: V- , li'1 INSTRUCTION MANUAL for the •NEW “PICTORIAL AID” 60 Study Guides which explain the charts, and may be used for individual or family Bible studies; for group discussions, and for training classes in person-to-person evangelism. by FRANK BREADEN 1987 SIGNS PUBLISHING COMPANY Australasian Conference Association Limited (Incorporated in New South Wales) WARBURTON, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA CONTENTS Introduction (i) From Author to User (p 1) Introduction (ii) Preparing and Presenting Bible Studies (p 13) Note: Because some lessons are illustrated by more than one chart (eg Daniel 2—three charts; Daniel 7—six charts), it is not possible for the lesson numbers to coincide exactly with the chart numbers. Accordingly, to make it easier for users of the Pictorial Aid to match the lessons with the appropriate charts, this comprehen- sive guide-sheet is provided. NO STUDY PAGE IN MATCHING GUIDE MANUAL CHARTS 1 Footprints of God in Creation 17 1 2 The Fireproof Book The Evidence of Prophecy 23 2 3 27 3 4 The Spade Confirms the Bible 33 4 5 Old Testament Prophets Witness to Christ 41 5 6 Was Jesus God? 45 No Chart 7 8 The Life-Changing Power of Calvary’s Cross Is God to Blame for Pain and Evil? 47 51 6 No Chart 9 Why Jesus Came to the World 53 7 10 Three Miracles of Saving Grace 57 8, 9, 10, 11 11 The Personality and Work of the Holy Spirit 61 No Chart 12 The Fruit of the Spirit 65 12 13 The Roots of the Healthy Christian Life 69 13 14 God’s Window into the Future 73 14, 15, 16 15 The Second Coming of Christ 75 17 16 Twelve Great Signs of the Return of Jesus 77 18 17 What Happens After Jesus Comes? 81 19 18 What and Where Is Heaven? 83 20 19 Christ’s Guarantee of Victory Over Death 85 21 20 The Bible Truth about Hell 89 No Chart 21 The Wall God Built to Safeguard Civilisation 93 22 22 God’s Shrine of Remembrance 95 23, 24 23 Is Sunday-Sacredness Taught in the New Testament? 99 25 24 The Repairing of the Breach 103 26, 27, 28, 33 25 How to Keep the Sabbath 107 No Chart 26 The Two Major Divisions of Divine Law 109 29 27 Has the Original Sabbath Been Lost? 111 30, 31 28 Does Colossians 2:14-17 Teach that the Weekly Sabbath Was Nailed to the Cross? 115 32 29 God’s Preview of the Great Apostasy 119 34, 35, 36, 37 30 Seven Keys to Bible Symbolism Satan’s Warfare Against the Ten Commandments The Testimony of tne Catholic Church 125 38 31 127 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 32 133 No Chart 33 How Were Men Saved Before Calvary’s Cross? 137 45, 46 34 Christ’s Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary 141 47 35 Good News About the Judgment 145 48 36 Satan’s Counterfeit of Christ’s Ministry 151 49, 50, 51 37 God’s Unanswerable Challenge to Unbelief Solving the Mystery of the 2,300 Days 155 52, 53, 56 38 159 54, 55 39 Jewish Feasts in Type and Antitype (1) 161 57 40 Jewish Feasts in Type and Antitype (2) 163 57 41 The Sanctuary—Hub of Bible Truth God’s Last Warning Message to the World 167 58 42 173 59 43 A People of Prophecy 175 60 44 Can We Identify God’s True Church Today? f 179 61 45 The Gift of Prophecy in the Remnant Church 183 62 46 Satan’s Warfare Against the Remnant Church > 185 63, 64 47 The United States of America in Prophecy 189 63 48 The Seal of God and the Mark of the Beast ; 191 65, 66 49 Gods’ Final Call—“Come Out of Babylon” 195 67 50 The Christian’s Armour 199 68 51 Getting Ready for Heaven The Christian Home and Famjly 203 69 52 207 70 53 How to Care for God’s Living Temple 211 71 54 The Ordinances of the Christian Church 213 72 55 God’s Plan for the Support of His Work 217 73 56 Does the Bible Teach that God Is a Trinity? 219 74 57 God’s Blueprint for Church Organisation 223 75 58 The Gifts of the Holy Spirit 227 76 59 The Unpardonable sin 233 No Chart 60 Christian Baptism 235 77 A STRUCTURED ANALYSIS OF THE REVISED PICTORIAL AID SEVEN STEPS IN THE PROGRESSIVE UNFOLDING OF THE ADVENT MESSAGE PERSONAL SALVATIOC (CHARTS 1 • 13 SECOND ADVENT AND HUMAN DESTINY (CHARTS 14 - 21) LAW OF GOD AND SABBATH REFORM (CHARTS 22 - 33) PROPHECY UNVEILS THE GREAT APOSTASY (CHARTS 34 - 44) THE SANCTUARY AND THE JUDGMENT (CHARTS 45 • 58) EMERGENCE AND IDENTIFICATION OF THE REMNANT (CHARTS 59 - 67) CHARACTER AND LIFE-STYLE OF THE REMNANT (CHARTS 68 - 77) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid Introduction (i) FROM AUTHOR TO USER THE NEW PICTORIAL AID is designed to assist in opening missionary conversations and in giving freshness and impact to Bible studies under all conceivable circumstances. It is, first and foremost, a tool for face-to-face, person-to-person evangelism. The author recognises that there is no one ideal method of presenting the beautiful features of the Seventh-day Adventist faith. There is no one perfectly-tailored order of subjects. It is neither desirable nor possible to follow a stereotyped series of Bible studies that fits all cases. Our presentations should be flexible enough to allow adaptation to a wide variety of situations and personalities. However, it is good to have a general working strategy which will ensure: (1) That our presentation of the Message will unfold logically and coherently, like the development of a living, growing plant. (2) That no important doctrine shall be omitted. (3) That the big decision points^such as decision for Christ; for the Sabbath; and for Baptism and Church membership—shall be carefully thought out well beforehand. (4) That the prospect’s heart and mind will be tactfully conditioned and buttressed before being confronted with any major test and, most of all— (5) That each prospect will be led, as early as possible, into intelligent, personal union with Jesus Christ as his Saviour. The following explanation of the contents of the Pictorial Aid will help users to see more clearly into the author’s mind when he designed the charts and arranged them in their present order. The main stages or “plateaus” in the progressive unfolding of the Message should be easily discernible. It is recommended that this “Introduction” be given a careful reading before the Pictorial Aid is used in missionary visitation. It is also strongly recommended that, wherever possible, laymen and youth attend training-classes in evangelism before attempting to give Bible studies with the aid of this handbook. Finally, it is recommended that users firmly restrain any urge to display all the charts at one sitting. It pays to keep plenty of surprise-power up one’s sleeve! Chart 1 — Creation Speaks of God This is a logical starting point for positive Christian witness to a generation that has largely lost its vision of God as Creator. It helps to reinforce the Christian answer to the current “Humanistic” philosophy. Creation is the ultimate foundation for the authority of God; for the whole scheme of Biblical revelation; and specifically for the threefold message of Revelation 14:6-12! Chart 2 — The Fireproof Book The Bible is the “Miracle book of the Ages.” No book has ever been exposed to such concentrated and sustained attacks, over so many centuries of time. Yet it rises repeatedly from the flames of prejudice and hate, and today is the world’s “Best Seller.” What is the secret of its immortality? The indestructible life of God is in it! There is no other satisfying explanation. Chart 3 — The Evidence of Prophecy Another conclusive evidence that the Bible has come from God, is its uncanny power to read the future! Its hundreds of predictions, many of them made centuries in advance of fulfilment, are obviously beyond the wisdom or power of unaided man! Chart 4 — The Spade Confirms the Bible I n an age when false science has dethroned the authority of the Bible in the lives of millions, (D Introduction (i) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid God has raised up a new and formidable champion—Archaeology, armed with indisputable and up-to-date scientific credentials—to illuminate and confirm the historical accuracy of His Word. Chart 5 — Old Testament Prophets Witness to Christ One of the most amazing things about Jesus Christ, and therefore one of His most impressive credentials, is the fact that He stepped out of a background of prophecy. He appeared in response to hundreds of specific Old Testament predictions, all of which were written at least400 years before His birth! No miracle that He ever performed placed on Him so unmistakably the seal of God. Certain it is that no other religious leader or historical figure ever stepped out of such a background of miracle. It is therefore not surprising that the early Christian heralds used this fact - “To Him give all the prophets witness” (Acts 10:43)- as the spearhead of their evangelistic testimony. Chart 6 — Christ Our Sin-Bearer The Christian religion is like a tree with three massive roots. These indispensable supporting truths are: The Existence of God; The Super-human Origin of the Bible; The Deity and Saviourhood of Jesus Christ. We build strongly when we establish these three fundamentals early in our programme of indoctrination. To assist in so doing, a lesson entitled “Was Jesus God?” is included at this stage. Especially should we focus attention upon Jesus as “the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world.” Says Ellen G. White: “The very first and most important thing is to melt and subdue the soul by presenting our Lord Jesus Christ as the Sin-bearer, the sin-pardoning Saviour, making the Gospel as clear as possible.” (Evangelism, p 264) “Of all professing Christians, Seventh-day Adventists should be foremost in uplifting Christ before the world... The great centre of attraction, Christ Jesus, must not be left out.” (Gospel Workers, pp 156,157) “Christ crucified—talk it, pray it, sing it, and it will break and win hearts.” (Review and Herald, June 2, 1903) “The theme that attracts the heart of the sinner is Christ, and Him crucified... Beholding Jesus upon the cross of Calvary arouses the conscience to the heinous character of sin as nothing else can do.” (Review and Herald, November 22,1892) “The sacrifice of Christ as an atonement for sin is the great truth around which all other truths cluster.” (Gospel Workers, p 315) “To remove the Cross from the Christian would be like blotting the sun from the sky.” (Acts of the Apostles, pp 209,210) “Lift up Jesus, you that teach the people, lift Him up in sermon, in song, in prayer! Let all your powers be directed to pointing souls, confused, bewildered, lost, to the Lamb of God.” (Gospel Workers, p 160) To show the reality of sin, and man’s desperate need of a Saviour, a lesson on The Origin of Evil is also included here. Chart 7 — Jesus - the Way to Heaven This is a simple, pictorial summary of the main steps in the saving work of Christ. It helps to identify us instantly as Christians, whose supreme objective is to introduce men and women to Jesus Christ. It strikes the keynote and establishes the pattern for the presentation of all later doctrines of the Advent Message, e.g., The Second Coming; the Sabbath; the State of the Dead; the Sanctuary and the Judgment; the Home of the Saved. A full series of positive, Christ- centred Bible studies can be built around this Gospel Ladder. Coupled with Christ ourSin- bearer, it should appear in our presentations again and again. These two charts provide an ideal opportunity for the first direct appeal to our prospects to receive Christ as Saviour. Our aim must ever be to secure an early and overwhelming verdict for Jesus Christ! (2) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid Introduction (i) Says God’s Messenger ‘The mystery of the incarnation of Christ, the account of His sufferings, His crucifixion, His resurrection and His ascension, open to all humanity the marvellous love of God. This imparts a power to the truth.” (Review and Herald, June 18, 1895) “Christ crucified for our sins, Christ risen from the dead, Christ ascended on high, is the science of salvation that we are to learn and teach... It is through the gift of Christ that we receive every blessing.” (Testimonies, Vol. 8, p 287) “Jesus is the living centre of everything.” (Review and Herald, March 19, 1895) “Christ is Christianity.” (Gospel Workers, pp 282,283) “Christ, His character and work, is the centre and circumference of all truth. He is the chain upon which the jewels of doctrine are linked. In Him is found the complete system of truth.” (Review and Herald, August 15, 1893) Charts 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13 — Three Miracles of Saving Grace , etc. Now begins a series of Charts which explain in closerdetail the practical, operative aspects of the Gospel - the “How” of personal salvation. These charts afford yet another opportunity to lead prospects to “surrender heart and mind and will to God” (Evangelism p 228), before being confronted with any testing truth. “Three Miracles of Saving Grace” (No. 8) outlines the three great milestones or “steps” in applied salvation. “Justified” has been described as “IN CHRIST,” “Sanctified”as “LIKE CHRIST,” and “Glorified” as “WITH CHRIST.” It is important to note that the benefits of Justification do not cease with our initial act of believing - they are needed, and they continue, as we keep on believing, throughout our entire Christian Pilgrimage. The whole salvation-process is “under-written” by Christ’s supreme redemptive act on Calvary’s Cross. “Guilty!” (No. 9) illustrates “conviction” - the soul’s awakening to its defilement and deep need, which is the first step to forgiveness and healing. “By the law is the knowledge of sin.” (Romans 3:20) It is only in the presence of the Law of God that man sees himself as he really is. “Cleansing at the Cross” (No. 10) focuses directly upon God’s remedy for sin, which climaxes in Christ’s death, and draws its power from that Divine act of sacrifice. “Forgiven” (No. 11) illustrates the complete effectiveness of God’s remedy, as “Christ’s character stands in place of our character, and we are accepted in the sight of God, just as if we had never sinned” (Steps to Christ, p 62). Amazing Grace! The sinner’s innocence is so completely restored that he can stand uncondemned in the presence of the Law of God, which one hour ago condemned him as guilty, but which now testifies to his innocence in Christ! Chart 12 — “The Fruit of the Spirit,” This reminds us that while Christ’s sacrificial work was finished on the Cross, His total work of renewal and transformation was not yet complete. The purchased soul must now be possessed, and the lost image of God restored, by a further indispensable Divine work, which the Bible calls “Sanctification.” In this work of progressive inward renewal, the Divine Agent is the Holy Spirit. “The Fruit of the Spirit” - the supernatural reproduction of God-like qualities in the consenting human soul - is the supreme masterpiece of Divine grace, and the ultimate goal of Redemption! “Christ is sitting for His portrait in every disciple” (Desire of Ages, p 827). NOTE: By far the most urgent and challenging question confronting Seventh-day Adventists is this: is ADVENTIST CHRISTIANITY A MERE HUMANISTIC STRIVING TO “BE GOOD,” OR TO “KEEP GOD’S COM­ MANDMENTS,” OR TO “IMITATE CHRIST” IN THE ENERGIES OF THE FLESH: OR IS IT THE REPRODUCTION OF CHRISTS LIFE OF PERFECT OBEDIENCE WITHIN US, THROUGH THE SUPER HUMAN ENERGY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? If thefirst position is right, then Adventism is just another form of bankrupt humanism. If the second position is right, Adventist Christianity is the “power of god unto salvation.” (3) Introduction (i) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid It is at this point—the point of their application to human life—that all our theories of the Gospel must ultimately be tested. Hence, the most critical question in our explanation of the saving work of Christ is: HOW IS ALL THIS TO BE APPLIED TO COMMON, RUN-OF-THE-MILL HUMAN LIVES LIKE OURS? THE HOLY SPIRIT IS GOD'S COMPLETE ANSWER! Accordingly, Ellen G. White counsels: ‘These are our themes—Christ crucified for our sins, Christ risen from the dead, Christ our intercessor before God, and closely connected with these is the office work OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.” (EVANGELISM, p 187) “When the truth is received as truth by the heart, it has passed through the conscience, and has captivated the soul by its pure principles, rr is placed in the heart by the holy spirit, who reveals its beauty to the mind, that its transforming power may be seen in the character. ” (evangelism, p 291) Chart 13 — The Roots of the Healthy Christian Life No tree is stronger than its roots, and no Christian can remain strong and healthy whose “root-life” is neglected. In sharp focus here is the fact that the initiative in caring for our spiritual “roots” is entirely in our own hands. Obviously, it is important to know how to become a Christian, but it is equally important to know how to remain a Christian - and that’s where the “roots” come in! The first great “plateau” in the unfolding of the Advent Message is the plateau of personal salvation—where the foundations of genuine saving faith are laid. Up to this point we have been dealing largely with non-controversial subjects, where we have much common ground with almost all conservative Christians. The presentation of more distinctive Seventh- day Adventist doctrine now begins with this initial emphasis upon the closing events of history, or “the last things.” Charts 14,15,16,17,18 — Daniel 2, Second Advent, Signs, etc. In this group of charts the prophetic spotlight swings to our own day, and sheds reassuring light, not only upon the meaning of current world conditions, but upon the big and exciting plans that God has for the future of our planet, and—what is most exciting of all—our place in those plans! Great care must be exercised at this point to stress continually the winsome, positive, cheering aspects of our Saviour's promise to come again. The key-words of New Testament “Adventism” are not “doom” but “dawn;” not “gloom,” but “gladness;” not “midnight,” but “morning;” not “horror,” but “hope;” not “the end,” but “the beginning!” Says Ellen G. White: “Do not strike one dolorous note.” (Evangelism, p 180) At the same time, the faithful Bible instructor will remind men that the separation described in Matt. 25:31 -46 does not begin at the Second Advent—it begins now! It is now that we take sides for or against King Jesus. It is now that we place ourselves among the lost or the saved. The Second Advent does not decide our destiny, it only declares it, on the basis of the choices that we are making now! Accordingly, these charts provide a unique background for earnest and repeated appeals to make personal preparation to meet the Lord in peace. “In such an hour as ye think not” (Matt. 24:44). “And take heed to yourselves” (Luke 21:34). “Be diligent that ye may be found of Him in peace” (2 Pet. 3:14). “Blessed is he that watcheth” (Rev. 16:15). Chart 19 — The Millennium The Millennium is a key-doctrine of the Bible, providing a secure anchorage for many others, and helping to counter false ideas about the return of the Jews, the thousand years of peace, the false hope of a second probation, etc. However, this subject needs to be presented with unusual tact, because Seventh-day Adventists stand alone among modern Christians in their understanding of Revelation 20. It is not wise to throw down too-abrupt a challenge to men and women who have a strong sentimental attachment for the hope of an earthly millennium. Sometimes it is betterto defer our presentation of thissubject until mindsare (4) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid Introduction (i) more fully prepared to receive it. The inspired counsel applies here: “The truths that we hold in common should be dwelt upon first.” (Evangelism, p 164). “Speak upon points of doctrine on which you can agree;” and “The education of a lifetime is not to be readily counteracted.” (Evangelism, pp 200,288) Chart 20 — Eden Restored The instinctive longing fora life beyond death is a powerful ally that God has placed in the heart of every man. However,the Bible says: “Eye hath not seen, norearheard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things that God hath prepared for them that love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:9). Accordingly no attempt is made here to portray conditions in the Earth made new. We have simply chosen a scene of beauty and tranquillity from this present world, on the understanding that however beautiful and satisfying this is, the New Earth will be infinitely more so! Chart 21 — The Nature of Man in Life and Death Contrary to popular belief, the Bible does not teach the natural immortality of the human soul. It teaches that the “soul” - resulting from the union of “body” and “breath of life” (Genesis 2:7) - is the “self;” the “person;” the total conscious personality, as itfunctions in life. Accordingly, in Biblical teaching, death is the simple reversal of that process whereby God originally gave life to man. (Psalms 146:3,4). Because this Bible truth runs counter to popular belief and sentiment, it too, will need to be presented with great tact and sensitiveness. What we have observed concerning the needs and religious backgrounds of our prospects will help us to determine when it is best to introduce Man’s Condition in Death. Chart 22 — God’s Commandments—Our Protection One of the prime reasons for the existence of Seventh-day Adventists is to champion the claims of the down-trodden Law of God. Accordingly, we are committed to devise the best means of disarming prejudice and opposition towards the Ten Commandments. This chart is an attempt to develop a positive, disarming and logical presentation of the enduring relevance and authority of God’s Holy Law. Its central idea is that the most precious elements in our civilised society are guaranteed to us and preserved for us by the precepts of Jehovah. By stressing the practical and utilitarian nature of God’s Law, this chart effectively draws the teeth of common anti-nomian quibblings and objections. Here we begin to move from distinctive truth to testing truth. This is the foundation of our whole message of Sabbath Reform. The unforgettable picture of God’s massive protecting wall prepares the way for warnings about the “breach” in the wall, and ultimately for God’s call to assist in the “repairing of the breach.” Great care should be taken at this point to explain the true relation between the Law and the Gospel, so that obedience is seen, not as our own unaided work, but as the overflow of Christ’s life within us. Charts 23, 24, 25 — Creation Week, the Sabbath Shrine and the Sunday Temple This series of charts emphasises how completely and irremovably the Seventh-day Sabbath is anchored to Creation, to the Holy Scriptures, and to Jesus Christ. By contrast, they show how utterly destitute of Scriptural support is the Sunday institution. To change or destroy the Sabbath we would have to dismantle the whole Creation, the whole Bible, and the life-long example and teaching of Christ! These charts also reveal the profound seriousness of the change of the Sabbath. It is not merely a trivial or marginal issue. We cannot afford to be casual or flippant about it. It is a challenge to the very foundation of God’s authority! Charts 26, 27, 28 — The Breach in the Wall, etc. Now the Bible spotlight focuses squarely on the Message of Sabbath Reform. This is the (5) Introduction (i) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid point at which the authority of God as Creator has been most openly and continuously challenged by man - professedly religious man - and specifically by the leaders and members of the Christian Church! The integrity of the literal Creation Week (Chart 23); the Biblical “roots” of the Seventh-day Sabbath (Chart 24); and the total absence of Biblical authority for Sunday (Chart 25), have all been made plain. Now, to assist in tactfully pressing home the full implications of the Sabbath truth, three charts are used to illustrate; “The Breach in the Wall” (No. 26); “The Repairing of the Breach” (No. 27); and “The Breach Repaired (No. 28). These charts tie in closely with the Bible’s own picture of God’s great protecting “wall” (see Chart No. 22), which has been “breached” by what has now become an act of universal, racial vandalism. The issues are pin-pointed so simply and graphically that it becomes easy for the viewer to identify with them, and almost impossible for him to forget them! While these three charts are designed to give maximum impact to the message of Sabbath Reform, they are not intended to harshly incriminate or ruthlessly expose any one religious personage or organization. They show simply that the responsibility for the change of the Sabbath - and therefore for its reformation - rests upon the whole of Christendom! Charts 29, 30, 31,32 — The Two Categories of Divine Law, etc. These charts are all supplementary to the Sabbath Reform series. No. 29 pin-points the unmistakable elements of distinction between the permanent “Moral” precepts of the Divine Law, and the temporary, “Ceremonial” precepts of the Old Testament period, which were exhausted at Calvary’s Cross. No. 30 focuses on “The Three Days at Crucifixion Weekend,” which assist in clearly locating the Bible Sabbath, and establishing the fact that no change in the Fourth Commandment was made - or intended - when Jesus died. Chart 31 provides a historical overview of changes in, or revisions to the Calendar, during the past two thousand years, and demonstrates conclusively that no Calendar changes have disturbed the normal free running of the days of the week. Chart 32 explains Colossians 2:14-17, the one New Testament text that is quoted most frequently against the abiding Christian obligation of the Seventh-day Sabbath. Once the distinction is clearly seen between the Creation Sabbath (weekly), and the “Shadowy” Sabbaths (yearly), this passage ceases to present a difficulty. Chart 33 — Truth or Tradition This is a major decision-page. It focuses the second great crisis in the acceptance of Present Truth. It represents the climax of our initial presentation of the Bible Sabbath. It places the alternatives of Truth or Tradition—Christ or Custom—simply and squarely before men. However, it should not be introduced until our prospects have had a fair opportunity to hear and consider the Bible evidence. It is designed to show that the Sabbath issue is bigger than a day, bigger than a Church, bigger than public opinion—it concerns our personal relationship to the authority of Jesus Christ, and involves a decision for or against Him! Charts 34, 35, 36, 37 — The Seven Seals The Seals are introduced here because they illustrate so forcibly the ideas of change, apostasy, and inexcusable departure from the faith—all of which cry out for a message of reform. But the Seals portray the Great Apostasy in general terms only. Thus they prepare the way for Daniel 7, which discloses the specific apostasy—the Change of the Sabbath—which stirs the indignation of heaven to its depths, calls out the Remnant, and precipitates the final world- embracmg test of loyalty to God. The presentation of the Seals before Daniel 7 makes it possible for the prospect to become acquainted with the origin and development of the Great Apostasy without being confronted with any major test. The varying backgrounds of these symbols help to locate securely each Seal in its correct historical context, while portraying the course of ever-deepening apostasy. Accordingly, the White Horse emerges from a dawn background, indicative of the Church in the first flush of its (6) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid Introduction (i) youth; the ominous storm-clouds surrounding the Red Horse bespeak controversy and impending disaster; the sunset tints framing the Black Horse signify a day of glorious opportunity for the Church, which is about to close; whilst the flaming faggots, the desolation and the darkness surrounding the Pale Horse are starkly reminiscent of the Dark Ages, the Inquisition, and their attendant nightmare of horrors. Chart 38 — Seven Keys to Bible Symbolism A thorough understanding of the major prophetic symbols is as indispensable to a correct interpretation of Daniel and the Revelation as is the A.B.C. to the skills of reading and writing! We could never understand the nature, development and thrust of the Great Apostasy without a knowledge of these symbolic “keys.” They enable the Bible student to quickly and easily decipher the puzzling code-language of Scripture, thus initiating him into what would otherwise be a complex and baffling mystery. In laying a secure foundation for the mastery of Bible prophecy, these “keys” will need to be referred to again and again. Charts 39,40,41,42,43 - Daniel 7 Series These graphic symbols and diagrams speak for themselves, making the interpretation of this key-prophecy a fascinating and unforgettable adventure. All are related to the focal point of Daniel 7—the rise and development of the Papal apostasy and the change of the Sabbath. The full impact of testing truth is now beginning to be felt. To help ensure a right decision, every detail of Daniel 7 needs to be explained carefully and reviewed thoroughly. Yet, as the mask is stripped from the face of “the man of sin,” it should not be done with malice, bigotry, or bitterness, but with regret and tenderness. “Jesus did not suppress one word of truth,” says God’s Messenger, “but He uttered it always in love... He denounced hypocrisy, unbelief and iniquity; but tears were in His voice as He uttered His scathing rebukes.” (Steps to Christ, p 12) Chart 41 — Identification of the Little Horn By devoting a full page to the head and horns only of the Fourth Beast, this chart enables the Bible instructor to focus attention upon the most intriguing feature of this prophecy; “Who is the Little Horn?” With the aid of these ten plain identification marks, the interpretation becomes simple and unmistakable. Chart 44 — A Key to the Year-day Principle This chart summarises the way this “code language” is used in the great time-prophecies of both Daniel and Revelation. It does not apply to Biblical time in the general sense, but to time only as used in symbolic prophecy. It fully meets the most searching, pragmatic test, for the time-periods of Bible prophecy work out with amazing accuracy on this “day-for-a-year” basis. Charts 45 to 58 — The Sanctuary Series With the introduction of the Sanctuary Truth, we move to another great “plateau” of distinctive Adventist teaching. This doctrine is the chief instrument whereby God has created the Seventh-day Adventist movement. The Sanctuary Truth provides our doctrinal and prophetic “roots;” it justifies our separate existence; it explains our past; it illuminates our future; it outlines our specific task; it identifies our allies; it strips the mask off our foes; it floodlights our resources; it buttresses our faith; it forecasts our destiny; it guarantees our success! According to Ellen G. White, the Sanctuary Truth is “the foundation of our faith” (Evangelism, p 221), and “the very message that makes us a separate people, and gives character and power to our work” (Ibid., p 225) Take this doctrine away, and we have no distinctive message or mission; no reason whatever for existence as a separate people. Ours is not a different message from that preached by the great Reformers. It is a fuller message—a message of greater depth—and it is the Sanctuary Truth, especially, which gives it this added richness, depth and fullness. To use a familiar metaphor, the Reformers possessed (7) Introduction (i) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid the “film” of Bible truth, but by comparison with our greater advantages, they could only run it through an old-fashioned magic lantern. That was the best equipment they had. Seventh-day Adventists have the same Gospel film, but our message is like a modern electric movie projector. The stronger lamp of fulfilled and fulfilling prophecy, and the powerful focusing lens of the Sanctuary Truth, make it possible for us to appreciate the beauty and depth and detail of the film in a way that the Reformers could never do! Speaking of the heavenly sanctuary service, Ellen G. White says: “There the light from the Cross of Calvary is reflected. There we may gain a clearer insight into the mysteries of redemption” (Great Controversy, p 489). Also, “The subject of the Sanctuary was the key which... opened to view a complete system of truth, connected and harmonious” (Ibid., p 423). Accordingly, to assist in making the major features of this doctrine crystal-clear, fourteen charts are included in the Sanctuary series. Charts 45,46 — Earthly Sanctuary, Exterior and Interior By simplifying the details of the Earthly Sanctuary and its services, these charts floodlight the Everlasting Gospel—God’s original, unchanged way of salvation—and establish the indivisible unity of Holy Scripture. They help to lay a firm foundation for the study of the entire Sanctuary doctrine. Chart 47 — Parallels Between the Two Sanctuaries Once we have grasped the parallels between the Earthly and Heavenly services, we have the master-key that opens up the wider aspects of the Sanctuary truth. This is the key to the nature and scope of the present work of Christ; to the major issues of the Judgment; to God’s final solution of the problem of evil; to the main thrust of the Great Apostasy; to the prophecies of Daniel 8 and Revelation 14; to the character and mission of the Remnant, etc. This diagram enables the Bible instructor to establish these parallels quickly and convincingly and to review them conveniently as often as needed. Ellen G. White repeatedly emphasises the key-importance of this theme: “The Sanctuary in heaven is the very centre of Christ’s work in behalf of men.” (Great Controversy, p 488) “The correct understanding of the ministration in the Heavenly Sanctuary is the foundation of our faith.” (Evangelism, p 221) “We should not rest until we have become intelligent in regard to the subject of the Sanctuary.” (Ibid., pp 222,223) “The subject of the Sanctuary and the investigative judgment should be clearly understood by the people of God.” (Great Controversy, p 488) “God’s people are now to have their eyes fixed on the Heavenly Sanctuary, where the final ministration of our Great High Priest in the work of judgment is going forward.” (Evangelism, p 223) “Satan hates the great truths that bring to view an atoning sacrifice and an all-powerful Mediator.” (Great Controversy, p 488) Chart 48 — Christ our Advocate This chart highlights our individual part in the Judgment, and shows that because of the services of our all-powerful Advocate, we may face the Judgment without fear. The Judgment marks the climax of the whole Sanctuary revelation, and of God’s dealings with the problem of evil. By means of the Judgment, God’s name is publicly and eternally cleared from the false accusations of Satan; God’s people are publicly and eternally vindicated; the problem of evil is eternally solved, and the universe is made eternally secure. (8) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid Introduction (i) Charts 49, 50, 51,55 — Symbols of Daniel 8, and the 2,300 Days The prophecy of Daniel 8 is the massive taproot of distinctive Seventh-day Adventist prophetic teaching. It is absolutely essential to a correct understanding of the character, main thrust, and final doom of the great Papal Apostasy. Verse 14 is the bridge between Daniel and the Revelation; the master-key to the whole scheme of latter-day prophecy, and the infallible yardstick by which we locate unmistakably the hour of God’s judgment and of the appearing of the Remnant. Says Ellen G. White: “The Scripture which above all others had been the foundation and central pillar of the Advent faith, was the declaration, (Unto two thousand and three hundred days, then shall the Sanctuary be cleansed.’ ” (Great Controversy, p 409) Chart 51 — The Little Horn Wars Against Christ This chart focuses the fact that the Person of Christ is the real target of Satanic attack, and that the essential thrust of the Great Apostasy is to dethrone Christ as man’s only Mediator, and thus sabotage the plan of salvation. The “taking away of the daily,” in its simplest definition, is the perversion and obscuring of the saving work of Christ. In the light of Daniel 8, Satan is unmasked as the real Anti-Christ, and the symbolic warfare of this chapter is seen as an earthly miniature or echo of the great controversy between Christ and Satan in the larger, cosmic sense. Chart 52 — The Seventy Weeks This prophetic time-period is an integral part of the vision of Daniel 8, and the 2,300 days. But its presentation need not be deferred until we come to the explanation of Dan. 8:14. The wise Bible instructor will introduce the “70 weeks” as a prophecy in its own right long before he deals with the 2,300 days as a whole. A topic such as “Old Testament Prophecies of Christ,” which can be introduced quite early in our series, affords an excellent opportunity to explain this most amazing of all time prophecies. If prospects already understand the “70 weeks” before they are confronted with Dan. 8:14, the calculation of the 2,300 days will be greatly simplified. Chart 53 — Five Links that Tie Daniel 8 to Daniel 9 In order to understand the full import of the “2,300 days” prophecy of Daniel 8:14, (Chart 55) it must be shown quickly and clearly that the “70 weeks” prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27 is the resumption of Gabriel’s interrupted explanation of the vision of Daniel 8. The five clear links between these chapters establish conclusively that Daniel 8 and Daniel 9 are actually two instalments of the one vision! Chart 54 — Parallels Between Daniel 7 and 8 Likewise, to grasp the true significance of Daniel 8:14, it must be shown that “The Cleansing of the Sanctuary” is a parallel term to “the Judgment” of Daniel 7. The surest way to demonstrate this parity is to place the events of Daniel 7 side-by-side with those of Daniel 8. It then becomes crystal-clear that “the Judgment” of Daniel 7, and “the Cleansing of the Sanctuary” of Daniel 8, both belong in the same time-slot and, for all practical purposes, are synonymous terms! Chart 56 — The Change-over from B.C. to A.D. Reckoning To simplify our explanation of the 2,300 years prophecy, which began in the “B.C.” era and extends for centuries into “A.D.” time, it is imperative to note that the restoration decree of Artaxerxes went into effect when three-quarters of B.C. 457 had expired. (That is, at 456 1A B.C.I) This means that the full 2,300 years projects beyond the end of 1843 to a point three-quarters-way down into 1844. Chart 56 clarifies this point, and also explains how there have to be two years bearing the number “1” (B.C. 1 and 1 A.D.). (9) Introduction (i) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid Chart 57 — Jewish Feasts in Type and Antitype This pictorial diagram affords another means of testing and verifying the significant elements of the Sanctuary-revelation, which are spelled out in Charts 45 to 58. It provides a graphic and revealing overview of God’s saving programme between the First and Second Advents, and shows how the key-events of that programme were foreshadowed in miniature by the seven great typical “feasts” of the ancient Hebrew religious year. Like the links in a chain, or the tumblers in a combination-lock, these predicted key-events have successively fallen into place, as the scroll of the centuries has unrolled. Chart 58 — The Sanctuary - The “Hub” of BibleTruth This chart, which concludes the Sanctuary series, provides a graphic and unforgettable overview of the wider dimensions of the Sanctuary Truth,which binds the whole Bible together, and focuses supremely on Calvary’s Cross. Take the Sanctuary-theme out of the Bible, and the Book would literally fall to pieces in our hands! Charts 59, 60,61 — Revelation 14,10,12 Each of these prophecies is inseparably linked with the Book of Daniel, and each one is like a powerful search light-beam, piercing the darknessand confusion of the last days, and focusing directly upon God’s prophetic “Remnant.” Revelation 14: Highlights the specific timing, character and message of the “Remnant.” Revelation 10: Focuses upon the birth-hour and commissioning of the “Remnant.” Revelation 12: Reveals the spiritual ancestry and Identification marks of the “Remnant.” At the point where these three prophetic beams converge, stands the Seventh-day Adventist Church, illuminated with such stabbing clarity that it can be recognised un­ mistakably as God’s true prophetic “Remnant” in the last days. The third big decision point in our programme of indoctrination has now come—the decision to ally oneself openly and publicly with God’s Remnant people, and the Bible instructor will be labouring prayerfully and purposefully to secure this momentous decision. Chart 62 — The Abiding Gift of Prophecy When describing the prophetic “Remnant” of the last days, Revelation 12:17 gives two clear marks of identification: (1) The keeping of the commandments of God, and (2) The possession of “The testimony of Jesus” (i.e. The gift of prophecy, see Revelation 19:10 and 22:9). This pointed prophetic forecast climaxes the overall Biblical teaching concerning the Prophetic Gift. It is on the basis of this broad Biblical foundation, linked with Revelation 12:17, that Seventh-day Adventists acknowledge the ministry of Ellen G. White as an authentic latter- day manifestation of the ancient Gift of Prophecy. Charts 63 to 67 — Beasts of Revelation 13, and Scarlet Woman of Revelation 17 The last four charts have helped to identify God’s last-day “Remnant.” The prophetic spotlight now moves to the chief agencies Satan will use in his final, desperate efforts to destroy the Church of God. These agencies are clearly unmasked in the prophetic chapters illustrated here. Though the symbols are new, no essentially new truth is revealed in Revelation 13 and 17. There is, however, a sharper focusing and more urgent and forceful application of truth which is already familiar. For example, the Leopard-beast is a continuation and amplification of the “Little Horn” of Daniel 7. The contrast between the Seal of God and the Mark of the Beast is the repetition, enlargement and climax of the message of Sabbath Reform. The Scarlet Woman is the final incarnation of the age-old apostasy of Cain, Babel, Jezebel and the Medieval Church. These chapters reach their climax in God’s final, urgent, clarion summons: “COME OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE!” (Rev. 18:4), which is addressed to those of His exiled children who are still found within the dark confines of modern Babylon. (10) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid Introduction (i) Charts 65, 66 — The Seal of God and the Mark of the Beast These charts introduce the most urgent and challenging of all aspects of present truth. Yet bigotry, harshness, or rough-handedness have no place here. The tact and tenderness of the True Shepherd are needed. The tension between the Seal of God and the Mark of the Beast focuses the central issues of the Everlasting Gospel. This is far more than a mere clash of days, or doctrines, or denominations. It is a clash between two fundamental life-philosophies; two comprehensive world-views. This is the religion of God-dependence and the religion of self-dependence grappling in their final mortal test of strength. Everything that the Christian Gospel stands for—everything that God stands for—is at stake! This is a crisis-point in the history of true worship, which matches and exceeds Mount Carmel with itsthunderouschallenge: “HOW LONG HALTYE BETWEEN TWO OPINIONS?” (1 Kings 18:21). Obviously, this challenge should be presented in the spirit of deep humility and earnest prayer. Only God can give to us the wise mingling of tenderness and severity that is so urgently needed here. To assist in making the subject crystal-clear, it is illustrated byfour graphic charts. Charts 68 to 73 — The Character and Life-style of God’s “Remnant.” No portrayal of the character and life-style of God’s “Remnant” would be complete without focused presentations of “The Christian’s Armour” (No. 68); “Christian Standards” (No. 69); “The Christian Home and Family” (No. 70); “The Wheel of Health” (No. 71); “Christian Ordinances” (No. 72), and “Christian Stewardship” (No. 73). Accordingly, these six charts illustrate the ideals; the values; the worship-patterns; the resources and the defences of those people who are seriously preparing for translation when Jesus comes! To round out the expanded Pictorial Aid series, four further valuable charts are now included: Chart 74 — The Tri-Unity of God This chart is designed to illustrate the Bible’s revelation of the Tri-une God - as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It is true, of course, that no man-made diagrams ordefinitionscan encompass or explain the nature of the Eternal God. His Being is infinite. He occupies a different dimension of existence from all created beings. He “dwells in a light which no man can approach unto.” It is written: “No man hath seen, nor can see” Him (1 Timothy 6:16). All that we seek to do here is to show that the concept of “Three-in-one” is not demonstrably irrational, even on the level of created things, and that it is in full harmony with what the Bible reveals about the three expressions or manifestations of the “God-head.” Deny the Tri-unity of God, and a hundred puzzling threads of Scripture are left untied. As shown in the accompanying Study Guide (No. 56), the Bible does not attempt to “explain” or “prove” the Tri-unity of God, it simply takes it for granted, and declares it! Chart 75 — Five Levels of Church Administration. According to the New Testament, God’s “church” is a tangible, recognizable, findable entity. Jesus declared that He Himself was its Builder and Defender, and that it would be indestructible in the face of all Satanic attacks (Matthew 16:18). Also, the picture that emerges from the pages of the NewTestament reveals the Church as an organized, disciplined, Divinely- commissioned “body” (1 Corinthians 12:12-27), with clear-cut objectives, and with its earthly resources and personnel marshalled, mobilized and focused for effective soul-winning action! Chart 76 — The Gifts of the Holy Spirit As God’s “Remnant” Church girds itself for its last, world-wide evangelistic thrust, its greatest and most urgent need is for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit such as came at Pentecost. The Church’s true Power-source is not on earth, but in Heaven. The symbolic (11) Introduction (i) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid “woman” of Revelation 12 is pictured as having no earthly support! “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts” (Zechariah 4:6). Accordingly, we include here a chart on the “Gifts of the Spirit.” These unbelievably-rich Divine endowments - introduced in the Old Testament, and amplified in the New - are given primarily for practical purposes. They are not magical “toys,” or private luxuries, given for purely personal enjoyment, but are given expressly to assist the whole Church in the fulfilment of its global task. The familiar “Cornucopia” or “Horn of Plenty” - classic symbol of Heaven’s in­ exhaustible bounties - depicts the overflowing abundance of God’s Gifts to His Church. More important than money, or learning, or talent, or genius, they are the church’s superlative, indispensable equipment for service! Chart 77 — Christian Baptism Baptism is the public climax of our whole programme of indoctrination. It is the outward sign of an inward decision to follow Christ in death, burial and resurrection, not merely upon the day of one’s baptism, but on each succeeding day of one’s earthly life. It is the formal adoption ceremony of another child into the family of God. It is the door-way to church membership. When the prospect has made his decision to be baptised, the Bible worker will carefully instruct him on the meaning and solemnity of this sacred ordinance. This instruction will involve a threefold emphasis: firstly, upon the responsibilities he assumes as he becomes a member of God’s Church; secondly, upon the renunciations he must make of all that is unworthy of a child of God; and thirdly, upon the boundless resources of Divine Grace which are now at his disposal as God’s acknowledged son and heir! ★ * * THE PICTORIAL AID was first proposed as a concept in Melbourne, Victoria, in 1947, and almost forty years have been required to bring it to its present form. During those years it has been supported by a tall column of helping hands. Church administrators, fellow ministers and lay-members, as well as valued technical assistants, have helped to build that column. The project has developed in three main stages: 1. The initial printing was undertaken by the Review and Herald in 1956 (22 Charts). 2. An all-new and expanded PICTORIAL AID was sponsored by the Australasian Division in 1968, and passed through four printings, 1970,1973, 1978,1981 (50 Charts). 3. The current, revised and greatly enlarged edition is appearing this year (80 Charts). Warm tribute is paid to the South Pacific Division Committee, whose evangelistic vision, financial backing, and sub-committee assistance have made the two Australian PICTORIAL AID ventures possible. Appreciation is expressed also to the Wishing Printing Company and the Signs Publishing Company for their indispensable help in production. Above all, grateful thanks are given to God for His unfailing faithfulness and providence. The PICTORIAL AID really belongs to Him. It now goes out into the field with the prayer that He will use it for the speedy finishing of His work in the earth. -FRANK BREADEN, 10 Moorhen Place, Burleigh Waters, Old. Aust. 4220. January 31, 1987. (12) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid Introduction (ii) PREPARING AND PRESENTING BIBLE STUDIES I.—PREPARATION (a) Choosing your topic. This will be determined by factors such as: (1) The immediate point of interest of your prospects, as indicated by their conver­ sation or questions; e.g.. World conditions. Questions about the existence of God. Life after death. Doubts about the truth of the Bible. Problem of suffering, etc. Philip, in his first Bible study with the Ethiopian eunuch, "Began at the same scripture" that his prospect was puzzled about (Acts 8 : 35). A good cue for usl (2) The special needs or circumstances of your prospects; e.g., A recently bereaved family would need comfort, assurance and hope from the Bible. A man battling with the drink habit and longing for freedom would need the positive gospel assurance: "Christ can break the grip of this evil habit!" (3) The stage your prospects have reached in hearing the Advent message; e.g., We are instructed to "melt" the prospects' hearts with "the love of God", to teach them the gospel and lead them to surrender their hearts to Jesus, before confronting them with testing truths, such as the Sabbath, the Tithe, or the Mark of the Beast. This procedure is always best. Otherwise, we put the cart before the horsel See "Evangelism", pp 230, 231. (4) The Church connections or religious background of your prospects. Obviously there would be somewhat different approaches for Anglicans, Catholics, Baptists, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc. note: Do not be stereotyped in your selection of topics. There is no one set order or pattern of Bible studies, to be followed rigidly in all cases. Adapt your approach to the individual circumstances of your prospects. advanced doctrines or testing truths SHOULD NOT COME BEFORE THEIR TIME! (b) Collecting your material. (1) "Pray yourself teachable!" Maintain a constant attitude of dependence upon the Holy Spirit. (2) 'Think yourself empty!" Exhaust your own knowledge of the Bible first and, when you have done this, go to other sources. (3) "Read yourself full!" Consult Adventist books and printed Bible study outlines that are available. Use your concordance. In extremity, get help from your Pastor. (c) Constructing your study. (1) Have a definite AIM in view (i.e., concerning what you want your prospects to understand, believe, or do). (2) Analyse your subject by asking questions about it, such as: "How?" "When?" "Where?" "Why?" "What?" "Who?" "What are the common opinions about this subject?" "What are the common objections?" "What is my responsibility concerning it?" etc. (3) Prepare your main steps, headings, or divisions. (4) Avoid rambling or disconnectedness. Strive for a logical sequence or order of arrangement, so that your study grows naturally and persuasively, like a plant: "First the blade, then the ear, after that the full com in the ear." The above- mentioned questions will help greatly in achieving this logical development. (13) Introduction (ii) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid note: Each of the Bible Lessons issued with the Pictorial Aid is designed as a model of simplicity, coherence and orderly arrangement. Each one consists of three main parts: (а) introduction, (b) discussion, (c) conclusion. These are not intended to bind users to slavish conformity, but they illustrate how to build an orderly, logical, well- connected Bible Study. (5) Avoid using too many texts. Three or four plain, pertinent texts under each heading are usually sufficient. note: In the accompanying Bible Lessons, more texts have been listed in some cases than may be required for a particular Bible Study This has not been done to encourage the use of too many texts, but to provide A reserve fund of pertinent Bible references, to be used as needed. (б) Avoid long Bible studies. About 45 minutes is sufficient for the average Bible study. (7) Plan introduction and conclusion. Think out some novel, interesting or timely introduction. The reading of the newspaper, or close observation of the happen­ ings of daily life can often provide this. A summary of the main points provides a good conclusion. Be sure to ask, "Is it all clear?" Make personal application of the truth explained and, when appropriate, make a direct appeal. Example of a personal application: At close of Bible study, ask, "Why do you think God has given US a chance to hear these things, Mrs. Brown?" Example of a direct appeal: After a full presentation of studies on the Sabbath truth, say: "Well, Bill, I suppose the day is not far distant when you will be keeping your first Sabbath! .. . Am I right?" (8) Master your subject thoroughly. If possible, do this in such a way that your notes can be discarded. (9) Make every Bible study Christ-centred. Help your prospects to see the face of Christ in every doctrine and prophecy (see "Evangelism", pp 142, 163, 164, 169, 170, 184-193, 223, 232, 248, 264, 298, 299, 300, 350, 484-486). II.