 North Nineteenth St. Colored, Walker St. and Sixth Ave. Dothan, Colored, 316 Range St. Huntsville, Colored, 629 Madison St. Mobile: Scottish Rite Cathedral. Colored, 757 South Hamilton St. Montgomery: 306 Finley Ave. Colored, 110 Early St. Sheffield, Seventh St. and Nash- ville Ave. KENTUCKY CONFERENCE. Organized 1908. Territory: All the State of Ken- tucky excepting the eight coun- ties west of the Tennessee River, belonging to the Tennes- see River Conference. Office Address: 2014 West Walnut St., Louisville, Ky. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., R. I. Keate. � • � • • - See. and Treas., Burton Castle. Executive Committee: R. I. Keate, James Hickman, S. D. Bos- sing, C. W. Vermillion; Burton Castle, 0. L. Denslow. Legal A.5sn.: " Seventh-day Ad* ventist Conference Association of Kentucky." Pre's., R. I. Keate; Sec.. Burton Castle. Tract Society: See. and Treas., Burton Castle. Field Miss. Sec., James Hick- man. Sabbath School Dept.: See., Mrs'. R. I. Keats. SOUTHERN UNION CONFERENCE. � 93 Educational Dept.: Supt., R. I. Keate. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., R. I. Keate. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Mrs. R. I. Keate. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., R. I. Keate. MINISTER. R. I. Keate, 2014 West Walnut St., Louisville, Ky. Honorary Ministerial Credential. W. H. White, 2014 West Walnut St., Louisville, Ky. LICENTIATES. G. A. Davis; 2014 West Walnut St., Louisville, Ky. 0. L. Denslow, 2014 West Walnut St., Louisville, Ky. B. E. Wagner, 2014 West Walnut St., Louisville, Ky. John Brownlie, 2014 West Walnut St., Louisville, Ky. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Burton Castle, 2014 West Walnut St., Louisville, Ky. James Hickman, 2014 West Wal- nut St., Louisville, Ky. Mrs. R. I. Keate, 2238 West Jef- ferson St., Louisville, Ky. C. L. Hornung, 2121 Osage St., Louisville, Ky. Mrs. R. Y. Howard, 34 Lylin St., Covington, Ky. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Miss Gladys Ruth Clark, 2238 West Jefferson SC,' Louisville, Ky. L. E. Christman, Lockport, Ky. Negro Mission. Committee: R. I. Keate; J. M. Campbell, Burton Castle, S. D. Bos- sing, William Winston, F. S. Keitts. MINISTER. 3. M. Campbell, 1820 West Chest- nut St., Louisville, Ky. LICENTIATES. William Winston, 614 Maple St., Owensboro, Ky. .F. S. Keitts, 111 West Fifth St., Lexington, Ky. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. Katie Washington, 1813 West Ce- dar St., Louisville, Ky. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHER. Miss Anna Tibbs, 1.820 %Vest Chestnut St., Louisville, Ky. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Bowling Green, Park and Twelfth Sts. Covington, 508 West Fourteenth St. Lexington, Colored, Fifth and Up- per Sts. Louisville: Cor. Seventeenth and Jefferson Sts. Colored, No. 1, Chestnut and Eighteenth Sts. Colored, No. 2, Shelby and Bur- nett Sts. LOUISIANA CONFERENCE. Organized 1901. Territory: The State of Louisiana. Office Address: 810 Jackson Ave., New Orleans, La. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., C. N. Sanders. Sec. and Treas., C. B. Caldwell. Executive Committee: C. N. Sanders, G. B. Boswell, J. A. Mor- row, C. B. Caldwell, C. A. Lantz. Legal Assn.: " Louisiana Con- ference Association .of S. D. A." Pres., C. N. Sanders; Sec. and Treas., C. B. Caldwell. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., C. B. Caldwell. Field Miss. Sec., G. B. Boswell, 2815 Fetzer Ave., Shreveport, La. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. Emma L. Morrow. 94 � SOUTHERN UNION CONFERENCE. Educational Dept.: Supt., Mrs. C. N. Sanders. Religious Liberty Dept:: Sec., C. N. Sanders. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Mrs. C. N. Sanders. MINISTERS. C. N. Sanders, 810 Jackson Ave., New Orleans, La. 0. F. Frank, 304 Hodges St., Lake Charles, La. L A. Morrow, 810 Jackson Ave., New Orleans, La. LICENTIATE. H. W. Denton, 8.10 Jackson Ave., New Orleans, La. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. ' Mrs. C. N. Sanders, 810 Jackson Ave., New Orleans, La. G. B. Boswell, 2815 Fetzer Ave., Shreveport, La. C. B. Caldwell, 810 Jackson Ave., New Orleans, La. • Mrs. Emma L. Morrow, 810 Jack- son Ave., New Orleans, La. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Mrs. L. B. Spear, 2815 Fetzer Ave., Shreveport, La. Miss Bessie Morgan, 810 Jackson Ave., New Orleans, La. Negro Mission. Executive Committee: C. N. Sanders, C. B. Caldwell, J. A. Mor- row, R. Roberts, A. F. Schemell. MINISTER. N. B. King, 810 Jackson Ave., New Orleans, La. LICENTIATES. R. Roberts, 1755 Southern Ave., Shreveport, La. A. R. Bell, Box 314, Hammond, La. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. Lucile C. Williams, 810 Jackson Ave., New Orleans, La. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHER. Lucile C. Williams, 810 Jackson Ave., New Orleans, La. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Lake Charles, 306 Hodges St. New Orleans: Cor. Melpomene and Colliseum Sts. Colored, 2412 Delachaise St. Shreveport, Frederick and Missouri Sts. MISSISSIPPI CONFERENCE.. Organized 1901. Territory: The State -of Missis- sippi. Office Address: 703 South Gal- latin St., Jackson, Miss. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., C. J. Buhalts. Sec. and Treas., N. L. Taylor. Executive Committee: C. J. Bu- halts, R. E. Burke, N. L. Taylor, J. D. McEachern, G. Z. Clark, John R. Staton. Legal Assn.: " Mississippi Con- ference Association of Seventh- day Adventists." Pres., C. J. Bu- halts; Sec., N. L. Taylor. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., N. L. Taylor. Field Miss. Sec., John R. Sta- ton. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec.; � Educational Dept.: Supt., C. J. Buhalts. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., R. E. Burke, Laurel, Miss. Young People's Dept.: Sec., � Home Missionary Dept.: See., C. J. Buhalts. MINISTERS. C. J. Buhalts, 703 South Gallatin St., Jackson, Miss. R. E. Burke, Laurel, Miss. SOUTHERN UNION CONFERENCE. � 95 0. A. Dow, 703 South Gallatin St., Jackson, Miss. W. P. McLennan, 703 South Galla- tin St., Jackson, Miss. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. Henry Balsbaugh, 823 Pine St., Vicksburg, Miss. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. Mary Balsbaugh, 823 Pine St., Vicksburg, Miss. N. L. Taylor, 703 South Gallatin St., Jackson, Miss. John R. Staton, 703 South Gal- latin St., Jackson, Miss. Mrs. R. E. Burke, Laurel, Miss. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHER. Miss Ethel Clark, 703 South Gal- latin St., Jackson, Miss. Negro Mission. Executive Committee: C. J. Bu- halts, N. B. King, D. V. Barnes, John R. Staton. MINISTER. D. V. Barnes, Box 214, Mound Bayou, Miss. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. Dora Wilson, Box 5, Lambert. Miss. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Jackson, 701 South. Gallatin St. TENNESSEE RIVER CON- FERENCE. Organized 1888. Territory: Western Tennessee, the eastern boundary being the eastern line of the counties of Sumner, Trousdale, Wilson, Cannon, Coffee, and Franklin, and the following-named coun- ties in Kentucky: Ballard, Mc- Cracken, Marshall, Graves, Ful- ton, Hickman, Carlisle, and Calloway. Office: 322 Jackson Bldg., Nash- ville, Tenn. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., W. R. Elliott. Sec. and Treas., F. C. Bruce. Executive Committee: W. R. Elliott, M. F. Knox, J. R. Kennedy, Forrest West, W. D. Wade, J. S. Bellinger, M. Wheeler. Legal Assn.: " Tennessee River Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Pres., W. R. Elliott; Sec. and Treas., F. C. Bruce. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., F. C. Bruce. Field Miss. Sec., W. D. Wade. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. I. C. Pound, 1547 Trimble St., Paducah, Ky. Educational Dept.: Supt., Miss Sadie Rogers. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., W. R. Elliott. Young People's and Home Miss- ionary Depts.: Sec., Miss Sadie Rogers. MINISTERS. W. R. Elliott, 322 Jackson Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. J. S. Bellinger, 1711 Cass St., Nashville, Tenn. D. P. Wood, 666 Dunlap St., Memphis, Tenn. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. C. N. Martin, Bon Aqua, Tenn. W. R. Burrow, R. F. D. 6, Mem- phis, Tenn. LICENTIATE. I. C. Pound, 1547 Trimble St., Paducah, Ky. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Miss Anna Adams, 2008 Twenty- fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. F. C. Bruce, 322 Jackson Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. Miss Mamie Moore, 322 Jackson Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. 96 � SOUTHERN UNION CONFERENCE. Miss Beulah Cothren, 322 Jackson Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. W. D. Wade, 322 Jackson Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. , Mrs. I. C. Pound, 1547 Trimble St., Paducah, Ky. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Miss Minnie Brown, 749 North De- catur St., Mempis, Tenn. Miss Bertha Laughlin, Ashland City, Tenn. George Crawford, 2406 Hyde St., Nashville, Tenn. Miss Genevieve Robert, 2314 Sei- fried St., Nashville, Tenn. Ernest Stahl, Springville, Tenn. Mrs. L. C. Derrick, (colored), 1111 Twelfth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Tennessee River Mission. Pres., W. R. Elliott. Sec. and Treas., F. C. Bruce. Mission Committee: The Con- ference Executive Committee, in counsel with the following: J. G. Dasent, and the mission evangelist of the Union Conference. MINISTER. J. G. Dasent, 1718 Heiman St., Nashville, Tenn. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Peter Boyd, 1080 Mississippi Blvd., Memphis, Tenn. Milton Young, care Duncan Hotel- Y. M.-C. A., Nashville, Tenn. Thos. H. Allison, General Delivery, Jackson, Tenn. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Jackson, Long St. Memphis, Dunlap St., near Jack- son St. Nashville: Fifth and Fatherland Sts. Colored, Twelfth Ave. and Hard- ing St. (near Jefferson). INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTHERN UNION CONFERENCE. Educational: Hazel Academy, Hazel, Ky. Oakwood Junior College, Hunts- ville, Ala. Nashville Agricultural and Nor- mal Institute, Madison, Tenn. Publishing: Southern Pub. Assn., 2123 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Sanitarium: The Madison Rural Sanitarium, Madison, Tenn. SOUTHWESTERN UNION CONFERENCE. Organized Igor; Territory: The Conferences of Arkansas, Oklahoma, North Texas, South Texas, and Texico. Office: 401-403 Scott Thompson Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., J. W. Christian. Sec. and Treas., C. E. Smith. Executive Committee: J. W. Christian, the presidents of the conferences composing the Union, reorganized 1902. principal of Southwestern Junior College, C. E. Smith, A. F. Harri- son, and the Educational and Young People's Missionary Volun- teer Secretaries. Legal Assn.: " The Southwest- ern Union Conference. Corporation of S. D. A." Pres., J. W. Chris- tian; Sec. and Treas., C. E. Smith. Auditor and Transportation Agent, C. E. Smith. SOUTHWESTERN UNION CONFERENCE. �97 Union Book Depository: Western Branch of the South- ern Publishing Assn., 411 West Railroad Ave., Fort Worth, Tex. Manager, S. J. Abegg. Union Field Miss. Sec., A. F. Harrison. � - Educational Dept.: Sec., W. L. Adams. Young People's Dept.: Sec., W. L. Adams. Religious Liberty Dept.: See., J. p. Christian. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., W. L. Adams. MINISTERS. J. W. Christian, 401-403 Scott Thompson Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Sydney Scott, Box 14, Little Rock, Ark. B. L. House, Keene, Tex. C. L. Premer, Keene, Texas. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. C. McReynolds, Loma Linda, Cal. N. J.. Ethredge, Abilene, Tex. H. Clay Griffin, Munday, Tex. LICENTIATES. W. E. Nelson, Keene, Tex. A. F. Harrison, 401-403 Scott Thompson Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. A. W. Peterson, Keene, Tex. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. IL H. Hamilton, Keene, Tex. C. E. Smith, 401-403 Scott ThOmp- son Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. .W. L. Adams, 401-403 Scott Thompson Bldg., Oklahoma City. Okla. A. D. Field, Keene, Tex. H. A. Peebles, Keene, Tex. ARKANSAS CONFERENCE. Organized 1888. Territory: The State of Arkansas. Office Address: Box 14, Little Rock, Ark. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., J. I. Taylor. Sec. and Treas., M. G. Haynes. Executive Committee: J. I. Tay- lor, M. G. Hayfies, W. Kirkham, N. R. Hickman. Legal Assn.: " Arkansas Con- ference Association of the Sev- enth-day Adventists." Pres., J. I. Taylor; Sec., M. G. Haynes. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., M. G. Haynes. Field Nliss. Sec., W. Kirkham. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. J. I. Taylor. Educational Dept.: Supt., N. R. Hickman, 818 North Thirty-fourth St., Ft. Smith, Ark. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., J. I. Taylor. Young People's Dept.: Sec., N. R. Hickman. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., J. I. Taylor. MINISTERS. J. I. Taylor, Box 14, Little Rock, Ark. N. R. Hickman, 818 North Thirty- fourth St., Ft. Smith, Ark. M. Jones, 1726 High St., Little Rock, Ark. LICENTIATE. C. W. Lee, Box 14, Little Rock, Ark. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. W. Kirkham, Box 14, Little Rock, Ark. M. G. Haynes, Box 14, Little Rock, Ark. Mrs. J. I. Taylor, 512 North Pine St., Little Rock, Ark. Katie � Baker, Little Rock, Ark. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Miss Mae Smith, Little Rock, Ark. F. M. Palmer, Lucky, Ark. 98 �SOUTHWESTERN UNION CONFERENCE. Miss Bessie Wilson, Lucky, Ark. Miss Nellie McCrary, Ava, Ark. Miss Hila Robertson, Gentry, Ark. Mrs. N. R. Hickman, 818 North Thirty-fourth St., Ft. Smith, Ark. Miss Maude Coleman, 37 South St.,Fayetteville, Ark. Mrs. Georgia Bullard, Searcy, Ark. Mrs. K. 0. Johnson, Route 5, Box 46, Hazen, Ark. NORTH TEXAS CONFERENCE. Organized 1878. Territory: That part of the State •of Texas lying east and north of the following counties: East of Wichita, Archer, Jack, Palo Pinto, Erath, Hamilton, Lam- pasas; and north of Burnet, Williamson, Lee, Burleson, Lib- erty, Hardin, and Orange. Office: Keene, Tex. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., David Voth. Sec. and Treas., A. M. Woodall. Executive Committee: David Voth, T. W. Field, W. A. Sweany, D. A. McNiel, A. M. Woodall. Transportation Agent: A. M. Woodall. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., W. F. Field. Field Miss. Sec., D. E. McNiel. Sabbath School Dept.: See., Mrs. A. M. Woodall. Educational Dept.: Supt., C. U. Taylor. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., David Voth. Young People's Dept.: Sec., C. U. Taylor. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., C. U. Taylor. Committee to Oversee the Colored Work: David Voth, A. M. Woodall, Thomas Murphy, E. M. Gates. MINISTERS. David Voth Keene, Tex. W. A. Sweany, Dallas, Tex. R. W. Leach, Route 3, Naples, Tex. Thomas Murphy, Box 776, Waco, Tex. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. T. W. Field, Keene, Tex. H. B. French, Cleburne, Tex. W. A. McCutchen, Keene, Tex. LICENTIATES. C. U. Taylor, Keene, Tex. E. M. Gates, Corsicana, Tex. E. M. Davis, Sherman, Tex. 0. W. Wolfe, Aquilla, Tex. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. W. F. Field, Keene, Tex. A. M. Woodall, Keene, Tex. Mrs. A. M. Woodall, Ke ne, Tex. Mrs. W. A. Sweany, Dallas, Tex: 0. J. Corwin, 511 Laurel St., Fort Worth, Tex. Mrs. 0. J. Corwin. 511 Laurel, St., Fort Worth, Tex. D. E. McNiel, Keene, Tex. Miss Josephine C. Montgomery, Corsicana, Tex. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. J. W. Winn, Keene, Tea. Miss Bennie French, Keene, Tex. Miss Jessie Casey, Keene, Tx. Miss Sidney Smith, Dalworth, Tex. Mrs. S. W. Abel, 1709 South Er- vay St., Dallas, Tex. Miss Rut Shaw, Route 4, Jef- ferson, Tex. Mrs. Roberta Ingram, Route 4, Jefferson, Tex. � • Miss Mattie Shaw, Douglas, Tex. W.. G. Hassenpflug, Valley View, Tex. B. W. Lowry, Route 3, Naples, Tex. Mrs. Mary Richie, Route 3, Naples, Tex. Oscar T. Nystel, Route 3, Avinger, Tex. Miss Bertha Cade, Decoy, Tex. Mrs. L. 0. Corwin, Dallas Tex. Mrs. T. B. Creager, Keene, Tex. • - SOUTHWESTERN UNION CONFERENCE. �99 OKLAHOMA CONFERENCE Organized 1894. Territory: The State of Okla- homa. Office: 217 West Seventh St., Okla- homa City, Okla. Office Address: Box 644, Oklahoma City, Okla. OFFICERS, Conference: Pres., John Isaac. Sec. and Treas., William Voth. Executive Committee: John Isaac, N. Clausen, C. M. McDon- ald, E. B. Hopkins, C. J. Dart, 0. E. Weitz, William Voth. Legal Assn.: " Oklahoma Con- ference Corporation of Seventh- day Adventists." Pres., John Isaac; Sec., W. A. Woodruff. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., W. A. Woodruff. Field Miss. Sec., Albert Priest. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., D. D. Voth. Educational Dept.: Supt., Miss Almetta Garrett. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., John Isaac. Young People's Dept.: Sec., D. D. Voth. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., C. J. Dart. MINISTERS. John Isaac, Box 644, Oklahoma City, Okla. N. Clausen, Box 644, Oklahoma City, Okla. T. J. Hickman, Elk City, Okla. C. M. McDonald, R. F. D. 3, We- woka, Okla. I. A. Crane, R. F. ,D. 3, Waurika, Okla,. U. B. Dake, 609 East Oklahoma Ave., Anadarko, Okla. D. F. Sturgeon, 1201 West Ran- dolph Ave.,. Enid, Okla. R. P. Montgomery. 704 West Tenth St., Okrnulgee, Okla. 'E. B. Hopkins, 'Ardmore, Okla. M. G. Nunes; 815 South Third St., Muskogee, Okla. L. B. Schick, Box 644, Oklahoma City, Okla. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. A. J. Voth, Kiel, Okla. I KENTIATES. W. E. Barr, 1111/2 East Third St., Tulsa, Okla. Ezra Fillman, Ketchum, Okla. G. F. Eichma.n, Tangier, Okla. John Knudson, Box 644, Okla- homa City, Okla. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. William Voth, Box 644, Oklahoma City, Okla. Mrs. 0. M. Hindbaugh, 715 North Broad St., Guthrie, Okla. Miss Almetta Garrett, 114 East Eighth St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Miss Viola Joplin, Box 644, Okla- homa City, Okla. Miss Margaret Basel, 621 South Main St., Muskogee, Okla. - Albert Priest, Box 644, Oklahoma City, Okla. D. D. Voth, Box 644, Oklahoma. City, Okla. W. A. Woodruff, Box 644, Okla- homa City, Okla. C. J. Dart, Box 644, Oklahoma City, Okla. Mrs. E. B. Hopkins, Ardmore, Okla. Carl Voss, Homestead, Okla. W. W. Bricker,.E1 Reno, Okla. Miss Millicent Jordan, 619 South Sixth St., Muskogee, Okla. Miss Averil Hughes, • Box 644, Oklahoma City, Okla. J. H. Neufeld, Shattuck, Okla. W. S. North, 416 East • Lincoln St., Guthrie, Okla. Miss Mary Baxter, Box 644, Okla- homa City, Okla. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. R. P. Abel, R. F. D. 3, Waurika, Okla. B. E. Bridwell, R. F. D. 3, Wau- rika, Okla.. Mrs. B. E. Bridwell, R. F. D. 3, Waurika, Okla. 100 �SOUTHWESTERN UNION CONFERENCE. • W. 0. Belz, Ketchum, Okla. Miss Nora Dunn, Ketchum, Okla. Miss Abbie Dunn, •Ketchum, Okla: Miss Laura Reynolds, R. F. D. 3, Wewoka, Okla. Miss Hortence McDaniel, R. F. D. 3, Wewoka, Okla. H. Willers, Shattuck, Okla. Mrs. H. Willers, Shattuck, Okla. Miss Maggie McCoy, "Tulsa, Okla. Edward Mooy, Tulsa, Okla. Miss Georgia Olson, Box 644, Okla- homa City, Okla. Miss Atha Davis, Bartlesville, Okla. Miss Eva Wilson, Binger, Okla. Miss Elizabeth Lothian, Walter, Okla. Miss Louise Oliver, Hewitt, Okla. H. 0. Beltz, Okeene, Okla. Mrs. J. L. McCurdy, Cement, Okla. Miss Grace Wilcox, Riverside, Okla. Miss Violet Duncan, Coodys Bluff, Okla. Miss Lena Dake, Grandfield, Okla. Daniel Schmidt, Hooker, Okla. Miss Clara Reim-m.1th, Hitchcock, Okla. Harold Crane, Perkins, Okla. J. Funkhouser, Claypool, Okla. Miss Nellie Ranson, Enid, Okla. Miss Leila Kinder, Crescent, Okla. Miss Iva Southard, Hendrix, Okla. Mrs. W. S. Lincoln, Provence, Okla. Mrs. J. A. La Lone, Lone Wolf, Okla. Miss Hama Houston, Stillwater, Okla. • Home Teachers. Mrs. Mamie La Lone, Gage, Okla. Mrs. Oka Frymire, Bartlesville, Okla. • NEGRO MISSION Supt., John Isaac. Sec. and Treas., William Voth. Committee: N. Clausen, M. G. Nunes, W. S. North. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Enid, West Randolph and Quincy Sts. Oklahoma City, 217 West Seventh St. Bartlesville, 203 Bucy St. Guthrie (Colored), 921 East Vilas St. SOUTH TEXAS CONFERENCE. Organized 1911. Territory: All that portion of the State of Texas lying east of the Texico Conference, and south of the south line of the following counties: Lampasas, Bell, Milani, Robertson, Madison, Walker, San Jacinto, Tyler, Jasper, Newton, and west 'of Louisiana to the Gulf of Mexico. Office: 503-505 Swearingen-Mc- Graw Bldg., San Antonio, Tex. Office Address: Box 755, San An- tonio, Tex. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., E. L. Neff. Sec. and Treas., C. C. Mattison. Executive Committee: E. L. Neff, C. C. Mattison, J. B. Hamp- ton, R. B. Dunks, N. H. Conway. Legal Assn.: " South Texas Con- ference Association of S. D. A." Pres., E. L. Neff; Sec. and Treas., C. C. Mattison. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., C. C. Mattison. Assistant, R. L. Atcheson. Field Miss. Sec., N. H. Conway. Sabeath School Dept.: Sec., C. C. Mattison. Educational Dept.: Supt., 0. R. West. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., E. L. Neff. Young People's Dept.: Sec., G. R. West. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., C. C. Mattison. MINISTERS. E. L. Neff, 549 Drexel Ave., San Antonio, Tex. J. B. Hampton, 4303 Avenue C, Austin, Tex. J. W. Miller, 2615 Tuam Ave.. Houston, Tex. SOUTHWESTERN UNION CONFERENCE. �101 • • LICENTIATES. Benito Delgado, Station A, San Antonio, Tex. J. M. Lopez, 1415 Santa Marie St., Laredo, Tex. G. R. West, /Keene, Tex. H. D. Greene, 1615 Worms St., Houston, Tex. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. N. H. Conway, Box 755, San An- tonio, Tex. C.. C. Mattison, Box 755, San An- tonio, Tex. Miss Margaret Warnock, 507 West Thirty-eighth St., Austin, Tex. R. L. Atcheson, Box 755, San An- tonio, Tex. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Miss Cora Johnson, El Campo, Tex. Glenn Willhelm, Route 5, Elgin, Tex. Miss Tressa Smith, 1511 Dennison St., Houston, Tex. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Corpus Christi, 1200 Block, Cham- berlain St. Houston, 913 Hartman Ave. San Antonio, 219 Winnipeg Ave. TEXICO CONFERENCE, Organized 1916. Territory: The State of New Mex- ico (excepting San Juan County belonging to the Inter-Mountain Conference), and that part of the State of Texas lying west and north of the following coun- ties: West of the eastern line of Wichita, Archer, Jack, Palo Pinto, Erath, Hamilton, Lampa- sas, and north of the south line of Lampasas, San Saba, Mc Cul- loch, Concho, Tom Green, Irion, Reagan, Upton, Crane, Ward, Reeves, Culbertson, and El Paso. Office: 217 North Rencher St., Clo- vis, N. Mex. Postal Address: Drawer D, Clovis, N. Mex. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., R. B. Coberly. Sec. and Treas., L. J. Black. Executive . Committee: R. B. Coberly, H. L. Hoover, Burt Bray, T. J. Hooper, H. E. Willoughby. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., L. J. Black. Field Miss. Sec., T. J. Hooper. Sabbath School Dept.:' Sec., Mrs. H. E. Willoughby. Educational and Young People's Dept. . See., H. E. Willoughby. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., R. B. Coberly.. ' MINISTERS. R. B. Coberly, Clyde, Tex. H. L. Hoover, 3925 West Minister St., El Pe SO, Tex, G. A. La Grone, R. F. D. 4, Cle- burne, Tex. Burt Bray, Las Cruces, N. Mex. G. J., Seltzer, 1201 East Copper Ave., Albuquerque, N. Mex. Frank Weeks, R. F. D. 1, Ama- rillo, Tex. LICENTIATES. M. R. Proctor, 1442 South Second St., Abilene, Tex. Bernardino Sanchez, Las Cruces, N. Niex. H. E. Willoughby, Drawer D, Clo- vis, N. Mex. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. T. J. Hooper, Clyde, Tex. L. J. Black, Drawer D, Clovis, N. Mex. Mrs. Minnie Proctor, 1442 South Second St.. Abilene, Tex. Mrs. H. E. Willoughby, Drawer D, Clovis, N. Mex. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. H. A. Gober, Clyde, Tex.. Miss Lillie Griffin, Hagerman, N. Mex. Miss June Newcomb, Thoreau, N. Mex. Mrs. J. A. Scott, Roswell, N. Mex. 102 �SOUTHWESTERN UNION CONFERENCE. INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTH- WESTERN UNION CON- FERENCE. Educational: Addington Intermediate School, Addington, Okla. Ketchum Intermediate School, Ketchum, Oi la. Southwestern Junior College, Keene, Tex. Publishing: • Fort Worth Branch of Southern Pub. Assn., 411 West Rail- road Ave., Fort Worth, Tex. WESTERN CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE. Organized 1907. Territory: The Conferences of Manitoba, Alberta, British Co- lumbia, and Saskatchewan. Office Address: 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., C. F. McVagh. Sec., Treas., and Auditor,.F. L. Hommel. Executive Committee: C. F. McVagh, F. L. Hommel, H. H. Humann, J. G. Walker, G. H. Skin- ner, J. J. Reiswig, A...C. Gilbert, W. L. Manfull, J. B. Giddings. Union Book Depository: Canadian Branch of the Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1109 Fourteenth St., West, Calgary, Alberta. Manager, J. B. Giddings. Union Field Miss. Sec., W: L. Manfull. Educational Dept.: Sec., J. J. Reiswig. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., C. F. McVagh. Young People's Dept.: Sec., J. J. Reiswig. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., .1. B. Giddings. MINISTERS. C. F. McVagh, 815 Third Ave., West, Calgary, Alberta. J. J. Reiswig, Lacombe, Alberta: MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. W. L. Manfull, 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta. F. L. Hommel, 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta. ALBERTA CONFERENCE. Organized 1906. Territory: The Province of Al- berta. Office: 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Cal- gary, Alberta, Canada. OFFICERS. Conference: Preq., H. II. Humann. Sec. and Treas., F. L. Hommel. Executive Committee: H. H. Humann, S. W. Shankel, C. K. Reiswig, Dr. Hans Bonde, J. K. Fish, Fred Johnson, F. L. Hommel. Legal Assn.: " Alberta Confer- ence Association of Seventh-day Adventists." Pres., H. H. Hu- mann; Sec. and Treas., F. L. Hom- mel. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., F. L. Hommel. Field Miss. Sec., R. P. Mooney. WESTERN CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE. � 103 Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. M. H. Crothers. Educational Dept.: Supt., Miss Bertha Gillbank. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Miss Bertha Gillbank. Medical Missionary Dept.: Sec., Dr. Hans Bonde. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., R. P. Mooney. MINISTERS. H. H. Humann, 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. P. P. Adams, Lacombe, Alberta, Canada.. C. K. Reiswig, Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. Fred Johnson, 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. V. W. Robb, Lacombe, • Alberta, Canada. J. K. Fish, Cayley, Alberta, Can- ada. LICENTIATES. E. D. Dick, Lacombe, Alberta, Can- ada. L. W. Cobb, Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. Af P. Pond, Lacombe, Alberta, Can- ada. A. C. Harder, Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. P. A. Rick, 120 Twenty-first Ave., N. E., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Dr. H. Bonde, 322 First Ave., N. E., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. H. E. Shelstad, 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. F. L. Hommel, 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. R. P. Mooney, Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. Mrs. M. H. Crothers, 815 Third Ave., West, Calgary, Alberta. Miss H. A. Beardsley, Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. S. M. Ryan, Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. Coal. Smith, Lacombe, Alberta, Can- ada. CHURCH SCHOOL, TEACHERS. Miss Juneau Belle McClaflin; Loy- alist, Alberta, Canada. B. Saxild, Manville, Alberta, Can- ada. . Miss Elizabeth Erickson, Beiseker, Alberta, Canada. Miss Mabel Johnson, Beiseker, Al- berta, Canada. Miss Lillian Hilde, Cayley, Al- berta, Canada. Mrs. Lilace Hayward, Czar, Al- berta, Canada. Miss Christine Erickson, Beiseker, Alberta, Canada. Miss Mary Swanson, Irvine, Al- berta, Canada.. Miss Elizabeth . King, Steveville, Alberta, Canada. BRITISH COLUMBIA CON- FERENCE. Organized 1902. Territory: British Columbia, Can- ada. Office: 1708 Maple St., Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., A. C. Gilbert. Sec. and Treas., T. S. Bowett. Executive Committee: A. C. Gil- bert, T. S. Bowett, A. E. Shantz, E. R. Potter, Andrew Jemson, W. H. Vass, Geo. Reiswig. Legal Assn.. " British Columbia Association of Seventh-day Ad- ventists." Pres., A. C. Gilbert; Sec. and Treas., T. S. Bowett. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., T. S. Bowett. - Field Miss. Sec., L. A. Philpott. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. A. C. Gilbert. Educational Dept.: Supt., C. W. Degering. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., A. C. Gilbert. 104 � WESTERN CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Miss Lydia Stickle. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., T. S. Bowett. MINISTERS. A. C. Gilbert, 1708 Maple St., Van- couver, British Columbia. A. 0. Burrill, 2056 Forty-second Ave., East, South Vancouver, - British Columbia. E. R. Potter, Chilliwack, British Columbia. C. E. Wood, Grand Forks, British Columbia. J. V. Maas, Armstrong, British Columbia. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. L. A. Philpott, Box 136, Penticton, British Columbia. T. S. Bowett, 1708 Maple St., Van- couver, British Columbia. George Toombs, Nelson, British Columbia. Albert Bellchamber, Chilliwack, British Columbia. Mrs. A. C. Gilbert, 1708 Maple St., Vancouver, British Columbia. C. W. Degering, R. F. D. 3, Arm- strong, British Columbia. Miss Lydia Stickle, R. F. D. 3, Armstrong, British Columbia. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. C. W. Degering, R. F. D. 3, Arm- strong, British Columbia. Mrs. C. W. Degering, R. F. D. 3, Armstrong, British Columbia. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Vancouver: West, 1708 Maple St. East, 1758 Union St. South, 2056 Forty-second Ave., East: MANITOBA CONFERENCE. Organized 1903. Territory: The Province of Mani- toba and that portion of Ontario lying west of the 89th Meridian. Office Address: 819-21 Somerset; Block, Winnipeg, Manitoba. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., 0. H. Skinner. Sec. and Treas., G. R. Soper. Executive Committee: G. -H. Skinner, G. R. Soper, J. T. Erring- ton, Evan Roberts, J. M. Hogg, Jas. Arnot, Thos. Atkinson. Legal Assn : " The Manitoba Conference of the Seventh-day Ad- ventists." Pres., G. H. Skinner. Tract Society: See. and Treas., G. R. Soper. Field Miss. Sec., G. F. Ojala. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. G. H. Skinner. Educational Dept.: Supt., G. R. Soper. Young People's Dept.: See., Mrs. G. H. Skinner. Religious Liberty Dept.: See., G. H. Skinner. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., G. R. Soper. MINISTERS. G. H. Skinner, 819 Somerset Block, Winnipeg, Manitoba. �• J. T. Errington, 244 Van Horne St., Port Arthur, Ontario. C. A. Hansen, 819 Somerset Block, Winnipeg, Manitoba. C. W. Rubendall, 819 Somerset Block, Winnipeg, Manitoba. C. C. Neufeld, 819 Somerset Block, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. Neill McGill, Giroux, Manitoba. LICENTIATES. David Gulbrandson, Gimli, Mani- toba' G. R. Soper, 819 Somerset Block, Winnipeg, iaanitoba. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. 0. H. Skinner, 819 Somerset Block, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Mrs. C. A. Hansen, 819 Somerset Block, Winnipeg, Manitoba. • WESTERN CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE. � 105 Mrs. J. T. Errington, 244 Van Horne St., Port A:thur, Ontario. Mrs. S. Aspin, 819 Somerset Block, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Miss S. Johnson, 819 Somerset Block, Winnipeg, Manitoba; S. Meikle, 819 Somerset Block, Winnipeg, Manitoba. H. P. Parker, 819 Somerset Block, Winnipeg, Manitoba. • SASKATCHEWAN CONFER- ENCE. Organized 1912. Territory: The Province of Sas- katchewan. Office: Room 103, Willoughby-Sum- ner Block, Saskatoon, Saskatche- wan. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., J. G. Walker. Sec. and Treas., U. Wissner. Executive Committee: J. G. Walker,W. A. Clemensen, D. D. Netifel, 0. Ziprick, Geo. Ross, U. Wissner, A. 1v. Farnsworth. Legal Assn.: " Saska`chewan Conference Association of Seventh- day Adventists." Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., U. Wissner. Field Miss. Sec., R. H. Kitto. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. R. S. Dexter. Educational Dept.: Sec., H. W. Clark. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., M. Mackintosh, 1218 Fifth Ave., Northwest, Moose Jaw, Sas- katchewan. Young People's Dept.: Sec., W. A. Clemensen. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., W. A. Clemensen. Cor. Sec., U. Wissner. MINISTERS. J. .G. Walker, 106 Willoughby- Sumner Bloc, Saskatoon, Sas- katchewan. C. B. Hughes, Battleford, Saskatch- ewan. M. Mackintosh, 1218 Fifth Ave., Northwest, Moosc Jaw, Sas- katchewan. 0. Ziprick, 103 Willoughby-Sum- ner Block, Saskatoon, Saskatch- ewan. W. A. Clemensen, 103 Willoughby- Sumner Block, Saskatoon, Sas- katchewan. W. G. Forshaw, Battleford, Sas- katchewan. T. T. Babienco, Battleford, Sas- katchewan. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. 0. 0. Farnsworth, Sonningdale. Saskatchewan. LICENTIATES. Oscar M. Akre, 103 Willoughby- Sumner Block, Saskatoon. Sas- katchewan. W. G. McCready, Battleford, Sas- katchewan. Henry Berg, Prussia, Saskatche- wan. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Benedict Riescu, Canora, Sas- katchewan. Ilija Belu, 1822 Toronto St., Re- gina, Saskatchewan. Louise Bisseger, 103 Willoughby- Sumner Block, Saskatoon, Sas- katchewan. R. H. Kitto, 103 Willoughby-Sum- ner Block, Saskatoon, Saskatch ewan. H. W. Clark, Battleford, Saskatch- ewan, 106 � WESTERN CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE. Carl Anderson, 103 Willoughby- Sumner Block, Saskatoon, Sas- katchewan. D. D. Neufeld, Waldheim, Sas- katchewan. Oscar Meilicke, Dundurn, Sas- katchewan. Mrs. R. S. Dexter, 103 Willoughby- Sumner Block, Saskatoon, Sas- katchewan. U. Wissner, 103 Willoughby-Sum- ner Block, Saskatoon, Saskatch- ewan. INSTITUTIONS IN THE WEST- ERN CANADIAN UNION _ . � CONFERENCE. Educational: Alberta Academy, Lacombe, Al- berta. Battleford Academy, Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada. Publishing: Canadian Branch of the Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1109 Four- teenth St., West, Calgary, Al- berta, Canada. EUROPEAN DIVISION CONFERENCE. Organized 1913. (The Divisional organization is re- printed as existing before the war — no divisional meeting hav- ing been held since then; the un- ion conferences operating each on its own responsibility.) Territory: Europe; the Russian and the Turkish possessions in Asia; Persia, Arabia, and Af- ghanistan; and that part of Af- rica not included in Rhodesia, British Central Africa, and the Union of South Africa: Population: 650,000,000. OFFICERS. (Reprinted as officered before the war — no, Divisional elections having been held since.) President: L. R. Conradi, Grindel- berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Vice-President: J. T. Boettcher, Seminary, Clinton, Mo. Secretary: Guy Dail, Wabernstr. 91a,' Bern, Switzerland. DIVISION CONFERENCE COM- MITTEE. General. L. R. Conradi, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. J. T. Boettcher, Seminary, Clinton, Mo. Guy Dail, Wabernstr. 91a, Bern, Switzerland. Presidents of Union Conferences. British: M. N. Campbell, Stan- borough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Central European: G. W. Schu- bert, Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Ger- many. Danube: J. F. Huenergardt, Krisz- tina Korfit 167; Budapest I, Hun- gary. • East German: H. F. Schuberth, Uhlandstrasse 189, Charlotten- burg-Berlin, Germany. East Russian: J. F. Ginter, Post box 2, Post office Birsha, " Ex- celsior," Saratov, Russia. Latin: L. P. Tieche, Gland, Ct. Vaud, Switzerland. Scandinavian: J. C. Raft, Mar- grethevej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. EUROPEAN .DfV1SION CONFERENCE. �107 West German: � West Russian: H. J. Loebsack, Post box 2, Post office Birsha, "Excelsior," Saratov, Russia. Siberian Union Mission:' 0. E. Reinke, Post box 2, Post "office Birsha, " Excelsior," Saratov, Russia. Representatives of Departments.. Educational: --- Medical: Dr. A. B. Olsen, Surrey Hills Hydro, Caterham Valley, England. Sabbath School: H. Hartk op, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- many. Missionary Volunteer: E. Arne- • sen, Akersgaten 74, Christiania, Norway. Publishing: W. C. Sisley, Stan- borough, Park, Watford, Herts, England. Other Members. J. Robert, Gland, Vaud, Switzer- land. C. Juhl, care Sanitarium, Skods- -- borg, Denmark. J. Erzberger, Sissach, Baselland, Switzerland. � • 20 members. BRITISH UNION CONFERENCE. Organized 1902. • Territory: The Conferences of North England, Midland, South England, ScOtland, Wales, East Central, and the Irish Mission. Cable Address: " Hygiene," Gars- ton, Herts, England. Office: Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., M. N. Campbell. Treas., H. D. Clarke. Sec., F. S. Jackson. Executive Committee: M. N. Campbell, W. C. Sisley, W. H. Meredith, J. J. Gillatt, S. G. Haughey, H. E. Armstrong, H. J. Edmed, R. Mussen, Dr. A. B. Ol- sen, W. T. Bartlett, A. E. Bacon, Dr. C. H. Hayton, W. A. Mauds- ley, G. Wakeham, R. Whiteside. Legal Assn.: " Seventh-day Ad- ventist Union, Limited." Pres., M. N. Campbell; Sec., W. T. Bartlett; Treas., W. C. Sisley. Gen. Conf. Transportation Agent: A. Bacon, 84 Upper Tollington Park, London, N., England. Union Book Depository: International Tract Society, Ltd., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Manager and Sec., W. E.-Read. Union Field Miss. Sec., W. A. Maudsley. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., F. S. Jackson. Young People's Dept.: Sec., F. S. Jackson. Medical Missionary Dept.: Sec., Dr. A. B. Olsen, Surrey Hills Hydro, Caterham Valley, England. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., (Field) F. A. Spearing. Sec., (Office) Mrs. Baird. MINISTERS. M. N. Campbell, W. T. Bartlett, C. H. Hayton, W. E. Read, H. J: Edmed, F. A. Spearing. 108 � BRITISH UNION CONFERENCE. LICENTIATES. A. B. Olsen, A. S. Maxwell. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. S. Joyce, H. D. Clarke, Glen Wake- ham. EAST CENTRAL CONFERENCE. Organized 1916, but known since 1911 as Union District. Territory: The counties of Mid- dlesex, Essex, Hertford, Bed- ford, Huntingdon, Cambridge, Norfolk, Suffolk, and London north of the Thames. (All persons named below may be addressed 13tanborough Park, - � Watford, Herts, England.) OFFICERS. Conference: � • Pres., W. H. Meredith. Sec., Miss V. Lelean. Treas., H. D. Clarke. Executive Committee: W. H. Meredith, A. Bacon, J. D. Gillatt, H. W. Armstrong, H. J. Edmed. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., W. E. Read. Young People's Dept.: Sec., W. E. Read. MINISTERS. J. D. Gillatt, W. H. Meredith, H. F. De Ath. LICENTIATES. 0. Dorland, T. H. Cooper. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Miss A. B. Crowder, Miss McMil- lan, Miss Guntrip. MIDLAND CONFERENCE. Organized 1913; formerly a part of the North England Confer- ence, organized 1902. Territory: The counties of Lin- colnshire, Nottinghamshire. Der- byshire, Cheshire (excepting the Wirral Peninsula), Stafford- shire, Worcestershire, War- wickshire, � Northamptonshire, Leicestershire, and Rutland- shire. Office: 67 Claremont Road, Smeth- wick, near Birmingham, Eng- OFFICERS. Conference: Pres.,..1. � Gillatt. Sec. and Treas., J. H. Parkin. Executive Committee: J. J. Gillatt, W. H. Baldwin, A. Arm- strong, S. Maxwell, W. A. Hall. Sabbath School Dept.: &e., J. H. Parkin. Young People's Dept.: Sec., J. H. Parkin. MINISTERS. J. J. Gillatt; A. Armstrong, J. Mc- Avoy. LICENTIATES. S. Maxwell, W. Cuthbert, G. Hyde, S. F. Tonks. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Miss H. Blair, Miss Brown, Mrs. Brooks, Miss A. Clarke. NORTH ENGLAND CONFER- ENCE. Organized 1002; formerly a part of the British Conference or- ganized 1898. Territory: The counties of Lanca- shire, Yorkshire, and all Eng- land to the north, also the Wirral Peninsula in the county of Cheshire, and the Isle. of Man. Office: " Warden House," Crump- sall Crescent, Manchester, Eng- land. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., IT. E. Armstrong. Sec. and Treas., F. S. Jackson. BRITISH UNION CONFERENCE. � 109 Executive Committee: H. E. Armstrong, W. Maudsley, J. Har- ker, C. Davies, D. Ralston. � • Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., F. S. Jackson. Young People's Dept.: Sec., F. S. Jackson. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., F. Sd Jackson. Medical Missionary Dept.: Sec.,.B. Craven. MINISTERS. H. E. Armstrong, W. Maudsley, F. S. Jackson, J. E. Bell. LICENTIATES. M. Valiance, E. E. Craven. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. J. Andrews, Miss C. Sanders. SCOTTISH CONFERENCE. Organized 1908. Territory: Scotland. Office: " Croftview," tJddingston, near Glasgow, Scotland. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., R. Mussen. Sec., Miss R. Binns. Treas., H. 'D. Clarke, Stanbor- ough Park, Watford, Herts, Eng- land. Executive Committee: R. Mus- sen, A. Rodd, T. Thompson, W. J. Young, A. Broadfoot. MINISTERS. R. Mussen, A. Rodd. LICENTIATES. W. J. Young, L. W. Barras. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Miss Jane Archibald, Mrs. E. G. Jackson. SOUTH ENGLAND CONFER- ENCE. Organized 1902; formerly a part of the British Conference or- ganized 1898. Territory: All of England south of the northern boundary of the counties of Kent, Surrey, Buckingham, Oxford, and Glou- cester, and London south of the Thames. Office: 1 Devereux Road, Battersea, London, S. W., 11, England. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., S. G. Haughey. Sec., F. C. Bailey. Treas„ H. D. Clarke, Stanbor- ough Park, Watford, Herts, Eng- land. Executive . Committee: S. G. Haughey, D. Morrison, C. E. Pen- rose, E. Clifford, H. W. McCrow. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., F. C. Bailey. Young People's Dept.: Sec., F. C. Bailey. Educational Dept.: Sec., G. W. Baird. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., G. W. Baird. Medical Dept.: Sec., A. B. Olsen, M. D. MINISTERS. S. G. Haughey, D. Morrison, C. E. Penrose, A. D. Armstrong, J. B. West. LICENTIATES. F. C. Bailey, F. L. Chapman, G. W. Baird. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. R, Borrowdale, H. W. Lowe, Miss A. Dobson, G. W. Bailey, Miss E. Cummins, Mrs. E. Hall. 110 � BRITISH UNION CONFERENCE. WELSH CONFERENCE. Organized 1908. Territory: Wales and the coun- ties of Monmouth, Hereford, and Shropshire. Office: 105 Llanishen St., Heath, Cardiff, South Wales. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., A. E. Bacon. Sec., — Treas., H. D. Clarke, Stan- borough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Executive Committee: A. E. Bacon, L. F. Langford, W. H. Charles, R. Roberts, S. Britton. MINISTERS. A. E. Bacon, L. F. Langford. LICENTIATE. W. H. Musgrave. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. F. E. Powell, Miss M. Lenanton, Miss D. Moseley, Miss M. Living. IRISH MISSION. Office: Trainview, Moira, County Down, Ireland. OFFICERS. Mission: Director, R. Whiteside. Sec., R. Whiteside. Treas., H. D. Clarke. Advisory Committee: R.'White- side, W. P. Prescott, W. Shaw, J. McClements, S. Reid. MINISTERS. R. Whiteside, W. P. Prescott. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. W. McClements, Miss M. Ballard, Miss E. Marks. CENTRAL EUROPEAN UNION CONFERENCE. Revised report not in hand; former matter reprinted. Organized 1912. Territory: The German-Swiss, South German, Bavarian, Wur- temberg, and Moravian-Silesian Conferences, and the Austrian, Bohemian, Anterior Austrian, and Adriatic Missions. Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Advent," Munich, Bauerstr. 38. Office Address: Bauerstr. 38, Mu- nich, Germany. • OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., G. W. Schubert. Sec.. 0. Schildhauer. Treasurers, N. Schlatterer and H. Hofnik. Auditor, G. Woysch. Executive Committee: G. W. Schubert, E. Gugel, H. Fenner, F. Prieser, J. Wolfgarten, J. Erz- berger, J. Muth, W. Schafer, H. Tract Society: Secretary for all Central Euro- pean fields, not otherwise pro- vided for, 0. Schildhauer. Sabbath School Dept.: Secretary for all Central Euro- pean fields not , otherwise pro- vided for, 0. Schildhauer. MINISTERS. G. W. Schubert, J. Erzberger, K. Kamm, 0. E. Schildhauer. BAVARIAN CONFERENCE. Organized 1910. Territory: The kingdom of Bava- ria to the right of the Rhine. CENTRAL EUROPEAN UNION CONFERENCE. � 111 OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., G. W. Schubert. Sec., 0. E. Schildhauer. Treas., N. Schlatterer. Executive Committee: G. W. Schubert, J. G. Hopf, G. Buder, (proxy, C. Gruber), L. Lutz. Tracts Society: Sec. and Treas., 0. Schildhauer. Field Miss. Sec., L. Lutz (proxy, Fr. Riedlinger). Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., 0. E. Schildhauer. MINISTERS. G. L. Voigt, L. R. Kiepe. LICENTIATES. A. Sachsenmeyer, G. Seng. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. H. Spanknobel, K. Spankniibel, H. Schwarz. OTHER WORKERS. G. Sommer, B. Schmidt, A. Milner, A. Hauschildt. GERMAN-SWISS. CONFERENCE. Organized 1901. Territory: German Switzerland, and cantons of Grisons and Ticino. Address: Nonnenweg, corner Bir- mansgasse, Basle, Switzerland. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., F. Prieser (proxy, G. W. Schubert). Sec., 0. Fassnacht. Executive Committee: F. Prie- ser (proxy, G. W. Schubert), J. Erzberger, W. Ktiry, F. Bussinger, J. Frei. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., 0. E. Schild- hauer. Field Miss. Sec., G. 135hm. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., 0. E. Schildhauer. MINISTERS. F. A. Prieser, J. Penner, J. P. Frei, C. Reihlen, H. Langenberg. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. F. Rudin, A. Junginger, Br. Mir- ing. OTHER WORKERS. M. Scheifele, M. Barrall, E. Haas. MORAVIAN-SILESIAN CON- FERENCE. Organized Sept. 12, 1913. Territory: Moravia and Austrian Silesia. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., J. Muth. Sec., P. Englert. Treas., N. Schlatterer. Advisory Committee: J. Muth, J. Berke, P. Niedoba, A. Kudelka, J. Popelka. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., 0. Schildhauer. Field Miss. Sec., J. Popelka. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., 0. Schildhauer. MINISTERS. J. Muth, P. Niedoba, H. Aberle. LICENTIATE. G. Geier. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. P. Englert, R. Neumann, K. Poled- nik. OTHER WORKERS. A. Suchanck, A. Rusz, S. Gomald. .112 � CENTRAL EUROPEAN UNION CONFERENCE. SOUTH GERMAN CONFER- ENCE. Organized 1902. Territory: Baden, Alsace-Lor- raine, Palatinate, and the prov- inces of Rhenish-Hessen and Starkenburg. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., H. Fenner. Sec., G. Zoilman, Sr. Treas., N. Schlatterer. Executive Committee: H. Fen- ner, W. Brenckmann, C. Rebens- burg, J. Fehr, Karl Kiefer. Auditor, G. Woysch. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., 0. Schildhauer. Field Miss. Sec., E. Fuchs (proxy, Fr. Riedlinger). Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., 0. Schildhauer. MINISTERS. H. Fenner, R. Werner, J. Fehr, H. Zimmermann, J. F. Grieser, F. Persson. LICENTIATES. F. W. Kumpel, A. Weinert, D. Eicher. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. 0. Hesse, M. Busch, H. Muller, A. Stam mberger. OTHER WORKERS. G. Zollmann, Sr., M. Koebele, G. Mittler. WURTEMBERG CONFERENCE. Organized .1912. Territory: Kingdom of Wurtem- berg and Hohenzollern lands, including all the territory with- in their borders. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., Emil Gugel. Sec., Th. Kestenholz. Treas., N. Schlatterer., Executive Committee: E. Gugel, G. Hofer, K. Wittig, R. Saur (proxy, F. Riedlinger). Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., 0. Schildhauer. Field Miss. Sec., F. Riedlinger. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., 0. Schildhauer. MINISTERS. E. Gugel, F. Horner. LICENTIATES. K. Golzer, F. Dtirr, R. Miler. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. F. Grieser, G. Diirolf, Theod. Kes- tenholz. OTHER WORKERS. Lina Dlirolf, Elsie Arnold, Kath. Behringer. ADRIATIC MISSION. Dating from Jan. 1, 1915. Territory: Carniola, Istria, and Dalmatia. OFFICERS. Mission: Director, G. W. Schubert. Sec., 0. Schildhauer. Treas., N. Schlatterer. Advisory Committee: Union Conference Committee. Auditor, G. Woysch. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., 0. Schildhauer. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., 0. Schildhauer. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. F. Binder. CENTRAL EUROPEAN UNION CONFERENCE. � 113 ANTERIOR AUSTRIAN MIS- SION. Dating from Jan. 1, 1915. Territory: Tyrol and Vorarlberg, Carinthia, Salzburg, and Styria. OFFICERS. Mission: Director, G. W. Schubert. Sec., A. v. Wallenstern. Treas., N. Schlatterer. Advisory Committee: G. W. Schubert, C. Brich, C. Meyer, Br. Steinwender. Auditor, G. Woysch. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., 0. Schildhauer. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., 0. Schildhauer. MINISTERS. A. Bereck, G. Werner. LICENTIATES. B. F. Hagemann, A. v. Wallen- stern. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. J. Miihlbacher, F. Einspieler, R. Poetzl. OTHER WORKER. E. Knebel. AUSTRIAN MISSION. Dating from Jan. 1, 1915. . Territory: Upper and Lower Austria. OFFICERS. Mission: Director, J. Wolfgarten. Sec., R. Lange. Treas., N. Schlatterer. Advisory Committee: J. Wolf- garten, R. Lange, Br. Pollack. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., 0. E. Schild- hauer. Field Miss. Sec., F. Prauhart. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., 0. E. Schildhauer. MINISTERS. J. Wolfgarten, R. Lange. LICENTIATE. E. Ehinger. OTHER WORKER. M. Matuschek. BOHEMIAN MISSION. Dating from Jan. 1, 1912. Territory: Bohemia. OFFICERS. Mission: Director, W. Schafer. Sec., 0. Studeny. Treas., N. Schlatterer. Advisory Committee: W. Scha- fer, H. Bischoff, E. Seidl, A. Dus- ehek, R. Mitreiter. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., 0. Schildhauer. Field Miss. Sec., Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., 0. Schildhauer. MINISTERS. W. Schafer, H. Bischoff. .MISSIONARY- LICENTIATES. 0. Studeny, K. Fleck, F. Bohm, B. Vietze, J. Simon, A. Urban. OTHER WORKERS. F. Bernart, M. Seidl, Rosa Ma- DANUBE UNION CONFERENCE. Organized 1912. Territory: The Middle Hungarian, Rumanian, and Transylvania Conferences; and the Theiss, Save, and Northwest Hungarian Missions. Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Advent," Budapest. Office Address for Danube Union Conference and all Danube Union fields and workers: Krisz- tina Kfirfit 167, Budapest I, Hun- gary. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., J. F. Huenergardt. Sec., A. Gassmann. Treas., Mrs. Auguste Wakeham. Auditor, G. Woysch. Executive Committee: J. F. Huenergardt, H. Meyer, P. R. Paulini, F. Kessel; R. Schilhnger, W. Koch, E. Braun, F. A. Dfirner. Tract Society: Field Miss. Sec., E. Braun. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., M. Koch. MINISTER. J. F. Huenergardt. MIDDLE HUNGARIAN CON- FERENCE. Organized 1911. Territory: The Hungarian coun- ties' of Arad, Bekes, Bihar, CsanAd, Csongrad, Jfisz-Kun- Szolnok, Pest-Pilis-Solt Kis- Kfin, Szilagy, and Hajdu. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., J. F. Huenergardt. Sec., A. Gassmann. Treas., Mrs. Auguste Wakeham. Executive Committee: J. F. 114 Huenergardt, A. Minck, Dr. Ker.- 6kgyart6, P. Intrik6. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., W. Koch. Field Miss. Sec., K. Braun. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., A. Gassmann. MINISTERS. A. Minck, C. Popescu. LICENTIATES. A. Zeiner. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. J. Ffllbp, M. Oesz, G. Motorka, G. Balasz, A. Gassmann. RUMANIAN CONFERENCE. Organized 1913. Territory: Rumania. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., P. R. Paulini. Sec., P. Turturica. Treas., Mrs. Auguste Wakeham. Executive Committee: P. R. Paulini, St. Demetrescu, G. Krti- ger, S. T. Negoita. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., W. Koch. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., A. Gassmann. MINISTERS. P. R. Paulini, J. Mantu, St. Demetrescu. LICENTIATE. F. Rinea. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES-. J. Stanescu, J. Radulescu, P. Tur- turica, E. Seefried. DANUBE UNION CONFERENCE. � 115 TRANSYLVANIA CONFER- ENCE. Organized 1910. Territory: Translyvania. OFFICERS. Conference: , Pres., H. Meyer-Bartschy. Sec., H. Bauer. Treaii., Mrs. Auguste Wakeham. Auditor, G. Woysch. Executive Committee: H. Mey- er-Bartschy, J. Murbach, Andras Istvan Kotyor, A. Melt, J. Bucurencs. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., W. Koch. . Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., A. Gassmann. MINISTERS. H. Meyer-Bartschy, A. Wegener, J. Murbach. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. H. Bauer, J. Weber, J. Polder, P. Betea. NORTH HUNGARIAN MISSION. Organized 1911. Territory: The Hungarian coun- ties of. Abauj-Torna, Arva, Bereg, Borsod, Gomor, Heves, Hont, Lipt6, MArmaros, N6grad, Saros, Szabolcs, Szatmar, Sze- pes, Ugocsa, Ung, Zemplan, and Zolyom. OFFICERS. Mission: Director, Fr. Kessel. Sec., J. Bethleni. Treas., Mrs. Auguste Wakeham. Advisory Committee: Fr. Kes- sel, S. Debreczenyi, N. Bodszien, F. Szemjan. - Sabbath School and Missionary See., A. Gassmann. MINISTER. Fr. Kessel. • LICENTIATE. St. Kelemen. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. J. Bethleni, J. Antal. MISSIONARY NURSES. A. Schlottner, H. Holthus, B. Holthus, K. Wellmann, S. Well- mann, K. Hann, E. Kiipke, Fl. Mikoro. SAVE MISSION. Organized 1911. Territory: Croatia, Slavonia, Bos- nia, Herzegovina, Montenegro. OFFICERS. Mission: Director, R. Schillinger. � • Treas., Mrs. Auguste Wakeham. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., W. Koch. Field Miss. Sec., E. Braun. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., A. Gassmann. MINISTER. R. Schillinger. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. F. P. Hoffman, P. Krainean, F. Stbhr. THEISS MISSION. Organized 1911. Territory: The Kingdom of Ser- via, and the Hungarian coun- ties of Bacs-Bodrog, TOrontill, Temes, Krass6-Sz5reny,i Szer- 6m, Pozsega, and Ver5eze. OFFICERS. Mission: Director, R. Schillinger. See., M. tudewig. � - Treas., Mrs. Auguste Wakeham. Advisory Committee: R. Sehil- linger, W. Herbert, Chr. Will- wertb, Jovanovics, Vasiiljevies. 1111 � DANUBE UNION CONFERENCE. Sabbath School and Missionary Sec., A. Gassmann. Field Miss. Sec., E. Braun. MINISTERS. R. Schillinger, W. Herbert, M. Ludewig, A. Mocnik. LICENTIATE. M. Jeftity. Turbez, Vas, Veszpr6m, and Zala. OFFICERS. Mission: Director, F. A. Doerner. Sec., W. Fiir16. Treas., Mrs. Auguste Wakeham. Advisory Committee: F. A. Doerner, P. Wenzel, W. Fiir16. Sabbath School and Missionary Sec., A. Gassmann. WEST HUNGARIAN MISSION. Organized 1911. Territory: The Hungarian coun- ties of Baranya, Bars, Eszter- gom, FeMr, Gytir, Komdrom, Moson, Nyitra, Pozsony, Som- • ogy, Sopron, Tolna, Trencsen, E. Lovass, S. Greiner. EAST GERMAN UNION CONFERENCE. Revised report not in hand; former matter reprinted. Organized lgo9. Territory: The East German Un- R. Conradi; Sec., ion District, East Prussian, Treas., W. Knimm. Oder, Saxon, Silesian, Vistula, � Auditor, G. Woysch. and Warta Conferences, and the Galician Mission. • Office Address for East German Union Conference and all East German Union Fields and. Workers: Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin-Charl., Germany. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., H. F. SAuberth, Ubland- strasst 189, Berlin-Charl., Ger- many. See., R. Rilhling. Treas., M. Thilmmel. • Executive Committee: H. F. Schuberth, F. Gutting, 0. Sehwe- necke, Dr. E. Meyer. J. Seefried, C. Bruck, P. Drinhaus, A. 0. Janert, F. Gruber. Legal Assn.: " Deutscher Verein fiir Gesundheitspflege." Pres., L. R. Riihling. MINISTERS. F. A. Doerner, .1. ChristotTers. LICENTIATE. W. Filrle. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. Union Book Depository: Internationale � Traktatgesell- schaft, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Manager, H. Hartkop. Union Miss. Sec., R. Riihling. Union Field Miss. Sec., H. Box. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., R. Riihling. Medical Missionary Dept.: Sec., Dr. E. Meyer. Young People's Dept.: See., — MINISTER. H. F. Schuberth. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. EAST GERMAN UNION CONFERENCE. �117 EAST GERMAN UNION. DIS- TRICT. Organized 1909. Territory: Berlin, Charlottenburg, Potsdam, Rixdorf, Schiineberg, Wilinersdorf, Lichtenberg, Bran- denburg, Spandau, District Jut- erbogk - Luckenwalde, � Teltow, Zaueli-Belzig, Niederbarnim, Je- richow 1 and II, East and West Ha verland, and Stor- kow-Beeskow. Address: Uhlandstrasse 189, Ber- lin-Charl., Germany. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., H. F. Sehuberth. Sec., R. Riihling. Treas., M. Thiiminel. Executive Committee: H. F. Sehuberth, W. Hoffman, J. Wint- zen, C. Beutin, W. Kattau. • Tract Society: See. and Treas., R. Riihling. Field Miss. Sec., C. Ostwald. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., R. Riihling. MINISTERS. W. Hoffman, J. Wintzen, M. Schtlrer, F. Ham brock. LICENTIA TES. 0. Giebel, J. Salatzkat, W. Mailer. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. H. Junker, F. Kalilert. R. Fiitting, 0. � Ba useher, W. Ninow , E.. Jager, H. Kobs, 0. Sehuberth, A. Naumann, 0. Reckziegel. • EAST PRUSSIAN CON- FERENCE. Organized 1903. Territory: East Prussia. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., 0. Schwenecke. Sec., F. May. Treas., M. Thiimmel. Executive � Committee: � 0. Schwenecke, G. Domnick, F. Ul- dokat, G. Dobinski, J. Urgien. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., R. Riihling. Field Miss. Sec., D. Urbschat. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., R. Rfililing. MINISTERS. 0. Schwenecke, G. Domnick, F. Uldokat, F. Leplatoni, A. Ma- jewski: LICENTIATES. W. Tribbensee, H. Korsch, W. Becker. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. F. Seidler, M. Budnick, A. Jab- lonowski, J. Browarzik. ODER CONFERENCE. Organized in 1901, as the East German Conference. Territory: Grand Duchies of Mec- klenburg-Schwerin and Stre- litz, government districts of Stettin and Stralsund of the Prussian province of Pomera— nia; Ukermark and Priegnitz of the province of Brandenburg. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., J. Seefried. Sec., H. Schliehting. Treas., M. Thiimmel. Executive Committee: J. See- fried, J. Ide, P. Fenner, B. Schmidt, H. Glass. Tract Society: See. and Treas., R. Riihling. Field Miss. Sec., P. Schwabe. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., R. Riihling. MINISTERS. J. Seefried, K. Kazemeck, H. Glass. 118 �EAST GERMAN UNION CONFERENCE. LICENTIATES. A. W. Muller, H. Schlichting. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. M. Bellair, M. Gollasch, H. Schmidt, R. Hille, 0. Panzig, F. Sae. SAXON CONFERENCE. Organized 1908. Territory: The Kingdom of Sax- ony. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., P. Drinhaus. Sec., A. Daumichen. Treas., M. Thitramel. Executive Committee: P. Drin- haus, G. Schiirer, J. F. Ott, Queek Piwarz. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., R. Ruhling. Field Miss. Sec., E. User. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., R. Ruhling. MINISTERS. P. Drinhaus, J. F. Ott, G. Freund, August Krautschick, E. Drin- haus, A. Hennig. LICENTIATES. H. Jaster, W. Brinck, R. Dau- michen, P. Neef, R. Grossmann, J. Buzezinski, P. Horn. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. A. Meyer,L. Natshinski, E. Muller, W. von Oppen. SILESIAN CONFERENCE. Organized 1907. Territory: The Province of Si- lesia. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., F. Cutting. Sec., W. Schulz. Treas., M. Thtimmel. Executive Committee: F. Got- ting, R. Schutz, T. Forster, B. Schonfeld, A. Irmler. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., R. Rtihling. Field Miss. Sec., J. Kanzok. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., R. Milling. MINISTERS. F. Gutting, P. Stocker, R. Schutz, W. Schulz, E. Enseleit. LICENTIATES. 0. Bartsch, H. Seidel, A. Wal- ter, H. Dietrich. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. W. Bartsch, E. von Oppen, M. Rieger, F. Daniel, G. Wurzel, M. Metz, St. Kapusta.. • VISTULA CONFERENCE. Organized 1911. Territory: The Province of West Prussia and the government district of KOslin. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., A. 0. Janert. Sec., W. Thalmann. Treas., M. Thtimmel. Executive Committee : A. 0. Janert, Andreas Krautschick, R. VOlzke, F. Ma, W. Bahr. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., R. Rtihling. Field Miss. Sec., R. Vtilzke. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., R. Rtihling. MINISTERS. A. 0. Janert, Andr. Krautschick, A. Rebensburg. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. F. Rohne, M. Kruger, W. Thal- mann, M. Schilling, E. Ntither. EAST GERMAN UNION CONFERENCE. �119 WARTA CONFERENCE. Organized 1912. Territory: Province of Posen and the - government district of Frankfort on the Oder. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., C. Bruck. Sec., A. Stissmann. Treas., F. Behr. Executive Committee: C. Bruck, 0. Kapitz, 0. Krtiger, Chr. Schaf- fer, F. Tschirschnitz.. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., R. Rtihling. Field Miss. Sec., H. Bigalke. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., R. Riihling. MINISTERS. C. Bruck, 0. Kapitz, A. Lildtke, Thr. Brzonson. LICENTIATES. M. W. Zielinski, St. Zielinski, H. Hufnagel, Dr. F. Bauke. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. R. Nickel, W. Kloss, A. Stissmann, W. Hartsell, K. Bresan. GALICIAN MISSION. Entered 1908. Territory: Galicia and Bukowina. OFFICERS. Mission: Director, F. Gruber. Treas., M. Thtimmel MINISTER. F. Gruber. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. A. Weinert, J. Niedoba, A. Knit- tel, V. Jacubowiez, J. Peter, F. Dzik, K. Jelen, L. Rowlin. EAST RUSSIAN UNION CONFERENCE. Revised report not in hand; former matter reprinted. Organized 1913; began its separate existence Jan. 1, 1914. Territory: The Azof, Newa, and North Caucausian Conferences, and the Middle Russian, Ural, Volga, and White Sea Misgions. Address: Post box 2, Post office Birsha, " Excelsior," Saratov, Russia. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., J. F. Ginter. Sec. and Treas.. A. Poltroek. Executive Committee: J. F. Gin- ter, 0. E. Reinke, K. A. Reifschnei- der, J. Sprohge, J. Lwoff. Sabbath School and Miss. Sec. for all fields, A. Poltrock. MINISTER. J. F. Ginter. AZOF CONFERENCE. Organized 1912. Territory: The governments of Yekaterinoslaf, Taurien, Khar- kov, and that part of the Don between the Don and Donetz. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., K. A. Reifschneider. Treas., A. Poltroek. Executive Committee: K. A. Reifschneider, W. Schelesnikow. J. Schwamberger. MINISTER. K. A. Reifschneider. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. M. Manschur, M. Grietz, J. Reimer. 120 �EAST RUSSIAN UNION .CONFERENCE. NEWA CONFERENCE. Organized 1912. Territory: Esthonian-speaking Li- vonia, Esthonia, Petrograd, Olo- nets, and Novgorod govern- ments. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., 0. E. Reinke. Sec., Treas., A. Poltrock. Executive Committee: 0. E. Reinke, K. Hahn, S. Jefimow, K. Willumson. MINISTERS. K. Hahn, S. Jefimow, L. Nikkar. LICENTIATES. J. Raukas, H. Kristal. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. A. Klement, M. Biirengruh, G. Ruddi, G. Netewitsch, K. Schne- berg. MISSIONARY NURSE. K. INllis. MIDDLE RUSSIAN MISSION. Organized 1907. Territory: The governments of l'aroslaf, Kaluga, Mogilef. Mos- cow, Orel, Penza, Riazan, Smo- lensk, Tambov, Tula, Tver, Vladimir, .Voronezh. OFFICERS. Mission: Director, J. Lwoff. Sec., — Treas., A. Poltrock. Advisory" Committee: J. Lwoff, M. Pachla. MINISTERS. J. Lwoff, J. Pachla. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. J. Nenilin. MISSIONARY NURSES. Hermine Pitroff, E. Spruhde. URAL MISSION. NORTH CAUCASIAN CON- FERENCE. Organized 1901 as South Russian Conference; reorganized 1912. Territory: Governments of Ku- ban, Dagestan, Black Sea, Stavropol, and Terek. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., J. Sprohge. Sec., Paul Swiridow. Treas., A Poltrock. Executive � Committee: � J. Sprohge, F. Koch, W. Swiridow, J. Lukasch, 0. Maus. MINISTERS. J. Sprohge, F. Koch, G. Grigorjew. LICENTIATES. T. Kiktew, W. Swiridow. Dating from Jan. 1, 1911 Territory: The governments of Samara, Orenburg, Ufa, Kazan. Vjatka, and Perm. OFFICERS. Mission: Director, D. Isaak. Sec., Theodore \Viigele. Treas., A. Poltrock. Advisory Committee: D. Isaak, 0. E. Reinke, Jakob Wuckert. MINISTERS. D. Isaak, G. Hetze, H. Schmitz, F. Gaidischar. LICENTIATE. T. Wligele. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. F. Bitsch. EAST RUSSIAN UNION CONFERENCE. �121 VOLGA MISSION. Dating from Jan. 1, 1911. Territory: The Region of the Don (exclusive of that portion between the Don and the Don- etz), and the governments of Saratov, Astrakhan, and Sim- birsk. OFFICERS. Mission: Director, J. F. Ginter. Treas., A. Poltrock. Advisory Committee: J. F. Gin- ter, G. Hetze, K. Schamkow, G. Schwab. MINISTERS. J. F. Ginter, K. Schamkow, H. Ostwald. LICENTIATE. J. Schtlnemann. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. S. Nadtotschy. WHITE SEA MISSION. Dating from Jan. 1, 1912. Territory: Governments of Arch- angel, Wologda, H. Novgorod, Kostroma, and Kazan. OFFICERS. Mission: Director, J. Lwoff. Sec. and Treas., A. Poltrock. Advisory Committee: East Rus Sian Union Committee. _ MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. G. Kuksow. LATIN UNION CONFERENCE. Organized igoz. Territory: The L6man and French Conferences; the Latin Union ' District; and the Spanish. Ital- ian, Northern France, North Af- rican, and Portuguese Missions. General Office: rue Nicolas Roret, 1, Paris, XIIIe, France. (All workers in the various Latin Union Fields, whose addresses are not given, may be reached through the following address: La Lignii.re, Gland, Ct. Vaud, Switzerland.) OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., L. P. Tieche. Sec., A. Voucher. Treas., J. Robert, Gland, Ct. Vaud, Switzerland. Executive Committee: L. P. Tieche, H. H. Dexter, Joseph Curdy, J. Robert, Paul Steiner, P. A. DeForest, L. Zecchetto, Tell Nussbaum, E. Borle. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., J. Robert. MINISTERS. L. P. Tieche, rue Nicolas Roret, 1, Paris XIIIe, France. A. Voucher, Gland, Switzerland. FRENCH CONFERENCE. Organized 1907. Territory: Southern France. Office: rue Nicolas Roret, I, Paris XIIIe, France.' OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., L. P. Tieche. See., L. A. Mathy. 122 � LATIN UNION CONFERENCE. Treas., J. Robert, Gland, Ct., Vaud, Switzerland. Executive Committee: L. P. Tieche, J. P. Gourguet, S. Ber- nard, L. Bouzanquet. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., J. Robert. MINISTERS. J. Curdy, J. P. Badaut. LICENTIATES. L. A. Mathy, M. Raspal, M. Tie- che. � • MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Eug. Rey, Eug. Valat. MISSIONARY NURSE. Georgette Ferciot. LEMAN CONFERENCE. Organized 1884. Territory: The French-speaking parts of Switzerland. Office: La Ligniere, Gland (Ct. Vaud), Switzerland. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., H. H. Dexter. Sec., Albert Meyer. Treas., J. Robert. Executive Committee: H. H. Dexter, Pierre Schild, Alcide Gue- nin, Ulysse Augsbourger, Paul Steiner, P. Guy-Aufranc, Charles Weber. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Marie Hanhardt. MINISTERS. H. H. Dexter, Paul Steiner, Ulysse Augsbourger, Oscar Meyer. LICENTIATES. A. Guyot, Henri Provin, D. Le- coultre, 0. Schuberth, E. Fawer. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Marie Hanhardt, Vital Monnier, Alb. Meyer, Paul Carlier. ITALIAN MISSION. Organized 1903. Territory: Italy. MINISTER. L. Zecchetto, Casella Postale 218, Florence, Italy. LICENTIATES. L. Ben6z6t, Elie Bertalot. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. N. Copertino, G. Lippolis, G. Sab- atino, Francesca Creanza. LATIN UNION DISTRICT. Territory: Departments of Seine and Seine et Oise, France. MINISTER. Jules Rey. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. J. Bourquin, S. Armengaud. MISSIONARY NURSES. H. Cachemaille, C. l3erthezene. NORTH AFRICAN MISSION. Entered 1905. Territory: Algeria and Tunis. MINISTER. J. C. Guenin, 7 rue Station Sani- taire, Algers, Algeria. LICENTIATES. Jose Abella. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. R. T. E. Colthurst. MISSIONARY NURSE. A. Schilling. NORTHERN FRANCE MISSION. Established 1908. Territory: Northern France, ex- " cept Departments of Seine and Seine et Oise. LATIN UNION CONFERENCE. � 123 MINISTER. Tell Nussbaum. LICENTIATE. J. Monnier. PORTUGUESE MISSION. Organized 1904. Territory: Portugal. MINISTER. • Paul Meyer, Rua Citade de Man- chester 10-40D., Lisbon, Portu- gal. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. A. F. Raposo. MISSIONARY NURSES. ioao de S5, Rosalie Pires. SPANISH MISSION. Organized 1903. Territory: Spain. OFFICERS. Field Miss. Sec., H. A. Robinson. MINISTERS. - Frank Bond, Apartado 492, Bar- celona, Spain. W. E. Hancock, Apartado 492, Bar- celona, Spain. