20. 21. Sketch the history of the rise of the evolution doctrine: "Phantom," 67 - 90; "Predic- ament," 29 - 35; etc. Consult several other works on this history. Special attention should be given to the lives of the men listed in guestion 132, below. The Cell and the "Cell Theory." "Q. E. D.," 37 67; "Dogma," 277 - 297; also consult leading reference works. What is meant by a "Species"? "J. E.. D.," 68 - 77; "Phantom," 91 - 103, 214-217. What is meant by the "fixity of species" ? llendel's discoveries and llendelism. "rhantom, 21 - 43; "Q. E. Di," 78 - 93; also "Phantom, " 91 - 112; "rredicament," 12 - 19. Also many standard reference works Sungan., E53-5efy Vir od. dS ac. ys /L7-137. What is the evolutionary argument based on morphology or comparative anatomy? "Phantom," 113 = 149; "Predicament," 62 - 73; "Case Against Evolution," 31 - 65 SRT id by 5 Jr Blotrnsa, SE The evolutionary argument from cnryolod "Blunders," 67 - 75:3 anion," 150 - 178; "Predicament," 74 - 83; Dewar's "Difficulties," 34 - 663 Car’ 195 137. of Caparn. AP The evolutionary argument based on geology, with its answer. "Back to the Bible," 45 = 61; "Phantom," 44 - 66; "Q. E. D.," 99 - 124; "Blunders," 104 - 123; "Geological-Ages Hoax," passim; "Jredicament,” 37 - 50; "Dogma," 117 = “162; "Case Against Evolution," 97 - 112; °F Ned, Dise?, 138/57, The Present Status of Organic Evolution: "Phantom," 13 - 20; 211 - 218; “Predica- ment," 20 - 28; "Case Against Evolution," 1 = 30; "Dogma," 159 - 160; Floyd B. damilton's "Basis of Evolutionary Faith," passim. Singer 304, Sy4¢ If the theory of evolution falls, is not a literal Creation thereby proved by reason of the defanlt of any naturalistic explanation of the origin of things? See "Qe Es Do," 125 = 139; "3ack to the Bible," third edition, 133 - “158. The timelinegs of the modern studies about evolution and Creation. F E 186 ( ¢ T 19; Cady, 1369, 1368 ); 4 T 274 ( Cady, 1333, last par. ); 35 T 390 ( C T 514; Cady, 1135, last par. ); GC 373 ( Cady, 1346 ). The meaning of Rev. 14 : [ Isa. 40 9 Il Peter 3: 3 - 7; "Back to the Bible," 25; "Je Be Do," 139 = 144; = . The modern significance and timeliness of the Sabbath: "Back to the Bible," 153 - 156. CWI LS ac. v5, 108,437, 204 ~2.0%. God's fiat control of nature: 8 T 259 - 260 ( Cady, 104 Ji DA 367 ( Cady, 966 ); R 4 Nov. 8, 1398 ( cady, 947 i 61185 -6 ( Cady, 583 ). "Blunders," 38 -54; "Qe Ee Des 35 = 39; 295 134 272d. Sige. ) §4—r/00 The Origin of Evil: "Back to the Bible," 94 - 104; "Predicament," 85 - 88; "Rhantom, 179 - 186; 8 1 257 ( Cady, 1001 ); RI Dec. 1, 1891 ( ca Cady, 1028 )e Piake, 9-5 Through 7 HoLarats od," 3 3~bh, SPammg Tomin Todi, 337-354, Pantheism: "Back td the Bible," 105 - 122; 1H 423 - 9 ( Cady, 1113 ). Modernism : "Back to the Bible," 123 - 132; "Prdatoanent, 120 - 128. vo The New Protegtantigm: "Back to the Bible," 120 - 128; "Hodern Discoveries," v8 2 137, 200-208%, ”