2 PACIFIC UNION RECORDER Success Attained—Perseverance Needed We are glad for the privilege of eom- municating a few words of good cheer to the semhled at the [twill be are able to report substantial «tudents and other workers as- [Tealdsburg school. cheering to all to learn that we progress in the circulation of our liter- ature in every country in the world which the truth has entered. During the year 1005, the sale of our publications in all funds increased over a hundred thousand dollars above the record of the preced- ing vear; and, during tiie year now draw- ing to a close, we anticipate that the still The tol- totals of our monthly erease will be greater, lowing are the stimnaries for the first halt of the present February, $15.- April, $23,000; Junie, $46,300. The re- year: January, #21060; O00: Niarveh, =iS,000; May, $36,500; port tor July should be given by itself, for it is the highest record made in the denomination for many vears, and, as far host Is as follows: as we can Jearn, the record ever published, It . O11; ers secured, SH2.2 18.04, averaged 76 number of hours worked, 46.837; or- 17,940: These figures show that our vadue of sales, { agents hours labor cach per month, made sales amounting to an average of $112 cach per hour, and that the books sold averaged in value $2.64 per copy. As far as we have been able to learn, record tor month the highest any one during the past ten F0,000, 1006, published Vs amounted to a hittle Tess than This is a splendid showing for isn tot! Now we wish to eall vour attention very particularly too one oft the ehief mstrumentalities hy which these geod pestis have been brought about. Sev cial efforts and enterprises have con- tributed more or less, but the one which above them all, whieh has than all looms up helped move others combined to make our hook work popular and pleasant in the minds of the people, has Leen the student movements {oo earn seholarships. If we are not mistaken, that movement began in a practical, ef- Geren way in Healdshorg College. We detarl and sent it to all the other colleges, and to the wrote out the plan in officers otf the unton conferences in which they are located, and the plan has heen quite generally adopted, and 1s looked upon with favor. : This rally by our students has created a wide-awake interest in the sale of books, which has been a greater blessing than can he estimated. At the present tine there are strong indications of the niove- ment growing to large proportions during 1007. All our filled students. In nore schools are well fact schools at the present with there ave students mm our time, by hundreds, than there have beea before in their history. In Union College at the opening there adult students, At the beginning oft the term they organized a Band. mmfluential were 350 very Cnuvassers’ This 1s made up of teachers, students, many stu- dents who have worked and earned schiol- arships, and every student they can draft in. This baud holds a short meet- ing several times a week, and once a week they have charge of chapel exeveises, One section ot the band is studying the that about the part Iterature took 1 bringing Reformation of the Another studying what the testimonies say upon this looking up from every concervable source great sixteenth century. section 1s work, and sull a third section 1s the underlving principles and science of the business. What do you suppose the results will be from such thorough work throughout the school vear!? In a few weeks a convention is to be held in connection with Walla Walla College, Ina few days a convention will be held in South Lancaster Academy. One is being held here to-day in Healds- burg, Interest is still at white heat in Fernando and Keene, and even 1 our stall intermediate schools, tuterest Im our hook work is gaining a stronger foot- hold. Now, what we want to know is this, What part will the students at [Healds- bure continue to aet ia this spleudid, = prooressive movement whica they had the honor and privilege of introducing! The attendance is larger than usual There are many present who have gained come experience in the book work, atid