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Vic. Garcia, Vic. Ferrandiz, P. Sanz, B. B. Aldrich. MISSIONARY NURSES. Ang. Sanguesa, Maria Badenas. SCANDINAVIAN UNION CONFERENCE. Organized 1901. Territory: The conferences of West Norway, North Norway, Central Sweden, South Sweden, East Denmark, West Denmark, and Finland; the North Swedish and Icelandic Missions, and the Faroe Islands. Cable Address: " Expedit," Copen- hagen. � . Office: Margrethevej 5, Copenha- gen, V., Denmark. (Workers in this field whose ad- dresses are omitted, can be reached through the Union of- fice address.) OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., J. C. Raft. Sec.,Erik Arnesen, Akersgaten 74, Cristiania, Norway. Treas., H. L. Henriksen, Jr. Executive Committee: J. C. Raft, N. C. Bergersen, A. G. Christiansen, L. Muderspach, C. 0. Carlsson, N. P. Nelson, Emil Lind, 0. J. 0. Rost, Chr. Tobiassen, E. Rosenwold, Olaf J. Olsen, Jens Olsen, Erik Arnesen, Seth Lund- strom. Auditors,. A. C. Christensen, Chr. Hansen. MINISTER. J. C. Raft. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. J. J. Hokland. CENTRAL SWEDEN CON- FERENCE. Organized 1882. Territory: Sweden, except Norr- botten, Vasterbotten, Vaster- norrland, Jamtland, and a part of Gafleborgs Lan, which are included in the North Swedish Mission; and also excluding Sktine, Halland, Blekinge, SmA- land, and Oland, which belong to the South Swedish Confer- ence. Office: Gamla Kungsholmsbroga- tan 38, Stockholm, Sweden. 124 �SCANDINAVIAN UNION CONFERENCE. 4.11 persons named below may he addressed as above.) OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., C. 0. Carlstjerna. Sec. and Treas., Teckla Ahr6n. Executive Committee: C. 0. Carlstjerna, 0. Johnson, Emil Lind, Karl Mattsson, Ch. Kahlstrihn. Auditors, Jens Olsen, Vald. •Johansson. Legal Assn.: " Siillskapet San-- ningens Harold." Pres., E. Lind; Vice-Pres., C. 0. Carlstjerna; Sec., Karl Mattsson. Other members: A. J. Settergren, 0. Johnson, Ch. Kahlstriim, A. F. Blomkvist. Advising Members: J. C. Raft, E. Rosenwold. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., J. Wallen- kampf. Field Miss. Sec., K. A. Ekeroth. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., J. Wallenkampf. Young People's Dept.: Sec., J. Wallenkampf. MINISTERS. C. 0. Carlstjerna, J. Wallenkampf. Honorary Ministerial Credentials. 0. Johnson, Emil Ahrft, K. A. Fernstrom, A. J. Settergren. LICENTIATES. Carl Young, N. Zerne, S. Ljung- berg. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Nanna Rudholm, Maria Larsson, Hulda Eriksson. EAST DENMARK CONFER- ENCE. Organization effective Jan. 1, 1917. (Formerly Scandinavian Union District.) Territory: The islands of Zealand, Lolland, Falster, and Bornholm; together with all the smaller is- lands east of the Great Belt. Cable Address: ".Expedit," Copen- hagen. Office: Margrethevej 5, Copenha-' gen, V., Denmark. (All persons named below may be addressed as above.) OFFICERS. Conference: Pres.. J. C. Raft. Sec., L. Muderspach, Skodsborg, Denmark. Treas., II. L. Henriksen, Jr. Executive Committee: J. C. Raft, M. M. Olsen, Dr. N. P. Nel- son, L. Muderspach, L. Baunsganyd. Auditing Committee: C. C. Han- sen, Sr., Vilh. .1i3rgensen, Laurits Poulsen, Ben. Jensen, Dr. A. An- dersen. Tract Society: Sec., H. L. Henriksen, Jr. Field Miss. Sec., A. G. Sand- beck. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., H. L. Henriksen, Jr. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Chr. Resen. • MINISTERS. M. M. Olsen, P. Christensen, J. P. U. Jensen, L. J. Kirkelykke. LICENTIATES. R. P. Regel, Chr. Resen, 0. T. Hel- leraas. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. Robert Jensen. EAST NORWAY CONFERENCE. Organized 1887. Territory: All of Norway, not in- cluded in the territory of the West Norwegian and North Nor- wegian Conferences. Cable Address: " Sundhedsbladet," Christiania. SCANDINAVIAN UNION CONFERENCE. �125 Office: Akersgaten 74, Christiania, Norway. (All persons named below may be addressed as above.) OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., Chr. Tobiassen. Sec., C. B. Jensen. Treas., Jens Olsen. Executive Committee: Chr. To- biassen, A. 0. Nlirem, C. B. Jen- sen, C. J. J. Holman, H..1. Hansen. Auditors: A. C. Christensen, Elias Bjaanits. Auditing Committee: 0. &ham, S. A. Rasmussen, John. Lorntz, A. 0. Halvorsen. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., Elias BjaaniIs. Field Miss. Sec., Elias Bjaanlis. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Othilie Rygh. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Elias Bjaanlis. MINISTERS. Chr. Tobiassen, A. 0. Niirem. Honorary Licentiate. 0. P. Norderhus. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Nils Nielsen, Olav Nicolaysen, Tor Valen, Abraham Beck, Hanna Holth, -Mathilde Larsen, Chris- tine Dahl. FINLAND CONFERENCE. Organized 1909. Territory: Finland. Office: Ostra Teatergranden 3B, Helsingfors. Finland. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., Wilh. Sucksdorff, Sr. Sec., K. Soisalo. Treas., N. Hammitt-. Executive Committee: Wilh. Sucksdorff, Sr., A. Rintala, H. Mik- konen, 0. Hoglund, K. J. Sysi- metsii. MINISTERS. A. Rintala, H. Mikkonen, N. Sa- va nder. LICENTIATES. V. Kohtanen, K. Soisalo. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. 0. Rautelin, Agnes Wickh.ohn, Ester Vilberg, Lydia Sandholrn. NORTH NORWAY CONFER- ENCE. ' Organization effective Jan. 1, 1917. Territory: The five northernmost amts of Norway. Office: Akersgaten 74, Christiania, Norway. (All persons below may be ad- dressed as above.) OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., N. C. Bergersen. Sec., L. J. Stene. Treas., Jens Olsen. Executive Committee: N. C. Bergersen, L. J. Stene, Ole Volnits, P. Pedersen. Tract Society: Sec., C.'D. Bergersen. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., C. D. Bergersen. Young People's Dept.: Sec., C. D. Bergersen. MINISTERS. N. C. Bergersen, L. J. Stene. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. C. D. Bergersen. 126 �SCANDINAVIAN UNION CONFERENCE. SOUTH SWEDEN CONFER- ENCE. Organization effective Jan. 1, 1917. Territory: The southern part of the kingdom of Sweden, includ- ing the provinces of Sktine, Hal- land, Blekinge, and Smaland; also Oland. Office: Gamla ' Kungsholinsbroga- tan 38, Stockholm, Sweden. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., E. Rosenwold. Sec., 0. Angervo. Treas., Teckla Rosenholm. Executive Committee: E. Rosen- wold, 0. Angervo, Birger Anders- son, Wald. Andersen, P. Johans- son. Tract Society: Sec., 0. Angervo. Field Miss. Sec., K. A. Ekeroth. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., 0. Angervo. MINISTER. E. Rosenwold. LICENTIATE. 0. Angervo. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Gosta Hermansson, Ellen Svens- son, Emmy Larsson, Frida, Ha- kansson. WEST DENMARK CONFER- " ENCE. Organization effective Jan. 1, 1917. Territory: Jutland and Fiinen (Fyen), and all the islands west of the Great Belt, including Langeland, Sams6, etc. Cable Address: " Expedit," Copen- hagen. Office: Margrethevej 5, Copenha- gen, V., Denmark. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., A. G. Christiansen. Sec. and Treas., H. L. Henrik- sen, Jr. Executive Committee: A. G. Christiansen, L. P. Hansen, S. M. Ildsgaard, P. A. Hansen, N. C. S6rensen. Auditors: Anton Christensen, Jens Svendsen. Auditing Committee: P. Nor- reen, H. Skov, Qhr. Engelbrecht- sen, Chr. Lund, A. Holm. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., H. L. Henrik- sen, Jr. Field Miss. Sec., A. G. Sand- beck. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., H. L. Henriksen, Jr. Young People's Dept.: Sec., A. Guldhammer. MINISTERS. A. G. Christiansen, N. P. Hansen. Honorary Ministerial License. P. A. Hansen. LICENTIATE. Valdemar Jakobsen. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Soren Andersen, A. Guldhammer, Marie Jensen, Anna Skands, Nanna Larsen, Christense Chris- tensen, A. R. Varmer. WEST NORWAY CONFERENCE. Organized 1912. Territory: Western part of Nor- way, south of Hitteren, follow- ing political line of division southward, including Nedenes Amt to the south. Office: Akersgaten 74, Christiania, Norway. SCANDINAVIAN UNION CONFERENCE. �127 OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., 0. J. 0. Rost. Sec., L. Saboe-Larssen. Treas., Jens Olsen. Executive Committee: 0. J. 0. Rost, Enok Endresen, 0. Peder- sen, G. Norby, L. M. Glenjen. Auditors: A. C. Christensen, Elias Bjaanas. Auditing Committee: Hjalmar Sivertsen, S. H. Myklebust, 0. R. Jordahl, N. Malawi. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., A. Wash. Field Miss. Sec., Elias Bjaanas. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Othilie Rygh. Young People's Dept.: Sec. and Treas., A. Wasli. MINISTERS. 0. J. 0. Riist, A. Wash. LICENTIATE. L. Sable-Larssen. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Hilda Andal, Randi Andersen, Ole Jordahl, B. 0. Landaas. ICELAND MISSION. Territory: Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands. Address: Ingolfsstraeti 10, Rey- kjavik, Iceland. OFFICERS. Mission: Director, Olaf J. Olsen. Local Committee: Olaf J. Olsen, Bjorn Jonsson, Halldor Sigurds- son. Sec. and Treas., G. Hjartarson. Field Miss. Sec., Nils Anders- son. MINISTER. 0. J. Olsen. LICENTIATES. Nils Andersson, Emanuel Chris- tiansen. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. Pjetur Sigurdsson. NORTH SWEDISH MISSION. Organized 1909. Territory: Counties of Norrbot- ten, Vasterbotten, Vasternorr- land, Jamtland, and part of Gaileborgs Lan. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., Seth Lundstrom. MINISTER. Seth Lundstrom, Gamla Kungs- holm sbrogatan 38, Stockholm, Sweden. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Carl J. Gidlund, Kristine Eriksson.., WEST GERMAN UNION CONFERENCE. Revised report not in hand; former matter reprinted. Organized Territory: The West German Un- ion District, Elbian, Hessian, Lower Rhenish, North German, Upper Rhenish, Thuringian, and Westphalian Conferences; and the Belgian and Holland Mis- sions. Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Advent," Hamburg. Office Address for West German Union Conference and all West German Union fields and work- ers: Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., — � . Sec., Fr. Backer. Treas., Anna Obst. Asst. Treas., Ella Ludewig. Auditor, G. Woysch. Executive Committee: � L. Mathe, R. G. Klingbeil, E. Bahr, K. Sinz, W. Prillwitz, J. Wib- bens, (1. Perk, H. Behr, H. Hart- kop, W. Krumm. Legal Assn.: " Hamburger Ve- rein der Siebenten-Tags-Adven- tisten." Pres., L. R. Conradi; Sec. and Treas., H. Hartkop. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas. for all West German fields not otherwise pro- vided for, Fr..Backer. Sabbath School Dept.: See. for all West German fields not otherwise provided for, Fr. Backer. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. Fr. Backer. 128 1909. WEST GERMAN UNION DISTRICT. Organized 1909. Territory: Hamburg, and province of Schleswig-Holstein; Lubeck. OFFICERS. Conference: Preg., — -- See., Fr. Backer. Treas., Anna Obst. Executive Committee. � P. Zahl, H. Hartkop, W. Krumm, V. Diinkel. Tract Society:' See. and Treas., Fr. Backer. Field Miss. Sec., Wm. Knitter. MINISTERS. P. Zahl, H. Feddersen, Aug. Beh- rens. LICENTIATES. A. Grabig, Aug. Bremer, H. Hinz, Cl. v. Fintel, Albert Pioch, Aug. Kruse, A. Severin, F. Kroll, H. Klages, Martha Bong. ELBE CONFERENCE. Organized 1916. Territory: Administrative district of Gottingen, duchies of Anhalt and Brunswick; and the dis- tricts of Bitterfeld, Delitzsch, Halle, Liebenwerde, Mansfeld I and II, Saale, Schweidnitz, Tor- gau, and Wittenberg; the ad- ministrative districts of Merse- burg and Magdeburg (excepting Jerichow I and II). WEST GERMAN UNION CONFERENCE. �129 OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., W. Prillwitz. Sec., W. Scholz. Treas., Anna Obst. Executive Committee: W. Prill- witz, H. Langenstrassen, M. Ul- rich, L. Winkel, H. Hartmann. Tract Society: See., Fr. Bdcker. Field Miss. Sec., H. Hartmann. Sabbath School Dept.: � • Sec., Fr. Backer. MINISTERS. W. Prillwitz, W. Scholz, A. Schmitt, 0. Kelle. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Wilh. Althoff, Hans Weinant, R. Fischer, H. Peters, M. Rdlecke, F. Prillwitz. HESSIAN CONFERENCE. Organized 1912. Territory: Hesse-Nassau, Upper Hesse, principality of Wal- deck, and district of Wetzlar. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., --- Sec., R. Rall. Treas., Ella Ludewig. Executive Committee: -- -- R. Muller, J. Streib, S. Hdmann, C. Wenzel. - Tract Society: See. and Treas.. Fr. Bicker. Field Miss. Sec., A. Lanz. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Fr. Backer. MINISTERS. R. Miller, R. Rail. • LICENTIATES. P. Thurm, P. Lux. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. -K. Adolf, Sr., W. Geissel, H. Filh- ren, H. Beck, K. Adolf, Jr., H. Struve, R. Rieger. LOWER RHENISH CONFER- ENCE. Organized 1911. Territory: Lower Rhineland. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., L. Mathe. Sec., 0. Carstens. Treas., Ella Ludewig. Executive Committee: L. Mathe, F. Dorner, R. Halenz, P. Drinhaus, F. Ernst. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., Fr. Backer. Field Miss. Sec., G. Dinse. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Fr. Backer. MINISTERS. L. Mathe, F. Gassmann, G. Blihre. K. Jonuleit, O. Carstens. LICENTIATES. A. Schramke, H. Brinkmann, A. Thomas. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. W. Friese, M. Raddatz. NORTH GERMAN CONFER- ENCE. Organized 1907. Territory:. Province of Hanover ( except. the southern part, with. Gottingen), Oldenburg, Bremen, Ostfriesland, Schaumburg-Lippe, and the district of Rinteln. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., E. Bahr. Sec., F. Hamer. Treas., Anna Obst. 130 �WEST GERMAN UNION CONFERENCE. Executive Committee: E. Bahr, B. Kohlhaus, Sr., C. Hocke, H. Schwagermann. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., Fr. Backer. Field Miss. Sec., Aug. Koll- hosser. Sabbath School Dept.: See., Fr. Backer. MINISTERS. E. Bahr, W. Varlemann, P. Stau- bert, W. Schick, C. H. Johnsen, F. Weinemann. LICENTIATES. P. Waak, C. H. Zimmermann, T. Kobele. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. A. Oestereich, F. Hilmer, E. Schtitt, C. Mansfeld. UPPER RHENISH CONFER- ENCE. Organized 1911. Territory: Upper Rhineland and Oldenburg-Birkenfeld, and the grand duchy of Luxemburg. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., K. Sinz. Sec., W. John. Treas., Ella Ludewig. Executive Committee: K. Sinz, A. Mattern, Aug. Mathiessen, K. Masitzky. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., Fr. Backer. Field Miss. Sec., P. SChornstein. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Fr. Backer. MINISTERS. K. Sinz, Joseph Braun, W. John. LICENTIATES. P. Lantzrath, � Code. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. P. Kress, M. Szadkowsky, L. Pas- cheburg. THURINGIAN CONFERENCE. Organized 1916. Territory: Thuringian States, ad- ministrative district of Erfurt, the districts of Eckartsberga, Zeitz, town and land; Weissen- feld I and II, Naumburg, Quer- furt, Sangerhausen, and Merse- burg from the district of Merse- burg. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., G. Perk. Sec., Max Wevers. Treas., E. Ludewig. Executive Committee: G. Perk, A. Milner, A. Lusky, H. Balsehmie- ter, A. Vogt. ' Tract Society: Sec., Fr. Backer. Field Miss. Sec., H. Hartmann. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Fr. Backer. MINISTERS. G. Perk, A. Mailer, A. Woysch, Max Wevers. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. A. Sommer. WESTPHALIAN CONFERENCE. Organized 1898 as the West Ger- man Conference. Territory: The Province of West- phalia, grand duchy of Lippe- Detmold, and principality of Pyrmont. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., H. Behr. See., C. Dangsehat. WEST GERMAN UNION CONFERENCE. �131 Treas., Anna Obst. Executive Committee: H. Behr, C. Dangschat, A. Lammel, E. Man- nesmann, Fr. Rutorf. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., Fr. Bhcker. • Field Miss. Sec., F. Reinicke. Sabbath School Dept.: See., Fr. Backer. MINISTERS. H. Behr, 0. Schwenecke, C. Dangs- chat, H. Phtschke, E. Nopper. LICENTIATE. Fr. Rischmtiller. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. M. Becker, H. Limpert, G. Fisch- dick. BELGIAN MISSION. Organized 1903. Territory: Belgium. OFFICERS. Mission: Director, R. G. Klingbeil. Sec., J. L. Loots. Treas., Anna Obst. Advisory Committee: R. G. Klingbeil, J. H. Weidner, Th. v. Vreckem. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., Fr. Backer. Sabbath-school Dept.: Sec., Fr. Backer. MINISTERS. R. G. Klingbeil, J. H. Weidner, - J. L. Loots. LICENTIATES. Fr. Joehmans, E. Lecoultre. HOLLAND MISSION. Organized 1901. Territory: Holland. OFFICERS. Mission: Director, J. Wibbens. Sec., P. Voorthuis, Jr. Treas., Anna Obst. Advisory Committee: J. Wib- bens, P. Sehilstra, Chr. Wester- daal, A. Postema, J. Toben. � • Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Fr. Backer. MINISTERS. J. Wibbens, P. Schilstra, P. Meijer. P. Voorthuis, Jr. LICENTIATES. T. J. L. Wortman, W. van Eijse. ren, H. Twijnstra. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. H. van der Hoeven. WEST RUSSIAN UNION CONFERENCE. -Revised report not in hand; former matter reprinted. Reorganized 1913; began its separate existence Jan. x, 1914. Territory: The Baltic, Duena, and Little Russian Conferences; and the Black Sea, Polish, and West Russian Missions. Address: Post box 2, Post office Birsha, " Excelsior," Saratov, Russia. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., H. J. Loebsack. Sec. and Treas., L. Wojtkie- wicz. Executive Committee: H. J. Loebsack, D. Isaak, J. Schneider, Paul S wirido w. Sabbath School and Missionary Sec. for all fields, L. Wojtkie- wicz. MINISTER. H. J. Loebsack. BALTIC CONFERENCE. Organized 1907, at Riga, the organ- ization effective Jan. 1, 1908. Territory: Governments of Kur- land, Kovno, Suvalki. Address: Post box 2, Post office Birsha, " Excelsior," Saratov, Russia. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., J. Schneider. Sec., J. Drikis. Treas., L. Wojtkiewicz. Executive � Committee: � J. Schneider, J. Drikis, J. Gaisch, M. Stahl. MINISTER. J. Schneider. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. J. Drikis, J. Birsin, Anton Eglit, A. Sommer, A. Sprohge. 132 DUENA CONFERENCE. Organized Jan. 1, 1914. Territory: The districts of Riga, Wenden, \Valk, Wolinar in the government of Livonia; the governments of Vitebsk and Pskov. Address: Post box 2, Post office Birsha, " Excelsior," Saratov, Russia. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., — Sec., � Treas., L. Wojtkiewicz. Executive Committee: — J. Wilson, K. Sutta, J. Dreymann. MINISTER. J. Wilson. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. J. Preekun, A. Eglit, P. Purmal, Margaretha Thiessen, Mathilde Stein, Olga Saalman, J. Stepps. LITTLE RUSSIAN CONFER- ENCE. Organized 1912. Territory: The governments of Kiev, Poltava, Cernigov, and Kursk. Address: Post box 2, Post office Birsha, " Excelsior," Saratov, Russia. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., H. J. Lobsack. Sec., — Treas., L. Wojtkiewicz. WEST RUSSIAN UNION CONFERENCE. �133 Executive Committee: H. 3. Linsack, A. E. Gontar, B. Marzian. MINISTERS. H. J. Ltibsack, A. E. Gontar, S. Prowolowsky. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. C. Chinalewsky, B. Purmal, K. Benner. BLACK SEA MISSION. Separated from the South Russian and Little Russian Missions Jan. 1, 1912. Territory: Governments of Cher- son, Bessarabia, and Podolia. Address: Post box 2, Post office Birsha, " Excelsior," Saratov, Russia. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. J. Albrecht, E. Rosenbrilek. POLISH MISSION. Organized 1912. Territory: The governments of Lomza, Plotsk, Warsaw, Kalish, Petrokov, Kielce, Siedlez, Holm, Radom, and Lublin. • OFFICERS. Mission: Director, T. Will. Sec., A. Geisler. Treas., L. Wojtkiewicz. Advisory Committee: Th. Will, A. Geisler. MES'ISTER. Th. Will. OFFICERS. � MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mission: � A. Geisler, E. Budewitz. Director, P. Swiridow. • Sec., — Treas., L. Wojtkiewicz. Advisory Committee: P. Swiri- dow, J: Albrecht, J. Gorl MINISTERS. P. Swiridow, J. Pilkewitsch. LICENTIATE. J. Gorillick. WEST RUSSIAN MISSION. Dating from Jan. 1, 1908. Territory: � Vol h ynia, � Grodno, Minsk, and Vilna. Address: Post box 2, Post office Birsha, " Excelsior," Saratov, Russia. SIBERIAN UNION MISSION. Reorganized August, 1917. Superintendent: 0. E. Reinke. Address: Post box 2, Post office Birsha, " Excelsior," Saratov, Russia. AMUR MISSION. Dating from Jan. 1, 1914. Territory: The Amur and Coast Provinces. OFFICERS. Mission: Director, M. Demidow. MINISTER. M. Demidow. LICENTIATE. .1. Gaidischar. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. A. Kalaschnikow. J. Pjetuchow, 134 � SIBERIAN UNION MISSION. EAST. SIBERIAN MISSION. Dating from Jan. 1, 1911. Territory: The governments of Yeniseisk, Irkutsk, the prov- inces of Transbaikalia, Ya- kutsk. OFFICERS. Mission: Director, Epifan Advisory Committee: Epifan Gnadjin, Alex. Sittnikow. MINISTER. E. Gnadjin. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. Alex. Sittnikow. WEST SIBERIAN MISSION. Dating from Jan. 1, 1911. Territory: The provinces of Uralsk, Turgay, Akmolinsk. Semipalatinsk, and Semirye- chensk, and the governments of Tomsk and Tobolsk. OFFICERS. Mission: Director, H. Gobel. Advisory Committee: H. Gabel, J. Jurickson, G. Zirat, J. Sergejaw, K. K. Diick. MINISTERS. J. Jurickson, G. Zirat. LICENTIATE. K. K. Dilck. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. E. Skorobrestschuk. EUROPEAN DIVISION MISSIONS. (The missions in British adminis- tered territory (outside the South African Union) are under the di- rection of the British Union Con- ference Executive Committee, Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England.) BRITISH EAST AFRICAN MISSION. Organized 1912 (Entered 1906). Territory: British East Africa. Head Station: Gendia, Kisumu, British East Africa. Second Station: Wire Hill, Kis- umu. • Third Station: Karungu, Kisumu. Fourth Station: Rusinga, Kisumu. Fifth Station: Kisii, Kisumu. Sixth Station: Kanyadoto, Kis- umu. Seventh Station: Kamagambo, Kisumu. OFFICERS. Mission: Director, A. A. Carscallen._ Sec., A. A. Carscallen. � - Advisory Committee: A. A. Carscallen, B. L. Morse, J. D. Baker. MINISTERS. A. A. Carscallen, B. L. Morse. LICENTIATES. L. Lane, A. Watson. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. E. B. Phillips, Alfred Matter. GOLD COAST MISSION. Organized December, 1913. Territory: Gold Coast, West Af- rica. Address: Coomassie, via Seccon- dee, Gold Coast, West Africa. OFFICERS. Director: W. H. Lewis (on fur- lough); Thos. Baker, acting. MINISTER. W. H. Lewis. EUROPEAN DIVISION MISSIONS. � 135 LICENTIATES. J. A. B. Davies, Thos. Baker, J. A. Bonney. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. J. W. Garbrah, Mrs. W. H. Lewis, Mrs. Thomas Baker, J. J. Dau- phin, T. B. Ottie, S. B. Essien, J. W. Quashie, J. B. Arthur, K. N. Quashen. SIERRA LEONE MISSION. Organized 1913. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Water- loo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. OFFICERS. Mission: Director, R. S. Greaves. Advisory Committee: R. S. Greaves, E. W. Myers, J. E. Hart- ley. MINISTER. 1-1. S. Greaves. LICENTIATES. E. W. Myers, I. W. Harding. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. H. E. Lynch, B. W. Davies, Mrs. R. S. Greaves, Mrs. E. W. Myers, D. T. Thomas, Henry Wilson, A. P. Spaine. NIGERIA MISSION. Organized December, 1913. Territory: Nigeria, West Af- rica. Director: D. C. Babcock, Ilorin, via Lagos, Nigeria, West Africa (on furlough in England). Acting, F. N. Ashton. MINISTER. D. C. Babcock. LICENTIATES. F. N. Ashton, S. Morgue-Duncan. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. M. Babcock, Mrs. F. N. Ash- ton, J. Snowball, J. Hamilton, G. Hamilton, B. Balugon, J. Cudjoe. LOWER EGYPT MISSION. Territory: Lower Egypt, including Cairo. Population: 7,427,000. Address: 8 Sharia Naseruddin el Shikhi, Bulak, Cairo, Egypt. Director: George Keough. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. 0. Bezirdjian, T. H. Zakarian. UPPER EGYPTIAN MISSION. Dating from Jan. 1, 1914. Territory: Upper Egypt from Cairo to Assouan. Population: 5,139,000. Address: 8 Sharia Naseruddin el Shikhi, Bulak, Cairo, Egypt. Director: George Keough. MINISTER. George Keough. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. S. Farag, Bulos Abdul Messiah. (From the following miscellaneous missions no report- has been re- ceived.) ABYSSINIAN MISSION. Opened 1907. Territory: Italian Colony ,of Eri- trea, Abyssinia, British and Italian Somaliland. Address: Asmara, Eritrea, Poste Restante (via Brindisi, Italy). East Africa. 136 � EUROPEAN DIVISION MISSIONS. ARABIC-SYRIAN MISSION. Separated from Levant Union in 1912. Territory: Syria (excepting Vil- layet Aleppo), Mesopotamia, and Arabia. VICTORIA NYANZA MISSION. (In former German East Africa.) Stations as established before the war. Majita• District: Head station: Majita. Second station: Iramba. Third Station: Nyabangi. Fourth station: Shirati. Ushashi District: Head station: Busegwe. Second station: Ikizu. Third station: Utimbaru. Fourth station: Sizaki. Usukuma District:. Head Station: Ntusu. Second station: Itilima. Third station: Kanadi. Fourth station: Mwagala. (V. E. Toppenberg, on furlough in• America; P. Smailes and I. R. Evenson, of South Africa, en route to visit the stations and report. SOUTH PARE MISSION. (In former German East Africa.) Stations as established before the war. Kihurio District: Head station: Kihurio. Second station: Friedenstal. Third station: Vua.su. Fourth Station: Vunta. LEVANT MISSION. Organized 1910. Territory: Turkish Empire, ex- cepting Arabic-Syrian Mission. Address: Ottoman Post, Box 109, Galata, Constantinople, Turkey. OFFICERS. Committee: E. E. Frauchiger, A. M. Buzugheri, P. Bridde. Director, E. E. Frauchiger. Treas., A. Kiissner, Grindelherg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Sec. and Asst. Treas., P. Bridde. MINISTERS. E. E. Frauchiger, A. M. Buzugheri. LICENTIATE. A. J..Girou. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. • 0. Pereni, D. Keanides, P. Bridde, 0. Hadjadouri, A. Veziriades. MAURITIUS-MADAGASCAR MISSION. Entered 1914. Territory: Island of Madagascar and the surrounding islands. MINISTER. Paul Badaut, Rose Hill, rue de la Renie 42, Mauritius, Indian Ocean. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. Br. Moikeenah. PERSIAN MISSION. GRECIAN MISSION. Separated from Turkish Mission in 1910. Territory: Greece. LICENTIATE. Fr. Scior. � F. F. Oster, Tabriz, Persia. Entered 1911. Territory: Persia and Afghanis- tan. Office Address: Grindelberg 15a. Hamburg, erm a ny. LICENTIATE. EUROPEAN DIVISION MISSIONS. � 137 TRANS-CAUCASIAN MISSION. Separated from Caucasian Con- ference in 1912. Territory: The governments of Baku, Erivan, Elizabetpol, Ku- tais, Tiflis, and Kars-District. OFFICERS. - Mission: Director, H. K. Lasack. Sec., W. Dymann. Treas., and Sabbath School and Miss. See., L. Wojtkiewicz. Executive Committee: H. K. Lobsack, W. Istjagin. MINISTER. H. K. Liibsack. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. A. Wiiiin, \V. Dymann, 0. Gas- arjan, W. Slawnow, W. 1st- jagin, W. Sulawa, J. P. Schit- kow. TURKESTAN MISSION. Dating from Jan. 1, 1911. Territory: The provinces of Fer- ghana, Samarkand, Syr- Darla; the Transcaspian territories; and the vassal states of Khiva and Bokhara. OFFICERS. • Mission: Director, B. Schmidt. Advisory � Committee: � B. Schmidt, D. P. Bertram, Ph. Trip- pel. MINISTER. B. Schmidt. INSTITUTIONS IN THE EURO- PEAN DIVISION CON- FERENCE. Educational: Fricdensau Industrial School; Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez; Magdeburg, Germany. Latin Union School, Gland, Switzerland. Sea nd ina via n Union Mission School. Skodshorg, Denmark. Stanhorough Park Missionary College, Watford, England. Swedish Missionary School, Ny• hyttan. Iiirnbolls, Sweden. Waterloo industrial School, Wa- terloo, Sierra Leone, West Af- rica. Publishing: Barcelona Publishing House, Apartado 492, Barcelona, Spain. British Publishing, House, Wat- ford, England. - Finland Publishing House, Un- ionsgatan 4, Helsingfors, land. Hamburg Publishing House, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany: with branches in Basle, Petrograd, Constanti- nople. and Budapest. Latin Union -Publishing House, Gland, Switzerland. Scandinavian Publishing House, Akersgaten 74, Christiania, Norway: with branch at Alargrethevej 5, • Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Stockholm Publishing House, Gamla Kungsholmsbrogatan 38, Stockholm, Sweden. Sanitariums: Caterham Sanitarium, Surrey Hills Hydro, Caterham Valley, England. � • Christiania Health Home, Ak- ersgaten .74, Christiania, Nor- way. Friedensau Sanitarium, Fried- ens:114 Post Grabow, . Bez. Magdeburg, Germany. Lake Geneva Sanitarium, Gland, Switzerland. -Skodsborg Sanitarium, Skods7. borg, Denmark. � . StanbOrongh Park Sanitarifim, Watford, England. ASIATIC DIVISION CONFERENCE. Organized 1913; reorganized, 1915, 1917. Territory: The Australasian, the East Asian, the Malaysian, -the North China, the Philippine, and the South China Union Confer- ences, and the India Union Mis- sion. Population: 914,334,339. Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Shanghai. Postal Address: Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China, or 25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. OFFICERS. Conference: President, J. E. Fulton, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Vice-Presidents : F. H. DeVinney, 12 Wilkie Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. J. S. James,Box 523, U. S. Pos- tal Agency, hanghai, China. Secretary, C. C. Crisler, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Treasurer and Auditor, H. W. Barrows, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Legal Association: " General Con- ference , Corporation of Seventh- day Adventists." H. W. Bar- rows, Attorney-in-fact. DIVISION CONFERENCE COMMITTEE. General. J. E. Fulton, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. -F. H. DeVinney, 12 Wilkie Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. J. S. James, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. C. C. Crisler, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. H. W. Barrows, Box 523, U. S. Pos- tal Agency, Shanghai, China.. 138 Presidents of Union Conferences and Union Missions. Australasian: C. H. Watson, "Miz- pah," Fox Valley Road, Wah- roonga, New South Wales, Aus- tralia. East Asian: J. M. Johanson, 171 Amanuma, Suginami-mura, To- yota.ma-gun, Tokyo, Japan. India: W. W. Fletcher, 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Malaysian: F. A. Detamore, 12 Wilkie Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. North China: F. A. Allum, Wang Gia Dun, Hankow, Hupeh, China. South China: B. L. Anderson, 6 Austin Ave., Kowloon, Hong- kong, China. Philippine: � , 707 Ver- mont St., Manila, Philippine Is- lands. Secretaries of Departments. Publishing: C. E. Weaks, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Medical: Dr. C. C. Landis, 162a Bubbling Well Road, Shanghai, China. Dr. A. C. Selmon, 162a Bubbling Well Road, Shanghai, China. Educational and Missionary Vol- unteer: S. L. Frost, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Sabbath School: R. F. Cottrell, Box. 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Elective Members. J. P. Anderson, Swatow, Kwang- tung, China. C. L. Butterfield, Seoul, Chosen (Korea). G. S. Fisher, Sanitarium, Wah- roonga, New South Wales, Aus- tralia. ASIATIC DIVISION CONFERENCE. � 139 • J. W. Rowland; 12 Wilkie Road,* Singapore, Straits Settlements. J. E. Shultz, Box 856, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. A. H. Williams, 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India.. PUBLISHING DEPARTMENT. Office: Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. � . Secretary: C. E. Weaks, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. General Members. C. H. Watson, " Mizpah," Fox Val- ley Road, Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. J. M. Johanson, 171 Amanuma, Suginami-mura, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo, Japan. W. W. Fletcher, 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. F. A. Detamore, 12 Wilkie Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. F. A. Allum, Wang Gia Dun, Han- kow, Hupeh, China. L. V. Finster 707 Vermont St., Manila, Philippine Islands. B. L. Anderson, 6 Austin Ave., Kowloon, Hongkong, China. J. S. James, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. C. C. Crisler, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, 'Shanghai, China. Managers of Publishing Hoises. W. H. B. Miller, Signs Publishing Co., Ltd., Warburton, Victoria, Australia. W. P. Henderson, Box 856, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. C. N. Woodward, 14 Calle Luna, Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Islands. W. S. Mead, 17 Abbott Road, Luck- /low, India. A. B, Cole; 171 Amanuma, Sugi- nami - mura, � Toyotama - gun, Tokyo, Japan. L. I. Bowers, Seoul, Chosen (Ko- rea). Union Field Missionary Secretaries- G. S. Joseph, Warburton, Victoria, Australia. H. M. Blunden, Wang Gia Dun, Hankow, Hupeh, China. A. Mountain, Jr., 5 Austin Ave., Kowloon, Hongkong, China. J. J. Strahle, 707 Vermont St., Manila, Philippine Islands. M. E. Mullinex, 12 Wilkie Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. A. W. Knight, 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Editors. C. M. Snow, Signs Publishing Co., - Ltd., Waru rton, Victoria, Aus- tralia. J. E. Shultz, Box 856, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. T. H.. Okohira, 171 Amanuma, Suginami-mura, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo, Japan. R. D. Brisbin, 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Melvin Munson, 12 Wilkie Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements: Miss Mimi Scharffenberg, Seoul, Chosen (Korea). MEDICAL MISSSIONARY DEPARTMENT. Office: Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Secretary: C. C. Landis, M. D., 162a Bubbling Well Road, Shang- hai, China. Assistant Secretary: A. C. Selmon, M. D., 162a Bubbling Well Road, Shanghai, China. Other Members. Riley Russell, M. D., Soonan, Chosen (Korea). Bertha Selmon, 162a Bubbling Well Road, Shanghai, China. C. Fattebert, M. D., Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. V. L. Mann, M. D., Chuharkana Mandy, Gujranwala District, Punjab, India. H. C. Menke], M. D., " Belvedere," Simla, India. 140 � ASIATIC DIVISION CONFERENCE. T. A. Sherwin, M. B., Ch. M., Sani- tarium, Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. M. M. Freeman, M. B., Ch. M., Sanitarium, Wahroonga, New South 'Wales, Australia. Superintendent Canton Treatment Rooms and Dispensary. EDUCATIONAL DEPART- MENT. Office: Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Secretary: S. L. Frost, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Other Members. L: D. A. Lemke, Australasian Miss- ionary College, Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia. C. H. Schowe, Australasian Miss- ionary College, Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia. A. H. Piper, Darling Range School, Carmel, West Australia. J. Mills, Oroua Missionary School, Longburn, New Zealand. H. F. Benson, 171 Amanuma, Suginami-mura, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo, Japan. I. F. Blue, 17 Abbott Road, Luck- now, India. D. C. Ludington, Meiktila Tech- nical School, Meiktila, Burma. I. A.'Stienel, 16 Calle Luna, Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Islands. K. M. Adams, 300 Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Setlements. H. 0. Swartout, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. H. M. Lee, Soonan, Chosen (Ko- rea). F. E. Bates, Kulangsu, Amoy, China. H. R. Martin, Buresala, Ovalau, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. A. � � . Anderson, " Mizpah," Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. E. D. Thomas, Nazareth P. 0., Tinnevelly District, South India. M. G. Conger, Yeneheng, Honan, China. J. M. Johanson, 171 Amanuma, Suginami-mura, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo, Japan. SABBATH SCHOOL DE- PARTMENT. Office: Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Secretary: R. F. Cottrell, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Assistant Secretary: Mrs. R. F. Cottrell, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Other Members. A. C. Selmon, 162a Bubbling Well Road, Shanghai, China. S. Miyake, 171 Amanuma, Sugi- nami-mura, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo, Japan. Mrs. F. A. Detamore, 12 Wilkie Road, Singapore, Straits Settle- ments. Mrs. L. V. Finster, 707 Vermont St., Manila, Philippine Islands. Mrs. C. N. Woodward, 14 Calle Luna, Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Islands. Mrs. G. A. Thompson, 14 Scott Road, Kaula Lumpur, Federated Malay States. Mrs. W. C. Hankins, Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Mrs. 0. A. Hall, Wang Gia Dun, Hankow, China. Mrs. A. L. Hindson, " Mizpah," Fox Valley Road, . Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. G. 'F. Furnival, 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. HOME MISSIONARY DE- PARTMENT. Office: Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Secretary: C. E. Weaks, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Secretary for Woirel's Work: Mrs. C. E. Weaks, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. ASIATIC DIVISION CONFERENCE. � 141 YOUNG PEOPLE'S MISSIONARY VOLUNTEER DEPARTMENT. Office: Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Secretary: S. L. Frost, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. MINISTERIAL 'WORK. Secretary: R. F. Cottrell, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. LITERATURE BUREAU. Office: Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. C. C. Crisler (Chairman), Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. A. C. Selmon, 162a Bubbling Well Road, bnanghai, China. R. F. Cottrell, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. J. E. Shultz, Box 856, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. J. M. Johanson, 171 Amanuma, Suginami-mura, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo, Japan. J. S. James, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. C. E. Weaks, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. H. M. Blunden, Wang Gia Dun, Hankow, Hupeh, China. IV. W. Fletcher, 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, F. A. Detamore, 12 Wilkie Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. L. V. Finster, 707 Vermont St., Manila, Philippine Islands. Miss Mimi Scharffenberg, Seoul, Chosen (Korea). T. H. Okohira, 171 Amanuma, Suginarni-mura, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo, Japan. (The first four named to constitute a working quorum). GENERAL LABORERS HOLDING CREDENTIALS FROM THE ASIATIC DIVISION CON- FERENCE. MINISTERS. R. F. Cottrell, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. F. H. De Vinney, 12 Wilkie Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. J. E. Fulton, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. J. S. James, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. A. C. Selmon, 162a Bubbling Well Road, Shanghai, China. J. E. Shultz, Box 856, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. C. E. Weaks, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. R. C. Porter, Hamilton, Mo. LICENTIATES. C. C. Crisler, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. S. L. Frost, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. C. C. Landis, 162a Bubbling Well Road, Shanghai, China. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. H. W. Barrows, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Mrs. H. W. Barrows, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Mrs. C. C. Crisler, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Mrs. R. F. Cottrell, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Mrs. F. H. De Vinney, 12 Wilkie Road, Singapore, Straits Settle- ments. Miss Bessie A. Dowell, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Mrs. J. E. Fulton, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Miss Jessie E. Fulton, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Mrs. S. L. Frost, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Mrs. W. P. Henderson, Box 856, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. 142 � ASIATIC DIVISION CONFERENCE. W. P. Henderson, Box 856, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Mrs. J. S. James, Pacific Union College, St. Helena, Cal., U. S. A. Miss Olive Osborne, Washington Missionary College, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C., U. S. A. (On furlough).. Mrs. R. C. Porter, Hamilton, Mo. Dr. Bertha Selmon, 162a Bubbling Well Road, Shanghai, China. Mrs. J. E. Shultz, Box 856, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. (On furlough.) Mrs. C. E. Weaks, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Mrs. C. C. Landis, 162a Bubbling Well Road, Shanghai, China. AUSTRALASIAN UNION CONFERENCE. Organized 1894. Territory: The Conferences of New South Wales, North New Zealand, South New Zealand, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania, West Aus- tralia, and Central Polynesia; the Eastern Polynesian and Me- lanesian Missions. Cable Address: " Adventist," Syd- ney. Office: " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., C. H. Watson. Vice-Pres., W. J. Westerman. Sec., C. H. Pretyman. Treas., W. 0. Johanson. Executive Committee: C. H. Watson, W. J. Westerman, C. H. Pretyman, W. 0. Johanson; the presidents of the local confer- ences; A. W. Anderson, G. S. Fish- er, G. S. Joseph, F. Knight, Mrs. A. L. Hindson,T. A. Sherwin, L. D. A. Lemke, . H. B. Miller, E. Watson, J. Mills, C. Rosendhl, C. M. Snow, A. H. Piper. Financial Advisory Committee: C. H. Watson,. H. Pretyman, G. S. Fisher, � . 0. Johanson, A. Mountain, Sr. Legal Assn.: � " Australasian Conference Association, Ltd." Pres., C. H. Watson; Sec., C. H. Pretyman; Treas., W. 0. Johan- son. . Union Book Depository: Signs Publishing Company, Ltd., Warburton, Victoria, Australia. Manager, W. H. B. Miller, War- burton. Union Field Miss. Sec., G. S. Joseph; Assistant, C. Hallam. Book Committee: A. � Ander- son, W. L. H. Baker, E. S. Butz, C. H. Pretyman, G. S. Joseph, Mrs. A. L. Hindson, C. M. Snow, T. A. Brown, C. K. Meyers, R. Hare. Island Book Committee: J. M. Cole, Mrs. A. L. Hindson, Mrs. A. G. Wallah, C. H. Pretyman, J. D. K. Aitken. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. A. L. Hindson. Educational Dept.: Sec., A. W. Anderson. Medical Missionary Dept.: Sec., Dr. T. A. Sherwin, Sani- tarium, Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., A. W. Anderson. Young People's Dept.: Sec., F. Knight. Home Missionary Dept.: See., C. K. Meyers. AUSTRALASIAN UNION CONFERENCE. �143 C. H. Watson, " Mizpah," Wah- roonga, N. S. W., Australia. L. D. A. Lemke, Cooranbong, N. . S. W., Australia. R. Hare, Cooranbong, N. S. W.. Australia. A. W. Anderson, " Mizpah," Wah- roonga, N. S. . , Australia. C. M. Snow, Warburton, Vic- toria. Australia. F. Knight, " Mizpah," Wahroon- ga, N. S. W., Australia. W. J. Smith, Sanitarium, Wah- roonga, N. S. W., Australia. A. H. Piper, Darling Range School, Carmel, West Australia. A. Smart, Australasian Missionary College, Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia. C. K. Meyers, " Mizpah," Wah- roonga, New South Wales, Aus- tralia. W. L: H. Baker, Warburton, Vic- toria, Australia. LICENTIATES. C. V. Bell, Australasian Mis- sionary College, Cooranbong. N. S. W.. Australia. C. H. Pretyman, " Mizpah," Wah- roonga, N. S.. W., Australia. W. R. arswell, " Mizpah," Wah- roonga, N. S. W., Australia. P. B. Rudge, " Mizpah," Wah- roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Dr. T. A. Sherwin, Sanitarium, Wahroonga, N. S. W., Aus- tralia. Joseph Mills, Oroua.. Missionary SChool, Longburn, via Palmers- ton, North, New Zealand. G. S. Fisher, 306-308 George St., Sydney, N. S. W., Australia. W. H. B. Miller, Signs Publishing Company, Ltd., Warburton, Vic- toria, Australia. H. C. White, Australasian Mission- ary College, Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia. C. Hallam, Warburton, Victoria, Australia. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. A. L. Hindson, " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Aus- tralia. � • Mrs. E. M. Shannan, Sanitarium, Wahroonga, N. S. W., Aus- tralia. Dr. M. M. Freeman, Sanitarium, Wahroonga, N. S. W., Aus- tralia. A. � Mountain, Sr., " Mizpah," Wkhroonga, N. S. W., Aus- tralia. A. G. Miller, Warburton, Victoria, Australia. W. 0. Johanson' " Mizpah," Wah- roonga, N. S. W., Australia. NEW SOUTH WALES CON- FERENCE. Organized 1895. Territory: The State of New South Wales, with the exception of the city of Broken Hill, and that portion of the Northern Rivers district included in the Queens- land Conference. Office: " Tereora," The Avenue, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., J. M. Cole. Vice-Pres., E. S. Butz. Sec. and Treas., F. J. Butler. Executive Committee: J. M. Cole, E. S. Butz, A. E. Hodgki- son, J. Martin, R. Govett, G. S. Fisher. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., A. E. Hodgki- son. Field Miss. Sec., A. E. Hodg- kison. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Miss C. M. Rule. Educational Dept.: Supt., C. H. Schowe. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., A. W. Anderson. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Miss A. S. Higgins. 144 �AUSTRALASIAN UNION CONFERENCE: Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., J. M. Cole. MINISTERS. J. M. Cole, E. S. Butz, L. J. Im- rie, J. W. Kent, H. Mitchell, L. Currow, G. E. Marriott. LICENTIATES. R. A. Salton, J. .Hindson, M. A. Connell, M. Whittaker, S. Wat- son, G. McLaren. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Cole, E. S. Butz, A. E. Hodgki- kison, J. W. Roberts, F. Masters, Mrs. M. Caro, G. Hosking, F. Hunt, Miss A. Walker, Miss A. S. Higgins, Miss C. M. Rule, Miss V. Oatley, Miss I. Robert- son, Miss S. Read, Miss A. E. Pearce, Miss H. Pearce, Miss E. Perry,• Mrs. E. Palmer, Miss C. Collier. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. T. J. Roberts, H. H. Crouch, Miss M. Williams, Miss I. Felsch, W. Gilson, Mrs. W. Gilson, G. Brand- stater, N. H. Faulkner. NORTH NEW ZEALAND CON- FERENCE. Organized 1889. . Territory: That portion of the Dominion of New Zealand north of Cook's Straits. Cable Address: " Mastery," Auck- land, New Zealand. Office: 108 Ponsonby Road, Auck- land, New Zealand. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., W. H. Pascoe. Sec. and Treas., E. Rosendahl. Executive Committee: W., H. Pascoe, Dr. P. M. Kellar, Dr. Eric Caro, G. F. Wright, G. F. Hans- ford, W. Richards, G. G. Stewart. Legal Assn.: " New Zealand Conference, Incorporated." Tract Society: Sec., V. Nilsson. Treas., E. Hosendahl. Field Miss. Sec., 0. F. Hans- ford. Sabbath School Dept.: See., Miss E. E. Edwards. Educational Dept.: Supt., E. Rosendahl. Young People's Dept.: See., Miss I]. E. Edwards. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., F. G. Rampton. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., F. 0. Rampton. MINISTERS. W. H. Pascoe, G. G. Stewart, W. G. Brittain. LICENTIATES. M. W. Carey, A. King, R. K. Piper, H. E. Sharp, E. Rosendahl. 'F. G. Hampton, A. Currow, H. A. Lukens. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Miss E. E. Edwards, Dr. P. M. Keller, Dr. F. Keller, Dr. Eric Caro, Mrs. R. K. Piper, C.- Head, G. F. Hansford, J. Gillis, A. E. White, J. Pascoe, F. Grubb, A. Cambie, W. A. Wilton. CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. Miss M. Beavis, Miss Amyes, Mrs.. H. E. Sharp. QTJEENSLAND, CONFERENCE: Organized 1899. Territory: The State of Queens. land. Office: Corner Peel and Grey Sts., • South Brisbane, Queens- land, Australia. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., H. E. Piper. bee. and ireab., J. H. Mills. AUSTRALASIAN UNION CONFERENCE. �145 Executive Committee: H. E. Piper, H. J. Cooper, E. B. Rudge, A. S. Thorpe, F. L. Wiltshire, H. W. Woodgate, C. F. Hodgkinson. Tract Society: Sec., C. E. Ames. Treas., .1. H. Mills. Field Miss. Sec., C. F. Hodgkin- Son. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Miss H. Osborne. Educational Dept.: Supt., H. E. Piper. Young People's Dept.: Sec., R. E. Hare. Asst. Sec., Miss H. Osborne. Religious Liberty Dept.:. Sec., H. E. Piper. Asst. Sec., J. H. Mills. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., R. E. Hare. MINISTERS. H. E. Piper, J. Allen, E. B. Rudge, R. E. Hare. LICENTIATES. L. Newbold, B. Cormack, C. E. Ashcroft, J. J. Crammond. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. J. H. Mills, C. E. Barnes, Miss E. .Westerman, Miss E. Hopzood, Miss H. Osborne, C. F. Hodgkin- son, C. W. Tinworth, Miss H. Markey. MONAMONA MISSION FOR AB- ORIGINES. Established 1913. Address: Oaklands, via Cairns, Queensland, Australia. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., J. L. Branford. Treas., J. L. Branford. Matron, Mrs. J. L. Branford. Board of Management: C. H. Watson, J. L. Branford, H. E. Piper. LICENTIATE. J. L. Branford. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. R. M. Totenhofer, George Mitchell, M. Thorpe, Mrs. J• L. Branford, Miss M. A. Kramm. CHURCH SCHOOL- TEACHERS. Mrs. G. A. Mitchell, Miss P. Bran- ford. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CON- FERENCE. Organized 1S99. Territory: The State of South Australia, and the city of Broken Bill, N. S. W. Office: 116 Grote St., Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., W. G. Turner. Vice-Pres., C. P. Michaels. Sec., J. Todd. Treas., Miss R. V. Stratford. Executive Committee: W. G. Turner, C. Davey, L. A. Butler, G. Burgess, W. Were, B. J. Smith, W. Vercoe, Jr. Tract Society: Sec., J. Todd. Treas., Miss R. V. Stratford. Field Miss. Sec., C. J. Griffin. Educational Dept.: Supt., W. G. Turner.. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Miss M. C. Barlow. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., H. C. Harker. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Miss M. C. Barlow. 146 �AUSTRALASIAN UNION CONFERENCE. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., R. J. ,Burns. MINISTERS. W. G. Turner, C. P. Michaels, H. C. Harker, G. Hubbard, G. Bur- gess. LICENTIATES. G. H. K. Backhaus, T. A. Brown. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. J. Davies, Mrs. G. Chapman, Miss R. V. Stratford, Miss M. C. Barlow, R. J. Burns, L. A. Butler, Miss B. A. Heise, C. J. Griffin, J. Todd. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Miss Macleay, Miss A. E. Brown, Mrs. B. J. Smith. SOUTH NEW ZEALAND CON- FERENCE. Organized 1915. Territory: That portion of the Dominion of New Zealand south of Cook's Straits. Office: 84 Cashel St., Christchurch, New Zealand. 012 LER& Conference: Pres., F. H. Letts. Sec. and Treas., T. W. Ham- mond. Executive Committee: F. H. Letts, S. H. Amyes, E. G. Saun- ders, T. W. Hammond, G. A. Brandstater, A. C. Chesson, J. Thompson. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., T. W. Ham- mond. Field Miss. Sec., J. Thompson. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. T. W. Hammond. Educational Dept.: Supt., F. H. Letts. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec„ T. W. Hammond. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Mrs. T. W. Hammond. Home Missionary Dept.: See., J. Thompon. MINISTER. F. H. Letts. LICENTIATES. A. C. Chesson,J. Thompson,H. Streeter, T. � hittle, A. McCoy, G. A. Brandstater. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. B. Waldrom, Miss J. McCullough, T. W. Hammond, T. W. Brown. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHER. G. Hare. TASMANIAN CONFERENCE. Organized 1915. � - Territory: The State of Tasmania. Office: Franklin Chambers, Ho- bart, Tasmania. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., A. H. White. Sec. and Treas., A. G. Minchin. Executive Committee: A. H. White, H. B. Hurburgh, E. P. Fehl- berg, H. Murfet, E. R. Whitehead, A. Totenhofer, J. Large. Sabbath School Dept.:, Sec., W. Litster. Young People's Dept.: Sec., W. Litster. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., W. Litster. MINISTERS. A. H. 'White, F. L. Sharp. LICENTIATE. W. Gillis. AUSTRALA SIA_N UNION CONFERENCE. �147 MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. E. R. Whitehead, A. G. Minchin, Miss V. Bennetto. VICTORIAN CONFERENCE. Organized 1888. Territory: The State of Victoria. Office: 22 Stanley St., Richmond, Victoria, Australia. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., W. J. Westerman. Vice-Pres., J. H. Woods. Sec., P. G. Foster. Treas., N. J. Woods. Executive Committee: W. J. Westerman, F. J. Parkin, J. H. Woods, R. A. Natrass, J. A. Mc- Ainsh, J. S. Sandeman, W. A. Bussaw. Tract Society: See. and Treas., P. G. Foster. Field Miss. Sec., F. J. Parkin. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Miss D. Horley. Educational Dept.: Supt., W. J. Westerman. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., T. H. Craddock. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Miss E. M. James. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., J. S. SteWart. MINISTERS. W. J. Westerman, J. H. Woods, T. H. Craddock, A. H. Rogers, N. J. Waldorf. LICENTIATES. E. H. Guilliard, Dr. W. H. James, J. S. Stewart, B. Cozens, A. W. Kent, W. E. Battye, E. Watson, N. C. Burns. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. J. Gillespie, Miss E. M. James, Miss M. McDowell, Miss H. L. Cozens, P. G. Foster, C. Wrigley, Miss H. Brown, N. J. H. Woods, Miss D. Horley. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Frazer, Mrs. Cora Ferris. WEST AUSTRALIAN CONFER- ENCE. Organized 1902. Territory: The state of West Aus- tralia. Office: Warwick House, St. George's Terrace, Perth, West Australia. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., A. W. Cormack. Sec. and Treas., R. E. G. Blair. Executive Committee: A. W. Cormack, A. H. Piper, H. Ward, L. R. Harvey, R. Howie, W. N. Lock, R. F. Davey. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., R. E. G. Blair. Field Miss. Sec., W. N. Lock. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Miss C. Petterson. Educational Dept.: Supt., A. H. Piper. Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., A. W. Cormack. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Miss C. Petterson. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., R. E. G. Blair. Asst. Sec., W. N. Lock. MINISTERS. .A. W. Cormack, A. H. Piper. 148 �AUSTRALASIAN UNION CONFERENCE. LICENTIATES. L. R. Harvey, E. Behrens. G. T. Newbold, A. H. Britten, G. Rob- inson, 0. V. Hellestrand. MISSIONARY. LICENTIATES. W. N. Lock, A. A. Shapcott, Miss F. Reed, Miss E. Britten, Miss Sawyer, R. E. 0. Blair, Miss C. Petterson. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Miss R. Giblett, Miss C. Brown, Miss B. M. Viss, Miss M. Robin- 'Son, Miss Englund, Miss E. Ward, Miss L. Hollingsworth, Miss A. Moore. CENTRAL POLYNESIAN CON- FERENCE. Organized 1916. Territory: Fiji Group, Samoan Group, Friendly Islands, and Niue (or Savage) Island. Office: Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pa- cific Ocean. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., C. H. Parker. Vice-Pres., J. E. Steed. Sec. and Treas., J. E. Nash. Executive Committee: C. H. Parker, E. E. Thorpe, H. R. Mar- tin, Pauliasi Bunoa, J. E. Steed, S. W. Carr, G. H. Morrison. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. C. H. Parker. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Mrs. C. H. Parker. MINISTERS. C. H. Parker, Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. J. E. Steed, Apia, Samoa, Pacific Ocean. S. W. Carr, Niue Island, Pacific Ocean. Panliasi Bunoa, Suva Vou, Suva. Fiji. Pacific Ocean. Joni Lui, Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Mecusela Naisogo, Suva Vou, Su- va, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. LICENTIATES. H. T. Howse, Apia, Samoa, Pacific Ocean. E. E. Thorpe, Neiafu, Vavau, Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean. H. R. Martin, Buresala, Ovalau, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. G. H. Morrison, Lomalomi, Mua leva, Lau, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. H. L. Tolhurst, FaleIoa, Haapai, Tonga, Pacific Ocean. The following-named persons may be addressed at S. D. A. Con- ference, Suva Von, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. H. D. Larwood2 Timoei Nawara, Senavaleti Ramna, Jope Lawe- loa, Feresi Rokosalu, Tevita Railave, Semiti Gade, Emore Savutini, Joni Simpson, Pauliasi Naibisi, Ilisiami, Ratu Kelevi, Tabua Inoke, Henry Maafu. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. C. H. Parker, Suva Von, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. J. E. Nash, Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Mrs. L. E. P. Dexter, Apia, Samoa, Pacific Ocean. Miss Vai Kerisome, Niue Island, Pacific Ocean. Jeni Sisi, Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Lasakan, Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pa- cific Ocean. Mrs. E. Meyers, Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Miss R. Parker, Buresala, Ovalau, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Miss D. Thorpe, Neiafu, Vavau, Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean. Mrs. E. E. Thorpe, Neiafu, Vavau, Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean. AUSTRALASIAN UNION CONFERENCE. �149 EASTERN POLYNESIAN MISSION. Established 1892; reorganized 1910. Comprising the following former missions: Society Islands, Cook Islands, and Pitcairn Island. Territory: All the Pacific Islands east of the 160th degree of west longitude, and south of the tenth parallel of north latitude. Headquarters: Papeete, Tahiti, Society Islands, Pacific Ocean. - OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., F. E. Lyndon. Sec., H. A. Hill. Treas., F. E. Lyndon. Executive Committee: F. E. Lyndon, G. L. Sterling, H. A. Hill, H. P. B. Wicks, W. R. Ilowse. MINISTERS. F. E. Lyndon, Papeete, Tahiti, So- ciety Islands, Pacific Ocean. G. L. Sterling, care S. D. A. Mis- sion, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean. LICENTIATES. W. R. Howse, Papeete, Tahiti, So- ciety Islands, Pacific Ocean. H. A. Hill, Raiatea, Society Is- lands, Pacific Ocean. H. P. B. Wicks, care S. D. A. Mis- sion, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean. MISSIONARY , � LICENTIATES. Mrs. G. L. Sterling, care S. D. A. Mission, Rarotonga, Cook Is- lands, Pacific Ocean. M. R. Adams, Mangareva, Pua- motu Island, Pacific Ocean. Mrs. M. R. Adams, Mangareva, Puamotu Island, Pacific Ocean. Mrs. F. E. Lyndon, Papeete. Ta- hiti, Society Islands, Pacific Ocean. H. S. Cozens, Raiatea, Society Is- lands, Pacific Ocean. J. R. McCoy, Pitcairn Island, Pa- cific Ocean, care British Consul, Papeete, Tahiti, Soeiety Islands. Philip Poroi, Papeete, Tahiti, So ciety Islands, Pacific Ocean. MELANESIAN MISSION. Organized 1916. Territory: New Caledonia, Loy- alty Islands, New Hebrides, Torres Islands, Banks Group, Santa Cruz Islands, Solomon Islands, Bismarck Archipelago, Eastern New Guinea, and adja- cent islands; also Lord Howe and Norfolk ISlands. Address: " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. OFFICERS: Mission: Supt., G. F. Jones. Sec., C. H. Pretyman. Treas., W. 0. Johanson. Executive Committee: C. H. Watson, C. H. Pretyman, W. 0. Johanson, W. J. Westerman, G. F. Jones. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. E. Fenton. MINISTERS. G. F. Jones, S. D. A. Mission, Ma- rovo Lagoon, Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. A. G. Stewart, Atchin, New Heb- rides, Pacific Ocean. LICENTIATES. D. Nicholson, S. D. A. Mission, Marovo Lagoon, Tulagi, Solo- mon Islands, Pacific Ocean. A. H. Ferris, Norfolk Island, Pa- cific Ocean. A. N. Lawson, Bisiatabu, Port Moresby, British New Guinea. Bennie Tavodi, Bisiatabu, Port Moresby, British New Guinea. 150 �AUSTRALASIAN UNION CONFERENCE. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. S. R. Maunder, S. D. A. Mission, Marovo •Lagoon, Tulagi, Solo- mon Islands, Pacific Ocean. R. � � Tutty, S. D. A. Mission, Marovo Lagoon, Tulagi, Solo- mon Islands, Pacific Ocean. J. Radley, S. D. A. Mission, Marovo Lagoon, Tulagi, Solo- mon Islands, Pacific Ocean. D. Woolston, S. D. -A. Mission, Marovo • Lagoon, Tulagi, Solo- mon Islands, Pacific .Ocean. Mrs. G. F. Jones, S. D. A. Mission, Marovo Lagoon, Tulagi, Solo- mon Islands, Pacific Ocean. D. Gray, S. D. A. Mission, Marovo Lagoon, Tulagi, Solomon Is- lands, Pacific Ocean. Mrs. A. G. Stewart, Atchin, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. N. Wiles, Atchin, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. Mit ieli Nakasamai, Bisiatabu, Port Moresby, British New Gui- nea. EAST ASIAN UNION CONFERENCE. Organized 1917. Territory: Japan, Chosen (Korea), Manchuria, and Formosa. Population: 87,498,836. Cable Address: "Adventist," Seoul. Postal Address: Seoul, Chosen (Korea). OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., J. M. Johanson. Vice-Pres., C. L. Butterfield. Sec. and Treas., L. I. Bowers. Executive Committee: J. M. Johanson, C. L. Butterfield, B. P. Hoffman, B. Peterson, Dr. S. E. Tatsuguchi, Li Deh Ren, Chung Mun Kuk. (The departmental organization has not as yet been perfected.) MINISTER. J. M. Johanson, 171 Amanuma, Suginami-mura, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo, Japan. CHOSEN CONFERENCE. Mission organized 1908; Conference organized 1917. Territory: Chosen (Korea). Cable Address: "Adventist," Seoul. Office Address: Chosen Conference of S. D. A., Seoul, Chosen (Ko- rea). OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., C. L. Butterfield. Sec. and Treas., L. I. Bowers. Executive Committee: C. L. Butterfield, L. I. Bowers, Dr. Riley Russell, W. R. Smith, H. M. Lee, H. A. Oberg, Ne Keun Ok, Kim Ku Hyok, Chyong Mun Cook. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. H. A. Oberg. Educational Dept.: Supt., H. M. Lee. Medical Missionary Dept.: Sec., Dr. Riley Russell. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., H. M. Lee. Asst. Sec. (Woman's Dept.), Helen May Scott. ' MINISTERS. C. L. Butterfield, Seoul, Chosen. W. R. Smith, Keizan, Chosen. Riley Russell, M. D., Soonan, Chosen. H. A. Oberg, Soonan, Chosen. Chyong Mun Cook, Keizan, ChosPo Kim ,Ku Hyok, Soonan, Chosen. Ne Keun Ok, Seoul, Chosen. EAST ASIAN UNION CONFERENCE. �151 LICENTIATES. H. M. Lee, Soonan, Chosen. E. J. Urquhart, Keizan, Chosen. And fifteen native Koreans. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. C. L. Butterfield, Seoul, Cho- sen. Mrs. W. R. Smith, Keizan, Chosen. Mrs. Riley Russell, Soonan, Chosen. Mrs. H. A. Oberg, Soonan, Chosen. Mrs. R. C. Wangerin, Seoul, Chosen. Miss Mimi Scharffenberg, Seoul, Chosen. Miss Helen May Scott, Seoul, Chosen. Mrs. H. M. Lee, Soonan, Chosen. Mrs. W. M. Lee, Soonan, Chosen. Mrs. E. J. Urquhart, Keizan, Cho- sen. L. I. Bowers, Seoul, Chosen. Mrs. L. I. Bowers, Seoul, Chosen. And 39 native Koreans. Educational Dept.: Supt., B. P. Hoffman. Young People's Dept.: See., T. H. Okohira. Home Missionary Dept.: See., T. H. Okohira. MINISTERS. B. P. Hoffman, 171 Amanuma, Suginami-mura, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo, Japan. H. F. Benson, Tenmajimachi, Aizu- wakamatsu, Japan. T. H. Okohira, 171 Amanuma, Suginami- mura, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo, Japan. H. Kuniya, 43 Fukuromachi, Ka- nazawa, Japan. W. D. Burden, 171 Amanuma, Suginami-mura, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo, Japan. LICENTIATES. JAPAN CONFERENCE. Organized as a mission 1896; as a conference, Nov. 2, 1917. Territory: Japan proper, not in- cluding Formosa. Cable Address: " Adventist," To- kyo. Postal Address: 169-171 Amanu- ma, Suginami-mura, Toyotama- gun, Tokyo, Japan. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., B. P. Hoffman. Sec. and Treas., A. B. Cole. Advisory Committee: B. P. Hoff- - man, H. Stacey, T. H. Okohira, H. Kuniya, M. Fukazawa, S. Miyake, T. Kobayashi. Tract Society: Sec., A. B. Cole. Field Miss. Sec., H. Stacey. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., T. 413. Okohira.. A. N. Anderson, Nagoya, Japan. P. A. Webber, of 198, Makuracho, Jigyo Higashi-machi, Yobancho, 'Fukuoka, Japan. S. E. Jacques, Sapporo, Japan. MISSIONARY CREDENTIALS. A. B. Cole, 171 Amanuma, Sugi- nami-mura, Toyotama-gun, To- kyo, Japan. H. Stacey, 171 Amanuma, Sugi- nami-mura, Toyotama-gun, To- kyo, Japan. Mrs. H. Stacey, 171 Amanuma, Suginami-mura, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo, Japan. Mrs. H. F. Benson, Tenmajimachi, Aizuwakamatsu, Japan. Mrs. A. B. Cole, 171 Amanuma, Suginami-mura, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo, Japan. J. N. Herboltzheimer, 2180 Mi- nami Ota-machi, Yokohama, Japan. Mrs. J. N. Herboltzheimer, 2180 Minami Ota-machi, Yokohama, Japan. Mrs. B. P. Hoffman, 171 Amanuma, Suginami-mura, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo, Japan. 152 �EAST ASIAN UNION CONFERENCE. Mrs. A. N. Anderson, Nagoya, Ja: pan. Mrs. P. A. Webber, 2 of 198, Ma- kuracho, Jigyo Higashi-machi, Yobancho, Fukuoka, Japan. Mrs. S. E. Jacques, Sapporo, Japan. MANCHURIAN MISSION. Organized 1914. Territory: Manchuria. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Mukden. Postal Address: Manchurian S. D. A. Mission; Mukden, Manchuria, China. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., Bernhard Petersen. Sec. and Treas., J. G. Gjording. Advisory Committee: B. Peter- sen, 0. J. Grundset, J. G. Gjording, Li Deli Ren. Tract Society: Field Miss. Sec., J. G. Gjording,. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. 13. Petersen. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Mrs. 0. J. Grundset. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., J. 0. Gjording. MINISTER. Bernhard Petersen. LICENTIATES. 0. J. Grundset, J. G. Gjording. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. B. Petersen, Mrs. J. G. Gjord- ing, Mrs. 0. J. Grundset. INDIA UNION MISSION. Organized Toro. Territory: India, Burma, and Ceylon. Cable � Address: � " Adventist," Lucknow. General Office: 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. OFFICERS. Mission: Pres., W. W. Fletcher. Vice-Pres., H. C. Menkel. Sec., R. D. Brisbin. Treas. and Auditor, A. H. Wil- liams. Executive Committee: W. W. Fletcher, H. C. Menkel, G. W. Pettit, L. J. Burgess, G. G. Lowry, M. M. Mattison, A. H. Williams, R. D. Brisbin, I. F. Blue, V. L. Mann, A, W. Knight. Legal Assn.: " India Financial Assn. of S. D. A." Chairman, W. W. Fletcher; Sec. and Treas., A. H. Williams. Board of Trustees: W. W. Fletcher, A. H. Williams, G. W. Pettit, L. J. Burgess, I. F. Blue, R. D. Brisbin. Medical Dept.: Sec., Dr. V. L. Mann. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. I. F. Blue. Young People's Dept.: See., I. F. Blue. Educational Dept.: Sec., I. F. Blue. . Pub, and Home Miss. Dept.: Sec., A. W. Knight. • INDIA UNION MISSION. � 153 MINISTERS. W W. Fletcher, 1. F. Blue. LICENTIATES. R. D. Brisbin, A. W. Knight, W. S. Mead, V. E. Peugh, A. H. WM Earns, F. A. Wyman, E. M. Me- leen, H. L. Peden, � • MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. T. W. Asnrey, Miss M. H. Belcham- bers, Mrs. I. F. Blue, MrS. R. D. Brisbin, Mrs. W. W. Fletcher, G. F. Furnival, Mrs. C. F. Fur- nival. R. L. Kimble, Mrs. R. L. Kimble, W. K. Lake, Mrs. W. K. Lake, Miss C. Manson, Mrs. W. S. Mead, Mrs. A. O'Connor, Mrs. V. E. Peugh, F. 0. Raymond, Mrs. F. 0. Raymond, J. H. Rea- gan, Mrs. J. H. Reagan, C. Staf- ford. Mrs. C. Stafford, Mrs. A. H. Williams, Mrs. F. A. Wyman; Mrs. H. R. Salisbury and Mrs. E. E. Bruce on furlough in U. S. BENGAL MISSION. Organized 1910. Territory: The following lcm.man•e areas: Bengali, Oriya, Santali. and Assamese. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., L. J. Bur7ess. , Advisory Committee: TA J. Burgess, J. M. Corner, L. G. Mook- erjee. MINISTERS. L. J. Burgess,6 Dehi Serum pore Road, Entally, Calcutta, India. J. M. Comer, 0 Elliott Road, Cal- cutta, India. L. 0. Mookerjee, Sudhamaya House, Armanitola, Dacca, India. LI CENTIA TES. W. A. Barlow, Babinnohal, via Simultala, E. I: R., India. C. • C. Kellar. 6 Dehi Serampore Road. Entally, Calcutta, India. A. G. Watson, 6 Dehi Serampore Road, Entally, Calcutta, India. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. W. A. Barlow, Mrs. L. J. Burgess,-Miss D. Burioway, Mrs. J. M. Corner, Mrs. L. G. Mooker- jee, Mrs. C. C. Kellar, F. W. Smith, Mrs. F. W. Smith, W. H. Stevens; R. H. Leech, Mrs. R. H. Leech on furlough in U. S. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY MIS- SION. Organized 1910. Territory: The following language areas: Marathi and 'Gujarati. Address: 12 Victoria Terrace, Vic- toria Road, Mazagon, Bombay, India. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., G. IV. Pettit. Advisory Committee: G. W. Pettit, M. D. Wood, W. R. French. MINISTERS. G. W. Pettit. 12 Victoria Terrace, Mazagon, Bombay, India. W. R. French, " Bombay View," . � Colaba, Bombay, India. M. D. Wood, Kalyan, G. I." P., • India: G. F. Enoch (on furlough in U. S.) LICENTIATES. -A. 0. Kelsey, on furlough in U. S. R. E. Loasby, Manmad, G. I. P.. India. NIISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. W. R. French, Mrs. G. W. Pettit, Mrs. R. E. Loasby, R. A. Thrift, Mrs. M. D. Wood; Mrs. G. F. Enoch and Miss E. Reid on furlough in U. S. 154 � INDIA UNION MISSION. BURMA MISSION. Organized 1910. Territory: Burma. Address: 60 Lower Xemmendine Road, Rangoon, Burma. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., C. F. Lowry. Advisory Committee: G. F. Lowry, G. A. Hamilton, D. C. Lud- ington, R. A. Beckner, David Hpo Hla. MINISTERS. C. F. Lowry, 60 Lower Kemmen- dine Road, Rangoon, Burma. G. A. Hamilton, Kammamaung, Shwegun Post office, Burma. LICENTIATES. R. A. Beckner, Myanaung, Burma. E. B. Hare, Kammainaung, Shwe- gun POst office, Burma. David Hpo Hla, 60 Lower Kem- mendine Road, Rangoon, Burma. D. C. Ludington, Meiktila, Burma. Maung Maung, 60 Lower Kern/nen- dine Road, Rangoon, Burma. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. R. A. Beckner, W. Carratt, Mrs. W. Carratt, A. J. Denoyer, Mrs. G. A. Hamilton, Mrs. E. B. Hare, Mrs. C. F. Lowry, Mrs. D. C. Ludington, H. A. Skinner, Mrs. 0. Tornblad; Miss M. Gibbs on furlough in U. S. NORTH INDIA MISSION. Organized 1910. Territory: The following language areas: Hindi, Urdu, Punjab, Sindhi, and Bihari. