-wre.J 4`Li"ao to.'1 coutevo.lee �Gem` .&1444Am. VOL. 19 � OSHA WA, ONTARIO, MAY 27, 1919 � IVO. 21 Union Office Address . � Oshawa, Phone 462-J A. V. or,soN, President � Oshawa, Ontario F. K. EASTMAN, Secretary-Treasurer � Has He ViMted You? You are no doubt anxiously waiting for the ar- rival of the MESSENGER containing the promised in- formation concerning the seventieth anniversary of the Review, its celebration by a special campaign in its behalf during the month of July, and a special of- fer made to subscribers during that month. We have among us a visitor that has never ceased his efforts or become enfeebled during seventy years of faithful toil. Wherever invited helms come promptly each week with a message of cheer and hope and a report from all corners of the globe. He has not grown old or weary, but is stronger and more alert today than he ever was. At the present time be agrees to make fifty-two regular calls each year bringing news of all kinds concerning the progress of God's work, which would requwe 123,489 square inches of space to contain the news, for only $2.50. Ile is the only religious visitor who works for that price. In order to give all the people for whom this visitor is willing to work an opportunity to express their appreciation of his faithfulness and regularity, the General Conference has authorized a special cam- paign to be conducted in his behalf during the month of July. In the last week of that month this visitor is making a special call to celebrate his seventieth birthday, and with all who are willing he will during his anniversary month make arrangements to visit them fourteen months instead of twelve. In „other words he will make sixty-one calls instead of fifty-two for $2.50. Mr. Review, for that is the visi- tor's name, is not partial in his dealings. The old subscriber by paying $2.50 during July may have the date of his expiration set fourteen months ahead. By so doing he too may enjoy with the new sub- scriber sixty-one calls instead of fifty-two for the specified amount. During the past few weeks this reliable minister has received a number of new invitations. Who will be the next to admit him to his home? You can do so by sending the invitation accompanied by $2.50 to your local tract society. � GEORGE G. BUTLER. Oshawa Notes BRETHREN Mace and Richmond from Washing- ton, D. C., visited Oshawa last week in the interest of the publishing work. BROTHER George Butler is spending some time• at the office before leaving for the Quebec Conference.. BROTHER E. M. Fishell left Oshawa. the 17th to conduct an institute at Williamsdale Academy. ELDER A. V. Olson recently returned from the spring council held at Washington, D. C., and after spending a few days at the office will leave for the _ Maritime field. BRETHREN Hurdon and Cardey called at the of- fice last week. They both bring encouraging reports. BROTHER and Sister Belleau' stopped off in Osh- awa one day on their way to Montreal where they will take up work among the French speaking people. WE were glad to have Elder and Mrs: Heald, also Miss Marietta call-at the office last week. Ontario Office address, 1114A Dufferin St., Toronto, (Tel. Junction998) B. M. HEALD, President, 1114A Dufferin St., Toronto, Ont. LucILLE MARIETTA, Treasurer � 91 Ontario Campmeeting and News To the Lord's people in Ontario, Greetings. Another campmeeting season is here—June 19-29. How quickly the year has rolled around. Many changes have taken place, but the Lord's work has progressed. Advancement is seen on every side. t. , � • I I. ELM � 11,1114 � !, EASTERN CANADIAN YIESSENGEP The workers are all happy over -their *year's harvest. New plans are being laid for the corning year, new workers.are entering I he province and broader plane are being laid. Brother Franklin has at last arrived on the Six Nations Reserve. � Our brethren and sis- ters there are happy. • Speaking of campmeeting, do not allow anything tO•cheat.you out of the privilege of attending. � You will return home refreshed in body and spirit. Order your tent or room at once. The price of tents will average $6.50 for the season. Rooms \ vill run from $3.00 to $7.00. Several can. live in _a tent, thus cut- ting down the expense. 'Bring bedding for your tent. We are doing all we can- to cut down the price. The Seminary will operate the dining tent—"Seminary style." The writer and. Mrs. Heald spent the week end, May 17-19, with the LONDON church, not Lindsay. Brother and- Sister Boyce were in attendance, also, several others from St. Thomas. Monday- we met with the Exeter church and found our good people there happy and of good courage. Several are plan ning to attend- campmeeting. The canvassers are reporting. Watch their re- ports each-week. They are very encouraging. Help them all you can. Elder Bea.zley and Brother Capman baptized a good company in Picton Sabbath, the 24th. Dr. Kress, Elder Wilcox, Elder Paap', Brother Mace and others will attend the campmeeting this .year. Many of our Ontario Sabbath schools are plan. ning a fine Rally Day program for June 7th.. What is your school planning? The home missionary spirit is running all through the conference. Do you take the Review? It will help you. "World Peace" is a good seller. Have you seen it? Order a copy NOW. �B. M. HEALD. A Successful Week The Master Colporteur is greatly blessing his workers; they are of good courage. Miss Haven says: "It makes me rejoice that another week has passed with something done for Him." Miss Berkeley echoes the sentiment and says, "We must pray hard." These workers for God solicit our prayers in that the local minister is opposing their work. Pray for their further success •and their delivery. This is Brother Harry Smith's first _ week, and despite the heavy rains he trudged the country roads. The Lord blessed his labors according to his promise. Brother Rolston, discharged from the king's ser.