—PRESENTATION (a) Be guarded and prudent in your preliminary conversation. Let your conduct show that you have come to study God's Word, not just for a social visit. (b) Commence and close with a brief, simple, sincere prayer. (c) Avoid formality, and sustain interest by employing novelty, variety, surprise features, suspense. Do not let your prospects know all that is coming next. "Satisfy curiosity and you kill interest." (d) The wise use of visual aids, music (recorded or live), tape-recorded talks, film-strips or slides, can add stimulus and variety to your visits. (e) In manner and deportment be as friendly, human and approachable as possible. Be relaxed and natural. Avoid stiffness, starchiness, or austerity. Never underestimate the value of a chuckle. It relaxes tension; it disarms prejudice; it dispels hostility; it wins trust. (f) Adopt conversational rather than lecturing manner. Talk with, not at your prospects. Act as a friend, not a superior. (g) Let the Bible speak. Make it a settled practice to offer the Bible's answer to questions asked. Keep the Bible central in your whole programme of indoctrination. (14) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid Introduction (ii) (h) Encourage your prospects to participate by taking their turn at reading texts from the Bible; by asking questions and entering into discussion, and, as you gain their confidence, by learning to offer short prayers for themselves. (i) After the study, do not linger. Avoid exerting an influence that may detract from your message. Aim always to leave the message paramount in your prospects' minds. INSPIRED GUIDANCE ON SELECTION AND ORDER OF BIBLE STUDY TOPICS FROM "EVANGELISM", BY ELLEN G. WHITE Pages 164, 200: Speak first on points of doctrine on which you can agree. Give "milk" before "strong meat" to babesl 164, 165: Win prospect's confidence before presenting unfamiliar, advanced, or testing truth (see also pp 246, 485). 226: Best plan is to present subjects that arouse the conscience; that teach practical godliness . . . i.e., How to come to Jesus. How to pray. How to receive the assurance of sins forgiven. How to take hold of God's help. 264: The very first and most important thing is to melt and subdue the soul by presenting our Lord Jesus Christ as the Sin-bearer. 228, 442: Do not feel it your duty to present the Sabbath question immediately you meet people. Tell them this is not your burden now. Reserve the Sabbath truth till they have surrendered heart and mind and will to God. 230, 231: Do not present the Law of God as a test until prospects have been wanned, melted and subdued with the presentation of Christ, and have given themselves to the Lord. 247: If the heart of the unbeliever is not softened, to try to impress him is "like striking upon cold iron." 248, 272: There is always perfect safety in talking of the hope of eternal life. And when the heart is melted and subdued, the enquiry will be: "What must I do to be saved?" (see also pp 125, 126, 142, 143, 163). (15) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 1 FOOTPRINTS OF GOD IN CREATION Introduction Acts 14:15-17: "God hath not left Himself without witness." Though God has not revealed Himself to our senses; for we cannot see Him, or hear Him, or touch Him, He has not left us to grope blindly in confusion and doubt, without any evidence of His existence. The writer of the well-known book "Steps to Christ", puts it this way: "God never asks us to believe without giving sufficient evidence upon which to base our faith. His existence, His character, the truthfulness of His Word, are all established by testimony that appeals to our reason, and this testimony is abundant." (p 105) What are some of these evidences of God's existence, and where do we find them? In this lesson we will study three of the plainest evidences for God, which we will call "Footprints of God in Creation". These evidences are readily available to every man who is willing to use his eyes, ears and rational powers. Discussion 1— footprints of god in the earth Job 12 :7-10: "Ask now the beasts, the fowls, the earth, and the fishes and they shall teach thee." Matt. 6:28, 29: "Consider the lilies of the field." Rom. 1 :19, 20: "The invisible things of God may be understood by the visible things which He has made." All around us, in earth and sea and sky, there are countless evidences of order, beauty, accuracy, adaptation and intelligent planning. Consider these marvels of creative design: The beauty and perfume of the flowers. Snowflake crystals. A butterfly's wing. A spider's web. A bird's feather. A cob of com. The marvellous instincts and mechanisms of the honey-bee. The annual miracle of bird migration. The bat's ingenious "radar" system. {See Chart No. 1—Creation Speaks of God) Now let us ask: Could these wonders of creation have made themselves? 2 — FOOTPRINTS OF GOD IN THE HEAVENS Ps. 19:1: "The heavens declare the glory of God." Gen. 15 :5: "Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars." Neh. 9 :6: "Thou hast made the heavens, and Thou preservest them all." Isa. 40:26: "Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things." In the heavens above us there are the same evidences of pattern, order, beauty, accuracy and apparent purpose which we see in our own world—only magnified to a breath-taking degree. Consider these wonders of the starry heavens: The enormous sizes, weights, speeds, numbers, distances and temperatures of the billions of planets and stars. The precise calculation and co-ordination of their weights, motions, speeds, temperatures and orbits. The fine balancing of attractions and repulsions. The split-second timing. The perfect synchronisation. The clock-like regularity. All maintained in a state of harmony by constantly-operating laws and controls. Now let us ask again: Could these marvels of creation have made themselves? 3.—FOOTPRINTS OF GOD IN OUR BODIES Exodus 4:11: "Who hath made man's mouth? Have not I the Lord?" Ps. 94:9: "He that planted the ear, shall He not hear?" Ps. 94:9: "He that formed the eye, shall He not see? Ps. 139 :14: "I am fearfully and wonderfully made." (17) No. 1 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid In the human body there are the same amazing evidences of ingenious design, co­ ordination, adaption and creative forethought which we see in the earth and in the heavens. Consider these wonders of the body-temple: The living cell. The heart. The brain. The eye. The ear. The hand. The senses of touch, taste and smell. The nervous system. The digestive system. The prolonged and intricate miracle of reproduction and growth. The glands. The body's marvellous defence and healing mechanisms. What shall we do with these countless evidences of intelligent planning and fore­ thought in the earth, in the heavens and in our bodies? We cannot ignore them. They demand a rational explanation. They have come into existence either by design, or by accident. They are the product of God, or of chance. There is no neutral ground. So, let us ask, for the third time: Could these marvels of creation have made them­ selves? Did you ever hear the story of the watch that made itself? It goes like this: Late one night Joe Brown woke up with an uneasy feeling that something unusual was going on in his bedroom. He lay very still, listening and wondering. Presently he heard faint scratching and clicking noises from the direction of the dressing table. Reaching for his torch, he shone the beam towards the mysterious noises .. . Joe's eyes bulged. What seemed like a miracle was happening on top of the dressing table! Scattered about its surface were the parts of a watch. But the curious thing was that they were not lying still. Like actors in a play, they were all dancing about as if they were alivel The case of the watch was lying face downwards, and the other parts were scrambling into the case and snuggling down into their correct positions, as if directed by some invisible intelligence! While Joe watched, open-mouthed, the mainspring, hairspring and balance wheel jumped in, and adjusted themselves with perfect precision. Then sundry minor cogs, wheels and plates appeared, all in correct order, took their places, and lay still. Next a swarm of screws danced up, hopped in, and screwed themselves deftly and snugly into place. The back cover clicked itself on with a sharp snap. Then, with incredbile ease, the whole watch flipped itself over on its back. Face, hands and glass fitted themselves expertly into position. Finally, the winding staff appeared, slid smoothly into place, gave itself a few brisk winds, and the watch began a rhythmic Tick-tickl Tick-tickl Tick-tickl... Do you believe this story? It doesn't make sense, does it? Yet such a fantastic impossibility as a watch that made itself would be a small miracle, indeed, compared with an Eye, or an Ear, or a Heart, or a Brain, or a Universe that made itself! Conclusion ln the book °f Hebrews, Paul sums up the evidence for God in these decisive words: Heb. 3 :4: "For every house is builded by some man, but He that built all things is God." Honestly, now: Can you find any fault with this conclusion? It is the only rational explanation for the marvels of creation which we have studied in this lesson. (18) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 1 SUPPLEMENT TO “FOOTPRINTS OF GOD” Chart No. 1, Creation Speaks of God, presents some of the simplest and plainest evidences of God’s creative wisdom and power that are available to us in the natural world. BUTTERFLY BEAUTIES Many of the butterflies are of such breath-taking beauty that they have been called “animated flowers,” “visual lyrics,” or “living rainbows.” Fragile, colourful, elusive, dainty, they have always had a hypnotic fascination for man. Yet, while their delicate structure and exquisite colouration are awe-inspiring, even to the naked eye, it is only under the microscope that their richest glory unfolds. Then it is seen that, in many cases, their wing-colour is not “pigmented colour,” but “structural colour.” Their wing-surfaces are composed of myriad, tiny, overlapping scales, like tiles on a roof, whose surfaces are grooved or “striated.” Thus, each scale is a miniature spectroscope, with the power to “refract” or“splinter” light, i.e. to break light up into its colour-components, or “spectrum.” This “splintered light” registers on our eyes as vivid colour, ranging over a wide variety, and often glowing as if it were luminous, or phosphorescent. Small wonder, then, that butterflies have been called “living rainbows.” The microscope shows that they are that, in very fact! Who but God could design, create and perpetuate these “living rainbows?” A BIRD’S FEATHER Everyone who picks up a bird’s flight-feather, or “pinion,” holds in his hand a matchless miracle of creative engineering. It is a miracle of lightness; strength; flexibility; ingenuity and adaptability. It is composed basically of a long, hollow, tapering “shaft,” or “mid-rib.” Jutting from this shaft on either side are the main branches, called “barbs.” These “barbs” are composed of smaller fronds, known as “barbules,” and these, in turn, have rows of tiny, hook-like twigs called “barbicels,” which cling tenaciously to the “barbules.” What is the purpose of this intricate structure which, when closed, is like a tight “web,” or fabric, but which can open instantly, like a miniature venetian-blind, to let air through? As well as providing covering and insulation for the bird, the pinion-feather’s main function isto make flight possible. As the wings make their strong, downward-forward thrust to propel the bird, the flexible feather - web or mesh remains tightly closed, but as the wing is raised swiftly for the next downward beat, the feather-mesh automatically opens, so that resistance to the air is minimized. This rhythmic operation has been called “one of the most fantastic and ingenious Valve-actions’ in the whole of nature.” Obviously, the flight-feather has been designed by a Divine Craftsman of infinite skill! SNOW-CRYSTALS Another fabulous natural wonder is the snow-crystal, whose exquisite beauty and intricacy are also revealed by the microscope. Composed of minute, frozen water-particles in the remote heights of the upper atmosphere, the snow-crystal is not a formless, haphazard, unstructured ice-shard - it is a miniature crystal cathedral of classic beauty! The primary structure of this crystal, when fully formed, is always a hexagonal or six-pointed star, and the angles are always precise and unvarying. However, the secondary design details vary through what seems to be an almost infinite range, for no two snow-crystals, with their delicate, lace-like feathery fronds, have ever been found alike. Wilson Bentley, who, with the aid of microscope and camera, probably did more than any other man to research and popularize the snow-crystal, photographed many thousands of individual specimens - but found no two exact duplicates! Where could this exquisite miracle of amazingly consistent, geometric design have come from - but from God? BIRD MIGRATION William Cullen Bryant, in his sensitive poem: “To a Waterfowl,” is not the only man who has been moved to admiration and wonder by the mysterious, purposeful, orderly migrations of the birds. Few natural wonders have such power to set the imagination on fire! No. 1 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid Without charts, or maps, or clocks, or compasses, or sextants, or obvious navigational equipment - and apparently without schooling - the birdsfind their way, instinctively, over tens of thousands of miles of land or ocean, in their daring seasonal flights to feeding or breeding grounds. Who, or what guides them with such unerring precision, and with such unfailing regularity? What uncanny powers do young birds have, whose migratory flights begin long after those of their parents, yet who, denied the opportunity for experienced guidance, follow their parents’ uncharted path, and arrive unerringly at the same destination? Scientists have many theories about these majestic migratory rhythms - the triggering of the migratory impulse; the consistent timing; the impeccable navigation - but no one really understands them. The sun; the stars; air-currents; geographical land-marks; sensitivity to the earth’s magnetic fields - all have been suggested, and all could be involved, but no scientist has yet come near to solving all aspects of the complex and baffling migratory puzzle. However, once we acknowledge an all-wise and all-powerful Creator, the mystery of migration is instantly solved. BEEHIVE MARVELS From the dawn of time, man has been fascinated by the bee-hive. Symbol of industry, persistence, thrift, and single-minded dedication to duty, the honey-bee is an endless source of wonder to young and old. Such precision, orderliness, group-loyalty and focused, tireless effort is manifest among the bees that the hive has been called an insect “city,” or an insect “civilization!” Two phenomenal honey-bee skills that have captured the public imagination are associated with direction-finding and cell-building. Both of these operations require superlative mathematical and geometric skills, neither of which need to be learned by the honey-bee. Direction finding - and giving - takes the form of the intriguing “waggle-dance” of the scout bee - involving an elaborate and sustained “waggling” of the abdomen while the bee is in motion on the surface of the comb. The vigour, frequency, direction and overall pattern of the “waggle- dance,” expecially in relation to the sun’s position, conveys accurate information to the hive concerning the distance, direction, quantity and quality of the new-found nectar supply. Factors such as wind-direction and velocity, plus obstacles to be encountered, appear to be indicated by this means, also. So intricate and precise is this communicative ritual that it seems to require the employment of some of the more highly-sophisticated forms of mathematics! An incredible degree of geometric and engineering skill is also employed in cell-designing and building. The materials, shape, size and angles of the paper-thin cell walls are such that maximum strength, lightness, capacity, durability and insulating quality are secured, yet with minimum use of building materials and hive-space. Who taught the busy worker-bee her mathematics and geometry - and her economics? A SPIDER’S WEB The familiar, industrious, and omnipresent spider is the artisan-extraordinary of the natural world. Not only is he a design-engineer of superlative skill in field and garden, but, in one species, he is also a marine engineer of fantastic ability! For conventional, above-water web-building, the average spider has web-producing mechanisms and construction skills of the highest order. The