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., M. M. Mattison. Advisory Committee: M. M. Mattison, I. F. Blue, W. W. Fletch- er, V. L. Mann, R. P. Morris. MINISTERS. H. C. Menkel, " Belvedere," Simla, India. S. A. Wellman on furlough in U. S. LICENTIATES. C. C. Belgrave, S. D. A. Mission, Rai Bareli, India. V. L. Mann, M. D., Chuharkana Mandy,- Gujranwala Dist., Pun- jab, India. M. M. Mattison, Hapur, Meerut Dist., India. R. P. Morris, Najibabad, 0. and R., India. F. H. Loasby, Chuharkana Mandy, Gujranwala Dist., Punjab, India. Floyd L. Smith, Dwarikhal, Gar- hwal, India. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. C. C. Belgrave, Miss V. Chil- ton, Mrs. F. H. Loasby, Mrs. V. L.' Mann, Mrs. M. M. Mattison, Mrs. H. C. Menkel, Mrs. R. P. Morris, Mrs. F. L. Smith; Mrs. S. A. Wellman on furlough in U. S. SOUTH INDIA MISSION. Organized 1910. Territory: The following language areas: Tamil, Telegu, Kanarese, Malaylani, and Singhalese; and the island of Ceylon. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., G. G. Lowry. Advisory Committee: G. G. Low- ry, E. D. Thomas, A. Devasaha- yam, Solomon. MINISTERS. G. G. Lowry, Coimbatore, South India. E. D. Thomas, Nazareth, Tinne- velly Dist., South India. INDIA UNION AHSSION. � 155 LICENTIATES. I'. C. Poley, 12 Church Road, Ve- pery, Madras, India. A. Asirvatham, 29 Vepery High Road, Madras. India. A. Devasahayam, 184 Rue Grande Bazar, Pondicherry, India. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. P. C. Poley, Mrs. G. G. Lowry. MALAYSIAN UNION CONFERENCE. Organized Ign. Territory: British Malaysia, Dutch East Indies, Siam. Cable Address: " Adventist," Sing- apore. Postal Address: 12 Wilkie Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., F. A. Detamore. Vice-Pres., J. W. Rowland. Sec. and Treas., � Executive Committee: F. A. Detamore, R. L. Mershon, J. W. Rowland, W. P. Barto, I. C. Schmidt, G. A. Wood, G. A. Thomp- son, J. S. Yates, K. M. Adams, Mrs. G. A. To mpson, A. G. Fletcher. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. G. A. Thompson. Educational and Young People's Dept.: Sec., K. M. Adams. Singapore Mission: Director, J. W. Rowland. Sec. and Treas., A. G. Fletcher. Malay States Mission: Director, G. A. Thompson. Sec. and Treas., G. A. Thompson. Borneo Mission: Director, R. L. Mershon. See. and Treas., R. L. Mershon. East Java Mission: Director, G. A. Wood. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. G. A. Wood. West Java Mission: Director, I. C. Schmidt. Sec. and Treas., I. C. Schmidt. South Sumatra Mission: Director, J. S. Yates. Sec. and Treas., B. Judge. North Sumatra Educational Assn.: Director, W. P. Barto. Sec. an Treas., D. S. Kime. MINISTERS. F. A. Detamore, 12 Wilkie Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements ' G. A. Thompson, 14 Scott Road, Kuala. Lumpur, Federated. Ma- lay States. J. S. Yates, Zee Straat, padang, Sumatra. R. L. Mershon, Sandakan, British North Borneo. I. C. Schmidt, 21 Sawohlaan, N. G., Weltevreden, Java, Dutch East Indies. J. W. Rowland, 300 Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settle- ments. K. M. Adams, 300 Serangoon Road, • Singapore, Straits Settlements. LICENTIATES. G. A. Wood, 57 Van Deventer La an, Sourabaya, . Java, Dutch East Indies. B. Judge, Zee Straat, Padang, Su- matra, Dutch East Indies. W. P. Barto, 15 Juliana Straat, Medan, Sumatra, Dutch East Indies. D. S. Kime, Pangkalan, Brandan, East Coast Sumatra, Dutch East Indies. 156 �MALAYSIAN UNION CONFERENCE. Melvin Munson, 10 Sawohlaan, N. G., Weltevreden, Java, Dutch East Indies. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. F. A. Detamore, 12 Wilkie Road, Singapore, Straits Settle- ments. Mrs. G. A. Thompson, 14 Scott Road, Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States. Mrs. G. A. Wood 57 Van Deventer Laan, Sourabaya, Java, Dutch East Indies. Mrs. J. S. Yates, Zee Straat, Pa- dang, Sumatra, Dutch East In- dies. Mrs. J. W. Rowland, 300 Seran- goon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Mrs. K. M. Adams, 300 Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settle- ments. Mrs. I. C. Schmidt, 21 Sawohlaan, N. G., Weltevreden, Java, Dutch East Indies. Mrs. B. Judge, Zee Straat, Padang, Sumatra, Dutch East Indies. Mrs. W. P. Barto, 15 Juliana Straat, Medan, Sumatra, Dutch East Indies. Mrs. D. S. Kime, Pangkalan, Bran- dan, East Coast Sumatra, Dutch East Indies. Mrs. Melvin Munson, 19 Sawoh- laan, N. 0., Weltevreden,_ Java, Dutch East Indies. Miss Petra Tunheim, 21 Sawoh- laan, N. G., Weltevreden, Java, Dutch East Indies.- Miss Lena Mead, 300 Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settle- ments. A. G. Fletcher, 12 Wilkie Road, Singapore Straits Settlements. R. T. Sisley, Soekboemi; Java. Dutch East Indies. I. A. Piper, 12 Wilkie Road, Singa- pore, Straits Settlements. NORTH CHINA UNION CONFERENCE. Organized 1917. Territory: The following-named missions: Anhwei, Shandung, Shensi, South Kiangsu, (in--ludes Crekiang Province) Szechwan, HOnan, Hunan, Hupeh, Kiangsi. (These ten provinces, except Shensi, are the provinces com- prising the late East. Central, • and West China Missions, which are now merged into the North • China Union Conference, and each local provincial • mission heads directly into the Union Con- ference.) � . Office Address: Wang Gia Dun, Hankow, Hupeh, China. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., F. A. Allum. • Vice-Pres., 0. A. Hall. Sec., J. G. White. • Treas., W. E. Gillis. Executive Committee: F. A. Al- lum, 0. A. Hall, J. G. White, W. E. Gillis, H. M. Blunden, M. 0. Con- ger, Dr. Bertha Selmon, Frederick Lee, 0. B. Kuhn, H. J. Doolittle, M. C. Warren, K. H: Wood, C. P. Lillie, S. G. White, Han Tsung Djen, Mo Gi Ben, Ts Fang Hsien, Hwang Dzung Dao, Liu Djen Bang. Publishing Dept.: Sec., H. M. Blunden. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. 0. A. Hall (on fur- lough in U. S.). Acting Sec., J. G. White. Educational Dept.: See., M. G. Conger, Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Asst., Mrs. M. G. Conger. NORTH CHINA UNION CONFERENCE. �157 Medical Miss. Dept.: Sec., Dr. Bertha Selmon, 162a Bubbling Well Road, Shanghai, China. Young People's Dept.: Sec., M. G. Conger. Assistant Sec., Mrs. M. G. Con- ger. Women's Dept.: Committee: Mrs. F. A. Allum, Mrs. J. G. White, Mrs. H. M. Blun- dell, Mrs. W. E. Gillis. Home Missionary Dept.: See., H. M. Blunden. MINISTERS. F. A. Allum, 0. A. Hall, W. E. Gillis, J. G. White, George Har- low. LICENTIATES. H. M. Blunden, George Hmelewsky, H. 0. Swartout, R. J. Brines, Swen Tseng Gwang. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. F. A. Allum, Mrs. 0. A. Hall, Mrs. W. E. Gillis, Mrs. J. G. White, Mrs. H. M. Blunden, Mrs. H. 0. Swartout, grs. R. J. . . Brines, Mrs. George 'Harlow. ANHWEI MISSION Organized 1917. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Nan- king, China. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., H. J. Doolittle, See. and Treas., R. J. Brown. Publishing Dcpt.: Field Sec., Nathan Brewer. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. H. J. Doolittle. Educational Dept.: Sec., R. J. Brown. Health and Temperance Dept.: Sec., Mrs. H. J. Doolittle. Young People's Dept.: Sec., R. J. Brown. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., Nathan Brewer. MINISTERS. H. J. Doolittle, Han Tsung Djen, Wu Dz Shan. LICENTIATES. R. J. Brown, Du Djung Sin, Giao Feng Wu, Wu Tsung Shan. • MISSIONARY LICENTIATES, Nathan Brewer, Mrs. Nathan Brewer, Mr.;. R. J. Brown, Mrs. H. J. .00little. HONAN MISSION. Organized 1917. Address: Lowanho, Yencheng, Ho- nan, China. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., Frederick Lee. Sec. and Treas., M. G. Conger. Publishing pcpt.: Field Sec., C. H. Davis. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. D. E. Davenport. Educational Dept.: Sec., Dr. D. E. Davenport. Health and Temperance Dept.: Sec., Dr. D. E. Davenport. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Dr. D. E, Davenport. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., C. H. Davis. MINISTERS. Frederick Lee, Du Fu Gu. LICENTIATES. Dr. D. E. Davenport, M. G. Can- ger, 0. J. Gibson. (on furlough in U. S.) Dju Dz I, Djou Ting Dzieh. 158 �NORTH CHINA UNION CONFERENCE. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. C. H. Davis, Mrs. D. E. Davenport, Mrs. 0. J. Gibson, Mrs. Frederick Lee, Mrs. M. G. Conger. HUNAN MISSION. Organized ' 1917. Address: S. D. A. Mission, The Island, Changsha, Hunan, China. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., 0. B. •Kuhn. Sec. and Treas., � Publishing Dept.: Field Sec., E. H. James. .Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. 0. B. Kuhn. Educational Dept.: Sec., Mrs. 0. B. Kuhn. Health and Temperance Dept.: Sec., 0. B. Kuhn. _ Young People's Dept.. Sec., Mrs. 0. B. Kuhn. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., E. H. James. MINISTER. 0. B. Kuhn. LICENTIATE. Djang Bao Ting. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. E. H. James, Mrs. 0. B. Kuhn, Mrs. E. H. James. HUPEH MISSION. Organized 1917. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Wang Gia Dun, Hankow, China. • OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., H. M. Blunden. Sec. and Treas., W. E. Gillis. Publishing Dept.: Field Sec., E. H. James. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., E. H. James. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. H. M. Blunden. Health and Temperance Dept.: Sec., Mrs. J. G. White. MINISTER. Hwang Dzung Dao. LICENTIATES. H. M. Blunden, Fang Chu Chai, Li Wei Ching. KIANGSI MISSION. Organized 1917. Address: (Temporarily) Wang Gia Dun, Hankow, Hupeh, China. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., W. E. Gillis (acting). See. and Treas., W. E. Gillis (acting). Publishing Dept.: Field Sec., E. H. James. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., E. H. James. MINISTERS. W. E. Gillis, Mo Gi Ren. SHANDUNG MISSION. Organized 1917. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Tsi- nanfu, Shandung, China. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., C. P. Lillie. Sec. and. Treas., J. W. Hall. Publishing Dcpt.: Field Sec., Nathan Brewer. NORTH CHINA UNION CONFERENCE. �159 • Home, Missionary Dept.: Sec., Nathan Brewer. Educational Dept.: Sec., C. P. Lillie. Young People's Dept.: Sec., C. P. Lillie. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. C. P. Lillie. Health and Temperance Dept.: Sec., C. P. Lillie. MINISTER. C. P. Lillie. LICENTIATES. J. W. Hall, Djang Sie Mien, Ts Fang Yin, Wang Yu Tang: MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Nathan Brewer, Mrs. C. P. Lillie, Mrs. J. W. Hall. SHENSI MISSION. Organized 1917. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Sianfu, Shensi, China. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., S. G. White. Sec. and Treas., R. D. Loveland. Publishing Dept.: Field See., S. G. White. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., S. G. White. Educational Dept.: Sec., R. D. Loveland. Young People's Dept.: Sec., R. D. Loveland. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. R. D. Loveland. Health am. Temperance Dept.: Sec., R. D. Loveland. MINISTERS. S. G. White, Liu Djen Bang. LICENTIATE. R. D. Loveland. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. S. G. White, Mrs. R. D. Love- land. SOUTH KIANGSU MISSION. Organized 1917. Address: S. D. A. Mission, 58 Bai- kal Road, Shanghai, China. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., K. H. Wood. Sec. and Treas., W. I. Hilliard, 162a Bubbling Well Road, Shang- hai, China. Publishing Dept.: Field Sec., Nathan Brewer. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., Nathan Brewer. Educational Dept.: Sec., Miss Florence Shull. Young People's Dept.: See., Miss Florence Shull. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. K. H. Wood. Health and Temperance Dept.: Sec., W. I. Hilliard. MINISTER. K. H. Wood. LICENTIATES. W. I. Hilliard, Tsien Sun Chung, Wu Deh Chang.. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Nathan Brewer, Mrs. W. I. Hill- iard, Mrs. B. Miller, Miss Flor- ence Shull, Mrs. K. H. Wood. 160 �NORTH CHINA UNION CONFERENCE. SZECHWAN MISSION. Organized 1917. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Chung- king, Szechwan, China. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., M. C. Warren. Sec. and Treas., C. L. Blandford. Publishing Dept.: Field Sec., C. L. Blandford. Home Missionary Dept.: Seq., C. L. Blandford. Educational Dept.: Sec., Mrs. J. N. Andrews. Young People's Dept.: See., Mrs. J. N. Andrews. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. M. C.. Warren. Health and Temperance Dept.: Sec., Dr. J. N. Andrews. MINISTER. M. C. Warren. LICENTIATES. Dr. J. N. Andrews. C. L. Blandford, Li Fah Kung, Shi Yung Gwei. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. M. C. Warren, Mrs. J. N. Andrews, Mrs. C. L. Blandford. PHILIPPINE UNION CONFERENCE. Organized 1917. Territory: Philippine Islands and Sulu Archipelago. Population: 8,500,000. Cable Address. "Adventist," Ma- nila. General Office: 707 Vermont St., Manila, Philippine Islands. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres.. � Vice-Pres., E. M. Adams. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, J. S. Barrows. Executive Committee: L. V. Finster, J. S. Barrows, E. M. Adams, R. E. Hay, C. Fattebert, I. A. Steinel, R. E. Stewart, C. N. Woodward, Mrs. C. N. Woodward, Emilio Manalaysay, Leon Roda, Fausto Jornada, � .1. Strahie. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. C. N. Woodward. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., J. J. Strahle. Asst. See., R. E. Stewart. Educational Dept.: Sec., I. A. Steinel. Young People's Dept.: Sec., I. A. Steinel. MINISTERS. L. V. Finster, 707 Vermont St., Manila, Philippine Islands. E. M. Aadms, 97 Ledesma St., Iloilo, Panay, Philippine Islands. R. E. Hay, Vigan, Ilocos Sur, Phil- ippine Islands. Leon Z. Roda, Vigan, Ilocos Sur, Philippine Islands. LICENTIATES. Dr. Carlos Fattebert, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. C. N. Woodward, 14 Calle Luna, Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Islands. A. Steinel, 16 Calle Luna, Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Islands. 0. F. Sevr°ns, 16 Calle Luna, Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Islands. J. J. Strahie, 707 Vermont St., Manila, Philippine Islands. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. � • .1. S. Barrows, 707 Vermont St., Manila, Philippine Islands. PHILIPPINE UNION CONFERENCE. � 161 Mrs J. S. Barrows, 707 Vermont St., Manila, Philippine Islands. Mrs. L. V. Finster, 707 Vermont St., Manila, Philippine Islands. R. E. Stewart, 97 Ledesma St., Iloilo, Panay, Philippine Islands. Mrs. R. E. Stewart, 97 Ledesma St., Iloilo, Panay, Philippine Islands. Mrs. C. Fattebert, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. Mrs. I. A. Steinel, 16 Calle Luna, Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Islands. Mrs. C. N. Woodward, 14 Calle Luna, Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Islands. Mrs. 0. F. Sevrens, 10 Calle Luna, Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Islands. R. A. Caldwell, 707 Vermont St., Manila, Philippine Islands. Mrs. R. A. Caldwell, 707 Vermont St., Manila, Philippine Islands. Mrs. R. E. Hay, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Philippine Islands. Mrs. E. M. Adams, 97 Ledesma St., Iloilo. Panay, Philippine Islands. CENTRAL SOUTHERN LUZON CONFERENCE. Organized 1910. Territory: The provinces of Zani- bales, Tarlac, Nueva Ecija, Ba- taan, Bulaean, Cavite, Rizal, La- guna, Batangas, Tayabas, Pam- panga, Ambos Camarines, Albay, Sorsogon, and Mindoro (all these provinces are within the terri- tory of the Philippine Union Conference). Office: 707 Vermont St., Manila, Philippine Islands. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., L. V. Finster. Vice-Pres., Bibiano R. Panis. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, J. S. Barrows. Executive Committee: L. V. Finster, Bibiano R. PSnis, J. S. Barrows, I. A. Steinel, Emilio Manalaysay, Benito Burgos, Emilio Brion, J. J. Strahle. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., J. S. Barrows: Field Miss. Sec., J. J. Strahle. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. L. V. Finster. Educational Dept.: Sec., I. A. Steinel. Young People's Dept.: Sec., I. A. Steinel. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., J. J. Strahle. MINISTERS. L. V. Finster, 707 Vermont St.. Manila, Philippine Islands. Bibiano R. Panis, 9 Vesta St., Santa Ana, Manila, Philippine Islands. Emilio Manalaysay, 433 Penalosa. Tonda, Manila, Philippine Is- lands. LICENTIATES. Guillermo Dionisio, Victoria Are- valo, Augustin Panaga. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. uana San Augustin, Victoria Ja- vier, Pa cien cia Mol imbayan, Mareelino Pelejo, Isaac Enriquez. Josh Emralino, Melchor Elauria. PANAYAN MISSION. Organized 1914. Territory: Provinces of Iloilo, Ca- piz, Antique, Negros Occidental. Office: 97 Ledesma St., Iloilo, Pa- nay, Philippine Islands. , OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., E. M. Adams. Field Missionary Sec., R. E. Stewart. MINISTER. E. M. Adams. 97 Ledesma St.. Iloilo, Panay, Philippine Islands. LICENTIATES. R. E. Stewart, 97 Ledesma St., Iloilo. Panay, Philippine Islands. 162 � PHILIPPINE UNION CONFERENCE. Wenceslao Rodriguez, 97 Ledesma. St., Iloilo, Panay, Philippine Is- lands., MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. E. M. Adams, 97 Ledesma St., Iloilo, Panay, Philippine Islands. Mrs. R. E. Stewart, 97 Ledesma St., Iloilo, Panay, Philippine Is- lands. CEBUAN MISSION. Organized 1914. Territory: Provinces of Cebu, Bo- hol, Leyte, and Negros Oriental. Office: Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Ts- - lands. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., Dr. C. Fattebert. Field Miss. See., R. E. Stewart. LICENTIATE. Dr. C. Fattebert, Cebu, Cebu. Philippine Islands. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. Mrs. C. Fattebert, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. NORTHERN LUZON MISSION. Organized 1913. Territory: Provinces of Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, Abra, and La Union. - Office: Vigan, Tlocos Sur, Philip- pine Islands. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., R. E. Hay. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., Leon Z. Rods. Sabbath School, Young People's, and Educational Depts.: See., Mrs. R. E. Hay. MINISTERS. R. E. Hay, Vigan, 'locos Sur, Phil- ippine Islands. Leon Z. Roda, Vigan, Ilocos Sur, Philippine Islands. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. Mrs. R. E. Hay, Vigan, Ilocos Sur, Philippine Islands. SOUTH CHINA UNION CONFERENCE. Organized 1917. Territory: The Chinese Provinces of Kwangsi, Kwangtung, Fukien. Yunnan, with Freneh Indo- China. Populktion: 83,692,529. Telegraphic and Cable Address: "Adventist,' Hongkong. Postal Address: 6 Austin Ave., Kowloon; Hongkong, China. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., B. L. Anderson, 6 Austin Ave., Kowloon, Hongkong, China. Vice-Pres., J. P. Anderson, SWZI - tow, China,. See. and. Treas., B. R. Owen, 6 Austin Ave., Kowloon, Hongkong, China. Executive Committee: .B. L. An- derson, J. P. Anderson, B. R. Owen, S. A. Nagel, W. C. Hankiris, P. V. Thomas, A. L. Ham, A. Mountain, Jr., B. L. Hankins, F. E. Bates, Dr. Law Keem. 'T. E. Aug, N. P. Tract Society: Publishing and Home Mission- ary Depts.: Sec., A. Mourhain, Jr., 5 Austin Ave., Kowloon, Hongkong, China. Hongkong Tract Society: Sec., Mrs. A. Mountain, Jr., 5 Austin Ave., Kowloon, Hongkong, China. SOUTH CHINA UNION CONFERENCE. �163 Sabbath School Dept.: Sec.; Mrs. W. C. Hankins, Ku- langsu, Amoy, China. Educational Dept.: Sec., F. E. Bates, Kulangsn, Amoy, China. • Young People's Dept.: Sec., A. Mountain, Jr., 5 Austin Ave., Kowloon, Hongkong, China. MINISTER. B. L. Anderson, 6 Austin Ave., Kowloon, Hongkong, China. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. B. L. Anderson, 6 Austin Ave., Kowloon, Hongkong, China. A. Mountain, Jr., 5 Austin. Ave., Kowloon., Hongkong, China. B. R. Owen; 6 Austin Ave:, Kow- loon,' Hongkong, China. Mrs. A. Mountain, Jr., 5 Austin Ave., Kowloon, Hongkiting, Chind. Mrs. B. R. Owen, 6 Austin Ave., Kowloon, Hongkong, China. - And thirteen native licentiates not listed. CANTONESE MISSION. Territory: The Cantonese-speaking portion of Kwangtung Province. Cable Address: "Adventist," Can- ton. Office Address: Tungshan, Canton; OF;1118 . OFFICERS. Mission: Supt.; A. L. Hani. Treas., H. B. Parker. MINISTERS. A. L. Ham, Tungshan, Canton. China. Ii. A. Meeker, 22 Granville Road, Kowloon, Hongkong, China. LICENTIATE. H. B. Parker, Tungshan, Canton, China. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. A. L. Ham, Tungsh.an, Can- ton, China. Mrs. B. A. Meeker, 22 Granville Road, KoWloon, Hongkong. China. Mrs. H. B. Parker, Tungshan, Can- ton, China. Mrs. Susan Wilbur, Darwin; Tama Co., Iowa, U. S. A. (On fur- - lough). FUKIEN MISSION. Territory: The Amoyese-, Poo- chowese-, and Mandarin-speak- ing portions of the Province of Fukien. Office Address: Kulangsu, Amoy, China. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., A.V. C. Hankins Treas., W. C. Hankins. MINISTERS. W. C. Hankins, Kulangsu, Amoy. China. N. P. Keh, Foochow, China. N. K. Keh, Amoy, China. LICENTIATES. F. E. Bates, Kulangsu, Ainoy, • China. C. C. Morris, Foochow, China. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. W. C. Hankins; Kulangsu; Amoy, China. Mrs. F. E. Bates, Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Mrs. C. C. Morris; Foochow, China! SWATOW MISSION. Territory: The Swatowese portion of the province of Fukien. Office Address: Swatow, China. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., J. P. Anderson. Treas., • J. P: Anderson. MINISTERS. J. P. Anderson, Swatow; China. T. K. A.ng, Swatow; China. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. J. P. Anderson, Swatow, China. D. E. Rebok, Swatow, China, Mrs. D. E. Rebok, Swatow, China. 164 �SOUTH CHINA UNION CONFERENCE. HAKKA MISSION. Territory: The Hakka-speaking . portion of the Provinces of Kwangtung and Fukien. Office Address: Waichow, Kwang- tung, China. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., S. A. Nagel. Treas., A. J. Wearner. MINISTER. S. A. Nagel, Waichow, Kwangtung. China. LICENTIATE. • A. J. Wearner, Waichow, Kwang- tung, China. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. S. A. Nagel, Waichow, Kwangtung, China. Mrs. A. J. Wearner, Waichow, Kwangtung, China. KWANGSI MISSION. Territory: The Province of Kwang- si. Office Address: Nanning, Kwang- si, China. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., P. V. Thomas. • Treas., P. V. Thomas. MINISTERS. P. V. Thomas, Nanning, Kwangsi. China. Dr. Law Keem, Nanning, Kwangsi. China. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. P. V. Thomas, Nanning, Kwangsi, China. Mrs. Law Keem, Nanning, Kwang- si, China. INSTITUTIONS IN THE ASI- ATIC DIVISION CONFERENCE. Educational: Australasian Missionary Col- lege, Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia. Bethel Girls' School, Tungshan. Canton, China. Cantonese Training School, Tungshan, Canton, China. China Missions Training School, . 17 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Darling Range School, Carmel, West Australia. Central Polynesian Training School, Buresala, Ovalau, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Chosen Industrial School, Soo- nan, Chosen (Korea,). Foochow Intermediate School, Foochow, China. Fukien Training School, Kulang- su, Amoy, China. Garhwal Industrial School, Dwarikhal, Garhwal District. India. Honan Mission School, Lowanho. Yencheng, Honan, China. India Christian Training School, 61 Abbott Road, Lucknow, Japan Mission Training -School. 169 Amanuma, Suginami-mu- ra, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo, Japan. Karmatar Middle English School, Karmatar, E. I. R., India. �. Marathi Training School for Nurses, Kalyan,Bombay Pres- idency, India. Meiktila Technical School, Meiktila, Burma. Mussoorie Primary and Middle English � School, " Annfield School," Mussoorie, India. Oroua Missionary School, Long- burn, New Zealand. Philippine Academy, 14-16 Calle Luna, Pasay, Rizal, Philippine ISlands. Santali Girls' School, Karma- tar. E. I. R., India. Singapore Training School. 300 Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. South India Training School, Coimbatore, India. Tamil Day and Boarding School, Nazareth P. 0.. Tin- nevelly District, South India. SOUTH CHINA UNION CONFERENCE. �165 Publishing: Avondale Press, Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia. Chosen Mission Press, Seoul, Chosen (Korea). International Tract Society, 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Japanese Publishing House, 169 Amanuma, Suginami-mura, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo, Japan. Malaysian Publishing House, 12 Wilkie . Road, � Singapore, Straits Settlements. Philippine Publishing House, 14 Calle Luna, Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Islands,. Signs Publishing Co., Ltd., War- burton, Victoria, Australia. Signs of the Times Publishing House, Box 856, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Sanitariums: Adelaide Sanitarium, Barker Road, Nailsworth, Adelaide, South Australia. Christchurch Sanitarium, Papa- nui, Christchurch, New Zea- land. Shanghai Sanitarium, 162a Bub- bling Well Road, Shanghai, China. Sydney Sanitarium, Wahroon- ga, N. S. W., Australia. Warburton Sanitarium, War- burton, Victoria, Australia. SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION CONFERENCE. Organized 1916. Territory: The Austral and Bra- zilian Union Conferences, and the Inca Union Mission. Population: 47,000,000. Cable Address: " Division," Bue- nos Aires. Postal Address: Florida; F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. OFFICERS. Division: Pres., 0. Montgomery. Sec. and Treas., W. H. liams. Executive Committee: 0. Mont- gomery, W. H. Williams, presi- dents of Union Conferences, super- intendent of Union Mission, and R. T. Baer, Henry Meyer. MINISTER. 0. Montgomery, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. W. H. Williams, Florida F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires,:Argentina. AUSTRAL UNION CONFERENCE. Organized 1906. Territory: Argentina, Chile, Para- guay, Uruguay, and Falkland Islands. Cable Address: "Adventist," Bue- nos Aires. Office Address: Florida' F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., J. W. Westphal. Sec. and Tre'as., G. E. Hart- man. Executive Committee: J. W. Westphal, G. E. Hartman, R. T. Baer, F. L. Perry, Dr. R. H. Habe- nicht, W. W. Wheeler, H. U. Stev- ens, Santiago Mangold, * J. T. Thompson, G. E. Emmenegger, A. A. Cone, C. P. Crager. Union Publishing House: Casa Editora Union Sudameri cans., Florida, F. C. C. A., Bue- 166 nos Aires, Argentina, South America. Manager, G. E. Hartman. Union Field Miss. Sec., A. R. Sherman. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. Lydia G. de Oppegard. Medical Missionary Dept.: Sec., R. H. Habenicht, M. D. Educational Dept.: Sec., C. P. Crager. Young People's Dept.: Sec., C. P. Crager. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., A. A. Cone. MINISTERS. J. W. Westphal, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. AUSTRAL UNION CONFERENCE. � 167 E. W. Thomann, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. R. H. Habenicht, Puiggari, F. C. E. R., Argentina, South Amer- ica. W. W. Wheeler, Puiggari, F. C. E. R., Argentina, South Amer- ica. LICENTIATES. 0. H. Maxson, Puiggari, F. C. E. R., Argentina, South Amer- ica. H. U. Stevens, Puiggari, F. C. E. R., Argentina, South America. • MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. G. E. Hartman, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America: G. B. Replogle, Diamante, Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. Lydia G. de Oppegard, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argen- tina, South America. Miss Almeda, Kerr, Puiggari, F. C. E. R., Argentina, South America. A. G. Nelson, Casilla 43, Punta Arenas, Chile, South America. Camilo Gil, Puiggari, F. C. E. R., Argentina, South America. Lillian Voris, Puiggari,- F. C. E. R., Argentina, South America. A. It. Sherman, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Edgar Brooks, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. 0. Oppegard, Florida, F. C. C7 A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. ARGENTINE CONFERENCE. Organized 1902. Territory: Argentina (excepting the territory of Misiones, For- mosa, Chaco, and Corrientes.) Postal Address: Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argen- tina, South America. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., R. T. Baer. Sec. and Treas., C. E. Krieghoff. Executive Committee: R. T. Baer, C. E. Krieghoff, G. Block, G. W. Casebeer, E. W. Thomann, Den- iel Weiss, Jorge Schimpf. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., C. E. Krieghoff. Field Miss. Sec., Tomas E. Sa- viano. Sabbath School Dept.: � - Sec., Mrs. Maria Casebeer. Young People's Dept.: Sec., C. P. Crager. Home Missionary Dept.:- Sec., C. E. Krieghoff. MINISTERS. R. T. Baer, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Luis Ernst, 155 B. Orono, Rosario de S. Fe, Argentina, South America. G. W. Casebeer, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Godofredo Block, Puiggari, F. C. E. R., Argentina, South America. C. E. Krieghoff, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. L. A. Rojas, Correo Bella Vista, Bahia Blanca, F. C. S., Argen- tina, South America. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. T. E. Saviano, Florida, F. C. C. 'A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Elvira Foley, Calle 25 de Mayo 180, Parana Entre Rios, Argen- tina, South America. Mrs. G. W. Casebeer, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. G. P. Block, Julio Weiss, Mrs. Wm. Kirstein, Marcelo Fayard, Anna Roscher, Blanca 1301vora, David Dallinger. 168 � AUSTRAL UNION CONFERENCE. CHILE CONFERENCE. Organized 1907. 'Territory: Chile, South America. (Cable Address: "Adventista," San- tiago, 'Chile, South America. 'Met Address: Casilla 2830, San- tiago, Chile, South America. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., F. L. Perry. Sec. and Treas., Guillermo Em- menegger. Executive Committee: F. L. Perry, Guillermo Em menerrger, F. H. Westphal, Damaso Soto, Vic- tor Thomann, Otto Schulz, A. del C. Vasquez. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., G. Emmenegger. Field Miss. Sec„ Otto Schulz. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Calista N. de Emmenegger. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Calista N. de Emmenegger. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., G. E. Emmenegger. MINISTERS. F. L. Perry, F. H. Westphal. D. Soto, V. E. Thomann. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. • G. Emmenegger, Aristides del C. Vasquez, Otto Schulz, J. C. Brower, A. A. Berchin, A. W. • Thomann, Calista N. de Emmen- egger. ALTO PARANA MISSION. Organized 1906. Territory: Paraguay, the territo- ries of Misiones, Chdeo, For- mosa, and Corrientes, Argentina. Address: Posadas; Misiones, Ar- gentina, South America. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., Santiago Mangold. Sec., G. E. Hartman. Treas., Santiago Mangold Executive Committee: -Santiago Mangold, Pedro M. Brouchy, Brig- ido Prado Eudoro Villafaiie, La- zaro Solis. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. Lydia Oppegard, Flo- rida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Ar- gentina, South America. Young People's Dept.: Sec., MINISTER. Santiago Mangold. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. Adela T. de Brouchy, Pedro. M. Brouchy, Mateo Leites, Eu- doro Villafafie, Mrs. Amalia H. de Villafafie. URUGUAY MISSION. Organized 1906. Territory: Uruguay Republic, South America. Address: Calle Arenal Grande 2535, Montevideo, Uruguay, South America. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., J.'W. Westphal. Sec. and Treas., J. T. Thompson. Executive Committee: J. W. Westphal, J. T. Thompson, Er- nesto Beskow, Nicolas Hansen, Alexandro Ernst. Tract Society: See. and Treas., J. T. Thompson. Field Miss. Sec., J. T. Thompson. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Carlota Hugo. Young People's Dept.: Sec., J. T. Thompson. MINISTER. Nicolas Hansen. � . LICENTIATES. J. T. Thompson, C. J. Neumann. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Carlota Hugo, Antonio Donan- gelo. BRAZILIAN UNION CONFERENCE. Organized 1911. Territory: The Conferences of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catharina • and the mission fields of Parana, sao Paulo, Mi- nas Geraes, Rio Espirito Santo, East Brazil, Pernambuco, and North Brazil. Headquarters: Sao Bernardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., F. W. Spies. Sec. and Treas., A. Pages. Executive Committee: F. W. .Spies, A. Pages, M. Rohde, R. M. Carter, John Lipke, the presidents of the conferences, and the super- intendents of the organized mis- sions of the Union. Legal -Assn.: "Associacao dos Adventistas do setimo dia no Brazil." Pres., F. W. Spies; Sec. and Treas., A. Pages. Brazil Publishing House: (Sociedade Internacional de Tra- tados no Brazil), Sao Bernardo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer- ica. Manager, A. Pages. Union Field Miss. Sec., R. M. Carter. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., M. Rohde. Educational Dept.: Sec., John Lipke. Young People's Dept.: Sec., M. Rohde. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., M. Rohde. MINISTERS. F. W. Spies, John Lipke, R. Deit- rich, J. H. Boehm, E. C. Ehlers, M. Kiimpel. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. A. Pages, R. M. Carter, M. Rhode, Paul Hennig, Miss L. Wurts. RIO GRANDE DO SUL CON- TERENCE. Organized 1906. Territory: The State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Office: Caixa Postal 106, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Bra- zil, South America. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., Henry Meyer. Sec. and Treas., L. Lotz. Executive Committee: H. Meyer, H. F. Neumann, H. Streithorst, E. Bergold, L. Lotz. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., L. Lotz. Field Miss. Sec., E. Fromming. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. Emma Meyer. Educational Dept.: Supt., J. H. Peters. Young People's Dept: Sec., J. H. Peters. MINISTERS. H. Meyer, H. F. Neumann. LICENTIATES. H. Streithorst, Jose Reis. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. E. Frommine,•, J. H. Peters, L. Lotz, Corinna Hoy, D. Fischdidk. 169 170 � BRAZIL UNION CONFERENCE. SANTA CATHARINA CON- FERENCE. Organized 1906. Territory: State of Santa Cath- arina, Brazil. Office: Capoeiras Correio Estreito, Santa Catharine, Brazil, South America. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., A. Rockel. Sec., A. Anniess. Treas., H. Olm. Executive � Committee: � A. Rockel, A. Aimless, Fr. Peggau, A. Hort, F. Belz. Field Miss Sec., Andre Gedrath. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., A. Anniess. MINISTER. A. Rockel. LICENTIATES. F. Belz, J. A. M. Cunha. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Andre Gedrath. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. F. Stuhlmann, Martha Olm, Franz Fritsch. EAST BRAZIL MISSION. Established 1910. Territory: The states of Bahia, Sergipe, Alagoas, Brazil. Headquarters: Sao Bernardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Superintended by the Union Committee. MINAS GERAES MISSION. Established 1916. Territory: State of Minas Geraes. Superintended by Union Com- mittee. MINISTERS. C. E. Rentfro, J. E. Brown. NORTH BRAZIL MISSION. Established 1906. Territory: The states of Parahyba, Rio Grande do Norte, Piauhy, Ceara, Maranhao, Para, Ama- zonas, Matto Grosso, and Goyaz. Superintended by the • Union Committee. PARANA MISSION. Established 1906. Territory: The state of Parana, Brazil. Office: Rua Saldanha Marinho 169, Curityba, Parana, Brazil, South America. OFFICERS. Mission: Superintended by Union Com- mittee. LICENTIATE. Germano Conrad. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. L. Braun. PERNAMBUCO MISSION. Established 1916. Territory: The state of Pernam- buco, Brazil. Address: Caruart, Pernambuco, Brazil, South America. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., R. J. Wilfart. Executive Committee: The Un- ion Committee. BRAZIL UNION CONFERENCE. � 171 MINISTER. R. J. Wilfart. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. Leopoldo D. Nabuco. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. C. C. Specht, Miss S. Kinner, W. Walla, M. Margarido, R. Braga. SAO PAULO MISSION. RIO ESPIRITO SANTO MISSION. Established 1910. Territory: State of Rio de Ja- neiro, Espirito Santo, and the Federal District. Address: Caixa Postal 768, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South Amer- ica. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., F. R. Kiimpel. Executive Committee: F. R. Kumpel, William W. Denz, F. W. Spies, C. C. Specht, Manol Mar- garido. � • � • Field Miss. Sec., Manol Marga- rido.- MINISTER. F. R. Kiimpel. • LICENTIATE. Henry Haefft. Established 1906. Territory: The State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Office Address: sao Bernardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., R. Siissmann. Sec. and Treas., A. Pages. Executive Committee: R. Siiss- mann, A. Pages A. L. Westphal, L. Klein, S. M. de Oliveira. Field Miss. Sec., Saturnino Mendes de Oliveira. MIAISTER. R. Siissmann. LICENTIATE. A. L. Westphal. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Joses dos Santos, Blanch Davis. INCA UNION MISSION. Organized 1914. Territory: Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru. Cable Address: � " Advehtista," Lima, Peru, South America. Postal Address: Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru, South America. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., E. L. Maxwell. Sec. and Treas., F. C. Varney. Executive Committee: E. L. Maxwell, F. C. Varney, and the superintendents of local missions. Union Book Depository: " Casa Adventista," Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru, South Atilerica. • Manager, F. C. Varney. Union Field Sec., E. H. Wilcox. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., F. C. Varney. • MINISTER. E. L. Maxwell. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. F. C. Varney, E. H. Wilcox '172 � INCA UNION MISSION. BOLIVIA MISSION. Established 1907. Territory: Republic of Bolivia, South America (except the basin of Lake Titicaca). Telegraphic Address: " Adventis- tas," La Paz, Bolivia. Postal Address: Casilla 7a, La Paz, Bolivia; South America. MINISTER. W. R. Pohle. ECUADOR MISSION. Established 1906. Territory: Republic of Ecuador, South America. Address: Casilla 44, Quito, Ecua- dor, South America. Superintendent: J. D. Lorenz. LICENTIATE. J. D. Lorenz. r MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. • Benjamin de la Torre. LAKE TITICACA INDIAN MISSION. Organized 1916. Territory: Departments of Puno, Madre de Dios, in Peru; and that part of the basin of Lake Titi- caca which is in Bolivia. Address: Casilla 28, Puno, Peru, South America. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., F. A. Stahl. Sec. and Treas., Reid Shepard. Executive Committee: F. A. Stahl, J. M. Howell, C. V. Achen- bach, Reid Shepard. Educational Dept.: Supt., J. M. Howell. MINISTERS. F. A. Stahl, C. V. Achenbach. LICENTIATE. Reid Shepard. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. J. M. Howell, Mrs. F. A. Stahl, Ellis P. Howard, R. A. Nelson, Orley Ford, L. J. Barrowdale. PERUVIAN MISSION. Established 1906. Territory: Republic of Peru (ex- cept departments of Puno and Madre de Dios) South America. Cable and Telegraphic Address: Adventista," Lima, Peru. Address: Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru, South America. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., L. D. Minner Sec. and Treas., F. C. Varney. Executive Committee: L. D. Minner, Ignacio Kalbermatter, F. C. Varney. Field Miss. Sec., E. H. Wilcox. MINISTERS. L. D. Minner, Ignacio Kalbermat- ter. LICENTIATE. Cesar Lopez. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. L. J. Beans, Felipe Bustamante, Nicanor Moreno. INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTH _AMERICAN DIVISION CONFERENCE. . Educational: Colegio Adventista del Plata, Puiggari, F. C. E. R.' Entre Rios, Argentina, South Amer- ica. Pua Training School, Pua, Chile, South America. Seminario Adventista, Campfto Redondo, Santo Amaro, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America INCA UNION MISSION. � 173 Publishing: Casa Editora Union Sudameri- cana, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Sociedado Internacional de Tra- tados no Brazil, Sao Bernardo, S. P. R., Silo Paulo, Brazil, South America. Sanitariums: Sanatorio Adventista del Plata, Puiggari, F. C. E. R., Entre Rios, Argentina, South Amer- ica. SOUTH AFRICAN UNION CONFERENCE. Organized zgoz. Territory: The Conferences of Cape, Orange Free State, and Natal-Transvaal, and the Mis- sions in Basutoland, Barotse- land, Rhodesia, Nyasaland, and Kafirland. Poiilation: 10,000,000. Cable Address: " Adventist," Ken- ilworth, Cape, South Africa. Office: Rosemead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape Province, South Africa. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., W. B. White. Vice-Pres., W. S. Hyatt. Sec. and Treas., W. B. Commin. Executive Committee: W. B. White, W. S. Hyatt, 0. K. Butler, U. Bender, W. E. Straw, W. C. Walston, G. C. Jenks, E. W. H. Jeffrey, J. J. Birkenstock, G. W. Shone, J. P. Casey, W. B. Commin. Legal Assn.: " South African Union Conference of S. D. A." Union Field Miss. Sec., G. C. Jenks. Sabbath School Dept.: See., Mrs. A. P. Tarr, Umtata, Transkei, Cape, South Africa. Young People's Dept: Sec., 0. K. Butler. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., Mrs. W. B. White. Literature Committee: W. B. White, I. J. Hankins, U. Bender. MINISTERS. W. B. White, Rosemead Ave., Ken- ilworth, Cape. South Africa. J. C. Rogers, Rosemead Ave., Ken- ilworth, Cape, South Africa. M. C. Sturdevant, Umtali, Rhode- sia, South Africa. P. Smailes, Rosemead Ave., Kenil- worth, Cape, South Africa. W. H. Anderson, Rosemead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa. LICENTIATES. G. H. Clark, Rosemead Ave., Ken- ilworth, Cape, South Africa. W. E. Straw, Main St., Bulawayo, Rhodesia, South Africa. G. C. Jenks, Rosemead Ave., Ken- ilworth, Cape. South Africa. J. R. Campbell, Rosemead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa: MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. E. M. Howard, Rosemead, Kenil- worth, Cape, South Africa. J. P. Casey, Cape Sanitarium, Plumstead, Cape, South Africa. Mrs. J. P. Casey, Cape Sanitarium, Plumstead, Cape, South Africa. W. - B. Commin, Rosemead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa, 174 �SOUTH: AFRICAN UNION CONFERENCE. Miss M. E. Robertson, Union College, Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa. veIrs. W. H. Anderson, Rosemead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape. South Africa. Mrs. W. B. White, " Wynnton," Selous Road, Claremont, Cape, South Africa. Mrs. J. R. Campbell, Rosemead mead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa. Mrs. M. C. Sturdevant, Rhodesia, South Africa. Mrs. A. P. Tarr, Umtata, Trans- kei, Cape, South Africa. IL W. Hutchinson, 118 Jeppes St., johannesburg, TransVaal, South Africa. T. T. P.obison, Union College, Ken- ilworth, Cape, South Africa. Mrs. J. T. Robison, Union College, Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa. H. .1. McMullin, 168 Railway St., Germiston, Transvaal. South Af- rica. H. G. Patchett, Union College, Ken- ilworth, Cape, South Africa. Mrs. H. G. Patchett, Union College, Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa. Robert Mapupuka, 47 Berlein St.. Denver, Johannesburg. Trans- vaal, South Africa. Mrs. I. J. Hankins, Cape Sanita- rium, Phinistead, Cape, South Africa. Miss Annie Visser, Rosemead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa. Miss Ethel Edmed, Union College, Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa. Miss Heleit Hyatt, Union College, Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa. Miss Stella Milne, Union College, Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa. Miss Irene Fourie, Stranack St., Maritzburg, Natal, South Africa. Mrs. U. Bender, 56 Roeland St., Cape Town, South Africa. A. F. Tarr, Rosemead Ave., Kenil- worth, Cape, South Africa. . C. E. Wheeler, Rosemead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa. MEDICAL MISSIONARIES. Dr.. H. J. Williams, Cape Sanita- rium, Plumstead, Cape, South Africa. • Dr. J. J. Bell, R. M. Office, Louws- burg, Natal, South Africa. Miss Ida Thomason, Cape Sanita- rium, Plumstead; Cape, South Africa. Miss R. Lavender, Cape Sanita- rium, Plumstead, Cape, South Africa. Miss C. Henderson, Cape Sanita,- rium, Plumstead, Cape, South Africa. Miss J. Vermaak, Cape Sanita- rium, Phnstead, Cape, South Africa. Miss Nora Fleetwood, 43 Caxton St., East London, Cape, South Africa. Miss G. Dubber, Cape Sanitarium, Plumstead, Cape, South Africa. F. 0. Stuckey, Palace Baths, Mark- ham's Bldg., Cape Town. South Africa. Mrs. F. O. Stuckey, Palace Baths, Markh am's Bldg.. Cape Town. South Africa. E. C. Silsbe, (on furlough in u. S.) Mrs. E. C. Silsbee' (on furlough in IT. S.) CAPE CONFERENCE. Organized 1892. Territory: Cape Province, Union of South Africa. Cable Address: " Adventist," Cape Town. Office: 56 Roeland St., Cape Town, South Africa. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., U. Bender. Sec. and Treas., J. E. Symons. Executive Committee: U. Ben- der, I. J. Hankins, D. F. Tarr, A. W. Staples, C. A. Paap, D. C. Theunissen, B. B. Piercey. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., J. E. Symons. Field Miss. Sec., B. B. Piercey. • SOUTH AFRICAN UNION CONFERENCE. �175 Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. Bertha Smith, Bon- nievale, Cape, South Africa. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Miss Blanche Willmore. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., Miss Edna Edmed. MINISTERS. U. Bender, 56 Roeland St., Cape Town, South Africa. J. Hankins, Cape Sanitarium, Plumstead, Cape, South Africa. D. F. Tarr, 80 Ct. Patrick's Road, Port Elizabeth, Cape, South Africa. C. A. Paa.p, 56 Roeland St., Cape Town, South Africa. G. W. Shone, 56 Roeland St., Cape Town, South Africa. D. C. Theunissen, Staines Road, Plumstead, Cape, South Africa. Daniel May, Parow, Cape, South Africa. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. B. B. Piercey, 56 Roeland St., Cape Town, South Africa. Mrs. C. A. Paap, 56 Roeland St., Cape Town, South Africa. J. E. Symons, 56 Roeland St., Cape Town, South Africa. • Miss E. R. Edmed, 56 Roeland St.. Cape Town, South Africa. Mrs. Bertha Smith, Bonnievale, Cape, South Africa. Mrs. D. F. Tarr, 80 St. Patrick's Road, Port Elizabeth, Cape, South Africa. Miss P. Willmore, " Bellevue," Ma- feking, Cape,South Africa. Mrs. G. W. Son e, 56 Roeland St., Cape Town, South Africa. NATAL-TRANSVAAL CONFER- ENCE. Organized 1902. Territory: The colonies of Natal and Transvaal. Telegraphic Address: " Watch- man," Maritzburg, Natal, South Africa. Office: Stranack St., Pietermaritz- burg, Natal, South Africa: OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., W. S. Hyatt. Vice-Pres., J. C. Baumann. Sec. and Treas., T. J. Gibson. Executive Committee: W. s. Hyatt, J. C. Baumann, H. S. Beckner, A. A. Pitt, C. J. A. Birkenstock, G. R. E. McNay, D. H. Groenewald. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., T. J. Gibson. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. J. C. Baumann. Young People's Dept.: See., W. L. Hyatt. Home Missionary Dept.: , Sec., Mrs. W. S. Hyatt. MINISTERS. W. S. Hyatt, Stranack St., Maritz- burg, Natal, South Africa. D. H. Groenewald, Stranack St., Maritzburg, Natal, South Af- rica. G. R. E. McNay, Stranack St., Maritzburg, Natal, South Africa. W. Haupt, Stranack St., Maritz- burg, Natal, South Africa. MEDICAL MISSIONARIES. I. R. Armer, 19 Currie St., East London, Cape, South Africa. G. W. Webb, 7 Cheapside, Kimber- ley, Cape, South Africa. Mrs. G. W. Webb, 7 Cheapside, Kimberley, Cape, South Africa. LICENTIATES.. W. L. Hyatt, Stranack St., Ma- ritzburg, Natal, South Africa. .1. J. Birkenstock, Stranack St., Maritzburg, Natal, South Af- rica. T. J. Gibson, Stranack St., Maritz- burg, Natal, South Africa. 176 �SOUTH AFRICAN UNION CONFERENCE. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. • E. A. Royston, Stranaek St., Maritzburg, Natal, South Af- rica. H. S. Beckner, 47 Van Beek St., Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Mrs. W. S. Hyatt, Stranack St., Maritzburg, Natal, South Af- Miss C. A. Dixie, Stranack St., Maritzburg, Natal, South Af- riea. • Miss Minnie Dixie, Stranack St., Maritzburg, Natal, South Af- rica. Mrs. M. E. Smith, Stranack St., Maritzburg, Natal, South Af- rica. Mrs. Mary Baumann, Stranack St., Maritzburg, Natal, South Africa. Mrs. D. H. Groenewald, Stranack St., Maritzburg, Natal, South Africa. Mrs. G. R. E. McNay, Stranack St., Maritzburg, Natal, South Africa. MEDICAL MISSIONARIES. C. H. Shaw, Stranack St., Maritzburg, Natal, South Af- rica. Mrs. C. H. Shaw, Stranack St., Maritzburg, Natal, South Af- rica. ORANGE FREE STATE CONFERENCE. Organized 1913. Territory: Orange Free State, South Africa. Office: 27 First Ave., Bloemfon- tein, Orange Free State, South Africa. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., 0. K. Butler. Sec. and Treas., W. H. Dale. Executive Committee: 0. K. Butler, Arthur Shone, P. A. Ven- ter, F. Snijman, T. P. Lourens, A. L. Hennig, T. G. Crouch. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. Arthur Shone, " Kalk- fontein," Dewetsdorp, Orange Free State, South Africa. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Mrs. 0. K. Butler, 27 First Ave., Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, South . Jrica. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., Arthur Shone, " Kalkf on- tein," Dewetsdorp, Orange Free State, South Africa. MINISTER. 0. K. Butler, 27 First Ave., Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, South Africa. LICENTIATE. S. G. Hiten, 27 First Ave., Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, South Africa. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. P. L. Fouche, 27 First Ave., Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, South Africa. Mrs. O. K. Butler, 27 First Ave., Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, South Africa. A. E. Shone, " Kalkfontein," De- wetsdorp, Orange Free State, South Africa. Mrs. A. E. Shone, " Kalkfontein," Dewetsdorp, Orange Free State, South Africa. T. G. Crouch, 40 Reid St., Bloem- fontein, Orange Free State, South Africa. W. H. Dale, Reitz St., Bloemfon- tein, Orange Free State, South Africa. RHODESIA-NYASALAND MISSION. (Under the South African Union Conference.) Organized 1916. Territory: The following missions: Barotseland, Congo Border, Glen- dale, Nyasaland, Shangani, So- lusi, Somabula, and Tsung,wesi. SOUTH AFRICAN UNION CONFERENCE. �177 Address: Main St, Bulawayo, Rhodesia, South Africa. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., W. E. Straw. Advisory Committee: W. E. Straw, W. C. Walston, F. R. Stockil, J. N. de Beer, C. Robin- son. BAROTSELAND MISSION. Established 1905. Address: S. D. A. Mission, care de Grandhommes Private Bag, Liv- ingstone, Rhodesia, South Af- rica. Superintendent: F. R. Stockil. LICENTIATES. F. R. Stockil, Victor Wilson. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. F. R. Stockil, Mrs. Victor Wilson. CONGO BORDER MISSION. Territory: Northern Rhodesia, with permission to labor across Belgian Congo. Address: Bwana M'Kubwa, North- ern Rhodesia, South Africa. Licentiate: S. M. Konig,macher. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. S. M. Konigmacher. GLENDALE MISSION. Established 1911. Address: Victoria, Southern Rho- desia, South Africa. Supt.: Laurie Sparrow. Licentiate: Laurie Sparrow. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. T. J. Gibson, Mrs. Laurie Sparrow. NYASALAND MISSION. Acquired 1902. Head Station: Malamulo Mission, Blantyre, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Substations: Matandani and Mon- ekera. Superintendent: C. Robinson. Licentiates: C. Robinson, G. A- Ellingworth. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. C. Robinson, Mrs. G. A. Elling- worth, Miss E. Edie, H. J. Hur- low, Mrs. H. J. Hurlow. SHANGANI MISSION. Established 1916. Address: Shangani Mission, Gwe- lo, Rhodesia, South Africa. Supt.: Hubert Sparrow. Licentiate: Hubert Sparrow. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. Hu- - bert Sparrow. SOLUSI MISSION. Established 1894. Address: Solusi Mission, Bula- wayo, Rhodesia, South Africa. 'Supt.: W. C. Walston. Minister: W. C. Walston. Licentiate: R. P. Robinson. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. W. C. Walston, Mrs. R. P. Robin- son. SOMABULA MISSION. Established 1901. Address: Gwelo, Rhodesia, South Africa. Supt.: J. N. de Beer. Licentiate: J. N. de Beer. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. J. N. de Beer. 178 �SOUTH AFRICAN UNION CONFERENCE. TSUNGWESI MISSION. Opened 1910. Address: Tsungwesi Mission, In• yazura Siding, via Salisbury, Rhodesia, South Africa. Supt.: F. B. Jewell. Licentiate: F. B. Jewell. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. F. B. Jewell, Mrs. Ida Bowen, E. Tarr, Mrs. E. Tarr. BASUTOLAND MISSIONS. Address: 27 First Ave., Bloemfon- tein, Orange Free State, South Africa. Supt.: Chas Sparrow. Licentiate: Chas. Sparrow. LICENTIATES. James Mtimkulu, care Messrs. Border and Allen, Kroonstad, Orange Free State, South Af- rica. Lazarus Molokomme, Box 88, Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, South Africa. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE Joseph Rasmeni, Box 88, Bloem- fontein, Orange Free State, South Africa. Bolo Mission. Established 1899. Address: Morija, Basutoland, South Africa. Supt.: E. van Niekerk. Licentiate: E. van Niekerk. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. E. van Niekerk. Emmanuel Mission. Established 1910. Address: Leribe, Basutoland, South Africa. Superintendent: F. Macdonald. Licentiates: F. Macdonald, M. D. Kalaka. Medical Missionary Licentiate: W. H. 'Inflow. KAFIRLAND MISSIONS. Territory: Kafirland, Transkei, and Griqualand, South Africa. Address: Market Square, Alice, Cape, South Africa. Supt.: E. W. H. Jeffrey. Ministers: E. W. H. Jeffrey, R. Moko. Licentiates: A. P. Tarr, Agrippa Mzozane. Missionary .Licentiates: Mrs. A. P. Tarr, Roger Matakane, Wm. Kobe, Goffrey M'Kunzi, Mrs. E. W. TI. Jeffrey. Maranatha Mission. Established 1906. Address: Martindale, Cape, South Africa. Supt.: F. Raubenheimer. Missionary Licentiates: F. Rauben- heimer, Mrs. F. Raubenheimer, Miss V. Sutherland. BETHEL MISSION. Established 1917. Address: " Ntlamhie," Butter- worth, Cape, South Africa. Supt.: Claude Tarr. Licentiates: Claude Tarr, 1. B. Burton. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. C. Tarr, Mrs. I. B. Burton. ZULU MISSION. Established 1911. Address: Ladysmith, Natal, South Africa. Supt.: F. B. Armitage. Minister: F. B. Armitage. So UT H AFRICAN UN ION CoNF EREN � 179 Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. F. B. Armitage. � . INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTH AFRICAN UNION CON- FERENCE. Educational: Claremont Union College, Ken- ilworth, Cape, South Africa. - Publishing: Sentinel Publishing Company, Rosemead Ave.. Keni w orth , Cape, South Africa. Sanitariums: Cape Sanitarium, Plumstead, Cape, South Africa. Kimberley Baths, 7 Cheapside, Kimberley, South Africa. Natal Health Institute, 126 Longmarket St., Pietermaritz- burg. Natal, South Africa. WEST INDIAN UNION CONFERENCE. Organized June 26, rgo6. Territory: The conferences of Ja- maica, South Caribbean, and West Caribbean. Population: 12,000,000. Cable Address: " Adventist," Co- lon Office: Box 5007, Cristobal, Canal Zone, Panama. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., A: J. Haysmer. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, W. R. White. Executive Committee: A. J. Haysiner, E. C. Boger, D. E. Well- man, W. G. Kneeland, J. W. Shultz, G. A. Roberts, W. R. White. Union Field Miss. Sec., J. A. P. Green. MINISTER. A. J. Haysmer, Box 5007, Cristo- bal, Canal Zone, Panama.- LICENTIATE. J. A. P. Green, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. JAMAICA CONFERENCE. Organized 1903. Territory: Island of Jamaica, Cayman Islands, and Turks Islands. Cable Address: " Adventist," Kingston. Office: 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indies. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., G. A. Roberts. Sec. and Treas., J. G. Pettey. Executive Committee: G. A. Roberts, N. J. Aalborg, C. H. Keslake, W. H. Randle, W. F. Burkley, J. G. Pettey, C. C. Mc- Catty. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., J. G. Pettey. Field Miss. Sec., J. A. Applegate. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. N. J. Aalborg, Mon- tego Bay, Jamaica, British Wegt Indies. ISO �WEST INDIAN UNION CONFERENCE. Young People's Dept.: Sec., — MINISTERS. G. A. Roberts, 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West. Indies. C. H. Keslake, 112 Tower St., `Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indies. N. J. Aalborg, Montego Bay, Jamaica, British West Indies. Hubert Fletcher, Riversdale, Ja- maica, British West Indies. W. H. Randle, Bala Clava. P. 0., Jamaica, British West Indies. R. L. Mignott, Gayle, Jamaica, British West Indies. LICENTIATES. S. U. Powell, 112 Tower St., Kings- ton, Jamaica, British West In- dies. L. G. Mullings, Porus, Jamaica, British West Indies. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. J. G. Pettey, W. F. Burkley, Mrs. N. J. Aalborg, Miss M. E. Dan- phinee. SOUTH CARIBBEAN CON- FERENCE. Organized 1906. Territory: Trinidad; British, French, and Dutch Guianas; Venezuela; the Windward, Lee- ward, and Virgin Islands. Cable Address: � " Adventists," Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Office: 82 Queen St., Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Office Address: Box 66, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. ,OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., E. C. Boger. Sec. and Treas., Fred Hutchin- son. Executive Committee: E. C. Bo- ger, D. E. Wellman, W. E. Baxter, I. G. Knight, L. Rashford, S. A. Crichlow, S. L. Ash. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., Fred Hutchin- son. Field Miss. Sec., G. D. Raff. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., S. L. Ash Educational Dept.: Supt., E. C. Henriques. Medical Missionary Dept.: Sec., Chas. Cave, M. D., Hast- ings, Barbados, British West In- dies. Young People's Dept.: Sec., E. C. Henriques. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., S. L. Ash. MINISTERS.• E. C. Boger, Box 66, loft of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. M. B. Butterfield, Box 66, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. D. E. Wellman, Bridgetown, Bar- bados, British West Indies. I. G. Knight, 90 Brickdam, George- town, British Guiana, South America. W. E. Baxter, Caracas, Venezuela, South America. L. Rashford, San Fernando, Trini- dad, British West Indies. Philip Giddings, Pointe a Pitre, Guadeloupe, French West In- dies. Frank Hall, Christiansted; St. Croix, Virgin Islands, U. S. A. E. Riley, Lot 3, King St., New Amsterdam, Berbice, British Guiana. J. J. Smith, Plymouth, Montser- rat, British West Indies. WEST INDIAN UNION CONFERENCE. �181 Honorary Ministerial Licentiate. R. Ryder, 90 Brickdam, George- town, British Guiana. LICENTIATES. E. C. Henriques, Arima, Trinidad, British West Indies. Henry Beck, Box 66, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Chas. Cave, M. D., Hastings, Bar- bados, British West Indies. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Fred Hutchinson, S. L. Ash, G. D. Raff, Miss Annie Osborne, Mrs. Chas. Cave, Mrs. D. E. Wellman, Mrs. E. C. Boger, Mrs. I. G. Knight, Mrs. M. B. Butterfield, Mrs. Fred Hutchinson, Mrs. W. E. Baxter, Nathan Payne, Mrs. Nathan Payne, Miss Mabel Sker- rett, Miss Ella Burrowes, Miss Maud Atkins. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Wm. Lewis, Miss Mary Elisha, J. D. Wood, John Roberts, „,Miss Blanche Olivier. WEST CARIBBEAN CONFER- ENCE. Organized 1906. Territory: Panama, Colombia, Costa Rica, eastern part of Nica- ragua, and St. Andrews, Old Providence, and Corn Islands. Cable Address: " Adventists," Co- lon, Panama. Office: Drawer M, Cristobal, Canal zone, Panama. OFFICERS. Conference: Pres., W. G. Kneeland. Sec. and Treas., H. C. Kephart. Executive Committee: W. G. Kneeland, J. A. Reid, J. W. Shultz, C. E. Boynton, J. B. Johnson, R. S. Crawford, Enos Warren. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., FL C. Kephart. Spanish Field Agent, J. L. Hol- der. English Field Agent, J. R. Os- bOrne. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. W. G. Kneeland. Young People's Dept.: See., Mrs. H. C. Kephart. Educational Dept.: Sec., J. B. Johnson. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., J. R. Osborne. MINISTERS. W. G. Kneeland, Drawer M, Cris- tobal, Canal Zoile, Panama. C. E. Boynton, Bluefields, Nicara- gua. � • J. A. Reid, Port Limon, Costa Rica. J. W. Shultz, Box 1039, San Jose, Costa Rica. J. B. Johnson, Box 254, Ancon, Ca- nal Zone. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. H. C. Kephart, Mrs. H. C. Kephart, Mrs. W. G. Kneeland, J. R. Os- borne, Mrs. J. R. Osborne, J. L. Holder. NORTHERN LATIN AMERICAN MISSIONS. Territory: The missions of Cuba, Guatemala, Haiti, Mexico, North Honduras, Porto Rico, Salvador, South Honduras. Population: 25,000,000. General Superintendent: R. W. Parmele. Field Miss. Sec.. J. A. P. Green. MINISTER. W. Parmele, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. LICENTIATE. J. A. P. Green, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Lydia E. Parmele, M. D., Mrs. J. A. P. Green. CUBAN MISSION. Established 1905. Territory: Cuba and the Isle of Pines. Cable Address: " Adventista," Matanzas, Cuba. Office Address: Milands 99, Matan- zas, Cuba, West Indies. OFFICERS. Mission: Director, F. G. Lane, Calle Mila- gros entre Porvenir y Octavo, Jesus del Monte, Havana, Cuba. Sec. and Treas., S. E. Kell- man. Advisory Committee: F. G. Lane, S. E. Kellman, H. C. Good- rich, J. E. Anderson, A. E. Doer- ing. Tract Society: (Agencia Interna- cional de Libros) Sec., S. E. Kellman. Field Miss. Sec., J. E. Shidler. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., S. E. Kellman. 182 Educational Dept.: Sec., S. E. Kellman. Medical Miss. Dept.: Sec., Lydia E. Parmele, M. D. Young People's Dept.: Sec., S. E. Kellman. Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., S. F. Kellman. MINISTERS. F. G. Lane, J. E. Ande.rson, H. C. Goodrich. LICENTIATES. A. U. Cochran, S. E. Kellman, Jose Veiga, Manuel Roman, Pedro Cruz, R. N. Studt. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. J. E. Shidler, Miss Florence Crouch, Mrs. Lulu V. C. Gregory. GUATEMALA MISSION. Organized 1913. Territory: The Republic of Gua- temala, Central America. Cable Address: "Adventista," Gua- temala. Office: Apartado 218, Guatemala City, Guatemala, Central Amer- ica. OFFICERS. Mission: Director and 'Treas., E. W. Thurber. MINISTER. E. W. Thurber. LICENTIATE. G. A. Tavel. MISSIONARY' LICENTIATE. Mrs. Lilla Prince Thurber. NORTHERN AMERICAN LATIN MISSIONS. � 183 HAITIEN MISSION. Established 1905. Territory: Republic of Haiti. Population: 2,000,000. Cable Address: "Adventist," Cape Haitien. Office: Box 88, Cape Haitien, Haiti. OFFICERS. Mission: Director, A. G. Roth. Advisory Committee: A. G. Roth, E. A. Curdy, J. Blot. Tract Society: Sec., A. G. Roth. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. A. G. Roth. Educational Dept.: Sec., A. G. Roth: Young People's Dept.: Sec., Mrs. A. G. Roth. MINISTERS. A. G. Roth, E. A. Curdy, M. N. Isaac. LICENTIATES. J. J. Baptiste, J. B. M. Abel. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. A. G. Roth, Gregoire Obas, Antoine Theodore. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS Heliodore Dorcinvil, Mrs. C. Raoul. MEXICAN MISSION.i Territory: The Republic of Mex- ico. Office: 1420 Avenida 20, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. OFFICERS. Mission: Director, G: W. Caviness. Sec. and Treas., Field Miss. Sec., C. P. Martin. Advisory Committee: G. W. Caiiness, W. , S. Swayze, J. W. Erkenbeck, J. A. P. Green. MINISTERS. G. W. Caviness, 1420 Avenkta 20, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. J. A. Leland, Monterrey, Mexico. LICENTIATES. Juan Robles, S. Marchisio, C. S.: Nicolas, C. P. Martin. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. G. W. Caviness, E. Virginia Martin. MEDICAL MISSIONARIES. Dr. J. W. Erkenbeck, Hotel Americano, Ameca, Jalisco, Mexico. Dr. W. S. Swayze, 1262 Ave. Libertad, Guadalajara, Mexico. Dra. Alice M. Swayze, 1262 Ave. Libertad, Guadalajara, Mexico. NORTH HONDURAS MISSION. Organized 1908. Territory: British Honduras and the seven northern departments of the Republic of Honduras; namely, Santa Barbara, Cortez, Yoro, Atlantida, Ceyon, Mosqui- tia, and the Bay Islands Office: Coxen Hole, Ruatan, Re- public Honduras, Central Amer- ica. OFFICERS. Mission: Director, Isaac Baker. Sec. and Treas., Gideon Jones. Advisory Committee: Isaac Baker, Christopher Jones, S. J. Bennett, C. V. Williams, Gideon Jones. Tract Society: Sec., Gideon Jones. Field Miss. Sec., C. V. Willis is. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. Alma 0. Jones. Young People's Dept.: Sec., — 184 � NORTHERN AMERICAN LATIN MISSIONS. MINISTER. Isaac Baker, La Ceiba, Republic of Honduras, Central America. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. C. V. Williams. PORTO RICAN MISSION. Organized 1909. Territory: Porto Rico and Santo Domingo. Cable Address: � " Adventista,' San Juan. Office: Mission Adventista, Calle Cerra No. 12, Santurce, San Juan, Porto Rico. OFFICERS. Mission: Director, William Steele. Sec. and Treas., Mary A. Fitch. Advisory Committee: William Steele, Dr. J. F. Morse, Rafael Lo- pez (Miranda), D. D. Fitch, C. E. Moon, Dr. E. F. Otis, H. D. Case- beer. Tract Society: Sec., Mary A. Fitch. Field Miss. Sec., Rafael Lopez. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Miss Jessie C. Butler. Young People's Dept.: Sec., D. D. Fitch. MINISTERS. William Steele, Calle Cerra No. 12, Santurce, Porto Rico. D. D. Fitch, Calle Cerra No. 12. Santurce, Porto Rico. C. E. Moon, Aguadilla, Porto Rico. 4 LICENTIATES. H. D. Casebeer, Santo Domingo. Republic of Dominica. Rafael Lopez, Aguadilla, Porto Rico. Salvador Rivera, Calle Cerra No. 12, Santurce, Porto Rico. Rafael Bracero, Cayey, Porto Rico. Francisco Megrant, Santo Domin- go, Republic of Dominica. ,Peter Nygaard, Aguadilla, Porto Rico. � ° Dr. J. F. Morse, Ensenada, Forth Rico. ' MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. Millie E. Steele, Calle Cerra No. 12, Santurce, Porto Rico. Miss Jessie C. Butler, Cayey, Porto Rico. Mrs. Mary A. Fitch, Calle Cerra No. 12, Santurce, Porto Rico. Mrs. Elizabeth Wright, Calle Cerra No. 12, Santurce, Porto Rico. Mrs. Jessie M. Moon, Aguadilla, Porto Rico. Mrs. Lucia Fuentes, Calle Cerra No. 12, Santurce; Porto Rico. Miss Eduarda Simdn, Guanica, Porto Rico. Mrs. Edith W.' S. Casebeer, Santo Domingo, Republic of Dominica. Dr. E. F. Otis, La Romana, Repub- lic of Dominica. Miss Ethel Frye, Ensenada, Porto Rico. Miss Edith Frye, Ensenada, Porto Rico. Dr. R. I. Hall, Guanica, Porto Rico. Mrs. R. I. Hall, Guanica, Porto Rico. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHER. Mrs. Mercedes Toro, Calle Cerra No. 12, Santurce, Porto Rico. SALVADOR MISSION. Organized 1915. Territory: Republic. of Salvador. Address: 11 Avenida Once No. 27, Santa Ana, San Salvador, Cen- tral America. Director and Treas.: — Field Miss. Sec., U. M. Cooke. NORTH 1411N AMERICAN LATIN MISSIONS. � 1t3 Sabbath School Dept.: See., Missionary Licentiates: U. M. Cooke, Mrs. U. M. Cooke. SOUTH HONDURAS MISSION. Organized 1915. Territory: Spanish Honduras (eX- cepting the five northern prov- inces). Cable Address: � " Adventista," Tegucigalpa. Office: Apartado 4, Tegucigalpa, Honduras„ Central America. OFFICERS. Mission: Director, H. F. Brown. Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. K. J. Snow. LICENTIATES. H. F. Brown, W. F. Hardt. MISSIONARY CREDENTIALS. K. J. Snow, Manuel Alvarez, Mrs. K. J. Snow, Mrs. H. F. Brown, Mrs. W. F. Hardt. MISCELLANEOUS MISSIONS. 'BAHAMAS MISSION. Entered 1909. Territory: The Bahama Islands. Population: 50.000 Address: Box 473, Nassau, Baha- mas. MINISTER. J. H. Smith. HAWAIIAN MISSION. Entered 1895. Territory: The Hawaiian Islands. Population: 225.000 Office: 1151 Eleventh Ave., Hon- olulu, Hawaii. OFFICERS. Mission: Supt., R. W. Smith, acting. Sec. and Treas.. Miss Bertha Lofstad. Advisory Committee: ( � ), R. W. Smith, L. T. Heaton, R. J. McKeague, Jonah Kumalae, F. E. Stafford. Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., Miss Bertha Lofstad. Field Miss. Sec., L. T. Heaton. Sabbath School Dept.; Sec., Miss Bertha Lofstad. Young People's Dept.: Sec., R. W. Smith. LICENTIATES R. W. Smith, 1207 Beretania St., Honolulu; Hawaii. Robert MCKeague, Hilo, Hawaii. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. L. T. Heaton, 1151 Eleventh Ave.. Honolulu, Hawaii. Mrs. L. T. Heaton, 1151 Eleventh Ave., Honolulu, Hawaii. Miss Bertha Lofstad, 1151 Eleventh Ave., Honolulu, Hawaii. Mrs. Mabel McKeague, 1M°, Ha- waii. Mrs. R. W. Smith. 1207 Beretania St., Honolulu, Hawaii. H. G. Rowland, 1151 Eleventh Ave.. Honolulu. Hawaii. E. G. Riehl, Hilo. Hawaii. •Mrs. E. G. Riehl, Hilo, Hawaii. