= | Curtis Church Is Ordained at Armona Armona church was the site of the ordination of Curtis Church to the gospel ministry August 15. Elder Church is principal of Ar- mona Academy and the associate pastor of the Armona Church. Elder Monte Church, pastor and Bible teacher at Emerald Junior Academy in Eugene, Ore- gon, and brother of Curtis, added a personal touch to the service. He presented his brother for ordina- § 2: 13 RX Two of Miramonte School's newest staff members are Kathy Perry and Carolyn Oliver. tion along with Dr. Jay Lantry, Conference superintendent of education, and announced that this was a high day for the Churches. In addition to the or- dination, it was the 16th wedding anniversary for Curtis and Sylvia. Conference President Charles F. Cook reminded Elder Church when welcoming him into the or- dained gospel ministry that he was ordained not because he was an administrator, but because he was pastor to the students. Elder Church served as boys dean at Rio Lindo Academy and principal of Redding Junior Acad- emy before assuming his respon- sibilities as principal of Armona Academy. The Churches have two children, Stephen and Rebecca. Sacred Concert Jim McClintock will present a sacred concert for vespers at the Templeton Hills church, 300 Templeton Hills Rd., Sab- bath, Sept. 19, at 6 p.m. Miramonte School Has Three New Teachers As the new school year opened, Miramonte School in Los Altos found itself with three new staff members. Carolyn Oliver, a summer grad- uate of Pacific Union College, is the new kindergarten teacher. She comes with a rich background educationally, as well as from a family of educators. Her father and mother, Curtiss and Kathy Oliver, head the Conference Cur- riculum Media Center. Kathy Perry, a June graduate of PUC, fills a rather unusual posi- tion on the staff. She is teaching fifth grade, replacing her brother Dan who has moved into the junior high area to teach seventh grade. Coming to Miramonte on a part-time basis as music teacher is Dennis Dunkin. He will share his musical talents with West Valley School in Campbell, where he taught the past two years, and Miramonte. While this is a dif- ficult situation, Dennis is equal to the job. God has blessed Miramonte over the many years, and we are looking forward to another good year. Today, as never before, Adventist Christian education is of utmost importance to the future of our young people. Miramonte School is endeavoring to provide the kind of education that will prepare them positively for the future. Robert Evans, Principal Miramonte School North Fork Celebrates Opening of Facilities North Fork celebrated the opening of needed Sabbath school and Dorcas rooms in special serv- ices July 11. The 3,200-square-foot addition located behind the church is built levels and includes on two Builder Walter Hofer presents the keys for the new North Fork addi- tion to Doris Wilkins, Sabbath school superintendent and Dorcas leader, while Mrs. Hofer and Mr. Wilkins observe. Primary, Junior, Earliteen and Youth Sabbath school rooms in addition to the Dorcas area. Under the volunteer leadership of Walter Hofer, a retired build- ing contractor, much of the work was done by volunteer labor. Dur- ing the special services a moment of silence was observed in memory of Milton Walker, who lost his life during the construction of the church building proper. Alton Looney, building chair- man for the original church con- struction, cut the ribbon for the facility. A tour of the new build- ing was led by Lloyd and Doris Wilkins. Lloyd is personal minis- tries leader, and Doris has a double interest in the new addition since she is both the Dorcas leader and the Sabbath school superintendent. Present from the Conference for the opening of this new addi- tion were Elders Gordon Bullock, Gerald H. Friedrich, Darold Retzer and William C. Webb. Conference Ministerial Harold West (second from right) offered the ordination prayer at the service for Curtis Church (center) in the Armona church. Others participating were Bobby Schales, Elder Monte Church, Dr. Jay Lantry (almost hidden), Elders Charles Cook and George Elstrom. Participating but not pictured were Elders Gordon Bullock and Ted Parks. Lemoore /Coalinga Pastor Is Ordained service by reciting a poem he had written for this special occasion. Jim Milburn was ordained to the gospel ministry at the Lemoore church August 185. Elder Milburn had been an as- sistant pastor at Turlock and Modesto Central churches before assuming his present responsibil- ities as pastor of the Lemoore and Coalinga churches two years ago. Conference Ministerial Director Harold West presented the can- didate for ordination; and Elder George Elstrom, Conference exec- utive secretary, offered the ordi- nation prayer. Prior to the ordination prayer, Dr. George Guernsey, a local elder, added a special touch to the ARE Conference President Charles Cook welcomes Jim Milburn into the ordained gospel ministry as Elder Milburn’s wife, Ruthie, looks on Instructors Nutrition Course Is Slated Following a recent Nutrition In- structors Course, one individual commented, ‘‘I have gone to a lot of these programs, but I learned more from this one than any of them.’ Wouldn’t you like to learn Fresno Gentral Membership Continues To Climb Fresno Central Church is grow- ing. Membership has now reached 1,425 and is still climbing. Although there are frequent baptisms, each one is given special treatment. Those baptized on June 20 had been attending church for many months and shared with the congregation how God led them to this particular body. W. T. Geary and his wife, Mimi, have attended for several years. In June of 1980 one of the Evangelism Explosion Witnessing Teams visited them at their home. In response to the gospel presen- tation and invitation to accept eternal life, ‘‘Geary’’ made his decision. Both began attending the series of four specially de- signed classes for those who visit the church. In March of 1981, “Geary” told a pastor that he was ready to be baptized. During his testimony before the congregation, he em- phasized that God sent the wit- nessing team to his home that night to bring to him just what he needed. His wife became part of the church the same day by pro- fession of faith. Fletcher and Sharon Mann were first introduced to Adventists in 1975. Shortly after their marriage, Sharon began working for an W. T. Geary explains to the Fresno Central congregation what God has Adventist dentist in Atascadero. Since they were not satisfied with their own church, they decided to try the Adventist Church. They liked it so much they stayed. Sharon even took the responsibili- ty of cleaning the church each week. From Atascadero they moved to Modesto and then to Merced. Each time Sharon went to work for a dentist, and each time—you guessed it—he was an Adventist! Fletcher and Sharon continued to attend church wherever they moved. Their next stop was Kerman where their little girl, Heather, was dedicated. Then they moved to within a few blocks of Central church. Sharon called the church one day to inquire about attend- ing. Since that time, they have at- tended the visitors classes, made friends and continue growing in the Lord. At their baptism they too shared their testimony with the congregation of how God led them to the Adventist Church and of how much they appreciate the people in the church. God has ‘‘equipped’’ His peo- ple to do His work of soul winning in many ways and in many places. Dan Fausset, Associate Pastor Fresno Central Church done for him ard his wife, Mimi. Fletcher and Sharon Mann await their turn to share. how to help others and teach them about good nutrition? Marcella Lynch has agreed to teach the course again this year. Classes will be held at the Modesto Central church fellow- ship hall. In order to serve work- ing individuals, the class will be held on four consecutive Sundays, October 4, 11, 18, and 25, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. The cost of $75 includes lunch, supper and the instructor’s manual, a $39 value. We believe this is the most com- plete vegetarian nutrition instruc- tors course available. It is an ex- citing way to witness, help people and change their lives. Enrollment is limited and in the past has filled up. Send a check to confirm your place to: Adventist HEALTH, 710 Lakeway Dr., Suite 220, Sunnyvale, CA 94086; telephone (408) 245-2203. Sonora Children Are Enthusiastic Over VBS More than 100 enthusiastic chil- dren enjoyed Sonora’s Vacation Bible School in June. Donna Reese, director of the eight-day program, was supported by a dai- ly staff of 40 adults and teen- agers. Graduation featured a slide presentation of daily VBS ac- tivities and 80 children singing about Bible heroes, nature and God’s love. A skit on the captivity of Daniel was presented by the Junior Division. Parents enjoyed the craft dis- play, meeting friendly staff mem- bers and watching a video tape of their children involved in crafts, games, Bible workbooks and stories. Home visits have been made to six children who attended Sabbath school for the first time. Currently more homes of non-church mem- bers are being visited by friendly volunteers. Other follow-up plans include recruitment of new Path- finders and the formation of a Neighborhood Bible Club this month. We praise the Lord for the precious children who attended our VBS and are eagerly waiting to learn more of Him. Donna Reese, VBS Director Sonora Church Does anybody Send-These Times Signs care? “E Contmela Message PACIFIC UNION RECORDER /SEPTEMBER 14, 1981