/0.3 id/ '1 0,s3-trkget VOL. 19 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, JULY 22, Cre'n'eral Conference Library NO. 28 Union Office Address � Oshawa, Phone 462-J A. V. OLSON, President � Oshawa, Ontario F. R. EASTMAN, Secretary-Treaswer � E. C. Widgery W. J. Hurdon H. M. S. Richards A. L. Beazley Harry P. Gray MINISTERIAL LICENSES Oscar Cardey Howard Capman Brother Franklin MISSIONARY CREDENTIALS W. H. Boyce � Lucille Marietta Gordon Smith � Evelyn Case Reginald Gage � Mabel Hillyard Wilfrid Wilson � Mrs. B. M. Heald Mrs. F. W. Paap Laborers in attendance during a part or all of the time aside from the local and uuion conference workers and the teachers from the Seminary were Elders F. M. Wilcox and R. T. Dowsett of Washing- ton, D. C., Dr. W. A. Ruble from the Melrose Sani- tarium, Prof. H. 0. Olson, president of the Broadview Theological Seminary, Elder R. J. Bryant, president of the Northern New England Conference, Elder J. L. Wilson and Prof. Castle from Maritime and Elder F. C. Webster from Quebec. The last Sunday of the meeting we were delighted to have two of our.former. workers, Brother and Sister J. Capman, of Western New York with us. For several years we have begged the General Conference brethren to send Elder Wilcox, the editor of the Review and Herald to attend our campmeet- ings but it has never been possible for him to come before. We were all thankful to have him present at the Toronto meeting but sorry that he was unable to accompany us to Quebec. His quiet spiritual talks proved a great help and blessing to all. Dr. Ruble's health talks and medical services were much appre- ciated. We hope these brethren will visit our field again before long. We all missed Elder McComas and his family who left Toronto a few months ago for Nashville, Tennessee, their new field of labor. Elder McComas was a strong, successful worker and his going was a Ontario Campmeeting The annual campmeeting and the regular session of the Ontario Conference were held in Toronto, June 19-29. Because of a tie up of all street car service due to a strike on the part of street car conductors and motormen, the attendance of our people was smaller than usual. But even though the attend- ance was not all that had been hoped for it was one of the best and most spiritual campmeetings ever held in this conference. [he reports rendered by the president, secretary- . treasurer, department secretaries and all other con- ference laborers showed clearly that God has richly blessed and prospered the conference during the past year. � Most encouraging gains have been made in tithes and offerings, and best of all a large number of souls have been won for God. Nearly 150 were baptized during the year and three new churches were presented fir admission into the sisterhood of churches: The officers elected for the ensuing yearwere as follows: President, Elder B. M. Heald. Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Lucille Marietta. Tract Society Secretary, Wilfrid Wilson. - Sabbath School Secretary, Mrs. B. M. Heald. Missionary Volunteer and Educational Secretary, Gordon Smith. Field Missionary Secretary, Reginald Gage. Home Missionary Secretary, B. M. Heald. Executive Committee: B. M. Heald, F% W. Paap, W. J. Hurdon, Gordon Smith and Charles Sweeten. Credentials and licenses were granted to the following persons: MINISTERIAL CREDENTIALS B. M. Heald F. W. Paap ,IJ, t .27,AiTiweeuu,..pmi � 41,4P Lila PIMP � a m. n 11111q11poieepubjagalli � 41'"•"1.11#1119”49119.11119,1199111 2 � EASTERN CANADIAN MESSENGER. real loss to the Ontario Conference, but we feel grate- ful to the Lord for more than making up for this loss by giving us two equally strong and efficient men in the persons of Elders Paap and Richards, one for Toronto and the other for Ottawa. The last Sabbath afternoon a baptismal service was conducted in our new church which was only a few steps from the campground. The outlook for the future of the work in Ontario was never brighter and more promising than now. The conference has a splendid force of strong conse- crated workers and *a loyal and earnest constituency. During the meeting both workers and people dedi- cated their lives anew to Goa- for service. All re- turned to their homes and fields of labor with fresh courage and vigor for the battle. A. V. OLSON. Ontario Office address, 3 A wde St., Toronto, Ont. B. M. HEALD, President, 1114A Dufferin St., Toronto. Ont. LUCILLE MARIETTA, Treasurer � ,, �, (Tel. Junction999) Campmeeting Resolutions File These Recommendations The late conference session was an important one for Ontario. The following concludes the resolutions, and it will really help you throughout the year to keep these on file. The Lord helped the brethren to frame these plans, and if they are carried out by our people, it will greatly help in building up the Lord's cause in this part of the field. B. M. HEALD. No. 4. Resolved, That every church assume the ob- ligation immediately of encouraging at least one suit- able individual to dedicate his entire services to the colporteur work. Sabbath School Whereas, God has greatly blessed the efforts put forth for the advancement of our Sabbath Schools, therefore No, 5. Resolved, That we :show our appreciation to our Heavenly Master .by laying broader plans, and that we encourage the holding of conventions and rallies, and where possible two or more schools come together for such purposes, and that all isolated members, who are unable to regularly meet with- a Sabbath School, be urged to join the Home Department. One Percent Whereas, Our