rare——— 6 THE REMNANT OF ISRAEL co e— This phsychology of the war is an inviting field for the bolshevist and in the profiteer and pacifist he is finding powerful allies—the first is formenting suspicion and hatred, the latter is obscuring the nation’s view and lulls her to safety while destruction and desolation is threatening the great country that has been spared the terrors of the war and has become rich and prosperous, the leading nation of the world! Shall the warning of the Scriptures remain unheeded, perhaps be made an object of ridicule? How grave and threatening it sounds, leaving no doubt as to the final out come! “And thou shalt say, 1 will go up to the land of un- walled villages. I will go to them that at are at rest, that dwell in safety, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates, to take a spoil and take a prey, to turn thine hand upon the desclate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten rich in cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land.” Ex. 38. The time ‘‘of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation’ is at hand! We witnessed a well organized and united effort of certain publications throughout the world to conceal the truth from the people and to discredit the motives of the Russian people in their struggle against their bolshevik op- pressors. lhey have succeeded in sowing disagreement and indecision among the allied leaders as to their Russian policy. In the face of the discovery of a nation-wide plotting of bolshevist emissaries in this country there comes the alarming rumor from Paris that the allies are about to lift the blockade against bolshevik Russia and to recognize it as the de facto government since its growing successes on all fronts must be taken ‘‘as proof of popularity.” The all Russian government under Kolchak has made many mistakes, no doubt, but a proof of its soundness is that wherever it succeeded to liberate the country from the soviet, law and order has been re-establishd and state building has already begun. The recent reverses cannot change this fact, for a healthy cause, a setback is but a step toward improvement. Russia, that so gallantly sacrificed more than 8,000,- 000 of its best sons on the altar of the allied cause, has been deserted and left to its fate. Can we remain indifferent to the sufferings of our great sister nation that more than any other people contributed to the peace and liberty, which we are now able to enjoy? Can we, who entered the war under the solemn pledge ‘‘to make the world safe for de- mocracy remain indifferent when the European statesmen are about to shake hands with those murderers and hang men that have trampled upon the rights and freedom of the Russian people and are threatening to bring about gen- eral anarchy? Kolchak today is not fighting an enemy of Russia alone, he is fighting a common foe, an enemy of social free- dom and order. Shall we, like Russia, unprepared, fall a victim to those dark forces that are undermining the nation's foundation? The great majority of the people seem to be indifferent to the growing unrest and feel satisfied when one or the other of those self-styled “‘one hundred per cent American’ prof- iteers themselves, give a lesson on ‘‘the high cost of living and patriotism.” We all, whether natives or foreign born, who have found liberty and protection under the American flag have a sacred duty—to keep it unstained. Neither radicalism of the left nor of the right can be tolerated, for they both would destroy law and order, the very foundation of the freedom of which the American has a right to be proud. We must not remain idle while our enemies are active and are sowing en —— broadcast the deadly poison of communism. We hear of a strenuous effort of our government to rid the country of the foreign agitators, thousands of whom have been caught in the dragnet that has been cast from coast to coast. Many believe, or try to make others believe that with the ejection of these elements the safety of the country will be insured! The deported emissaries of the bolsheviki have accom- plished their aims openly, sowing the seeds of communism of speech and literature while some of their followers are spreading and furthering their ideas cowardly hidden under cover of the national flag. A part of the popular press has been made their weapon. While we find their editorials over-bubbling with self-praise of patriotism, their pages are decked with the emblem of the national flag, they are carry- ing on their shameful, unscrupulous work of sedition, class and race hatred. They represent our most dangerous enemy and if we want to destroy the evil by the root we must do it here and now. Later Movements. New York, March |3.—News of the overthrow cf the German government by a peaceful revolution and the set- ting up of a new government representing the monarchial idea of the German people is not in the least surprising. It has seemed for some time that the revolutionary ov- erthrow of the present government was a strong probability but it was difficult to judge whether that overthrow would be the right or the left wing, by the monarchial party or the extreme radicals. The German people have long been trained to firm political leadership. They have been profoundly dissatisfied with their present political position and | am inclined to believe that a majority of the nation will look with favor upon a re-establishment of a firm government. Ludendorff to Russia To my mind the most significant piece of news in some weeks prior to this news of the actual overthrow of the gov- ernment was the cabled report, which, curiously, has attrac- ted very little attention, that Ludendorff and his staff recent- ly left Berlin for Russia. Russia today has a large and in part efficient army. Trotsky has developed a genius for military organization. Russia and Germany almost perfectly complement each other in points of strength and weakness. Agriculturally, Germany has sterile fields. They have yielded comparatively large crops, but at an enormous cost of fertilization and labor. The German people are the strongest in Europe in modern industrial organization. Russia has unlimited agricultural possibilities, is almost wholly composed of a peasant population, having no sym- pathy with communism and with its greatest desire to attain legal ownership of land represented by definite land deeds. Russians Lack Leaders The Russian nation is lacking in industrial leadership, and, indeed, in political leadership, outside of a very small group. The develnpments of today have tremendous signifi- cance. If they result in a coalition of military strength: if they loan the granary stores of Russia to the hungry population of Germany and if they bring to Russia the German genius for organization and German industrial capacity, Germany will be furnished food and certain greatly needed raw ma- terials and in turn may be expected to put Russia's trans- portation system in order, furnish Russia greatly needed manufactured products and give to Russia a certain amount ot political direction. Such a combination would be a menace to the world. Great plans are being worked out for the future by the nations of earth. The wise will not be found sleeping on such vital fulfillment of prophecy.