- vice, has enlisted with the King of kings. The peo- ple in his district, he says, are ready for the truth. Brother Freeman Roberts'. first week was good too. He is working with Brother Thuniwood who, speaking for both says, "We will buckle on the whole armor and do our hit." The roads a-re very muddy, but that does not discourage Brother Lamont. � He has had to carry his bicycle but his good success made it, seem light,. Wcak for a big report—it is easier for you- to _send. it in. "Expect great things from God, at tempt great things for him." �REGINALD P. GAGE, Field Secretary- Quebec F.C. WEBSTER, President, 280 Villeneuve West, Montreal, Que F. E. DUFTY, Treasurer �Box 3189 Montreal, Quebec Quebec Campmeeting The Quebec campmeeting will be held this year in the town of Waterloo, June 26 to July 6. The camp will be located in a maple grove by the side of a lake, and is one of the most beautiful and conven- ient places I have seen for a campmeeting. There is a spring of water on thegrounds, and we shall have, access to the fair-ground buildings which are near by. The services will be held in a large pavilion, and there will be several small tents, besides the children's, young people's, and book tent. � There will also be a -reception tent fitted up with couches and rockers for any who may wish to rest between services. The living tents will be floored and supplied with tables and single or double cots to suit the occupants, and the coat to our own people will be surprisingly small. They should however, bring their own bedding, plenty of blankets, and straw ticks which may, be filled on the grounds. Other articles such as rugs, curtains, sofa-pillows, etc., would not come amiss. � Rooth for beds can be secured at no cost by:bringing curtains for partitions. .Furnished rooms can also be secured near the grounds at a low rental for those who do not wish to live in tents. - Let us plan now to be present the first day of the meeting, Thursday, June 26, and remain till the close. "Gather yourselves together, yea:gather to- gether. . . before the decree bring2tforth!before the day pass as the chaff." "Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble- the elders, gather the 'children." "And so much the more as..ye seeithe day approaching." � - F. C. WEBSTER. EAST ERRS CAN ADIAP .MESSED GJ. F New Recruits We are pleased to announce the arrival of Brother and Sister George Belleau, of the Idaho conference, where they have been engaged in evangelistic work. Brother Belleau is a native of this province, having been born in the city of Quebec and residing for two years in Montreal. We believe that this addition to our laboring force will greatly strengthen our work in this field as they are both earnest workers. Brother Belleau will labor principally for the French speaking people. Let us pray that God will abund- antly bless their efforts. � F. C. WEBSTER. • Words of Cheer from Quebec Two of our Italian brethren have been doing personal work for the Master, and are rejoiceing that the Lord has given them two souls, thus doubling their number. A French brother some years ago accepted the truth, became discouraged and later gave up the truth and went into infidelity. He became misera- able. One Sunday he went to a country church to listen to a sermon. The preacher did not come, and the audience voted that he should speak to them. This he did. It watered his soul and he went home-, gave his heart to the Lord and -began to keep the Sabbath again. Now he is past sixty, but he feels that the• Lord is calling him to work for the French people in Quebec. He has sold his farm and plans to spend the rest of his days in working for the Lord as a self supporting missionary. He was over to my house yesterday, having come to Montreal to buy a motor cycle to help him in going from place to place. The Spirit of Prophecy, Vol.9 page 170 says, "He will call men from the plow and from other occupations, to give-the last-note of warning to perishing souls." We were glad to welcome Brother and Sister George Belleau who are going to help give the mes- sage to the. French in this province. L. F. PASSEBOIS. Wanted Every Seventh-day Adventist in the Quebec � ? con- ference to attend campmeeting, June 26-July 6. Are 'you preparing for it? The time is almost here. As we make our plans to attend campmeeting, let us resolve that this shall be the best campmeeting we have ever attended. Two years ago a company was gathered at the home of one of our brethren pre- parintao leave the next day for campmeeting. One of the new Sabbath-keepers gave his experience as 4ollows: "For years I have used tobacco, but when thinking about the campmeeting I decided that I wanted to go theie to receive a blessing. In order to receive it, I would have to give up this habit and make room for the Spirit,. I have aslied the Lord to help me and lie has taken the desire away." The- brother received a great blessing then, and a greater one at campmeeting. Let us do as this brother did—search our hearts to make sure that everything is right between our- selves and the Lord, and then put away -all differ- ences between ourselves rind our brethren. We can- not entertain the spirit of criticism, fault-finding, murmuring, or suspicion, and expect to *ntertain the Spirit of the Lord in our hearts at the same time. It was when the disciples were all of one accord in one place that the Holy Ghost was poured out up- on them.