THE REMNANT OF ISRAEL | 5 we would open the paper for them to write their evi- dence for their faith wherein they differ with us, but one subject has been replied to. The truth must be carried over their heads to the people. The sheep must be searched out and brought to the fold where clean provinder can be given them. The false shep- herds have fouled their drink, and made their food filthy with their feet. They have also pushed them with the shoulder off to starve and die. Oh that God would raise up true shepherds to feed the sheep that are now ready to perish. How can we stand longer and be idle in the Lord’s vineyard? No one that loves God and perishing humanity will withhold that which belongs to God. Neither their own sacrifice to help others to rejoice in the truth. The blood of souls will be required at our hands. Let us arise and shine as true messengers of God for this time. Let all “lay the ax at the root of the tree.” Where there are 500 papers now issued monthly there should be 5.000 by the end of the year 1920. I now have faith based on evidence there will be a new impet .us to this work in 1920. You will see this also if you keep in touch with the work. Don’t let others take your erown. THE GIFT OF TONGUES. We have in the past written on the above gift and published it in the tract, “Bible Doctrine.” But there are some points not noticed in that booklet which we now wish to further consider. My attention is called to an article recently written by an “Editor” of one of our monthly Sabbath keeping monthlies which calls my attention to some positions taken which I be- lieve to be error. This “Editor” expresses his longing desire to have this gift as he has seen it witnessed by some Sabbath keepers who are connected with the Apostolic people which he has come in touch with in his labors. He further states in his article some conclusions which he states he has proved in his former article. Among these positions taken are the following: “The summing up of our last study of this subject was as follows: “One who speaks or prays in a tongue (one of the gifts of the Spirit). “1. ‘Edizeth himself” though ‘no man under- standeth’ and he does not understand himself. “2. He speaketh unto God. “8. He speaketh mysteries. “4. He giveth thanks well. ; “Paul says that he “1. Prayed in the Spirit without his understand- ing and that he “2. Sang in the Spirit without his understanding and that he “3. Spoke in tongues apart from his understand- ing, more than all the members of the Corinthian church (but not in public), and “4, He thanked the Lord that he spake in tongues more than they all without understanding what be said, but this speaking was not in the assembly.” The above are in quotation showing them to be copied from the article referred to. Position one says this gift edifieth though no one understandeth and he does not understand himself. If this is the object of the gift, namely, no one understandeth, neither the one possessed understand- eth, pray tell us its purpose and benefit to any one? None of course. To this position we could not agree, no, not for a moment. On the day of Pentacost did the people who heard the disciples speak understand them? Certainly they did. and it is so stated. Did the apostles understand what they said to the people? They certainly did. and is so stated. It says they heard every man in their own tongue (language). It also says Peter spoke to them the words of Joel. How could that be if neither understood what they said? The above position all grows out of the “Editor's” confusion in trying to harmonize what he has heard and claimed to be Bible teaching on the gift on tongues. He oucht to know that such teaching was not true. What he has heard is not the gift of tongues, if it had been his eyes would have been opened dif- ferently to what they now are. : The second nosition is off of the same piece. Namely, “he (Paul) speaketh mvsteries.” What wage the mystery? Was it because he snoke something that neither he him=elf nor anv one elce couid under- stand or did he reveal the mvsterv of the gn