THE WATCHMAN Courtesy of the Christian Herald. effort to enforce the Chinese regulations against its sale is meeting with many ob- stacles, one of the chief of these being the cost of carrying the law into effect. The attitude of the British government toward the traffic, from which it derives an annual income of $20,000,000 is still far from satisfactory. 2 A New Religious Movement It 1s announced that “a new religious movement has been started in Philadel- phia by ministers of various denomina- tions, having for its avowed object the removal of creed and denominational barriers, and the establishment of a forum where men and women of all creeds can meet on common ground and discuss matters pertaining to religion without regard to church or denomina- tional differences.” What its method of procedure will be for the accomplish- ment of this end, we have not yet learned. The accompanying picture shows the men composing the executive committee of The Leaders of the New Undenominational Religious Movement the movement. In the top row, reading from left to right are shown: Mr. Spicer, Quaker; Rev. L. G. Batman, Disciple Church; Mr. Dawson, Quaker; Rev. Geo. H. Ferris, D.D., Baptist. In the lower row, Rev. Joseph Krauskop, He- brew ; Rev. Henry Wilbur, Quaker; and Rev. J. Clarence Lee, D.D. oo X Labor Union Government in France AccorpING to the following press statement it appears that the victory of the strikers in the late postal strike in France was a most significant event: — Paris, March 27.— While it is admitted here on every hand — or perhaps it is better to say, while it is truthfully claimed here on every hand — that the result of the postal strike is a complete victory for the mutineers, there is little or no appreciation, either by the pub- lic press or in private conversation, of the immense scope and significance of the defeat which the government has suffered. What, in fact, has been going on in France for the last two weeks is a duel between the regularly appointed officials of the government and the labor union leaders. The labor union leaders have won. They