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. OUTLINE OF COURSES IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. At the Educational Council held at St. Helena, Cal., June 4-14, 1915, it was recommended that-the work of our intermediate schools, acad- emies, and colleges be organized upon a semester (half year) basis, each semester to be subdivided into three periods of six weeks each. It was also recommended that the credits given in these schools be reckoned upon a unit basis, one unit representing a study pursued 36 weeks with five recitations a week, forty-five minutes in length, or its equivalent; that college credits be given on the semester-hour basis, a semester-hour representing a- study pursued one sixty-minute hour a week for eighteen weeks. The scope of the various courses conducted in these schools is as follows: — Grades Years Intermediate Course � 7-10 4 Academic Course � � � 9-12 4 College Course (General) � 13-16 4 College Course ((Special): — For Ministers (Complete) � 13-16 4 For Ministers (Shorter Course) � 13,14 2 For Bible Workers and Missionaries one-- and • • two-year courses Teachers (Elementary) � 13, 14 2 Business and Shorthand � 13,14 2 Business only � 12k, L3 14 Shorthand only � 127, 13 li Music � the conservatory course College Course (Medical) � 13-16 � 4 For Medical Evangelists � 4 For Nurses ... the instruction given in our sanitariums 3 For Preparatory Medical Students � 13, 14 � 2 Lists, of church schools and teachers will be found in connection with directories of the conferences in which such schools are located. Di- rectories of colleges, academies, and intermediate schools follow in alpha- betical order. ADDINGTON INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL. Waurika, Okla. • Established 1909. Postal Address: R. F. D. 3, Wau- rika, Okla. Board: Chairman, S. T. Simmons; Treas., H. G. Sims; Clerk, G. W. Webb;. J. D. McCoy, H. I. White. I. A. Crane, W. II. Haynes. Faculty: R. P. Abel, Principal; B. E. Bridwell, Mrs. B. E. Bridwell. 186 ADELPHIAN ACADEMY. Holly, Mich. • Established 1904. Corporate Name: " Adelphian Academy Association." Board- of Trustees: Chairman, - A. J. Clark; Sec., T. W. Steen; J. B. McKenney, W. H. Green, Dan- iel' Wood, H. B. Westeott. Factlty: T. W. Steen, Principal a nd Manager, Public Speaking; B. B. Phipps, Science; " D. C. EDUCATIONAL INSTITuTioNs. � 187 Newbold, Bible and Latin; T. A. Little, Preceptor, Mathematics; GT E. Clarke, History; Mrs. T. W. Steen, Piano, Voice, German; Bertha M. Phelps, Preceptress, Domestic Scienee; Mable F. Pat- terson, Asst. Preceptress, Eng- lish; Mrs. T. J. Robinson, Pri- mary Department; Ella M. Os- born, Primary Department; T. J. Robinson, Accountant. Industrial Department: T. W. Steen, Mechanical Work; G. 'E. Clarke, Agriculture and Dairy- ing; T. A. Little, Printing; Ber- tha M. Phelps, Domestic Arts; Mable F. Patterson, Sewing. ALBERTA ACADEMY. Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. Established 1907. Board of Managers: H. H. Hu- mann, F. D. Dick, F. L. Hommel, Dr. H. Bonde, Fred Johnson, J. K. Fish, C. K. Reiswig, S. W. Shankel. Faculty: E. D. Dick, Principal, Business Manager, Treasurer; V. W. Robb, Bible and Vocal Music; L. W. Cobb, English, His- tory; E. H. Newton, Mathemat- ics, Language; Miss Harriet A. Beardsley, Preparatory Depart- ment; H. J. Klooster, Science; A. C. Harder? Assistant Bible and Language; Miss Essie Bar- ber, Preceptress and Matron : Miss Phyllis Sargeant, Interme- diate Department; Mrs. Marga- ret Johnson, Instrumental .Mu- sic; Miss Anna M. Barker, Pri- mary Department; S. M. Ryan, Preceptor; • Mrs. A. C. Harder, Cook; C. L. Rick, Farm Super- intendent. AUSTRALASIAN MISSIONARY COLLEGE. Cooranbong, New South Wales, • Australia. Established 1894. Board: C. H. Watson, A. W. An- derson, J. M. Cole, C. H. Schowe, C. Rosendahl, W. j..Westerman, G. S. Fisher, C. H. Pretyman, L. D. A. Lethke. Faculty: Principal and Business Manager, L. D. A. Lemke;. Head Master, C. H. Schowe; Assistant Manager, C. Rosendahl; Bible, R. Hare; Preceptor, A. Smart; Pre- ceptress and Matron, Mrs. Ar- thur; other teachers, C. V. Bell, H. Kirk, Mrs. Schowe, C. S. Palmer, C. Rosendahl, A. J. Dya- son, T. Escreet, T. Lister, J. D. K. Aitken, H. C. White, G. Bohr- inger, Miss R. .Allbon, Miss D. Arthur. Business and Industrial Depart- ment: J. D. K. Aitken, Supt. Avondale Press; A. J. Dyason, Supt. Health Food Dept.; C. Bohringer, Farm Supt.; T. Es- creet, Blacksmithing; T. Lister. Electrical and Enginedring; H. C. White, Carpentry. BATTLEFORD ACADEMY. Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada, Established 1916. � • Board of Managers: J. G. Walker, C. B. Hughes, C. T. McVagh, A. V. Farnsworth, U. Wissner, D. 1). Neufel.d, W. A. Clemensen, Geo. Ross. � • Faculty: C. B. Hughes, Principal and Business Manager; W. G. Foreshaw, Bible and History; W. E. Dinwiddie, Preceptor, Asst. Teacher; H. W. Clark, Science, Mathematics; Mrs. W. G. Mc- Cready, Preceptress, Asst. Teach- '• er ; • C. S. Sissons, Treasurer, 188 � EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. Bookkeeping; Freda, - Guderian, Vocal and Instrumental Music; T. T. Babienco, Russian and Ger- man; Mrs. Christina Finkle, Matron; Mrs. G. A. Scott, Sew- ing, Dressmaking; Perry Finkle, Carpentry and Blacksmithing; Mrs. C. B. Hughes, Elementary School; Elizabeth Wooldridge, Asst. in Elementary School; W. G. McCready, Farm Manager. BEECHWOOD ACADEMY. Needham, Ind. Established 1902. Board of Managers: Pres., W. A. Westworth; Sec. and Treas., J. G. Lamson; and the members of the Indiana Conference Commit- tee. Faculty: J. G. Lamson, Principal and Manager, Bible and History; M. E. Hitchcock, Preceptor, Mathematics and Science; Mrs. J. G. Lamson, Preceptress and Matron, Bible, Domestic Science; Miss Arabella James, English and Language; Mrs. M. E. Hitch- cock, Eighth Grade. BETHEL ACADEMY. Bethel, Wis. Established 1899. Educational Board: C. S. Wiest (Pres.), H. T. Elliott (See.), G. P. Gaede, Chas. W. Johnson, P. L. Larson, E. F. Ferris, H. Ff. Hicks, G. R. Fattic. Faculty: H. T. Elliott, Principal and Business Manager, History; G. H. Straight, Music and Sci- ence; E. P. Weaver, Preceptor, ...Physiology; Gladys McDill, Pre- ceptress, English and Latin; P. E. Berthelsen, Language and Bible; W. H. Wohlers, Farm Manager, Algebra; Hattie Rath- bun, Matron. BETHEL GIRLS' SCHOOL. Tungshan, Canton, China. Established May 14, 1904. Address: Tungshan, Canton, China. Principal: H. B. Parker. BRAZILIAN SEMINARY. (Seminario Adventists.) Address: Seminario Adventista, Campao Redondo, Santo Amaro, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer- ica. Faculty: Principal, John Lipke; Manager, J. H. Boehm; Paul Hennig. � • Languages: Portuguese, German, English. BROADVIEW SWEDISH ,SEM- INARY. La Grange, Ill. Established 1910. Board of Trustees: President, L. H. Christian; Sec. and'Treas., H. 0. Olson; S. Mortenson, J. M. Erikson, Wm. A. Westworth, J. H. Schilling, E. A. Bristol, G. E. Nord, A. Johnson, Wm. Guthrie, J. Hoffman, -E. el-. Boo. Local Board: Chairman, J. H. Schilling; Sec., H. 0. Olson; S. Mortenson, A. Johnson, E. J. Boo. Faculty: H. 0. Olson, M. A., Pres- ident, History and German; J M. Erikson, Bible and Greek; W. H. Wineland, B. A., Science; August Swedberg. Swedish; A EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. � 189 H. H. Larson, B. A., Preceptor, English and Latin; J. W. Osborn, Mus. G., Vocal and Instrumental Music; C. J. Martinson, B. A., Science and Mathematics; 0. R. Swanson, Accountant, Commer- cial Subjects; Anna A. Anderson, Preceptress, Intermediate Sub- jects; Maria Anderson, Matron. Industries: W. H. Wineland, Farm Superintendent, General Agricul- ture; Mrs. W. H. Wineland. Sewing; Oscar Olson and Esther Gustafson, Hydrotherapy; A. H. Anderson, Woodwork. CAMPION ACADEMY. Loveland, Colo. Established 1907. Board: Pres., W. A. Gosmer; Sec., D. D. Rees; E. J. Baker, J. G. Hanhardt, H. A:- Vandeman, G. Boblender, G. C. Mathieson, W. A. Hankins, Robert Beaird, F. G. Specht. Administration: Business Man- ager, D. D. Rees; Accountant, L. E. Kader; Preceptor, H. N. Quade; Preceptress, Laura Pat- terson; Matron, Mrs. A. G. Wearner. Faculty: D. D. Rees, Principal; D. E. Robinson, Bible and His- tory; Olive C. Taylor, English; J. B. White, Science and Mathe- matics; Gertrude Helligso, Voice Culture, Piano, Organ; Laura Patterson, Intermediate Grades; Iva Beaird, Primary Depart- ment; Mrs. A. G. Wearner, Mat- ron; H. N. Quade, Preceptor. CANTONESE TRAINING SCHOOL. Tungshan, Canton, China. Principal: H. B. Parker. CEDAR LAKE ACADEMY. Cedar Lake, Mich. Incorporated 1899. Board of Managers: Pres., Wm. . Guthrie; Sec. and Treas., R. U. Garrett; S. B. Horton, D. K. Royer, J. E. Root, F. S. Clarke, J. M. Hoyt, E. A. Bristol. Faculty: R. U. Garrett, Principal and Business Manager; S. L. Clark, Preceptor; Paul Ford, Science and Mathematics; Miss Katherine Smith, Preceptress: Miss Mabel Reed, Music Dept.; Mrs. S. L. Clark, Latin and Lit- erature; Mrs. R. U. Garrett, Mathematics; Miss Jennie Nel- , son, Stenographic Dept.; Mrs. Tressa.Woodrnan. Matron; H. A. Weaver, Farm Supt.; Miss -Susie Klose. Church School Dept. CENTRAL POLYNESIAN TRAINING. SCHOOL. Buresala, Ovalau, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Established 1904. Faculty: H. R. Martin, Principal; Miss R. Parker, Matron. CHINA MISSIONS TRAINING SCHOOL. 17 Ningkuo Road; Shanghai, China. Established 1910. Board: F. A. Allum, 0. A. HAI, J. G. White, W. E. Gillis, H. J. Doolittle, C. P. Lillie, S. G. White, K. H. Wood, M. C. War- ren, Frederick Lee, 0. B. Kuhn, H. M. Blnnden, M. G. Conger, H. 0. Swartout, S. L. Frost, B. Peterson. Local Board: H. 0. Swartout, R. J. Brines. S. L. Frost, W. P. Hen- 190 � EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. Berson, K. Il. Wood, Dr. A. C. Selmon, and the Assistant Pre- ceptor. Faculty: H. 0. Swartout, Princi- pal; R. J. Brines, Treas.; George Harlow, Bible Teacher; and a corps of Chinese assistant teach- ers. CHOSEN INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. ' Soonan, Chosen (Korea). Established 1909. Board: H. A. Oberg, H. M. Lee, Riley Russell, M. D., Chyong Mun Cook, Kim Pong Kul, Kim Pyong Yong. Faculty: H. M. Lee, Principal; Kim Pyong Yong, Treasurer; and eight Korean teachers. CLAREMONT UNION COLLEGE. Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa. Established 1p2. Board of Trustees: Chairman, W. B. White; Sec., W. B. Commin; Treas., J. I. Robison; W. S. Hy- att, 0. K. Butler, U. Bender, W. E. Straw, W. C. Walston, G. C. Jenks, E: W., H. Jeffrey, G. W. Shone, J. P. Casey, J. J. Birken- stock. Faculty: J.. 1. Zobison, Principal and Business Manager; V. Cooks, Preceptor; Miss M. E. Robert- Non, Matron and Preceptress; Miss Helen Hyatt, Miss Ethel Edined. CLINTON THEOLOGICAL SEM- INARY. Clinton, Mo. Founded 1910; Incorporated. Legal Title: '• Clinton Theological Seminary." Board of Managers: President of the Northern Union Conference, President of the Central Union Conference, President of the Southwestern Union Conference, three secretaries appointed • by the North American Division Conference, President of the Clinton Theological Seminary, Educational Secretary of Central Union Conference, President of the Missouri Conference, Presi- dent of the Kansas Conference, President of the North Dakota Conference, President of the Ok- lahoma Conference, and J. T. Boettcher, A. G. Steinert, David Voth, and E. C. Witzke. Officers of the Board: Pres., R. A. Underwood; See., E. C. Witzke; Treas., F. R. Isaac. Executive Committee: F. R. Is- aac (Chairman), E. C. Witzke (Sec.), J. T. Boettcher, G. F. :Haffner, D. U. Hale, J. F. Si- mon, R. A. Underwood. Faculty: F. R. Isaac, President and Business Manager, History; J. T. Boettcher, Bible, Ministe- rial Training; J.. F. Harder, Bible; E. C. Witzke, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Psychology; R. E. Hoen, Science; Miriam Swit- zer, Mathematics; Olivia L. Boettcher, German, French, Rus- sian; Rachel Salisbury, English Language; Mrs. A. B. Tetzlaff, Normal Department; C. R. Bruns, Commercial Department; C. C. Engel, Music Director, Vio- lin, Singing; Ernst Hartmann, Piano, Organ, Painting, Draw- ing; Estelle Kienhoff, Piano, Theory, History of Music; A. B. Tetzlaff, Assistant in History, Preceptor; Clara M. Yaeger, Matron; - Margaret � Nickel, Church-school. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. � 191. DANISH-NORWEGIAN SEM- INARY. Hutchinson, Minn. Established 1910. , Board of Managers: Chas. Thomp- son, G. W. Wells, P. E. Broder- sen, M. L. Andreasen, L. H. Christian, R. A. Underwood, A. P. Hanson, Alfred Jensen, NI. B. Van Kirk. Faculty: M. L. Andreasen, Presi- dent; H. R. Johnson, Bible; A. P. Darly, Danish and His- tory; M. S. Reppe, Norwegian, History; J. M. Peterson, Eng- lish and German; Caroline Hop- kins, Latin, Commercial Dept.; Guy Jorgenson, Science; H. M. Johnson, Mathematics; :Help. Christiansen, Asst. English; Jen- nie Nelson, Grade work; E. R. Link, Voice, Saxophone; C. W. Link, Voice, Piano; Louise Knud- sen, Hydrotherapy; N. C. Nel- sen, Preceptor; Dagmar Chris- tiansen, ,English, Music; Matie Ruskjer, Matron. Industrial Faculty: H. R. John- son, General Work; Geo. Axel- sen, Farm Manager; A. M. Martin, Carpentry; M. S. Reppe, Baking; M. L: Andreasen, Print- ing; Anna Hilde, Sewing; Carl Gregersen, Bookbinding; Dag- mar Christiansen., Library Sci- ence; Guy Jorgenson, Electrical Engineering; Caroline Hopkins, Domestic Science; N. C. Nelsen, Plumbing; Louise Knudsen, Practical Nursing. DARLING RANGE - SCHOOL. Carmel, West Australia. Established 1907. Board of Managers: A. IL Piper, A. W. Cormack, C. H. palmateer, C. Newbold. G. Morris. •• Faculty: A. H. Piper, Principal and Manager; G. Newbold, Head Master and Preceptor; R. EL Constandt, Farm Manager; Miss N. E. S'chnepel, Matron and Pre- ceptress; Miss L. Baird, Miss M. Dawkins, "Miss A. Shakes- peare. EASTERN CANADIAN MIS- SIONARY SEMINARY. Oshawa, Ontario. Established 1912. Board of Management: Pres., A. V. Olson; Sec., A. J. Olson; IL M. J. Richards, W. C. Young, J. L. Wilson, D. J. C. Barrett, J. G. Roth, F. A. Spangler, N. H. Saunders. Faculty: A. J. Olson, B. A.,- Prin- cipal and Business Manager, His- tory and Mathematics; H. S. Miller, Bible and Science; Jean Vuilleumier, French and Assist- ant in Bible; H. L. Pearson, B. A., Greek and Preceptor; Mrs. Eva. V. Finch, English and Latin; Mrs. A. J. Olson, B. A., English; Florence I. Spangler, Normal Department; Miss Ruth Lever- entz, Commercial Department; Mrs. Annie MacKenzie, Music Department; Miss Alma Hill. Elementary School and Precep- tress; Miss Emma Wooldridge, Matron; Miss Minnie Abray, Sewing; Terence Martin, Draw- ing; J. J. Annabal, Carpentry ;, J. Riching, Farm Manager and Ga rdener. EMMANUEL MISSIONARY COLLEGE. Berrien Springs, Mich. Established 1901. Legal Title: " Emmanuel Mis sionary College, Incorporated." 192 � EDUCATIONAl. INSTITUTIONS. Board of Trustees: L. H. "Chris- tian, C. L. Benson, J. H. Haughey, W. A. Westworth, C. S. Wiest, E. A. Bristol, C. A,. Russell, William Guthrie, J. B. Blosser, J. J. Irwin, A. J. Clark, J. H. Schilling, E. F. Peterson. • Officers of the Board: Pres., L. H. Christian; Treas., C. L. Ben- son; Sec., J. H. Haughey. Faculty: C. L. Benson, President, History; J. H. Haughey, Math- ematics and Ancient Languages; W. H. Wakeham, Bible; 0. R. Cooper, M. D., Natural and Physical Science; R. B. Thurber, Missions; C. L. Taylor, Evangel- ical Training; Birt Summers, Musical Director; Katherine B. Hale, Normal Director; Mrs. Laura F. Rathbun, English; M. L. Kelley, Commerce Depart- ment; Alma J. Graf, Preceptress, German; Mrs. Birt Summers, Piano; G. R. Fattic, Preceptor, United States History; F. 0. Rathbun, Science Assistant; Mrs. C. L. Taylor, Spanish; Fred Green, Assistant Business Man- ager; Rena Klooster, Matron, Domestic Science; Mrs. M. L. Kelley, Commerce Department Assistant; Frances E. Frye. Assistant Normal Director, Training School; Mrs. Lela M. BroWn, Normal Training School; Mrs. C. P. Goodell, Violin; Eva Philo, Assistant in Piano De- partment; J. D. Reavis, Cornet, Guitar, Mandolin; Ardenne May, Drawing and Painting. Vocational Faculty: C. L. Benson, Superintendent; Fred Green, As- sistant Superintendent; J. H. Haughey, Apiculture; Cush Sparks, Printing; John Samp- son, Carpentry, Woodwork,. Me- chanical Work; John Christian- sen, General Farming and Fruit Growing; G. R. Fattic, Grounds; Mrs. C. Sparks, Book Store F. 0. Rathbun, Proof reading; Rena Klooster, Domestic Science, Sew- ing; George Simpson, Painting. FERNWOOD INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL. Tunesassa, N. Y. Established 19071 Board of Trustees: K. C. Russell, F. H. Hicks, L: S. Wheeler, H. M. Fleming, J. E. Belknap, J. Z. Hottel. Faculty: J. Z. Hottel, Principal, Bible and History; C. R. Smith, Preceptor, Mathematics, Science; Mary Herr-Hottel, Music, Eng- lish; Miss Ethel Scott, Precep- tress, Primary Department, Do- mestic Science. FIRESIDE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL. Takoma Park Station, Washing- ton, D. C. Established 1909. Management: Department of Ed- ucation of General Conference. Board of Managers: W. E. How- ell (Chairman), J. L. Shaw, F. Grinds, G. B. Thompson,. M. E. Kern, C. C. Lewis (See.). Faculty: Principal, C. C. Lewis; Assistants: W. E. Howell, F. L. Chaney, C. M. Sorenson, E. G. Salisbury, G. H. Heald, E. L. Richmond, H. E. Rogers, Mrs.. Agnes Lewis-Caviness, Mrs. Bar- bara Knox-Alhertsworth, Mrs. F. Griggs, Mrs. G. B. Thompson. FOOCHOW INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL. Foochow, China. Principal: C. C. Morris. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. � 193 FOX RIVER ACADEMY. Sheridan, Ill. Established 1900. Board: Pres., J. H. Schilling; Sec., W. L. Avery; E. F. Peterson, E. N. Sargent, Frank Hiner, C. J. Tolf, W. W. Brayshaw. Faculty: W. L. Avery, Principal, Bible, History, Agriculture; Durward Williams, Preceptor, Science; Mathematics, Mechan- ics; Cora B. Hicks, English; Ora W. Williams, Latin; Mary E. Lamson, Preceptress, Matron, History of Missions; Maude Warren, Music; Mrs. W. Will- iams, Sewing. FRIEDENSAU INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg, Germany. Established 1899. Faculty: Dr. E. Meyer, Principal; Chr. Wetzel, Business Manager: C. Banas, Treasurer; M. Birkner, Matron; W. Milner, H. Teich, Th. Itzmann, Br. Pieringer, Ch. Zybach, Otto Sehuberth. Languages: German, Russian, English, French, Polish, Greek, FUKIEN TRAINING SCHOOL. Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Principal: F. E. Bates. GARHWAL INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. Dwarikhal, Garhwal District, India. (Hindustani Language.) Established 1910. In charge of F. W. Smith, Princi- pal. assisted by native teachers. HAZEL ACADEMY. Hazel, Ky. Established 1901. Board of Managers: Pres., W. R. Elliott; Sec., M. F. Knox; J. R. Kennedy, M. Wheeler, W. D. Wade, Forest West, James Bel- linger. Faculty: J. W. Grounds, Principal and Business Manager, History and Bible; J. H. Ball, Preceptor, Bible and Science; Mrs. J. H. Ball, Preeeptress and Matron, Domestic Science; Miss Eleanor Elliott, Mathematics and Eng- lish; Miss Nobia Morgan, Music. HONAN MISSION SCHOOL. Lowanhojencheng, Honan, China. Established 1917. Principal: M. G . Conger; Asst.. Mrs, M. G. Con,cr. INDIAN CHRISTIAN TRAIN- ING SCHOOL. 6i Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Established 1915. Managing Board: W. W. Fletcher, I. F. Blue, A. H. Williams. Teaching Staff: I. F. Blue, Prin- cipal; Mrs. I. F. Blue, and na- tive assistants. JAPAN MISSION TRAINING SCHOOL. t69 Amanuma, Suginami-mura, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo, Japan. Established 1908. Board:' B. P. Roffman, H. F. Ben- son, A. B. Cole, T. H. Okohira, H. Stacey. Principal and Manager: H. F. Benson. 194 � EDUCATIONAL KARMATAR MIDDLE ENG- LISH SCHOOL. Karmatar, E. I. R., India. Established 1915. (Bengali and Hindi Languages) En charge of F. W. Smith and mi.- - ti re assistants. KETCHUM INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL. Ketchum, Okla. Established 1911. Board of Directors: Pres., A. Z. Miller; Sec., D. H. Kinzer; Treas., Thomas Baker; W. J. Dunn, Ira LaRoe, Ezra Fillman, R. P. Carney. Faculty: W. 0. Belz, Principal; Miss Nora L. Dunn, Miss Abbie F. Dunn. LATIN UNION SCHOOL. Gland (Ct. Vaud), Switzerland. Established 1904. Board of Management: Paul Steiner, L. P. Tieche, P. A. De Forest, J. Robert. Teachers: Paul Steiner, P. A. Dc Forest, M. D.; E. Noulay Paul Carlier. LAURELWOOD ACADEMY. Gaston, Oreg. Established 1904. Board of Managers: Chairman, H. W. Cottrell; H. G. Thurston, P. C. Hayward, J. H. Hanson, W. C. Emmerson, William Reith. B..1. Cady. INSTITUTIONS. Faculty: J. L. Kay, Principal, Bible and Mathematics; Wm. Reith, Preceptor, Business Man- ager, Bookkeeping; Harold J. Reith, Asst. Preceptor, Lan- guage 'and Science; Mrs. J. L. Kay, Preeeptress, English and Asst. in Bible; Miss Lettie Maye Osborn, Asst. Preeeptress and Registrar, History; Miss A. Della Moore, Vocal and Instru- mental Music; E. H. Emmerson. Intermediate Dept.; Miss Olive Houde, Matron. LODI ACADEMY. Lodi, Cal. Established 1908. Board: C. Santee, J. H. Paap, J. D. Fink, J. W. Rich, M. E. Cady, P. H. Glantz, N. P. Neilsen. Faculty: J. H. Paap, B. S., Prin- cipal and Business Manager, Mathematics and English; W. P. Dayton, B. A., Bible and His- tory; G. M. Price, B. A., Sci- ence and Latin; C. A. Holt, B. A., Preceptor, Bible; F. T. Oakes, Commercial Studies; Mrs. F. T. Oakes, Preeeptress, Assistant Teacher; Chrystelle Anthony, Matron; Mrs. J. H. Paap, Piano- forte, • Organ, Art; Clarence Dortch, Vocal Music and Har- mony; W. B. Miramontez, Span- ish, Grammar Grades; Harriet M. Maxson, B. A., Intermediate Grades; Velma Wallace, Pri- mary Grades. Industries: W. P. Dayton, Wick- erwork; C. A. Holt, Agriculture; Lester Myers, Carpentry; A. B. Wagner, Plumbing; Chrystelle Anthony, Cooking; Mabel Cham- pion, Sewing; Ruby Adams, Do- mestic Science. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. � 195 LOMA LINDA COLLEGE. Legal Title: " College of Medical Evangelists." Loma Linda, Cal. Chartered 1909. Board of Trustees: (term of three years) I. H. Evans, W. T. Knox, R. A. Underwood, Chas. Thomp- son, C. MT. Flaiz, L. H. Christian, Alfred Shryock; (term of two years) L. M. Bowen, F. M. Burg, Newton G. Evans, E. E. Andross, P. T. Magan, C. E. Rice, J. R. Scott; (term of one year) S. S. Merrill, G. W. Reaser, W. F. Martin, W. A. George, B. E. Bed- doe, A. W. Truman, E. H. Risley. Officers of the Board: Pres., E. E. Andross; Vice-Pres., Newton G. Evans; Sec. and Treas., S. S. Merrill; Business Manager, L. M. Bowen. Faculty of Medicine: Newton 0. Evans, B. S., M. D., President, Pathology; P. T. Magan, Ph. B., M. D., Dean of Los Angeles Divi- sion, Medicine; Alfred Shryock, A. B., M. D., Secretary, Histol- ogy and Embryology; George Thomason, M. D., L. R. C. S., L. R. C. P., Surgery; W. A. George, A. M., M. D.. Surgery; E. H. Risley, M. D.,• Chemistry; A. H. Larson, B. S., M. D., Ob- stetrics; F. M. Burg, Bible Exe- gesis; A. W. Truman, M. D., Neurology; J. J. Weir, M. D.. Ophthalmology and Otolaryng- ology. Associate Professors: F. E. Her- zer, A. B., M. D., Bacteriology and Hygiene; .0. W. Harrison, M. D., Anatomy; A. N. Donald- son, A. B., M. D., Physiology; D. D. Comstock, M. D., Medicine; F. F. Abbott, M. D., Therapeu- tics; Wilburn H. Smith, M. D.. F. R. C. S., Surgery; Wm. S. Mortensen, M. D., Pediatrics; Lyra H. George, M. D., Obstet- rics; Julia A. White, M. D., Gynecology; Lillian E. Magan. M. D., Gynecology; Abbie Wine- gar-Simpson, M. D., Gynecology; - Leslie D. Trott, M. D., Pedia- trics; L. J. Otis, M. D., Surgery; M. A. Barndt, M. D., Otolaryng- ology; P. F. Haskell, M. D., Oto- laryngology; liavina Baxter- Herzer, M. D., Nutrition and Dietetics; E. S. McClelland, M. D., Ophthalmology; B. E. Full- mer, M. D., Clinical Otolaryng- ology; Belle Wood-Comstock, M. D., Gynecology; Josie Shry- , ock, M. D., Gynecology. Clinical Professors: C. A. Burrows, M. D., Ophthalmology and Oto- laryngology; G. K. Abbott, A. B., M. D., Medicine; Lasher Hart, M. D., Dermatology; A. L. Hill, M. D., Pediatrics; H. F. Rand, M. D., Urology; F. M. Rossiter, M. D., Medicine; Wm. W. Woos- ter, A. M., M. D., Medicine; J. W. Callnon, M. D., Surgery. Assistants: L. H. Bailey, M. D., Clinical Surgery; R. M. Smith, M. D., Clinical Surgery; Hersel E. Butka, M. D., Clinical Path- ology; A. D. Butterfield, M. D., Clinical Medicine; Mary C. Mc- Reynolds, M. D., Physiological Therapeutics. Special Lecturers: Jessie H. Simp- son, M. D., Psychiatry; 0. R. Owen, M. D., Otolaryngology; Wm. W. Roblee, M. D., Surgery; Instructors: A. R. Dickson, M. D., Surgery; I. S. Ritchie, M. D., Medicine; Zenobia E. Nightin- gale, M. D., Obstetrics; Chas. E. Nixon, M. D., Medicine; Orpha Santee-Donaldson, M. D., Path- ology; Litta Belle Hibben-Camp- bell, L. L. B., Medical Jurispru- dence; Alfred Shryock, Regis- trar. Faculty of Nurses' Course: New- ton 0. Evans, M. D., President; W. A. George, M. D., Electro- therapy, Physics, Bandaging; Alfred Shryock, M. D., Anatomy; F. E. Herzer, M. D., Bascteriol- ogy.; Lyra H. George, M. D., 196 � EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. Pediatrics; J. J. Weir, M. D., Bible; Zenobia E. Nightingale, M. D., Gynecology, Obstetrics, Infant Feeding; A. N. •Donald- son, M. D., Physiology; Lavina B. Herzer, M. D., Hygiene, Die- tetics, Cooking; A. W. Truman, M. D., Public Health, Sanitarium Principles; E. H. Risley, M. D., Chemistry, Materia Medica; F. M. Burg, Bible Doctrines; L. M. Bowen, Sanitarium Principles; Mary C. McReynolds, M. D., Principles of Hydrotherapy; Mrs. Grace Allen, Massage; Mrs. Hazel Meyer, Practical Nursing; LaVerne Osborne, R. N., Hydro- therapy, Mechano-therapy, Prin- ciples of Massage; Elizabeth Chapman, R. N., Technic of Hy- drotherapy, Ethics; A. D. But- terfield, M. D., Diseases; C. W. Harrison, M. D., Genito-Urinary Alfred Shryock, M. D., Registrar. Los Angeles Branch: The Ellen 0. White Memorial Hospital and Boyle Avenue Dispensary, Boyle and Michigan Ayes., Los Angeles. Cal. MAPLEWOOD ACADEMY. Maple Plain, Minn. Established 1904. Executive Board: Pres., G. W. Wells; Sec., R. A. Hare; H. L. Halverson, S. D. Hartwell, H. M. Hiatt. Faculty: R. A. Hare, Principal, Bible; L. C. Palmer, Preceptor, Mathematics, Science; John Thompson, History ; L. N. Holm. Supt. of Farm, Science; Olive V. Boutelle, Librarian, Commercial Subjects and German; Mary H. Moore, Preceptress, English; Olive Severs, Latin and English; Mrs. R. A. Hare, Instrumental and Vocal Music; Vida A. Wells, Grade Subjects; Mrs. Mary•Hen- dricksen, Matron. MARATHI TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES. Kalyan, Bombay Presidency, India. Established 1915. In charge of Mrs. M. D. Wood, assisted by Miss Elinora Reid; M. D. Wood, Bible. MEIKTILA TECHNICAL SCHOOL. Meiktila, Burma. Established 1910. Teaching Staff: D. C. Ludington. Principal, assisted by five native teachers. MOUNT ELLIS ACADEMY. Bozeman, Mont. Established 1901. Board of Managers: G. F. Watson, V. T. Armstrong, T. G. Johnson, S. W. Palmer. W. D. Ritten- house. Faculty: V. T. Armstrong, Prin. cinal; Julius Tucker. Preceptor; Miss Pearl Whitmore, Miss Louise Noah, Preceptress; Mrs. Mary Kendell, Matron; 'Mrs. Ju- lius Tucker, Mrs. V. T. Arm- strong. MOUNT VERNON ACADEMY. Mount Vernon, Ohio. Established 1893. Executive Committee: E. K. Slade. B. G. Wilkinson. F. H. Robbins, T. B. Westbrook. F. D. Gauterau, C. E. Welch, N..S. Ashton, W. F. Schwartz, •C. F. Ulrich, G. C. Quillin, I. J. Gault. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. � 197 Officers of the Board: E. K. Slade, Pres.; N. S. Ashton, Sec.; A. E. King, Treas.; C. C. Pulver, Audi- tor. Local Board: E. K. Slade, N. S. Ashton, T. B. Westbrook, F. H. Robbins, C. E. Welch. Faculty: N. S. Ashton, Principal; A. C. Robbins, Science and Mathematics; W. H. Teesdale, History; L. R. Anderson, Eng- lish and Latin; H. G. Graham, Commercial Dept.; Miss Ethel Murphy, Asst. Commercial Dept.; Minnie 0. Hart, Preparatory Dept.; H. A. Miller, Music Dept.; Mrs. Clara Morris, Sewing Dept.; Herbert B. Rudop h, Carpentry Dept.; H. S. Weaver, Printing Dept.; A. E. King, Business Man- ager; E. J. Stipeck, Preceptor; Mrs. A. E. King, Preceptress; Mrs. E. Stipeck, Registrar. MUSSOORIE PRIMARY AND MIDDLE ENGLISH SCHOOL. " Annfield School," Mussoorie, India. • Established 1911. Faculty: Geo. P. Furnival, Princi- pal; Mrs. G. F. Fiirnival, V. E. Peugh, Mrs. V. E. Peugh, Mrs. A. O'Connor. OAK PARK ACADEMY. Nevada, Iowa. Established 1911. Board of Managers: Pres., A. R. Ogden; Sec., L. A. Hoopes; A. P. Hanson, W. K. Smith, C. J. Rob- inson, S. A. Oberg, John Shivley, Wm. Ostrander. Faculty: , L. A. Hoopes, Principal, Bible; C. � Plumb, Treas., Steward, Farm Manager, Math- ematics; T. J. Roach, Interme- diate, - Bookkeeping; H. E. Ed- wards, Preceptor, Science, Edu- catiOn;• W. C. Hannah, Litera- ture and History; W. I. Morey; Voice, Public Speaking, and Har- mony; Mrs. H. E. Edwards, Pre- ceptress, Latin and English; Mrs. W. I. Morey, Piano and Organ; Mrs. W. C. Hannah, Shorthand, Typewriting, and Sewing; Miss Lena Rosenthal, Matron; E. L. Anderson, Printing; Miss Vera E. Hoopes, Violin. Special Instructors: Dr. H. W. Bar- bour, Dr. Olive Pippy. OAKWOOD JUNIOR COLLEGE. (For Colored) Huntsville, Ala. Established 1895. (Incorporated as Oakwood Manual Training School.) Board of Managers: C. B. Stephen- son, Chairman; J. I. Beardsley, Sec. and Treas.; C. J: Boyd, S.. E. Wight, W. H. Branson, J. W. Christian, A. L. Miller, J. L. Shu- ler, T. B. Buckner, G. E. Peters, John Isaac, M. Jones. Faculty: J. I. Beardsley, B. A., President and Manager, History, English; W. L. Bird, Ministerial Dept.; C. S. Corkham, B. A., Asst. Manager, Science, Mathe- matics; G. H. Jeys, Preceptor, English, Printing Dept.; F. W. Halladay, Preparatory Dept., Mechanics; Bertha Bartholomew- Halladay, Normal Dept.; F. L. Peterson, B. A., Music, History; J. M. Swofford, Farm Supt.; T. J. Buckner, Bookkeeper, Asst. Commercial; Etta L. Reeder, Cooking, Nurses' Training Dept.; E. I. Cartwright-Cunningham, Matron; S. C. Campbell, Precep- tress; J. E. Stratton, Asst. Music. , 198 � EDUCATIONAL OROUA MISSIONARY SCHOOL. (Formerly Strode Academy.) Established 1907. Board: W. H. Pascoe, J. Mills, G. F. Wright, M. Olsen, F. H. Letts. Faculty: J. Mills, Principal; other teachers, Mrs. J. Mills, Miss M. Smart. OSWEGO ACADEMY. (Formerly Strode Academy.) • Oswego, Kans. Established 1906. Board of Managers: M. Lukens, W. H. Clark, A. B. Campbell, A. .G. Steinert, J. L. Ballard, H. C. Hughey, D. E. Huffman. Faculty: D. E. Huffman, Principal, Bible and Business Manager; A. C. Haughey, Preceptor, Assistant teacher; Miss Maybelle Miller, Preceptress, English; George W. Bowers, Science and Mathemat- ics; Miss Margaret Miller, Piano, Latin; Aaron Campbell, Regis- trar, Bookkeeping and Typewrit- ing; J. L. Burgess, Grades 6 to 8; Mrs. Dolly Huffman, Primary; • John Davis, Broom-making; J. L. Ballard, Carpentry; R. H. Bruns, Band and Orchestra; Miss Mollie Miller, Matron. PACIFIC UNION COLLEGE. St. Helena, Cal. Established 1909. Board of Managers: Pres., E. E. Andross; Vice-Pres., E. W. Farnsworth; See., � aude Con- ard; Treas., C. W. Irwin; J. L. McElbany, J. A. Stevens, C. San- tee, W. S.• Holbrook, J. H. Paap, C. H. Jones, G. W. Reaser, F. B. Jones, C. E. Rice, A. E. Hall, N. P. Neilsen, B. E. Beddoe, W. F. INSTITUTIONS. Martin, J. E. Bond, H. E. Ly- singer, Newton Evans, M. D., W. C. White, M. E. Cady, M. W. Newton, M. M. Hare. Local Board: C. W. Irwin (Chair- man), Claude Conard (Sec.), E. W. Farnsworth, J. A. Stevens, W. C. White, F. B. Jones, C. E. Rice, M. W. Newton, A. D. Owens. Faculty: C. W. Irwin, President, New Testament Greek; W. G. Wirth, Bible and Philosophy; M. W. Newton, Higher Mathemat- ics, Physics, and Astronomy; H. A. Washburn, Librarian, His- tory; G. F. Wolfkill, Biological Science, Chemistry, and Agricul- ture; Claude Conard; Account- ancy and Commerce; W. E. Rob- bins, Registrar, Shorthand and Typewriting; N. E. Paulin, Di- rectoi of Music, Violin; Orches- tra, Harmony, and History of Music; L. D. Andrews, Piano and Organ; S. J. Whitney, Pre- ceptor, First Aid and Treat- ments; W. C. Baldwin, Precep- tor, Mathematics; G. H. Carlsen, Manual Arts; W. B. Taylor, Bi- ble History; Miss Hattie Andre, Preceptress, Testimonies; Mrs. A. E. McKibbin, English, and Bi- ble History; Mrs. W. E. Robbins, English;, Mrs. H. E. Osborne, Normal Director, Education and Normal Methods; Mrs. W. B. Taylor, Vocal Music; Mrs. C. W. Irwin, Assistant Teacher; Mrs. M. W. Newton, General History; Mrs. S. J. Whitney, Hydrother- apy. Instructors: C. E. Weniger, Latin and English; Mabel A. Swanson, Spanish, Supervisor of Primary Department; Harriet Sherrill, Art; H. B. Rickabaugh, Science and Spanish; Hazel Carmichael, Grammar Grades; Daniel Ochs, German; C. Kuehnle, French; Mrs. G. F. Wolfkill, English and Domestic Science. Industrial Faculty:. C. W. Irwin, Manager; 'Claude Conard, Asst. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. � 199 Manager; M. W. Newton, Me- chanics; G. F. Wolfkill, Agri- culture; G. H. Carlsen, Drafting; A. D. Owens, Farm and Saw- mill; W. B. Taylor, Carpentry; H. C. White, Printing; W. C. Baldwin, Floriculture; W. J. Schaefer, Poultry; J. F. Wads- worth, Blacksmithing; Mrs. W. E. Robbins, Matron, Domestic Science; Mrs. I. Young, Laun- dry; Miss Lysle Spear, Sewing. PACIFIC 'UNION CONFERENCE- AFFILIATED SCHOOLS. Comprising Lodi Academy, Pacific Union College, and San Fer- nando Academy. General Board of Management: E. E. Andross, E. W. Farnsworth, J. L. McElhany, J. A. Stevens, C. Santee, W. S. Holbrook, C. W. Irwin, J. H. Paap, C. H. Jones, G. W. Reaser, M. M. Hare, F. B. Jones, M. D., N. P. Neilsen, B. E. Beddoe, W. F. Martin, J. E. Bond, H. E. Lysinger, N. G. Ey.- ans, A. Earl Hall, W. C. White, M. E. Cady, C. E. Rice, M. W. Newton,. Claude Conard... Organization of Board: Pres., E. E. Andross; Vice-Pres., E. W. Farnsworth; Sec., Claude Con- ard; Treas., C. W. Irwin; Au- ditor, B. M. 'Emerson. PHILIPPINE ACADEMY. Established 1917. 14-16 Calle Luna, Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Islands. Board of Directors: L. V. Finster, J. S. Barrows, E. M. Adams, R. E. Hay, Dr. C. Fattebert, I. A. Steinel, C. N. Woodward, ano R. Panis, Emilio Manalay- say, Emilio Brion. Faculty: I. A. Steinel, Principal; 0. F. Sevrens, Preceptor; Mrs. Ciriaca Paths, Preceptress. PHOENIX INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL. Phoenix, Ariz. Established 1913. Board: J. E. Bond, L. B. Rags- dale, C. D. M. Williams, C. E. Stump, A. E. Ear11, R. E. Kal- fus, D. L. Wagner, A. E. Axtell, Lou Sturges. Faculty: L. B. Ragsdale, Academic Grades; Mrs. L. B. Ragsdale, In- termediate Grades; Ellen M. Lambeth, Primary Grades. PLAINVIEW ACADEMY. Redfield, S. Dak. Established at Elk Point, S. Dak., in 1902; removed to Redfield in 1911. . Board: Chairman, E. T. Russell; Sec. and Treas., H. J. Sheldon; I. G. Ortner, Alfred Jensen, M. M. Kier, E. W. Bresee, T. H. Jeys, Henry Eder, William Rei- ner, Bert Rhoads. Faculty: H. J. Sheldon, Principal, Business Manager, Latin and History; T. H. Jeys, Bible, Arith- metic; MT. J. McComb, Preceptor, Science, History, Bookkeeping; Mrs. E. G. Hayes, Preceptress, Matron, Domestic Science; Aimee T. DuBois, English; R. R. Neu- man, German Department; P. A. Field, Mathematics; L. E. Camp, Farm Superintendent; A. May Knowles, Vocal and Instrumen- tal Music; Mrs. P. A. Field, Hy- drotherapy, Sewing, First Aid and Emergency Nursing. PUA TRAINING SCHOOL. Pua, Chile, South America. Established 1908. Board of Managers: F. L. Perry, F. H. Westphal, Damaso Soto, Victor Thomann 200 � EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. Faculty: J. C. Brower, Principal; Mrs. J. C. Brower, Matron and Preceptress; Nels Johnson, Mrs. Nels Johnson. RIVER PLATE COLLEGE. (Colegio Adventista del Plata) Puiggari, F. C." E. R., Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. Established 1898. Board of Managers: Chairman, H. U. Stevens; Sec. and Treas., W. Everist; J. W. Westphal, R. H. Habenicht, W. W. Wheeler, Jorge Lust, Julio Ernst. Faculty: H. U. Stevens, Principal; W. W. Wheeler, Camilio Gil, Miss Almeda Kerr, Judson Habe- nicht, Susana Block, G. B. Re- plogle, Mrs. Win. Everist. Languages: Spanish, German, Eng- lish. SAN FERNANDO ACADEMY. San Fernando, Cal. Established 1902. Board of Management: Pres., W. F. Martin; Sec. and Treas., A. Earl Hall; M. M. Hare, R. S. Owen, C. McReynolds, E. G. Fulton, S. P. Smith, M. A. McElhany. Faculty: A. E. Hall, A. B., Prin- cipal, Bible, Literature and Edu- cation; S. P. Smith, A. B., Bible, Latin and Science; E. E. Gard- ner, B. S., Bible, History of Mis- sions, and Bookkeeping; Miss Ethel Taylor, Spanish, Geom- etry, and English; J. F. Gaster, Preceptor, Algebra; Mrs. J. F. Gaster, Sewing; Mrs. E. E. Gard- ner, Preceptress and Matron; Mrs. G. I. Bachman, Vocal and Instrumental Music; Mrs. A. E. Hall, Accountant; Miss Edith Thompson, Hydrotherapy; J. F. Maher, Woodwork and Mechan- ical Drawing; Mrs. Delpha Mil- ler, Grades 1-5 and Art; Miss Evelyn Parr, Grades 6-8; Mrs. Ada E. Allen, Laundry. SANTALI GIRLS' SCHOOL. Karmatar, E. I. R., India. Established 1913. In charge of Mrs. F. L. Smith, -as- sisted by Indian teachers. SCANDINAVIAN UNION MIS- SION SCHOOL. Skodsborg, Denmark. Established 1908. Board of Managers: Scandina- vian Union Conference Com- mittee. Faculty: L. Muderspach, Principal; Anna Jeppsson, Matron; P. G. Nelsen, P. A. Christiansen. Ma • rie Norheim. SHENANDOAH VALLEY ACADEMY. New Market, Va. Established 1906. Board of Trustees: W. C. Moffett, W. G. Dick, R. T. Fultz, Carson Neff, C. V. Woods, W. E. Bid- well, L. 0. Gordon, I. D. Rich- ardson, R. D. Hottel, T. I. Zirkle, A. J. Painter, H. M. Forshee. Faculty: H. M. Forshee, Principal; Mrs. H. M. Forshee,•Preceptress; Miss Ivah Krome, Piano; Morris Robinson, Violin; Miss Anna Watkins, Matron; Miss Vesta Clymer, Primary Grades. • SHEYENNE RIVER ACADEMY. Harvey, N. Dak. Established 1903. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. � 20I Board of Managers: S. E. Jack- son, Carl Leer, E. L. Stewart, C. C. Jensen, J. H. Roth, S. G. Bur- ley, W. A. Alway, Andrew Roe- del, A. F. Schmidt. Faculty: A. F. Schmidt, Principal and Manager; W. A. Alway, Bible; W. L. Bunch, Preceptor, History and Science; Emily Johnson, English; Ruby McGee, Preceptress, Mathematics; Emma Specht, German; S. G. Burley, Russian; Mrs. W. L. Bunch, In- strumental and Vocal Music; Mrs. W. Alway, Matron; Trygve Langberg, Farm Manager. SINGAPORE TRAINING SCHOOL. Carr, H. C. Hartwell, J. K. Jones, F. W. Stray, R. J. Bryant, W. E. Bliss, C. H. Castle, J. A. Trout, H. B. Tucker, K. C. Rus- sell, W. 0. Howe, C. L. Kilgore, B. E. Nicola, L. S. Wheeler, W. H. Holden, J. D. Snider. Officers of the Corporation: Pres., R. D. Quinn; Sec. and Treas., J. A. Trout. Administration: Business Man- ager, M. E. Olsen; Accountant, J. A. Trout; Preceptor, Harmon Lindsay; Preceptress, Miss Pearl Rees; Matron, Mrs. Irville Arm- strong. 30o Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Established 1916. Board of Directors: F. A. Deta- more, K. M. Adams, G. A. Thompson, J. W. Rowland, A. G. Fletcher. Faculty: K. M. Adams, Principal; Lo Ki Kong, Hakka; Phang Nyuk Thin, Hokion; Samuel Rantoong,, Malay. Primary Dept: Miss Lena Mead, Lo Ah Chong, J. Abraham. SOUTH INDIA TRAINING SCHOOL. Coimbatore, India. Established 1915. In charge of G. G. Lowry, assisted by five Tamil teachers. SOUTH LANCASTER ACADEMY. South Lancaster, Mass. Established 1882. Board of Trustees: R. D. Quinn, M. E. Olsen, J. E. Jayne, H. W. Faculty: M. E. Olsen, Principal, English; H. S. Prenier, Bible and Pastoral Training; C. A. Shull, History; H. T. Curtis, Li- brarian and Mathematics; J. A- L. Derby , Science; Harmon Lindsay, Preceptor, Physics and General Science; G. R. Leh- man, Ancient and Modern Lan- guages; Miss Gladys G. Mach- lan, English; Miss Pearl Rees, Preceptress; Miss Edna Farns- worth, Instrumental Music, His- tory of Music, and Harmony; E. H. Dexter, Vocal Culture and Singing; B. B. Ross and Mrs. B. B. Ross, Dept. of Business Edu- cation; L. 0. Machlan, Normal Director; Miss Hazel Gordon, Primary Dept. Critic Teacher; Miss Myrtle E. Schultz, Inter- mediate Dept. Critic Teacher; G. H. Winslow, Grammar Dept. Critic Teacher•; Mrs. Lela Ben- chel, Manual Training and Do- mestic Science; Miss Laura Rich- ardson, Art. Industrial Faculty: M. E. Olsen, Supt.; J. A. Trout, Accountant; Mrs. I. Armstrong, Matron; B. B. Ross, Carpentry; Mrs. J. A. Trout, Sewing, Dressmaking, and Millinery; Mrs. Lela Beuchel, Cooking and Home Economics; S. E. Brown, Farm Supt.; J. H. 202 � EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. Botsford, Steam and Electrical Engineering. - SOUTHERN JUNIOR COLLEGE. Ooltewah, Tenn. (Formerly the Southern Training School, at Graysville, Tenn.) Established 1896 as the Southern Training School; removed to Oolte- wah in 1916. Board of Managers:: Pres., W. H. Branson; Sec., Leo Thiel; S. E. Wight, R. I. Keate, W. R. Elliott, G. H. Curtis, J. B. Locken, A. R. Sandborn, J. L. Shuler, L. H. Wood, C. J. Buhalts, B. W. Brown, A. L. Miller, E. W. Wolfe, C. N. Sanders, E. A. Sutherland, J. A. Tucker. Faculty: Leo Thiel, President, English Language and Litera- ture; F. W. Field, Bible and Pas- toral Training; J. S. Marshall, Preceptor, History; C. E. Led- ford, Agriculture; Mrs. M. B. Marshall, Normal Dept.; Gradye Brooke, Vocal and Instrumental Music; Mrs. J. A. Tucker, Pre- ceptress; Maude Jones, Mathe- matics, Languages; Hector Mon- cado, Spanish; Mrs. T. R. Hux- table, German; R. W. Case, Asst. in History; Addie Mae Kalar, Asst. in English; Alsie Gray, Matron, Domestic Science; In- termediate Dept., Myrtle V. Maxwell; Ruth Hale, Primary Dept.; Ruby E. Lea, Bookkeep- ing; Agnes E. Gray, Sec. to the President; J. P. McGee, Print- ing. Industrial Faculty: Leo Thiel, Business Manager; H. A. Shreve, Carpentry; J. S. Marshall, Poul- try Keeping; J. P. McGee, Print- ing; M. B. Marshall, Manual Training; Alsie Gray, Cooking; . F. W. Field, Apiculture; B. J.' Fountain, Blacksmithing. SOUTHWESTERN JUNIOR COLLEGE. (Formerly Keene Academy) Keene, Tex. Established 1894. Board of Managers: J. W. Chris- tian (Chairman), W. E. Nelson (Sec.), J. I. Taylor, John Isaac, David Voth, C. E. Smith, II. H. Hamilton, J. F. Mattison, E. L. Neff, R. B. Coberly, A. F. Harri- son, H. L. Wilcox, L. N. Carter, W. L. Adams. Administration: W. E. Nelson, President; L. N. Carter, Treas- urer; A. W. Peterson, Preceptor; Mrs. Jessie 0. Staben, Precep- - tress. Faculty: W. E. Nelson, President; B. L. House, Bible; A. D. Field, Science; H. A. Peebles, English, Spanish, and Latin; H. H. Ham- ilton, Commercial; A. W. Peter- son, Mathematics and English; C. L. Premer, History; Ruth L. Harvey, Music; Jessie Olson-Sta- ben, Asst. in English; L. N. Car- ter, Penmanship. Preparatory Department: J. W. Winn, Grades 7 and 8; Bennie Mary French, Grades 4-6; Jessie J. Casey, Grades 1-3. Industrial Department: W. J. Ward, Broom-making; H. H. Hamilton, Craft Shop; Z. Ru- bottom, Printing; Mrs. W. E. Nelson, Cooking and Hydrother- apy; Mrs. Minnie Cook, Matron and Cook; Mrs. Etalea L. Tay- lor, Laundry. STANBOROUGH PARS MIS- SIONARY COLLEGE. Stanborough Park, Watford, Herta, England. Established 1901. Board of Directors: M. N. Camp- bell, Chairman; A. B. Olsen, EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. � 203 M. D., S. G. Haughey, W. T. • Bartlett, G. Wakeham. Instructors: G. Wakeham, Princi- pal, History, Mathematics, Nat- . ural Sciences; Miss Margaret Bacon, Preceptress, Domestic Economy, Bible Readings, Arith- metic; W. T. Bartlett, Bible; Miss A. V. Middleton, English; W. Halliday, Greek, Hebrew; G. -Baird, Bookkeeping, Modern His- tory; Miss P. M. Pemberton, Instrumental Music; Miss A. A. Fagg, French; Miss N. Morgan, Physiology and Hygiene. SWEDISH MISSIONARY SCHOOL. Nyhyttan, JArnboas, Sweden. Established 1898; reorganized 1908. Board of Managers: Swedish Con- ference Committee. Faculty: Karl Mattsson, J. Wal- lenkampf, Maria Johansson. TAMIL DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL. Nazareth Post Office, Tinnevelly District, South India. Established 1912. In charge of E. D. Thomas, as- sisted by five Tamil teachers. UNION COLLEGE. College View, Nebr. Established 1891. Board of Managers: The presi- dents of the following confer- ences: Central Union, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Northern Union; Min- nesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Southwestern Union,- and Oklahoma; the edu- cational secretaries of the Cen- tral Union, Northern Union, and Southwestern Union; the presi- dent of Union College; and H. C. Lacey, M. P. Robison, and A. G. Taylor. Executive Committee: R. A. Un- derwood, H. A. Morrison, Chas. Thompson, J. W. Christian, J. S. Rouse, W. W. Ruble, M. B. Van- Kirk. Administration: Pres., H. A. Mor- rison; Preceptress, Lillian Dan- ielson; Preceptor, B. E. Huff- man; Assistant Preceptors, H. H. Howard, T. L. Oswald; Matron, Mrs. C. B. VanGorder; Treas- urer, A. R. Smith. Faculty: H. A. Morrison, Presi- dent, Mathematics; H. . Lacey, Bible and New Testament Greek; Winifred P. Rowell, English Language and Litera- ture; E. C. Kellogg, Chemistry and Biology; G. G. Andrews, Li- brarian, History ;,J. N. Anderson, Missions and Hebrew; A. G. Tay- lor, Secretary, Commercial; M. P. Robison, Director Normal De- partment, Education; Ignacio Theilig, French and Spanish; L. C. Damsgard, Mathematics and Physics; Lillian Danielson, Ora- tory; Elsa Northrup-Ward, Art; • Mertie A. Wheeler, Registrar, Shorthand; David Soper, Asst. in Mathematics; L. E. Wester- meyer, German; Ruth Young- berg-Oswald, Asst. in English; Charles Williams, Agriculture; Ruby Wiseman-Damsgard, Do- mestic Science; Oliver S. Beltz, Director School of Music, Voice, History, Theory; Etta Bickert- Andrews, Piano, Organ, Har- mony; Imogene Morrison-Clark, Asst. in Piano; H. J. Fisher, Vio- lin; 011ie G. Manfull, Principal Model School; Mabel Diamond and Edith A. Cummings, Teach- ers in Model School; M. E. Ellis, Printing; Mrs. E. M. Long, Laun- dry; Charles Williams, Frit Superintendent; L. F. Morrisoil) Engineer. 204 � EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS.• WALDERLY ACADEMY. Hines, Wis. Established 1907. Board of Directors: J. J. Irwin, E. A. von Pohle, C. Edwardson, B. W. Johnson, Alfred Nelson. Faculty: E. A. von Pohle, Prin- cipal and Manager, History; H. M. Colburn, Accountant, Bible, Weaving, Carpentry; L. J. Voll- mer, Preceptor, Mathematics, Science, Farm; Kathryne Ad- ams, Preceptress, Domestic Sci- ence, Nursing; B. E. Nelson, Manual Training, Mill, Black- smithing; Gussie Field-Colburn, English, Art; Gertrude Holmes, Normal Director, Music. WALLA WALLA COLLEGE. College Place, Wash. Established 1892. • Board of Managers: C. W. Flaiz, H. W. Decker, F. S. Bunch, H. W. Cottrell, J. J. Nethery, J. F. Piper, G. F. Watson, F. W. Peterson, W. I. Smith. Officers of the Board: Chairman, C. W. Flaiz; Sec., W. I. Smith; Treas., F. W. Peterson. Administration: Pres., W. 1. Smith; Manager, F. W. Peter- son; Preceptor, Wm. M. Heiden- reich; Preceptress, Mrs. F. W. Peterson. Faculty: W. 1. Smith, President; 0. A. Johnson, Special Bible; F. S. Bunch, Bible; C. A. Burman, Bible; A. C. Christensen, Phys- ical and Biological Science; Wini- fred L. Holmden, Ancient and Modern Languages; J. A. Ren- ninger, English; Clara E. Rogers, Rhetoric; F. W. Rine, History; W. I. Smith; Mathematics; Geo. Kretchmar, Mathematics; Wm. M. Heidenreich, Preceptor, Ger- man; A. W. Oakes, Director and Violin; Grace Wood-Reith, Pia- noforte and Voice; Margaret Holden, Pianoforte; R. L. Walin, Bookkeeper; Elizabeth Tollman, Stenography and Typewriting; Win Osborne, Art; B. B. Davis, Normal Director; Mrs. B. B. Davis, Anna A. Pierce, Mrs. F. W. Rine, Critic Teachers. WASHINGTON MISSIONARY COLLEGE. Takoma Park Station, Washing- ton, D. C. Legal Title: Washington Mis- sionary College. •Esta Wished 1904; reorganized 1914. Board of Trustees: B. G. Wilkin- son, I. H. Evans, W. T. Knox, F. M. Wilcox, E. R. Palmer, W. E. Howell, B. F. Machlan, D. W. Reavis, E. K. Slade, F. H. Rob- bins, D. A. Parsons, W. H. Heck- man, R. E. Harter, W. C. Mof- fett, T. B. Westbrook, J. 0. Mil- ler, C. C. Pulver, R. D. Quinn, M. E. Olsen, J. E. Jayne, K. C. Russell, W. H. Branson, S. E. Wight, J. A. Tucker, L. H. Wood. A. V. Olson, N. H. Saunders, Local Board: B. G. Wilkinson, Chairman; 0. M. John, Sec.; W. T. Knox, B. F. Machlan, H. W. Miller, F. M. Wilcox, W. E. Howell. Administration: Pres., B. F. Mach- lan; Preceptor, F. L. Chaney; Preceptress and Matron, Mrs. M. M. Quantock; Preceptress, Mrs. Edith Bruce; Business Manager, B. F. Machlan. Faculty: B. F. Machlan, Presi- dent, Bible; F. L. Chaney, Eng- lish and Comparative Litera- ture•' S. M. Butler, Bible; C. M. Sorenson, History; C. C. Lewis, Public Speaking; 0. M. John, Science; E. G. Salisbury, • Mathematics; E. F. Alberts- worth, Greek, Hebrew, and Phi- EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. � 205 losophy; Viola Severs, Piano; Mrs. Frances Stratton, Voice, Singing; H. W. Miller, Hygiene, Tropical Diseases; B. B. Smith, Commercial Department; Mrs. Bertha S. Chaney, Normal Di- rector; Mrs. Lenna W. Salisbury, Modern Languages; Mrs. Blanche E. Griggs, Latin; Mrs. Helen M. Williams, Bible Work; Mrs. J. L. Shaw, Missions and Denomina- tional History; Pauline Schil- berg, German; Mrs. Maria Fon- tana Trummer, Spanish; Jessie R. Evans, Asst. in English; J. N. Kimble, Asst. in Science and Mathematics; Ruble M. Owen, Sewing and Millinery; Barbara Knox-Albertsworth, Harmony and History of Music; Mrs. C. M. Sorenson, Intermediate Meth- ods; L. E. Elliott, M. D., Dis- pensary Clinic and Obstetrics; D. D. Beekman, Elementary Den- tistry; Miss Etta Spicer, Art. Industrial Department: B. F. Machian, Supt.; B. B. Smith, Printing; E. C. Wood, Wood- work and Carpentry; Lauretta E. Kress, M. D., Domestic Sci- ence. Special Lecturers: A. G. Daniells, I. H. Evans, W. A. Spicer, IV. T. Knox, J. L. Shaw, G. B. Thompson, B. G. Wilkinson, Frederick Griggs, C. S. Longgere, W. E. Howell, W. W. Prescott, N. Z. Town., M. E. Kern. WATERLOO INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Established 1909. Board: R. S. Greaves, J. A. Dur- ing, H. E. Lynch. Faculty: R. S. Greaves, Mrs. R. S. Greaves, H. E. Lynch. WILLIAMSDALE ACADEMY. Williamsdale East, Nova Scotia. Established 1904. Board of Management: Chairman, J. L. Wilson; Sec., C. L. Taylor; Wm. Wasell, W. G. SteeVes, Frank Solway, Harris Hubley. Administration: Business Manager and Accountant; C. L. Taylor; Matron, Manuella Verge; Pre-- ccptress, Mrs. Gladys Martin; Preceptor, Hubert Martin. Faculty: C. L. Taylor, Principal, Bible, and Mathematics; Mrs. C. L. Taylor, Shorthand and Type- writing; Ida Hannah, New Tes- tament 'History, Mathematics; Hubert Martin, Missions, Sci- ence, and History; Mrs. Gladys Martin, French, Physics, Eng- lish; Manuella Verge, Domestic Science; Vira Milton. Music. PUBLISHING HOUSES. (In alphabetical order.) AVONDALE PRESS. Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia. Established 1899. Manager, J. D. K. Aitken. (This institution is operated as a department of the Australasian Missionary College, most of the work being done by students.) BARCELONA PUBLISHING HOUSE. (Sociedad Internacional de Tratados.) Apartado 492, Barcelona, Spain. Established 1915. • Publishing Board: L. E. Boric. L. P. Tieche, H. H. Dexter, J. Curdy, J. Robert, P.. A. De Forest, L. Zecchetto, Paul Stei- ner, Tell Nussbaum. Periodicals: Sefiales de los Tiem- pos, El Esforzador, and Estu- dios Biblicos. � • BRAZIL PUBLISHING HOUSE. (Sociedade Internacional de Trata- dos no Brazil.) Sao Bernardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Established 1905. Cable Address: "Adventista," SAo Bernardo, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Publishing Board: F. W. Spies, A. Pages, J. Lipke, Guilherme Stein, R. M. Carter. Officers: Manager and Treas., A. Pages. Editors: Rundschau der Adven- tisten, A. Pages; Revista Men- sal, F. W. Spies; Signau Dos Tempos, E. C. Ehlers. 206 BRITISH PUBLISHING HOUSE. International Tract Society, Limited. Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Established 1889. Cable Address: " Hygiene," Gars- ton, Herts, England.. Publishing Board: Chairman, W. T. Bartlett; Manager and Secre- tary, W. E. Read; Directors, W. E. Read, M. N. Campbell, W. T. Bartlett, J. H. Camp, S. Joyce, H. W. Armstrong. Editors: Present Truth, W. ' T. Bartlett; The Missionary Work- er and Church Officers' Gazette, W. E. Read; Good Health, A. B. Olsen, M. L. BUENOS AIRES PUBLISHING HOUSE. " Casa Editora Union Sudameri- cana." Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Established 1897. Cable Address: "Adventist," Bue- nos Aires. Postal Address: Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Publishing Board: J. W. West- phal, R. T. Baer, E. W. Tho- mann, G. E. Hartman, Wm. Kirstein, Edaar Brooks. Manager and Treas., G. E. Hart- man. Editors: El Atalaya, E. W. Tho- mann; assistant, Edgar Brooks • contributing editors, J. W. Westphal, F. L. Perry, E. L. Maxwell, R. T. Baer. La Re- vista Adventista, Edgar Brooks; assistant, E. W. Thomann. PUBLISHING HOUSES. � 207 CANADIAN PUBLISHING AS- SOCIATION. Oshawa, Ontario. Organized 1895. Publishing Committee: A. V. 01- son, F. A. Spangler, J. W. Davis. Officers: Pres., A. V. Olson; Man- ager and Treas., F. A. Spangler. Editor: Eastern Canadian Mes- senger, F. A. Spangler. CHOSEN MISSION PRESS. Seoul, Chosen (Korea). Established 1909. Publishing Board: C. L. Butter- field, Mimi Scharffenberg, L. I. Bowers, Pak Young Tak, Kim Pong Ku. Manager: L. I. Bowers. Editors: Signs of the Times and Church Compass, Mimi Scharffen- berg; associate, C. L. Butterfield. CHRISTIAN RECORD PUBLISH- ING CO. College. View, Nebr. Established 1900. Board of Managers: R. A. Under- wood, M. E. Ellis, H. C. Lacey. S. J. Quantock, W. W. Ruble. Officers: Pres., R. A. Underwood; Sec., Miss Mettie E. Cornell; Treas., Central Union Confer- ence. Periodical': The Christian Record, a monthly magazine for the blind, published in American Braille and New York Point types: Manager, M. E. Ellis; editor, H. C. Lacey. L. N. Muck. Field Missionary Secretary. The Christian Record also has a free circulating' library depart- ment, containing denominational tracts and pamphlets for free circulation among the blind. These tracts are sent to the reader and returned to the of- fice without postage. EMMANUEL MISSIONARY COLLEGE PRESS. Berrien Springs, Mich. Established 1901. Board of Managers: L. H. Chris- tian, J. H. Schilling, W. A. Westworth, C. S. Wiest, E. A. Bristol, Wm. Guthrie, A. J. Clark, J. J. Irwin, J. H. Haughey, C. L. Benson, C. A. Russell, E. F. Peterson, J. B. Blosser. Officers: Manager, C. L. Benson; Assistant Business Manager, Fred Green; Superintendent, Cush Sparks. Editors: Lake Union Herald, F. 0. Rathbun; The Student Move- ment, Olive R. Woodard; Man- ager, E.R. Thiele. FINLAND PUBLISHING HOUSE. Ostra Teatergranden 3b, Helsing- fors, Finland. Established 1897. Corporate name: Aikain Vartija. Publishing Board: Wilh. Sucks- dorff, Sr., 0. Hoglund, N. Ham- mar. Editorial Board: Aikain Vartija and Lialethi, editor, Wilh. Sucksdorff, Sr. HAMBURG PUBLISHING HOUSE. Established 1895. Internationale Traktatgesellschaft in Hamburg, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. 208 � PUBLISHING HOUSES. Cable Address: Advent," Ham- burg. Publishing Board: Chairman, L. R. Conradi; Manager, H. Hart- kop; J. T. Boettcher, H. F. Schuberth, J. G. ()blander, G. W. Schubert, J. F. Huenergardt, 0. E. Reinke, W. Krumm, Dr. E. Meyer; Auditor, G. Woysch. General- Canvassing Agt.: H. Box. Local Committee: H. Hartkop, P. John, W. Lillig, H. Box, H. Berninger, F. Lumnitz, D. Kremer, 0. Worch, W. Krumm, G. Dail, G. Woysch. Editors: Herold der Wahrheit, and Der Advent-Bote, L. R. Conradi; Zionswachter and' Un- ser kleiner Freund, A. Plass; Gute Gesundheit, E. Meyer, M. D., L. E. Conradi, M. D.; Der Protestant and Der Erzieher, H. F. Schuberth; Teekenen des Tijds, J. Wibbens, R. G. Kling- bell; De Werker, J. Wibbens; Hlasatel Pravdy, J. Simon; Sem- nele Timpului and Curierul Misionar, St. Demetrescu, P. R. Paulini, Zianas Sargs, J. Schnei- der; Sioni Wahimees and Sioni Toine, L. Nikkar ; Znaki Czasu, — � Stroz Syonu, Basle Branch. Internationale Traktatgesellschaft, Birmansgasse 31, Basle, Swit- zerland. Managing Board: L. R. Conradi, Chairman; H. Hartkop, W. Se- bald, F. Prieser, W. Miry. Attorney: W. Sebald. Russian Branch. Address: Jefimow & Co., M. Gre- bezkaja ul. No. 4 B., Quartier 41, Petrograd, Russia. Editor: Blagaja Wjestj, J. A. Ljwow. Levant Branch. Internationale Traktatgesellschaft, Ottoman Post, Box 109, Galata, Constantinople, Turkey. Manager: P. Bridde. � • Publishing is done in the follow- ing languages: Arabic, Arme- nian, Armeno-Turkish (Turkish language with Armenian char- acters), Greek, Greco-Turkish (Turkish language with Greek characters), Turkish (Turkish language with Arabic charac- ters). Hungarian Branch. Office: Krisztina Kordt 167, Buda- pest I, Hungary. Manager: W. Koch. Editors: Utols6 Uezenet, J. F. Huenergardt. Evangdliumi mun- Ids, J. F. Huenergardt. Snazi wremena, E. Jo wanowitsch. Si- onska Stracha, R. Wladimir. INTERNATIONAL TRACT SOCIETY. ry Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Established 1898. Managing Board: W. W. Fletcher, I. F. Blue, A. H. Williams, W. S. Mead, A. W. Knight, R. D. Bris- bin. Officers: Chairman, W. W. Fletch- er; Vice-Chairman, I. F. Blue; Sec. and Treas., A. H. Williams; Supt. of Manufacturing Dept., W. S. Mead. Languages in which publications are issued: English, Bengali, Burmese, Gujerati, Panjabi, Hindi, Sgau Karen, Malayalam, Marathi, Santali, Tamil, Telegu, Urdu. Editors: English: Signs of the Times, R. D. Brisbin: associate, W. W. PUBLISHING HOUSES. � 209 • Fletcher. Herald of Health, R. D. Brisbin; contributing, V. L. Mann, M. D.; H. C. Menkel, M. D.; Olive Smith, M. D. India Union Tidings, R. D. Brisbin. Vernacular Magazines: Juga Lak- shan (Bengali), L. G. Mookerjee; Kin Soung (Burmese), C. F. Lowry; Pralai IKalana Chinho (Gujerati), R. E. Loasby; Kal- yug ke Chinha (Hindi), R. D. Brisbin; Present Truth (Malaya- lam), G. 0. Lowry; Pralai gala- chi Chinha (Marathi), R. E. Loasby; Nikalkala Sattium (Tamil), 0. G. Lowry; Present Truth (Telegu), G. G. Lowry; Nishanati-i-Quiyamat (Urdu), F. � Loasby. JAPANESE PUBLISHING HOUSE. Tokyo, Japan. (Owari no Fukuinsha.) Established 1908., Address: 17i Amanuma, Toyotama-Gun, Tokyo, Japan. Manager: A. B. Cole. Field Miss. Sec., H. Stacey. Publishing Committee: B. P. Hoff- man, A. B. Cole, S. Miyake, H. Stacey. Editors: Told no Shirushi, S. Mi- yake; associate editor, B. P. Hoffman; Shimei no Otodzure, B. P. Hoffman. LATIN UNION PUBLISHING HOUSE. Societe Internationale de Traites. Gland (Ct. Vaud), 'Switzerland. Established 1897. Publishing Board: J. Robert, L. P. Tieche, H. H. Dexter, J. Curdy, P. A. De Forest, L. Zecchetto, Paul Steiner, Tell Nussbaum. Editors: Le Messager and Les Signes des Temps, A. Vaucher. Le Vulgarisateur, P. A. De For- est, M. D. MALAYSIAN PUBLISHING HOUSE. 12 Wilkie Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Established 1917. � • Board: The Executive Committee of the Malaysian Union Confer- ence. Superintendent: � MEXICAN PUBLISHING HOUSE. Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Established 1899. Office:- 1420 Avenida 20, Tacu- baya, D. F., Mexico. Cable Address: Verdad, Mexico City, Mexico. Corporate Name: " Compania de Publicaciones, ' La Verdad,' S. A." Officers of Corporation: Pres., W. S. Swayze; Sec., Alfred Cooper; Treas., G. WT. Caviness; Audi- tor, J. W. Erkenbeck. Publishing Committee: Chairman, G. W. Caviness; W. S. Swayze, J. A. P. Green. Editors: Las Senales de los Tiem- pos, G. W. Caviness; associates, E. R. Johnson, C. S. Nicolas. PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION. Mountain View, Cal. Established 1875. Cable Address: " Uprising," Moun- tain View, Cal 210 � PUBLISHING HOUSES. Territory: The Pacific, North Pa- cific, Central, Northern, West- ern Canadian, and West Indian Union Conferences, and the Northern Latin American mis- sion fields. Directors: C. H. Jones, H. H. Hall, H. G. Childs„M. . Wilcox, J. L. McElhany, James Cochran, B. M. Shull. Officers: Pres., C. H. Jones; Vice- Pres., H. H. Hall; Sec. and Treas., H. G. Childs; Au- ditor, J. J. Ireland. General Manager, C. H. Jones; Manager Book Dept., H. H. Hall; Mana- ger Periodical Dept., James Cochran. Advisory Committee: The presi- dents of the Pacific, Central, Northern, North Pacific, and Western Canadian Union Con- ferences; and the presidents of the California, Central, North- ern, Southern, Northwestern, and Southeastern, California Conferences, and Northern Latin American Missions. Publishing Committee: H. H. Hall, C. H. Jones, James Cochran, M. C. Wilcox, J. L. McElhany, F. H. Gage, H. G. Childs, A. 0. Tait, C. N. Lake, C. F. Jones, L. E. 'room. Editors: Signs of the Times, A. 0. Tait, L. E. Froom. Signs of the Times Magazine, A. 0. Tait, L. E. Froom. Our Little Friend, Uthai V. Wilcox. Editors Foreign Periodicals. German: Christlicher Hausfreund, G. W. Erfurth; assistant, B. E. Miller; corresponding, G. F. Haffner, J. T. Boettcher, H. Shultz, J. H. Schilling, C. J. Kun- kel. ,Deutscher Arbeiter, G. W. Erfurth; assistant, B. E. Miller. Zeichen der Zeit, G. W. Erfurth; assistant, B. E. Miller. Danish-Norwegian: Evangeliets Sendebud, C. A. Thorp; assist- ant, M. L. Andreasen; corre- sponding, P. E. Brodersen, L. H. Christian, H. R. Johnson, L. Halsvick. Missionaeren, C. A. Thorp; assistant, H. W. Sher- rig; corresponding, P. R Broder- sen, L. Johnson. Tidens Tegn, C. A. Thorp. Swedish: Sions Vaktarei A. Ver- melin; assistant, J. M. Erikson; corresponding, S. F. Svensson, A. Anderson, S. Mortenson, G. E. Nord. Tidens Tecken, A: Ver- melin; assistant, J. M. Erikson; corresponding, S. F. Svensson, A. Anderson, S. Mortenson, G. E. Nord. Russian: Signs of the Times, Steen Rasmussen; assistant, A. G. Yakovenko. Italian: Signs of the Times, Rosa- rio Calderone. Bohemian: Signs of the Times, L. F. Kucera. French: Signs of the Times, G. G. Roth. Hungarian: Signs of the Times, Steen Rasmussen. Yiddish, The Messenger, F. C. Gil- bert. Kansas City Branch. 1224 Euclid Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Manager: J. R. Ferren. Portland Branch. 719 East Flanders St., Portland, Oreg. Manager: G. C. Hoskin. International Branch. Office: Brookfield, Ill. Manager: S. N. Curtiss. French, Hungarian, Rumanian, Russian, Italian, Bohemian, and Yiddish magazines are issued at irregular intervals by the Pacific Press Publishing Association at Brookfield, Ill. Sabbath. School Quarterlies are published in Russian, Bohemian, Servian, Rumanian, and Italian. PUBLISHING HOUSES. � 211 Canadian •Branch. 1109 Fourteenth St., West, Cal- gary, Alberta, Canada, Box 1599. Manager: J. B. Giddings. Central American Branch. Box 5007, Cristobal, Canal Zone. Panama. Manager: R. E. Bowles. Editorial Dept.: E. R. Johnson. The Pacific Press Pub. Associa- tion handles publications in :French, German, Danish, Swed- ish, Spanish, Russian, Portu- guese, Italian, Hungarian, Yid- dish, Bohemian, Polish, Servian, Rumanian, and the Oriental lan- guages. It also gives special attention to standard school textbooks and juvenile publi- cations. Complete catalogues sent free on application. PHILIPPINE PUBLISHING HOUSE. 14 Calle Luna, Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Islands. Established 1914. Cable Address: " Adventist," Ma- nila. Board: The Executive Committee of the Philippine Union Confer- ence. Manager and Supt., C. N. Wood- ward. Editors: Ang Tanglaw, L. V. Fin- ster; associate, B. R. Pdnis; Mizpa, 0. F. Sevrens; Manga Ba- lita nang Kaluwasan, Dr. C. Fat- tebert. Languages in which publications are issued: Tagalog, -Panayan Visayan, Cebuan Visayan, Iloca- no; Piimpangan, Bicol, Parigasi- nan. REVIEW AND HERALD PUB- LISHING ASSOCIATION. Takoma Park Station, Wash- ington, D. C. Established 1849; incorporated 1861; reincorporated 1903. Cable Address: " Review," Wash- ington. Territory: The Atlantic, Colum- bia„ Eastern Canadian, and Lake Union Conferences. Constituency: The trustees of the corporation; members of the executive committees of the General Conference and the North American Division Con- ference; members of the execu-. tive committees of the Atlantic, Eastern Canadian, Columbia, and Lake Union Conferences, and of each local conference therein, as well as the Union Field Missionary and Union Home Missionary secretaries, the local conference Field Mission- ary, Home Missionary, and Tract Society, secretaries there- in; the editors of the peri- icals published by the Review and Herald Pub. Assn., the managers of the publishing house departments and its branch offices, and such stock- holders of the Seventh-day Ad- ventist Pub. Assn. as donated their stock in said association to the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists prior to Jan. 1, •1905. Board of Trustees: F. M. Wilcox, E. R. Palmer, E. L. Richmond, W. T. Knox, J. L. Shaw, G. B. Thompson, C. S. Longacre, B. F. Machlan, J. W. Mace, L. W. Gra- ham, R. T. Dowsett. Officers: Pres., F. M. Wilcox; Vice- Pres., W. T. Knox; Manager, E. R. Palmer; Asst. Manager, E. L. Richmond; Treas., R. T. Dow- sett; Sec., L. W. Graham. 212 � PUBLISHING HOUSES. Department Managers: Supt., E. L. Richmond; Book Dept.,,J. W. Mace; Periodical Dept., L. W. Graham; Campaign Literature Dept., D. W. Reavis. Editors: Review and Herald, F. M. Wilcox; associates, W. A. Spicer, G. B. Thompson, L. L. Caviness. Youth's Instructor, Mrs. Fannie D. Chase; associate, Miss Lora E. Clement. Life and Health, Dr. H. W. Miller; associate, L. A. Hansen; office editor, Dr. G. H. Heald. Lib- erty, C. S. Longacre; mabaging editor, C. P. Bollman; Sabbath School Worker, Mrs. L. Flora Plummer; associate, Rosamond D. Ginther. Christian Educator, Frederick Griggs; managing ed- itor, W. E. Howell. Church Offi- cers' Gazette, Miss E. M. Gra- ham, Mrs. I. H. Evans. Present Truth, E. R. Palmer; associate, F. M. Wilcox; G. B. Thompson, C. P. Bollman. Book Committee: E. R. Palmer, Chairman; F. M. Wilcox, W. W. Eastman, N. Z. Town, G. H. Heald, D. W. Reavis, E. L. Rich- mond, C. P. Bollman, L. L. Cavi- ness, W. A. Spicer, . B. Thomp- son, W. E. Howell, J. W. Mace, L. W. Graham.. ' � • South Bend Branch. 212 South La Fayette St., South Bend, Ind. Manager: H. H. Rans. New. York Branch. Room 314, 32 Union Square, New York, N. Y. Manager: J. D. Snider. SCANDINAVIAN PUBLISHING HOUSE. Akersgaten 74, Christiania, Norway. Established 1879. Corporate Name: " Skandinavisk Bogforlag." Cable Address: Sundhedsbladet," Christiania, Norway. Publishing Board: J. C. Raft, N. C. Bergersen, 0. J. 0. Rost, Enok Endresen, A. G. Chris- tiansen, Erik Arnesen, C. B. Jen- sen, Chr. Tobiassen. Treasurer: Selma Ringstrom. Editors: Sundhedsbladet, J. C. Ottosen, M. D.; Evangeliets Sendebud and Missionsefterret- finger, Erik Arnesen. Copenhagen Branch. Margrethevej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Corporate Name: Dansk Bogfor- lag. Cable Address: Expedit, Copen- hagen. Treasurer: Chr. Hedeblik. SENTINEL PUBLISHING COM- PANY. Rosemead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa. Established 1894. Publishing Board: W. B. White, W. B. Commin, U. Bender, W. S. Hyatt, 0. K. utler, G. C. Jenks, Mrs. W. B. White, W. E. Straw, I. J. Hankins. Editors: South African Sentinel, I. J. Hankins; editorial contrib- utors, W. B. White, W. S. Hyatt, H. J. Edmed. South African Missionary, Mrs. W. B. White. SIGNS PUBLISHING COM- PANY, LIMITED. Warburton, Victoria, Australia. Established 1905. PUBLISHING HOUSES. � 213 Cable Address: " Signs," War- burton, Victoria, Australia. Manager: W. H. B. Miller. Board: W. H. B. Miller, C. H. Watson, G. S. Joseph, W. J. Westerman, A. G. Miller, C. M. Snow, J. H. Woods. Editor: Signs of the Times and Life and Health, C. M. Snow. SIGNS OF THE TIMES PUB- LISHING HOUSE. Shanghai, China. Established 1905. Postal Address: Box '856, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Factory: 25 Ningkuo Road, Shang- hai, China. Advisory Board: J. E. Fulton (Pres), F. H. DeVinney, J. S. James, F. A. Allum, B. L. Ander- son, J. M. Johanson, F. A. Deta- more, H. M. Blundell, C. E. Weaks. Board of Management: J. E. Shultz (Pres.), W. P. Henderson (Sec.), Dr. A. C. Selmon, Y. Z. King, T. S. Wu, H. W. Barrows, C. C. Crisler. Manager: W. P. Henderson; As- sistant, S. W. Van Trump. Publishing Committee: J. E. Shultz (Chairman and Book Editor), W. P. Henderson, C. C. Crisler, F. A. Allum, H. M. Blunden, S. L. Frost, B. L. Anderson, A. C. Selmon. Reading Committees: For the Man- darin: A. C. Selmon (Chairman), J. E. Shultz, R. F. Cottrell, F. A. Allum, 0. A. Hall. For Wenli: A. C. Selmon (Chair- man), Mrs. J. P. Anderson, N. K. Keh. Editors: Shi Djao Yeuh Bao (The Signs of the Times), J. E. Shultz; Hsing Chwan Luh (The Workers' Record), Geo. Harlow; Asiatic Division Outlook, Mrs. C. C. Crisler; Associate, J. S. James; Office editor, Mrs. W. P. Henderson. SOUTHERN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION. 211g-2123 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Established 1901. Cable Address: � " Watchman." Nashville. Territory: The Southeastern, Southern, and Southwestern Union Conferences. Constituency: The Executive Com- mittees of the foregoing Union Conferences. Board of Managers: S. E. Wight, R. L. Pierce, W. H. Branson, L. A. Smith, L. D. Randall, M. F. Knox, J. W. Christian, W. A. Harvey. Officers:. Pres., S. E. Wight; Vice-Pres., L. A. Smith; Sec. and Treas., 'M. F. Knox; Gen- eral Manager, R. L. 'Pierce; Superintendent, W. A. Harvey; Manager Book Dept., R. L. Pierce; Watchman Circulation Manager, C. E. Hooper. Editors: The Watchman, L. A. Smith; assistant, A. W. Spald- ing; contributors, I. H. Ev- ans, W. A. Spicer, P. T. Megan, C. B. Haynes. Fort Worth Branch. '411 West Railroad Ave., Fort Worth, Tex. Manager: H. R. Gay. Atlanta Branch. 169 Bryan St., Atlanta, Ga. Manager: L. D. Randall. 214 � PUBLISHING HOUSES. SOUTH LANCASTER PRINTING COMPANY. South Lancaster, Mass. Established 1882. Board of Managers: d. K. Jones, C. H. Castle, E. L. Cardey, G. E.• Nord, F. C. Gilbert, M. E. Olsen, P. F. Bicknell, W. E. Bliss, W. W. Rice, M. R. Coon. Officers: Pres., J. K. Jones; Busi- ness' Manager and Supt., L. J. Smith; Treas., C. H. Castle. STOCKHOLM PUBLISHING HOUSE. Gamla Kungsholmsbrogatan 38, Stockholm, Sweden. Established 1895. Corporate Name: " Skandinaviska Forlagsexpeditionen." Directors: Emil Lind, Emil Ah- ren, C. 0. Carlstjerna. Treasurer: A. J. Settergren. Editor: Tidens Tecken and Mis- sionaren, Emil Ahr6n. WASHINGTON MISSIONARY COLLEGE PRESS. Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Board of Managers: College Board. Supt.: B. B. Smith. (This institution is operated as a department of the Washington Missionary College, a large part of the work being done by students.) LIST OF PERIODICALS ISSUED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST DENOMINATION. Advent Review and Sabbath Her- ald; denominational church pa- per, established 1849; 24-page weekly; annual subscription, $2.50; six months, $1.50; two years, $4.50; three years, $6.00. Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park Station, Washing- ton, D. C., editor, F. M. Wilcox; associate editors, W. A. Spicer, G. B. Thompson, L. L. Caviness. The Signs of the Times (lead- ing missionary paper and pro- phetic expositor) ; illustrated 16-page -weekly; annual sub- scription, $1.50; published by the Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Moun- tain View, Cal.; editors, A. 0. Tait, L. E. Froom. Signs of _ the Times Magazine; monthly; sixteen pages and cover; $1.50 a year; published by the Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View, Cal.; editors, A. 0. Tait, L. E. Froom. Tile Watchman: General mission- ary paper and Bible expositor; in illustrated monthly maga- zine; annual subscription $1.50. Editor, L. A. Smith; assistant editor, A. W. Spalding; editorial contributors, I. H. Evans, W. A. Spicer, P. T. Magan, C. B. Haynes; circulation manager, C. E. Hooper. Published by the Southern Pub. Assn., 2123 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. The Youth's Instructor; organ of Young People's Missionary Vol- unteer Dept. of the • General Conference, and contains its Reading Courses, also the S. S. lessons for the youth; 16-page weekly; annual subscription $1.75; six months, $1.00. Pub- LIST OF PERIODICALS � 215 11§hed by the Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C.; editor, Mrs. Fannie D. Chase; associate editor, Miss Lora E. Clement. Liberty: a magazine of religious freedom; an illustrated quarter- ly; organ of the Religious Lib- erty Association; single copy, 10 cents; yearly subscription, 35 cents. Published by the Re- view and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park Station, Wash- ington, D. C.; editor, C. S. Longacre; managing editor, C. P. Bollman. The Present Truth: (devoted to a presentation of the doctrine of the second coming of Christ, and general Bible truth); 16-page semimonthly; annual subscrip- tion, 6s 6d ($1.60); Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England: editor, W. T. Bartlett. The Present Truth: A one-topic 4-page monthly for general mis- sionary purposes; illustrated. Single subscription, 15 cents. Postage extra to foreign coun- tries. Published by the Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma - � � Park Station, Washington, D. C.; editor, E. R. Palmer; associate. F. M. Wilcox, G. B. Thompson,' C. P. Bollman. The Signs of the Times (devoted to an exposition of Bible truth and signs of the times) ; 16-page weekly; annual sub- scription 5s; to countries outside of Australia, and in the Postal. Union, 8s 6d ($2); Warburton, Victoria, Australia; editor, C. M. Snow. Signs of the Times: 24-page monthly; annual subscription, Rs. 2-8 (80 cents); published by the International Tract Society, 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India; editor, R. D. Brisbin; associate editor, W. W. Fletcher. South African Sentinal: (devoted to an exposition of the signs of the tinies and Sabbath truth) ; 16-page monthly; annual sub- scription 2s 6d; to countries out- side of South Africa 2s 6d; editor, I. J. Hankins; editorial contributors, W. B. White, W. S. Hyatt, H. J. Edmed;. pub- lished by the Sentinel Pub. Co., Rosemead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa. Life and Health: National health magazine; an illustrated month- ly; a practical journal for the. common people; yearly sub- scription, $1; no extra charge on foreign subscriptions; pub- lished by the Review and Her- ald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Ed- itor, H. W. Miller, M. D.; asso- ciate, L. A. Hansen; office ed- itor, G. H. Heald, M. D. Life and Health (the Australasian Health Magazine); 64-page bi- monthly; annual subscription, 2s 6d; beyond the common- wealth, 3s; Signs Publishing Company, Warburton, Victoria, Australia; editor, C. M. Snow; contributing editors, Dr. Frank- lin C. Richards, Dr. Eulalia S. Richards, Dr. W. H. James, Dr. T. A. Sherwin, Dr. M. M. Freeman. Good Health (devoted to hygiene and principles of healthful liv- ing); 32-page monthly; yearly subscription, is 6d, postpaid; Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England; editor, A. B. Olsen, M. D. Sabbath School Worker (or- gan of the Sabbath-school De- partment of the General Con- ference) ; 24-page monthly; an- nual subscription, 60 cents; in clubs of two or more, 45 cents; published by the Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C.; editor, Mrs. L. Flora Plummer; associate, Rosamond D. Ginther. Christian Educator (organ of Ed- ucational Department of the, General Conference) ; a magazine published ten times a year; de- 216 � LIST OF PERIODICALS. education, based upon true Christian principles; thirty-two pages; annual subscription $1; published by Review and Herald Publishing Association, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C.; editor, Frederick Griggs; managing editor, W. E. Howell. Sabbath School Quarterly; forty- eight pages; containing the S. D. A. International Sabbath- school lessons; annual sub- scription, 20 cents; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain • View, Cal. Our_ Little Friend (a child's pa- per) ; illustrated 8-page weekly : annual subscription, 80 cents; Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Mountain View, Cal.;_ editor. Uthai V. Wilcox. Bible Students' Library: Send for topically arranged list, to Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Mountain View, Cal. Gospel Herald: 8-page monthly; 25 cents; published at Oakwood Junior College, Huntsville, Ala.; editor, W. L. Bird. Herald of Herald: 24-page monthly; annual subscription, Rs. 2-8 (80 cents) ; � International � Tract Society, 17 Abbott Road, Luck- now,- India; editor, R. D. Bris- bin; contributors, V. L. Mann, M. D., H. C. Menkel, M. D., Olive Smith, M. D. Church Officers' Gazette; sixteen- page monthly, containing in- structions to church officers, and programs for the Home Missionary, and Senior and •I union Missionary Volunteer societies of the churches; an- nual subscriptiOn, sixty eents; published by the Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Editors, Miss E. M. Graham, Mrs. I. H. Evans. Missionary � Leader; � 8- page monthly; (devoted to church Mis- sionary and Missionary Volun- teer programs, Fourth Sabbath . Readings, as well as occasional instruction to our church officers as to their duties) ; editor, Mrs. A. L. Hindson; asst. editor, Miss V. Rogers; published by the Australasian Union Conference, " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. The Christian Record (a paper printed for the blind in Amer- ican Braille and in New York Point) ; � monthly; � thirty-six pages; sent free to all blind persons; published at College View, Nebr.; editor, H. C. La- cey; manager, M. E. Ellis; Field Missionary Secretary, L. N: Muck. The Christian Record Pub. Co. also has a Free Circulating Library Department containing denominational tracts and pam- phlets for free circulation among the blind. These tracts are sent to the reader and re- turned to the office without postage. UNION CONFERENCE PERIODICALS. Atlantic Union Gleaner (official organ of the Atlantic Union Conference); 8-page weekly; 50 cents a year; editor, Miss Pearl L. Rees; published at South Lancaster, Mass. Central Union Outlook; (organ of Central Union Conference) ; 8-page weekly; annual subscrip- tion fifty cents; editor, Miss Mettle E. Cornell; associate editors, W. W. Ruble, Pres. of Union College, Miss. Sec. of Central Union Conference; pub- lished at College View, Nebr. The � Educational � Messenger; 24-page monthly; 75 cents; pub- lished by Union College, College View, Nebr. Columbia Union Visitor; (official organ of the Columbia Union Conference); eight-page week- ly; 50 cents; published at Mt. Vernon, Dhio; editor, Emma S. Silber. Eastern Canadian Messenger: (offi- cial organ of the Eastern Cana- dian Union Conference) ; 4-page weekly; 50 cents•' Oshawa, On- tario; editor, F. A. Spangler. Lake Union Herald (official organ of the Lake Union Conference); 8-page weekly; 50 cents a year; editor,•F. 0. Rathbun; published at Berrien Springs, Michigan, and printed by Emmanuel Mis- sionary College Press. Northern Union Reaper (official organ of • the Northern Union Conference, 2718 Third Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn.) ; 8- page weekly; 50 cents a year in the United States, 75 cents in Canada and foreign countries; published by the Northern Union Conference at Danish-Norwegian Seminary, Hutchinson, Minn.; editor, M. L. Andreasen; corre- sponding editor, W. H. Edwards. North Pacific Union Gleaner (of- ficial organ of the North Pacific • Union Conference); 8-page weekly; 50 cents a year; pub- lished by the North Pacific Union Conference, College Place, Wash.; editor, S. J. Lashier. Pacific Union Recorder (official organ of the -Pacific Union Con- ference) ; 8-page weekly; 25 • cents. Editor, B. M. Emerson; associate editors, E. E. Andross, F. A. Coffin. Published at Glen- dale, Cal. Field Tidings (organ of the South- eastern Union � Conference) ; 8-page weekly; 50 cents. Editor, J. P. McGee. Published by the Southern Junior College at Ooltewah. Tenn. Southern Union Worker. (organ of the Southern Union Confer- ence); 8-page weekly; 50 cents yearly; published by the South- ern Junior College, Ooltewah. Tenn.; editor, J.. P. McGee. Southwestern Union Record (of- ficial organ of the Southwest- ern Union Conference) ; 8-page weekly; 50 cents; publiShed at Keene, Tex.; editor; Z. Rubot- tom; associate editors, C. E. Smith and J. W. Christian. Western Canadian Tidings (of- ficial organ of the Western Canadian .Union Conference) ; 8-page semimonthly; fifty cents a year; published by the Western Canadian Union Conference at Calgary, Alberta; editor, F. L. Hommel, 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The Missionary Worker (official organ of the British Union Con- ference); 12-page monthly; is 6d. per year, postpaid; Inter- national Tract Society, Ltd.. Stanboiough Park, Watford, Herts, England; editor, W. E. Read. 217 218 � LIST OF PERIODICALS. The Gazette; 16-page monthly; published by the International Tract Society, Ltd., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England; . editor, W. E. Read. The Asiatic Division Outlook; organ of the Asiatic Division Conference; subscription price, 75 cents gold a year; semi- monthly; eight pages; editor Mrs. C: C. Crisler; associate editor, J. S. James; office editor, Mrs. W. P. Henderson. Issued at 25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Address: Division Out- look, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Australasian Record (official or- gan of the Australasian Union Conference) ; � 8 - page � semi- monthly; annual subscription 4s; foreign countries 5s; published by the Australasian Union Con- ference, Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia; editor, Mrs. A. L. HindsiM. India Union Tidings: 8-page semi- monthly; Rs. 1;8 (48 cents) a year; official organ of the India Union Mission, 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India; editor, R. D. Brisbin. South African Missionary: 4-page semimonthly; English and Dutch; annual subscription 2s. 6d.• pub- lished by the South African Union Conference of Seventh- day Adventists; editor, Mrs. W. B. White, " Wynnton," Selous Road, Claremont, Cape, South Africa. The West Indian Messenger (or- gan of the West Indian Union Conference); 12-page monthly; 35 cents a year. Box 5007, Cris- tobal, Canal Zone, Panama. LOCAL PERIODICALS. Iowa: The Workers' Bulletin; weekly; 40 cents; Iowa Tract Society, Nevada, Iowa; editor, Mrs. Flora V. Dorcas. SCHOOL JOURNALS. Emmanuel Missionary College Bulletin; quarterly; 32-pages; free; editorial committee: C. L. Benson, and the editorial staff of The Student Movement; pub- lished at Berrien Springs, Mich. The Student Movement; biweekly; 8-pages; 75 cents a year; eigh- teen issues; editor, Olive R. Woodard; published at Berrien Springs, Mich. Oakwood Bulletin; quarterly; pub- lished at Oakwood Junior Col- lege, Huntsville, Ala., in the in- terests of Christian education for the Negro. Southern Junior College; 8-page quarterly; one number during the year is the school calendar (usually about 78 pages); dis- tributed free; published in the interests of the school; edited by Southern Junior College Faculty, Ooltewah, Tenn. Southern Junior College Bulletin;. 4-page bimonthly; distributed free; published in the interests of Southern education in general, and of Southern Junior College in particular; edited by Agnes E. Gray; published at Ooltewah, Tenn. The Student Idea; monthly; 50 cents for nine months; pub- lished,at South Lancaster, Mass. The Sligonian; issued monthly during school year; nine issues; annual subscription 75 cents; published by the Students' Asso- ciation of Washington Mission- ary College, Takoma Park, D. C. FOREIGN PERIODICALS. Arranged alphabetically by languages. BENGALI. Juga Lakshan (Signs of the Times); bimonthly; annual sub- scription, 12 cents; published at 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, Ind- ia; editor, L. G. Mookerjee, Sud- ham aya House, Armanitola, Dacca, India. BOHEMIAN. Znameni Casu (Signs of the Times) ; 28-page quarterly; - 40 cents a year; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; editor, L. F. Kucera. BURMESE. King Soung (Watchman) ; 24-page • quarterly; annual subscription, • 12 cents; published at 60 Lower Kemmendine Road, Rangoon, Burma; editor, C. F. Lowry. CEBUAN. Manga Balita nang Kaluwasan; 24-page quarterly; 10 cents a copy; editor, Dr. Carlos Fatte- bert; published by the Philippine Publishing House, 14 Calle Luna, Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Islands. CHINESE. Shi Djao Yeuh Bao (The Signs of the Times);.28-page monthly magazine; yearly subscription, 75 cents, gold. Issued in Wenli and Mandarin. Editor, J. E. Shultz. Published by the Signs of the Times Publishing House, Box 856, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. In the United States and Can- ada, all orders for Chinese lit-, erature, aside from the paper, should be sent to the Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View, Cal. Hsing Chwan Luh; Church Paper; published monthly at the Signs Publishing House, Shanghai; ' editor, George Harlow, 20 Ning7 kuo Road, Shanghai, China. DANISH-NORWEGIAN. Evangeliets Sendebud; 16-page semimonthly; annual subscrip- tion, kr. 3.00; rate for America, $1.15; Akersgaten 74, Christiania. Norway, and Margrethevej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark; editor, Erik Arnesen, Akersgaten' 74, Christiania, Norway. Missionsefterretninger; � 8 - page mopthly; published as Evangel- iets Sendebud; editor, Erik Arne- sen, Akersgaten 74, Christiania, Norway. Sundhedsbladet (health journal); 24-page monthly; annual sub- scription, kr. 3.00; rate for America, $1.00; Akersgaten 74, Christiania, Norway, and Mar- grethevej 5, Copenhagen, V., Den- mark; editor, J. C. Ottosen, Skodsborg, Denmark. Evangeliets Sendbud; 16-page weekly; annual subscription $2.00; Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; editor, C. A. Thorp; assistant, M. L. Andreasen. Missionaeren; 8-page monthly; annual subscription 60 cents; Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; editor, C. A. Thorp; assistant, H. W. Sherrig. Tidens Tegn; 24-page quarterly; 50 cents; published by Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; editor, C. A. Thorp. Ungdomsbaandet; monthly; 25 cents; published at Hutchinson, Minn., in the interests of the Danish-Norwegian Seminary; editor, Henry Grundset. • 219 220 � LIST OF PERIODICALS. ESTHONIAN. Sioni Wahimees (Zion's Watch- man); sixteen pages; monthly; Rbl. 80; for America, 50 cents; with Sioni Tooline and the Sabbath School Quarterly, Rbl. 1.50, or 80 cents; published by the Internationale Traktatge- sellschaf t, � Grindelberg � 15a, Hamburg, Germany; editor, L. Nikkar. FIJIAN. Rarama; 8-page monthly; annual subscription 2s; published by the Central Polynesian Conference, at Buresala, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. 'FINNISH. Aikain Vartija; 16-page monthly; annual subscription, 50 cents; Ostra Teatergranden 3b, Helsing- fors, Finland; editor: Wilh. Sucksdorff, Sr. Lisalethi; 8-page monthly; annual subscription 25 cents; Ostra Teatergranden 3b, Helsingfors, Finland; editor, Wilh. Sucks- dorff, Sr. FRENCH. Les Signes des Temps (Signs of the Times) ; 8-page monthlly; annual subscription fr. 1.50 (30 cents; foreign 40 cents); pub- lished at Gland (Ct. Vaud), Switzerland; editor, A. Vaucher. Le Messager (The Messenger); 12-page monthly church paper; annual • subscription, fr. 2 (40 cents); Gland, (Ct. Vaud), Switzerland; editor, A. Vaucher. Le Vulgarisateur et Messager de l'Hygiene (Popular Messenger of Hygiene); 16-page monthly health paper; fr. 3.50 (70 cents) ; Gland (Ct. Vaud), Switzerland: editor, P. A. De Forest. Les Signes des Temps (Signs of the Times); 28-page quarterly; 40 cents a year; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; ed- itor, G. G. Roth. GERMAN. Christlicher Hausfreund; 8-page weekly; annual subscription $1.25; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; editor, G. W. Erfurth; associate, B. E. Miller. Deutscher Arbeiter; 8-page week- ly; annual subscription $1:50; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brook- field, Ill.; editor, G. W. Erfurth; associate, B. E. Miller. Die Zeichen der Zeit (Signs of the Times); 28-page quarterly; 40 cents; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; editor, G. W. Erfurth; associate, B. E. Miller. Sabbatschul-Lektionen (Sabbath- school Lessons); quarterly; containing the S. D. A. Sabbath- school lessons in German; annual subscription, 20 cents; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill. Rundschau der Adventisten (Ger- man paper for circulation among S. D. A. churches in South America) ; 12-page month- ly; subscription 65 cents; pub- lished by the Brazil Publishing House, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America; editor, A. Pages. Herold der Wahrheit (Herald of Truth ) ; semimonthly; eight pages; annual subscription, Mk. 2. (60 cents for America); Internationale � Traktatgesell- scha ft, Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg, Germany; editor,' L. R. Conradi. Gute Gesundheit (Good Health); monthly; sixteen pages; an- nual subscription, Mk. 2 (for America, 50 cents); Interna- tionale � Traktatgesellsehaft, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany; editors, E. Meyer, M. D., L. E. Conradi, M. D. Unser kleiner Freund (Our Little Friend); monthly; 16 pages; annual subscription, mk. 1. (for America, 35 cents); Interna- LIST OF PERIODICALS. � 2.21 tionale � Traktatgesellichaft, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany; editor, A. Plass. Der Protestant (The Protestant); religious liberty bimonthly; sixteen pages; annual sub- scription, 80 Pfg. (for Amer- ica, 25 cents); Internationale Traktatgesellschaft, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany; ed- itor, H. F. Schuberth. Der Erzieher (The Educator); educational quarterly; twenty- four pages; annual subscrip- tion, 80 Pfg. (for America, 25 cents): " Internationale Traktat- gesellscha ft, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany; editor, H. F: Schuberth. Der Advent-Bote (The Advent— ist � Messenger) : sixteen-page monthly; annual subscription, Mk. '1.20 (40 cents to Amer- ica): Internationale Traktat- gesellschaft, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg. Germany; editor, L. R. Conradi. GUJERATI. Pralai Kalana Chinho (Signs of the Times) ; 16-page quarterly; annual subscription 12 cents: published at 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India; editor, R. F. Loashy. • HINDI. Kalyug ke Chinha (Signs of the Times) ; 16-page bimonthly; an- nual subscription 12 cents ; pub- lished at 17 Abbott Road. Luck- now, India; editor, R. D. Brisbin. HOLLAND (DUTCH). Teekenen des Tijds (Signs of the Times); monthly; sixteen pages; annual subscription 75' Holl. cents; (for America. 50 cents): Internationale Traktat- gesell seh a ft, (1 rind elbere 15a, Hamburg. Germany; editors, J. Wibbens, R. G. Elingheil. De Werker (The Worker); six- teen pages; quarterly church paper for Holland and Flem- ish Belgium with the Sabbath- School Quarterly, 80 Holl. cents; (for America, 35 cents); Internationale � Traktatgesell- schaft, Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg, Germany; editor, J. Wibbens. De Wachter (a Dutch translation of the " South African Senti- nel") ; 16-page monthly; annual subscription 2s 6d; editor, Hankins, Rosemead Ave., Kenil- worth, Cape. South Africa. HUNGARIAN. Utolso Uezenet (The Last Mes- sage); sixteen pages; monthly missionary paper; subscription price 1.50 crowns; (for Amer- ica, 50 cents) ; with Evangeliu- mi munkAs, and Sabbath- school Quarterly, 3.00 crowns, or for America, 80 cents; edi- tor, J. F. Huenergardt; pub- - 'haled by the VallAsos Iratok Nemzetkozi KiadOhivatala, Krisz- tina Kora 167, Budapest I, Hun- gary. Evangeliumi munkAs (Gospel Worker); monthly; eight pages; for circulation among believers in Hungary; edited and published as the paper noted above. Az Idok Jelei (Signs of the Times) ; 28-page quarterly; 40 cents a year; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; editor, Steen Rasmussen. ITALIAN. L'Ultimo Messaggio; 16-page • monthly; L. 1.50 per annum in Italy; 40 cents to United States; editor, L. Zecchetto, Italy, Pos- tale 218, Florence, I Segni dei Tempi (Signs of the Times) ; 28-page quarterly; 40 cents a year; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; editor, R. Calderone.- 222 � LIST OF PERIODICALS. JAPANESE. Toki no Shirushi; 32-page month- ly; annual subscription $1; pub- lished by the Owari No Fukuin- sha, 171 Amanuma, Suginami- mura, Toyotarna-gun, Tokyo, Japan; editor, S. Miyake; asso- ciate editor, B. P. Hoffman. Shimei no Otodzure (Tidings of the Message); 8-page monthly; annual subscription 30 cents; ed- itor, B. P. Hoffman; published by the Owari No Fukuinsha; ad- dress as above. KOREAN. Seijo Walbo. (The Signs of the Times) ; 28-page monthly; sub- scription 50 cents; published by the Signs of the Times Press, Seoul, Chosen; editor, Mimi Scharffenberg; associate, C. L. Butterfield. Kyo Hae Chin-Nam (Church Com- pass); 16-page monthly; annual subscription 30 cents; published by the Signs of the Times Press, Seoul, Chosen; editor, Mimi Scharffenberg; associate. C. L. Butterfield. LETTONIAN. Zianas Sargs (Zion's Watchman); 16 pages; monthly; illustrated; RH. SO. for America, 50 cents; editor. .1. Schneider. Grindel- berg lfia, Hamburg. Germany. Sabbath-school Quarterly; Rbl. 40, or 20 cents a year; editor, J. Schneider; published by the Internationale � Traktatgesell- schaft, at Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. MALAY. Oetoesan Kebenaran; quarterly; published at 21 Sawohlaan, N. fl., Weltevreden, Java, Dutch East Indies; editor, Melvin Mun- son. MALAYALAM Present Truth; 24-page quarterly; annual subscription 10 cents; published at Madras, South-• In- dia; editor, G. G. Lowry. MARATHI. Pralia Kalachi Chinha (Signs of the Times) ; 16-page • quarterly; annual subscription 12 cents; published at 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India; editor, R. E. Lousby. POLISH. Znaki Czasu (Signs of the Times) ; sixteen pages; mis- sionary paper, eight numbers annually; price 85 pfg., or for America, 35 cents per annum; editor, — —, published by the Internationale Traktatge- sellschaft, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. St/15z Syonu (Zion's Watchman); sixteen pages; quarterly- church paper; price 50 pfg., for Amer- ica, 20 cents; published by the Internationale � Traktatgesell- schaft, Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg. Germany;.editor, � PORTUGUESE. Revista Mensal; .8-page monthly; annual subscription 50 cents; pUblished by the Brazil Pub. House. Estacilo Sao Bernardo. S. P. B., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Allierica; editor, F. W. Spies. Signaes Dos Tempos; quarterly; missionary organ for the Portu- guese. Published as above. RAROTONGAN. Tuatua-Mou; 8-page monthly; an- nual subscription 2s; editor, G. L. Sterling; published by the Eastern Polynesian Mission, Ra- rotonga, Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean. RUMANIAN. Semnele Timpului (Signs of the Times); � monthly; � sixteen pages: missionary paper; sub- scription price. Fr. 2.00 (to America. 50 cents); with Cur- ierul Mislonar and the Sabbath- . LIST OF PERIODICALS. � 223 School Quarterly, Fr. 3.75 (to America, 80 cents); editors, St. Demetrescu and P. R. Paul- ini ; published by the In- ternationale Trakt a tgesellschaft, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- many. RUSSIAN. Blagaja Wjestj (Message of Grace); 8 pages; monthly mis- sionary paper; subscription price -Rbl. 1.—, for America, 50 cents, with Supplement, Rbl. 1.80 (for America, 80 cents); published in Petrograd, Russia, by Jefimow and Co., M. Gre- bezkaja ul. No. 4B, Quartier 41; editor, J. A. Ljwow. Znamenie Wremeni (Signs of the Times) ; 8-page monthly; annual subscription $1; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill. SAMOAN. Tali Moni (The Truth) ; month- ly; eight pages; annual sub- scription 2s; published by the Central Polynesian Conference, at Buresala, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. SERVIAN. Snazi wremena (The Signs of the Times); sixteen-page quar- terly missionary paper; price —.60 crown; for America, 20 cents; editor, E. Jowanowitsch; Servian S. S. Lesson Quarterly and Sionska Stracha; sixteen- page quarterly church paper, or Servian Worker," 1 crown, 50 heller per annum; for Amer- ica, 40 cents; editor, R. Wladi- mir; published by the Vallilsos Iratok NemzethiSzi Kiaddhiva- tala, Krisztina Kora 167, Buda- pest I, Hungary. SPANISH. . Las Sefiales de los Tiempos; il- lustrated; 32-page monthly; de- voted to the exposition of the prophecies, Bible doctrines, and health and temperance topics; annual subscription (in Mexico), $2; outside of Mexico, $1.25 United States money; editor, G. W. Caviness, 1420 Avenida 20, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. El Atalaya; 16-page monthly; 75 cents a year; published by the Casa Editora Union Sudameri- cana, Florida, F. C. C. A., Bue- nos Aires, Argentina, South America; editor, E. W. Tho- mann; assistant, Edgar Brooks. La Revista Adventista; 16-page monthly; annual subscription 75 cents; Florida, F. C. C. A., Bue- nos Aires, Argentina, South America; editor, Edgar Brooks; assistant, E. W. Thomann. Sefiales de los Tiempos; 16-page monthly; annual subscription two pesetas; to foreign coun- tries, 50 cents; editor, F. S. Bond, Apartado 402, Barcelona, Spain. El Esforzador; four-page monthly journal; 25 cents; address Apartado 492, Barcelona, Spain. Estudios Biblicos; quarterly; Sab- bath-school lessons for the en- tire Spanish field; published as above. SWEDISH. Sions Vaktare; 8-page weekly; an- nual subscription $1.50; Pacific. Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Dl.; editor, A. Vermelin; associate editor, J. M. Erikson. Tidens Tecken; 28-page monthly; annual subscription $1; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; editor, A. Vermelin; associate editor. J. M. Erikson. • Tidens Tecken; 8-page semimonth- ly; antival subscription, kr. 2.50; rate for America, $1. Gamla Kungsholmsbrogatan 38, Stock- holm, Sweden; editor, Emil Ahrdn. 1Vlissionaren (with S. S. lessons for adults and children) ; • 12- page monthly; kr. 1.50 (70 cents for � America) ; Skandinaviska 224 � LIST- OF PERIODICALS. - Forlagsexpeditionen, Gamla Kungsholmsbrogatan 38, Stock- holm, Sweden; editor, Emil Ahren. TAGALOG. Ang Tanglaw; 36-page monthly; editor, L: V. Finster; associate editor, B. R. PAnis; 50 cents gold, a year; 14 Calle Luna, Pa- say, Rizal, Philippine Islands. Mizpa; 6-page monthly; church paper; editor, 0. F. Sevrens; 15 cents gold, a year; 16 Calle tuna, Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Islands. TAHITIAN. Tiarama (The Light); 8-page monthly; annual subscription 2s; editor, G. L. Sterling; assist- ant and translator, Mrs. A. Deane; issued by the Eastern Polynesian Mission, at Raroton- ga, Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean. TAMIL. Nikalkala Sattium (Present Truth); 24-page quarterly; an- nual subscription 10 cents; pub- lished at Madras, India; editor; G. G. Lowry. TELEGTJ. Present Truth; 24-page quarterly; annual subscription 10 cents; published at Madras, India; ed- itor, G. G. Lowry. TONGAN. Talafekau Mooni; 8-page monthly; annual subscription 2s; trans- lator, Vai Vaemola; issued by the Central Polynesian Confer- ence, at Buresala, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. URDU. Nishanat-i-Quiyamat (Signs of the Times); 24-page bimonthly; annual subscription 12 cents; published at 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India; editor, F. H. Loasby. YIDDISH. The Jewish Messenger; 28-page quarterly; . 40 cents a year; Pa- cific Press Pub. Assn., Brook- field, Ill.; editor, F. C. Gilbert. SUMMARY. C1eneral Periodicals � 24 Union Periodicals � 20 Local Periodicals � 8 Foreign Periodicals � 82 Total � 134 LANGUAGES. The languages in which denom inational publications of all kinds are issued are the following: — Amoyese � • Ibanag � Rumanian Arabic, � Icelandic � Russian Armenian � Ilocano � Ruthenian Arm eno-Turkish � Italian � Samoan Atchinese � Japanese � Santali Battak � Javanese � Sechuana Bengali � Java-Malay � Servian Bicol � Kafir (Rosa) �Sesuto Bohemian � Karen ( Sgau) �Shanghai Bulgarian � Kij ita � Sintebele Burmese � - Kipare � Slavonian Cantonese � Kisuaheli � Slovakian Cebuan � Kizanaki � Soenda Chinyanja � Korean � Spanish Chitonga � Laplandish � Swedish Croatian � Lettonian � Syriac Danish-Norwegian � Lithuanian � Tagalog Dutch � Luo � Tahitian English � Malay � Tamil Esthonian � Malayalam � Telegu Fijian � Mandarin � Tigrinya • Finnish � Manyanja � Tongan Flemish � 1\ la ori � Turkish French � Ma rathi � Urdu (Persian) German � Niue � Urdu (Roman) Greek � Pan jabi � Welsh Greco-Turkish �Pampangan � Wendic Gujerati � Panayan � Wen] i Hawaiian � Pangasinan � Yiddish Hebrew � Polish � Zulu Hindi � Portuguese � Total, 94. Hungarian � Rarotongan SUMMARY OF DENOMINA- TIONAL LITERATURE. Issued in 94 Languages. No. Pages Value Papers � 134 30,038 $ 76.91 Books � 562 137,294 558.48 Pamphlets 364 25,639 43.49 Tracts 1,648 23,069 25.62 Totals 2,708 216,040 $704.50 225 DIRECTORY OF SANITARIUMS. (Arranged alphabetically.) ADELAIDE SANITARIUM. Barker Road, Nailsworth, Ade- laide, South Australia. Established 1908. Operated by the Sydney Sanita rium and Benevolent Associa- tion, Ltd. -Local Board of Management: W. G. Turner, L. A. Butler, W. Ver- coe, Jr., G. S. Fisher, Mrs. Clapp. Matron: Mrs. Clapp. BOULDER-COLORADO SANITA- RIUM. Boulder, Colo. Established 1896. Board of Directors: R. A. Un- derwood, A. T. Robinson, E. L. Austin, F. H. Weber, M. D., W. A. Gosmer, H. A. Green, M. D., E. J. Baker. Officers of the Board: R. A. Un- derwood, Pres.; H. A. Green, M. D., Vice-Pres.; E. J. Ba- ker, Sec. and Treas.; H. B. Steele, Business Manager. Executive and Finance Commit- tee: H. A. Green, Medical and General Supt.; E. J. Baker, Sec. and Treas. Medical Faculty: H. A. Green, M. D.; Kate Lindsay, M. D.; F. H. Weber, M. D.; Mary Jack- son Weber, M. D.; E. E. Farns- worth, Chaplain. Nurses' Training School: Supt. and Sec., Ruth Lloyd Flower. CAPE SANITARIUM. Plumstead, Cape, South Africa. Established 1904. Board of Trustees: W. B. White, J. P. Casey, W. B. Commin, U. 226 Bender, I. J. Hankins, and Miss Ida To mason. Officers: W. B. White, Chairman; J. P. Casey, Treas. Medical Faculty: H. J. Williams, M. D., Supt.; Miss Ida Thoma- son, Matron and Head Nurse; J. P. Casey, Business Manager. CATERHAM SANITARIUM. Surrey Hills Hydro, Caterham Valley, England. Established 1903. Board of Managers: Dr. A. B. Ol- sen, W. T. Bartlett, S. 0. Haughey. Officers: Chairman, S. G. Haughey;. Sec. and Treas., A. B. Olsen. Medical Superintendent: A. B. Olsen, M. D.; Matron, Miss J. Bacon. CHRISTCHURCH SANITARIUM. Papanui, Christchurch, New Zealand. Board: F. H. Letts, G. A. Brand- stater, S. H. Amyes, T. W, Ham- mond, G. S. Fisher, F. Grubb. Manager: G. A. Brandstater. CHRISTIANIA HEALTH HOME. Akersgaten 74, Christian, Norway. Established 1900. Corporate Name: " Kurbadet." Superintendent: C. M. Scott. SANITARIUMS. � 227 FLORIDA SANITARIUM. Orlando, Fla. Established 1908. Legal Name: "The Florida San- itarium and Benevolent Asso- ciation." Trustees: A. R. Sandborn, L. T. Crisler, W. H. Branson, L. L. An- drews, M. D., J. E. 'Cruze. Officers: Pres., A. R. Sandborn; Sec., Dr. L. L. Andrews; Treas. and Business Manager, L. T. Crisler. Medical Staff: Supt., L. L. An- drewg, M. D.; Head Nurse, Mrs. J. H. Thorne; Matron, Miss Jes- . sie. Roper. FRIEDENSAU SANITARIUM. Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg, Germany. Established 1899. "Deutscher Verein fiir Gesund- heitspflege: " Legal organiza-. tion for holding the Friedensau property. Trustees: L. R. Conradi, Presi- dent; W. Krumm, Manager; Dr. E Meyer, H. F. Schu- berth, J. G. Oblilnder, J. T. Boettcher, H. Hartkop, 0. E. Reinke, J. F. Huenergardt. Members: E. Frauchiger, G. W. Schubert, J. Erzberger, L. Ma- the, W. Prillwitz, E. Bahr, H. Fenner, K. Sinz, J. Wolf- garten, F. GOtting, F. Prieser, D. P. Gaede, 0. Schwenecke, J. Seefried, H. Mayer-Bartschy, R. Schillinger, 0. A. Janert, R. G. Klingbeil, J. Wibbens, M. H. Wentland, -F. Gruber, J. Muth, E. Gugel, H. Bar, P. Drinhaus. Officers: Pres., L. R. Conradi; Vice-Pres., W. Krumm; Sec., — —, Auditor, G. Woysch. Medical Faculty: Supt., Dr. E. Meyer; Head Nurses, Joseph Esser, Miss M. Forster. � . Officers: Matron, Miss Helene Bartel; Business Manager, Chr. Wetzel; Treasurer, C. Banas. Old People's Home. Address: Friedensau, Post Gra- bow, Bez. Magdeburg, Germany. Managed by the Board of Trus- tees -for the institutions opera- ted in behalf of the interests of the German Union Conferen- ces. GLENDALE SANITARIUM. Glendale, Cal. Established 1905. Business Manager: C. E. Kimlin. Faculty: H. F. Rand, M. D., Wm. J. Johnson, M. D., John Warren, M. D., Josie Shryock-Warren, M. D.; Supt. of Nurses' Training School, Julia A. White, M. D.; Supt. of Nurses, Daisy Lee Hard- ing; Matron, Miss Ruth Culver- house; Chef, E. W. Culver; Chaplain, G. A. Snyder. GOOD HEALTH ASSOCIATION, LTD. Incorporated 1903. Office: Stanborough Park, Wat- ford, Herta, England. Trustees: M. N. .Campbell, W. T. Bartlett, S. G. Haughey, W. H. Meredith, H. E. Armstrong, J. J. Gillatt, A. E. Bacon, R. Mussen, S. Joyce, G. Wakeham J. C. Steward, J. H. Camp, H. W. Armstrong, Dr. A. B. Olsen, Dr. C. H. Hayton. Officers: Chairman, M. N. Camp- bell; Secretary, A. B. Olsen, M. D.; Treas., W. T. Bartlett. IOWA SANITARIUM. Nevada, Iowa. Established at Des Moines, Iowa, in 1899. � (Removed and es- tablished at Nevada, Iowa, in 1909. Reincorporated June 15, 1915.) 228 � SANITARIUMS. Corporate Name: " Iowa Sani- tarium and Benevolent Associa- tion." Board of Managers: A. R. Og- den, Pres.; W. C. Foreman, Sec. and Treas.; H. W. Barbour, M. D., J. H. Minnick, J. C. Bar- cus, R. L. Mantz, M. D., V. B. Watts. Faculty: H. W. Barbour, M. D., Medical Supt.; Olive Pippy, M. D.; W. C. Foreman, Business Manager; Hannah Larson, R. N., Matron. KANSAS SANITARIUM. Wichita, Kans. Established 1902. Board of Trustees: M. Lukens, President; Robert L. Stokes, M. D., Secretary; H. S. Osterloh, J. E. Ogden, T. J. Watkins, E. T. Wilson, W. A. McCroskey, H. A. Schneider, W. H. Clark. Local Board: M. Lukens, Robert L. Stokes, M. D., H. S. Osterloh, J. E. Ogden. Faculty: Robert L. Stokes, M. D., Medical Superintendent, Busi- ness Manager; Mrs. L. R. Bird- well, R. N., Supt. of Nurses; L. R. Birdwell, R. N., Head of Men's Bath and Gymnasium; Valley D. Hawpe, R. N., Matron; Rebekah Simon, Dietitian; Floy M. Humphrey, Bookkeeper; J. M. Row, M. E.; E. E. Dunham, Chaplain. KIMBERLEY BATHS. 7 Cheapside, • Kimberley, South Africa. Established 1901. Board of Trustees: Executive Committee of the Cape. Con- ference.. Manager: G. W. Webb. LAKE GENEVA SANITARIUM. (Sanatorium du Leman.) Gland, Ct. Vaud, Switzerland. Established 1904. Corporate Name: " Societe Phil- anthropique de la Ligniere." Board of Directors: L. P. Tieche, Jules Robert, P. A. De Forest, Paul Steiner, G. Delapres. Officers: Pres., L. P. Tieche; Sec. and Treas., J. Robert. Local Board: J. Robert, P. A. De Forest, Paul Steiner, George Weber. Physician: P. A. De Forest, M. D. Matron: Mrs. E. Robert. LOMA LINDA SANITARIUM. (Incorporated with College of Medical Evangelists.) Loma Linda, Cal. Established 1905. Board of Trustees and Officers: (Same as for Loma Linda Col- lege, which see.) Medical Staff: A. W. Truman, M. D., Medical Superintendent; W. A. George, M. D.; E. H. Risley, M. D.; J. J. Weir, M. D.; A. D. Butterfield, M. D.; Zenobia Nightingale, M. D.; Mary C. Mc- Reynolds, M. D. MADISON SANITARIUM. Madison, Wis. Established 1902. Board of Trustees: C. S. Weist (Pres.), P. L. Larson (Sec. and Business Manager), W. T. Lind- say, M. D., Arthur Belding, G. M. Pflugradt, W. J. Walter, Chas. Johnson. Medical Faculty: SANITARIUMS. � 229 NATAL HEALTH INSTITUTE. 126 Longmarket St., Pietermaritz- burg, Natal, South Africa. Established 1908. Manager: C. H. Shaw. NEBRASKA SANITARIUM. College View, Nebr. Established 1894. Board of Managers: J. S. Rouse, Pres.; R. A. Underwood, J. D. Shively, F. C. Dean, A. Lovell, R. R. L. Carson, L. R. Johnson, Ly- man Middaugh, Herbert Camp- bell. Medical Staff: J. D. Shively, M. D., Medical Supt.; Eva M. Shively, M. D.; Miss Ida C. Johnson, R. N., Supt. of Nurses; C. A. Skinner, R. N. Faculty: J. D. Shively, M. D. Eva M. Shively, M. D., R. L. Carson, Business Manager, C. A. Skinner, R. N.; Miss Ida C. Johnson, R. N.; Miss Clara Mc- Clellan, R. N., Miss Della Smith, L. F. Trubey, Chaplain. NEBRASKA SANITARIUM. Hastings, Nebr. Established 1908. Board of Directors: J. S. Rouse, Pres.; R. A. Underwood, J. D. Shively, F. C. Dean, A. I. Lovell, R. L. Carson, L. B. Johnson, Ly- man Middaugh, Herbert Camp- bell. Faculty: F. C. Dean, Medical Su- perintendent;, Edna A. Reed, R. N., Supt. of Nurses; F. M. Ras- mussen, R. N., Sec., and Bath Room Manager; Mrs. F. C. Dean, R. N., Bath Room Matron; A. F. Kirk, Chaplain and Busi- ness Manager. NEW ENGLAND' SANITARIUM. Melrose, Mass. Established 1899. Officers: Pres., R. D. Quinn; Sec., H. K. Presley; Treas., W. A. Ruble, M. D.; Supt., W. E. Bliss, M. D.; Chaplain, S. E. Norton; Matron, Mrs. F. W. Munn. Medical Faculty: W. E. Bliss, M. D.; W. A. Ruble, M. D.; J. A. Pines, M. D.; Clara M. Schunk, M. D.; Supt. of Nurses, Miss Leonora Lacey. OAKWOOD SANITARIUM. Huntsville, Ala. Established 1910. Board of Managers: Oakwood Junior College Board. Faculty: Miss Etta Reeder, Super- intendent; J. I. Beardsley, Busi- ness Manager. PARADISE VALLEY SANI- TARIUM. National City, Cal. Established 1906. Board of Directors: Pres., E. E. Andross; Vice-Pres., W. F. Mar- tin; Sec., B. M. Emerson; B. E. Beddoe, L. M. Bowen, H. F. Rand, M. D., 0. S. Parrett, M. D., S. A. Smith..D. D. S., C. E. Kimlin, M. M. Hare, E. G. Ful- ton, W. D. Salisbury, J. A. Bur- den. Local Board: Chairman, W. F. Martin; Medical Supt., 0. S. Parrett, M. D.; Business Mana- ger; J. A. Burden, S. A. Smith, D. D. S., C. F. Falkenberg. Training School Faculty: Medical Superintendent, 0. S. Parrett; Supt. of Nurses, Mrs. 0. S. Par- rett, R. N.; Secretary, J. A. Bur- den; Matron, Mrs. J. A. Burden; L. M. White, M. D., Dr. Alpha- nette Goff, M. D., Miss R. E. .230 � SANITARIUMS. Hannaford, Miss Helen Epp, Mrs. F. W. Patterson, R. N., V. M. Toppenberg, R. N., V. J. Mailer- nee. PORTLAND SANITARIUM. East Sixtieth and Belmont Sts., Portland, Oreg. Founded 1893; reorganized, 1902; became an institution of the North Pacific Union Conference, 1906. Board of Directors: C. W. Flaiz, President, R. W. Nelson, Secre- tary and Treasurer, H. W. Decker, H. W. Cottrell, J. J. Nethery, G. F. Watson, J. F. Pi- , per, J. A. Rippey, J. W. Nor- wood. Officers and Medical Faculty: R. W. Nelson, Supt. and Business Manager; W. B. Holden, M. D., Medical Director; H. C. Nelson, M. D. House Physician; W. T. Hilgert, Chaplain; Miss Frances Ellis, Head Nurse; Mrs. L. M. Phelps, Matron. RIVER PLATE SANITARIUM. (Sanatorio Adventista del Plata.) Puiggari, F. C. E. R., Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. Established 1909. Board of Managers: J. W. West- phal, R. H. Habenicht, G. B. Replogle, Lillian Voris, 0. H. Maxson, H. U. Stevens, Ernesto Roscher, W. W. Wheeler. Medical Faculty: Director, R. H. Habenicht, M. D.; G. B. Rep- logle, M. D. Officers: Medical Supt., R. H. Habenicht; Business Manager, 0. H. Maxson; Sec. and Treas., 0. H. Maxson. SHANGHAI SANITARIUM. 16za Bubbling Well Road, Shang- hai, China. Established 1917. Officers: Medical Supt. and Busi- ness Manager, Dr. C. C. Landis; Asst. Supt., Dr. Bertha Selmon; Treas., W. I. Hilliard. Board: Dr. C. C. Landis, Chairman; J. E. Fulton, F. A. Allum, Dr. A. C. Selmon, Dr, Bertha Sel- mon, K. H. Wood, J. G. White. Local Board: Dr. C. C. Landis, Chairman; K. H. Wood, Dr. A. C. Selmon, Dr. Bertha Selmon, W. I. Hilliard. SKODSBORG SANITARIUM. Skodsborg, Denmark. Established 1897. Officers: Director, J. C. Ottosen. M. D.; A. C. Christensen, Busi ness Manager and Treasurer; Chr. Hansen, Inspector. Medical Faculty: J. C: Ottosen, M. D.; N. P. Nelson, M. D.; Jensine Iversen, M. D.; A. An- dersen, M. D. INTERNATIONAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION, LTD. Stanborough Park,' Watford, Herts, England. Directors: S. G. Haughey, J. H. Camp, C. H. Hayton, M. D., E. H. Marsh, G. Wakeham. Manager, Sec., and Tress: J. H. Camp. STANBOROUGH PARK SANI- TARIUM. Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Established 1912. Board of Managers: Dr. C. H. Hay- ton, G. Wakeham, W. H. Mere- dith. SANITARIUMS. � 231 Officers: C. H. Hayton,Sec. and Treas.; Medical Supt., H. Hay- ton, M. D., F. R. C. S.; Matron, Miss Wagstaffe. ST. HELENA SANITARIUM. Sanitarium, Napa County, Cal. Established 1878. (Operated by the California Med- ical Missionary and Benevolent Association.) Board of Directors: J. L. McEl- hany (President), C. E. Rice, C. W. Irwin, L. M. Bowen, H. Mc- Dowell, E. R. Rhymes, R. Rose, Claude Conard, C. H. Jones, F. B. Jones, J. A. Stevens, E. E. An- dross. Officers: F. B. Jones, M. D., Med- ical Superintendent; C. E. Rice, Treas. and Business Manager; L. V. Roberson, Secretary and Assistant Treasuhr; Miss Helen N.-Rice, R. N., Training School Secretary and Lady Head Nurse; J. W. Blackwelder, Gentleman Head Nurse; Mrs. J. L. Ings, Matron; H. McDowell, Steward; S. T. Hare and W. W. Steward, Associate Chaplains. Medical Staff: E. Burton Jones, M. D.; Ida S. Nelson, M. D.; Elsie B. Merritt, M. D.; L. H. Butka, M. D.; C. R. Campbell, M. D.; Lenore D. Campbell, M. D. The. California Medical Mission- ary and Benevolent Asociation also operates the following: — Sanitarium Vegetarian Cafeteria: 714 Market St., San Francisco, Cal.; R. F. Moore, Manager. St. Helena Sanitarium Food Com- pany: Sanitarium, Cal.; R. Rose, Factory Superintendent. Sanitarium Mercantile Company: Sanitarium, Cal.; E. R. Rhymes, 'Manager. City Office: Room 312, Magee Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. SYDNEY SANITARIUM AND BENEVOLENT -"ASSOCIATION. Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. Organized 1903. Constituency: L. D. A. Lemke, C. Rosendahl, C. H. Watson, J. M. Cole, A. W. Anderson, C. H. Pretyman, W. J. Westerman, W. G. Johanson, G. S. Fisher, T. A. Sherwin, A. J. Dyason, R. Lov- ett, W. L. H. Baker, J. Hindson, A. G. Waugh. Board of Trustees: Pres., C. H. Watson; Sec., G. S. Fisher; Treas., W. 0. Johanson, C. H. Pretyman, T. A. Sherwin; A. J. Dyason, L. D. A. Lemke. SYDNEY SANITARIUM. Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Established 1902. Board: C. H. Watson, Dr. T. A. Sherwin, A. J. Dyason, C. H. Pretyman, G. S. Fisher, W. 0. Johanson, L. D. A. Lemke. Medical Faculty: T. A. Sherwin. M. B., Ch. M., Sydney; M. M. Freeman, M. B., Ch. M., Syd- ney; • Manager, G. S. Fisher; Matron, Mrs. Elsie Shannan; As- sistant Manager, T. J. Dowling; Chaplain, W. J. Smith. TRI-CITY SANITARIUM. Moline, Ill. Established 1900. incorporated as " Northern Ill- inois Medical Missionary and Sanitarium Association." Board of Trustees: J. H. Schilling, L. E. Elliott, H. H. Todd, L. H. Christian, E. A. Warner, H. W. Grimm, Andrew Christianson. W. A. Marsh, Jr. 232 � SANITARIUMS. Officers: Pres., J. H. Schilling; Sec., H. H. Todd, Auditor, A. N. Anderson. Medical Faculty: Supt., L. E. El- liott, M. D.; House PhysiCian, E. A. Warner, M. D.; Supt. of Nurses, M. A. Tippett. Business Manager, L. E. Elliott; Asst. Business Manager, H. W. Grimm. WABASH VALLEY SANITA- RIUM. La Fayette, Ind. Established 1906. Board of Directors: W. A. West- worth, W. C. Dunscombe, T. A. Goodwin, Walter Gettys, R. W. Hostetler, M. C. Guild, F. R. Eastman. Officers: Pres., W. A. Westworth; Sec. and Treas., W. C. Duns- combe. Faculty: Medical Superintendent, W. C. Dunscombe,•M. D.; House Physician, A. G. Larson, M. D.; Superintendent of Nurses, C. E. Garnsey, R. N., Chaplain, C. L. Taggart; Manager, F. R. East- man; Assistant Manager, 0. C. Warner; Matron, Miss Fancheon Roth; Accountant, R. M. Harri- son. WALLA WALLA SANITARIUM. College Place, Wash. Established 1905. Board of Directors: J. J. Nethery, John Reith, M. D., F. W. Peter- son, A. Anderson, S. A. Miller, L. F. Burdoin, George Krieger. Medical Staff: John Reith, M. D., Superintendent; W. B. Holden, M. D., Associate Physician; Miss Mabel R. Shaffer, Matron. WARBURTON, SANITARIUM. Warburton, Victoria, Australia. (Operated by the Sydney Sanita- rium and Benevolent Associa- tion, Ltd.) Established 1910. Local Board: W. H. B. Miller, W. H. James, A. G. Wise, G. S. Fisher, W. J. Westerman. Medical Supt.: W. H. James, M. D. Matron: Mrs. A. G. Wise. WASHINGTON, SANITARIUM. Takoma Park Station, Washing- ton, D. C. Dedicated June 12, 1907. Corporate Name: " Washington (D. C.) Sanitarium Associa- tion." Constituency: The Executive Com- mittees of the General Confer- ence and of the following Con- ferences: Columbia Union, Ches- apeake, Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, West Penn- sylvania, Virginia, West Vir- ginia, District of Columbia, the Board of Directors, and the physicians hi the employ of the. Washington (D. C.) Sanitarium Association. Board of Directors: Chairman, W. T. Knox; See., H. W. Miller; I. H. Evans, F. M. Wilcox, B: G. Wilkinson, R F. Machlan, W. A. Spicer. Officers: Pres. and Treas., W. T. Knox; Business Manager and Sec., H. W: Miller; Asst. Busi• ness Manager, E. L. Workman. Medical Faculty: Supt., H. W. Miller, A. B., M. D.; J. W. Hop- kins, M. D.; Geoffrey Williams, M. D.; Lauretta Kress, M. D.; Chaplain, Stewart Dime; E. L. Workman; Lola G. French, R. N.; M. B. Bensel, J. L. Strawser, R. N.; L. A. Carr, R. N. TREATMENT ROOMS. Calcutta, India.— Sanitarium. Treatment Rooms, 75 Park St.; J. H. Reagan, Manager. (Under supervision of India Union Mis- sion.) Established 1900. Guadalajara, Mexico.— Guadalajara Medical Mission, Avenida Libertad 747, Guadalajara, Mexico; owned and operated by Mexican Mission; Alice M. Swayze, M. D., in charge. Honolulu, Hawaii.— Treatment Rooms; C. R. Webster. Los Angeles, Cal.— Sanitarium Treatment Rooms, 417 West Fifth St. (Under supervision of Sanitarium Assn. of S. D. A. of Southern California) H. F. Rand, M. � Physician in charge. Mussoorie, India.— Sanitarium Treatment Rooms, Grey Castle, Mussoo- rie, India. F. A. Wyman, Manager. (Under supervision of India Union Mission.) Established 1908. Nanning, Kwangsi, China.— Nanning Dispensary, Superintendent, Dr. • Law Keem. Simla, India.— Simla Hydro, " Belvedere," Simla, India, Dr. H. C. Men- kel, M. D., Manager. Established 1915. Soonan, Chosen.— Dispensary, Director, Dr. Riley Russell. Washington, D. C. Washington Sanitarium Mission Hospital, 1252 Sixth St., S. W.; Medical Director, Geoffrey Williams, M. D. Washington Sanitarium Treatment Rooms, 1713 I St., N. W.; Medical Director, H. W. Miller, M. D. FOOD COMPANIES. British Health Food Factory.— The International Health Association, Ltd., Stnnborough Park. Watford, Herts, England. Directors: W. C. Sisley, Dr. C. H. Hayton, J. H. Camp, E. H. Marsh, S. G. Haughey, G. Wakeham. Sanitarium Health Food Company.— 75 Park St., Calcutta, India. (Under supervision of India Union Mission.) Established 1900. Colorado Sanitarium Food Co.—Boulder Colo. (a department of Boulder- Colorado Sanitarium). H. B. Steele, Manager. Denver Branch, 614 Fifteenth St., Denver, Colo. J. G. Weller, Manager. Copenhagen Food Factory.— Baldersgade 14, Copenhagen, L., Denmark; Business Manager, Chr. Hansen. German Health Food Factory.— Deutscher Verein Fuer Gesundheits- pflege, Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg, and Cam- pestrasse 18, Hamburg, Germany. Manager, W. Krumm. Berlin Branch, Hauptstrasse 9, Berlin-Schoneberg, Hamburg Branch, Grindelberg 13a, Hamburg, Germany. Nebraska Sanitarium Food Co.— College View, Nebr.; R. L. Carson, Business Manager. 233 234 � FOOD COMPANIES. Sanitarium Food Company.— Operated by the St. Helena Sanitarium; R. Rose, Factory Superintendent, Sanitarium, Cal. Swedish Food Factory.— Legal Name: "Hillsofodovarufabriken." • Ad- ' dress: Foreningsgaten 9-11, Viisteras, Sweden; Officers: Emil Lind, K. M. Stanzdn, A. J. Settergren. Sanitarium Health Food Company.—Head Office, 306-308 George St., Sydney, N. S. W., Australia. Factory, Cooranbong, N. S. W. Board: W. 0. Johanson, L. D. A. Lemke, G. S. Fisher, C. H. Watson, C. H. Pretyman, Dr. T. A. Sherwin, A. J. Dyason, Manager, G. S. Fisher. CAFES. Adelaide Café.— 19 Grenfel St., Adelaide, South Australia; Manager, L. A. Butler. Auckland, New Zealand.— Strand Arcade, Auckland, New Zealand; Manager, W. Wilton. Brisbane, Queensland.— 186 Edward St.; Manager, Miss E. M. Cooper. Christchurch, New Zealand.— Sanitarium Health Food Depot, 86 Cashel St., West, Christchurch, New Zealand. Manager, T. W. Brown. Los Angeles, Cal.—Vegetarian Cafeteria, Third and Hill. Sts.; Manager, E. G. Fulton. Melbourne, Victoria.— 422-424 Little Collins St., Melbourne; Manager, C. G. Buik. Perth, West Australia.— Sanitarium Health Food Depot, 103 William St., Perth; Manager, P. Otto. San Francisco, Cal.— Vegetarian Cafeteria, 714 Market St.; under supervision of St. Helena Sanitarium; R. F. Moore, local manager. Sydney, N. S. W., Australia.— 306-308 George St., Sydney; Manager, G. S. Fisher. Wellington, New Zealand.— 83 Willis St.; Manager, A. Cambie. SURVEY OF THE FIELDS FOR 1917 For the Year Ending Nov. i, 1917. . � - The following pages contain a brief review of some of the work ac- complished during the past year throughout the various fields outside the North American Division Conference, prepared by those in charge. This report indicates some of the blessings which have attended the efforts put forth by the workers laboring in these lands. Nothwithstand- ing the untoward conditions which have quite generally prevailed throughout the world, it is refreshing to note the progress that has been realized, and the confidence and courage expressed by the workers. Before taking up other fields, a brief sketch of the work in the North American Division Conference will be in place. NORTH AMERICAN DIVISION CONFERENCE. The total membership Sept. 30, 1917, was 87,073; tithe received for the four quarters ending September 30, 1917, $1,942,888.84; foreign mis- sion offerings for the same time, $885,508.80; other offerings, $451,434.68; total funds, $3,279,832.32. The number of evangelistic laborers Sept. 30, 1917, were 2,667. The number of persons baptized during the four quar- ters ending Sept. 30, were 8,494. The book and periodical sales for the period above indicated were $1,364,903.65. EUROPEAN DIVISION CONFERENCE. Owing to the war, it is impossible in this survey to give the sum- mary for Europe further than a few general items. Elder L. P. Tieche, president of the Latin Union Conference, reports increased tithes and offerings in southern Europe. By this means, and- by the reduction of laborers owing to calls into national service, the Latin Union has been of late self-supporting. Naturally, aggressive work has been much interfered with. Some public efforts with results are reported from Switzerland. The church in Paris has now a hundred members, and good attention is being given public services in one of the best halls in the city. The church in Lisbon, Portugal, numbers eighty, and arrangements have been made for better meeting quarters. The British Union has had a special burden thrown upon it of caring for the work in the African mission fields outside of South African ter- ritory. The believers in Great Britain have largely increased their gifts to missions. In the Harvest Ingathering campaign, which is a new enter- prise with them, over $4,000 was gathered, as compared with less than $1000 the year before. Beyond local resources, however, the African work calls for about $15,000 appropriations. In May, Elder M. N. Campbell, of Canada, accepted the presidency of the British Union. Brother W. R. White, who had long been connected with the publishing interests at Watford, returned to America, later sailing for Panama to take the secretary- and treasurership of the West Indian Union. Notwithstand- ing the stressed conditions in these times; the publishing house has been able to.turn out a large volume of publications, and the sanitariums, at Watford and Caterham, have had liberal patronage. 235 236 � SURVEY OF THE FIELD. Indirectly we hear of many conversions to the truth in central Euro- pean fields. In the early part of the year the regular round of confer- ences were held and were largely attended. The publishing house in this territory was issuing a record volume of material which the believers were selling in the field. During January and February the secretary of the General Conference attended conferences in these parts. The Scandinavian Union reports an excellent year. In March their annual union committee meeting was held at Skodsborg, all the com- mittee being in attendance. in March and April the general meeting and colporteurs' institute for Sweden was held at Nyhyttan. Through July and August the president of the union attended a series of general meetings so located as to cover the area of the churches in the three kingdoms. In August he attended a conference in Finland, the first held since the war in Europe. The publishing work greatly prospered during the year. Summing up the eyangelistic outlook, Elder Raft says: " Our evangelists are all busy in their public labors, and the prospects are the very best. Generally speaking, the attendance at public meet- ings and the interest to hear the message have never been so good as now. The people seem weary of the thought of war and its terrible re- sults, and many are led to ask what all these things mean. Tithes and donations are ever increasing." The turn of affairs in Russia, bringing liberty to meet freely and engage in evangelistic work, enabled the churches in that field to call a general meeting in August, in the city of Saratov. The following mes- sage of greeting was sent to the General Conference and the believers in other lands: — " The East and West Russian Union Conferences in session in the city of Saratov, to the General Conference Committee of Seventh-day Adventists, Washington, D. C.: Greeting: " Referring to your fatherly greeting and counsel, our combined con- ferences of the East and West Russian Unions in session voted that the following resolution be sent to the- General Conference Committee: " 'Greetings to our fathers in the message, and brethren in the truth in America, and by them to all our brethren in the entire world: "`The Lord has done great things for his people in Russia. He has sent deliverance to the captives, and our tongues are full of praise. Glory, glory and adoration to him alone. " We were made very happy and our hearts were made very tender as we received your kind letter, seeing in this, that a chain of love and truth unites us in that hope of the eternal gospel as a people. In the spirit of this faith, and in the interest of the oneness of the work and the progress of the message, we found it necessary of late, and seem- ingly unavoidable, to reorganize according to the general rules, so as to unite us even more fully with one another. " 'We assure you that we shall use the precious moments of time, and the freedom both civil and religious, only to the honor of God and to the blessings of our fellow men, without regard of confessions, per- sons, nations, or languages. Together with you and with all of our brethren in the whole world, we desire to go hand in hand until the work of God will be finished on earth in great glory. For your fatherly care, counsel, and prayers shall we ever be thankful. " Peace, grace, and love remain forever with you all. 0. E. Reinke, "`[Signed for the conferences] � H. J. Loebsack, • J. F. Ginter.' SURVEY OF THE FIELD. � 237 " The combined union committees voted that Brother 0. E. Reinke take charge of the great Siberian Union and represent in the whole the General Conference. H. J. L. J. F. G." Following this meeting, Brethren 0. E. Reinke and J. F. Ginter vis- ited Siberia, holding meetings as far eastward as Vladivostok. European Division Mission Fields. The news from the Levant has been very meager. Elder F. F. Oster has continued at Tabriz, reporting conditions generally fairly well set- tled, but not sufficiently so to warrant re-establishing the work at Maragha, the former headquarters in Persia. Elder George Keough has been the one foreign minister in the Egyp- tian missions. Sierra Leone.— No change in the working staff is reported from Si- erra Leone, West Africa. Early in the year Brother and Sister R. S. Greaves made a trip to the new Matamp mission in the Timne country, where Dr. and Sister E. W.-Myers are in charge. Sister Greaves re- ported: • " Dr. and Sister Myers have' a substantial four room house, with walls of cement and roof of corrugated iron. As he had to superin- tend the building and do a large part of the work himself, it is well that he knew how. In the mission compound there is a native house for the teacher, a dispensary, and a mud-walled thatched house for meetings and school. People come from thirty miles distant to receive help at the dispensary. In spite of Mohammedan opposition and heathen persecu- tion some souls are found faithful. While we were there two were bap- tized as the first fruits of this mission. About twelve were keeping the Sabbath." Nigeria.--During the last year Brother and Sister Ernest Ashton, of England, have been fellow workers with Elder D. C. and Mrs. Babcock and the West African helpers. In the early summer Elder Babcock re- ported twenty-five or thirty in the baptismal classes at Ipoti, which brings the membership at that station up to 160. The mission at Shee, near Ilorin, has had over a hundred in attendance on the Sabbath. In March Elder Babcock made a trip northward 550 miles to Kano, the end of the Nigerian railway. The daily attendance at the Kano market is about 20,000 people. Great caravans of camels from the desert districts come in daily. The country around reminded Elder Babcock of the plains of Nebraska and Kansas in the early days. The situation ap- pealed strongly for missionary operations. " What can we accomplish," wrote our brother, "with a few inexperienced men and seventeen million people to warn? " Late in the year Brother Babcock fell ill with a trop- ical difficulty, and was compelled to leave the field with his family. As they neared England their ship was torpedoed, and only after much suffering from exposure in the lifeboats were the passengers rescued. The British Union Committee call for a man to go down as soon as pos- sible in 1018 to take Elder Babcock's place, while-he seeks recovery in England. British East Africa.—On account of break in communications few re- ports have come from this field. Elder A. A. Carscallen, superintendent, wrote in August of the baptism of thirty-four converts at the Kama- gambo station. These were results of work in various stations. He reported a hundred names in the baptismal classes. The school at the Gendia station, where Brethren B. L. Morse and L. Lane are located, is prospering, with many good out schools. Wire Hill mission was left with only a native worker in charge. Brother and Sister Alfred Matter 238 � SURVEY . OF THE - FIELD. have been kept especially busy with medical work at Kaniadodo. Brother E. B. Phillips reports more interest than ever before in his school at Karangu, where some have been baptized. Brother A. Watson is at Rusinga, and reports a good school. Victoria Nyanza.—Few reports have come through from this region. Brother V. E. Toppenbe'rg and wife, being of Danish citizenship, were able to hold to the stations on the Lake Victoria Nyanza until the war in German East Africa had entirely passed beyond the range of our missionary operations. In the region of the Victoria Nyanza they report eleven or twelve stations, with over 2,000 students, amidst which they were the only foreign workers. Much against their wills they were com- pelled to leave early in 1917, both Brother and Sister Toppenberg having been ordered a furlough in 1914 on account of their health. They there.: fore came on to South Africa, thence to the United States. Late in the year the South African Union Conference had selected two workers, Brother P. Smailes, of the Transvaal, and Brother Ira Evenson, of the Cape province, to go up into the Victoria Nyanza region, to endeavor to conserve the school and mission enterprises there. Belgian Kongo.