familiar orb-web, whether large or small, is a miracle of complicated geometry, precise engineering and amazing tensile strength. For unconventional, under-water web manufacture, the same type of production glands and mechanisms must be present - this time in the water-spider - but a very significant plus must be added. Instinctive abilities must now come into play that will impel and enable the spider to live in an unnatural environment. First, a closely woven bell-like “tent” of web must be built under the water, and anchored there. Second, water bubbles must be caught on the surface, and carried down and released under the “bell tent,” until it is filled with air. Then the spider must set up house and rear its family in a submarine environment! (20) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 1 Yet the water-spider does all this with the orderliness and expertise of a professional, who carries a set of detailed, step-by-step instructions in his pocket! THE BAT’S “SONAR” Bats have been called: “Mystery Mammals of the Twilight.” “Mammals” is the right word, for though bats can fly, they are not birds. They bring forth their young alive, and their wings are made of thin membrane. Unfeathered, they are nevertheless admirably equipped for flight. Indeed, so great is their agility in the air, that they are worthy rivals for the birds! The element of “mystery” about the bats is related especially to their ability to fly with the utmost dexterity and confidence in complete darkness. This they do, not only in the outer world at night, but inside the earth, through miles of subterranean caverns, which they negotiate in total darkness, without collision, and with the greatest of ease! It is only in more recent years, since the advent of sophisticated electronic devices, that much of the mystery of the bats phenomenal navigational prowess has been cleared up. It is now known that they do not need to depend to any great degree upon sight. Bats “see” and find their way with their ears! When in flight, they rely upon inbuilt “sonar,” or “echo-location” equipment. Continually, as they fly, they are emitting high-frequency sounds, or squeaks. These sounds travel out rapidly, strike objects, and rebound. From the time it takes from emission to rebound (i.e. reception), the bat can tell how near, or how far, an adjacent object or obstacle may be. Who built this amazing “sonar” equipment into the bat? Who endowed him with the instinctive ability to use it with such dexterity? It could not possibly have been a slow, piece-by-piece development, over long ages of time. It had to be a complete “package” from the beginning. To make possible the bat’s survival, all parts of its complex array of precision equipment must have been fully-developed and fully-operable - from the first moment of this amazing creature’s existence! These are just a few of the thousand marvels and mysteries of the natural world, whose only satisfying explanation is “GOD.” They cannot rationally be attributed to “Chance.” (21) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 2 THE FIREPROOF BOOK! Introduction °ne daring claim that the Bible makes is that it cannot be destroyed. This claim is made with the same finality as the claim that God is its Author. By this claim of indestructibility, the Bible makes an irreversible committal. It “burns its bridges” behind it. It risks its all. At this point its truth — or its false-hood — can easily be demonstrated. Isaiah 40:9: “The Word of our God shall stand forever.” Matthew 24:35: “My words shall not pass away.” John 10:35: “The Scripture cannot be broken.” Hebrews 4:12: “The Word of God is living and powerful.” (See Chart No. 2 - The Fireproof Book) Discussion What answer does history give to this bold claim to indestructibility? 1.—RUNNING THE GAUNTLET In old American pioneer days, when a white man was captured by the Red Indians, the savage warriors would sometimes play with their victim as a cat plays with a mouse. The captive would be told that he could have his freedom if he could run between two rows of Indian braves, all of whom were poised and ready to beat him with stout sticks. This meant almost certain death, but on rare occasions a man might escape by running like the wind, or dodging like a hare. The grim ordeal was called “running the gauntlet.” It is a graphic picture of the hazards through which the Bible has passed during the centuries of the Christian era! Consider a few notable examples: A.D. 303. Diocletian, emperor of Pagan Rome, concentrated all the wealth and power of his empire against the Bible. Christianity was outlawed. Diocletian’s persecution was probably the most devastating onslaught ever made against a single book. All meeting-places of the Christians were demolished; their property was confiscated and their Bibles committed to the flames. A systematic attempt was made to destroy every single copy of the Scriptures in existence. Death was decreed for any person who owned a copy of the Word of God. After years of ruthless persecution, in which thousands of Christians and their Bibles perished, Diocletian struck a medal to commemorate the complete destruction of the Scriptures, and erected a column of triumph bearing the boastful inscription: “EXTINCTO NOMINE CHRISTIANORUM” (The name of the Christians has been extinguished). A.D. 1530. The State-Church of the Middle Ages, in the days before the beginning of the Reformation in the 16th Century, waged a relentless warfare against the free use of the Bible by the common people, in almost all parts of Europe. When her efforts to keep the Bible locked away in a dead language (Latin) proved futile, the Church did not hesitate toconfiscate and burn the Book. In 1530, the Bishop of London burned William Tyndale’s printed English Testaments outside St. Pauls. Tyndale himself was strangled and burned on the Continent. In the same century, Martin Luther’s translations of the Scriptures into the tongue of the common German people were publicly committed to the flames. A.D. 1750. Voltaire, the brilliant and witty French literary genius, was one of a group of writers who helped prepare the soil and sow the seeds of the French Revolution. Voltaire boasted that he, alone, could demolish the Bible! “I am weary,” he is reported to have said, “of hearing people repeat that twelve fishermen founded Christianity. I will show the world that one Frenchman is sufficient to overthrow it!” Voltaire was a prodigious writer. The flood of infidel works that flowed from his pen absorbed the full capacity of a printing-press. He rashly predicted that in one hundred years the Bible would have ceased to exist, except for a few copies to be found in museums! (23) No. 2 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid A.D. 1795. Thomas Paine, the notorious English Free-thinker, fought the Bible with sarcasm and ridicule. The Age of Reason is one of his best-known books. Thisarrogant boast from page 127 of Paine’s book, still finds an echo in some publications of the present day: “I have nowgone through the Bible, as a man would go through a wood with an axe on his shoulder, and fell trees. Here they lie, and the priests, if they can, may replant them. They may, perhaps, stick them in the ground, but they will never make them grow.” 2. -MODERN EFFORTS TO DESTROY THE BIBLE A.D. 1925. Modern Atheism perpetuates the age-old tradition of malicious opposition to the Bible. Since 1925, there has existed in New York a regularly-chartered organization whose sworn purpose is to promote Atheism in the United States. This is the “American Association for the Advancement of Atheism.” (otherwise known as “The 4-A’s”). The following is a statement of their aims: “The 4A is here to ensure a complete job in the wrecking of religion. We offer no apology for our tactics. Religion was born of fear, reared by fraud, and kept alive by lies. Falsehood cannot be refined into truth. The supernatural does not exist. There is no God. Religion deserves no more respect than a pile of garbage. It must be destroyed.” The “4A’s” is but one of the many energetic groups which exist in every land for the express purpose of undermining faith in, and eventually destroying, the religion of the Bible. High schools, colleges, and universities are deliberately chosen as the special targets for such organizations. The announced purpose of one of these groups of godless militants is, “to destroy and mutilate Bibles in hotels, distributed by the Gideon Society.” A.D. 1935. Nazi Germany, a mortal enemy of the Bible, focused all the brains of its shrewdest thinkers, and all the resources of its vast monopoly in a prolonged attack upon Christianity and all that it stands for. Said Adolf Hitler: “Providence has ordained that I should be the greatest liberator of humanity. I am freeing man from the dirty and degrading self-mortification of a chimera called conscience and morality.... The religions are all alike, no matter what they call themselves. They have no future.... Fascism if it likes, may come to terms with the Church. So shall I. Why not? That will not prevent me from tearing up Christianity root and branch, and annihilating it in Germany... Do you really believe the masses will ever be Christian again? Nonsense! Never again. That tale is finished. No one will ever listen to it again.” A.D. 1950. International Communism, militant, atheistic, is another sworn enemy of the Bible. It stands at the head of the forces of organized atheism today. Vladimir Lenin, high-priest of Communism, coined the slogan: “Religion is the opiate of the people.” Lounatcharski, one­ time Soviet Commissar of Education, stormed: “We hate Christians. Even the best of them must be regarded as our worst enemies. They preach love to one’s neighbour and pity, which is contrary to our principles. Christian love is a hindrance to the development of the Revolution. Down with love for one’s neighbour. What we want is hatred. We must know howto hate, for only at this price can we conquer the universe. We have done with kings of the earth; let us deal now with the kings of the skies. All religions are poison. They intoxicate and deaden the mind, the will and the conscience. A fight to the death must be declared upon religion. Our task is to destroy all kinds of religion, all kinds of morality.” A.D. 1750 -1980. Modern Scientific Criticism. For the past two hundred years, the Bible has been exposed to the most sustained barrage of hostile, scholarly criticism that has ever occurred in its history. No other book has ever been subjected to such merciless dissection and analysis. Its text; its transmission; its history; its chronology; its scientific allusions; its miracles; its doctrines; its authorship; its composition; its world-view; its Christ, have all been subjected to microscopic examination by expert, critical minds. 3. —THE BIBLE RISES UNSCATHED FROM THE FIRE! In their search for a symbol of immortality, men have repeatedly chosen the Phoenix - the indestructible bird of ancient mythology. From the ashes of every blazing bonfire that was built for its destruction, this legendary creature rose up again with renewed youth and vigour. The Phoenix belongs to the realm of fiction - but the Bible belongs to the realm of fact. After every fiery ordeal it rises, unharmed, from the flames of prejudice and hate. It is the (24) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 2 most durable Book on this planet. It outlives its most implacable foes. Diocletian is dead. Voltaire and Paine are forgotten. Lenin and Hitler have followed them into the mists of oblivion. But the Bible lives. Said one astonished observer. “The Bible’s obituary has been written hundreds of times, but this Book has an uncanny habit of turning up at its own funeral!” In our own century, in spite of all the past and present hammer-blows of hate, the Bible has broken all records in book-production and distribution. No competitor comes within sight of its translation into 1808 languages (1984 total) - twice as many as in 1920 - and this number is increasing steadily. The Wycliffe Bible Translators, for example, have a staff of missionary linguists working among almost 800 different tribes, reducing their previously unwritten languages into written form, in order to give them the Bible in their own languages. It is unrivalled, also, in sheer volume of output. Its world-circulation has now reached the staggering total of over 36,000,000 copies (i.e. complete Bibles) per year. That’s a Bible every second! And when Scripture “portions” or “selections” are added, the total swells to almost 500,000,000 items per year. Indeed, if all the Bibles and portions that were printed in one recent year (1984) were gathered together and laid flat on each other, they would make a pile many times higher than Mount Everest! And this is the Book that Voltaire said would be extinct - a dusty,mildewed museum- relic - in one hundred years after his day! COTlclusiOTl Suppose there should come to live in our community a man who had been alive for 1900 years - nearly twice as long as Methusaleh lived! And suppose we knew of this man that he had been cast into the sea many a time, but could not be drowned. He had been thrown to the wild beasts, but they never could devour him. He had been made to drink deadly poisons of different kinds, but they never did him any harm. He had been bound with strong chains, and locked up in prisons and dungeons, but he always managed to shake off the chains and get out of the dungeons. He had often been hung till his enemies thought him dead, but when they cut him down he sprang to his feet, and walked away again, as fit and well as ever! H undreds of times they had burnt him at the stake, till there seemed to be nothing left of him; but the fires were no sooner out than he leaped up from the ashes, as strong and vigorous as he was before. He had been shot at, and stabbed, and cut to pieces, but the pieces came together again, like little drops of quick-silver. His wounds healed up at once, and he was none the worse for all this hacking and cutting. How amazing it would be to look on such an indestructible man! Would it not be a great wonder to find him alive and unharmed after all that he had passed through? It would be a great wonder, indeed! Yet this is just the way in which the Bible has been treated. It has been burned, and chained, and put in prison, and buried alive, and torn to pieces, and thrown into the sea, and yet it has never been destroyed. Here it is still, the same pure and precious Bible that it was nineteen hundred years ago! What is the secret of the Bible’s immortality? There is only one rational answer: The Bible has survived the storms of the ages because the indestructible life of God is in it. just as it claims! (25) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 3 THE EVIDENCE OF PROPHECY Introduction Another the Bible's most breath-taking claims is that it has power to read the future. Isaiah 46:9,10: “Declaring the end from the beginning.” 2 Peter 1:19: “A more sure word of prophecy.” Amos 3:7: “God reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets.” John 14:19: “I have told you before it come to pass.” This is an audacious, dramatic claim, and obviously, at this point, the Bible “burns all its bridges” behind it. There is no “backing out” from a claim as emphatic and final as this. At this point, the Bible openly submits itself to a practical,historical test. If its prophecies come true, its claims to super-human authorship are thereby vindicated. If its prophecies fail to come true, the Bible’s claims to Divine inspiration are thereby demolished. It is as simple as that. (See Chart No. 3 - The Evidence of Prophecy) Discussion To give us some conception of the magnitude and importance of the Prophetic element in Scripture, we have included, at the end of this Chapter, A Summary of Major Bible Prophecies. From this larger group, we will select four outstanding prophecies, to whose exact fulfilment History gives a decisive witness. 1 .—THE UTTER DESOLATION OF ANCIENT BABYLON Over one hundred details are included in the many Bible passages which foretold the doom of Babylon, whose empire rose to the height of its glory about 600 B.C. One of the most magnificent cities of antiquity, Babylon appeared to have “everything going for it.” It was built astride the Euphrates river, in the fabulously fertile Mesopotamian plain. It boasted a population of over a million people. It was surrounded by a vast and ingenious system of irrigation canals - providing an apparently inexhaustible food supply. Its legendary “Hanging Gardens” were one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world. Four-horse chariots could pass abreast along the tops of its massive walls. Its ponderous gates were the pride of its inhabitants, and the astonishment of its enemies. If ever a city seemed impregnable and indestructible, it was Babylon. Yet God’s prophet, Isaiah, who lived about 200 years before Babylon’s downfall, predicted its irreparable and final doom. “Babylon,” he wrote, “shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah!” (Isaiah 13:19). Other prophecies filled out the picture of total and Irreversible desolation: Isaiah 13:20: “It shall never be inhabited.” (Repeated in Jeremiah 50:13,39). Isaiah 47:1,5, 7: “Come down, thou lady of kingdoms, and sit in the dust!” Jeremiah 51:26,62: ’Thou shalt be desolate forever.” Jeremiah 51:63, 64: “Babylon shall sink, and not rise.” Jeremiah 50:13: “It shall be wholly desolate.” Not one of these prophetic specifications has failed in its fulfilment. H. V. Moreton, well known English author, is just one of a multitude of modern travellers who have visited the ruins of ancient Babylon, and marvelled at the uncanny accuracy of the Biblical prophecies: “The ruins are sixty miles south of Baghdad,” writes Moreton, in his book, “Middle East,” and the journey takes three to four hours. The road begins well enough, but soon becomes rough and uneven. I knew we were drawing near when we crossed a single railway track running (27) No. 3 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid over the sand, and I saw a notice-board bearing, in English and Arabic, the words: Babylon Halt’.... “The flat country stretches to the sky, featureless, bare, and arid, except to the west, where the Euphrates flows in a narrow belt of palm-trees. You see no river, but you see this line of foliage running for miles, like a green snake on the sand. Even the ‘waters of Babylon’ have deserted the city, for in ancient times the river ran along the west side of the Kasr, bringing with it the happy sound of water and the scent of flowers. As if obeying a command that no touch of life should remain anywhere near Babylon, the Euphrates has carved a new channel for itself and has departed, taking all life with it.... “As we wandered over the lonely mounds, silent except for the hum of the wild bee and the hornet, I thought how literally Isaiah’s prophecy of the fall of Babylon has been fulfilled. It Is, Indeed, overthrown as God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.” (pp 173-184). 