JESUS COMING TER Jesus had caten the last Passover supper with His dis- ciples the night before He was betrayed, He told them He would be with them only a little while longer. But at this time He made them a areit Promise. He said, “It I go away 1 will come again,” In john [CHE 3 we have an account of this promise. These are Christ's own words, and Lis pront- isc 1s conditional on His going away. Acts 119-11 gives us the record of His somg away, and we are told in this same connection that “this sume Je- sus... shall so come in like manner.” Two men or angels were sent to em- phasize the face that He will come the second ume in exactly the same muan- iter in which He went to heaven. They declared that we would see Him come, that His coming would be literal and visible to all who would be living on the earth, John, mn Revelation 1:7, added his testimony to that of the angels. He said: “Behoid, He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him.” The Lord’s second coming will be as real, as literal, as visible as was His ascen- ston, and far more glorious. The clouds spoken of by John we under stand from Psalm 104:3 and 68:17 to be clouds of angels who come at this tine as the reapers of the world's harvest of righteous people. The glory of Jesus’ second coming exceeds every nnagination of the human mind. Luke cives us some idea of it tn the ninth Chapter ol his gospel when He says, ‘For whosoever shall he ashamed of Me and of My words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when He shall come in His own glory, and in His Father's, and of the holy angels.” We remember that at the tomb of Christ one heavenly angel in his brighe and shining glory caused all the Ro- min soldiers to fall as dead men. Mul- tiply, then, the glory of this one angel bv many millions of his fellows and then add to that the glory of Jesus and the glory of the Father. The effect of God's glory was shown on another occasion, at Mount Sinai. Moses was able to enter into the mount with God in the nidst of all this great alory, but to those at the foot of the mount this same glory was as a devour- ing fire. This is the way it will be at the second coming: some will he pre- pared to enter in as did Moses, but MAY, 1948 By Mrs. Blanche Hopewell others will ary for the rocks and the mountains to fall on them. Paul gave the Thessalonicans nu- merous ways by which they might know that Christ would not come 11 secret. “The Lord Himsclt shall de- scend {rom heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel, und with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise hse: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord me the air: and so shall we ever he with the Lord.” | Thessalonians 4:16, 17. Christ calls the sleeping saints. He shouts with the voice of the Archangel, and He blows a wumpet. Just as it would be impos- sible for the earth wo suffer a great fire, a great destructive storm or a great flood in secret, so will 1t be impossible for the second coming of our Lord to take place in searet. According wo Psalm 96:13, He comes ta judge the people with His truth. Those who are accounted worthy of a place with Him in His kingdom say, “This is our God; we have wanted for Him, and He will save us.” But the unprepared, the living wicked, have a different cry. From the wicked king to the wicked slave they cry out for the rocks and mountains to cover them trom the face of Him who sitieth on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, At this time takes place the resur- rectinn ol the righteous dead—those who have diced in the faith. They are brought forth ro immortality, and to share with Jesus His everlasting glory. Jesus” appeal to His people “is that they may be prepared to meet that inevitable dav: “Take heed 10 vour- selves. lest at any time vour hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole carth. Watch ve therefore, and prav always, that ye ‘may be accounted wor- thy to escape all these things that shall Come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” Luke 21:54-36. Jesus’ coming 1s near. The signs that mark that event are taking place a this time. Tt is most imperative that ¢ be readv to meet Him in peace in that dav. The wicked have nor be- lieved that He would come and have THE HOPE OF SOME -- THE DESPAIR OF OTHERS. therclore not made preparauon. The righteous have made preparation of heart because they believed the mes sage of the signs, cvents and condi- cons given, There is a class that think they are ready and are not. They re mind Jesus that they have taught in the streets, performed nuracles and done many wondertul works, Bat Je- sus declares that He never knew them. Although professed Christians, they are workers of iniquity—hypocrites. Hypocrisy will not inherit the king- com ol God. To be saved iL 1s neces- sary that we be genuine through and through m faith and works. Jesus’ coming is the consummation of the Christian's hope, but the wicked have no hope. They cry for the rocks and mountains to fall on them.