conference is sadly in need of ten or fifteen family tents for use at the annual camp- meeting—tents which could be rented to our people at a nominal price—, therefore No. 6. Resolved, That we ask all our people to re pIenish the Tent Endowment Fund, created for that put pose some years ago, by sett lug apart one ptreent of their income-during the coming year. Missionary Volunteer Whereas, The.Spirit of Prophecy teaches us that, "The Lord has appointed the youth to be his helping hand," and that, "With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained,—so-on the message of a crucified, risen, and soon coming Saviour might be carried to the whole world," therefore No. 7. Resolved, That we enter more heartily into the plans of the Missionary Volunteer Department, to help save, train, and lead our youth into service for, God. Whereas, In many of our churches the services are often of such a nature that they appeal only to the adult members of the congregation, therefore No. 8. Resolved, That our ministers and church elders, both in their church services and in their pastoral work outside the pulpit, give special atten- ion to the spiritual needs of the children and youth. Whereas, It is recognized not only by us as a denomination, but by leading social and church workers every' here, that the moving picture theatre is pernicious and demoralizing in its influence, and is therefore destructive of spirituality, No. 9. Resolved, That. as parents and church leaders we put ourselves on record as being opposed to our people, both old and young, attending thesq places of amusement. Whereas, Our goal for the Manchurian Mission has been set at $1500.00 for this year, therefore No. 10. Resolved, That all our Missionary Volunteer societies co-operate heartily with the Home Mission- _ ary societies in the Harvest Ingathering campaign, and that they faithfully report all their collection's through the Missionary Volunteer society. Educational In view of the great need of workers in our con- ference and, in view of the fact that only half our boys and girls of school age are yet in our schools, therefore No. � We recommend, That every S. D. A. family with sons and daughters be strongly urged to send them on to the E. C. M. Seminary as soon as possible to train for service in this field, and That.an educational campaign be undertaken at once with the following two fold goal: a. Every S. D. A. boy and girl in our schools. b. Every student in our schools a worker. That this campaign extend to every S. D. A. home in Ontario. Whereas, Our church schools have been proved to be a great blessing to our churches in holding our children in the truth, and in training them for Christian service, and • EAST ERN CANADIAN MESSENGER � 3 Whereas, There is a great scarcity of consecrated teachers to carry on this work, therefore No. 12. Resolved, 1. That we encourage this branch of our work and give it. our active support and our Maritime Office address, � Oxford N.S. J. L. WILSON, Prisident � prayers. � AMY FRANK, Treasurer � 2. That in churches where we have church schools all parents with children of school age, place them in our own Christian schools. 3. That we urge our youth to fit themselves for ser- vice as Christian teachers. Home and Foreign Missions Inasmuch as the third angel's message is to go to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people; and in view of the rapid increase of our foreign population, be it No. 13. Resolved, 1. That we encourage our churches and workers to build up the Home Foreign Missionary work in their territories by the circulation of our various foreign periodicals; and 2. � That we acknowledge a special responsibility towards the French people who are in the majority in some of our counties, many of whose educated and influential members are to be found in 'the federal government offices in Ottawa. Dining Tent No. 14. Resolved, That we express our thanks and appreciation for the,-excellent, liberal, and cheerful service which has been rendered at the dining tent by the Seminary staff. Mr. Hare No. 15. Resolved that we extend our most cordial thanks to Mr. Thomas Hare, secretary of the Duf- ferin Race Track Association, for his kindness in again placing the admirable site of Dufferin Park at our disposal for our annual conference and camp- meeting. Temperance Whereas, The liquor traffic has demonstrated itself to be a curse and a menace, to both public and private life, causing poverty, shame, idiocy, and in a thousand ways demoralizing society, and ruining the prospects of untold thousands of men and women of their hope of eternal life, therefore be it No. 16. Resolved, That we place ourselves on record as opposed to the manufacture, sale, and dispensing of all intoxicating beverages, and . � That this resolution be forwarded to Sir Robert Borden, Ottawa. "DO the duty which lies nearest thee, which thou knowest to be a duty.. Thy second duty will already have become clearer." A Call for Help We as a people believe in an organization, *and working on this basis,- we organized at Williamsdale Academy what is known as "The Students' Progress League." This league has pledged itself to raise the necessary funds to install a heating plant in the new Academy building. Have you received a letter from the League yet? If not it was not our intention to pass 3.ou by, and we beg you to accept this invitation to visit our school and see its needs. It may be that you cannot spare the time to visit this institution, so we shall try to lay one of our greatest needs before you in this