14 GOD'S KINGDOM IN THIS WORLD. 2. Beginning B. C. 606, when would the seventy years terminate? Ans.—DB. C. 530. 3. In B. C. 538, two years before the seventy years ended, whose attention was called to the subject? Dan. 9:1, 2. 4. In the first year of Cyrus, B. C. 536, how had the providence of God prepared the way for Israel to be delivered from bondage? Ezra 1:1-4. Note 2. 5. How many returned to Jerusalem, under this proc- lamation of Cyrus® How many might have returned? Ezra 2:1, 64, 65. Note 3. 6. What difficulties attended the effort to rebuild Jerusalem? Ezra 4:4, 5. 7. What special concern did the prophet Daniel mani- fest regarding the carrying forward of God's purpose for Israel? Dan. 10:1, 3. 8. What assurance was given Daniel, at the close of his three weeks’ praying? Dan. r1o:10-12. Repeat verse 12. 9. Why was the answer to Daniel's prayer delayed? Dan. 10:13. Note 4. 10. How complete was their restoration to their own land in B. C. 4457 Neh. 7:73; 8:1. 11. What 1s the date of the latest prophecy concern- ing the return of the Jews to their own land? Zech. 12:6-8. Marginal date, B. C. 487. : 12. How many years after the latest prophecy con- cerning their restoration, were they fully restored to “Lift up your eyes and look on the fields; for they ave while already fo harvest.” -