608 other side or produce forgeries or perjure testimony in support of their The judges were well fitted to preside over such a bar. cases. They are described as extortioners who sought by every device to filch the money of suitors to the last farthing, and when any fraud was too glaring for their own perform- ance, they had subordinate officials ever ready to play into their hands.” ror. M. (To be continued.) SHoKX 8 GOOD TESTIMONY ON SUNDAY LAWS ON. BOYD WINCHESTER, former U. S. Minister to Switzerland, in a recent article in the Louisville Courier- Jouriial against Sunday laws, made the following sensible observations ;— “It 1s not the object of the state to edu- cate its citizens morally by the employment of coercive laws, or to direct those things which belong to the inner psychic of man. When the efficiency of law is exhausted, a large field of conduct still remains over which sound policy, enlightened morality, and the precepts of Christianity exercise the only con- trol that is possible. To attempt to estab- lish the nature of our obligations by the legis- lative square and circle, and to torture the divine course into a theological diagram, is to spend time and labor among ‘infinities and unsearchables, and to heat one’s brain about things impossible.” To which the Nashville American adds :— “ Between extreme and conflicting theories, practical common sense may find sound lodg- ment. Those who would enforce the old Blue Laws, and those who would have the open saloon and associate evils on Sunday, will, let us hope, never have their way in this country. There are many apparently sound theories which it would not be wise to put in practice. The citizen should have the fullest freedom so long as it is not calculated to make him a nuisance or an expense to others. The law has no right to dictate a man’s re- ligion or prescribe his code of morals; but it has a right to say to him, ‘When you do things that injure others, when you do things that injure yourself and perhaps cause you to become a public charge in a poorhouse or madhouse or prison and your family a charge upon the public, | will restrain your boasted freedom.” Liberty is not license. You As a free man you You have no freedom to injure others. have no right to be a vagrant. have no right to cut off your arm or your leg or put out your eyes, or poison yourself by cating — or drinking. And the man can say to the Jaw, You have no right to interfere with my freedom to sing or dance or laugh or play games or make merry with my friends on Sunday, so long as I injure nobody, even if my conduct does offend somebody who he- lieves that Sunday should be a day of medita- That is a matter of opinion, persuasion, custom, or tion and praver, of quiet and solemnity. habit. The saloon is no part of Sunday free- dom.” THE WATCHMAN When the saloon is prohibited on all days of the week, as it should be, there will be no question of Sunday legislation growing out of an effort to minimize its evils. L. SoS of BY WHAT AUTHORITY Twnr all-important question as regards any system of belief 1s that of the authority on which AS. it rests, Is it divine authority? or is it human authority? We contend that divine authority 1s the only good authority, and that no man or set of men, however eminent, can he sufficient authority for any religious doc- trine. The world is full to-day of doctrines which rest on no basis save human opinion, speculation, or assumption, and would-be teach- ers of the people proclaim their own religious theories and ideas with as much assurance as if they were quoting the language of Scrip- ture. They seem to regard their own author- ity as being nearly if not quite on a par with the authority of the Bible. But in the day of judgment it will be seen that those who have put no difference between human au- thority and that of the Bible. have made a great and fatal mistake, Human authority is also put in the place of divine authority when men assume the right to interpret the words of God; for the real authority is in that which declares the meaning of the language. If I ask my clergyman what a text of Scripture means, and I believe that it teaches a certain thing because he says it does, my authority is not the Scripture, but the clergyman; it is not divine authority, but human only. The word of God, the Bible, is the only good authority in religion. “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him.” James 1:5 If you would know the meaning of the Scripture, ask of God, its author. By his Holy Spirit, who is the only authorized interpreter of the Scripture, he has promised to guide you into all truth. John 16:13. L. A. S. EDITORIAL NOTES RrcenTLy a ‘stockholders’ meeting of the Union Pacific Ratlway share owners was held at Salt nearly Lake City, which shows about how representative railway stockholders’ There are 15000 of stockholders, and meetings generally are. Pacific seven chairs were provided for the meeting, “No more seats were needed.” we are told, the Union exactly “inasmuch as exactly seven persons were pres- Mr. representative, how- ever, was able to poll over 71,000,000 votes, and no one thought it worth while to demand a recount.” These are the kind of facts made use of as arguments for government owner- ship of the railways. ent. Harriman's Tr has been decided that the Philippine As- sembly or governing body, which has heen re- cently created under authority of the United States, A conviction that there is, is coming over people in the north of Ireland, where insanity is notably on the increase. A [.ondon paper makes this comment on the sub- ject :— * Insanity continues on the increase in Ire- land. Comparing the number of lunatics per 10,000 of population for 1871, England and Wales had 30.4, Scotland 34, Ireland 30.5; but in 1901 the figures were England and Wales 40.8, Scotland 4s, Ireland 56.2. There is a widespread conviction in the north of Ireland