29/3/37 AUSTRALASIAN RECORD 7 The Vision of a Finished Work UNION £12,510 REPORT TO MARCH 6 Offl. Lat. Per In all the tasks we set out to accomplish, Aim Wks. Rep. Total Cent it is always the vision of a finished work that spurs us on to victory. A glance at the report on this page will reveal to you that we are well past the half-way mark Nth, N.Z. £1,950 Sth. N.S.W. 2,200 £161 £2,162 111 407 1,608 73 4 3 Victoria 2,150 2 328 1 4 to the goal for the home field. Six out revo S78 8 x h ; : Sth, NZ, 1,050 2 20 580 55 of nine conferences ave achieved this Te a Nth, N.S.W. 1,120 2 55 580 59 sult in an average working time of two AM Sth, Aust. 850 1 351 351 41 Tne last half of the way is always the Cr Home Field hardest. The greatest accomplishments are EERE Total £11,760 £1322 £6,659 57 always those that have most difficulties, ! but every difficulty is a challenge to faith EEER and action. Nothing can stand in the way HEE HEADQUARTERS CHURCH of the vision which spurs us on to fulfil Fd Brother P. A, Donaldson, the missionary the great commission to carry, this gospel i 0 leader of the Wahroonga Church, writes : to the many millions who have never ‘““The Wahroonga church members are heard, Many of them are saying, en ea i | feeling very happy. for they hawve reached you save me ? Won't you save me?’’ Shal i - their Appeal aim and have an overflow. we nog at ail costs throw away every 1 ] [ [ i ‘‘Before the opening date, plans had hindering ehstacle, and engage in the task been made for a strong campaign, and 0 e nour wi oly enthusiasni, relnem- church leaders, band leaders, and members bering that those who will be won to Christ alike were filled with enthusiasm, just by the means gathered in, and by the con- ready for the word, ‘“Go.”’ Our aim was tacts we make as we visit from door to a two weeks’ effort with an overflow if door, are souls for whom Christ died ? Let BN possible. Two weeks saw our objective us watch as ‘‘they that mst give an a I] 7] reached. The work was so pleasant and the count,”’ and seek to win at least one sou ™ people were so friendly, that on hearing to Christ through this Appeal effort. S. r - there was still a little territory left, some D, Gorden says, ‘‘The law of influence decided they would like one more Sunday’s through personal contact is too tremendous Fl LJ outing to increase the overflow. The gpirit to be grasped.’’ I] | of willing service was blessed, and the iast North New Zealand members have done outing was enjoyed just as much as the nobly. Besides reaching ther aim in three SS first, weeks, they report a further amount of — ‘‘The young people of the village faced £161 this week, and we know that more EEEEEEEE an aim of £70 and have collected £100 will follow. For this we are grateful. South [] HER Lk] while the Sanitarium staff exceeded its aim New South Wales Is courageously pushing ol Cd of £115 in ten days and now have an over- on to victory, having almost attained the =r I] flow of £15. Other divisions of the church three-quarter mark. Victoria, amidst many — have worked faithfully too, dificulties, has nearly two-thirds, while PF] | ] ‘‘“The Appeal campaign has come and South New Zealand and North New South HEENE gone; fullest co-operation Has made the Wales are past the half-way mark. This Cr burden light. Now we praise God, who has week South Australia hag joined the fray. (] iN ] | given us the victory.’’ and reports 41 per cent of the aim, Watch =) IY n AU.C. HOME MISSIONS DEPT, for Tasmania’s report next week. = —= an . . Tas. uh ml [] EACH BLACK £530 rp I Fl 1] SQUARE REPRE. THE PEOPLE 1] SENTS £25 OR A WHICH SAT IN £2200 1] CT ] MAJOR PORTION rT DARKNESS SAW Ml Vie. THEREOF. ~ GREAT LIGHT.” Ll HEE |] £9150 & —k TT [TJ ANEEEEN _ | HEN BE ENE mn [LI] L | | _ LI] [] LL pm ] L : J | _! [| || |] LJ | || = [| 5 | Hu - | | HB | u | a a || |] | n || ne | mn [| | HN o ENEETIENEREENEER | | | | [ ] | _ [] ] o | | ] ] u Ei 4 | | ] ® _ | | L] || a |] | | | | || | |] || | | oN HEESERENENEENEE HENEGENEEREREN | |] H-NET L] [] 1 L | | [ uN L] LL) | | | | || | Cl CT ERRENEEN