2.—THE HUMILIATION AND DECAY OF ANCIENT EGYPT One of the most glamorous and romantic names in all history is that of “EGYPT.” No piece of real-estate on earth is invested with more excitement, mystery, or magic. Land of the Pyramids, the Sphinx, and the Nile; home of the arts from distant antiquity; unequalled in luxury and magnificence - Egypt has continued throughout the ages as a realm of deathless wonder. But the foundation of her ancient greatness was not her military might - It was the Inexhaustible wealth of her soil. “The Gift of the Nile,” and “The Granary of the World,” Egypt became the symbol of limitless abundance and enviable prosperity. Fat-bellied grain- ships carried Egyptian wheat and barley to all the nations of the Mediterranean sea-board. Papyrus reeds - raw materials of ancient paper - grew in abundance in the marshes of the Nile, and the “papyrus-scroll,” an Egyptian invention, became one of its principal exports to the surrounding nations. Also, in terms of natural defences, the Egyptians were uniquely favoured. On the South they were protected by the Cataracts of the Nile; on the East and West by the sands of the desert, and on the North by the sea. Both militarily and economically they seemed invincible. Nevertheless, a succession of bitter humiliations brought this once-proud nation down to the dust, so that today’s Egypt is a pallid and anaemic shadow of its former magnificence. With uncanny pre-vision, the Bible prophets foretold Egypt’s descent from majesty to mediocrity. Two major characteristics mark these prophecies: (1) DECLINE, to the point of virtual non-entity, yet (2) SURVIVAL - a stubborn clinging to the tattered remnants of national existence - even at radically-reduced status! Whereas Babylon and Assyria would be destroyed utterly and sink Into oblivion, Egypt would persist as a nation - though in age-long humiliation and weakness. From these prophecies we select the following significant details: Ezekiel 30:14-16. Two of its proudest cities, Thebes (the Biblical “No”) - the ancient capital of Egypt - and Memphis (the Biblical “Noph”), would be brought to ruin. Ezekiel 36:6,18. “The pride of her power shall come down .... The pomp of her strength shall cease.” Isaiah 19:7, 9. “The paper (papyrus) reeds shall wither and be no more.... They that work in flax (linen) shall be confounded.” Two staple industries - built up over two millenniums of history - would collapse. (Note: One recent visitor to Egypt (1985) testifies that the papyrus reed has virtually disappeared. In a long journey up the Nile, he saw scarcely a trace of the legendary plant. Apart from a few small plots of cultivated papyrus -used for the manufacture of inscribed souvenirs for tourists - he saw no more papyrus in Egypt than can be found in many botanical gardens around the world!) Ezekiel 30:13. “No more a prince in the land of Egypt.” Not only has Egypt’s original monarchy vanished without leaving a trace, but, since the final, decisive conquest by Persia in 341 B.C., no native prince or ruler has arisen possessing power that even approaches the power of the ancient Pharaohs. (28) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 3 Ezekiel 30:12. “I will make the land waste by the hand of strangers.” Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantine Greeks, Saracens, Turks, French and English have been among the long succession of “strangers" who have pillaged or ruled Egypt during the past 2,500 years. Although today (1986) Egypt has achieved political independence, it is not as a monarchy with a line of hereditary native rulers, but as a republic. Ezekiel 29:14,15. “A base kingdom .... The basest (lowliest) of kingdoms.....They shall no more rule over the nations.” Once the luxurious and fabled home of the Pharaohs, modern Egypt has become a vast open-air museum; a dusty, sweaty show-case for the whole world; a gazing-stock forthe curious of all nations. No longer a world-power - or even a great power - its best-known industry is “Tourism," and its chief claim to international recognition consists of its ponderous, time-worn tombs and monuments - mute relics of its long-departed glory! Take away this fabulous wealth of unique antiquarian treasures, and what significant role would modern Egypt play in world affairs? 3.—THE DELAYED JUDGMENT OF ANCIENT TYRE In the sixth century B.C., Tyre, the proud Phoenician merchant-city, was one of the wealthiest and most powerful sea-ports in the world. (For a description of Tyre’s prosperity and grandeur see Ezek. 27:1-25; Isa. 23:3,8,11). Situated in a strongly-fortified and strategic position, a few miles north of Palestine on the Syrian coast, Tyre was the “London of the East,” the “Mistress of the Seas," and the commercial centre of the ancient world. The nearbyforests of Lebanon furnished her with excellent building timber for her galleys. Ships from all nations anchored in her harbours, and she wielded an immense influence throughout Palestine, Asia Minor, and the entire Mediterranean sea-board. She fringed the larger islands and the shores of the Mediterranean with her trading stations. “Tyrian purple” - the dye used for the robes of kings and nobles - was a household-word in those days. For our modern alphabet we are largely indebted to the Phoenician merchants. The alphabet, it has been well said, was their chief export. The Phoenicians were missionaries of culture. It was their function not to create civilization, but to spread it. Tyre flourished for three thousand years. In the time of Joshua it was a “strong city." In the days of Solomon it was one of the wonder-cities of the world. But because of its pride, avarice, and wickedness, the Lord foretold Tyre’s sure destruction. Ezekiel 26:1-21 contains a marvellously-detailed prophecy of the downfall of Tyre: (verse 3) Many nations would have a part in her destruction. (verse 7) Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon is expressly named. (verse 9) Engines of war would break down her towers. (verse 12) Her stones and timber would be buried in the sea. (verse 4,14) Even her dust would be scraped up. Her site would be made bare as the top of a rock. (verse 5,14) She would become a place for the spreading of fishermen’s nets. (verse 19,20) Never to be inhabited again. (verse 21) So completely destroyed that she would never be found again. (verse 14) “THOU SHALT BE BUILT NO MORE.” The fact that spoilers of “many nations” would be involved suggests that this is a multiple prediction - containing allusions to several sieges. History shows that the prophecy wasfulfilled in two main stages: first by Nebuchadnezzar, of Babylon, and later - 250 years later - by Alexander the Great, of Greece. After a long and exhausting siege lasting thirteen years, Nebuchadnezzar captured and destroyed the City. However, no great spoil fell into his hands, for the rulers of Tyre had transported their riches to an island about half a mile out in the sea. Frustrated - and probably No. 3 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid disgusted -Nebuchadnezzar made no attempt to throw Tyre’s ruins into the sea, or to scrape up her dust! (See Ezekiel 29:18-20) So, for the next 250 years, the ruins of mainland Tyre stood - an enduring challenge to the accuracy of God’s prophetic Word. Meanwhile, a flourishing new city grew up on the island, half a mile from the shore. Then Alexander the Great, with his invincible Greek legions, swept southward on his campaign into Egypt, in 322 B.C. He called upon the island-city to surrender. She refused, and Alexander promptly ordered his soldiers to take the ruins of the original, mainland Tyre and with them build a cause-way, 200 feet wide, from the mainland to the island- city. So urgent was the demand for materials, that the very dust of the old city was scraped up and dumped into the sea! Alexander then marched his legions over the solid roadway; captured the island city, and left it half-burned, ruined, and almost depopulated. The island Tyre is now a peninsula, made by the drifting of sand against the causeway. But every vestige of the great mainland city, destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar and cast into the sea by Alexander, has disappeared. “THOU SHALT BE BUILT NO MORE!” said God, and these daring, forthright, final words stand as an abiding challenge to the enemies of the Bible. In spite of the natural advantages of an abundant water-supply (the nearby springs of Ras-el-Ain pour out 10,000,000 gallons of water daily), and the fertile plains stretching away to the mountains, Tyre has never been rebuilt. 4.—THE AGE-LONG CRUCIFIXION OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE The Jewish race is at once a prodigy and a tragedy. A prodigy - because it has survived the batterings of thousands of years, while its most powerful foes have dropped into oblivion. A tragedy - because its footprints through history have been stained perpetually with its own blood. The plundered pyramids of Egypt lift their stony summits to the stars, and the Nile whispers of false gods forgotten - but the Jew remains. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are a tumbled ruin - but the Jew remains. The palaces of the Roman Caesars lie gaunt and desolate - but the Jew remains. And yet - in every generation, and in every land - the Jew has been feared, and hated; despised and persecuted. Wherein lies the key to this baffling historical enigma? In the writings of Moses, God clearly foretold the turbulent political and religious history of the Jewish people, for over three thousand years ahead -from 1400 B.C. to the present. But these prophecies contain one totally unexpected and uncanny ingredient. The fate of the Jews would not be like the overwhelming desolation of Babylon. It would not be like the piecemeal humiliation and destruction of Tyre. Nor would it be like the slicing up of Rome’s empire among a group of lesser nations. (Daniel 2:40-43) The future of the Jews was to be more like an agonizing death-in-life — an age-long crucifixion! Both Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 contain detailed forecasts of the appalling consequences of turning away from God. By disease; by drought; by famine; by pestilence, an outraged nature would turn upon the disobedient Jews. By siege; by starvation; by conquest, by captivity, the human enemies of the Jews would join in the grim debauch of humiliation and degradation. In days of siege, the chosen people would turn cannibal, and eat their own children. In days of captivity, their sons and daughters would be sold into slavery. They would be scattered among the nations. They would become an astonishment; a proverb; a hissing; a byword. They would have no ease; no rest; no refuge. They would become “wanderers among the nations” (see Hosea 9:17). Jesus, in His day, predicted new dimensions of humiliation and anguish for the Jewish people (Luke 21:22-24). And yet - incredibly - they would survive, and maintain their distinct, national identity, through all time, as a separate people! Just as the Gulf Stream, in the North Atlantic, remains a “blue river in the sea” - preserving its individual quality and temperature, unmingled with the surrounding ocean - so, the Jewish people would always remain a solidarity. They would preserve the national characteristics that they had centuries ago. They would always be recognizable as Jews! (30) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 3 History contains no more baffling phenomenon than this unique example of national survival. But the transcendent marvel is this: it was all foretold, with uncanny accuracy, thousands of years in advance! Small wonder, then, that a Christian witness at a European court, when challenged by his Emperor to give one incontestible proof of the truthfulness of the Bible, replied: “The Jew, Sire! The Jew!” Conclusion Prophecy is History written in advance, and history is simply the echo of the voice of prophecy! David Hume, the notorious English skeptic, once declared: “A fulfilled prophecy is the greatest of all miracles!” He recognised that an authentic prophecy is a type of utterance that is obviously beyond the wisdom or power of unaided man. Kautsch, a celebrated German critic of the Bible, confessed that after years of patiently sifting the evidence, his doubts about the trustworthiness of the Old Testament had “shrivelled up into nothingness.” When asked to name the one argument that had banished his doubts forever, he put his finger on what he called: “The overmastering phenomenon of Prophecy!” No internal feature of the Bible stamps upon it more conclusively the signature of God than fulfilled prophecy. Consequently, in the presence of this “overmastering phenomenon,” we are compelled to ask: “If God did not produce the Bible - who did? Who could?” * * * SUPPLEMENT TO “THE EVIDENCE OF PROPHECY” THE PROPHETIC ELEMENT IN THE BIBLE “Some people may have the impression that the predictive element of the Bible is small or limited, when compared with the total content of the Bible. But an investigation of the predictive material contained in Scripture shows that this is not the case. It has been suggested that out of the total of 31,124 verses of the Bible, 8,352 are predictions - 5,457 straight-forward predictions, and 2,895 typological predictions. This means that almost 27 percent of the Bible is predictive in nature.” (Dr. Gerhard F. Hasel) A SUMMARY OF MAJOR BIBLE PROPHECIES 1. Old Testament prophecies concerning Christ’s First Advent, Ministry and Death: Gen. 3:15; Gen. 49:10; Isa. 7:14; Isa. 9:6,7; Isa. 53; Isa. 61:1-3; Micah 5:2; Dan. 9:24-27. 2. Prophecies concerning the Jews and Jerusalem: Gen. 12:1-3; Lev. 26; Deut. 28; Matt. 24:2; Luke 21:20-24. 3. Prophecies concerning ancient heathen rulers, nations and cities: Pharaoh and Egypt - Gen. 41:25, 28; Cyrus - Isa. 45:1 -5; Nebuchadnezzar - Dan. 4:19-33; Babylon - Isa. 13: 19-22; Tyre - Eze. 26:1-21; Sidon - Eze. 28:21-23; Egypt - Eze. 29 - 32. 4. Prophecies concerning the rise and fall of world kingdoms: Daniel 2, 7, 8 and 11. 5. Prophecies concerning the Church and the Christian Age: Matt. 16:18; Acts 20:29,30; 1 Tim. 4:1-3; 2 Tim. 4:3,4; Revelation chapters 2 and 3 (the Seven Churches); chapters 5 and 6 (the Seven Seals); chapters 8 and 9 (the Seven Trumpets); also chapters 10,11,12 and 14. (31) No. 3 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid 6. Prophecies concerning the Great Apostasy and the Anti-Christ: Daniel 7 and 8; 2 Thess. 2:1-12; Rev. 13 and 17. 7. Prophecies concerning the Last Things (Latter-day Signs; the Second Advent; the Resurrection; the Judgment; the Millennium and the End of the World): Dan. 12; Matt. 13, 24 and 25; Mark 13; Luke 17 and 21; 1 Cor. 15; 1 Thess. 4:16-18; 2 Tim. 3:1-3; James 5:1-8; 2 Peter 3; Rev. 16, 18, 19 and 20. 8. Prophecies concerning the final triumph of righteousness, and the establishment of God’s kingdom on earth: Isa. 11, 35 and 65; Rev. 11:15-19; Rev. 21 and 22. FULFILLED PROPHECY - A PROOF OF INSPIRATION Prophecy is made “more sure” by its fulfilment. Fulfilled prophecy is a proof of inspiration because the Scripture predictions of future events were uttered so long before the events took place that no mere human wisdom or foresight could have anticipated them. Also, these predictions are so detailed, minute, and specific as to exclude the possibility that they were simply fortunate guesses. Hundreds of predictions concerning Israel; the land of Canaan; Babylon; Assyria; Egypt; Tyre, etc., are recorded in the Bible, as well as predictions concerning numerous individual personages. So ancient, so singular, so seemingly improbable are these forecasts, and so detailed and definite are they that no unaided mortal could have devised them. And yet they have been fulfilled by the elements, and by men who were ignorant of them, or who utterly disbelieved them, or who struggled with frantic desperation to avoid their fulfilment. It is certain, therefore, that the Scriptures which contain them are inspired. There is no other rational explanation. “DESPISE NOT PROPHESYINGS. PROVE ALL THINGS; HOLD FAST THAT WHICH IS GOOD.” (1 Thess. 5:20,21) (32) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 4 THE SPADE CONFIRMS THE BIBLE Introduction Thou9h the Bible claims to be true from beginning to end (Psalms 119:160), its historical accuracy has long been challenged by doubters and skeptics. As a matter of fact, the last two hundred years have witnessed the most vigorous and sustained attacks ever made against the authority and integrity of the Bible. These attacks have been made in the name of “Science.” Yet, the same two centuries have witnessed history’s most dramatic vindication of the Bible - also in the name of “Science.” Strangely enough, God's latest champion of the truth of His Word is a most unexpected and unscientific instrument - the spade! This surprising development led one discerning observer to say: “I believe in the spade. It has fed the tribes of mankind. It has furnished them with water, coal, iron, and gold. And now it is giving them truth - historic truth - the mines of which have never been opened until our time.” (Oliver Wendell Holmes) (See Chart No. 4 - The Spade Confirms the Bible) Discussion The story of how the spade has become the latest champion of God’s Word, divides into four parts: 1.