—Brother D. E. Delhove, formerly connected with the East African missions, being a Belgian, was called to service in the Congo State, and while engaged with the government took up the study of one of the Congo dialects, and hopes to begin work in the Congo when times are settled. ASIATIC DIVISION CONFERENCE. C. C. Crisler, Secretary. During the past year encouraging progress has been manifest in every one of th seven Union Conference organizations within the territory of the Asiatic Division. The world war has affected the work very seri- ously in some of our fields; nevertheless, there has been a decided ad- vance in each, and the officers of the Division thank God and take cour- age. During the year many important general meetings were held, and the visits of Pastors Daniells, Knox, Town, and Griggs to tbese meetings and to numerous centers where a foothold has been gained, brought cheer and strength to the laboring forces in every field. The first session of the Division Conference, held in Shanghai, April 5-25, 1917, gave opportunity for perfecting the organization of the Di- vision, and of some of the Unions, and the laying of broad plans for the proclamation of gospel truth to the waiting millions into more than half the population of the globe; for our Division -has a total population of 914,334,339. Australasia. The most encouraging feature of the year's development in the Australasian Union Conference, is the healthy growth that has been realized in membership. With this has come even more than a propor- tionate gain in tithes and offerings, the amount per capita being $35.16. This added strength in members and in financial resources makes pos- sible the continuance of the ever-broadening mission work in the Islands of the South Seas. The budget for this portion of the Division is met wholly by the brethren and sisters of the Australasian Union, at an annual outlay of several thousands of pounds. Many precious souls are being won from heathenism by our faithful workers stationed in the isles of the sea. Let us pray that God may. continue to add his signal blessing to those who are stationed at the lonely outposts.. SURVEY OF THE FIELD. � 239 India and Burma. In a marked manner God is preparing the way for a. wonderful yet quick work throughout the India Union Mission field. The past has been a time of faithful preparation and of seed-sowing. Today a goodly number of our foreign force in India and Burma are well alonr, b the way to a working knowledge of one of the vernaculars so difficult to acquire, yet so essential to the highest success. Progress is being made by way of self-support of all native work hereafter, but it is not yet known positively when this shall be fully attained. Many are working toward this end. As in India, so in Burma, perhaps the most crying need is a constituency sufficiently strong to share very largely the burden of the native work. And yet with the almost countless multitudes in teeming India, those in the homelands who have given the native work liberal support thus far will surely wish to continue to share the burden of evangelizing that heathen land. Two couples, H. L. Peden and wife, and E. M. Meleen and wife, sailed from America to start language study preparatory to entering upon vernacular work. The first fruits from among the Malayalam people of South India have been received. Some have been baptized, while others are waiting. A church has been organized in the city of Madras. A new station has been opened at Hapur, North India. Macedonian calls for workers are coming in from Gujerati in West India and the Telegu country in the South. Malaysia. Pastor Detamore and his associates in the Malaysian Union have been hoping for much from their Singapore Training School. Their field is so scattered, and yet so densely populated, that many workers are required. Some now in the training school may be privileged soon to see pioneer service in Siam and Celebes. Much must be made of the book and period- ical work, as by means of the printed page as well as through conse- crated evangelists, the Malayan peoples can be quickly warned, and the way prepared for the coming of Jesus. Financial provision has been made for establishing a publishing house at Singapore. The outlook for Malaysia in the circulation of literature is very encouraging. A field secretary to lead out in this line of work has reached the field. Philippines. The untiring efforts of those who have been laying foundations for a strong, aggressive, evangelistic advance in the Philippine Union, are now being rewarded in manifold ways. A number of language areas are being systematically worked by trained corps of native evangelists, Bible workers, and colporteurs. Special blessing is resting upon those conducting tentmeetings and selling our books. A leader for the book work reached the field the last of 1917 and entered upon his work. The Philippine Training School is now in a position to offer many advantages to those who are desirous of entering some line of service. China. In the reorganization of the Asiatic Division field, the greater portion of China, excluding Manchuria, was divided into two Unions — the South China Union, with headquarters at Hongkong; and the North China Union, with headquarters at Hankow. Many favoring providences have combined to make the outlook for the China field exceptionally bright. No great gains can be reported in membership for the past year, yet there has been some gain, and the morale of the native laboring forces has been decidedly strengthened. The local and general meetings were made occasions of genuine spiritual refreshing and of learning the better 240 � SURVEY OF THE FIELD. how to labor together with God for the salvation of the heathen. Broad, constructive plans have been devised looking toward partial self-support. In China all signs point toward the early extension of the third angel's message into unentered portions of the Chinese republic through the development of interests that have sprung up in the province of Chekiang, Kiangsi, Shensi, Yunnan, and Kansu. Ours is a time of seed- sowing combined with reaping. The Master of the vineyard is preparing the way marvelously for the rapid proclamation of the closing gospel message to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, and in perhaps no other land of our Division has this been so markedly manifest during the past year, as in China. And well may this be; for in the China territory, including both Unions, there. are 390,991,651 people, or nearly a fourth of the population of the entire globe. East Asia. Japan, Korea, and Manchuria now form the East Asian" Union Con- ference, with Pastor J. M. Johanson in charge. Since the election of Pastor F. H. DeVinney as one of the Vice-Presidents of the Division, Pastor B. P. Hoffman has had charge in Japan. The year has been one of encouraging progress, especially along the lines of strengthening the churches already established, and of placing the literature work on a more nearly self-supporting basis. These statements regarding Japan are equally true of the Chosen (Korea) Conference, where Pastor C. L. Butterfield is in charge. Korea is the second portion of the Division territory, outside Australasia, to be organized into a local conference known as the Chosen Conference. Later Japan followed, and is now conducting its work as an organized conference. In Manchuria, where the Mission has not been established many years, the Mukden compound has been completed, and a most desirable chapel property has been re- ceived in the old Tartar City. During the year the East Asian Union work has been developing most encouragingly. THE AUSTRALASIAN UNION CONFERENCE. C. H. Watson, President. The development of the work in the Australasian Union during 1917 has been interesting and encouraging. Both in the home fields and the island mission fields steadily progress has been made. The latest statis- tics show that there were 498 baptisms reported during the twelve months ending at June 30, 1917, while the increase in tithe for the same period was $11,595.47. The tithe per capita shows an increase of four shillings and four and one half pence as compared with the previous fiscal year. It now stands at $21.92, including mission fields. This, in spite of the trying times and financial stress, is certainly striking. The change in the organization of our mission fieds effected at our 1916 council hasnow got fairly into operation and is proving a great blessing. The placing of direct responsibility upon the workers in the fields has resulted in more earnest effort and intelligent interest being manifested by those on the spot, consequently greatr effectiveness ac- companies -their labors. At our 1917 council held in September, Pastor C. H. Parker presented a cheering report of the newly organized Central Polynesian Conference. In each of the three groups it comprises, the workers had seen results from their efforts and were of good courage. In Niue or Savage Island, which is also included in this conference, the work is taking deep root and the first church is about to be organized. SURVEY OF THE FIELD. � 241 The work among the Indians in Fiji is beginning to bear fruit, and the prospect is so bright that an urgent call, was presented for a man to connect with this effort. Brother Dudley Meyers has been appointed to meet this call. Having been born in India he already has the lan• guage. The needs of the work in the Eastern Polynesian Mission made it impossible for Pastor F. E. Lyndon to attend the council. He reports satisfactory progress in each part of his field. Our enterprising brethren on Pitcairn have succeeded in building a small schooner and making the long journey to Tahiti. This has broken the isolation of the past two years. Aggressive efforts are planned for the coming year and the Paumotas Island ere this should be hearing the third angel's message from Brother R. M. Adams (late of Pitcairn) if plans have carried. Preparations are now being made for the opening of a training school for this mission. It is to be established at Rarotonga, in the Cook group, under charge of Pastor G. L. Sterling. A small printing plant is being established in connection with this enterprise and both the Rarotongan paper Tuatua Mou and the Tahitian paper Tiarama will be prepared. printed and published there from the beginning of 1918. Similar steps are being taken in the Central Polynesian Conference. At our training school aeBuresala, a plant will be established and the Fijian, Samoan, and Tongan papers will be published from this center hereafter. For several years all these papers have been printed and published at the Avondale Press, young people from the various groups being brought there to assist in their production. With the transfer of the papers to the local fields, these young people, having completed their training, will return to their island homes to assist in the printing of the papers and in other ways. We believe that these changes will mark the opening of a new era in our island work. In July our little mission boat " Melanesia " sailed on her maiden voyage to her field. Great interest is taken in her work, and our young people's societies have made remarkably successful efforts in raising funds for her construction and support. Now that shipping is so scarce and the running of trading vessels is becoming so infrequent, the means of transit provided by the " Melanesia " will be particularly helpful. Our work in the Solomon Islands has made rapid growth and devel- opment which can only be described as marvelous. A company of natives — the first fruits — is now being prepared for baptism, and it is expected that this ordinance will shortly be administered. From many localities calls come to our missions, for teachers. We now have native converts in training to labor for their own people, and it is hoped that ere long some of these calls may thus be met. In several instances local tribes have cleared the ground and erected native build- ings in anticipation of the help arriving. A similar situation exists in the New Hebrides, which group is also included in our Melanesian Mission. On the large island of Malekula, where about two years ago Pastor C. H. Parker entered territory—on which the white man had never before set his foot, we have a wonderful interest among the cannibal tribes of the highlands on the west coast. Certainly the Spirit of God has wrought marvelously here. The last mail received brought us tidings that Brother and Sister Norman Wiles had just spent a week among these people. Cannibal bands had united in building a home for the missionary and in this the week was spent. Every kindness that heathen men knew how to render was shown to our brave missionaries, and earnest were the pleas that they might re- main with their dark skinned friends. Before this year closes we hope to send out a young couple to this group in order that Brother and Sister 242 � SURVEY OF THE FIELD. Wiles may be relieved from theii present post to meet this wonderful opening. � • In New. Guinea our workers toil on in faith, still waiting for the fruit which is so long in appearing: They are of good courage. Educational.' A call from the. Asiatic Division Conference led to our releasing Pas- tor J. M. Johanson from the Australasian Missionary College (Avondale) in order that he might take the presidency of the East Asian Union Con- ference. Pastor L. D. A. Lemke has been called to preside over our col- lege. The importance of this branch of our work is becoming more gen- erally appreciated, and we have a fine class of young people availing themselves of the-opportunities it offers. There is a most encouraging awakening, too, on the part of parents to the importance of our church school work. Calls for the establishment of schools are coming more rapidly. than we can supply the teachers. A number of schools have been opened during the year. The Darling Range School and Oroua Missionary School are both doing good work. The management of these remains unchanged. Medical. Work. The Sydney Sanitarium has found in 1917 the best year of its experi- ence. A splendid patronage, a good spiritual atmosphere and faithful efforts of consecrated physicians and staff have won unprecedented suc- cess both spiritually and financially. Many minor improvements have been made. These have added to its efficiency and attractiveness. An influence goes out, from this institution, which reaches from one end of the Commonwealth to the other. Men of high official and political po- sitions have been among its patrons. Our three smaller sanitariums have also enjoyed satisfactory patronage. Health Food Work. Our health food and café work has similarly met with remarkable success. The large café in the heart of Sydney passed from the experi- mental stage in a few weeks from the date of its opening. The accom- modation is"daily taxed to the utmost by an appreciative patronage. The health food sales continue to increase, and a further enlargement of our factory is to be made immediately. In Melbourne,' the second largest city in Australasia, new and more central and commodious premises have been secured in order to meet the increasing business. In each of the other centers where our cafés are operating similar success is attending the efforts of our workers. Publishing Work. Our book men have had a busy and successful year. Unprecedented difficulties have had to be met in shortage of freight, high prices and scarcity of materials. These, however, have but proved to be oppor- tunities for God to manifest his providential care over this department of his work. Our agents have toiled bravely and successfully, placing 24,531 copies of our large subscription books with the people. More than two thirds of these were religious books, the remainder being medical works. Magazine sales have been good, and there has been a record sale of our smaller books and tracts. .The circulation of the Signs of the Times remains at about 14,000 copies. SURVEY OF THE FIELD. Sabbath Schools. The work of our Sabbath school department has met with success in each of the three main efforts put forth: 1. The membership has grown encouragingly; 2, The offerings have increased; 3. The les- sons are being studied more earnestly. Our present membership is 8,217, being 563 more than that at June 30, 1916. The offerings were $2,404.36 in excess of those of the previous year, and totaled $21,804.84, all of which was donated to the Asiatic Division Conference. Evidence of the interest manifested by our Sab- bath school members is found in the fact that 23 per cent were perfect in attendance. MissiOnary Volunteer Department. Encouraging progress has been made in this important department of our work. The enrollment is now 3,384. The movement has ex- tended to• our mission fields, and we now have societies established in Fiji, Cook group, Society Islands, Tongan group, Norfolk Islands, and at the two centers of our work for the Australian aborigines — Mona- mona and Burnt Bridge. The amount raised by our young people for foreign missions this year reached the large total of $9,562.98. A splendid interest continues in the doctrinal studies and reading courses, while 296 members are enrolled for the standard of attainment courses. Home Missions Department. A strong effort is being made to arouse the rank and file of our mem- bers to active service. In the states where this department is already strongly organized very encouraging results are evident. Prospects of similar success in other local conferences are good, and we believe that ere long a united effort to " finish the work " will extend from one end of our Union to the other. Truly God is blessing and prospering his people and his work, and we have every reason to be of good cheer. INDIA UNION MISSION. W. W. Fletcher, President. The population of the India Union Mission is given by the statisti- cians as three hundred and twenty millions. The territory of this Union Mission comprises India, Burma, and Ceylon. The Union is divided into five local divisions, bearing the following names: North India, Bengal, Bombay Presidency, South India, and Burma. Ceylon is included in the territory of the South India Division. North India. At the biennial session of the Union Mission held at Calcutta in Jan- uary, 1917, the Northwest India Mission was united with the North India Mission. In this large division of the field there are about 112,- 000,000 people. Urdu and Hindi are the leading languages spoken. There has been a large increase in the amount of literature circulated in these :t \ V 0 tongues. A new station has been opened at Hapur, United Provinces, where Pastor. n M. Mattison is laboring. Land was secured 244 � SURVEY OF THE FIELD. and buildings erected for a girls' school and zenana home. Another mis- sion is opened at Chichoki Mallian in the Punjab, and a bungalow is being erected for Brother F. H. Loasby, who is to pioneer with the gospel in that district. Station work is being operated at Simla and Chuhar- kana in the Punjab, and at Lucknow, Rai Bareli, Najibabad, and Mus- soorie in the United Provinces, thus making eight stations in all in the North India Mission. Bengal. Good progress is being made in Bengal. A school for Bengali boys has been opened at Calcutta, with Pastor L. J. Burgess and wife in charge. Both this school and the Bengali Girls' School, which is con- ducted by Sister Della Burroway, are having a good attendance of prom- ising students, and are doing much to strengthen the cause in this needy field. The benefit of the school work is already being seen. The work in East Bengal is making steady progress. During the year Brother L. G. Mookerjee was ordained to the gospel ministry, the first of our Bengali brethren to be set aside in this way. Brother and Sister C. C. Kellar are now in charge of the Santali station at Karmatar. Brother W. H. Stevens is engaged in the study of the Bengali language, preparatory to leading out ,in the sale of vernacular literature in this mission. Bombay Presidency: A new district is being opened in this field by Brother R. E. Loasby, Who has passed the second year's examination in the Marathi language, and is seeking a location in the vicinity of Manmad. Brother R. A. Thrift has been appointed to the Bombay field to take charge of the vernacular literature work, preparatory to which he will study the Marathi language. Through the efforts of the superintendent of the mission, Pastor G. W. Pettit, there has been a large increase in the sale of Marathi and Gujerati literature. Pastor W. R. French returned home on furlough at the close of the year, and the English city effort is now being conducted by Pastor Pettit. Pastor M. D. Wood and wife are pressing on with the work at the Kalyan station. where a number of • improvements have been made during the year. Burma. Brother R. A. Beckner is beginning new work in the Bassein country,. with very encouraging results. A number of Burmans have already ac- cepted the truth, and the outlook for the establishment of a strong church in this section is very promising. Brother W. Carratt is located at Monywa, where he plans to begin evangelistic work. The workers of the Burma mission are putting forth persevering efforts to acquire the languages of the field, and good progress is being made in this direction. Brother H. A. Skinner has been appointed to take charge of the native literature work, and is studying Burmese with that in view. The train- ing school at Meiktila continues to act a useful and important part in the development of the work in this promising field. There have been a good many conversions to the truth at the school this year. The force of Burmese workers in all branches is increasing in number and in efficiency. South India. The work of this mission has sustained a loss in the transfer of Pastor J. S. James to another field, he having been called to Shanghai to act as vice-president of the Asiatic Division Conference. Although this mission has a very slender force of foreign workers steady progress is being made. Several stations are under the care of Indian workers, who are laboring with great zeal and faithfulness. The work in Travancore SURVEY OF THE FIELD. � 245 among the Malayalam people is becoming established. Thirty-three per- sons have been baptized in that field during the year. Brother E. D. Thomas, a Tamilian, has been ordained to the gospel ministry, being the first of our native brethren in this mission to be set aside to that work. The work at Madras continues to prosper. Pastor P. C. Poley is still in charge of that effort. Brother and Sister W. G. Woodward have been appointed to labor in Travancore, and have commenced the study of the Malayalam language. General. The income of the India Union Mission is gradually increasing, so that the mission is now able to undertake to conduct a great deal of the native work from funds received within the field. It is noticeable that in all sections of the field consecrated native workers are being developed on whom more and more responsibility can be laid. During the year our force of Adventist 'teachers has been greatly strengthened, partly by the conversion of some who were not of our faith, and more largely by a number of our own young people having completed a training for this work. In the printing press at Lucknow the following languages have been added to the list of those in which we are producing literature from our own factory: Punjabi, Gujerati, and Burmese. JAPAN CONFERENCE. B. P. Hoffman, President. An institute for our canvassers and workers, and a general meeting attended by about a hundred and forty believers was held October 25 to November 10, 1917. At this meeting Professor W. W. Prescott, who at- tended the first general meeting in Japan, was present and assisted in the organization of the Japan Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Other visiting brethren present were: J. S. James, J. M. Johanson. R. F. Cottrell, C. L. Butterfield, and S. L. Frost. The organization of this field into a conference is a step forward, and will be a stimulus to the Japanese church to put forth greater effort both in giving of their means to try to make the work self-supporting, and also in taking an active part as individual members in giving the gospel of salvation to their fellow-countrymen. And as they help bear the burdens and responsibilities of the conference, we shall soon be able to press on into unentered parts of the empire, and plan for greater development of the work which is still small. The officers of the conference were chosen as follows: President, B. P. Hoffman; secretary-treasurer, A. B. Cole. The following distribu- tion of the foreign workers in the field was made: Pastor H2F. Benson. in Wakamatsu, where we have a small church; Pastor W. D. Burden, in Tokyo; Brother J. N. Herboltzheimer, in Yokohama, where he will continue the medical work and also attend to transportation interests; Brother A. N. Anderson at Nagoya, where we have one of our most promising new churches; Brother P. A. Webber to continue at Fukuoka, where he has been- working -together with a Japanese evangelist for over two years; and Brother S. G. Jacques in the island of Hokkaido, where he, will continue further language study and help in the opening of the work in that island. Brother H. Stacey, our field missionary secretary from Australia, is located at the conference headquarters. We have two ordained Japanese ministers, Pastor T. H. Okohira and Pastor- H. Kuniya. Elder Okohira. will labor in the field and with the 248. � SURVEY OF TIM FIELD.- churches. He has been asked to carry the duties pertaining to the home missionary, missionary volunteer, and Sabbath school departments of the conference. Elder Kuniya is engaged in evangelistic work in the city of Tokyo. Other Japanese workers are located at Kobe, Hiroshima, Moji, Nagasaki, Kagoshima, Kanazawa, Kuji, Yuzawa, Hirosaki, be- sides at the places where foreign workers are also working. There are twelve licensed canvassers in the field and a number more who are devoting all their time to the work of selling our literature. During the past year over fifty members were added to our churches by baptism. There are calls for workers in several large cities that we have not yet been able to enter because of insufficient number of work- ers. We are endeavoring to still strengthen our literature work, so as to make it an efficient means for entering new portions of the field, and also through it make our school work self-supporting, and at the same time make our school more productive of developing native workers to go out and preach the gospel in the many unwarned cities, towns, and villages, into all of which the foreigner cannot expect to carry the truth. CHOSEN CONFERENCE. C. L. Butterfield, President. Seventeen foreign workers, including wives, with thirteen children, are located at the three stations,— Seoul, Soonan and Keizan. At Seoul there are three foreign dwellings, publishing house with office and chapel. At Soonan there are two foreign dwellings, and a school build- ing, dormitories and dispensary. At Keizan there are two foreign dwellings. The training school at Soonan, 175 miles north of Seoul, is doing good work in training workers. Academic work is given, and fifty-five students have finished the course, and more than thirty of them are now engaged in some branch of the work. During the first eleven months of 1917, the literature sales amounted to $2,233.74 U. S. gold. However, as we have no one to give their time to this work, it has not advanced as rapidly as it might otherwise have done. (J. C. Klose and wife, of Northern Illinois, are under appointment for Korea to fill this urgent need, expecting to get off early in 1918.) Many have been brought into the truth by the printed page, and with proper field help we trust that the publishing work will soon be self- supporting. PHILIPPINE UNION CONFERENCE. L. V. Finster, President. The year 1917 has been another year of progress. Every depart- ment of our work is becoming better organized. There will be between 250 and 300 baptized during the year. At our meeting in December, while Elders A. G. Daniells and J. E. Fulton were with us, a conference was formed of the Central and South- ern parts of Luzon. Officers were elected, and the Central-Southern Luzon Conference started out with seven churches and a membership of 752. In this conference but little new work has been under- taken during the year. Our tents were pitched near some of our. small SURVEY OF THE FIELD. � 247 churches to strengthen them. At Malabon our little church there had. 79 added to its membership. The printing press, under the management of Brother C. N. Wood- ward, has been greatly blessed. They have turned out nearly double the work of the year before. We expect our literature sales will reach $25,000 for the year. -- The Academy had a very favorable opening last June, with about fifty students. General meetings were held for the first time in the Panayan, Cebuan, and Ilocano mission fields. Good meetings were had at each place. In the Panayan Mission. we now have two churches with a membership of 81. In the Cebuan field we have one church with 33 members. In the Ilocano field we have two churches with a membership of 61. In November we were glad to welcome Brother and Sister Strahle, who came to take charge of our literature work. Brother R. A. Stewart will now be released to take charge of the literature work in the south- ern group of islands. All our workers are of good courage, and working to the limit of their strength to hasten the message in this part of the vineyard. Doors are wide open for advance moves on every hand. SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION CONFERENCE. 0. Montgomery, President. The South American Division Conference was organized in February, 1916, and is composed of the Brazil and Austral Union Conferences and the Inca Union Mission. Its territory embraces all of the South Ameri- can continent except Colombia, Venezuela, and the Guianas. It also includes the Falkland Islands. It has a population of 37,000,000. The organization of this Division Conference has been a strong ad- vance step for the work in this field, and the year has shown goo re- sults. Definite steps have been taken to strengthen the hands of the workers, among whom there is a spirit of courage and progress. All are striving toward greater achievements and higher standards in life and labor. � • The general meetings held throughout the field have been of a char- acter to inspire and strengthen our people and give a: new impetus to the work. While all- departments of the work have been strengthened, special emphasis has been laid upon the Home Missionary work and the goal of winning one soul to Christ each year has been set before the churches of this Division. The reports for the first six months of 1917 for the Division show a membership of 5,759. During this period, 440 souls have been baptized into the faith, which, for the year, would mean one soul baptized for each 6.1 members. Notwithstanding a very severe and prolonged drought, which affected the Austral Union and parts of Brazil, the tithe for 1916 showed a little increase over 1915, and the first six months of the present year- it still holds up,— the figures being $22,212.92. We are now in the midst of a good harvest, the tithe returns of which, however, will not be seen until the first half of 1918. The offerings for foreign missions for the year 1916 were $10,623.38. For the first half of this year the figures are $6,841.54, which, consider- ing the conditions already mentioned, is very encouraging. 248 � SURVEY OF THE FIELD. AUSTRAL UNION. J. W. Westphal, President. In the several lines the work in the Austral Union has made progress. Owing to the financial crisis and the severe drouth throughout our en- tire field, the tithe and donations have not been all that we had hoped, and the school and sanitarium have had a less patronage than the year before. Nevertheless, the sanitarium has been able to meet all expenses and make some improvements without adding to its small indebtedness. The new wing is nearly completed and occupied. With the regular pro- vision to meet a part of the teachers' salaries from the outside, the school will not run behind. The publishing house has done a good business. The total sales of literature in the field during the year ending June 30, is $33,697.29, divided as follows: Argentine, $13,279.76; Chile, $12,443.76; Alto Parana, $3,527.46; Uruguay, $3,133.12; and in the Magellan Mission $1,313.19. Of a Temperance number of our Missionary paper, El Atalaya, we printed an edition of 54,000, 19,000 More than of any previous edition. In Argentine a church of eighteen members was organized at Bahia Blanca. Through evangelistic efforts the work has been very materially strengthened at Buenos Aires, Rosario, La Plata, and a good sized com- pany developed in Parana, nineteen having been baptized. The total baptisms have been ninety-three, and a goodly number are now await- ing baptism. The membership is more than 1,150. Many of the breth- ren have taken hold nobly of the Home Missionary work. We do not yet have exact reports from Chile; but a good work has been done. At Valparaiso a good work has been done and the work greatly strengthened. Quite a number have been baptized. Work has been done at Canquenes and otner places with good results. On ac- count of ill health and other reasons the active field effort has been rather light. In the Alto Parana Mission the field help has also been little. The wife of the Superintendent was taken down with tuberculosis and died recently, which necessitated that he remain at home or near by. Changes in laborers also deprived the field of help. Work bas been done at Asuncifin, the Capital of Paraguay. Two have been baptized, one of them a former active Spanish anarchist. Others are keeping the Sab- bath. At the annual meeting, five were baptized. At Corrientes and vicinity about a dozen are waiting a visit from the Superintendent to be baptized. The Uruguay. field has made progress and is taking on a more defi- nite form. Eighteen have been baptized. The work has been established at Colonia and strengthened at Nueva Helvecia and Montevideo. Four are waiting baptism at Montevideo, two at Nueva Palmira, and seVeral at Colonia Miguelete, where a public effort is now being made with prospects of good results. A Bible colporteur has begun keeping the Sabbath, also several Russians at Porvenir. No evangelistic effort has been made in the Magellan Mission. Brother A. G. Nelson, the only worker, has done much canvassing and working in a private way, treating the sick and holding Bible readings. As a result several are keeping the Sabbath. Considerable of the can- vassing work has been done with horse and cart among the widely scattered sheep ranchers over the extended plains of Southern Argen- tine and Chile. The following from Brother Nelson will illustrate what may and needs to be done in this way: — " We received a letter a few days ago which emphasizes the impor- tance of our work in the camp. It was from a couple with whom I had a few studies. I was sending them the Watchman and the Review SURVEY OF THE FIELD. � 249 series. Had also sold them a copy of 'Daniel and the Revelation.' I will quote a few lines from the letter: ' We received your papers all right. Were very much pleased with them and I must tell you that through reading your books and papers and especially the Holy Bible, we are both enjoying a good Christian life. We would like some more and would willingly send you or give you when you come $25 (over $6 U. S.) or so if you would send us books or papers to read. We are keeping the true Sabbath of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and above all trying to follow in his foot-steps.' " BRAZIL UNION CONFERENCE. F. W. Spies, President. Another year of struggles and victories is in the past, and whereas continued war conditions have increased difficulties of a temporal nature, the " everlasting gospel " has gone right ahead, making new conqueSts, thus clearly proving that it is God's remedy for the ills and troubles of these last days. Publishing Work. Our literature work again shows an encouraging growth for the past year. Tile average number of colporteurs increased � 35 in 1916 to 42 in 1917, the amount of literature sold reaching $30,530.15. Consider- ing the many adverse circumstances with which this branch of our work battled during the past year, so that we hardly dared expect to do more than to hold the record gained the year before, we feel encouraged at this growth, and thankful to our heavenly Father for what he has done. Educational Work. Our training school for gospel workers is having an especially good year. Fifty-six students are enrolled as against thirty-six last year, and the interest manifested by them is certainly encouraging. When the term closes in December, we expect that a number will enter different branches of gospel work. We are thankful that the urgent calls for workers that are coming from all parts of our vast field can gradually be filled by the Brazilian youth who are thus being prepared for the Master's work. Union Membership and Finances. Our present Union Conference membership is 2,699, a gain of 399 members for the past year. The tithes paid amounted to $19,998.90, whereas the various offerings for missions reached the sum of $4,760.25. The present unfavorable rate of exchange causes the real gain to appear smaller than it really is. Rio Grande do Sul Conference. Concerning the progress of the work in this conference, Elder Henry Meyer, the president, writes: " On account of the removal of some of our workers, we had rather a small working force during this year. But we are glad that at the close of the year an ordained minister, as also a licentiate who has been attending school, will add re-enforcements to our working staff. In view of the limited number of workers, we are glad to be able to report that over one hundred members have been added to the different churches in our conference during the year. Tithes and offerings have increased considerably, and new interests have sprung up in different places, keeping the workers busy to their utmost capacity. 260 � SlaKVEY'OF THE FIELD.- Eleven of our young people are at the school at Santo Amaro, preparing themselves for some line of work, a number of whom were successful colporteurs before enterino,° school. Even though we tried to fill up the gap by new recruits, we feel their absence from the colporteur work. Still, all things considered, our literature sales have been remarkably good for the past year. Our present membership is 870." Santa Catharina Conference. The President of this field, Elder A. Rockel, reports that during the past year they have been able to add 38 members, and to organize two new churches and one new Sabbath school. An encouraging increase in tithes and offerings has been made. Elder Rockel writes: " Onr health- reform principles were especialyy brought into prominence through the fact that several of our own people, as also others not of our faith, were healed from serious maladies by a careful attention to these principles. The director of one of our southern colonies very warmly expressed his appreciation of the work we are doing in enlightening the people on right methods of living. If we take into account all the adverse conditions met during the past year, especially bad weather and bad roads, we are grateful for the success the Lord has given us. Our membership is at present 401." Parana Mission. The work in this mission has had a good year. Thirty-seven mem- bers were added, bringing the membership to 223. Several series of gospel meetings were held in different parts of the mission, which re- sulted in materially strengthening the older members and also in adding new ones. Sao Paulo Mission. The working force of this mission has still been insufficient during the past year. Elder John Lipke, the superintendent, was again,the di- rector of the Seminary, and Miss L. Wurt's health did not permit her as yet to resume her work in the field. Good progress has been made in the Silo Paulo, where Elder J. E. Brown has had charge of the work.. But owing to lack of workers, but little has been done in other places. The present membership is 374. Minas Mission. The Minas Mission has made but little progress owing to lack of workers. Recently Elder C. E. Rentfro came into this field from Portu- gal. He is looking after several new interests reported as found by our colporteurs. The present membership of Minas is 71. Some thirty are expecting to be baptized in the near future. Rio Espirito-Santo Mission: Several tent efforts were held in Rio de Janeiro during the past year. This was really the main effort put forth in this field. 'In spite of many hindrances and hard times, the membership, also tithes and offerings, have steadily grown in the nation's capital. Forty-six were added during the year, bringing the membership up to 381. The book work has been very successful in this, as also in the sac. Paulo and Minas Mission. North Brazil.- Concerning the northern part of Brazil, we can only repeat, that little is being done there. We are still in hopes that in the near future it may be possible to make a definite and vigorous beginning in the vast northern part of this great Republic. Meanwhile Elder R. J. Wilf art is, with a Bible worker and several colporteurs, doing what he can in Per- nambuco. The membership is at present 227. SURVEY OF THE FIELD. � 251 THE INCA UNION MISSION. E. L. Maxwell, Superintendent. This has- been the banner year in the history of the Union so far as baptisms are concerned. The reports in hand to date indicate that 238 persons have received this ordinance during the first nine months of the year. The net tithe for the year will amount to about $1,750 for the entire field, a good part of this coming from Peru. That of the other missions will be small, as the brethren in the Lake Titicaca Mis- sion are very poor and live on very little. Ecuador and Bolivia are very small as yet. The membership now numbers 1,000. The new re- cruits who have reached the field during the past few months have greatly strengthened the work in the different missions. There is a spirit of confidence and consecration throughout the field. Owing to the lack of a field agent the literature work has fallen off this year. Brother E. H. Wilcox is now in the field, and we hope to effect the permanent re-organization of this branch by the first of the year. We need very much a central school for the education of the many children of our brethren, and also for the training of evangelists who may penetrate into distant sections of the country with the message. We have called for this for two years, and hope to see it soon. Peril Mission. The work in this mission has made splendid progress during the first nine months of this year. There have been seventy-one baptisms, and according to present indications, the tithe will pass well over the $1,000 mark. There is an awakening clearly seen in Peril that indicates a strona t' advance in our work in the future. Much seed has been sown in this field from which the harvest is now being reaped. Ecuador Mission. Brother John Lorenz is pushing ahead in Ecuador, and we hope to see good results from his work there. Encouraging reports reach us of the work in that field. Brother Kalbermatter and wife of Argentine, who are both nurses, will soon connect with the work in this field. Bolivia Mission. In Bolivia Elder W. R. Pohle is holding the fort anxiously awaiting the arrival of the long-promised reinforcements. The work is gradually becoming established in this very difficult field. There is a good opening for work among the Indians of Bolivia such as is being done around Lake Titicaca. We are now promised help from Argentine which will arrive in the near future, and that will enable us to start this work. Lake Titicaca Mission. During the early part of the year the great Moho district lying North and East of the Lake has been permanently entered and two new mission- stations established. The principal station, " Oka Pampa " is located a few leagues inland from the port of Moho, with Brother Ellis Howard in charge. The other station is not far from the port, and is called " The Broken Stone Mission." Brother Luciano Chambi, one of our Indian workers, is in charge of this station. These two stations will enable our workers to come in touch with many thousands of Indians. " The station at Huata on the Peninsula, where Elder C. V. Achen- bach is located, has been completed. We now have five mission stations and five organized churches with a membership of 682. There are 252 � SURVEY OF THE FIELD. several hundred Indians who are keeping the Sabbath and living the truth the best they know how, who have not yet been baptized. At each of the mission stations a good school is conducted in charge of the director of the mission with a native assistant. There are four- teen out-schools located near the different stations, making a total of nineteen schools with an enrollment at the beginning of the school year in March of twenty-two hundred children and youth. This school work is attracting the attention of the national educational men and other social workers, who look upon it very favorably. SOUTH AFRICAN UNION CONFERENCE. W. B. White, President. The work has made steady progress in this field during the past year, and we have much to encourage us. The long, severe drought, which has prevailed in this land for two or three years, seems to be broken at last, and the country has received a normal supply of rain- fall, in consequence of which crops have been very good the past season. In our local conferences the work goes steadily forward, and souls are continually receiving the truth, and some new companies are being raised up. Our field has recently been favoured with the incoming of Pastor U. Bender and wife from the Montana Conference, who has now taken the Presidency of the Cape Conference, and Professor H. G. Patchett and wife, who are assisting in the school at Claremont. Had we a little larger evangelistic force of workers who, with zeal and energy could push out into the many small towns and cities, that have never heard the truth — without a doubt a'good harvest of souls could be reaped in South Africa at this time. We now have in this field nearly 1000 white church members. Having so few ministers and Bible workers in the field, we• are mak- ing a special effort with our English and Dutch papers, the Sentinel and Wachter. We now have 4,150 paying subscribers to the Sentinel, and 3,000 for the Wachter, bringing our subscription list to 7,150 for the two journals; 1,822 copies are taken in church clubs and 1,000 in con- ference clubs, making a monthly output of these two papers of 9,972 copies. As these go out into the homes of the people, they are carrying a decided influence in favor of the truth, and quite a number of souls the past year have accepted the light through reading. The Union Conference keeps one agent in the field all the time taking yearly sub- scriptions for these papers, and he• is having splendid success in his work. During the past year we set apart one week denominating it " Paper Week," asking all our people at this time to go out among their neighbors and friends, and take subscriptions for the papers. At the time of our last effort in this line nearly 900 yearly subscriptions were taken by our people. We feel that this is a very practical line of mis- sionary Work. We are glad for these good papers which are telling the story of the truth to the people of South Africa, and shall do what we can in the future to extend their circulation. Our subscription book work is also in a healthy condition; but the past year we have been a little fearful of encouraging new agents to take the field, fearing we could not supply them with books from over- sea. Large subscription books sell well in South Africa, and we have recently placed the following orders for Duteh books with our over-sea publishing houses: 2,000 copies of " Bible Readings," with the Watford SURVEY OF THE FIELD. � 253 House (England), 3,500 " Bible Readings," and 3,000 " Daniel and Reve- lation " with the Pacific Press (America). If these books can be se- cured they will be greatly appreciated by our canvassers and the people. The Natal Conference has recently completed a beautiful church build- ing in the city of Durban, and another is in progress of erection in the city .of Johannesburg. One has already been dedicated, and it is hoped that the other will be in•December. - Both are nicely located and will be a credit to our work in these cities. The brethren of the Orange Free State will soon begin the erection of a church in the city of Bloemfontein, the capital of that colony. They are now selecting the site. Our school at Claremont has had a good year in many respects, and at the close of the year in November, four were graduated from the ministerial course. TheSe we hope may make active workers in the cause of truth. Our sanitarium at Plumstead is enjoying a good patron- age, and we are hoping very soon to clear away all debts from the in- stitution. During the past year two new mission stations have been established; one on the border of the Congo, known as the " Congo Border Mission," and the other in the Transkei region, Northeastern Cape Province, in the heart of the Red Kafir country. Brother S. M. Konigmacher is in charge of the former; and Brother Claude Tarr of the latter. It is desired to make the last named mission a training school for Kafirland. At this new station recently a church of twenty-six members was or- ganized, and the outlook is good for future work in that region. A tract on the Sabbath question was recently written by Mrs. I. J. Hankins, and is being translated into the various native languages of South Africa. It is already printed in the language of Mashonaland, South Rhodesia, and is creating a great interest in that region to hear the truth. A small book on the prophecies of Daniel, the coming kingdom, sec- ond Advent, and kindred topics, has been written by Mrs. Nettie White, and is now being published in the Zulu language. This book can also be sold throughout the great Matabele nation of Southeastern Rhodesia. It is now being translated into the Kafir and Sesuto, and when published in the last named tongue, can be sold all through Bechuanaland, Barot- seland, and along the upper tributaries of the Zambesi. � • We are now ,moving our Union Book Depository and Union offices from 56 RoelanI Street, Cape Town, to Claremont, using the rooms under the Claremont church. As most of our Union workers live in the suburbs, this arrangement will save much time and expense in going back and forth to the city. The school next year will be held in the large dormitory building. With confidence and faith in the ultimate triumph of the message, we are pressing forward to the finishing of the work. WEST INDIAN UNION CONFERENCE. A. J. Haysmer, President. We are glad to be able to report that the work in the West Indian Union Conference has made progress during the past year. The war is still affecting our work very much, not only in the raising of funds, but in getting from place to place, as nearly all of the steam- ship lines- have now been taken off. On this account we have not been 254 � SURVEY OF THE FIELD. able_to communicate with our field as we should, and have not been able to get the necessary reports. � ' Several tent efforts have been held in the Union with excellent re- sults. One was in Barbadoes, conducted by Elder M. B. Butterfield. He reports more than sixty baptisms. Elders I. G. Knight and A. E. Riley held a tent effort in New Amsterdam, British Guiana. Elder -C. E. Boynton, assisted by Elders W. G. Kneelandaand E. C. Boger a part of the time, conducted a tent effort in the city of Panama, and twenty-six united with the church in that city. During the year another severe hurricane swept over Jamaica, mak- ing five hurricanes and two droughts that have visited that island in the past four years. In spite of all these things our workers and people are of good courage, and are doing what they can to hasten on the work. In this conference several tent efforts have been held, and as the result of the combined efforts of all the workers two hundred and thirty-five have been baptized in that island. Several changes have taken place among our workers. Elder N. H. Pool returned to the States, and Elder E. C. Boger was transferred from Jamaica to take the presidency of the South Caribbean Conference. Elder G. A. Roberts was elected to the presidency of the Jamaica Con- ference. Elder and Mrs. E. C. Widgery also returned to the States. The working force in the Jamaica Conference has been strengthened by the arrival of Brother and Sister J. G. Petty and Brother J. A. Applegate, the former to have charge of the conference office, the latter to act as Field Missionary Secretary. Elder B. E. Connerly has severed connection with the work in Colombia, engaging in business. The West Caribbean Conference, however, has augmented the force in that needy field by sending several canvassers into Colombia, and has also' located Brother John L. Holder, their Spanish Field Missionary Secre- tary, in that country. Elder W. E. Baxter and family, from Arkansas, and Brother and Sister J. D. Raff, from Porto Rico, have located in Venezuela, to push the work in that long-neglected Spanish field. On account of health. Brother F. H. Raley returned to the States, and Brother W. R. White, who has worked about fifteen years in our publishing house in Eng- land, was called to our Union to act as secretary and treasurer. Dining the year the Watchman Press equipment .has been turned over to the Pacific Press Publishing Association' which has located a branch in Cristobal, Canal Zone. We welcome this branch, which is doing all in its power to help us build up the book and periodical work in this field. We were greatly favored the latter part of the year by having a Bookman's Convention for the territory of the Northern Latin American Missions and the West Indian Union Conference at Cristobal. While some who expected to attend could not come, yet we had a good representation from the two fields, and we are sure results will be seen in a greater increase in the sales of literature in these fields. We appreciated very much the help of Elders W. T. Knox, J. L. Shaw and N. Z. Town from the General Conference, and Brethren H. H. Hall and H. G. Childs from the Pacific Press. We believe there are better days ahead for the work in this field. With very few exceptions, our workers are well and working hard to advance the message among.the different tongues in our field. Our Union Conference office is now located at Cristobal, Canal Zone, where we hope to be able to render better service for our entire field. SURVEY OF THE FIELD. � 205 NORTHERN LATIN AMERICAN MISSIONS. Cuban Mission. The work in the Cuban Mission, which comprises Cuba and the Isle of Pines, has enjoyed marked progress during the year 1917. Some- thing over fifty have been added to the membership, and two churches have been organized. The tithes and offerings will reach an increase over last year of about $1,600. Although hindered during the first half of the year by revolution, part of which time some of our colporteurs were entirely cut off from the office, our literature sales will exceed those of last year. Because of the disturbed conditions in the island, it was thought best not to open our Mission school. Those of our students who were planning to enter the school were recommended to the school in San Claudio conducted by Brother and Sister S. H. Carnahan. This is a self- supporting school, and we believe has been a real help to the work in Cuba. There has been some changes in our corps of workers during the year. Those who have come into the field are Brother Ray N. Studt and family, and Brother Earl Shidler. Those who have left are Elder A. N. Allen's family, who went to the United States; Brother E. W. Thurber and wife to Guatemala, C. P. Martin and wife to Mexico, H. S. Mould to the United States, also Mrs. A. Burgos, and Miss Vera Rob- inson and her brother Victor Robinson to Mexico. Our hearts were made sad by the death of one of our native workers, Brother Pedro Barreiro. � F. G. Lane. Haiti. Considering the times, we can say that 1917 has been a year of many blessings, and the Lord has permitted us to enjoy two general meetings, one in Grande Riviere for the north and central part, and the other in a tent at St. Marc for the south and west coast. All at- tending testified of having received special blessings. It was a busy year for all; three church buildings were completed, mostly by native help, one at Carvajal, one at Beau Joint, another at Limbe, where also eight souls accepted the message through the labors of Brother J. J. Baptiste, who is at present holding meetinas at Petite Riviere where Brother A. Rean was laboring for some months, but had to give up because of ill health. Our first tent effort, conducted by Brother E. A. Curdy, with the help of Brother J. B. Abel and Sister T. Belotte at Port au Prince has proven successful, 27 souls have taken their stand so far, and been bap- tized. A church of 40 members was organized, and others are waiting to be baptized. The interest has grown to such an extent that another effort will be started there before the close of 1017. At St. Mare Brother M. N. Isaac has been active. The entire city was stirred, and 13 souls baptized. Two of these are from Bourdette, where an interest sprung up. The church here will be completed before many months. On the island of Tortue our only missionary, Brother G. Obas, is also busy. Seven souls were added to that company by baptism and he reports more are ready. Brother A. Pean, on retiring from work, accompanied Brother H. Lanoix to Huntsville, Ala., where they go to attend, the Oakwood Junior College in preparation for fur- ther usefulness in the cause. By the use of Brother A. 0. Roth's stereopticon we gave- lectures in all places where we visited our churches, and also in some new places, so that those who cannot read may see. 256 � SURVEY OF THE FIELD. Brother Roth reports good results in his departments; in the Mk- sionafy Volunteer Society are 264 members, and that they are active is shown by the report of 1,651 books lent or given away, amounting in value to about $350, also 6,636 visits made, 5,450 Bible readings given, 7,276 meals given, 31 souls converted, and a cash offering for work in the interior of $213. He reports retail book sales of $521, and the educational department has been entirely self-supporting. Church schools were conducted at Pignon, Grande Riviere and Port de Paix. Although money is still scarce, and facilities for exportation poor, the tithe and offerings have increased $511, and the Sabbath school offerings $176, over 1916. Besides this $375 was collected for unfinished churches. There were 89 baptized, bringing the membership to 380, with 30 candidates still waiting. The Lord is hastening the work, roads are being built and sanitary conditions improved, and we are thankful to our Father for these visi- ble results. � Albert F. Prieger. Porto Rico and Santo Domingo. In Porto Rico the hosts of intemperance have met defeat and the right has gained a great victory this year. Congress passed a new organic act for the island which gave the people the right to say if prohibition should or should not become part of the new law. The liquor interests worked hard and spent large sums of money, but the moral and religious societies presented a united front, and king alcohol was defeated by a majority of 38,000. A special number of our Spanish Signs was printed and a large .quantity of them circulated which helped to swell the total vote for prohibition. Porto Rico holds the honor of beimg the first Spanish Commonwealth to declare for prohibition. Our work has made advancement. One new church was organized with fifteen members. All the other churches report gains, in all thirty-five persons were baptized. Our total membership is now 170. Santo Domingo, a part of this field, was visited again by the faith- ful colporteur, and a good number of books sold. For several years a native brother has lived near the capital. The enemy has tried every way possible to destroy him, but the Lord has blessed, and some of his neighbors have accepted the truth. Eight have been baptized. At one time all, were put in prison and their meetings have been prohibited, but they rejoice to suffer for Christ's sake. Surely this coming year we must send to them the living preacher. In Porto Rico a three month's school was held for the young people who gave promise of making workers. In all twenty-four were in at- tendance. All made advancement in their studies. A number of them have already entered different branches of the work. In the city of Cayey a beautiful concrete church building has been erected. In December a profitable general meeting and colporteur's institute closed in Santurce, suburb of San Juan. Elder R. W. Parmele and J. A. P. Green, of the North Latin Mission, were present, also Elder W. A. Spicer, of the General Conference. It was arranged for Brother H. D. Casebeer to open evangelistic work in the capital of Santo Do- mingo. The book work has already borne fruit in that island, and a number of believers resident there attended the general meeting. These were organized into our first church of Santo Domingo. At Aguadilla, on the west coast of Porto Rico, a lot has been pur- chased for the erection of a church building. The coming year gives promise of greater advancement than any year in the past. � Wm. Steele. SURVEY OF THE FIELD. � 257 Mexican Mission. There has been some improvement in the situation in Mexico, and during the year 1917 the work has progressed, although but very few of our workers have yet returned to the field. The greater part of the year Elder J. A. Leland has been stationed at Monterrey; also Brother S. Marchisio has been working in the State of San Luis Potosi. Brother Juan Robles, who has been located in El Paso, Texas, has vis- ited the companies along the Mexican Central Railroad, as far south as the military authorities would permit him to go. The superintendent has visited the companies and churches in the central and eastern por- tions of the republic, but was hindered from visiting the northwestern and southern sections because of political disturbances. Something like thirty-five persons have been baptized during the year, and we have heard from our brethren in_practically all parts, and find that they are holding on to the truth remarkably well. Through their faithful efforts one or two new companies have been raised up. The fact that the brethren have held on so well under the severe difficulties through which they have passed is very encouraging. Many of them have had to leave their homes and go to other places for safety. Some have lost practically everything they had, and have suffered severely, but in spite of it all very few have left the truth, and quite a number have been added to the little companies. The work of the distribution of literature has gone forward rather slowly, because there has been only one or two that have stayed by the work. They have had remarkable success considering the situation. During all these years of political upheaval Brother C. Shultz has re- mained faithfully at his work distributing literature. Though he has passed through many dangers, the Lord has wonderfully protected him. During 1917 he was practically the only one doing any systematic work in the sale of books and papers. While the paper has been published in Washington, the greater por- tion of the monthly editions has been sent to the mission printing office at Taeubaya, a suburb of Mexico City. Brother Carlos Nicolas has been in charge of this, as well as looking after the interests of the local church. The brethren at Mexico City experienced a special blessing at the time of the Week of Prayer, and are of good courage in the Lord. From all places comes word that there is a greater interest than ever to hear the truth, and quite a number are awaiting baptism. G. W. Caviness. Guatemala. Guatemala has been most of the year without a superintendent. The return of Elder J. B. Stuyvesant took away the director and the one foreign field evangelist.. Brother W. F. Mayers continued in the book work, putting in a large number of Spanish publications. He was compelled to return to the States at the end of the year, to join his wife, whose health did not permit her to return to the field. Brother and Sister W. F. Hardt and Mrs. Hunt, Mrs. Hardt's mother, continued their English school in Guatemala City. In September, Elder and Mrs. E. W. Thurber, formerly of the Mexico MiSsion, were transferred from Cuba to Guatemala, Elder Thurber taking the superintendency: He reported finding believers as follows: In Puerto Barrios, an English Sabbath school of several members; in Quirigua, another little English Sabbath school, fruitage of work among West Indian. Negroes; one faithful Spanish believer, an old sister, in San Augustin; a little com- pany in Guatemala City. On December 24 began the series of earth- quake shocks which brought down the larger part of the buildings in 258 � SURVEY OF THE N1E11). the city. The mission home is in a wood building in the suburbs and suffered no damage. The English school building was destroyed. None of our people were injured in any way. Salvador Mission. The second year of our mission work is in the past in this small but needy Republic, containing about 1,200,000 inhabitants. During 1917 work was opened in several new places. In Santa Ana, the second city of importance and size, a series of meetings was held being followed with careful personal work and regular preaching and prayer services. God greatly blessed our efforts notwithstanding our being alone. In August Elder R. W. Parmele visited us and organized a Mission church which at present has a membership of 17 believers. Seven others have signed the covenant here in Santa Ana and ,are awaiting baptism. Still others are keeping the Sabbath and are pressing toward perfection in Jesus. The banner of truth has been unfurled in the center of El Salvador. A company of believers has been raised up to bear testimony in Cojute- peque, the most central city in the Republic. Six dear souls followed • their Lord in baptism at this place in Lake Ilopango. We hope to see this company's light extended to other places as it grows and strengthens. We also made a trip to the frontier of Honduras, where we have a family faithfully testifying for truth in the mountain town, San Fer- nando. One man in this fanatical place notified the believers that the missionaries would be cut into pieces with his " machete," or long- bladed knife, if they entered his house. Thank the Lord, beore we left town we had the pleasure of giving several Bible readings in this man's house and of seeing him kneel in prayer with us. Others as earnest Catholics as he also became attentive and interested in God's Word. " There shall be earthquakes in divers places." During June and July the capital was called " The cradle." Hundreds of quakes were felt both great and small. The first ones destroyed the capital and four other cities besides villages and farms. Our place of worship was completely ruined. Since then the meet- ings were held in the small quarters of a tailor shop. Nearly all the church members remain of good courage, being severely tried by this sudden disaster. Five new members were added to the church in the capital, thus bringing the total Membership in the Republic up to 44. Brother J. A. P. Green's visit was appreciated, and since Brother U. M. Cooke has returned from the States with his bride, the outlook for the book work for 1918 is very encouraging indeed. Satan's forces are felt on every hand, for he knoweth that he hath but a very short time. Still God's Spirit is working mightily on the hard hearts of men; for we see interests springing up throughout the Republic that cannot be justly cared for by the present staff of workers in the field. The future looks bright; but we must pray the Lord of the harvest to send forth more workers before the time of opportunity forevermore be past. In December the writer was compelled to take a furlough to the States on account of severe and long-continued attacks of malarial fever. John L. Brown. North Honduras.. North Honduras Mission has a membership of nearly 200, 19 of whom were baptized in the year 1917. Some of these are Spanish, but SURVEY OF THE FIELD. � 259 the greater portion are English. Some work has been done among the Spanish people the last three years, and as a result a small company is raised up in La Ceiba, with several scattered in different portions of the field. The workers in this field consist of one ordained minister, one field missionary agent, one secretary and treasurer for the conference, and one Bible worker. Also, a secretary of the Sabbath school department. It was decided at the campmeeting to add two more workers to our force from this field, to assist in tent efforts and other meetings. One of these is Gideon Jones and the other J. T. Borden. Brother Borden is now working among the Spanish people on the coast. Owing to fail- ing health, Brother Chas. M. Paden, our conference secretary and treas- urer, was compelled to return to the States, and Gideon Jones was asked to take his place in the office. The amount of funds raised in this field for the first three quarter's of 1917, are, tithe $855.33. Sabbath school offerings $565.65, Thirteenth Sabbath offering $227.76. There are nine churches and companies in this field, and ten Sab- bath schools, including family schools. One worker, a canvasser, left us to join the South Honduras mission. We expect another worker to join us soon from the States, Brother W. E. Lanier, formerly connected with the Philippine Islands Mission, wlio will locate at San Pedro. • Isaac Baker. South Honduras. We were 'visited by the Union Superintendent in July, and as a result of his visit the Siguatepeque school enterprise has been taken over by the General Conference to be conducted at a training school. Brother and Sister Karl J. Snow, who have labored long in the school will be added to the staff of mission workers the coming year. They are at present on furlough in the States. Brother Manuel Alvarez also has been added to the mission staff. He was transferred from the Northern Honduras Mission. The two American brethren who canvassed for several months in this territory have gone to Colombia. We are now developing native talent to take -their place. Several hundred copies of the " Practical Guide to Health," and our religious books have been circulated. These latter are begin- ning to bear fruit in awakened interest on the part of their purchasers. Several copies of our best books' have found their way into the home of the President of the Republic, and as a result of reading our. papers and hearing of our school the Minister of Education was desirous of knowing more about our beliefs and practices. The past year has witnessed the doubling of the membership of the South Honduras Mission, it being at present 40. Inquiries are contin- ually coming to us, and our future outlook is cheering, notwithstanding the indifference of the majority and the natural obstacles of the field. Henry F. Brown. DETACHED MISSIONS. Bahama Islands. The following is a report of the efforts made to carry the third angel's message to the people of the Bahama Islands during the year from November 1, 1916, to the same date 1917. During this time we have been unable to visit any settlements on the other islands except- 260 � SURVEY OF THE FIELD. ing the island of Eleuthera, where we already have two companies of believers. This is due to the fact that we have been alone in the evan- gelical work the most of the time, and the work here in Nassau has needed so much attention. Ever since about the beginning of January a lively interest has been manifested on the part of many people to hear the message for this time. We haVe found house-to-house work by far the most successful means of getting the truth into the homes. By a systematic use of Present Truth Series we have found many homes to which we were welcomed to hold Bible readings. As a result of the various means used to advance the gospel during this year, we now count 18 who have begun obeying the commands of God. Some of these are people of influence, and their course has aroused the interest of numbers of others who are influential people of the city. Realizing the need of native help, last November we started a special class for those who, when they had sufficient training, would be able to devote all, or at least the greater part of their time to gospel work. Most earnest effort was made by all to acquire the ability to present the Message, mostly as Bible workers. As a result four of the class are spending a large part of their time in this .noble work, in which they are becoming more and more efficient as the days go by. During the year twelve hay.e been baptized, and six others will go forward in this -ordinance in a few weeks. Brother and Sister C. G. Howell from Daylight, Tenn., arrived in Nassau in the latter part of September, 1916, to take charge of the school work which had been in operation two years. This work they very ably conducted until last June, when Sister Howell's failing health made it necessary for them to return to the States. As the expense of transporting teachers to and from this field had proven so heavy since the school opened, it was deemed best not to continue it longer. We have no regular canvassers who devote all their time to selling our literature, but quite a number of the church members spend some time selling the smaller books. Some have been quite successful, when we take into consideration the fact that many of these people cannot read, and others have but little desire to read, and still others are too poor to purchase books, especially since the war has broken out. Most of the believers have a desire to do something to advance the knowledge of the plan of salvation. Their earnestness and zeal is noticed by the people throughout this colony. There is a oneness ex- isting in their midst, which is a good omen for successful work to be done during the coming year. � Jas. H. Smith. Hawaiian Mission. We are glad to report onward progress for the year 1917. Early in the year R. W. Smith and wife came to connect with the work in Hawaii, Brother Smith in evangelistic work, and Sister Smith in school work. H. G. Rowland, of Australia, has been with us, and has been doing exceptional work as a colporteur. His sales for the past ten months have been $2,150. Edgar G. Riehl-and wife arrived early in the year to take charge of the Hilo treatment rooms. The treatment work is gradually growing. Brother Riehl has been spending some time in Bible work, when not busy giving treatments. Our literature sales for the past year have not been quite as large as last year. L. T. Heaton has been spending part of his time in the Bible work, thus only leaving one man in the field giving his entire time. SURVEY OF THE FIELD � 261 The Honolulu treatment rooms have been doing good work. At present Win. MacMillan is in charge. Brother L. V. Bowerman has returned to the States to take some further school work. We are ex- pecting a man and wife from the States to take charge. Our little school is getting on well, but has not quite as large an enrollment as last year, for we were not able to carry higher work than ninth grade. Our olde r children are thus compelled to attend high school, for which we are very sorry. R. W. Smith. APPROPRIATIONS_ TO MISSIONS. The amounts indicated below have been expended by the General Conference for evangelistic work, for the years stated: — 1905 � $143,796.86 1906 � 163,755.56 1907 � 253,445.74 1908 � 272.873.08 1909 � 351,414.61 1910 � 410,611.48 1911 � 464,922.53 1912 � 476,600.00 1913 � 523,763.00 1914 � Foreign, $474,749.00; Home, $111,500.00 586,249.00 1915 � Foreign, 509,746.92; Home, 122,000.00 631,746.92 1916 � Foreign, 692,077.57; Home, 161,076.00 853,153.57 1917 � Foreign, (380,219.17; Home, 202,734.00 882,953.17 1918 � Foreign, 1,071,929.90; Home, 276,960.00 1,348,889.90 The amounts for the years 1905 to 1911 represent actual expendi- tures; for 1912 to 1918, appropriations voted. The amounts expended for most of the years was in excess of that appropriated, rarely less. WORKERS SENT TO FOREIGN FIELDS. (Not including children.) 1901-02 � 107 1903 � 60 1904 � 40 1905 � 60 1906 � 76 1907 � 59 1908 � 140 1909 � 134 1910 � 61 1911 � 74 1912 � 97 1913 � 157 1914 � 103 1915 76 1916 � 147 1917 � 59 PRESIDENTS OF THle: GENERAL CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS. Name � Date of Service 1. John Byington � May 21, 1863, to May 17, 1865 2. James White � May 17, 1865, to May 14, 1867 3. J. N. Andrews � May 14, 1867, to May 12, 1868 4. James White � May 12, 1868, to Dec. 29, 1871 5. Geo. I. Butler � Dec. 29, 1871, to Aug. 10, 1874 6. James White � Aug. 10, 1874, to Oct. 6, 1880 7. Geo. I. Butler � Oct. 6, 1880, to Oct. 17, 1888 8. 0. A. Olsen � Oct. 17, 1888, to Feb. 19, 1897 9. G. A. Irwin � Feb. 19, 1897, to April 2, 1901 10. A. G. Daniells � April 2, 1901, to � SECRETARIES OF THE GENERAL CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS. Name � Date of Service 1.' Uriah Smith � May 21, 1863, to May 12, 1868 2. M. S. Burnham �May 12, 1868, to May 18, 1869 3. Uriah Smith � May 18, 1869, to Nov. 14, 1873 4. S. Brownsberger �Nov. 14, 1873, to Aug. 10,- 1874 5. Uriah Smith � Aug. 10, 1874, to Sept. 19, -1876 6. C. W. Stone � Sept. 19, 1876, to Sept. 20, 1877 7. Uriah Smith � Sept. 20, 1877, to Dee. 1, 1881 8. A. B. Oyen � Dec. 1, 1881, to Nov. 8, 1883 9. - Uriah Smith � Nov. 8, 1883, to Oct. 17, 1888 10. Dan. T. Jones � Oct. 17, 1888, to March 5, 1891 11. W. A. Coleord � March 5, 1891, to March 6, 1893 12. L. T. Nicola � April, 1893, to Feb. 19, 1897 13. L. A. Hoopes � Feb. 19, 1897, to April 2, 1901 14. H. E. Osborne � April 2, 1901, to April 11, 1903 15. W. A. Spicer � April 11, 1903, to � In the two preceding tables the dates given indicate the time when the Conference sessions were convened. ANNUAL OFFERINGS. First Sabbath in July.- Midsummer Offering for Foreign Missions. December, Week of Prayer.- Annual Offering for Foreign Missions. Fourth Sabbath in February.- Offering for Religious Liberty Work. SPECIAL DAYS. First Sabbath in January.