article. You know that Nova Scotia is far from having a tropical climate, and it is quite necessary to .have some source of heat in our new Academy building. Will you not help us to install a steam heating plant for the purpose of heating our new school? Our boys and girls who have been having difficulty to make their way are all doing their best, each one putting in faithful time in the canvassing field, and on the first Wednesday of each month giving the proceeds of their sales toward assisting in putting in the plant. Will you not help them? The Lord has blessed oui• efforts and we are sure of success by his help. We know that every one likes to help a movement that is sure to be successful, and we have already received liberal gifts from those whom the Lord has impressed to give of their means to make comfortable those who are giving their lives to the Lord to be used in his vineyard. - You remember William Carey said, "There is a mine over in India, I'll go and dig but you must hold the rope." Our school is the mine, and putting our means into it, is changing our earthly stock for stock in heaven. Would you not like to make our young people comfortable while they are getting their pre- paration for service? . Any donation you may have, send to the trea- surer, Mrs. C.' R. Geldart, Williamsdale East, Nova Scotia. � JOSEPH WILSON. Colporteurs' Items of Interest An Apology Some reports were sent to the Field Secretary and not to the office folk so‘they weren't in the re- port until a week later- Sorry. He, the field man, 4 � EASTERN CANADIAN MESSENGER Eastern Canadian Messenger OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE EASTERN CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Office Address. � - Oshawa. Ont Edna P. Leach � Editor Entered as second-class matter.Price, 50 cents a year in advance. is a movable fellow, and his mail gets to him some- times and sometimes not. Too much pig Margaret's idea is that canvassing wouldn't be so bad, in fact it would be quite good, if the folks could have some butter to fry eggs in rather than—well you know. Next Week "I am going to make a big effort next week to go over a hundred dollars." She had $97.00 last week so is reasonably sure of success. You'll know if she reaches it. Our first order Not the colporteurs, but "ours." We have ship- ped the first order of forty books to the man who set his stakes the highest. He has laid a good foundation and we hope his delivery will be successful. Going over "You can't see the boundary line on the ground as you can on the map." Under these conditions a person is liable to "go over," and he'll go over• his goal too if he keeps on as he has started. At Prayer Meeting Mr. Vickers spent one evening at a Presbyterian prayer meeting and was able to take a prominent part in the service. We hope the minister who was very friendly will lend his influenee on our colporteur's side. A Note of Victory Although most of the week suffering from a se- vere cold Brother Dewfall was in the-field, and after relating some of the work he had done he writes, "Praise the Lord for his wonderful works to the children of men." Surely the colporteur knows as perhaps no other worker the keeping power of God. Still Working In spite of some discouragement Brother Moore is keeping at the work and enjoying it. He is making a delivery in North Sydney now. Pray for him. For Health Mr. Turner hopes soon to join the others in the sale of "Practical Guide." Harris is expecting also to take hold of the work. We will be glad to wel- . come him to the colporteur army. Nothing ' We'd like to say something about the Truro boys but they don't say anything to us so how can we? To the End "We are still of good courage and hope to see the thing through." In saying this, I believe Lawrence has struck the keynote of our colporteurs' sentiments. Good This is what the Union treasurer says of our . work. "We were certainly glad to get your report of book sales for the past week. � It is a little ahead of Ontario and do doubt will be the means of encourag- ing the Ontario workers. But it looks now as-though Maritime would keep them-busy." If— You wish success in life, make perseverance your bosom friend, experience your Wise counselor, caution your elder brother, and hope your guardian genius. Colporteur's Report for Week Ending July 12, 1919 Ontario Name �Book Hrs Ord Value Helps Total Del. L Chamberlain BR 40 15 68 00 4 30 72 30 2 90 F Thumwood � BR 32 24 113 00 2 80 115 80 65 80 T Martin � PG 37 33 165 00 75 165 75 G H Cooke � OD 44 15 39 50 39 50 3 50 L A King � - GC 40 23 94 00 4 25 98 25 George Paap � BR 44 38 155 00 4 00 159 00 R M Milne � GC 55 34 165 00 4 25 169 25 Miss Berkeley OD � 21 6 20 00 5 30 25 30 Miss E Haven OD 20 6 22 00 4 75 27 25 4 75 J Bristol � DR. 46 7 30 00 25 30 25 H P Rolston � GC 42 10 45 00 45 00 LethaEastraan OD � 15 9 22 50 3 40 25 90 Mabel Eastman OD 25 11 32 50 6 80 39 30 S Oickle � OD � 31 6 15 00 3 40 18 40 5 05 Mrs Martin � OD 17 6 21 00 21 00 Leslie Davigs � BR 44 14 60 00 10 95 70 95 Mrs A Hall � BR 14 9 47 00 75 47 75 6 50 S Vuilleumier � OD � 27 18 49 00 11 05 60 05 H. K. Martin � PG 41 28 137 00 137 00 Totals � 633 312 1301 00 67 00 1368 00 88 50 Quebec tEdith Beebe OD � 87 90 206 00 200 00 H E Rickard � GC 41 22 98 00 9 75 107 75 A Guertin � L'EM 23 98 24 50 24 50 H Vuilleumier L'EM 24 88 22 00 22 00 H Dessain � L'EM 30 46 11 50 11 50 Totals � 205 344 356 00 9 75 365 75 Grand Totals � 838 656 1657 00 76 75 1733 75 88 50 13 weeks "IT is nearly an axiom, that people will not be better than the books they read."