- Let us prayerfully resolve that individu- ally we will do all in our power-to promote confidence, contentment and harmony from the moment we ar- rive upon the campground until the time comes for us to leave. Then we shall have a rich spiritual feast. The time demands it, and our soul's salvation requires it. � L. F. PASSEBOIS. Maritime Office address, � Oxford N.S. J. L. WIIBON, President � AMY FRANK, Trea8urer � Halifax Briefs Three persons kept their first .Sabbath the 10th. Two of the three were out with magazines and sold 63. One sister comes from the Catholic Church and feels very happy to think she can do something. The Saturday evening drive resulted in selling 247 makazines, 22 books and a number of papers given away. • - One sister who thought she could not sell our literature sold in one evening 58 books which brought her a profit of over $9.00. All that she makes in this way is used to help others. Brother Arthur Kierstead is at present working in this vicinity in the interest of the book work. We are also carrying on medical missionary work here in the city. Four-treatments were given to a rich man-who was suffering with gout, and they,have entirely relieved him so that he can carry on his business again. This man had-been in bed for four - weeks and had consulted eight physicians.: He was also taking medicine that had been sent him from the States but was getting worse instead of better. It is wonderful what our simple treatments will do. E. M. CHAPMAN. 4 � EASTERN CANADIAN MESSENGER Eastecn Canadian Messenger Newfoundland Office address, �Box 217 St. John's, N e wfoimillavd OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE EASTERN CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY D. J. C. BARRETT, Supt. � 1• ADVENTISTS � LYMAN GRAY, Treasurer � ,, � f f Office Address �. � . � - Oshawa. Ont Edna P. Leach � Editor Entered as second-class matter.Price, 50 cents a year in advance. Colporteur's Report for Week Ending May. 42, 1919 Ontario Name hook Hrs Ord Value Helps Total Del. Miss E Haven GC 40 12 � 52 00 1 70 53 70 .1 70 Miss Berkeley GC 40 13 � 54 00 4 25 58 25 4 26 E Lamont OD &DR 50 22 � 132 00 1 50 133 50 77 00 H P Rolston GC 3:5 12 � 49 00 49 00 F C Roberts BR 11 6 � 30 00 1 60 31 60 H T Smith BR 27 16 � 75 00 75 00 F Thumwood B11 2 30 � 128 00 11 00 139 00 39 90 Totals 235 111 � 520 00 20 05 540 05 122 85 Quebec tW. Duclos GC 59 2,3 � 105 03 29 00 131 00 Maritime tS Dewfall PG 54 23 � 105 00 6 25 111 25 JE Moore PG 47 26 � 119 00 12 45 131 45 G Turner C-A 44 36 � 103 50 7 65 111 15 155 00 Totals 145 85 � 327 50 26 35 353 85 155 00 Grand Totals t2 weeks 430 224 $952 50 $72 40 1024 90 I> 277 85 4, NOW READY Soon Ready You will he pleased to hear that the Newfound- land Mission boat is well under process of construct- ion. � Elder Barrett and Brother Johnston in their visit to Alexander Bay recently, brought a %pry en- couraging report concerning the valuable work that is being done in its construction and everything looks promising for its completion and launching at the specified time. The clarion call of the hour surely necessitates a more lively move on the part of our qualified men and women to this important branch—the colporteur work. If we believe that every Christian 'will be actively engaged in helping bring this work to a close ere Jesus comes, is it not high time to be up and doing? Everywhere the Lord is moving on the hearts of obedient souls to enter this noble phase of his work as fishers of men. Jesus says: "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men." � Matt. 4:19. Should this not be an impetus to others involved in such occupations as were the disciples, to catch the heavenborn inspiration as they did? Dear brother, sister, are you a fisher on the life saving ship? Are you rallying to the standard of heaven for the salvation of souls? If not land your personal craft high and dry; enter- the right side of the ship, let down the net and Jesus says.: "From henceforth thou shalt catch men." Luke 5:10. LYMAN R. GRAY. TEN ways in which the Review helps: 1. Helps in attaining a higher spiritual experience. 2. Inspires to greater service in the cause of God. 3. Contains reports from mission fields. 4. Has goodillustrations picturing conditions in mission fields. 5. Reports conferences and council meetings. 6. Cites Instances of the fulfilment of prophecy by cur- rent events. 7. Gives practical instructions in home making. 8. Reports work done by our various institutions and departments. 9. Gives studies on Biblical themes and the Testimonies. 10. Strengthens one's faith in the message. Send orders for your subscription or renewal to your con ference tract society. "IF thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small."