General News confinued lH (Continued from page 1) Health Team to Thailand Kalebaugh, a registered nurse, Mr. Gregory and his team will be joined in Thailand by Phu Tamu, a Seventh-day Adventist Pwo gospel worker. “The project is considered a pilot scheme,” Mr. Gregory says, ‘designed for the evange- lization of the Pwo Karen tribe as well as to provide some an- swers to tribal conversion that may be replicated on a larger scale.” While the evangelization of Thailand's Karen tribe 1s not new to some Christian organi- zations, the work of Adventists among this tribe is in relative infancy. The tribe is located along Thailand's northwestern frontiers near Burma. Working in conjunction with the Far Eastern Division, the Scutheast Asia Union Mission, and the Thailand Mission, the eroup is currently in the proc- ess of raising $40,000 in order to purchase property and med- ical supplies, construct native housing, build a clinic, purchase agricultural goods, and provide for transportation and living allowances. Does someone with whom you witness wonder if God can forgive? Does he want to be made whole? Why not share the Octo- ber Signs? “God Is Big Enough” may be the en- couragement your friend needs. Philosda Raises Funds Over 200 Adventist singles from 26 states of the Union converged on Glacier View Ranch, Colorado, last month for the annual International Philosda Club Summit Conven- tion. Philosda is a club, the pur- pose of which is to provide spir- itual and social fellowship for singles in the Adventist Church. It is at this retreat that the new Board of Directors and officers are chosen for the com- ing year. During the 3'2-day meeting not only did those in attendance rededicate their lives to Christ, but looked for ways to hasten His return. They further dis- played their determination to do so by raising $5,754.97 for public evangelism. Total funds raised by the club the past three years for radio and public evangelism amounts to over 332,300. Officers elected to serve for the coming year include Floyd Miller of Columbia, Maryland, director of Amazing Facts, as president, and Eddie Kaler of I.os Angeles as vice president. Regional directors include, for the Pacific Union, North— l.orene Soderstrom, Sacramen- to; South-—Herb Lovin, Loma L.inda. 8 terol or animal fat. PREYS TAAL Rati ih a toa, NRC a Ee i, i SUNSET TABLE Friday, October 15 Alturas 6:21 loma Linda 6:15 Angwin 6:31 Los Angeles 6:19 Calexico 6:09 Moab 6:39 Chico 6:28 Oakland 6:32 Eureka 6:36 Phoenix 5:54 Fresno 6:23 Reno 6:20 Hilo 5:57 Riverside 6:16 Salt Lake 6:47 San Diego 6:16 San Jose 6:30 Honolulu 6:07 Las Vegas 6:04 Lodi 6:27 GS 1D IE I ADDRESS CHANGE . 3 Name Please use this entire form for a change of address. Fill in the new address in space at the right and mail with your name and address imprinted below te: New Address Circulation Department City Box 36 Angwin, CA 94508 State Zip Code (New subscriptions will be forwarded by your church clerk.) SUNSET TABLE Friday, October 22 Alturas 6:10 Loma linda 6:07 Angwin 6:22 Los Angeles 6:10 Calexico 6:01 Moab 6:30 Chico 6:18 Oakland 6:22 Eureka 6:26 Phoenix 5:46 Fresno 6:14 Reno 6:10 Hilo 5:52 Riverside 6:07 Salt Lake 6:37 San Diego 6:08 San Jose 6:21 Honolulu 6:02 Las Vegas 5:46 Lodi 6:18 PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1976 RON I IIS SEHR EVI SFR — £3