Tage Six SOUTHWESTERN UNION RECORD Southwestern Junior College ‘Department NEWS ITEMS Lovers of music feasted their hearis last Wednesday night,—solos, duets, quartettes, and choruses,—from Miss Ranson’s “Whispering of the Pines,” to the “Good-night’” lullaby of the Ap- ollene Club,—every number, both vo cal and instrumental, was thoroughly enjoyed, S. W. Abel, from Dallas, one of Keene's students of other days, took dinner in the Home dining room last Sabbath. When they once get a taste how they do like to come back. Mrs. Hines, from Oklahoma, spent Friday and Sabbath in Keene, getting ber son, Ercell, nicely settled in the school. The wedding bells rang for Winnie Miller, a former Keene student, a few weeks ago. She was married at Enid, Oklahoma, to Ernest Hunter. Did you hear those six intensely in- teresting letters that were read in tage Foreign Mission Band last Friday night? If not, you missed something. Mr. Spraggins was an over-Sabbath visitor in Keene. Thursday morning, the several con- ference presidents spent the chapel hour in getting acquainted with the students of their respective confer- ences. The last semester's work is well under way. If you didn’t get an Al grade on every exam this time, get busy. The end is only seventeen weeks away. Professor Nelson and Professor Hamilton visited with the Cleburne church last Sabbath. Professor Ham. ilton talked to the church on “Tal- © ents.” The officers of the Missionary Voi- urteer Society for the last semester Leader, Mr. Dunn; assistant Mr, Price and Miss Smith; assistant are: leaders, secretary, Miss Lickey; secretary, Miss Cordis, The Gospel Team of the Ministerial Band has made a good opening at tlie Hopewell schoolhouse, about two miles west of Keene, A live Sunday school has been organized and there is much enthusiasm. Mr. Cowan re ported that there were thirty-five present last Sunday afternoon. South Texas students clanned to- gether last week and had a table all to themselves. Elder Neff, president of the South Texas Conference, pre- sided. Professor Peebles took advantage of a vacant examination period and made a flying trip to Fort Worth last Tuesday. Board meeting—the event of the season! They worked early and late, —and then left as suddenly as they came, “Listen to the Echoes” is the theme of the cover design for the March num- ber of the Watchman Magazine. The echoes of peace, of course. This sub- ject, as well as that of the war situa- tion, is discussed in several well writ- ten articles and editorials in this num- ber of the Watchman Magazine. “The strong, worthy life is the life of selection, not of weak surrender.” “Believe in others and they will be- lieve in you.” “No man is called to a far-off ser- vice who is deaf to that which is near at hand.” Mind conscious of integrity scorns to say more than it means to perform. —Burns. A RESOLUTION Friday will go down in the annals of the Southwestern Junior College a3 an high day among the students. Everybody was glad. President Nel- son told the school that the old debt of nearly $28,000, which has hung like a pall over the College, had been cut down to about $8,000 during the past year. Because the people of the South- western Union Conference reached the 20-cent-a-week goal, the General Conference refunded to the Union to apply toward the school debt, $10,300. The sale of “Christ’s Object Les- sons,” and pledges, raised this sum to more than $19,600. Moreover, .im- provements, which include the elec- tric light plant and the vegetable house, and necessary repairs, costing about $2150, were made during the year. Enthusiasm ran high, and by a unanimous rising vote the students ordered the following resolution: “RESOLVED—That we, as students and teachers of the Southwestern Junior College, express our gratitude to the constituency of the Southwest- ern Union Conference, and to the Board of Managers of the College, who, by their sacrifice and loyalty to the school, have reduced the debt on the College and made possible the electric lighting system and other im- provements; and we pledge ourselves to aid in every way whatsoever, our College toward the fulfillment of its mission.” A new day is dawning for our Alma. Mater, and the sons and daughters of the Southwestern Union Confer- ence are getting ready for the jubi- lee. Hasten the day! Are you aware that “The Old East- ern Question Is Dead?’ This is the topic of a stirring article by Dr. Ma- gan in the March number of the Watchman Magazine. Do not fail to read it! “Give as you would if an angel Awaited your gift at the door; Give as you would if tomorrow Found you where giving was o'er; Give as you would to the Master I¥ you met His loving look; Give as you would of your substance If His hand the offering took.” “The current of God’s blessing will ficw into our hearts only so long as we allow it to flow out to others.”