PACIFIC UNION RECORDER ; tion that we refer to the success of this instituion during recent months, Although we are m the midst of the dull season, vet our rooms are quite well filled, and at no time ha sthere been as few aptients as we would naturally expect at this time of the year. Most of our patients are those that arc quite sick, and are con- fined to their rooms. This keeps quite a number of nurses busy, sometimes as high as fifteen be- img on full duty, Our close proximity to the city of los Angeles affords us many advantages, among which is the opportunity given business men and their famiites to come to us for treatment. Some of these are members of the Taras and wealthy organizations. in this way our work receives mach favorable comment, Our surgical work 1s [creasing so that it will soon Le necessary to make provision for larger quar- ters for an operating room. As mentioned in a recent 13sue, the commencement exercises of our Tirst class of graduate nurses took place on June 5. There was a large attendance, and much in- terest was manifested by the peo- ple of the town. An address pre- paved for the occasion and debv- cred by Miss Christine Meyer, one of the class, will be found in another column, Our class work for the coming vear has started off well, and there 1s an excellent interest among the workers, The spirit- ual tone of the mstitution 1s often an occasion of avorable remark, Considerable Dible work has been done m the recent weeks among the patients, some of whom are much interested, Co IY Marvin, An Address. Miss (‘hristine member of the nurses’ cla-s, at the Glendale Training School, June 6.] [liven by Mever, =» graduating Sanitarium As a representative of the class of 1900, it affords me no small degree of pleasure in voicing our sentiments to the esteemed facul- ty of the Glendale Sanitarium I raining School; to the taithiul co-laborers in the classes of 1YOUX and 1909; also to the members of the sanitarium tanuly who have s nobly pertormed tneir part in the good work; to the dear friends who have so truly encour- aged and mspired us to reach the highest ideals mm this noble call- ing; and to those of the town of Glendale, who have shown kmdly imterest mm the sanittartum and its work, which 1s manifest by ther presence here this evening. ‘ihe work of the beloved fac- ulty nn the trammyg ot the class betore you may be compared to that of the sculptor who, imding an unfinished piece of sculpture bearing the impress ot another mind, determimes to impart to that incomplete work of art his own ideal; and, with chisel m hand, begins to carve and remod- cl, undoing and apparently de- stroving that which already had heen accomplished; but by dint of skillful, persevering, patient cfiort, the unlovely mass of stone final polish reveals a perfect piece of ctatuary, bearing the personal- ity of the one who has untiringly labored to perfect it. About two and one-half years ago at was decrded to open a san- itarium and traming school for nurses, makimg it necessary to procure immediately a corp of helpers with more or less expert- cence; hence a call was made for such workers. In various imstitt- tions of this same order there were those whose hearts stirred them to respond to this call, and, [caving their own schools, jomed hands m building up the pioneers work of the mfant stitution. [rom the north, south, cast, and west they came, bringing with them ideas received at ther re- spective schools of traming. FE BY . * . I'hen, as with the unfinished work of the sculptor, began the process of undoing and remodel- img much that previously had been acomplished, requiring un- limited forbearance, patience, and charity on the part of both m- structors and pupils. Many dif- ficulties had to be surmounted, many obstacles overcome: but, notwithstanding all this, our ex- perience during the course of 1n- struction at the Glendale Sanita- rium will form a bright spor mn our lives as we take up the re- sponsibilities of our vocation; and the experience gained here will prove but a stepping stone to the higher possibilities. For the bennett or the friends with us this evening who are un- familiar with the sanitarium methods of work, we would sav that while a thorough hospital training 1s given, another and more 1mmportant feature or the worl 1s 1ts missionary aspect, the nurses being instructed mo lines of medical missionary work, and a spirit of scli-demal and seli- sacrifice encouraged. The object held up before the voung people henge, not that they may become oraduate nurses who will oo out demanding large salaries for worldly gain, but, when the peri- od of trammyg 1s at an end, they may be fitted to go forth mto the world medical missionaries, ready to hasten at th ecall of duty to the furthermost ends of the carth 1f Providence so indicates, ds In order to obtain this end, a thorough course of instruction is oven, including Dible, hygiene, correct dietary, and rational methods of treating the sick in their homes, and teachme them how to care for their bodies, which bodies we are taught may be the temple of the Holy Ghost, and as such must he kept pure and undefiled: and while caring for their bodies, we mast hy ex- ample and precent point them to the One who forgiveth all our in- iquities, and heaieth all our dis- ASC, To those who have so faithfully labored to prepare us {for this no- ble work, we would tender our stircere gratitude and appreciation for the kindness and consideration shown at all times; for the hear- ing with our mistakes and fail-