MINNESOTA WORKER ““Whatsoever thy Hand findeth to do, do it with thy Might.” VoLuMmE 9. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., JUNE 29, 1898. NuMBER 32. THE MINNESOTA WORKER ISSUED WEEKLY BY THE MINNESOTA TRACT SOCIETY Subscription Price, 35 cents a year. Send all Communications and Subscriptions to } Minnesota Worker, Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn. Editorial Committee; I. B. Losey, C. M. Everest, Wm. Asp, Entered at the post-office at Minneapolis as second class mail matter. GEO. WELSON, PRINTER 337 E. LAKE ST., M'NNEAPDLIS, MINK. Proceedings of the Minnesota Conference, 37th Annual Session, Held May 31 - June 5, 1898. "THE Conference was called by the Presi- dent at 9 A. m. May 31, and opened by singing, reading the scriptures by Eld. Mead, and pray- er by Eld. Phelps. In response to the roll call, 70 delegates took their seats, representing 30 churches. The President then gave a brief statement of the work for the past year, and of the present outlook, showing that the indebtedness, of more than $3000.00 due the laborers at the close of last session, had been paid, and, be- sides, a good share of the old Conf. debt; and that there was sufficient money on hand to pay the accounts for the year, and have some left to commence the work of the coming year. {This was the result of increased effort at faith- fulness in bringing in “‘all the tithes into the storehouse”. ~ Each of the Conf. laborers were then introdued by the President, and respond- ed by a brief statement of their experiences during the year, and their present outlook. Visiting brethren present, or who may be present, were invited to participate in theege- liberations of the body. Requests from newly organized churches for membership in the Conf. were then read, and granted, as follows: Rushford churci,, organized by Eld. F. Johnson, composed nf 12 members; Albert Lea church, orguuized by Eld. W. A Sweany, with 21 members; Lake Benton church, organized by Eld. C. H. Park- er, consisting of 10 members; Fulda church, + organized by Eld. J. H. Behrens, with 14 members; Lone Tree church, organized by Eld. C. H. Parker, and composed of 14 mem- bers; Batavia church, consisting of 18 mem- bers, organized by Eld. C. L. Emmerson, and the south Reynolds church, of 19 members, organized by Elds. Hill and Emmerson, mak- ing an aggregate of 108 members. The names of the several regular commit- tees were announced by the President as fol- lows, viz.: Auditing Committee. John Em- merson, Fred Norton, H. E. Crane, Rudolph Nelson, O. A. Peterson, H. L. Halverson. On Resolutions. J. H. Behrens, C. L. Emmer- son, P. S. Olsen. On Nominations. H. F. Phelps, John Emmerson, Fred Norton. On Credentials and Licenses, Andrew Mead, C. M. Everest, Fred Johnson. On Baptism. D. Nettleton, W. A. Sweany, ‘A.J. Stone. Pus- toral Committee. D. Nettleton, J. W. Ingison, C. L. Emmerson. Chorister. English services, D. E. Scoles. Adjourned to the call of the Chair. SECOND MEETING. Junie 1, at 4 p. ». the Conf. again assem- bled, and, after singing hymn No. 1210, Bro. Behrens led in prayer. The minutes of pre- vious meeting were read and approved, and, on the call of the roll, 102 delegates responded, representing 51 churches. The secretary pre- sented a brief report of the work of his office for the year. The treasurer read an itemized report of receipts and expenditures for the financial year, ending March 31, (This re- port has appeared in the Worker.) and, to- ‘gether With the report of the auditor, it was approved. The committee on resolutions presented a partial report, as follows: Whereus:— The blessing of the Lord has rested upon us in ad- ding to his church, in the consecration of his people in giving to the Lord his own in tithes and offerings, in his mercy in revealing to us his will in the signs of the times, in the spiritual advancement and growth of his