—THE CLAIMS OF MODERN SCIENTIFIC CRITICISM Modern attacks on the Bible date from about 1750, when European Rationalism began to flex its muscles in the days immediately before the French Revolution. Some of the principal claims of the so-called “Higher Critics” were: (1) That early Bible characters such as Abraham and Joseph were only legendary or mythical heroes, who never had any real historical existence. (2) That the Bible blundered badly when it ranked the “Hittite” nation with the power of ancient Egypt. The Hittites, claimed the critics, were at the most only a second-rate power. (3) That the book of Daniel does not give a true picture of the customs or history of ancient Babylon; hence it must be a fictitious story, of much later composition than it claims. (4) That the New Testament does not give an accurate picture of the Graeco-Roman world of the first century A.D. Therefore it, too, must have been produced much later than it claims. A hundred and fifty years ago, it was impossible to answer these charges effectively. Reliable, ancient historical records - paralleling the Bible records - were virtually non-existent. However, due to the development of the modern science of Archaeology, the situation has dramatically changed. One by one, during the past one hundred and fifty years, the teeth of these premature criticisms have been effectively drawn - chiefly by the spade of the excavator, and the patient skill of the decipherer! 2.—THE BIRTH OF ARCHAEOLOGY - THE BIBLE’S LATEST CHAMPION Archaeology — the scientific study of the material remains of the ancient past — is one of the youngest of the sciences, being only about 180 years old. It was born on the banks of the Nile in 1798, when Napoleon included a large group of French artists and scholars in his expeditionary force to Egypt. In that year the restless, curious, modern world came face to face with the faded but still majestic world of the ancient past. Napoleon’s companions stood awed and wondering in the presence of mufnmiesand monuments which rose to greet them from the dust of antiquity. Their fingers itched to unravel the story of Egypt’s vanished greatness. Many years were to pass before the scattered remnants of that story could be patiently pieced together and read, but the antiquarian fever wa^ at road. English, German and American scholars were soon to come under its s;*ell, and Modern Archaeology was on the way! (33) No. 4 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid 3. —THE KEYS THAT UNLOCKED THE TREASURES OF THE ANCIENT WORLD The major obstacle to the success of the Archaeologists was the language problem. Ancient Egyptian, Babylonian and Persian had not been spoken or written for over 2,000 years. They were “dead” languages. So, before modern scholars could decipher the records of the ancient world, they had to find the “keys” to these long-forgotten languages. The story of how the keys were found has all the excitement of a modern detective thriller! The first key was the famous Rosetta Stone, which is now preserved in the British M useum. This slab of black basalt, with its neat rows of writing, was discovered at Rosetta, near the western mouth of the Nile, by a French military engineer named Broussard, in 1799. It contains one decree, promulgated in 196 B.C., and written in three languages — Egyptian picture-writing (hieroglyphics); common Egyptian (demotic); and Greek. The Greek inscription provided the clue to the other two panels. Aided by this key, scholars were enabled to unlock the priceless historical and literary treasures of the ancient Pharaohs. The second key was the great Behistun Rock, located in Kurdistan, Northern Persia, beside the ancient road from Ecbatana to Babylon. Henry Rawlinson, a young English army officer serving in India, was the discoverer of this key. Forcenturies travellers had known of the peculiar inscription, carved 200 ft. up on the sheer face of this massive cliff, which juts upward 1,700 ft. out of the surrounding plain. In 1835, Rawlinson, at great personal risk, climbed the precipitous cliff-face and began to copy the inscription. Four years of the most arduous and dangerous work were required to copy the writing, and another eighteen years to decipher it. It proved to be a memorial proclamation made by Darius the Great, of Persia, and inscribed in 516 B.C. Three languages were employed — Old Persian, Elamitic and Babylonian. This key unlocked the hitherto mysterious Cuneiform (wedge-shaped) writing of ancient Babylon and Assyria. The keys discovered, a host of European and American scholars began to delve eagerly into the long-forgotten literary treasures of the ancient world! 4. —HOW THE SPADE HAS CONFIRMED THE BIBLE It would be impossible to report adequately on a century and a half of archaeological triumphs within the limits of one brief Study Guide. We will therefore concentrate on just afewof the specific discoveries that have broken the force of the criticisms mentioned in Section 1. (1) The Hittites Resurrected from Oblivion The Bible mentions “the Hittites” over forty times, and ranks their power with that of Egypt. But up to about 1860, the Bible record stood as the solitary witness to Hittite greatness. They are never mentioned in classical historical sources. They disappeared so completely from history that 150 years ago some critics of the Bible declared boldly that the Hittites never existed. Then, by means of Egyptian and Babylonian inscriptions, and more recently by pains­ taking research among the ruined Hittite cities of Asia Minor, this long-forgotten empire has been dramatically rescued from oblivion. Fully a score of Hittite cities have been excavated since 1892, when Dr. A. H. Sayce published his revolutionary book: “The Hittites—The Story of a Forgotten Empire.” Dr.O. R. Gurney’s more recent book: “The Hittites,” first published in 1952, provides a graphic and detailed account of the virtual resurrection of this ancient nation. So great has been the volume of Hittite inscriptions unearthed, that there are now20,000 Hittite tablets in the Berlin Museum alone! From this exciting epic of discovery, the Hittites have emerged as one of the most powerful empires of antiquity, ruling over large parts of Asia Minor and Syria, and rivalling the might of Assyria and Egypt, just as the Bible says! (2) Striking Illuminations and Confirmations of the Book of Daniel Many of the bricks taken from the ruins of ancient Babylon are stamped with the initials of Nebuchadnezzar, echoing the proud boast of this powerful warrior-builder-king: “Is not this great Babylon, that I have built?” (Dan. 4:30) (34) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 4 Assyrian inscriptions from the era immediately preceding the book of Daniel, prove that “The Fiery Furnace” and “The Lions’ Den” were common forms of punishment meted out to rebels in those days. (Dan. 3 and 6) The finding of the famous “Cylinder of Nabonidus” at Ur of the Chaldees, in 1854, and subsequent discoveries of a similar nature, have established the identity of Belshazzar, son of Nabonidus, as crown-prince of Babylon at the time of its downfall. Finally, in 1924, the co­ regency of Nabonidus and Belshazzar, so long questioned by scholars, was confirmed by the publication of the “Persian Verse Account” which clearly states that Nabonidus “entrusted the kingship” to his eldest son. (Dan. 5) Cuneiform tablets, found among the ruins of Babylon, dated between 595 and 570 B.C., contain ration lists of foods distributed to Jewish captives. One tablet even mentions “Jehoiachin, King of Judah,” thus confirming Daniel’s testimony that the Jews were indeed captives in Babylon! (3) Dramatic Corroboration of New Testament History An unfriendly critic of the Book of Acts once described it as “a tissue of blunders of the worst kind.” The man who probably did most to reverse such ill-considered opinions was the English scholar, Sir William Mitchell Ramsay. Beginning his investigations as a convinced and powerfully-fortified sceptic, Ramsay decided to go personally to Asia Minor and attempt to follow in the footsteps of Paul, expecting tofind that the NewTestament historian was mistaken at point after point. To his astonishment, he found that Luke was invariably right! The more closely Ramsay pursued his investigations, the more the evidence accumulated, so that Ramsay was compelled to abandon his scepticism and, after almost half a century of patient, first-hand investigation, published these personal convictions: “The narrative (concerning Paul’s visit to Athens - Acts 17) never makes a false step amid all the many details.” (St. Paul the Traveller and Roman Citizen, p. 238) “I take the view that Luke’s history is unsurpassed in regard to its trustworthiness....you may press the words of Luke in a degree beyond any other historians, and they stand the keenest scrutiny and the hardest treatment” (Luke the Physician, pp. 177, 179). A more recent scholarly witness to the remarkable historical accuracy of the Book of Acts, is Dr. A. N. Sherwin-White, in his book, Roman Society and Roman Law in the NewTestament (1963). Dr. White was a foremost British specialist in Roman history and Roman law, and his book is sprinkled with unequivocal endorsements of the Book of Acts, such as the following: “At Philippi, when Paul is first brought before a Roman tribunal, Acts is remarkably precise.” (p. 101). “In that part of Acts which is concerned with the adventures of Paul in Asia Minor and Greece, one is aware all the time of the Hellenistic and Roman setting. The historical framework is exact. In terms of time and place the details are precise and correct.” (P. 120). “For Acts the confirmation of historicity is overwhelming....Any attempt to reject its basic historicity, even in matters of detail, must now appear absurd. Roman historians have long taken it for granted.” (p. 189). Many more scholars such as Ramsay and Sherwin-White have been obliged by the weight of evidence to write in similar vein. What a long, long way the stream of Bible knowledge has flowed in the past one hundred and fifty years! Conclusion One immensely-significant lesson that emerges from our study of Biblical Archaeology relates to the amazing precision with which God times His moves! The era of so-called “scientific criticism” of the Bible began about AD. 1750. The era of Modern Archaeology began about AD. 1800. No sooner had the “epidemic” of criticism appeared, than God produced His antidote! To meet the sophisticated scepticism of this scientific age, He has reserved an armoury of tangible, indisputable, contemporary evidence for the truthfulness of His Word, whose force and relevance increase with each passing year. Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 4 SUPPLEMENT TO “THE SPADE CONFIRMS THE BIBLE” This chart presents just a few of the significant Archaeological discoveries that illuminate or confirm the Bible. THE ROSETTA STONE In August, 1799, in the little town of Rashid (Rosetta) in the Nile Delta, Egypt, French soldiers making repairs on Fort St. Julien unearthed a curious, flat, basalt stone, measuring 2 feet 41/2 inches by 3 feet 9 inches. Its smooth face was covered with peculiar markings in some unknown language or languages, unreadable to the workmen who found it. When scholars first saw this stone, they noted that its message was divided into three sections. The upper third was covered with the same type of unreadable markings, i.e. hieroglyphs, or picture-writing, as could be seen on the hundreds of thousands of tombs and temples all over Egypt. The second section was in demotic Egyptian, a form of “people’s language” used in Egypt from about 600 B.C. to A.D. 400. The third panel was in Greek, and could easily be read by students of that language. The Greek version revealed that this was a report of the exploits and adventures of the teen-age Ptolemy V(Epiphanes), a Pharaoh in 196 B.C. The Scholars correctly guessed that the three panels were parallel versions of the same account, but it remained for two enterprising scholars in two different countries to unlock the mystery of the forgotten writing. Thomas Young, a physician of England, discovered that the royal names written in the Egyptian hieroglyphs were surrounded by ovals (called “cartouches”). With this as a clue, he made a beginning by identifying the sounds of six of the thirteen signs found in the royal proper names, but it was a young Frenchman who worked out the clues that finally de-coded the ancient Egyptian language. Only nine years old when the Rosetta stone was discovered, Jean Francois Champollion had dreamed from childhood of being able to read the strange Egyptian hieroglyphs. He collected every book he could lay his hands on that had to do with ancient Egypt. By the time he was 21 years old he was a professor at the University of Grenoble, and when copies of the Rosetta-stone inscriptions appeared in France, young Champollion was among the first European scholars to examine them. After years of painstaking labour, he was able to announce in 1822 that he had not only deciphered the inscription on the Rosetta stone, but had found the key to the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs! THE MOABITE STONE This ancient inscribed monument, also known as “The Stone of Mesha,” is of unique importance because it is the only royal inscription written in Hebrew yet discovered. Originally inscribed about 847 B.C., it was found in possession of some Arab tribesmen at Dibon, east of the Dead Sea, by F. A. Klein, in 1868. The over-eager interest of Europeans caused the Arabs to destroy the stone by heating it, and dashing cold water over it, thus cracking it to pieces. Fortunately, skilled rubbings and squeezes of the inscription had previously been taken, and with the help of these the fragments were pieced together. The stone now stands, virtually intact, in the Louvre, Paris. The monument is about 3 Vi feet in height, 2 feet wide, and 2 feet thick. It was written in the Phoenician script, which was also used by the Hebrews of this period, and differs only a little from the Biblical Hebrew. It contains a boastful inscription by Mesha, King of Moab, in which he records his successful rebellion against Omri, King of Israel (father of Ahab), after years of subjection and tribute (See 2 Kings 3:4,5). While it has no particular value as a “key” to ancient languages, the Moabite Stone has great significance as a direct and explicit corroboration of certain details of Old Testament history. It is the oldest Hebrew inscription of any length in existence. (37) No. 4 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid THE CYLINDER OF NABONIDUS In Daniel chapter 5, “Belshazzar the king” is declared to be the last ruler of Babylon, on the night of its downfall. However, no pre-Christian secular historian, either Greek or Babylonian, mentioned Belshazzar. Accordingly, Biblical critics of the early 1800’s declared that there was no such person. In their view, he was just the product of some pious fiction-writer’s overheated imagination. Then, in 1854, Sir Henry Rawlinson discovered at Ur of the Chaldees the famous “Cylinder of Nabonidus,” upon which Belshazzar’s father, Nabonidus, king of Babylon, inscribed his prayer, invoking the preserving mercy of the Moon God upon himself and upon his eldest son, “Bel-sar-ussur” (Belshazzar)! Not to be beaten, the critics promptly fell back upon a second line of defence, and now claimed that Belshazzar had most certainly never been “King” of Babylon - so the Bible was patently in error, after all! Eventually, in 1924, Sydney Smith, later supported by Professor R. P. Dougherty, produced conclusive evidence that Belshazzar was indeed King of Babylon, on a co-regency basis. A cuneiform tablet, now in the British Museum, tells how Nabonidus, in the third year of his reign, entrusted the kingship to his eldest son, Belshazzar. A great deal more cuneiform evidence, collected by Dougherty and published in 1929, contains many references to Belshazzar, and shows that for probably the greater part of the long co-regency of Nabonidus and his son, Nabonidus lived atTema, in Arabia, and not at Babylon. It seems that Nabonidus had more interest in restoring ancient temples than in ruling a kingdom, so, in order to be free to pursue his antiquarian studies, he left the control of Babylon in the hands of his eldest son. So the spade demonstrated again, with emphatic finality, that the Biblical historian was right, after all! THE TELL-EL-AMARNA TABLETS About 320 clay tablets, written in Babylonian “cuneiform” (wedge-shaped) script, were found accidently by an Egyptian peasant woman at Tell-el-Amarna, 200 miles south of Cairo, in 1887. The earliest of these tablets appears to have been written about 1380 B.C. They proved to be a collection of urgent letters from Canaanitish vassal kings, imploring help from Pharaoh Amenhotep III, and his dreaming successor Akhnaton. Obviously, at the time, Palestine was seething with intrigue within, and under attack from without, while Egyptian power and prestige in the region was seriously on the decline. Obviously, also, the vassal kings of Canaan were abandoned to their enemies, for their appeals for help were not even answered. The supine policy of the Pharaohs left the Palestinian portion of their empire more and more a prey to any enterprising invader. If