- Missionary Volunteer Day. First Sabbath in April and second Sabbath in August - Educational Days. Mission Offerings, North American Division - 1917 Annual Offering � $ 66,101.35 Midsummer Offering � 30,253.08 Harvest Ingathering � 169,170.18 Missions � 251,636.90 Sabbath School � 449,625.78 Weekly Offerings � 3,647.76 Miscellaneous � 37,535.89 Total � $1,007,970.94 262 CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF THE GENERAL, CONFERENCE. (As amended at the thirty-eighth session, held at Washington, D. C., May 15 to June 8, 1913.) Article I — Name. This organization shall be known as the General Conference of Sev- enth-day Adventists. Article II — Object. The object of this Conference is to teach all nations the everlasting gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Article III — Membership. Section 1.—The membership of this Conference shall consist of: — (a) Such division conferences as have been or shall be properly or- ganized and accepted by vote. (b) Such union conferences not included in any division conference as have been or shall be properly organized and accepted by vote. (c) Such local conferences' not embraced in any union conference as have been or shall be properly organized and accepted by vote. (d) Such division missions and such union missions not included in any division conference or mission as have been or shall be properly organized and accepted by vote. (e) Missions, properly organized, not included in union conferences or missions. Sec. 2. The voters of this conference shall be designated as fol- lows: — (a) Delegates at large. (b) Regular delegates. Sec. 3. Delegates at large shall be: — (a) The General Conference Executive Committee.. (b) Such representatives of missions of the General Conference as shall receive delegates' credentials from the executive committee, such credentials to be given only by the consent of a majority of the ex- ecutive committee. Sec. 4. Regular delegates shall be such persons as are duly ac- credited by division conferences and missions, by union conferences not included in any division conference, and local conferences not included in any union conference. Sec. 5. Each division conference or mission shall be entitled to one delegate without regard to numbers, an addititional delegate for each union conference or mission, and for each local conference in its terri- tory, and an additional delegate for each five hundred of its membership. Each union conference not included in a division conference shall be entitled to one delegate without regard to numbers, an additional dele- gate for each conference in its territory, and an additional delegate for each five hundred of its membership. Each local conference not in- cluded in a union conference shall be entitled to one delegate without regard to numbers, and one additional delegate for each five hundred members. Union missions and local missions not included in division or union conferences shall have such representation as may be decided by the General Conference Executive Committee, and accepted by the delegates in session.' 263 264 � CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS. Article IV — Officers and Their Duties. Section 1. The regular officers of this Conference shall be a presi- dent, the vice-presidents, a secretary, a -treasurer, an assistant treas- urer, and an auditor, who shall be elected by the Conference. Sec. 2. President: The president shall act as chairman of the ex- ecutive committee, and labor in the general interests of the Conference, as the executive committee may advise. Sec. 3. Vice-presidents: The president of each division conference or mission shall be a vice-president of the General Conference. His duties shall be such as are prescribed by the constitution of his division conference or mission. Sec. 4. Secretary: It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep the minutes of the proceedings of the conference sessions and of the committee meetings, and to collect such statistics and other facts from division, union, and local conferences and missions, as may be desired by the conference or the executive committee, and to perform such other duties as usually pertain to such office. Sec. 5. Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the treasurer and the assistant treasurer to receive all funds and disburse them by order of the president, and to render such financial statements at regular intervals as may be desired by the conference or the executive com- mittee. Sec. 6. Election of officers: All officers of the Conference, and the members of the executive committee except such members as are presi- dents and vice-presidents of division conferences and presidents of union conferences, shall be chosen by the delegates at the regular quadrennial sessions of the General Conference, and shall hold their office. for the period of four years, or until their successors are elected, and appear to enter upon their duties. Article V — Executive Committee. Section 1. At each session the Conference shall elect an executive committee for the carrying on of its work between the sessions. Sec. 2. The executive committee shall consist of the president, the vice-presidents, the secretary, the treasurer, the vice-presidents of divi- sion conferences and missions, the presidents of union conferences, the superintendents of organized union missions, the secretaries in charge of duly organized departments, namely, the Publishing, Medical, Edu- cational, Sabbath-school, Young People's Missionary Volunteer, the ex-presidents of the General Conference having credentials from this conference, and eleven other persons. Article VI — Incorporations, Departments, and Agents. Section 1. Such incorporations may be authorized and departments created as the development of the work requires. Sec. 2. At each regular session of this Conference, the delegates shall elect the trustees of all corporate bodies connected with this organiza- tion, as may be provided in the statutory law governing each. Sec. 3. The Conference shall employ such committees, secretaries, treasurers, agents, ministers, missionaries, and other persons, and make such distribution of its laborers, as may be necessary to effectively execute its work. Sec. 4. The Conference shall grant credentials or licenses to its ministers and missionaries. In division missions and in union missions outside of division missions the respective executive committees shall have power to grant credentials and licenses to foreign and native workers. CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS. � 265 Article VII — Sessions. Section 1. This Conference shall hold quadrennial sessions at such date and place as the executive committee shall designate by a notice published in the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald at least three months before the date for the session. Sec. 2. The executive committee may call special sessions at such time and place as it deems proper, by a like notice, and the trans- actions of such special sessions shall have the same force as those of the regular sessions. Article VIII — By-laws. The voters of this Conference may enact by-laws and amend or repeal them at any session thereof, and such by-laws may embrace any provision not inconsistent with the constitution. Article IX — Amendments. This constitution or its by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the voters present at any session, provided that, if it is pro- posed to amend the constitution at a special session, notice of such purpose shall be given in the call for such special session. BY-LAWS. • Article I — Regular Sessions. Section 1. At each session of the Conference the executive com- mittee shall nominate for election the presiding officers for the session. Sec. 2. Previous to each session of the Conference, the executive committee shall provide such temporary committees as may be nec- essary to conduct the preliminary work of the Conference. Article II — Executive Committee. Section 1. During the intervals between sessions of the Conference, the executive committee shall have full administrative power, with authority to grant and withdraw credentials and licenses, and to fill for the current term any vacancies that may occur in its officers, boards, committees, or agents, by death, resignation, or otherwise, ex- cept in cases where other provisions for filling such vacancies shall be made by vote of the General Conference. The withdrawal of creden- tials or filling of vacancies on the executive committee shall require the consent of two-thirds of the members of the executive committee. Sec. 2. Any five members of the executive committee, including the president or a vice-president, shall be empowered to transact such executive business as is in harmony with the general plans outlined by the committee, but the concurrence of four members shall be neces- sary to pass any measure. Sec. 3. Meetings of the executive committee may be called at any time or place, by the president or a vice-president, or such meeting may be called by the secretary upon the written request of any five members of the committee. Article III — Departments. Section 1. The work of the departmenti of this organization shall be in charge of the secretaries elected by the General Conference, as- sociated with the committees selected by the executive committee, when such committees are not otherwise provided for by the Conference. 266 � CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS. Article IV — Finance. Section 1. This Conference shall receive a tithe from all of its division, union, and local conferences and division missions, and the tithe of its union and local mission fields. Sec. 2. The executive committee shall be authorized to call for such special donations as may be necessary to properly prosecute its work. Sec. 3. The Conference shall receive offerings devoted to missions. Article V — Audits. Section 1. The executive committee shall have the accounts of the Conference and of its several departments audited at least once each calendar year, and shall report upon the same to the General Con- ference at its regular sessions. Sec. 2. The executive committee shall appoint annually eight per- sons not in its employ, who, with the president, the vice-presidents, the secretary, the treasurer, and not less than seven presidents of union conferences, shall constitute a committee for auditing and settling all accounts against the General Conference. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. Only the names of ordained and licensed ministers appear in this list. To determine the nature of any person's ap- pointment, reference should be made to the directory of the Conference operating in the field where the worker is located. This applies to the workers named above as "well as all other classes. Aalborg, N. J., Montego Bay, Ja- maica, British West Indies. Abbott, E. H., Lodi, Cal. Abbott, F. L., 51 Summit St., South Manchester, Conn. Abel, J. B. M., Box 88, Cape Hai- tien, Haiti. Abella, Jose, 7 rue Station Sani- taire, Algers, Algeria. Aberle, H., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Germany. Abney, B. W., Box 602, High Point, N. C. Achenbach, C. V., Casilla 28, Puno, Peru, South America. AcMoody, C. E., 821 West Seventh St., Grand Island, Nebr. Adams, C. E., 484 North Second St., Fort Dodge, Iowa. Adams, E. H., 217 Mariposa St., Fresno, Cal. Adams, E. M., 97 Ledesma St., Iloilo, Panay, Philippine Islands. Adams, J. W., Hinkley, Cal. Adams, K. M., 300 Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Set- lements. Adams, P. P., Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. Adams, W. M., 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Adkins, U. G., Butte Creek, Mont. Ahr6n, E. J., Gamla Kungsholms- brogatan 38, Stockholm, Swe- den. Airey, R. W., Caldwell, Idaho. Akre, 0. M., 103 Willoughby-Sum- ner Block, Saskatoon, Saskatche- wan, Canada. Alder, J. D., 3012 E St., Eureka, Cal. Allen, A. N., 300 Darlington Ave., Darlington, S. C. Allen, C. W., 1112 Kalarnath St., Denver, Colo. Allen, M. J., 3202 Broadway, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Allen, J., Corner Peel and. Grey Sts., South Brisbane,. Queens- land, Australia. Allison, J. W., 712 EVerett Ave., Kansas City, Kans. Allum, F. A., Wang Gia Dun, Han- kow, Hupeb, China. Altman, M. A., 75 Grant St., Port- land, Me. Alway, W. A., Harvey, N: Dak. Alway, G. M., 2965 South Acoma St., Denver, Colo. Anderson, A. N., Nagoya, Japan. Anderson, August, East 1014 Eighth Ave., Spokane, Wash. Anderson, A. W., " Mizpah," Wah- roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Anderson, B. L., 6 Austin Ave., Kowloon' Hongkong, China. Anderson, C. V., 709 North Fifty- fourth Ave., West, Duluth, Minn. Anderson, J. E., Milanes 99, Ma- tanzas, Cuba, West Indies. Anderson, J. N., College View, Nebr. Anderson, J. P., Swatow, Kwang- tung, China. Anderson, M. E., Drawer 586, Watertown, S. Dak. Anderson, U. S., Berrien Springs, Mich. Anderson, W. H., Rosemead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa. Andersson, Nils, Ingolfsstraeti 10, Reykjavik, Iceland. Andreasen, M. L., - Hutchinson, Minn. � • Andress, Wm. M., 751 East Ninth South, Salt Lake City, Utah. Andrews, G. G., College View, Nebr. Andrews, J. N., Chungking; Sze- chwan, China. Andrews, R. F., College View, • Nebr. Andrews, W. R., 1366 St. Nicolas Ave., New York, N. Y. Andross, C. E., 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles. Cal. Andross, E. E., Box 146, Glen- dale. Cal. 267 268 � MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. Ang, T. K., Swatow, Kwangtung, China. Angervo, 0., Gamla Kungsholms- brogatan 38, Stockholm, Swe- den. Angfebarger, G. W., 531 Santa Fe Drive, Denver, Colo. Arevalo, Victorio, 707 Vermont St., Manila, Philippine Islands. Armitage, F. B., Zulu Mission, Ladysmith, Natal, South Africa. Armstrong, A. D., 1 Devereux Road, Battersea, London, S. W. 11, England. Armstrong, A., 67 Claremont Road, Smethwick, near Birmingham, England. Armstrong, H. E., " Warden House," Crumpsall Crescent, Manchester, England. Armstrong, W. H., Rileyville, Page Co., Va. Ashcroft, C. E., Corner Peel and Grey Sts., South Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Ashton, N. S., care Academy, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Asirvatham, A., 29 Vepery High Road, Madras, India. Aufderhar, H. A., Pierce, Colo. Augsbourger, Ulysse, La Ligniere, Gland, Switzerland. Babcock, C. M., Chamberlain, S. Dak. 13abcock, D. C., Ilorin, via Lagos, Nigeria, West Africa (on fur- lough in England). Babienco, T. T., Battleford, Sas- katchewan, Canada. Baber,G. H., Graysville, Tenn. Backhaus, G. H. K., 110 Grote St., Adelaie, South Australia, Aus- tralia. Bacon, A. E., 105 Llanishen St., Heath, Cardiff, South Wales. Badaut, J. P., rue Nicolas Roret, 1, Paris, XIIle, France. Badaut, Paul, Rose Hill, rue de la Renes 42, Mauritius, In- dian Ocean. Baer,•11. T. Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Bahler, R., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Germany. Bahr, E., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg, Germany. Blihre, G. Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg, Germany. Baird, B. B., Nebraska City, Nebr. Baird, G. W., 1 Devereux Road, Battersea, ,ondon, S. W. 11, England. Baierle, Chas., 4738 York Road, Philadelphia, Pa. Bailey, M. R., 60 Howard St., Lew- iston, Me. Bailey, F. C., 1 Devereux Road, Battersea, London, S.. W. 11, England. Baker, A. L., Box 408, Santa Rosa, Cal. Baker, Isaac, La Ceiba, Republic Honduras, Central America,. Baker, Thomas, Coomassie, via Sec- condee, Gold Coast, West Africa. Baker-, W. L. H., Warburton, Vic- toria, Australia. Balsbaugh, Henry, 823 Pine St., Vicksburg, Miss. Baptiste, J. J., Box 88, Cape Hai- tien, Barcus, J. E., Yankton, S. Dak. Barnes, D. V., Box 214, Mound Bayou, Miss. Barr, W. E., 1113/2 East Third St., Tulsa, Okla. Barrett, D. J. C., Box 217, St. John's, Newfoundland. - Barritt, T. H., 4738 York Road, Philadelphia, Pa. Barlow, W. A., Babumohal, via Simultala, E. I. R., India. Barras, L. W., " Croftview," Ud- dingston, near Glasgow, Scot- land. Bartlett, W. T., Stanborough Park, Watford, England. Barto, W. P., 15 Juliana Straat, Medan, Sumatra, Dutch East Indies. Bartsch, G., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin-Charl., Germany. Basney, H. C., Brawley, Cal. Bates, F. E., Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Battye, W. E., 22 Stanley St., Richmond, Victoria, Australia. Backe, Dr. F., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-Charl., Germany. Baum, C. S., Hamburg, Pa. Baxter, W. E., Caracas, Venezuela, South America. Beams, J. W., Nevada, Iowa. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. � 269 Beane, J. L., 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Beardsley, J. I., Box 414, Hunts- ville, Ala. Beazley, A. L., Smith's Falls, On- tario. Beck, H., Box 66, Port of Spain, Trinidad, Bri'tish West Indies. Becker, W., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin-Charl., Germany. Beckner, R. A., Myanaurig, Burma. Beddoe, B. E., Box 146, Glendale, Cal. Beebe, E. I., Ovid, Mich. Behr, H., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg, Germany. Behrens, A., Grindelberg 15a, Hamu rg, Germany. Behrens, E., Warwick House, St. George's Terrace, Perth, West Australia, Australia. Behrens, J. H., 4119 Grove Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Belgrave, C. C., S. D. A. Mission, Rai Bareily, India. Bell, Alexander R., 852 Colburn St., Toledo, Ohio. Bell, Allen R., Box 314, Hammond, La. Bell, C. V., Australasian Mission- ary College, Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia. Bell, J. E., " Warden House," Crum psall Crescent, Manchester, England. Bellah, C. G., 5331 Goodfellow Place, St. Louis, Mo. Bellinger, J. S., 1711 Cass St., Nashville, Tenn. � - Bellows, R. J., Cooks, Mich. Belz, Frank, Capoeiras Correio Estreito, Santa Catharina, Bra- zil, South America. Bender, U., 56 Roeland St., Cape Town, South Africa. 136nezat, Leopold, Casella Postale 218, Florence, Italy. Benham, R. D., Cornelius, Oreg. Benson, C. L., Berrien Springs, Mich. Benson, H. F., Tenmajimachi, Ai- zuwakamatsu, Japan. Benton, R. L., Box 446, Wells, Minn. Bereck, A., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Germany. Berg, Henry, Prussia, Saskatche- wan, Canada. Bergersen; N. C., Akersgaten 74, Christiania, Norway. Bernstein, 0. 0., 1633 Cook St., Denver, Colo. Berry, G. W., Angora, Nebr. Bertalot, Elie, Casella Postale 218, Florence, Italy. Berthelsen, P. E., Bethel, Wis. Bicknell, P. F., South Lancaster, Mass. Bidwell, W. E., Gordonsville, Va. Bird, A. C., Caldwell, Idaho. Bird, W. L., Box 414, Huntsville, Ala. Birkenstock, J. J., Stranack St., Maritzburg, Natal, South Africa. Bischoff, H., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, GerMany. Black, W. L., 163 Palm Court, Riv- erside, Cal. Blackwood, C. A., 412 Range St., Dothan, Ala. Blake, W. J., R. F. D. 7, Box 26a, Battle Creek, Mich. Blandford, C. L., Chungking, Sze- chwan, China. Bliss, C. H., 1207 Oaklawn Ave., Peoria, Ill. Block, Godofredo, Puiggari, F. C. E. R., Argentina, South Amer- ica. Blosser, J. B., Berrien Springs, Mich. Blue, I. F. 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, Blunden, H. M., Wang Gia Dun, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Boehm, J. H., Estacilo de Sao Bernardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Bottcher, J. T., Clinton, Mo. Boger, E. C., Box 66, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Bollinan, C. P., Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Bond, C. L., Box 408, Santa Rosa, Cal. Bond, Frank, Apartado 492, Bar- celona, Spain. Bond, J. E., 615 North Tenth St., Phoenix, Ariz. Bonde, Dr. H., 322 First Ave., Northeast, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 270 � MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. Bong, Martha, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Bonney, J. A., Coomassie, via Sec- condee, Gold Coast, West Africa. Booth, A. S., 2901 Brighton St., Baltimore, Md. Bowen, T. E., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Boyce, W. H., 73 East Pearl St., St. Thomas, Ontario. Boynton, C. E., Bluefields, Nica- ragua. Boynton, J. W., FIoquiam, Wash. Bracero, Rafael, Cayey, Porto Rico. Bradford, R. L., Jr., 3033 Burdette St., Omaha, Nebr. Brandstater, G. A., 84 Cashel St., Christchurch, New Zealand. Branch, T. H., 2011 Reed St., Philadelphia, Pa. Branford, J. L., Oaklands, via Cairns, Queensland, Australia. Branson, W. H., 169 Bryan St., Atlanta, Ga. Brant, L. E., 2055 North Main St., Santa Ana, Cal. Braun, J., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg, Germany. Bray, Burt, Las Cruces, N. Mex. Breed, A. J., College Place, Wash. Breitigam, R. R., Box 1304, Fresno, Cal. Bremer, Aug., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Bresee, R. F., Drawer 586, Water- town, S. Dak. Brinck, W., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin-Charl., Germany. Brines, R. J!, 17 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Bringle, A. S., Oswego, Kans. Brinkmann, H., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Brisbin, R. D., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Bristol, E. A., 220 Michigan St., Petoskey, Mich. Brittain, W. G., 108 Ponsonby Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Britten, A. H., Warwick House, St. George's Terrace, Perth, West Australia,. Australia. Brock, R. H., Kissimmee, Fla. Brodersen, P. E., 2009 East Thirty- second St., Minneapolis, Minn. Brorsen, A., 844 Thirty-fourth St., Oakland, Cal. Brown, B. W., 169 Bryan St., At- lanta, Ga. Brown, E. A., Fort Bragg, Cal. Brown, F. E., 215 Porter St., Hanford, Cal. Brown, G. G., 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Brown, G. M., Route 3, Searcy, Ark. Brown, H. F., Apartado 4, Tegu- cigalpa, Honduras, Central America. Brown, J. E., EstacAo de Silo Bernardo, S. P. R., Sfio Paulo, Brazil, South America. Brown, J. L., II Avenida Once No. 27., Santa Ana, Salvador, Cen- tral America. Brown, M. H., Route 3, Searcy, Ark. Brown, R. J., S. D. A. Mission, Nanking, China. Brown, T. A , 116 Grote St., Ade- laide, South Australia, Aus- tralia. Browne, L. W., 1911 Alvord St., Indianapolis, Ind. Brownlie, John, Room 621, Crutch- er and Starks Bldg., Louisville, Ky. • Bruck, C., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin- Charl., Germany. Bryant, R. J., 136 North Main St., Concord, N. H. Brsonson, Thr., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-Charl., Germany. Buckner, T. B., 110 Early St., Montgomery, Ala. Budd, G. L., Alexandria, Minn. ' Buhalts C. J., 703 South Gallatin St., Jackson, Miss. Bunch, F. S., College Place, Wash. Bunoa, Pauliasi, Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Burden, J. A., Paradise Valley Sanitarium, National City, Cal. Burden, W. D., 171 Amanuma, Suginami-mura, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo, Japan. Burg, F. M., Loma Linda, Cal. Burgess, G., 116 Grote St., Ade- laide, South Australia, Austra- lia. Burgess, L. J., 6 Dehi Serampore Road, Entally, Calcutta, India. Burke, R. E., Laurel, Miss. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. � 271 Burkholder, H. H., Box 147, Bell- ville, Ohio. Burley, S. G., Harvey, N. Dak. Burman, C. A., College Place, Wash. Burnham, M. S., Otsego, Mich. Burns, N. C., 22 Stanley St., Rich- mond, Victoria, Australia. Burrill, A. 0., 2056 Forty-second Ave., East, South Vancouver, British Columbia. Burrow, W. R., R. F. D. 6, Mem- phis, Tenn. Burton, I. B., " Ntlambie," Butter- worth, Cape, South Africa. Butler, Geo. I., Bowling Green, Fla. Butler, 0. K., 27 First Ave., Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, South Africa. Butler, S. M., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Butler, W. A., 527 Sawyer St., New Bedford, Mass. Butterfield, C. L., Seoul, Chosen (Korea). Butterfield, B. M., 1611 School St., Rockford, EL Butterfield, F. M., Crescent Mills. Cal. Butterfield, M. B., Box 66, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Butz, E. S., " Tereora," The Ave- nue, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus- tralia. Buzezinski, J., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-Ca rl., Germany. � • Buzugheri, A. M. Ottoman Post, Box 109, Galat a, Constanti- nople, Turkey. Bye, Edwin, Montevideo, Minn. Cady, B. J., 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. Cady, M. E., 2547 Piedmont Ave., Berkeley, Cal. Calderone, R., 726 South Oakley Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Cali, Michele, 338 Milwaukee St., Milwaukee, Wis. Campbell, A. B., 802 Maple St., Wichita, Kans. Campbell, J. M., 1820 West Chest- nut St., Louisville, Ky. Campbell, J. R., Rosemead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa. Campbell, L. E., 221 North Eighth St., Miles City, Mont. Campbell, M. N., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Capman, H. J., 50 Allenson St., Hamilton, Ontario. Cardey, E. L., Room 609, Tre- mont Temple, Boston, Mass. Cardey, 0. D., Smith's Falls, On- tario. Carey, Albert, 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. Carey, E. W., Keene, Tex. Carey, M. W., 108 Ponsonby Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Carlson, C. A., 703 North Oak St., McPherson, Kans. Carlson, F. C., 508 Elizabeth St., Elmira, N. Y. Carlstjerna, C. 0., (formerly C. 0. Carlsson), Gamla Kungsholms- brogatan 38, Stockholm, Sweden. Carr, H. W., 75 Grant St., Port- land, Me. Carr, R. F., Nevada, Iowa. Carr, S. W., Niue Island, Pacific Ocean. Carscallen, A. A., Gendia, Kis- umu, British East Africa. Carstens, 0., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Carswell, W. R., " Mizpah," Wah- ronga, N. S. � ., Australia. Casebeer, G. W., Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Casebeer, H. D., Santo Domingo, Republic of Dominica. Castle, C. H., South Lancaster, Mass. Cave, Chas., Hastings Sanita- rium, Barbardos, British West Indies. Caviness, G. W., 1420 Avenida 20. Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Chaffee, P. H., New Boston, Mo. Chaney, J. A., Trout Lake, Wash. Chapman, E. M., 76 Duncan St., Halifax, Nova Scotia. Chapman, F. L., 1 Devereux Road, Battersea, London, S. W. 11, England. Chatman, A. C. 2310 Woodland Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Chesson,A. C., 84 Cashel St., Christchurch, New Zealand. 272 � MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. Chollar, F. S., 122 South Eighth St., Grand Junction, Colo. Christian, A. E., R. F. D. 1, Ben- son, Minn. Christian, J. W., 401-403 Scott- Thompson Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Christian, L. H., 3145 Lyndale St., Chicago, 111. Christiansen, A. G., Margrethevej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Christiansen, E., Ingolfsstraeti 10, Reykjavik, Iceland. Christensen, P., Margrethevej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Christenson, Herbert, Virginia, Minn. Christman, H. K., Box 8, Mt. Ver- non, Ohio. Christoffers, J., Krisztina Kfirdt 167, Budapest I.-Hungary. Christy, C. M., Beatrice, Nebr. Chyong Mun Cook, Keizan, Chosen (Korea). Clapp, R. B., Hornell, N. Y. Clark, A. J., Holly, Mich. Clark, G. H., Rosemead Ave., Ken- ilworth, Cape, South Africa. Clark, H. A., R. F. D. 5, Enos- burg Falls, Vt. Clark, W. H., 821 West Fifth St., Topeka, Kans. Clausen, N., Box 644, Oklahoma City, Okla. Clemens, J. C., Apartment 6, Co- lumbus Flats, Davenport, Iowa. Clemenson, W. A., 103 Willough- by-Sumner Block, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Cobb, L. W., Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. Coberly, R. B., Clyde, Tex. Cochran, A. U., Milanes 99, Ma- tanzas, Cuba, West Indies. Colcord, I. C., 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. Cole, C. F., 19 Jefferson Ave., Bil- lings, Mont. Cole, C. J., 418 Adams St., Lewis- ton, Idaho. Cole, J. M., " Tereora," The Ave- nue, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus- tralia. Cole, V. 0., South Lancaster, Mass. Comer, J. M., 9 Elliott Road, Cal- cutta, India. Conger, M. G., Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Connell, M. A., " Tereora," The Avenue, Stratlifield, N. S. W., Australia. Conrad, Germano, Rua Saldanha Marinho 169, Curityba, Parana, Brazil, South America. Conradi, L. R., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Conway, F. H., 1420 South Fifty- second St., acoma, Wash. Cook, E. L., 835 North Cedar Ave., Hastings, Nebr. Coon, A. W., 136 Clinton Ave., Cortland, N. Y. Coon, C. J., Lincklaen Center, N. Y. Coon, M. R., 56 Pasadena St., Springfield, Mass. Cooper, H., 204 North Topeka Ave., Wichita, Kans. Cooper, T. H., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Corbaley, F. M., 2781 Jackson St., Dubuque, Iowa. Corliss, J. 0., 316 Everett St., Glendale, Cal. Corrnack, A. W., Warwick House, St. George's Terrace, Perth, West Australia, Australia. Cormack, B., corner Peel and Gray Sts., South Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Cotton, A. V., 227 West Grand Ave., Detroit, Mich. Cottrell, H. W., 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. Cottrell, R. F., Box 523, U. S. Pos- tal Agency, Shanghai, China. Counsell, I. V., Riceville, Iowa. Courter, H. F., Safford, Ariz. Covert, J. W., R. F. D. 1, East Leroy, Mich. Cox, J. E., 328 South Sixth St., Columbus, Ohio. Cozens, B., 22 Stanley St., Rich- mond, Victoria, Australia. Craddock, T. H., 22 Stanley St., Richmond, Victoria, Australia. Crammond, J. J., corner Peel and Grey Sts., South Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Crane, I. A., R. F. D. 3, Waurika, Okla. Crary, 0. B., 169 Bryan St., At- lanta, Ga. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. � 273 Craven, E. C., " Warden House," Crumpsall Crescent, Manchester, England. Crawford, James, Chico, Cal. Crisler, C. C., Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency,. Shanghai, China. Crisler, L. T., Formosa, Fla. Critchlow, J. F., 701 McRae St., Wilmington, N. C. Cubley, W. M., 1122 South Thirty- second St., Omaha, Nebr. Cunha, J. A. M. da, Capoeiras Correio Estreito, Santa Catha- rine, Brazil, South America. Curdy, E. A., Box 88, Cape Haitian, Haiti. Curdy, J., rue Nicolas Roret, 1, Paris, � France. Currow, A., 108 Ponsonby Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Currow, L., " Tereora," The Ave- nue, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus- tralia. Cuthbert, W., 67 Claremont Road, Smethwick, near Birmingham, England. Curtis, P. C., Garland, Wyo. Curtis, C. W., 303 North Sycamore St., Centralia, Ill. Curtis, E. A., Glade Park, Colo. Curtis, E. H., Scotts Bluff, Nebr. Dahl, 0. J., Middle River, Minn. Dail, Guy, Wabernstr. 91a, Bern, Switzerland. Dake, U. B., 609 East Oklahoma Ave., Anadarko, Okla. Dangschat, C., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Daniells, A. G., Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Dart, A. M., 1502 Lincoln Ave., North Yakima, Wash. Dasent, J. G., 1718 Heiman St., Nashville, Tenn. Ditumichen, R., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-Charl., Germany. Davenport, Dr. D. E., Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Davies, J. A. B. Coomassie, via Seccondee, Gold Coast, West Africa. Davis, E. M., Sherman, Tex. Davis, G. A., Room 621, Crutcher and Starks Bldg., Louisville, Ky. Davis, H. Z., 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Dayton, W. P., Lodi; Cal. Deapen, J. A., 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, Colo. De'Ath, H. F., Stanborough Park, Watford, England. De Beer, J. N., Gwelo, Rhodesia, South Africa. Decker, H. W., College Place, Wash. Delgado, Benito, Station A, San Antonio, Tex. Demetrescu, St., Krisztina Kiirtit 167, Budapest I, Hungary. Demidow, M., Post box 14, Minsk, Russia. Denslow, 0. L., Room 621, Crutch- er and Starks Bldg., Louisville, Ky. Denton, H. W., 810 Jackson Ave., New Orleans, La. Detamore, F. A., 12 Wilkie Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Detwiler, H. J., Cor. Third and Juliana Sts., Parkersburg, W. Va. Devasahayarp, A., 184 Rue Grande Bazaar, Pondicherry, India. De Vinney, F. H., 12 Wilkie Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Dexter, H. H., La Ligniere, Gland (Ct. Vaud), Switzerland. Dick, E. D., Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. Dickson, L. K., 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. Dieffenbacher, J. R., Box 408, San- ta Rosa, Cal. Dietrich, H., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin-Charl., Germany. Dietrich, R., sit° Bernardo, S. P. R.. Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Dillon, I. P., 615 North Tenth St., Phoenix, Ariz. Dionisio, Guillermo, 707 Vermont St., Manila, Philippine Islands. Dirksen, H. J., College Place, Wash. Djang Bao Ting, S. D. A. Mission, The Island, Changsha, Hunan, China. Domnick, G., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin -Ch arl . Germany. Doerner, F. A., Krisztina K hilt 167, Budapest I, Hungary. Doolittle, H. J., S. D. A. Mission, Nanking, China. Dorcas, J. W., Nevada, Iowa. 274 � MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. Dorland, 0., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Dow, 0. A., 703 South Gallatin St., Jackson, Miss. Dowsett, R. T., 123 Willow Ave., Takoma Park Station, Wash- ington, D. C. Drews, Louis, R. F. D. 4, Box 256a, Belleville, Ill. Drinhaus, E., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin-Charl., Germany. Drinhaus, P., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin-Charl., Germany. Dudley, Frank, 551 Stanley Ave., Detroit, Mich. Du Fu Gu, Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Dfick, K. K., Post box 2, Post office Birsh a, " Excelsior," Saratov, Russia Dunham, E. E., Yankton, S. Dak. Dtirr, F., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Germany. Durrant, A. N., 7306 Kelly St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Eastman, W. W., Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Edmed, H. J:, Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Edwards, C. H., 318 West E St., Ontario, Cal. Edwards, H. E., Nevada, Iowa. Edwards, W. H., 2718 Third -Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Edwardsen, C., 679 Holly Ave., St.' Paul, Minn. Ehinger, E., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Germany. Ehlers, E. C., Srio Bernardo, S. P. R., S5o Paulo, Brazil, South America. Eicher, D., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Germany. Eichman, G. F., Tangier, Okla. Ellingworth, G. A., Malamulo Mission, Blantyre, Nyas'aland, British Central Africa. Elliott, W. P., Greenville, Mich. Elliott, W. R., 322 Jackson Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. Ells, L. H., College Place, Wash. Emery, W. D., R. F. D. 2, Boulder, Colo. Emmerson, E. H., R. F. D. 2, Gas- ton, Oreg. Emmerson, L C., 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. Enoch, Geo. F. Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Enseleit, E., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin-Charl., Germany. Erikson, J. M., R. F. D. 1, Box 20, La Grange, Ill. Ernst, Luis, 155 B. Orono, Rosa- rio de Santa Fe, Argentina, South America. Errington, J. T., 244 Van Horne St., Port Arthur, Ontario. Erzberger, H., Deutsche Post, Je- rusalem, Syria. Erzberger, J., Nonnenweg, corner Birmansgasse, Basle, Switzer- land. Ethredge, N. J., Abilene, Tex. Evans, I. H., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Evelyn, A. J., 228 South Main St., Danville, Va. Everson, C. T., 825 West 178th St., New York, N. Y. Fairchild, F. M., Clyde, -Ohio. Farley, C. W., 136 North Main St., Concord, N. H. Farley, R. F., Gordonsville, Va. Fernstrom, K. A., Gamla Kungs- holmsbrogatan 38, Stockholm, Sweden. Farnsworth, E. E., Boulder-Colo- rado Sanitarium, Boulder, Colo. Farnsworth, E. W., Pacific Union College, St. Helena, Cal. Farnsworth, 0. 0., Sonningdale, Saskatchewan, nada. Fattebert, Dr. Carlos, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. • Fawer, Emil, La Ligniere, Gland (Ct. Vaud), Switzerland. Feddersen, Hugo, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Fehr, Joh., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Germany. Fenner, F. E., 420 North Ball St., Cheboygan, Mich. Fenner, H., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Germany. Fero, D. T., Lodi, Cal. Ferris,A. H., Norfolk Island, Paciic Ocean. Ferris, E. F., 719 West Walnut St., Green Bay, Wis. Ferris, J. - 0., 312 Eleventh Ave., Flint, Mich. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. � 275 , Field, F. W., Ooltewah, Tenn. Field, T. W., Keene, Tex. Figuhr, R. R., 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. • Fillman, Ezra, Ketchum,, Okla. Finster, L. V., 707 Vermont St., Manila, Philippine Islands. Fintel, Cl: v., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Fischer, J. K. Billings, Mont. Fish, H. A., Spearfish, S. Dak.. Fish, J. K., Cayley, Alberta, Can- ada. Fisher, G. S., 306-308 George St., Sydney, N. S. W., Australia. Fitch, D. D., Mission Adventista, Calle Cerra No. 12, Santurce, Porto Rico. Flaiz, C. F., Marshfield, Oreg. Flaiz, C. W., College Place, Wash. Flaiz, T. R., College Place, Wash. Fletcher, Hubert, Riversdale, Ja- maica, British West Indies. Fletcher, W. W., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Fletcher, J. M., Broadwater, Nebr. Folkenberg, C. F., 3020 B St., San Diego, Cal. Folkenberg, L. E., 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. Forde, W. D., 4748 Evans Ave., Chicago, Ill. Foreman, W. C., Nevada, Iowa. Forshaw, W. G., Battleford, Sas- katchewan, Canada. Forshee, H. M., care Academy, New Market, Va. Foster, J. C., Darby, Mont. Frank, 0. F., 304 Hodges St., Lake Charles, La. Franklin, E. E., 305 Ruh Bldg., Fond du Lac, Wis. Franklin, E. G., Hagersville, On- tario. Frauchiger, E. E., Ottoman Post, Box 109, Galata, Constantinople, Turkey. Frei, J. P., Nonnenweg, corner Birmansgasse, Basle, Switzer- land. French, A. F., 121 Pine St., Bara- boo, Wis. French, H. B., Cleburne, Tex. French, R. E., 133 South Third St., Coshocton, Ohio. French, T. M., Cor. Third and Ju- liana Sts., Parkersburg, W. Va. French, W. R., " Bombay View," Colaba, Bombay, India. Freund, G., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin-Charl., Germany. Fries, R. S., 537 Twenty-fifth St., Oakland, Cal. Froom, L. E., Mountain View, Cal. Frost, S. L., Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Fuller, C. W., Winnemucca, Nev. Fulton, J. E., Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. - Fiirle, W., Krisztina Kora 167. Budapest I, Hungary. Gaede, D. P., College View, Nebr. Gaede, G. P., 030 Twenty-second St., Milwaukee, Wis. Gaede, J. P., 342 Miller St., Mt. Oliver Station, Pittsburgh, Pa. Gaidischar, F., Post box 2, Post office Birsha, " Excelsior," Sara- tov, Russia. Gaidischar, J., Post box 2, Post office Birsha, " Excelsior," Sara- tov, Russia. Gant, K. L., 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, Colo. Gardner, E. E., San Fernando, Cal. Gardner, R. C., .260 Percy St., El- gin, Ill. Garrett, R. U., Cedar Lake, Mich. Garton, B. M., Seward, Nebr. Gassmann, F.,Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, ermany. Gates, E. H., 537 Twenty-fifth St., Oakland, Cal. Gates, E. M., Corsicana, Tex. Gauker, H. G., 4738 York Road, Philadelphia, Pa. Gauterau, F. D., 4738 York Road, Philadephia, Pa. Gaylord, 0. F., Tabernacle, Battle Creek, Mich. Geier, G., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Germany. Gemon, H. N., 31 Deaderick Bldg., Knoxville, Tenn. George, W. A., Loma Linda, Cal. Gibson, F. E., 1925 Fourteenth St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Gibson, L. A., Prineville, Oreg. Gibson, 0. J., Yencheng, Honan, China (on furlough in U. S.). Gibson, T. J., Stranach St., Maritz- burg, Natal, South Africa. 276 � MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. Giddings, Philip, Pointe-a-Pitre, Guadeloupe, French West Indies. Giebel, 0., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin-Charl., Germany. Gilbert, A. C., 1708. Maple St., Van- couver, British Columbia, Can- ada. Gilbert, F. C., South Lancaster, Mass. Gillatt, J. D., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Gillatt, J. J., 67 Claremont Road, Smethwick, near Birmingham, England. Gillas, W., Franklin Chambers, Ho- bart, Tasmania. Gillis, W. E., Wang Gia Dun, Han- kow, Hupeh, China. Ginter, J. F., Post box 2, Post office Birsha, " Excelsior," Saratov, Russia. Girou, A. J., Ottoman Post, Box 109, Galata, Constantinople, Turkey. Gjording, H. G., 219 Thirty-third St., Ogden, Utah. Gjording, J. G., Manchurian S. D. A. Mission, Mukden, Manchuria, China. Glass, H., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin-Char!., Germany. Gnadjin, E., Irkutsk, Siberia. G6bel, H., Omsk, Siberia. aide, P., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg, Germany. Godfrey, T., 127 Strain Ave., Con- cordia, Kans. Goetting, F., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin - Ch a rl., Germany. Golzer, K., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Germany. Gontar, A. E., Post box 2, Post office Birsha, " Excelsior," Sara- tov, Russia. Gonsalves, F. J., 812 Belleville Ave., New Bedford, Mass. Goodrich, H. C., Milan& 99, Ma- tanzas, Cuba, West Indies. Goralick, J., Post box 2, Post office Birsha, "Excelsior," Saratov, Russia. Gordon, L. 0., Gordonsville, Va. Gosmer, W. A., 1-112 Kalamath St., Denver, Colo. Grabig, A., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg, Germany. Graf, a F., 2242 East Eighty- sixth St., Cleveland, Ohio. Graf, J. J., Berrien Springs, Mich. Graf, 0. J., Berrien Springs, Mich. Graham, J. E., 2840 West Sixty- first St., Seattle, Wash. Gram, H. P., Miner St., Canton, N. Y. Grandy, B. M., College Place, Wash. Grauer, G. A., R. F. D., Box 135a, Modesto, Cal. Gray, H. P., 318 Concord Ave., To- ronto, Ontario. Greaves, R. S., S. D. A. Mission, Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Green, J. A. P., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Green, J. S., Jacksonville, Fla. Green, W. H., 638 Thirtieth St., Detroit, Mich. Greene, H. D., 1615 Worms St., Houston, Tex. Grieser, J. F., Bauerstr. 38, Mu- nich, Germany. Griffin, H. Clay, Munday, Tex. Griggs, Frederick, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. -Gricrorjew, G., Post box 14, Minsk, Russia. Groenewald, D. H., care Interna- tional Tract Society, Stranack St., Maritzburg, Natal, South Africa. Grossman, R., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-Charl., Germany. Gruber, F., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin-Charl., Germany. Grundset, Anol, Crookston, Minn. Grundset, Henry, Drawer 586, Watertown, S. Dak. Grundset, 0. J., Manchurian S. D. A. Mission, Mukden, Manchuria. Guenin, J. C., 7 rue Station Sanitaire, Algers, Algeria. Gugel, E., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Germany. Guild, M. C., 417 Castle Hall Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Guilford, H. S.; Chesaning, Mich. Guilliard, E. H., 22 Stanley St., Richmond, Victoria, Australia. Gulbrandson, David, Gimli, Mani- toba. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. � 277 Guthrie, Wm., 8 Pearl St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Guyot, A., La Ligniere, Gland, Switzerland. Habenicht, R. H., Puiggari, F. C. E. R., Argentina, South America. Hadley, 0. S., 1605 Sturm Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Haefft, Henry, Caixa Postal 768, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Haffner, G. F., Clinton, Mo. Hagemann, B. F., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Germany. Hagen, A. E., 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, Colo. Hahn, K., Post box 14, Minsk, Russia. Hale, D. U., 203 West Franklin St., Clinton, Mo. Hall, Frank, Christiansted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands, U. S. Hall, J. W., S. D. A. Mission, Tsi- nanfu, Shandung, China. Hall, 0. A., Wang Gai Dun, Han- kow, Hupeh, China. Elalladay, F. W., Box 414, Hunts- ville, Ala. Hallam, C., Warburton, Victoria, Australia. Halsvick, L., 675 Hicks St., Brook- lyn, N. Y. Ham, A. L., Tungshan, Canton, China. Hamara, E., Box 291, Houghton, Mich. � " Hambrock, F., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-Charl., Germany. Hamilton, G. A., Kammamaung, Shwegun Post office, Burma. Hampton, J. B., 4303 Avenue C, Austin, Tex. Han, Tsung Djen, S. D. A. Mission, Nanking, China. Hancock, W. E., Apartado 492, Barcelona, Spain. Hanhardt, J. G., 196 South Corona St., Denver, Colo. Hankins, I. J., Cape Sanitarium, Plumstead, Cape, South Africa. Hankins, W. C., Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Hannah, W. C., Nevada, Iowa. Hannon, S. C., Wilson, Mich. Hansen, H., 15091/2 H St., Bell- ingham, Wash. Hansen C. A., 819 Somerset Block, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Hansen, C. Avery, College View, Nebr. Hansen, L. A., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Hansen, N. P., Margrethevej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Hansen, Nicolas, Calle Arenal Grande 2535, Montevideo, Uru- guay, South America. Hanson, D. H., Juneau, Alaska. Hanson, P. A., Touchet, Wash. Hanson, P. A., Margrethevej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Hanson, P. C., 811 East Bell St., Bloomington, Ill. Hanson, P. M., 700 Woodward Ave., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Hanson, W. R., 31 Deaderick Bldg.. Knoxville, Tenn. Harding, I. W., S. D. A. Mission, Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Hardt, W. F. Apartado 4, Teguci- galpa, Honduras, Central Amer- ica. Hare, E. B., Kammamaung, Shwe- gun Post office, Burma. Hare, M. M., 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Hare, Robert, Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia. Hare, Robert A., Maple Plain, Minn. Hare, R. E., corner Peel and Grey Sts., South Brisbane, Queens. land, Australia. Hare, S. T., Sanitarium, Cal. Harker, H. C., 116 Grote St.,Ade- laide, South Australia, ustra- lia. Harlow, Geo., 17 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Harris, F. J., R. F. D. 1, Cadillac, Mich. Harris, J. C., 436 Howard St.. Cadillac, Mich. Harrison, A. F., 401-403 Scott- Thompson Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Hart, J. S., College View, Nebr. Harter, F. A., 7155 Mt. Vernon St.. Pittsburgh, Pa. Harter, R. E., 115 Carroll Ave., Takoma Park Station, Wash- ington, D. C. 278 � • MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. Hartwell, F. S., 6 Pillsbury St., Derry, N. H. Hartwell, H. C., 317 West Bloom- field St., Rome, N. Y. Hartwell, S. D., 679 Holly Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Harvey, L. R., Warwick House, St. George's Terrace, Perth, West Australia, Australia. Haskell, S. N., South Lancaster, Mass. Haskell, Mrs. H. H., South Lan- caster, Mask Haughey, S. G. 1 Devereux Road, Battersea, London, S. W. 11, England. Haupt, W., Stranack St., Maritz- burg, Natal, South Africa. Hawkins, G. R., 1112 Kalamath Ste, Denver, Colo. Hawkins, Mrs. E. Flo, 1112 Kala- math St., Denver, Colo. Hawley, V. D., Pierre, S. Dak. Hay, R. E., Vigan, Ilocos Sur, Phil- ippine Islands. Hayes, E. G., Drawer R, Redfield, S. Dak. Haynes, C. B., 169 Bryan St., Atlanta, Ga. Haynes, J. D., 169 Bryan St., At- lanta, Ga. Haynes, S. R., 1219 Washington St., Greenville, N. C. Haysmer, A. J., Box 5007, Cristo- bal, Canal Zone, Panama. Hayton, C. H., Stanborough Park, • Watford, England. Hayward, P. C., 5805 Forty-sixth St., Southeast, Portland, Oreg. Heald, B. M., 19 Cumberland Ave., Hamilton, Ontario. Heald, C. W., Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Mich. Healey, W. M., 667 Eighteenth St., San Diego, Cal. Hebner; W. C., 978 Pavone St., Benton Harbor, Mich. Heckman, W. H., 200 Columbus Ave., re nton, N. J. Hein, C. D., Drawer N, Jamestown, N. Dak. Hellest rand, 0. V., Warwick House, St. George's Terrace, Perth, West Australia, Austra- lia. Helleraas, 0. T., Margrethevej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Helligso, M. N., College View, Nebr. Henderson, F. H., 87 Fay St., Akron, Ohio. Hendricks, Ray, Pipestone, Minn Hennig, A., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin-Carl., Germany. Henriques, E. C., Arima, Trinidad, British West Indies. Herbert, W. Krisztina Kora 167, Budapest I, Hungary. Hermann, P. H., 1510 East Sixty- second St., Chicago, Ill. Herren, H. W., Oakton, Va. Hershberger, 0. S., Box 8, Mt. Ver- non, Ohio. Hersum, S. J., R. F. D. 3, Gorham, Me. Hetze, G., Post box 14, Minsk, Russia. Hiatt, H. M., Anoka, Minn. Hibbard, E. J., Scappoose, Oreg. Hickman, N. R., 818 North Thirty- fourth St., Fort Smith, Ark. Hickman, T. J., Elk City, Okla. Hicks, H. H., 1132 Fifth St., Mil- waukee, Wis. Hilgert, W. T., East Sixtieth and Belmont Sts., Portland, Oreg. Hill, H. A., 'Raiatea, Society Is- lands, Pacific Ocean. Hill, Oscar, College Place, Wash. Hillman, V. R., 221 Vaughn St., Ironwood, Mich. Hills, W. F., 537 Twenty-fifth St., Oakland, Cal. Hilliard, E., 1431 Thomas St., St. Paul, Minn. Hilliard, W. I., S. D. A. Mission, 58 Baikal Road, Shanghai, China. Hindson, J., " Tereora, The Ave- nue; Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus- tralia. Hinz, H., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg, Germany. Hirlinger, J. W., 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park Station, Washing- ton, D. C. Hiten, S. G., 27 First Ave., Bloemfontein, Orange Free' State, South Africa. Hmelewsky, George, Wang Gia Dun, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Hoffman, J. H., 981 Bradley St., St. Paul, Minn. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. � 279 • Hoffman, B. P., 171 Amanuma, Suginami-mura, Toyotama-gun Tokyo, Japan. Hoffman, W., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin-Charl., Germany. Hofstra, J. W., Rooms 417-421, Castle Hall Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Holbrook, J. A., 5336 Eighth Ave., Northeast, Seattle, Wash. Holbrook, Wilbur, 452 Ralston St., Reno, Nev. Holbrook, W. S., 452 Ralston St., Reno, Nev. Holden, W. H., 29 Second St., Al- bany, N. Y. Hollister, M. A., 311 Fitch St., Healdsburg, Cal. Holman, G. W., 115 Oak St., Bridgeton, N. J. Holt, C. A., Lodi, Cal. Hoopes, L. A., Nevada, Iowa. Hoover, H. L., 3925 Wst Minister St., El Paso, Tex. Hopkins, E. B., Ardmore, Tex. Horn, P., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin- Charl., Germany. Horner, F., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, 'Germany. Horton, S. B., 1211 March St., Kalamazoo, Mich. Hottel, John, Fernwood Academy, Tunesassa, N. Y. Hottel, R. D., New Market, Va. House,. B. L., Keene, Tex. Howe, B. L., 1802 Forest St., Bakersfield, Cal. Howe, W. 0., 64 Brentwood St., Woodsfords Station, Me. Howell, W. E., Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Howse, H. T., Apia, Upolo, Sa- moa, Pacific Ocean. Howse, W. R., Papeete, Tahiti, Society Islands, Pacific Ocean. Hoxie, F. H., 203 West Franklin St. Clinton, Mo. Hoyt, J. M., Spooner, Wis. Hpo Hla, David, 60 Lower Kem- mendine Road, Kemmendine, Burma. Hubbard, G., 116 Grote St., Ade- laide, South Australia, Australia. Hubbard, T. F., 658 East Twenty- fifth St., Indianapolis, Ind. Hubley, R. A., Box 62, Bona Vista. Newfoundland. Huenergardt, J. F., Krisztina KO- rnt 167, Budapest I, Hungary. Huetter, 0. M., 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. Huffman, D. E., Oswego, Kans. Huffman, M. G., Parsons, Kans. Hufnagel, H., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin-Charl., Germany. Hughes, C. B., Battleford, Saskat- chewan, Canada. Hulse, V. P., Forest Grove, Oreg. Humann, H. H., 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Humphrey, J. K., 141 West 131st St., New York, N. Y. Hurdon, W. J., 107 Preston St., Ottawa, Ontario. Hutchinson, L. L., 615 North Tenth St., Phoenix, Ariz. Hyatt, W. L., Stranack St., Pie- termaritzburg, Natal, South Af- rica. Hyatt, W. S., Stranack St., Pie- termaritzburg, Natal, South Af- rica. Hwang, D. D., S. D. A. Mission, Wang Gia Dun, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Hyde, G., 67 Claremont Road, Smethwick, near Birmingham, England. Hyder, R., 90 Brickdam, George- town, British Guiana, "South America. Ice, 0. L., Gobleville, Mich. Immonen, R., Room 602, 32 Union Square, New York, N. Y. Imrie, L. J., " Tereora," The Ave- nue, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus- tralia. Irwin, C. W., Pacific Union Col- lege, St. Helena, Cal. Irwin, J. J., Room 5, Ashland Na- tional Bank Bldg., Ashland, Wis. Isaac, F. R.. care Clinton Semi- nary, Clinton, Mo. Isaac, John, Box 644, Oklahoma City, Okla. Isaac, M. N., Box 88, Cape Haitien, Haiti, West Indies. Isaak, Daniel, Post box 2, Post office Birsha, " Excelsior," Sara- tov, Russia. Ising, W. C., 8 Sharia Naseruddin el Shikhi, Bulak, Cairo, Egypt. (Interned.) 280 � MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. Israel, M. C., Oakdale, Cal. Iverson, Paul, Plentywood, Mont. Jackson, F. S., Warden House, Crumpsall Crescent, Manchester, England. Jackson, S. E., Drawer N, James- town, N. Dak. Jacques, S. E., Sapporo, Japan. Jacobs, J. T., 411 Black Ave., South, Bozeman, Mont. Jakobsen, Valdemar, Margrethevej 5, Copenhagen V., Denmark. James, J. S., Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. James, W. H., 22 Stanley St., Rich- mond, Victoria, Australia. Janert, A. 0., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-Charl., Germany. Jaster, H., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin-Charl., Germany. Jayne, J. E., Room 002, 32 Union Square, New York, N. Y. Jeffrey, E. W. H., Market Square, Alice, Cape, South Africa. Jefimow, S., Post box 14, Minsk, Russia. Jeftity, M., Krisztina Kiirtit 167, Budapest I, Hungary. Jenks, G. C., Rosemead Ave., Ken- ilworth, Cape, South Africa. Jensen, C. C., Northwood, N. Dak. Jensen, J. P. U., Margrethevej 5. Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Jeys, T. H., Redfield, S. Dak. Jewell, F. B., Tsungwesi Mission, Inyazura Siding, via Salisbury, Rhodesia, South Africa. Jochmans, Fr., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Johanson, J. M., 171 Amanuma, Suginami-mura, Toyotama-gun Tokyo, Japan. John, W., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg, Germany. Johns, V. J., 4332 Euclid St., Kan- sas City, Mo. Johnsen, Ch., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Johnson, Adolph, 2710 Montrose Ave., Chicago, Ill. Johnson, A. E., 1000 Alabama St., Lawrence, Kans. Johnson, C., McMinnville, Oreg. Johnson, E. R., Box 5007, Cristo- bal, Canal Zone, Panama. Johnson, Fred, 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Johnson, G. E., 508 East Everett St., Portland. Oreg. Johnson, II. R., Hutchinson, Minn. Johnson, J. B., Box 254, Ancon, Canal Zone, Panama. Johnson, J. D., 2129 South Forty- second St., Omaha, Nebr. Johnson, L., 3022 West Sixty-sec- ond St., Seattle, Wash. Johnson, L. E., Ringgold, Nebr. Johnson, 0., Gamla Kom.,,sholms- brogatan 38, Stockholm, Swe- den. Johnson, 0. A., College Place, Wash. Johnston' F. W., 801 Sherman Ave., South Bend, Ind. Johnston, H. A., Rieeville, Iowa. Jones, E. A., 51 Whitmore St., Hartford, Conn. Jones, G. F., S. D. A. Mission, Marovo Lagoon, Tulagi, Solo- mon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Jones, J. K., South Lancaster, Mass. Jones, M., 1726 High St., Little Roc, Ark. Jones, 0. E., Tropieo, Cal. Jones, W. H., Gordonsville, Va. Joni, Lui, Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Jonuleit, K., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Jorgensen, N. M., 37 Biedler St., Muskegon, Mich. Judge, B.' Zee Straat, Padang, Su- matra, Dutch East Indies. Jurickson, J., Post box 2, Post office Birsha, Saratov, Russia. Kalaka, M. D., Leribe, Basuto- land, South Africa. Kalbermatter, Ignacio, Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru, South Amer- ica. Kamm, K., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Germany. Kapitz, 0., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin- Charl., Germany. Kauffman, E., 203 West Franklin St., Clinton, Mo. Kauble, N. W., Lodi, Cal. Kay, J. L., Gaston, Oreg. Kazemeck, K., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-Charl., Germany. • MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. � 281 Keate, R. I., Room- 621, Crutcher and Starks Bldg., Louisville, Ky. Keem, Law, Nanning, Kwangsi, China. Keh, Nga Pit, Foochow, China. Keh, N. K., Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Keitts, F. S., 111 West Fifth St., Lexington, Ky. Kelemen, St., Krisztina Korth 167, Budapest I, Hungary. Kellar, C. C., 6 Dehi Serampore Road, Entally, Calcutta, India. Katie, 0., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg, Germany. Kelley, H. M., 510 Petoskey St., Petoskey, Mich. Kellogg, A. S., 2901 Brighton St., Baltimore, Md. Kellogg, E. C., College View, Nehr. Kelsey, A. G., Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. Kent, A. W., 22 Stanley St., Rich- mond, Victoria, Australia. Kent, J. W., " Tereora," The Ave- nue, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus- tralia. Kent, Roy, Nevada, Iowa. Keough, Geo., 8 Sharia Naseruddin el Shikhi, Bulak, Cairo, Egypt. Kern, M. E., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Keslake, C. H., 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indies. Kessel, F., Krisztina Ktirfit 167, Budapest I, Hungary. Kiepe, L. R., Bauerstr. 38, Mu- nich, Germany. Kiktew, T., Post box 14, Minsk, Russia. Killen, W. L., 110 West Chestnut St., Johnson City, Tenn. Kim, Ku Hyok, Soonan, Chosen (Korea). � • Kime, D. S., Pangkalan, Brandan, East Coast Sumatra, Dutch East Indies. Kime, Stewart, care Sanitarium, Takoma Park Station, Wash- ington. D. C. King, A., 108 Ponsonby Road, Auckland, New Zealand. King, M. J., Wheatland, Cal. King, N. B., 810 Jackson Ave., New Orleans, La. Kinney, C. M., R. F. D. 2, Cor. Ligon Lane and Dickerson Pike. Nashville, Tenn. Kirk, A. F., 417 East High St., Hastings, Nebr. Kirkelykke, L. J., Margrethevej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Kite, C. R., Belly-tie, Colo. Kittle, 0. M., Holly, Mich. Klages, H., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg, Germany. Klepe, John, 87 Fay St., Akron, Ohio. Klingbeil, R. G., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Kneeland, B. F., 213 South Brady St., DuBois, Pa. Kneeland, W. G., Drawer M, Cris- tobal, Canal Zone, Panama. Knight, A. W.,• 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Knight, C. E.,. Pacific Union � .., Col- lege, St. Helena, Cal. Knight, F., " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Knight, I. 0., 90 Brickdam, George- town, British Guiana, South America. Knox, John, Elsinore, Cal. Knox, P. L., 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Knox, W. T., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Knudson, John, Box 644, Oklaho- ma City, Okla. Ktibele, T., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg, Germany. - Koch, F., Post box 14, Minsk, R u ssia. Kohtanen, V., Ostra Teatergran- den 3B, Helsingfors, Finland. Konigmacher, S. M., S. D. A. Congo Border Mission, Bwana M'Kubwa, Northern Rhodesia, South Africa. Korsch, H., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin-Charl., Germany. Krautschick, Andrew, Uhlandstr.• 189, Berlin-Charl., Germany. Krautschick, August, Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-Cha.rl., Germany. Kress, D. H., 411 Cedar St., Ta- koma Park Station, Washing- ton, D. C. Krieghoff, C. E., Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. 282 � MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. Kristal, H., Post box 14, Minsk, - Russia. Kroll, F., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg, Germany. Krucovsky, A., 51 Whitmore St., Hartford, Conn. Krug, L., Deutsche Post, Jerusa- lem, Palestine, Syria. Kruse, Aug., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Krum, J. H., Mt. Pleasant, Ark. Kucera, L. F., 2411 South Sawyer St., Chicago, Ill. Kuehl, A. W., 312 Van Brunt St., Mankato, Minn. Kuempel, F. R., Caixa Postal 768, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Kuempel, F. W., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Germany. Kuempel, Manoel, Estacao de Sao Bernardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Kuhn, 0. B., S. D. A. Mission, The Island, Changsha, Hunan, China. Kunkel, C. J., 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Kuniya, H., 43 Fukuromachi, Kanazawa, Japan. Kurtichanov, Titus, College Place, Wash. Lacey, H. C., College View, Nebr. Lagrone, G. A., R. F. D. 4, Cle- burne Tex. Lake, D. D., Brawley, Cal. Lamson, J. G.,•Needham, Ind. Landeen, W. M., College Place, Wash. Landis, C. C., 162a Bubbling Well Road, Shanghai, China. Lane, F. G., Calle Milap-0s entre Porvenir y Octavo, Jesus del Monte, Havana, Cuba, West In- dies. Lane, L., Gendia, Kisumu, Brit- ish East Africa. Langdon, G. E., 1432 Ormond Ave., Camden, N. J. Lange, R., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Germany. Langenberg, H., Bauerstr. 38, Mu- nich, Germany. Langford, L. F., 105 Llanishen St., Heath, Cardiff, South Wales. Lanier, W. E., La Ceiba, Republic of Honduras, Central America. Lantzrath, P., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Larssen, L. S., Akersgaten 74, Christiania, Norway. Larwood, H. D., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific cean. Lashier, F. A., 122 South Eighth St., Grand Junction, Colo. Lauda, E. R., 207 Prairie Ave., Joliet, Ill. Lawrence, J. H., 1080 Mississippi Blvd., Memphis, Tenn. Lawrence, N. W., Lothair, Mont. - Lawson. A. N., Bisiatabu, Port Moresby, British New Guinea. Leach, R. W., Route 3, Naples, Tex. Leach, C. V., 411 Cedar St., Ta- koma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Lecoultre, D., La LigniZ,re, Gland ( Ct. Vaud ) , Switzerland. Lecoultre, E., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Le Duc, B. P., 679 Holly Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Lee, C. W., Box 14, Little Rock, Ark. Lee, Frederick, Lowanho, Yen- cheng, Honan, China. Lee, H. M., Soonan, Chosen (Ko- rea). Lee, 0. S., 1121 South Fifteenth St., Tacoma, Wash. Leer, Carl, Harvey, N. Dak. Leer, V., Harvey, N. Dak. Leffler, G. E., 1517 Buchanan St., Des Moines, Iowa. Leland, Eugene, Hamilton, Ber- muda Islands. Leland, J. A. Monterrey, Mexico. Lemke, L. D. A., Cooranbong, N. S. IV., Australia. Leplatoni, F., Uhlandstr. 189,. Ber- lin - Ch arl., Germany. Letts, F. H., 84 Cashel St., Christ- church, New Zealand. Lewis, C. C., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Lewis, W. H., Coomassie, via Sec- condee, Gold Coast, West Africa (on furlough in U. S.). Lewsadder, Wm., 1141 Huffman Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Libby, R. A., Coeur d' Alene, Idaho. Lightner, C. S., 1320 East Twenty- fourth Ave.,- Denver, Colo. .MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. � 283 Lillie, C. P., S. D. A. Mission, Tsi- nanfu, Shandung, China. Lindsay, R. S., Twinsburg, Ohio. Lindsey, D. E., Clyde, Ohio. Lingenfelter, C. L., 1800 Twenty- fourth Ave., South, Seattle, Wash. Lipke, John, Estacao de Sao Ber- nardo, S. P. R., Silo Paulo, Brazil, South America. Litwinenco, J. A., Herreid, S. Dak. Liu, D. B., S. D. A. Mission, Sian- fu, Shensi. China. Livingston, J. D., 537 Twenty-fifth St., Oakland, Cal. Ljungberg, S., Gamla Kungsholms- brogatan 38, Stockholm, Sweden. Lloyd, Ernest, Box 146, Glendale, Cal. Loasby, F. H., Chuharkana Mandy, Gujranwala. Dist., ,Punjab, India. Loasby, R. E., Manmad, G. I. P., India. Locken, J. B., 169 Bryan St., At- lanta, Ga. Lockert, Alfons, Gatzke, Minn. Loebsack, H. J., Post box 2, Post office Birsha, " Excelsior," Sara- tov, Russia. Loebsack, H. K., Post box 2, Post office Birsha, " Excelsior," Sara- tov, Russia. Long, W. A., Basin, Wyo. Long, U. P., Red Lion, Colo.. Longacre, C. S., Takoma Park Station,Washington. D. C. Loots, . L. Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Lopez, Cesar, Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru, South America. Lopez, Rafael (Miranda), Agua- dilla, Porto Rico. Lopez, J. M., 1415 Santa Marie St., Laredo, Tex. Lorenz, F. A., 203 West Franklin St., Clinton, Mo. Lorenz, J. D., Casilla 44, Quito, Ecuador, South America. Lorntz, Emery, 683 Walker St., Milwaukee, Wis. Loughborough, J. N., R. F. D. 4, Box 13, Lodi, Cal. Loveland, R. D., S. D. A. Mission, Sianfu, Shensi, China. EovoId, Emmanuel, New Effington, S. Dak. Lowry, C. F., 60 Lower Kemmen- dine Road,Kemmendine, Burma, India. Lowry, G. G., Coimbatore, South India. Lucas, H. G., 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Lucas, V. H., 2001 Morton Ave., Pasadena, Cal. Liidtke, A., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin -Charl., Germany. Ludewig, M., Krisztina Kfirfit 167, Budapest I, Hungary. Ludington, D. C., Meiktila, Burma. Lukens, H. A., 108 Ponsonby Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Lukens, Morris, 204 North Tope- ka Ave., Wichita, Kans. Lundquist, H. B., 200 North Wash- ington St., Battle Creek, Mich. Lundstriim, S., Gamla Kungs- holmsbrogatan 38, Stockholm, Sweden. Lux, P., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg, Germany. Lwoff, J., Post box 14, Minsk, Russia. Lyndon, F. E., .Papeete, Tahiti, Society Islands, Pacific Ocean. Lysinger, H. E., 122 South Eighth St., Grand Junction, Colo. Maas, J. V., Armstrong, British Columbia, Canada. Macdonald, F., Leribe, Basutoland, South Africa. MacGuire, Meade, Sanitarium, Cal. Machlan, B. F., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Machlan, L. 0., South Lancaster, Mass. Mackintosh, M., 1218 Fifth Ave., Northwest, Moose Jaw, Saskat- chewan. MacLay, W. D., Box 146, Glendale, Cal. MacNeil, J. W., 297 Amhurst St., East Orange, N. J. MacPherson, Verah, Lodi, Cal. Madsen, A. C., 203 West Franklin • St., Clinton, Mo. � • .Madsen, 0., Ruthven, Iowa. Magan, P. T., Boyle and Michigan Ayes., Los Angeles, Cal. Magoon, C. R., cor. East Robinson and West Sts., Orlando, Fla. 284 � MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. Majewski, A., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-Charl., Germany. Mallory, J. B., 113 East Baker St., Richmond, Va. Manalaysay, Emilio, 433 Penalosa, Tonda, Manila, Philippine Is- lands. Mangold, Santiago, Posadas, Mi- siones, Argentina, South Amer- ica. Mann, V. L., Chuharkana Mandy, Gujranwala Dist., Punjab; India. Manns, C. G., 4216 Magnolia St., New Orleans, La. Manry, E. A., 7155 Mt. Vernon St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Mantu, J. V., Krisztina Kora 167, Budapest , Hungary. Manuel, B. E., Oxford, Nova Sco- tia.. Marchisio, S., 1420 Avenida 20, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Marietta, J. J. 1001 Hanover St., Hamilton, Ohio. Marriott, G. E., " Tereora," The Avenue, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Martin, C. N., Bon Aqua, Tenn. Martin, C. P., 1420 Avenida 20, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Martin, H. R., Buresala, Ovalau, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Martin, I. M., 2006 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Martin, R. H., 26 York Ave., Spo- kane, Wash. Martin, W. F., 310 Loring Bldg., Riverside, Cal. Mathe, L., 'Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg, Germany. Mathy, L. A., rue Nicolas Roret, 1, Paris, XIIIe, France. Mattison, M. M., Hapur, Meerut Dist., India. Matula, Paul, 44 Oak Ave., Irv- ington, N. J. Maudsley, W., Warden House, Crumpsall Crescent, Manchester, England. Maung Maung, GO Lower Kern- mendine Road, Kemmendine, Burma. � • Maxson, 0. H., Puiggari, F. C. E. R., Argentina, South America. Maxwell, A. S., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herta, England. Maxwell, E. L., Casilla 1002, Lima,\ Peru, South America. Maxwell, S., 67 Claremont Road, Smethwick, near Birmingham, England. May, A. M., Pellston, Mich. May, Daniel, Parow, Cape, South Africa. May, H. A., 317 West Bloomfield St., Rome, N. Y. Maynor, W. H., 521 Dingle St., Sumter, S. C. McAvoy, J., 67 Claremont Road, Smethwick, near Birmingham, England. McComas, J. W., 235 High Park Ave., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. McCord, J. W., Box 140, Glendale, Cal. McCoy, A., 84 Cashel St., Christ- church, New Zealand. McCready, W. G., Battleford, Sas- katchewan, Canada. McCutchen, W. A., Keene, Tex. McDonald. C. M., R. F. D. 3, We- woka. Okla. -McEachern, J. H., College View, Ne br. McElhany, J. L., 537 Twenty- fifth St., Oakland, Cal. McGill, Neil, Giroux, Manitoba. McKeague, R. J., Hilo, Hawaii. McKibben, W. A., 1915 Sherman St., Sioux City, Iowa. McLaren, G., " Tereora," The Ave- nue, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus- tralia. McLennan, W. P:, 703 South Gal- latin St., Jackson, Miss. McNav, G. R. E., Stranack St., Maritzburg, Natal, South Af- rica. McReynolds, C., Loma Linda, Cal. McVagh, C. F., 815 Third Ave., West, Calgary, Alberta. McWhinney, H. E., 310 Loring Bldg., Riverside, Cal. Mead, Andrew, 850 Van Ness Ave., Santa Ana, Cal. Mead, W. S., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Mecusela Naisogo, Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Medairy, G., Hagerstown, Md. Meeker, B. A., 22 Granville Road, Kowloon, Hongkong, China. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. � 285 Megrant, Francisco, Santo Domin- go, Republic of Dominica. Meijer, P., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg, Germany. Meiklejohn, A. J.. 505 South John- son St., Pocatello, Idaho. Meleen, C., New Sweden, Me. Meleen, E. M., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. - Menkel, H. C., " Belvedere," Simla, India. Meredith, W. H., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Mershon, Roy, Sandakan, British North Borneo. Metzger, C. J., Nevada, Iowa. Meyer, A. A., 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. Meyer, F. W., 607 Clinton St., Charles City, Iowa. Meyer, Henry; Caixa Postal 106, Porto Alegro, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, South America. Meyer, Oscar, La Ligniere, Gland, Switzerland. Meyer, Paul, Rua Citade de Man- chester 10. 40D, Lisbon, Portu- gal. Meyer-Bitrtschy, H., Krisztina Ko- Mt 167, Budapest I, Hungary. Meyers, C. K., " Mizpah," Wah- roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Michaelenko, N. J., Kief, N. Dak. Michaels, C. P., 116 Grote St., Adelaide, South Australia, Aus- tralia. Mignott, H. L., Gayle, Jamaica, BritiSh West Indies. Mikkelsen, J. C., Plant City, Fla. Mikkonen, Hugo, Ostra Teater- graden 3B, Helsingfors, Finland. Miller, A. L., 1705 Eighth Ave., North, Birmingham, Ala. Miller, B. E., 1703 Gates Aye., Brooklyn, N. Y. Miller, C. H., Sidney, Nebr. Miller, C. N., Portersville, Cal. Miller, D. P., 731 West Scott St., Springfield, Mo. Miller, H. J., 711 North Buckeye St., Iola, Kans. Miller, H. W., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Miller, H. S., Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. Miller, J. H., 116 North California Ave., Chicago, Ill. Miller, J. W., 2615 Tuam Ave., Houston, Tex. Miller, W. H. B., Warburton, Vic- toria, Australia. Miller, W. W., 2247 Ontario Ave.. Springfield, Ohio. Mills, Joseph, Oroua Missionary School, Longburn, via Palmers- ton North, New Zealand. Minck, A., Krisztina Kora 167, Budapest I, Hungary. Minner, L. D., Casilla 1002, Lima. Peru, South America. Mitchell, H., " Tereora," The Ave- nue, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus- tralia. Mitchell, Dr. J. R., 320 Grant St.. Atlanta, Ga. Mocnik, A., Krisztina Korth 167, Budapest I, Hungary. Moffett, W. C., Gordonsville, Va. Moko, R., Market Square, Alice, Cape, South Africa. Molokomme, Lazarus, Box 88, Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, South Africa. Monnier, j., La Ligniere, Gland, Switzerland. - Montgomery, 0., Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Montgomery, R. P., 704 West :Tenth St., Okmulgee, Okla. Mookerjee, L. G., Sudhamaya. House, Armanitola, Dacca, India. Moon, Allen, 34 Carroll Ave., Ta- koma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Moon, C. E., Aguadilla, Porto Rico. Moore, L. G., 213 North Pine St., Lansing, Mich. Morgue, S., Ilorin, via Lagos, Ni- geria, West Africa. Morris, R. P., Najibabad, 0. and R., India. � - Morris, C. C., Foochow, China. Morrison, A. V., Holly, Mich. Morrison, D., 1 Devereux Road, Battersea, London, S. W. 11. England. Morrison, G. H., Lomaloma, Mua leva, Lau, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Morrison, H. A., College View, Nebr. Morrison, Isaac, Pacific Union Col- lege, St. Helena, Cal. 286 � MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. Morrison, J. H., College View, Nebr. Morrow, E. E., St., Phoenix, Morrow, J. A., New Orleans, Morse, B. L., British East A Morse, Dr. J. F Rico. Mortenson, S., R. F. D. 1, Box 20, La Grange, Ill. Mould, H. S., 412 Eighth Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mtimkulu, James, care of Messrs. Border and Allen, Kroonstad, Orange Free State, South Af- rica. Muller, A. W., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-Charl., Germany. Willer Adolf, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Milller' R., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Miller, W., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin- Chart., Germany. Mullings, L. G., Porus, Jamaica, British West Indies. Munro, S. W., Chelan, Wash. Munson, Melvin, 19 Sa wohlaan, N. G., Weltevreden, Java, Dutch East Indies. Munson, R. W., Sanitarium, Glen- dale, Cal. Muntz, Leslie, 405 East Eleventh St., Wilmington, Del. Murbach, J., Krisztina K6r9t 167, Budapest I, Hungary. Murphy, Thos., Box 776, Waco, Tex. Musgrave, IV. H., 105 Llanishen St., Heath, Cardiff, South Wales. Mussen, Richard, " Croftview," Ud- dingston, near Glasgow, Scot- land. Muth, J., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Germany. Myers, E. W., S. D. A. Mission, IVaterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Mzozane, Agrippa, Market Square, Alice, Cape, South Africa. Nagel, S. A., Wai Chow, Kwang- tong, China. Niirem, A. 0., Akersgaten 74, Christiania, Norway. Nash, R. T., Harvey, N. Dak. Ne Keun Ok, Seoul, Chosen (Ko- rea). Neef, P., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin-Charl., Germany. Neff, E. L., 540 Drexel Ave., San Antonio, Tex. Neff, W. E., 204 North Topeka Ave., Wichita, Kans. Neilsen, N. P., Box 1304, Fresno, Cal. Nelson, A. N., 1208 Shelby St., Seattle, Wash. Nelson, Andrew, Sanitarium, Cal. Nelson, Chas., Logan, Utah. Nelson, N. R., 116 North :California Ave., Chicago, Ill. Nelson, W. E., Keene, Tex. Nerlund, 0. J., 541 Fox St., Den- ver, Colo. Nethery, J. J., College Place, Wa sh. Nethery, R. J., 429 South Barry St., Greenville, Mich. Nettleton, Daniel, Port Townsend; Wash. Neufeld, C. C., 819 Somerset Block, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Neumann, C. J., Cane Arenal Grande 2535, Montevideo, Uru- guay, South America. Neumann, H. F., Caixa Postal 106, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, South America. Newbold, D. C., Holly, Mich. Newbold, G. T., Warwick House, St. George's Terrace, Perth, West Australia, Australia. NeN, bokl. L.. corner Peel and Grey Sts., South Brisbane, Queens- land, Australia. Nicholson, D., S. D. A. Mission, Marovo Lagoon, Tulagi, Solo- mon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Nicola, B. E., M. D., Attleboro, MAss. Nicola, H., 123 Manchester St., Battle Creek, Mich. Nicola, L. T., 1204 West Washte- naw St., Lansing, Mich. Nicolas, C. S., 1420 Avenida 20, • Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Niedoba, P., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Germany. Nikkar, L., Post box 14, Minsk, Russia. 615 North Tenth Ariz. 810 Jackson Ave., La. Gendia, frica. ., Ensenada, Porto Kisumu, MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. � 287 Nopper, E. Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg, Germany. Nord, G. E., 19 Tatman St., Wor- cester, Mass. Norderhls, 6. P., Akersgaten 74, Christiania, Norway. ...Norton, S. E., New England Sani- tarium, Melrose, Mass. Norwood, J. W., Box 719, Boise, Idaho. Nott, W. L., 409 North Garfield St.; Chanute, Kans. Nunes, M. G., 815 South Third St., Muskogee, Okla. Nussbaum, T., La Ligniere, Gland, Switzerland. Nutter, V., 1418 Berryhill St., Har- risburg, Pa. Nygaard, Peter, Aguadilla, Porto Rico. Oberg, H. A., Soonan, Chosen (Ko- rea). Oberg, S. A., Nevada, Iowa. Oberholtzer, D. H., Palm City, Cal. ()blander, J. G., Gen. Del., Lincoln, Nebr. Ochs, D., College Place, Wash. Ochs, W. B., College Place, Wash. Ogden, A. R., Nevada, Iowa. Okohira, T. H., 169-171 Arnanu- ma, Suginami-mura, Toyota- ma-gun, Tokyo, Japan. Oliver, F. M., 5813 Thirtieth Ave., Northwest, Seattle, Wash. Olsen, A. B., Surrey Hills Hydro, Caterham Valley, England. Olsen, D. K., Forest City, Iowa. Olsen, E. G., Forest City, Iowa. Olsen, Martin, Valley City, N. Dak. Olsen, M. E., South Lancaster, Mass. Olsen, M. M., Margrethevej 5, Copenhagen, V.,Denmark. Olsen, 0. J., ngolfsstraeti 10, Reykjavik, Iceland. Olson, A. V., Oshawa, Ontario. Olson, H. 0., R. F. D. 1, Box 20, La Grange, Ill. Ortner, I. G., Drawer 586, Water- town, S. Dak. Osborne, A. J., 2131 P St., Sacra- mento, Cal. Osborne, E. E., Fairfield, Me. Osborne, P. B., Fairfield, Me. • Oster, F. F., Tabriz, Persia. Osterman, F. A., Newberry, S. C. Ostoich, M., Box 360, Granite City, Ill. Ostrander, Wm., 1820 West Ninth St., Des Moines, Iowa. Ostwald, H., Post box 14, Minsk, Russia. Oswald, E. H., Drawer 586, Water- town, S. Dak. Oswald, T. L., Drawer 586, Water- town, S. Dak. Ott, J. F., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin-Charl., Germany. Owen, F. M., 615 North Tenth St., Phoenix, Ariz. Owen, R. S., 3988 Ingalls St., San Diego, Cal. Paap, C. A., 56 Roeland St., Cape Town, South Africa. Paap, F. W., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Paap, J. IL, Lodi, Cal. Pachla, J., Post box 14, Minsk, Russia. Painter, F. E., 620 Acacia Ave.. Tropico, Cal. Palmer, E. R., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Panaga, Augustin, 707 Vermont St., Manila, Philippine Islands. Bibiano R., 9 Vesta St., Santa Ana, Manila, Philippine Islands. Parker, C. H.; Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Parker, H. B., Tungshan, Canton, Chino. Parkhurst, W. D., 114 Orange St., Jackson, Mich. Parmele, C. F., Astoria, Oreg. Parmele, R. W., Takoma Park Sta tion, Washington, D. C. Parsons, D. A., 4738 York Road, ' Philadelphia, Pa. Pascoe, W. H., 108 Ponsonby Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Passebois, L. F., 386 St. Valier St., Montreal, Quebec. Patchett, H. G., Rosemead Ave., Claremont, Cape, South Africa. Pa ttison, L. 0., Box 408, Santa Rosa, Cal. Patterson, Chas., Arlington, Va. Patterson, J. R., Arroyo Grande, Cal. 288 � MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. Patzkowski, J. E., 363 Peter Hunt St., Leesville P. 0., Detroit, Mich. Paulini, P. R., Krisztina Kora 167, Budapest I, Hungary. Paulson, C. J., 410 East High St., Hastings, Nebr. Peabody, F., 40 West End Ave., Atlanta, Ga. Peden, H. L., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Penner, J., Nonnenweg, corner Birmansgasse, Basle, Switzer. land. Penrose, Chas. E., 1 Devereux Road, Battersea, London, S. W. 11, England. Perk, G., Grindelberg 15a,- Ham- burg, Germany. Perkins, C. 0., 75 Grant St., Port- land, Me. Perry, F. L., Casilla 2830, Santi- ago, Chile, South America. Persson, F., Bauerstr. 3S, Munich, Germany. Peters, G. E., 169 Bryan St., At- lanta, Ga. Petersen. B., Manchurian S. D. A. Mission, Mukden, Manchuria, China. Peterson, A. W., Keene, Tex. Peterson, E. F., 304 West Allen St., Springfield, Ill. Peterson, E. L., 191 Poplar St., Wyandotte, Mich.. Pettit, G. W., 12 Victoria Terrace, Mazagon, Bombay, India. Peugh, V. E., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Pfeifer, E. C., Lodi, Cal. Philips, N. W., 1210 M St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Phillips, Joseph, College View. Nebr. Phipps, F. C., 304 West Allen St., Springfield, Ill. Pickard, U. D., 31 Deaderick Bldg., Knoxville, Tenn. Pilkewitsch, J., Post box 2, Post office Birsha, " Excelsior," Sara- tov, Russia. Pioch, Albert, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, German.p. Piper, A. H., Darling Range School. Carmel, � es t � Australia, Aus. tralia. Piper, E. A., 523 South Lake St., Boyne City, Mich. Piper, H. E., Cor. Peel and Grey Sts., South Brisbane, Queens. land, Australia. Piper, J. F., 3519 Meridian Ave., Seattle. Wash. Piper, R. K., 108 Ponsonby Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Place, A. E., Garden City Sani tarium, San Jos5, Cal. Pohle, W. R., . Casilla 7a, LaPaz, Bolivia, South America. Poley, P. C., 12 Church Road, Ve- pery, Madras, India. Pool, N. H., 822 Brewster St., Sag- inaw, Mich. Popescu, C., Krisztina Kora 167, Budapest I, Hungary. Porter, L. B., Rosalie, Nebr. Porter, R. C., Hitmilton, Mo. Post, B. L., 18 Murdock Place, Mt. Clemens, Mich. Potschke, H., Grindelberg 159, Hamburg, Germany. Potter, E. R., Chilliwack, British Columbia. Pound, I. C., 1547 Trimble St., Paducah, Ky. Powell, S. U., 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indies. Premer, C. L., Keene, Tex. Prenier, H. S., South Lancaster, Mass. Prescott, W. P., Trainview, Moira, County Down, Ireland. Prescott, W. W., Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Pretyman, C. H., " Mizpah," Wah- vuonga, N. S. W.. Australia. 1?rieger, A. F., Takoma, Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Prieser, F. A., Nonnenweg, Cor. Birmansgasse, Basle, Switzer- land. Prillwitz, W., Grindelberg 15a. Hamburg, Germany. Proctor, L. H., 753 East F St., On- tario, Cal. Proctor, M. R., 1442 South Second St., Abilene, Tex. Prout, C. S., 1116 Fort St., Boise, Idaho. Provin, Henri, La Ligniere, Gland, Switzerland. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. � 289 Prowolowsky, S., Post box 2, Post office Birsha, " Excelsior," Sara- tov, -Russia. Pulver, C. C., 411 Cedar St., Tako- ma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Punches, V. 0., South Lancaster, Mass.. Purdom, C. A., Klamath Falls, Oreg. Quillin, G. C., Killbuck, Ohio. Quinn, R. D., South Lancaster, Mass. Rader, G. W., Rooms 417-421 Cas- tle Hall Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind., Raft, J. C., Margrethevej 5, Co- penhagen, V., Denmark. Rall, R., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg, Germany. Rampton, F. G., 108 Ponsonby Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Rand, H. F., Glendale Sanitarium, Glendale, Cal. Randle, W. H., Bala Clava, Ja- maica, British West Indies. Rashford, L., San Fernando, Trini- dad, British West Indies. Rasmussen, Steen. Brookfield, Ill. Raspal, M., rue Nicolas Roret, 1, Paris, XIlle, France. Raukas, J., Post box 14, Minsk, Russia. Rauleder, G. A., 1245 East Forty. fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Raymond, J. W., 203 Waverly St., Buffalo, N. Y. Read, W. E., Stanborough Park, Watford, England. Reaser, G. W., Box 146, Glendale, Cal. Rebensburg, A., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin -Ch rl., Germany. Reed, H. W., Clearwater Lake, Wis. Reed, L. A., Mountain View, Cal. Reeder, H. E., Box 308, Carthage, Mo.. Reefman, Wm., 146 West Fifteenth St., Holland, Mich. Rees, D. A., Laurel, Md. Rees, D. D., Campion Academy, Loveland. Colo. Regel. R. P., Margrethevej 5, Co- penhagen, V., Denmark. Reiber, J. A., 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. Reid, J. A., Port Limon, Costa Rica. Reifschneider, K. A., Post box 14, Minsk, Russia. Reihlen, C., Nonnenweg, corner Birmansgasse, Basle, Switzer- land. Reinke, 0. E., office Birsha., tot/, Russia. Reis, JosC, A., Porto Alegre, Brazil, South Reiswig, C. K., Canada. Reiswig, J. J., Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. Rentfro, C. E., Silo Bernardo, S. P. R., Silo Paulo, Brazil, South Am erica. Reppe, M. S., Hutchinson, Minn. Resen, Chr., Margrethevej 5, Co- penhagen, V., Denmark. Rey, Jules, La Ligniere, Gland, Switzerland. Reynolds, Earl, Nevada, Iowa. Rhoads, A. V., Medford, Oreg. Rice, L. M., Box 1304, Fresno, Cal. Rice, W. W., 393 Center St., Dor- chester, Mass. Rich, J. W., Lodi, Cal. Richard, P. F., 155 North Ninth St., Paterson, N. J. Richards, H. M. J., 1114a Dufferin St., Toronto, Ontario. Richards, H. M. S., care College, Takoma Park, D. C. Richardson, I. D., Gordonsville, Va. Richardson, F. I., 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Rick, P. A., 120 Twenty-first Ave., Northeast, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Rider, C. J., Randolph, Vt. Riffel, J., College Place, Wash. Riley, A. E., Lot 3, King St., New Amsterdam, Berbice, British Gui- ana, South America. Rinea, F., Krisztina Kbrat 167, Budapest I, Hungary. Rine, G. W., Pacific Union College, St. Helena, Cal. Rintala, A., Ostra Teatergranden 3B., Helsingfors, Finland. Post box 2, Post " Excelsior," Sara- Caixa Postal 106, Rio Grande do Sul, America. Lacombe, Alberta, 290 � MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. Rippey, J. A., 116 'West Oak St., Roseburg, Oreg. Rippey, E. E., 116 West Oak St., Roseburg, Oreg. Rischmiiller, Fr., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Ritchie, A., 562 West Second St., Glendale, Cal. Rittenhouse, C. H., Baker, Oreg. Rittenhouse, S. N., Centralia, Wash. Rivera, Salvador, Calle Cerra No. 12, Santurce, Porto Rico. Robb, V. W., Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. Robbins, F. H., 7155 Mt. Vernon St., Pittsburgh. Pa. Robbins, Wm., R. F. D. 2, Con- nellsville, Pa. Roberts, G. A., 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indies. ' Roberts, R., 1755 Southern Ave!, Shreveport, La. Robinson, A. T., 51 Whitmore St., Hartford, Conn. Robinson, C., Malamulo Mission, Blantyre, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Robinson, D. E., Campion Acad- emy, Loveland, Colo. Robinson, G., Warwick House, St. George's Terrace, Perth, West Australia, _Australia. Robinson, H. E., Fords Store, Md. Robinson, R. P., Solusi Mission, Bulawayo, Rhodesia, South Af- rica. Robles, Juan, 1420 Avenida 20, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Rockel, A., Capoeiras Correio Estreito, Santa Catharina, Bra- zil, South America. Rockwell, S. C., 116 West Oak St., Roseburg, Oreg. Roda, Leon Z., Vigan, Ilocos Sur, Philippine Islands. Rodd, A., " Croftview," Uddings- ton, near Glasgow, Scotland. Rodgers, G. P., 606 N St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Rodriguez, Wenceslao, 97 Ledemna St., Iloilo, Panay, Philippine Is- lans. Rogers, A. H., 22 Stanley St., Rich- mond, Victoria, Australia. Rogers, J. C., Rosemead Ave., Ken- ilworth, Cape, South Africa. Rojas, L. A., Correo Bella Vista, Bahia Blanca, F. C. S., Argen- tina, South America. Ronlund, N. J., 933 North Main Ave., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Rorholm, H., Route 3, Altoona, Iowa. Rosendahl, E., 108 Ponsonby Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Rosenwold, E., Gamla Kungs- holmsbrogatan 38, Stockholm, Sweden. Rossin, H. A., 1310 Cedar Ave., College Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio. Rost, 0. J. 0., Akersgaten 74; Christiania, Norway. Roth, A. G., Box 88, Cape Haitien, Haiti. Roth, G. G., South Lancaster, Mass. Roth, J. H., Drawer N, Jamestown, N. Dak. Rouse, J. S., College View, Nebr. Rowland, F. J., 1625 Thirteenth Ave., South, Birmingham, Ala. Rowland, J. W., 300 Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Set- I em ents. Rubendall, C. W., 819 Somerset .Block, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Ruble, W. A., Melrose, Mass. Ruble, W. W., College View, Nebr. Rudge, E. B., Cor. Peel and Grey Sts., South Brisbane, Queens- land, Australia. Rudge, P. B., " Mizpah," Wah- roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Rulkoetter, A. H., Cor. Third and Juliana .Sts., Parkersburg, W. Va. Ruskjer, M. S., Solway, Minn. Ruskjer, S. A., Sauk Center, Minn. Russell, C. A., Berrien Springs, Mich. Russell, E. T., Drawer 586, Water- town, S. Dak. Russell, G. C., 60 Grand Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Russell, K. C., 338 Hazelwood Ter- race, Rochester, N. Y. Russell, Riley, Soonan, Chosen (Korea). 111INISTERIAL DIRECTORY. � 291 Sachsenmeyer, A., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Germany. Salatzkat, J., Uhlandstr, 189, Ber- lin-Charl., Germany. Salton, R. A. " Tereora," The Avenue, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. . Sanchez, Bernardino, Las Cruces, N. Mex. Sandborn, A. R.,. cor. East. Robin- son and West Sts., Orlando, Fla. Sanders, C. N., 810 Jackson Ave., New Orleans, La. Sanderson, A. E., 73 College St., Lewiston, Me. Sandnes, 0. E., 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. Sanford, E. L., 426 Trumbull Ave., Detroit, Mich. Santee, Clarence, Lodi,Cal. Santee, L. D., 1061 Raymond St., Pasadena, Cal. Sargeant, E. N., 310 Archer Ave., Peoria, Ill. Savander, N., Ostra Teatergranden 3B, Helsingfors, Finland. Saxby, W. H., Sanitarium, Cal. Saxton, H. F., 1403 E St., Lincoln, Nebr. Schafer, W., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Germany. Schaffner, R. G., 3829 Thirtieth St., San Diego, Cal. Schamkow, K., Post box 14, Minsk, Russia. Scheho, W. A., Box 496, Prentice, Wis. Schick, L. B., Box 644, Oklahoma City, Okla. Schick, W., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg, Germany. Schildhauer, 0. E., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Germany. Schilling, J. H., 116 North Califor- nia Ave., Chicago, Ill. Schillinger, R., Krisztina Kordt 167, Bua pest I, Hungary. Schilstra, P., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Schlichting, H., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-Charl., Germany. Schmidt, A. F., Harvey, N. Dak. Schmidt, B., Post box 2, Post office Birsha, " Excelsior," Sara tov, Russia. Schmidt, I. C., 21 Sawohla an, N. G., Weltevreden, Java, Dutch. East Indies. Schmitz, H., Post box 14, Minsk, Russia. Schmitt, A., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg, Germany. Schneider, J., Post box 2, Post office Birsha, " Excelsior," Sara- tov, Russia. Schnetzler, Joseph, 153 Kingsboro Ave., Gloversville, N. Y. Scholz, W., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg, Germany. Schramke, A., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Schroeder, W. F. H., Kermit, N. Mex. Schonemann, J., Post box 14, Minsk, Russia. Schubert, G. W., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Germany. Schuberth, H. F., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-Charl., Germany. Schubert'', 0., LaLagniere, Gland, Ct. Vaud, Switzerland. Schuerer, M., Uhlandstr. 18?, Ber- lin-Charl., Germany. � 1 Schulz, W., Uhlandstr. 1811, Ber- lin-Charl., Germany. Schuster, M. H., Bismark, N. Dak. Schutz, R., Uhlandstr. 189), Ber- lin-Charl.,Germany. � .1 Schwartz, V. F., 2402 Pennsyl- vania Ave., Erie, Pa. Schwedrat, 0. F., 2426 Poplar St., Philadelphia, Pa. Schwenecke, 0., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-Charl., Germany. Scior,F., Ottomon Post, Box 109 Galata, Constantinople, Turkey. Scott, G. M., 8 Sheldon Place, Rut- land, Vt. Scott, J. B., R. F. D. 2, Chetek, Wis. Scott, Sydney, Box 14, Little Rock, Ark. Striven, C. A., Drawer 586, Water- town, S. Dak. Sebastian, W. H., Gordonsville, Va. Seefried, J., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin-Charl., Germany. Seeney, F. H , Mushpot Road, Alexandria, Va. Seibel, J. H., Bowdon, N. Dak. 292 � MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. . Seidel, H., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin-Charl., Germany. Selmon, A. C., 102a Bubbling Well Road, Shanghai, China. Seltzer, G. J., 1201 East Copper Ave., Albuquerque, N. Mex. Seng, G., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Germany. Serna, M., 015 North Tenth St., Phoenix, Ariz. Serns, A. E., Benton Harbor, Mich. Settergren, A. J., Gamla Kungs- holmsbrogatan 38, Stockholm, Sweden. Severin, A., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg, Germany. Sevrens, 0. F., 16 Calle Luna, Pa- say, Rizal, Philippine Islans. Shadel, S. T., 809 North Mulberry Ave., Hagerstbwn, Md. Shaeffer, F. R., Box 226, Saw- telle, Cal. Sharp, F. L., Franklin Chambers, Hobart, Tasmania. Sharp, H. E., 108 Ponsonby Road, Auckland, New, Zealand. Sharp, W. W., National City, Cal. Sharp, Smith, Graysville, Tenn. Shaw, B. H., 2206 North Seventh St., Kansas City, Kans. Shaw, H. S., 474, Forty-first St., Oakland, ,Cal. Shaw, J. L., Takoma Park Sta- tion; Washington, D. C. � • Sheldon, E. L., Alexandria, Minn. Sheldon, H. J, Drawer R, Redfield, S. Dak... Shellhaas, Joseph, Laura, Ohio. Shepard, Loren C., Room 5, Ash- land National Bank Bldg., Ash- land, Wis. . Shepard, Lyle. C., 1905 Horton Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. . Shepard, M., Holly, Mich. Shepard, -Reid, - Casilla 28, Puno, Peru, South America. - Sherrig, W. H., 101 Ridge Ave„ Southwest, Grand Rapids, Mich. Sherwin, .T. A., Sanitarium, Wah- roonga, N... S, W., Australia. Shirenian, D. T., Morganton, N. C. Shone, G. W.,.56 Roeland St., Capc Town, South Africa. Shoup, H. L., 238 Haywood St., Asheville, N. C. Shrock, S. S., 842 Taylor. Ave., Scranton, Pa. Shuler, J. L., 31 Deaderick Bldg., Knoxville, Tenn. Shull, C. A., South Lancaster, Mass. Shultz, H., Lodi, Cal. Shultz, J. E., Box 850, U. S. Pos- tal Agency, Shanghai, China. Shultz, J. W., Box 1039, San Jog,„ Costa Rica. Silsbee, E. C., 513 West Colorado Blvd., Eagle Rock City, Cal. Simmons, Cyrus, Box 522, Knox- ville, Tenn. Simon, J. F., 190 South Corona St., Denver, Colo. Sims, G. C., 452 Ralston .St., Reno, Nev. Sims, W, L., 615 North Tenth St., Phoenix, Ariz. Sinz, K., Grindelberg 15a, •Ham- burg, Germany. Skinner, G. H., 819 Somerset Block, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Slade, E. K., Box 8, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Slater, S. B., Nevada, Iowa. Sinailes, P., Rosemead Ave., Ken: ilworth, Cape, South Africa. Smart, A. Australasian Mission- ary. College, Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia. Smith, F. L., Dwariklial, Garhwal, India. Smith, -J. H., Box 473, Nassau, Bahamas. Smith, J. J., Plymouth, -Montser- rat, British West Indies. Smith, S. S., R. F. • D., New Lis- bon, Wis. Smith, C.4., 949_ Erazier Ave.-, Cen- tralia, Ill. Smith, .R. W., 1207 Beretania. St., Honolulu, Hawaii. Smith, W. II., 1902 Lackawanna Ave., Jacksonville, Fla. � . . Smith, W. J., Sanitarium, Wall- roonga, N. S. W., Australia. • Smith, � K., 506 South. Gunni- son St., Burlington, Iowa. Smith, W. R., Keizan, Chosen (KO- rea ). Smouse, A. R., Nevada, Iowa. Snider, J. D., Room 311, 32 Union Square, New York, -N. Y. .- -• Snodgrass, C. L., 122 South Eighth St., Grand Junction, Colo. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. � 293 Snow, C. M., Warburton, Vic- toria, Australia. Snyder, E. W., 1430 Garfield Ave., , Pasadena, Cal. Snyder, G. A., 215 South Jackson St.,Glendale, Cal. Soisao , K., . Ostra Teatergriinden 3B., Helsingfors, Finland. Soper, � .819 Somerset Block, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Sorenson, C. M., Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Soto, Damaso, Casilla 2830, San- tiago, Chile, South America. Sparrow, Hubert, Shangani 1VIis-- sion, Gwelo, Rhodesia, South Africa. Sparrow, Laurie, Victoria, South- ern Rhodesia, South Africa. Spearing,' F. A., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Specht, F. G., R. F. D. 3, Love- land, Colo. Spencer, R. M. 7155 Mt. Vernon St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Spicer, W. A., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Spies, F. W., EstacAo de SAo Bernardo, S. P. R., SAo Paulo, Brazil, South America. Spies, G. W., Franklin Furnace, N. J. Spire, B. W., Orlando, Fla. Sprohge, J., Post box 14, Minsk, Russia. Stahl, F. A., Casilla 28, Puna,- Peru, South America. Stanley, P. G., 325 East Twenty- seventh St., Minneapolis, Minn. Starbuck, T. -H., 506 East Everett St., Portland. Oreg. � - Starr, F. , D., Forest, Idaho. Starr, G. B., Loma Linda, Cal. Starr; L. F., Garland, Wyo. Staubert, O.,- -Poste restante, Ta- briz, Persia. Staubert, P.,Grindelberg , 15a, Hamburg. ermany. Stebbeds, F., Clearwater Lake, Wis. Stebbins, W. W., 3845 East Seven- teenth St.-, Kansas City, Mo. Steed, J. E., Apia, Upolo, Samoa, Pacific Ocean. , Steele, Wm., Mission Adventista, Calle Cerra No. 12, Santurce, Porto Rico. Steen, H., 718 Maryland St., St. Paul, Minn. Steinel, I. A., 16 Calle Luna, Pa- say, Rizal, Philippine Islands. Steiner, Paul, La Ligniere, Gland, Switzerland. Steinert, A. G., Bison, Kans. Stene, L. J., .Akersgaten 74, Chris- tiana, Norway. Stephenson, C. B., Graysville, Tenn. Sterling, G. L., care S. D. A. Mis- sion, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean. Stevens, G. A., Richardson Park, Del. Stevens, H. U., Puiggari, F. C. E. R., Argentina, South America. Stevens, J. .A., Box 408, Santa Rosa, Cal. Stevens, J. C., 604 East Seven- teenth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Steward, W. W., Milton, Oreg. Stewart, A. G., Atchin, New Heb- rides, Pacific Ocean. Stewart, D. E., 508 East Everett St., Portland, Oreg. Stewart, E. L., Minot, N. Dak. Stewart, G. G., 108 Ponsonby Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Stewart, J. S., 22 Stanley St., Richmond, Victoria,.-Australia. Stewart, R. E., 97 Ledesma St., Iloilo, Panay, Philippine Islands. St. John, M. II., 628 North Latrobe Ave., Chicago, Ill. Stocker, P., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin-Charl., Germany. Stockil, F. S. D. A. Mission, care de Grandh ommes Private Bag, Livingstone, Rhodesia, South Africa. Stone, A. J., 5702 South Alaska St., Tacoma,. Wash. Stone, C. L., 411 Cedar St., Takoma -Park Station, Wash- ington. D. C. - Stone, W. J., Columbia and Hick- ory Ayes., Takoma Park, D. C: Stotz, J. C., College View, Nebr. Stover, A. J., R. F. D. 1, Box 2; Ridgefield, ash. Strachan, M. C., 2901 Brighton St., Baltimore, Md. : Strahle, J. J., 707 Vermont St:; Manila, Philippine Islands. - 294 � MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. Straw, W. E., Main St., Bulawayo, Rhodesia, South Africa. • Stray, F. W., College View, Nebr. Streeter, IL, 84 Cashel St., Christ- church, New Zealand. Streithorst, H., Caixa Postal 106, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, South America. Strickland, J. A., Box 602, High Point, N. C. Strickland, W. E., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Strother, W. E., Camden, S. C. Studt, R. N., Milan& 99, Matanzas, Cuba, West Indies. Stueckrath, Martin, 2819 Cherokee St., St. Louis, Mo. Sturdevant, M. C., Umtali, Rho- desia, South Africa. Sturgeon, D. F., 1201 West Ran- dolph Ave., Enid, Okla. Summerville, T., Holly, Mich. Siissmann, Richard, Sao Bernardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Sutherland, E. A., Madison, Tenn. Sutton, N. T., Crawford, Nebr. Svenson, Carl, 679 Holly Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Svenson, J. A., 200 Columbus Ave., Trenton, N. J. Svensson, S. F., 436 East 138th St., New York, N. Y. Swanson, E. H., Sand Point, Idaho. Swartout, H. 0., 17 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Sweany, W. A. Dallas, Tex. Swiridow, P., Post box 2, Post office Birsha, " Excelsior," Saratav, Russia. Swiridow, W., Post box 2, Post office Birsha, " Excelsior," Sara- toy, Russia. Sype, R. J., Nevada, Iowa. Sype, Mrs. Minnie, Harlan, Iowa. Tabor, B. C., 459 Morton St., Ashland, Oreg. Taggart, C. L., Wabash Valley Sanitarium, Lafayette, Ind. Tait, A. 0, Mountain View,Cal. Tait, T. S., 1310 Twenty-ourth St., Columbus, Ga. Taphouse, Jas., Bishop, Cal. Tarr, A. P., Market Square, Alice, Cape, South Africa. Tarr, C., " Ntlambie," Butterworth, Cape, South Africa. Tarr, D. F., 80 St. Patrick Road, Port Elizabeth, Cape, South Africa. Tavel, G. A., Apartado 218, Guate- mala City, Guatemala, Central America. Tavodi, Bennie, Bisiatabu, Port Moresby, British New Guinea. Taylor, C. L., Williamsdale East, Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia. Taylor, C. L., Berrien Springs, Mich. Taylor, C. U., Keene, Tex. Taylor, H. F., 144 Bostwick Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Taylor, J. I., Box 14, Little Rock, Ark. Terry, L. W., Rockville, Mo. Tetzlaff, A. B., 203 West Franklin St., Clinton, Mo. Theunissen, D. C., Staines Road, Plumstea, Cape, South Africa. Thomann, E. W., Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Thomann, V. E., Casilla 2830, Santiago, Chile, South America. Thomas, A., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg, Germany. Thomas, E. D. Nazareth Post office, Tinnevelly District, South India. Thomas, P. V., Nanning, Kwangsi, China. Thompson, Chas., 2718 Third Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Thompson, G. A., 14 Scott Road, Kuala Lumpur, Federated Ma- lay States. Thompson, G. B., Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Thompson, J. T., Calle Arenal Grande 2535, Montevideo, Uru- guay, South America. Thompson, Victor, 310 West Six- teenth St., Jacksonville, Fla. Thompson, J., 84 Cashel St., hrist- church, New Zealand. Thorpe, E. E., Neiafu, Vavau, Friendly -Islands, Pacific Ocean. Thurber, E. W., Apartado 218, Guatemala City, Guatemala, Cen- tral America. Thurber, R. B., Berrien Springs, Mich. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. � 295 Thurm, P., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg, Germany. Thurston, H. G., Salem, Oreg. Thurston, W. H., College Place, . • Wash. Tieche, L. P., rue Nicolas Roret, 1, Paris, XIIIe, France. Tieche, M., rue Nicolas Roret, 1, Paris, XIIIe, France. Tindall, J. H. N., 840 Humboldt Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Tobiassen, Chr., Akersgaten 74, Christiania, Norway. Tolhurst, H. L., Faleloa, Haapai, Tonga, Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean. Tonks, S. F.. 67 Claremont Road, Sin eth wick, near Birmingham, England. Toppenberg, V. E., Takoma Park, D. C. Town, N. Z., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Townsend, E. C., 510 Petoskey St., Petoskey, Mich. Traugh, J. A., Room 1, People's Bank Bldg., Columbia, S. C. Tribbensee, W., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-Charl., Germany. Trowbridge, E. E., Marshfield, Wis. Trubey, L. F., College View, Nebr. Truman, A. W., Loma Linda, Cal. Tucker, 0. W., Drawer' 586, Water- town, S. Dak. Truesdell, G. A., care Pacific Union College, St. Helena, Cal. Tupper, L. E., Kelso, Wash. Turk, D. 0., 3 Farr Place, Johnson City, N. Y. Turner, J. W., 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, Colo. Turner, W. Gr.' 116 Grote St., Ade- laide, South Australia, Australia. Twijnstra, H., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Uchtman, W. R., 33 Lester Ave.; 'Westery, R. I. Uldokat, F., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin-Charl., Germany. Ulrich, C. F., 708 Twenty-seventh St., Altoona; .Pa. Underwood, R. A., College' View, Nebr. Urquhart, E. J., Keizan, Chosen (Korea). Valiance, M., " Warden House," Crumpsall Crescent, Manchester, England. Vandeman, H. A., 847 South Union Ave., Pueblo, Colo. Van Eijseren, W., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Van Kirk, M. B., 2718 Third Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Van Niekirk, E., Morija, Basuto. land, South Africa. Varlemann, W.i Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Vaucher, A., La Ligniere, Gland, Ct. Vaud, Switzerland. Venen, W. J., 1110 Glenwood Ave., Youngstown, Ohio. Verrill, A. J., Mechanic Falls, Me. Videto, W. E., Madison, Tenn. Voigt, G. L., Bauerstr. 38, Mu- nich, Germany. Von Pohle, E. A., Hines, Wis. Voorthuis, P., Jr., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Vore, G. T., Selma, Cal. Votaw, H. H., 318 East State St., Columbus, Ohio. Voth, A. J., Kiel, Okla. Voth, Bernard, Lehigh, Kans. Voth, David, Keene, Tex. Vuillemnier, J., Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. Waak, P., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg, ermany. Wagele, T., Post box 14, Minsk, Russia. Wagner, B. E., Room 621, Crutcher and Starks Bldg., Louisville, Ky. Wagner, F. D., 760 South Main St., Twin Falls, Idaho. Wakeham, W. H., Berrien Springs, Mich. Walker, Allen, Palatka, Fla. Walker, J. G., 103 Willoughby- Sumner Block, Saskatoon, Sas- katchewan, Canada. Walker, J. Z., Salida, Colo. Walker, S. W., R. F. D. 1, Berwick, Me. Wall, D. N., 617 -East 158th St., New York, N. Y. - Wallace. H. L., Elko, Nev. Waldorf, N, J., 22 Stanley St., Richmond, Victoria, Australia. Walleker, H. C. J., 165 Tenth St., Providence, R. I. 296 � MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. Wallenkampf, J., Gamla Kungs- holmsbrogatan 38, Stockholm, Sweden. Wallenstern, A. v., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Germany. Walston, W. C., Solusi Mission, Bulawayo, Rhodesia, South Af- rica. Walter, A., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin-Charl., Germany. Warren, Luther, Paradise Valley Sanitarium, National City, Cal. Warren, M. C., Chungking, Szech- wan, China. Wasell, Wm., St. John, New Brunswick. Washburn, H. A., Pacific Union College, St. Helena, Cal. Washburn, J. S., 5318 Chancellor St., Philadelphia, Pa. Wai, A., Akersgaten 74, Chris- tiania, Norway. Watkins, R. H., Toano, Va. Watson, A. G., 6 Dehi Serampore Road, Entally, Calcutta, India. Watson, C. H., " Mizpah," Wah- roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Watson, E., 22 Stanley St., Rich- mond, Victoria, Australia. Watson, G. F., 411 Black Ave., Bozeman, Mont. Watson, 0. B., Bozeman, Mont. Watson, A., Gendia; Kisumu, Brit- ish East Africa. Watson, S., " Tereora' " The Ave- nue, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus- tralia. Watson, T. H., Lodi, Cal. Watt, J. W., R. F. D. 5, Indiana, Pa. Watts, V. B.; Nevada, Iowa. Weaks, C. E., Box 523, U. S. Pos- tal Agency, Shanghai, China. Wearner, A. G., 1112 Kalamath St., `Denver, Colo. Wearner, A. J., 'Wai Chow, Kwang- tung, Weatherly, D. F.; Box 238, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Weaver; 112' A., 1252 Lincoln Way East, Galion, Ohib. �• Webber, P. A.; 2 of 198; Maku- --racho Jigyo Higashi-machi,- Yo- -anth t � o,: Fukuoka,- JaparC Weber-; C. -W., 3306-Weae~-Thir- ty-first St., Cleveland, Ohio. Webster, E. W., 1215-Fifteenth St., Moline, Ill. Webster, F. C., 280 Villeneuve - West, Montreal, Quebec. Weeks, F., R. F. D. l, Amarillo, Tex. Wegener, A., Krisztina. Kora 167, Budapest I, Hungary. Weidner, J. H., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, 'Germany. Weinert, A., Bauerstr. 38, Munich; Germany. Weinmann, F., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. -Wellman, D. E., Bridgeton, Barba- dos, British West Indies. Wellman, L. E., 728 Brooks St., Ann Arbor, Mich. -Wellman, S. A., 386 Midland Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Wells, F. D., 114 Peck St., Roches- ter, N. Y. Wells, G. MT., 679 Holly Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Wentland, M. H., 157 Burgard Place, Buffalo, N. Y. Werner, G., Bauerstr. 38, Mu- nich, Germany. Werner, R., Bauerstr. 38, Mu- nich, Germany. West, G. L., 58 South Kendall St., Bradford, Pa. West, G. R., Keene, Tex. West, J. B., 1 Devereux Road, Bat- tersea, London; S. W. 11, Eng- land. Westbrook, T. B., cor. Third and Juliana Sts., Parkersburg, W. Va. Westcott, H. B., 315 -Auburn Ave., Pontiac, Mich. Westerman, W. J., 22 Stanley St., Richmond, Victoria,' Australia. Westphal, A. L., S5.6 Bernardo, S. P. R., Sao- Paulo; Brazil, South America. Westphal, F. H., Casilla 2830, Santiago, Chile, South America. WeStphal, J. W., Florida,. -F. ' C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America:: �:--! Westworth, Wm. A., 2004 Rutkle St., Indianapolis, Ind.., � . Wavers, M. Grindelberg • Germany. : Wheeler, J. H., Marsland; Nebr. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. � 297 Wheeler. L. S., 92 Hedley St., Buf- falo, N. Y. Wheeler, W. W.,. Puiggari, F. C. E. R., Argentina, South Amer- ica. Whelpley, J. E., 317 West Bloom- field St., Rome, N. Y. White, A. H., Franklin Chambers, Hobart, Tasmania. White, B. J., 169 Bryan St., At- lanta, Ga. � . White, C. L., 2124 South Adams St., Marion, Ind. White, J. E., Marshall, Mich. White, J. G., Wang Gia, Dun, Han- kow, Hupeh, China. White, Stemple, 920 East Sixth St., Duluth, Minn. White, S. G., S. D. A. Mission, Sianfu, Shensi, China. White, G. W., 114 Iowa Ave., Council Bluffs, Iowa. White, H. C., Australasian Mis- sionary College, Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia. White, W. B., Rosemead Ave., Ken- ilworth, Cape, South Africa. White, W. C., R. F.. D. 1, St. Helena, Cal. White, W. H., Room 621, Crutcher and Starks Bldg., Louisville, Ky. Whiteside, Robert, Trainview, Moira, County Down, Ireland. Whitney, S. B., Keene, N. Y. Whittaker. M.. " Tereora," The Avenue, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Whittle, T., 84 Cashel St., Christ- church, New Zealand. Wibbens, Jacob, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Wicks, H. P. B., care S. D. A. Mis- sion, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean. Widmer, Reinhold, Willa, N. Dak. Wierts, J. H., 3700 Fait Ave., Baltimore; Md. Wiest, C. S., 304 Ruh Bldg., Fond du Lac, Wis. Wight, S. E., 2006 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Wikander, G. W., Houghton, Mich. Wilcox, F. M., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Wilcox, Howard, Boyne City, Mich. Wilcox, M. C., Mountain View, Cal. Wilfart, R. J., CaruarA, Pernam- buco, Brazil, South America. Wilkinson, B. G., 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park Station, • Wash- ington, D. C. Wilkinson, G. L., Fallon' Nev. Will, Th., Post box 2, Post office Birsha., "Excelsior." Saratov, Russia. Williams, A. H., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India, Williams, B. F., Nashville, Mich. Williams, C. D. M., 615 North Tenth St., Phoenix, Ariz. Williams, I. N., Fredonia, N. Y. Williams, R. E., Tampa, Fla. Williams, W. MT., Route A, Box 223, Miami, Fla. Willess, N. V., Lander, Wyo. Willis, U. S., 4220 West Lucky St., St. Louis, Mo. Willoughby, H. E., Drawer D, Clo- vis, N. Mex. Wilson, E. T., 12281/2 North Main St., Hutchinson, Kans. Wilson, J., Post box 2, Post office Birsha, " Excelsior," 'Saratov, Russia. Wilson, J. L., Oxford, Nova Scotia. Wilson, Victor, S. D. A. Mission, care de Gran.dhommes Private Bag, Livingstone, Rhodesia, South Africa. Wilson, M. L., Room 316, Lyric Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. Winter. II. J., 203 West Franklin St., Clinton, Mo. Winston, Wm., 614 Maple St., Owensboro, Ky. Wintzen, J., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin-Charl., Germany. Woertz, C. F., 92 Hedley St., Buf- falo, N. Y. Wolfe, E. W.. Room 1, People's Bank Bldg., Columbia,, S. C. Wolfe, 0. W., Aquilla, Tex. Wolfgarten, J., Bauerstr. 38, Mu- nich, Germany. Wood, C. E., Grand Forks, British Columbia. Wood, D. P., 666 Dunlap St., Mem- phis, Tenn. Wood, G. A., 57 Van Deventer Laan, Soeraba.ya, Java, DUtch East Indies. Wood, K. H., S. D. A. Mission, 58 Baikal Road, Shanghai, China. 298 � MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY. Wood, L. H., -2006 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Wood, M. D., Kalyan, G. I. P., India. Woodman, I. J., 4812 Indiana Ave., Chicago, Ill. Woods, J. IL, 22 Stanley St., Rich- mond, Victoria, Australia. Woodward, C. N., 14 Calle Luna, Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Islands. Wortman, T. J. L., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Woysch, A., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Wright, F. A., Allegan, Mich. Wright, J. F., 1007 West Texas St., Mobile, Ala. Wu Dz Shan, S. D. A. Mission, Nanking, China. Wyman, C. A., Battle Ground, Wash. Wyman, F. A., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Yates, J. S., Zee Straat, Padang, Sumatra, Dutch East Indies. Yearwood, C. W., 35 Rice St., North Cambridge, Mass. Young, Carl, Gamla Kungsholms- brogatan 38, Stockholm, Swe- den. Young, F. G., 203 West Franklin St., Clinton, Mo. Young, W. A., 904 College Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Young, W. C., South Stukely, Que- bec. Young, W. J., " Croftview," Ud- dingston, near Glasgow, Scotland. Youngberg, A. G., Drawer 586, Watertown, S. Dak. Youngberg, G. B., Drawer 586, Watertown, S. Dak. Zahl, P., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg, Germany. Zecchetto, L., Casella Postale 218, Florence, Italy. Zeiner, A. V., Krisztina Kora 167, Budapest I, Hungary. Zerne, N., Gamla Kungsholmsbro- gatan 38, Stockholm, Sweden. Zielinski, M. W., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-Charl., Germany. Zielinski, St., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin-Charl., Germany. Zimmermann, H., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Germany. Zimmermann, C. H., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Ziprick, Oscar, 103 Willoughby- Sumner Block, Saskatoon, Sas- katchewan, Canada. Zirat, G., Post box 2, Post office 13i rslia, " Excelsior," � Sit rat ov, Russia. OBITUARY RECORD FOR 1917 " They rest from their labors; and their works do follow them." 01e Nelson, Feb. 17, 1917; Stock- holm, Sweden. S. A. Farnsworth, March 7; North Troy, Vt. H. C. Wangerin, June 10; Colorado Springs, Colo. Mrs. Roy Mershon, July 2; British North Borneo. - F. S. Hafford, June 28; Los Ange- les, Cal. -j. W. Bagby, July 12; Lemoore, Cal. .T. M. Willoughby, July 24; Port- land, Oreg. .J. H. Rogers, August 6; San Fer- nando, Cal. James Skinner, August 15; Mel- rose, Mass. J. W. Bacheller, August 29; Kala- mazoo, Mich. Mrs. E: E. Andross, Sept. 8; Glen- dale, Cal. H. A. St. John, Oct. 5; Sanitarium, Cal. Geo. 0. States, Oct. 18; Cedaredge, Colo. D. E. Blake, Oct. 31; Charleston, W. Va. Theodore Valentiner, Nov. 22; Col- lege View, Nebr. Mrs. W. W. Wheeler, Dec.; Argen- tina, South America. A. H. Evers, Jan. 16, 1918; Ashe- ville, N. C. Miss Lida Ackley, Jan. 28, 1918; Fresno, Cal. J. 0. Miller, Feb. 24; Baltimore, Md. 299 INDEX A BYSSINIAN Mission � 135 z-s• Academies, Directories of 186-205 Addington Intermediate School � 186 Adelaide Sanitarium � 226 Adelphian Academy � 186 Adriatic Mission � 112 Alabama Conference � 91 Alaska Mission � 72 Alberta Conference � 102 Alberta Academy � 187 Algeria, mission in (See North Af- rican Mission) Alto Parana Mission � Amur Mission � Anhwei Mission � Annual Offerings � Anterior Austrian Mission � Appropriations to Missions � Arabic-Syrian Mission � Argentine Conference � Arizona Conference � Arkansas Conference � Asiatic Division Conference � Survey of Work in � Institutions in � Atlanta Branch Publishing House Atlantic Union Conference � Institutions in � Austral Union Conference � Survey of Work in � Australasian Union Conference � Survey of Work in � 240 Australasian Missionary College � 187 Austrian Mission � 113 Avondale School (See Australa- sian Missionary College) Avondale Press � 206 Azof Conference � 119 BAHAMAS Mission � 185 Survey of Work in � 259 Baltic Conference � 132 Banks Group, work in � 149 Barotseland Mission � 177 Barcelona Publishing House � 206 Basle Branch Publishing House � 208 Basutoland Missions � 178 Battleford Academy � 187 Bavarian Conference � 110, 111 Beechwood Academy � 188 Belgian Mission � 131 Bengali language, periodical in � 219 Bengal Mission � 153 Bermuda Mission � 27 Bethel Mission � 178 Bethel Academy � 188 Bethel Girls' School � 188 Bismarck Archipelago, work in � 149 Black Sea Mission � 133 Bohemian language, periodical in � 219 Bohemian Mission � 113 Bolivia Mission � 172 Bombay Presidency Mission � 153 Borneo, Mission in � 155 Boulder-Colorado Sanitarium � 226 Brazil Publishing House � 206 Brazilian Seminar", � 188 Brazilian Union Conference � 169 Survey of work in � 249 British Columbia Conference � 103 British East African Mission � 134 British Guiana (See South Carib- 300 bean Conference) 'British North Borneo Mission (See Malaysian Mission) British Publishing House � 206 British Union Conference � 107 Broadview Swedish Seminary � 188 Buenos Aires Publishing House � 206 Burma Mission � 154 Burmese School (See Meiktila Tech- nical School) Burmese language, periodical in � 219 CAFES � 234 California Conference � 74, 75 Campion Academy � 189 Canadian Branch Pub. House � 211 Canadian Publishing Association � 207 Cantonese Mission � 163 Cantonese Training School � 189 Cape Conference � 174 Cape Sanitarium � 226 Caterham Sanitarium � 226 Cebuan Mission � 162 Cebuan language, periodical in � 219 Cedar Lake Academy � 189 Central Amer. Branch Pub. House � 211 Central California Conference � 76 Central European Union Conf. � 110 Central Polynesian Conference � 148 Central Polynesian Training School 189 Central Sweden Conference � 123 Central-Southern Luzon Conference 161 Central Union Conference � 28 Institutions in � 34 Chesapeake Conference � 36 Chile Conference � 168 China, Missions in � 156, 162 China Missions Training School .. 189 Chinese language, periodicals in .. 219 Chinese Publishing House � 213 Chosen Conference � 150 Survey of work in � 246 Chosen Industrial School � 190 Chosen Mission Press � 207 Christchurch Sanitarium � 226 Christian Record Publishing Co. � 207 Christiania Health Home � 226 Christiania Publishing House (See Scandinavian Pub. House) Church Directory (See at close of each local conference) Claremont Union College � 190 Clinton Theological Seminary � 190 Colleges, directories of �186-205 Periodicals by � 218 Colorado Conference � 28, 29 Columbia Union Conference � 35 Institutions in � 44 Congo Border Mission � 177 Constitution of Gen. Conf. � 263 Cook Islands, work in � 149 Copenhagen Branch Pub. House � 212 Cuban Mission � 182 Survey of work in � 255 Cumberland Conference � 85 DANISH-NORWEGIAN language, periodicals in � 219 Danish-Norwegian Seminary � 191 Danube Union Conference � 114 Darling Range School � 191 168 133 157 262 113 261 136 167 75 97 138 238 164 213 18 27 166 248 INDEX. � 301 Denmark, Conferences in (See East and West Denmark) Denominational literature, lan- guages in which issued � 225 Denominational periodicais .... 214-224 Directory of Ministers �267-298 District of Columbia Conference .. 37 Duena Conference � 132 EAST Africa, Missions in ....134, 136 East Asian Union Conference 150 East Brazil Mission � 170 East Central Conference � 108 East Denmark Conference � 124 East German Union Conference � 116 East German Union District � 117 East Indies and Federated Malay States (See Malaysian Mission) East Java Mission (See Malaysian Mission) East Michigan Conference � 48 East Norway Conference � 124 East Prussian Conference � 117 East Russian Union Conference � 119 East Siberian Mission � 134 Eastern Canadian Missionary Sem- inary � 191 Eastern Canadian Union Conf. � 45 Institutions in � 47 Eastern New York Conference � 20 Eastern Pennsylvania Conf. � 38 Eastern Polynesian Mission � 149 Ecuador Mission � 172 Educational Dept. of Gen. Conf. � 9 Of. N. Amer. Div. � 14 Educational Institutions � 186-205 Outline of courses in � 186 Egypt, Missions in � 135 Elbe Conference � 128 Emmanuel Mission � 178 Emmanuel Missionary College � 191 Emmanuel Miss. College Press � 207 English Periodicals � 214-218 Esthonian, periodical in � 220 European Division Conference � 106 Institutions in � 137 Survey of work in for 1917 � 235 European Division Missions ... 134-137 FEDERATED Malay States (See Malaysian Mission) Feinando Academy (See San Fer- nando) Fernwood Intermediate School � 192 Fiji, work in � 148 Fiji Training School � See 189 Fijian language, periodical in .... 220 Finland Conference � 125 Finland Publishing House � 207 Finnish language, periodicals in � 220 Fireside Correspondence School � 192 Florida Conference � 86 Florida Sanitarium � 227 Foochow Intermediate School � 192 Food Companies � , 233 Foreign Departments of N. Amer � Division � 16 Foreign Languages, periodicals in 219 Foreign fields, workers sent to, " � 1901-17 � 261 Foreign Mission Board � 10 Foreign periodicals• � 219-224 Pt. Worth Branch Pub.-IIouse � 213 'Fox River Academy .... � 193 F'reneh Conferenee � - � 1.21 French language, periodicals in � 220 Friedensau Industrial School � 193 Friedensau Sanitarium � 227 Friendly Islands, work in � 148 Fukien Mission � 163 Fukien Training School � 193 QALICIAN Mission � 119 Garwhal Industrial School � 193 General Conf., Directory of � 5-11 Appropriations of � 261 Laborers engaged under � 11 Presidents and Secretaries of � 262 Constitution of � 263 General Conference Executive Com- mittee � 5 General Conference Association � 10 General Conference Corporation � 10 Georgia Conference � 87 German East African Missions .134, 136 German language, periodicals in � 220 German-Swiss Conference � 111 Glendale Mission � 177 Glendale Sanitarium � 227 Good Health Assn.. Ltd. � 227 Gold Coast Mission � 134 Greater New York Conference ... 21 Grecian Mission � 136 Greenland, mission in � 127 Guatemala Mission � 182 Survey of work in � 257 Gujerati language, periodical in � 221 uAITIEN Mission � 183 " Survey of work. in � 225 Hakka Mission � 164 Hamburg Publishing House � 207 Hawaiian Mission � 185 Survey of work in � 260 Hazel Academy � 193 Hessian Conference � 129 Hindi language, periodical in � 221 Holland language, periodicals in � 221 Holland Mission � 131 Home Missionary Dept. � 16 Honan Mission � 157 Ronan Mission School � 193 Hunan Mission � 158 Hungarian Branch Pub. House � 208. Hungarian language, periodicals in 221 Hupeh Mission � 158 ICELAND Mission � 127 Inca Union Mission � 171 Survey of work in � 251 Indiana Conference � 49 India Union Mission � 152 Survey of work in � 243 India Publishing House � 208 Indian Christian Training School � 193 International Branch Pub. House � 210 International Health Assn. Ltd. :r.-230 Inter-Mountain. Conference • � ' 77 Iowa Conference. ' � _ �-60 Iowa Sanitarium � 227 Irish Mission � 110 Italian language, periodicals in , � 221 Italian Mission � 122 JAMAICA Conference � 179 Japan Conference ....-.., ....... 151 Survey of work in �245 Japanese languagev,periodicals in .: 222 Japanese Mission Training School 193 Japanese Publishing House ....... 209 Java, missions -in � 302 � INDEX. KAFIRLAND Missions � 178 Kansas City Branch Publishing House � 210 Kansas Conference � 30 Kansas Sanitarium � 228 Karmatar Middle English School � 194 Keene Academy (See Southwestern Junior College) Kentucky Conference � 92 Ketchum Intermediate School � 194 Kimberley Baths � 228 Kiangsi Mission � 158 Kolo Mission � 178 Korean Industrial School � See 190 Korean language, periodicals in .. 222 Korean Conference (See Chosen) Korean S. D. A. Mission Press, see 207 Kwangsi Mission � 164 I A FAYETTE Sanitarium (See AA Wabash Valley Sanitarium) Lake Geneva Sanitarium � 228 Lake Union Conference � 47 Institutions in � 58, 59 Lake Titicaca Indian Mission � 172 Languages in which denominational literature is issued � 225 Latin Union Conference � 121 Latin Union District � 122 Latin Union Publishing House � 209 Latin Union School � 194 Laurelwood Academy � 194 Legal Corporations of the General Conference � 10 Leman Conference � 122 Lettonian language, periodicals in 222 Levant Branch Publishing House � 208 Levant Mission � 136 Licentiates under the General Con- ference � 11 Literature, .languages in which is- sued � 225 Little Russian Conference � 132 Lodi Academy � 194 Loma Linda College � 195 Loma Linda Sanitarium � 228 Lord Howe Island, work in � 149 Louisiana Conference � 93 Lower Egypt Mission � 135 Lower Rhenish Conference � 129 Loyalty Islands, work in � 149 MADISON Sanitarium � 228 Madagascar Mission � 136 Maine Conference � 22 Malayalam language, periodical in 222 Malay language, periodical in � 222 Malaysian Union Conference � 155 Survey of work in � 239 Malaysian Publishing House � 209 Manchurian Mission � 152 Manitoba Conference �. � 104 Maplewood Academy � 196 Marathi language, periodical in � 222 Maranatha Mission � 178 Marathi Training School for Nurses 196 Maritime Conference � 45 Massachusetts Conference � 23 Mauritius-Madagascar Mission � 136 Medical Miss. Dept. of Gen. Conf � 8 Of North American Division � 14 Meiktila Technical School � 196 Melanesian Mission � 149 Mexican Mission � 183 Survey of work in � 257 Mexican Publishing House � 209 Middle Hungarian Conference � 114 Middle Russian Mission � 120 Midland Conference � 108 Minas Geraes Mission � 170 Ministerial Directory � 267-298 Ministers under the Gen. Conf. .. 10, 11 Minnesota Conference � 61 Mission Offerings for 1917 � 262 Missionary. Licentiates under the General Conference � 11 Missionary Volunteer Department of the General Conference � 10 Of North American Division � 15 Mississippi Conference � 94 Missouri Conference � 31 Monamona Mission � 145 Montana Conference � 66 Moravian-Silesian Mission � 111 Mt. Ellis Academy � 196 Mt. Vernon Academy � 196 Mussoorie Primary and Middle English School � 197 NATAL Health Institute � 229 " Natal-Transvaal Conf. � 175 Nebraska Conference � 32 Nebraska Sanitarium (College View) � 229 Nebraska Sanitarium (Hastings) 229 Negro Dept. of North Amer. Div. 17 Nevada Mission � - � 83 News Conference � 120 Newfoundland Mission � 47 New Caledonia, work in � 149 New England Sanitarium � 229 New Guinea, work in � 149 New Hebrides, work in � 149 New Jersey Conference � 39 New Mexico Conference (See Tex- ico Conf.) New South Wales Conference � 143 New York Branch Pub. House � 212 New York, conferences in ... 20, 21, 26 New Zealand, conferences in (See North and South New Zealand Conferences) New Zealand Training School (See Oroua Missionary School) Nigeria Mission � 135 Niue, work in � 148 Norfolk Island, work in � 149 North African Mission � 122 North American Conf. Corp. of S � D. A. � 17 North American Div. Conference 12-18 Executive Committee � 12 Mission offerings in, for 1917 � 262 North American Foreign Dept. (See Foreign Dept.) North American Negro Dept. (See Negro Dept.) North Brazil Mission � 170 North Carolina Conference � 88 North Caucasian Conference � 120 North China Union Conference � 156 North Dakota Conference � 62 North England Conference � 108 North German Conference � 129 North Honduras Mission � 183 Survey of work In � 258 North Hungarian Mission � 115 North India Mission � 154 North Michigan Conference � 52 North Norway Conference � 126 INDEX. � 303 North New Zealand Conference � 144 North Pacific Union Conference � 65 Institutions in � "2, 73 North Swedish Mission � 127 North Texas Conference � 98 North Wisconsin Conference � 53 Northern California Conference � 78 Northern France Mission � 122 Northern Illinois Conference � 51 Northern Latin American Missions 182 Survey of work in � 255 Northern Luzon Mission � 162 Northern New England Conf. � 24 Northern Union Conference � 59 Institutions in � 65 Norway Conference (See East, North, and West Norway Confs.) Northwestern California Conf. � 79 Nyasaland Mission = � 177 OAK Park Academy � 197 Oakwood Junior College � 197 Oakwood Sanitarium � 229 Obituary Record for 1917 � 299 Oder Conference � 117 Offerings, annual � 262 Ohio conference � 40 Oklahoma Conference � 99 Old People's Home (Germany) � 227 Ontario Conference � 46 Orange Free State Conf. � 176 Oroua Missionary School � 198 Oswego Academy � 198 PACIFIC Press Publishing Assn..209 Pacific Union College � 198 Pacific Union Conference � Institutions in � Affiliated schools in � Panayan Mission � Papers issued � Paradise Valley Sanitarium � Parana Mission � Periodicals issued � Pernambuco Mission � Persian Mission � Peruvian Mission � Philippine Academy � Philippine Union Conference � Survey of work in � Philippine Pub. House � Phoenix Intermediate School � Pitcairn Island, work in � Plainview Academy � Polish language, periodicals in Polish Mission � Portland Branch Pub. House � Portland Sanitarium � Porto Rican Mission � Survey of work in � Portuguese language, periodicals in Portuguese Mission � Press Bureau of North Amer. Div � 17 Pua Training School � 199 Pub. Dept. of the Gen. Cont. � 7 Of North Amer. Div. � 13 Publishing Houses, directories of � 206-214 QUEBEC Conference � 46 Queensland Conference � 144 RAROTONGAN, periodical in � 222 AA Religious Liberty Association 16 Restaurants � 234 Review and Herald Pub. Assn. � 211 Rhodesia-Nyasaland Mission � 176 Rio Espirito Santo Mission � 171 Rio Grande do Sul Conference � 169 River Plate College � 200 River Plate Sanitarium � 230 Rumanian Conference � 114 Rumanian language, periodicals in 222 Russian Branch Publishing House 208 Russian language, periodicals in � 223 Russian Union Conference (See East and West Russian) � ...... QABBATH School Department of " the General Conference � 9 Of North Amer. Div. � 14 Salvador Mission � 184 Survey of work in � 258 Samoan language, periodical in � 223 Samoa, work in � 148 San Fernando Academy � 200 Sanitariums, directories of .... 226-232 Santa Cruz Islands, work in � 149 Santa Catharina Conference � 170 Santali Girls' School � 200 Sao Paulo Mission � 171 Saskatchewan Conference � 105 Save Mission � 115 Saxon Conference � 118 Scandinavian Publishing House � 212 Scandinavian Union Conference � 123 Scandinavian Union Miss. School � 200 .Schools (See Educational Institu- tions) Scottish Conference � 109 Sentinel Pub. Co. � 212 Servian language, periodicals in � 223 Shandung Mission � 158 Shangani Mission � 177 Shanghai Sanitarium � 236 Shenandoah Valley Academy � 200 Shensi Mission � 159 Sheyenne River Academy � 200 Siberian Union Mission � 133 Sierra Leone Mission � 135 Signs Pub. Co., Ltd. � 212 Signs of the Times Pub. House (China) � 213 Silesian Conference � 118 Singapore Training School � 201 Skodsborg Sanitarium � 230 Society Islands, work in � 149 Solomon Islands, work in � 149 Solusi Mission � 177 Somabula Mission � 177 South African Pub. House (See Sentinel Pub. Co.) South African Union Conference 173 Institutions in � 179 Survey of work in � 252 South American Division Confer- ence � 166 Institutions in � 172 Survey of work in � 247 South Australian Conference � 145 South Bend Branch Pub. House � 212 South Caribbean Conference � 180 South Carolina Conference � 89 South China Union Conference � 162 South Dakota Conference � 63 South England Conference � 109 South German Conference ..... • • . 112 South Honduras Mission � 185 Survey of work in � 259 South India Mission � 154 South India Training School � 201 73 84 199 161 214-224 229 170 214-224 170 136 172 199 160 246 211 199 149 199 222 133 210 230 184 256 222 123 ;iO4 � INDEX: South Kiangsu Mission � 159 South Lancaster Academy � 201 South. Lancaster Printing Co. � 214 South New Zealand Conference � 146 South Pare Mission � 136 South Sweden Conference � 126 South Texas Conference � 100 South Wisconsin Conference � 55 Southeastern California Conference 80 Southeastern Union Conference � 84 � Institutions in �i � 90 Southern California Conference � 82 Southern Idaho Conference � 67 Southern Illinois Conference � 54 Southern Junior College � 202 Southern New England Conference 25 Southern Oregon Conference � 67 Southern Publishing Association � 213 Southern Training School (See Southern Junior College) Southern Union Conference � 90 � Institutions in � 96 Southwestern Junior College � 202 Southwestern Union Conference � 96 � Institutions in � 102 Spanish language, periodicals in � 223 � . Spanish Mission � 123 Stanborough Park Miss. College � 202 Stanborough Park Sanitarium � 230 St. Helena Sanitarium � 231 Stockholm Publishing House � 214 Straits Settlements Mission (See Malaysian Mission) Strode Academy (See Oswego Acad- � • emy) Sumatra Mission (See' Malaysian Mission) Survey of the Fields �235-261 Swatow Mission � 163 Swedish Conferences (See Central, North, and South Swedish Con- ferences) Swedish language, periodicals in � 223 Swedish Missionary School � 203 Sydney Sanitarium and Benevolent Association � 231 Sydney Sanitarium � 231 Syria, Mission in � 136 Szechwan Mission � 160 'TAGALOG language, periodicals 4 in � 224 Tahitian language, periodical in � 224 Tamil language, periodical in � 224 Tamil School � 203 Tasmanian Conference � 146 Telegu language, periodical in � 224 Tennessee River Conference � 95 Texico Conference � 101 Theiss Mission � 115 Thuringian Conference � 130 Tongan language, periodical in � 224 Torres Islands, work in � 149 Trans-Caucasian Mission � 137 Transportation Agents � 11 Transylvania Conference � 115 Treatment Ro'bms, list of � 233 Tri-City Sanitarium � 231 Tsungwesi Mission � 178 Turkestan Mission � 137 Turkey, Mission in � 136 UNION College � 203 Union Conference periodicals - � 217, .218 � Upper Columbia Conference � 68 Upper Egyptian Mission � 135 Upper Rhenish Conference � 130 Ural Mission � 120 Urdu language, periodical in � 224 Uruguay Mission � 168 Utah Conference (See Inter-Moun- tain Conference) VERMONT (See Northern New England Conference) Venezuela (See South Caribbean Conference) Victoria-Nyanza Mission � 136 Victorian Conference � 147 Virginia Conference � 42 Vistula Conference � 118 Volga Mission � 121 WABASH Valley Sanitarium � 232 , Welderly Academy � 204 Walla Walla College � 204 Walla Walla Sanitarium � 232 Warburton Sanitarium � 232 Warta Conference � 119 Washington Missionary College � 204 Washington Missionary College Press � 214 Washington Sanitarium � 232 Waterloo Industrial School � 205 Welsh Conference � 110 West Africa, Missions in � 134, 135 West Australian Conference � 147 West Caribbean Conference � 181 West Denmark Conference � 126 West German Union Conference � 128 West German Union District � 128 � West Hungarian Mission 116 West India Mission (See Bombay Presidency Mission) West Indian Union Conference � 179 Survey of work in � 253 West Java Mission (See Malaysian Mission) West Michigan Conference � 57 West Norway Conference � 126 West Pennsylvania Conference � -43 West Russian Mission � 133 West Russian Union Conference � 132 West Siberian Mission � 134 West Texas, Conference in (See'. Texico Conference) West Virginia Conference � 44 Western Canadian Union Conf. � 102 Institutions in � 10_6 Western Colorado Conference (See Inter-Mountain Conference). Western New York Conference..... 26 Western Oregon Conference , � 69 Western Washington Conference , 71 Westphalian Conference � 130 White Sea Mission � 121 Williamsdale Academy � 205 Wisconsin Conference (See North and South Wisconsin Confs.). Workers' Directory � ....... 267-294 Workers' Obituary Record for 1917 299 Workers sent to foreign, fields � 261' Wurtemberg Conference � 112 Wyoming Conference � 34 YIDDISH dialect, periodical in � 224 Young People's Missionary Vol � Dept. of the General Conf. � 10 Of North American Division 15 ZULU Missiqn � 178 Carnie-Goudie Preaching Tents Seventh-day Adventist preachers demand the best in tents. We know that to be a fact. CARNIE-GOUDIE Tents are used .by more S. D. A. conferences than any other make. The reason they are so widely used is because they answer every tent question Satisfactorily'. Note These Points Where Carnie-Goudie Tents Excel Canvas — Mount Vernon Army and' our own rain-test- ducks — the best made. Rope—Pure unoiled Manila ITemp—made to our order. - Thread — Special quality of almost double ordinary strength. Workmanship — SailOrs and Seamers with the " know hOw " of long experience. � . Pitch — Cut extra high — to stand wind and rain. Now if you are..gping to buy tents for meetings this summer, you want the best value you can procure — you want a tent.that will stand the practical tests of wind and rain. The CARNIE-GOUDIE S. D. A. Tents are such tents. Tent Book Free Write today — now — for the CARNIE-GOUDIE Tent Book. It also gives complete inf6rmation. about Seats, Fags,'Lights,„BanneTs,- and the. renting of complete outfits. � • Send for sample of the new CARNIE-GOUDIE Waterproof canvas for Gospel Tents, which is guaranteed for two full'years' continuous service. CARNIE-GOUDIE MFG. CO. � • 1014-16 Wyandotte, � KANSAS CITY, MO: BUY BAKER TENTS AND SAVE EXPENSE Roped Well -- Sewed Well Built to Stand the Storms Gospel Tabernacles Camping Tents Your specifications will be fol- lowed out, your wishes will be carried out, your expectations will be realized, in a BAKER TENT Baker & Lockwood Mfg. Co. KANSAS CITY, MO. WORKERS' EDITIONS Thin Paper and Limp Leather Our standard books which are most referred to by workers, are now bound in limp leather, and the larger volumes printed on thin paper, making a light, compact, serviceable reference library. Make your selection from the following list: Acts of the Apostles � $2.00 Church Missionary Work � .75 Counsels to Teachers, Parents, and Students � 1.50 Desire of Ages � 2.00 Education � 1.50 Great Controversy � 2.00 Life Sketches of Ellen G. White � 1.50 Manual for Canvassers � .75 Ministry of Healing � 2.00 Patriarchs and Prophets � 2.00 Prophets and Kings � 2.00 Steps to Christ � 1.00 Testimonies for the Church (four-volume edition) 12.00 Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing � 1.25 Use of the Voice � .75 Prices 10 per cent higher in Canada and other countries where duties are charged. Complete catalogue on request. Address your Tract Society, or — PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION Mountain View, Cal. Kansas City, Mo. � Brookfield, Ill. � Portland, Oreg. Cristobal, Canal Zone �Calgary, Alberta, Canada SIGNS OF THE TIMES Issued as Both a Weekly Journal and a Monthly Magazine SUBSCRIPTION PRICE Effective January 1, 1918 The Weekly Journal Single subscription, one year � $1.50 Single subscription, six months � .90 Single subscription, three months � .55 To foreign countries, one year � 1.50 In clubs of five or more, one year � 1.00 The Monthly Magazine Yearly subscription � 1.50 Six months' subscription � .90 Three months' subscription � .50 Our Little Friend Single subscription, one year � .80 Single subscription, six months � .45 In clubs of five or more to one address, one year, per copy � .70 Address, Pacific Press Publishing Association, Mountain View, Cal. -ke ate man Ma a,zine The Great Home Missionary Magazine Edited and Illustrated With the One Purpose of Giving Present Truth to the People TEN REASONS WHY THE WATCHMAN IS POPULAR It is always up to date. It carries forceful illustrations. It has appealing and attractive covers. You can pick it up one minute, laying it down the next minute, and yet learn something of interest. It does not require introductions, explanations, or special study to understand it. It is easily carried. It costs a trifle, and yet gives much valuable and inter- esting reading matter. It keeps you posted on current events, and affords men- tal recreation. Its wide range of contributing writers suits every turn of mind. Every member of the family can read it with lasting profit. USE THE WATCHMAN IN YOUR NEXT CAMPAIGN Subscription price, $1.50 per year. 15 cents per copy. 5 to 4o copies, 8 cents; 5o or more copies, 7 cents. Published at Nashville, Tennessee, L. � THE PRESENT TRUTH Published monthly. Single subscription, 15 cents. Seven subscriptions from one party to different addresses, $1. Foreign subscription, 25 cents. This little, yet great, missionary agent, through its consecutive, interrelated presentation of the prophecies and other fundamen- tal Bible messages, is a most effective gospel messenger, with a definite, completed, irresistible message in each issue; and when used in the order numbered, the topics blend and interlock in the most natural and convincing way. The strong features of Present Truth, the one-topic plan, and the very low prices, make it both effective and practical. PRICES Bulk orders mailed at one time for either the old or the new series : 1-20 copies, each � $ .01 25 � " � .20 60 " � .35 100 .60 1,000 " � 5.00 Kept in Stock by All Conference Tract Societies and the REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION Takoma Park, D. C. THOSE FOOD REGULATIONS Will be more easily carried out in the homes where LIFE HEALTH is a regular visitor. For more than half a century the publishers of this magazine have made DIETETICS and HEALTHFUL LIVING a study. As a result LIFE AND HEALTH is THE MAGAZINE OF THE HOUR AU questions relating to health and rational living are discussed in its columns. JOIN IN GIVING IT a broad circulation. Subscription price, $1.00 per year. Special rates on quantities of any issue. LIFE e, HEALTH, � TAKOMA PARK, D. C. • III II � I I I II � II � I I � _II THE MINISTERIAL READING COURSE FOR 1918 The care used in the selection of the material for the Ministerial Reading Courses is appreciated more every year, as indicated by the greatly in- creased enrolment and the many orders for the books of past courses, all of which are still avail- able. The books comprising the 1918 course compare favorably with those of previous courses, and are especially well adapted to the needs of our min- istry, in fact, are invaluable to all classes of con- ference workers. 1918 COURSE A Hundred Years of Missions � $1.20 Effective Speaking � 1.5o The " Educator " Magazine � Loo Back to the Bible � .5o Education � 1.25 Offer No. 1 — All the above, postpaid $5.00 Offer No. 2A — The first three items 3.6o Offer No. 2B — The last two items.. 1.6o Every minister, and all who anticipate entering the ministry, should take advantage of these val- uable books, which will be found excellent aids in aggressive work. Order from your Tract Society 11111111111111+1111111111111111111J111111111!1111111111111111111111111111111111!.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111f11111111111111111111