the encroaching “HABIRU,” who are repeatedly named in the Amarna letters,were indeed the Hebrews, as many archaeologists believe, the jittery state of Palestine would have afforded Joshua and his successors just the opportunity that was needed for the unimpeded reduction of the cities of Canaan. THE “DEAD-SEA SCROLLS” No archaeological discovery of this century has caused such a sensation as the finding of the world-famous “Dead-Sea Scrolls” in 1947, and in the years that followed. Dr. W. F. Albright has described these scrolls as “the greatest manuscript find of all time.” The epic of discovery began on a Spring morning in 1947, when three young Arab goat­ herds, exploring a newly-opened cave in a desert hillside at Ain Feshka, near Khirbet Qumran, close to the north-western end of the Dead Sea, in Palestine, found the first group of the long- hidden “Scrolls.” This initial discovery sparked a prolonged treasure-hunt in the region and, in the years that followed, forty of these desert caves have been explored, and hundreds of additional manuscripts and fragments have been found. Many are portions of Biblical books, and some are of ancient non-Biblical writings. What is amazing and gratifying is the fact that the ancient, hand-written text of every Old Testament book is represented in these fragments, some of which are dated by scholars as early as the first Century B.C. It is now generally agreed that many of the scrolls were hidden in the caves by Jews of the first century A.D., particularly by members of the sect known as the (38) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 4 “Essenesin the period of turmoil that led up to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman armies in A.D. 70. The prize exhibit among these manuscripts is the famous “Isaiah Scroll” - comprising the complete book of Isaiah - written in the Hebrew Script of the first century B.C. Of course, our general knowledge of Bible times and events has been greatly enriched by the Dead-Sea Scrolls, but their chief contribution has been to demonstrate the almost meticulous accuracy with which the Hebrew text of the Old Testament has been copied, and transmitted to us over thousands of years. For example, in spite of countless intermediate copyings and handlings during the intervening centuries, our present day Hebrew text of Isaiah agrees in all major particulars with the text of the “Isaiah scroll!” (39) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 5 OLD TESTAMENT PROPHETS WITNESS TO CHRIST Introduction Suppose an authentic, 1,000 year-old-prophecy was found, containing intimate details of the life of a famous American President. Imagine the news-reports of this discovery reading like this: “The Smithsonian Institution announces that an ancient scroll has been found in a New Hampshire cavern, near the remains of an early Viking settlement. The scroll was sealed up in a stone jar, and has been kept in a remarkably good state of preservation. After the most rigorous scientific testing, Smithsonian archaeologists are agreed that the scroll is from the Viking period, and contains an authentic prophecy of the life and labours of Abraham Lincoln.” What a gasp of astonishment would echo around the world! Suppose details of Lincoln’s birthplace; early years of poverty; inauguration; character; achievments; popularity; opposition; betrayal; assassination, etc, were all spelled out in the scroll with remarkable fidelity - even to the exact year, month, day and hour of the President’s deathl And all this one thousand years in advance! That news-story, of course, is fiction, but this one is fact: THE CLAIMS OF JESUS CHRIST ARE SUPPORTED BY JUST SUCH A SERIES OF PREDICTIONS AS WE HAVE DESCRIBED! The Old Testament writings, all of them completed hundreds of years before Christ’s birth, contain over three hundred prophecies of Jesus Christ-amounting to a remarkably detailed “biography” of the Man of Nazareth - written centuries in advance. This cumulative prophetic witness has been called ’The ‘Assembly-line’ of Old Testament Prophecy.” Like an automobile - in-the-making - built up, piece-by-piece, as it passes slowly through the production plant - the image of the promised Deliverer, or’Messiah,” gradually takes shape and definition as the pages of the Old Testament are turned. Described by one eminent scholar as “the overmastering phenomenon of Bible prophecy,” this combined prophetic testimony provides Jesus Christ with unique credentials. No other religious leader - and no other personality in all history - ever stepped out of such an incredible background! (See Chart No. 5 - Old Testament Prophets Witness to Christ) DisCUSSlOn From the hundreds of intriguing Old Testament prophecies which focus on Jesus Christ, we select the following significant examples: 1 .—SPOKEN PROPHECIES Genesis 3:15: The promised “Seed of the woman” who would “bruise the serpent’s head.” Genesis 49:10: The coming of “Shiloh,” the “Peace-bringer.” Numbers 24:17: The coming of the “Star out of Jacob.” Deuteronomy 18:18,19: The coming of the “Prophet,” like unto Moses. Micah 5:2:* Bethlehem identified as His birthplace. Isaiah 7:14: Born of a virgin. To be called “Immanuel,” meaning “God with us.” Isaiah 9:6,7: The Prince of Peace; The Mighty God. Isaiah 61:1-3: The preaching and healing ministry of Christ. Isaiah 53:4-9: The sufferings and death of Christ. * NOTE ON MICAH 5:2: The amazing precision of this prophecy might easily be missed, for there were TWO uBethlebems ” in ancient Palestine - one in the north, known as “Bethlehem in Zebulun, "or “Bethlehem in Galilee” (See Joshua 19:15), and one in the south, known as “Bethlehem in Judah, ” or “Bethlehem Epbratab” (See Judges 17:7), to distinguish it from the northern Bethlehem. The fact that the southern Bethlehem is specifically singled out in Micah 5.2 gives added significance to this remarkable prophecy. No. 5 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid 2. —ACTED PROPHECIES Genesis 3:21: The coats of skins, in Eden. These Divinely-provided garments, obviously taken from slain animals, foreshadowed Christ’s death, and symbolized His robe of righteousness. (Compare Revelation 3:5,18). Genesis 28:12: Jacob’s mystic ladder (Compare John 1:51). Exodus 12:3-14: The Passover Lamb (Compare 1 Corinthians 5:7). Numbers 21:9: The Brazen Serpent (Compare John 3:14,15). Numbers 20:8-11: The Smitten Rock - “That Rock was Christ” (Compare 1 Corinthians 10:4). Leviticus, Chapters 1 -4: The whole Sacrificial Service of the ancient Hebrew sanctuary was a dramatized prophecy of Christ’s sacrificial death and heavenly priesthood (Compare John 1:29; Hebrews 3:1; 4:14-16; 8:1,2). 3. —“PEOPLE” PROPHECIES The life-stories of several Old Testament characters contain so many points of re­ semblance between these men and the Redeemer, that we cannot but regard them as typical characters - prophetic anticipations - who fore-shadowed Christ in various aspects of His Messianic character and work. Each of these Old Testament personages is like a living prophetic finger-post pointing forward to a larger, richer, future Personality. (1) ABRAHAM. Called to sacrifice his beloved son, on Mount Moriah (Genesis 22:2-12). (2) MELCHIZEDEK. Combining the functions of King and Priest. (Genesis 14:18). (3) JOSEPH. The parallels between Joseph and Jesus are almost breath-taking. Beloved of his father, Joseph is an exceptionally beautiful and upright character. He is gifted with prophetic insights. Yet he is despised, rejected and betrayed by his own brothers, and finally sold for a paltry sum. Tempted, he sins not. Falsely accused, he is condemned and imprisoned. Out of his deep shame and sorrow, he is dramatically exalted to the pinnacle of power. Sent before his kinsfolk to preserve life, he becomes the saviour of his people and of Egypt. To him every knee is ultimately bowed, including his former tormentors and betrayers, who are forgiven by him (Genesis 37-50). (4) MOSES. Condemned to death in infancy, yet miraculously spared, he becomes God’s instrument of deliverance from Egyptian bondage, and the Prophet, Leader, and Lawgiver of his poeple. Willing to sacrifice himself for his people’s salvation (Exodus 32:21,32). (5) BOAZ. The “Kinsman-Redeemer” (Ruth 4:9,10). (6) JONAH. Sacrificed for the salvation of the ship’s crew; for three days he is carried down into the depths, and then thrown out upon the land. A typical foreshadowing of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection (Jonah Chapters 1 and 2. Compare Matthew 12:39,40 and 1 Corinthians 15:3,4). 4. —TIME PROPHECIES Genesis 49:10: The promised “Messiah,” here called “Shiloh” (meaning “Peace-bringer”), would “come” before the sceptre of rulership was finally snatched forever from the tribe of Judah. History shows that when Jesus was about twelve years of age, Archelaus, the king of Judaea, was removed by the Roman power, and replaced by Coponius, the Procurator. Thus the Kingdom of Judah, the last vestige of the greatness of Israel, was reduced to the status of a mere province of Syria. But Christ had been born in Bethlehem - “Shiloh” had come while Judah still held the sceptre, and thus the prophecy met its exact fulfilment. Malachi 3:1: The Messiah, here called the “Messenger of the Covenant,” would come while the Temple in Jerusalem still stood in its grandeur. Christ fulfilled this prediction, also. But, forty years after His death, the Roman soldiers under Titus destroyed that magnificent Temple, not leaving one stone upon another. (See Matthew 24:1,2). (42) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 5 Daniel 9:24-27: The most amazing and explicit of all the time-prophecies of the Old Testament is that of the “Seventy” prophetic “weeks” - symbolizing 490 literal years - which were to reach from the Persian restoration of the Jewish nation (457 B.C.) to the appearance and death of “Messiah the Prince.” When this prophecy and the annual Passover ritual are studied together, it will be seen that the precise YEAR, MONTH, DAY, AND HOUR of Christ’s death were signified before-hand - hundreds of years in advance! The “Seventy Weeks” prediction isthe “keystone” of the arch of Messianic prophecy. Christ Himself used this amazing prediction as the “launching pad” for His public ministry on earth! (Mark 1:15). Conclusion Imagine a house with three hundred doors and three hundred locks. The locks are so novel and so complicated that there is not a locksmith in the country who can make a key to fit any one of them. Then imagine a man who arrives on the scene with a master-key that fits all the baffling locks, and opens all the three hundred doors. Could you doubt that his was, indeed, the master-key? As we have seen in this Study Guide, the Old Testament prophecies are like a series of baffling locks, waiting for the arrival of the Man with the master-key. One Man - and only one, in all history - fits these uncanny predictions, and that Man is Jesus of Nazareth! Some of the Old Testament prophecies are sharply-focused and explicit, almost to the point of hair-line precision. Some are less-focused - more like hints, or pointers. Some are even cryptic. Some, standing alone, can be argued about. It is their combined testimony that is so irresistible! Like the spokes of a wheel, they all converge on One historical Figure, and the cumulative “weight of evidence” that they bring to bear in support of His claims is simply overwhelming! “To Him give all the prophets witness” (Acts 10:43). “And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself” (Luke 24:27). “We have found Him, of whom Moses in the law and the prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph” (John 1:45). (43) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 6 WAS JESUS GOD? Introduction Matt- 22 : 41, 42: “What do you think of Christ?” World opinion is divided about the true identity of Jesus Christ. He is easily the most controversial figure of history. To millions of Christians, He is God made manifest in human flesh. To millions of non-Christians, He is just an ordinary man, perhaps the best man who ever lived, but nothing more. To millions of others He is just a name, a legend, a vague, mythical figure whose identity means nothing more than that of Santa Claus. Those who worship Jesus believe that they have the best of reasons for doing so. They are eager to share with others the evidence that has convinced them of His Deity. The purpose of this lesson is to consider some of the chief reasons why millions of Christian people believe in Jesus as their Saviour, and worship Him as their God. Discussion 1 “THE claims of jesus christ We cannot hope to exhaust His claims in one brief Bible lesson. We will therefore select just a few examples: He claimed eternal pre-existence, and equality with God (John 17:5; 10:30). He claimed complete freedom from personal sin (John 8:46). He claimed to be the only means of saving access to God (John 14: 6; 8:24; 10:9) He claimed power to forgive sins against God (Mark 2:5-10). He claimed power to foretell the future (John 14:29). He claimed power to conquer death, and to raise the dead (John 11 :25; 6 :47, 51). He claimed power to judge men, and decide their eternal destinies at the last day (Matt. 25 : 31-45). As we consider these claims, three questions arise: If God were to come to earth today, what higher claims could He make? How much further could He go? What shall we do with these stupendous claims of Jesus Christ? There are only three ways in which we can classify Jesus, in view of His claims. Either: He was utterly self-deceived, or, He was utterly dishonest, or, He was utterly truthful. This is by far the greatest trilemma that ever confronted the human heart. How shall we solve it? The claims of Jesus, standing alone, are not proofs. We must therefore ask: What evidence is there in support of these claims? 2.—THE CREDENTIALS OF JESUS CHRIST By "credentials" we mean proofs of genuineness; evidences of good faith. When Ulysses, the ancient Greek hero, returned home in disguise after many years of wandering, he proved his identity in an instant by a single feat of incomparable strength. In the presence of his rivals, he bent with ease his own great war-bow, which had lain idle during the years of his absence, and which could not be drawn by any weaker hand. How does Jesus Christ prove His identity as God? By performing works that are worthy of God—works of incomparable strength—works that are obviously beyond the wisdom and power of manl (45) No. 6 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid Consider these seven credentials of Jesus: He lived a sinless life (Heb. 4:15). He fulfilled scores of Old Testament prophecies (Luke 24:25-27). He made predictions of His own, many of which have already been fulfilled (Matt. 24:2; 14, 35). He performed many miraculous works, even raising the dead (Matt. 11:2-5; John 11 :43, 44). He rose from the dead (Matt. 28:1-8; Acts 2:24). He has broken the chains of sinful habit in countless millions of lives (II Cor. 5 :17). He allowed Himself to be addressed as "God", and accepted the worship which belongs only to God (John 20:28). As we examine these credentials of Jesus, three further questions arise: What better credentials could He offer? If God were to come and dwell among men today, could He give more conclusive proof of His Deity? Is there any other personality in all history who has a better claim to Deity than Jesus Christ? 3.—THE CHALLENGE OF JESUS CHRIST His challenge is logical, direct, winsome and personal. He says to each one of us: "You have heard My claims. You have examined My credentials. What are you going to do with this evidence? What are you going to do with ME?" If Jesus was just an ordinary man, we could afford to treat Him with indifference, flippancy, or contempt. But if He is GOD—this changes everything! He becomes our King! Indifference to Him becomes treason and we owe Him the undivided worship of our hearts. Conclusion Matt* 27: 221 "What then stall1 do with Jesus which is called Christ?" Our eternal destiny depends upon the answer we give to this question. Pilate, the Roman governor, wrestled with it in days of old, and it challenges every man who comes face to face with Jesus Christ today. Only two courses are open to us. We can accept Jesus, or we can reject Him. We can crucify Him afresh, or we can crown Him as the undisputed Master of our lives. There is no middle ground. Romans 10:9: "If thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus as Lord, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." (46) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 7 THE LIFE-CHANGING POWER OF CALVARY’S CROSS Introduction Pointing to Christ, hanging on the Cross, Paul says: “CHRIST, THE POWER OF GOD.” (1 Corinthians 1:24) At first reading, this may seem to represent a complete misunderstanding of the meaning of “power”. It seems incredible that the “POWER OF GOD” could somehow be embodied in the Person of a penniless, crucified Jewish teacher, wrapped in the gloom of that awful day of torture and rejection. It seems unthinkable that the true image of the Omnipotent God could really be the pale figure of a broken man, dying in the dark! Calvary looks more like the symbol of abandonment by God - a picture of total impotence and irreparable defeat. And yet — which has changed more lives? All the wars in the world? All the threats and blusterings of military power? All the conferences; all the political speeches; all the newspaper articles? All the resolutions of all the societies under the sun — or that one sublime deed, when God, in Jesus Christ, for love’s sake, went to the Cross? For it is a fact of history that, by an incredible miracle of transmutation, CHRIST’S CROSS HAS BECOME HIS THRONE! From it, in generation after generation, He rules a spiritual empire of millions of devoted followers. (See Chart No. 6 - Our Sin bearer) What is the secret of the compelling power of the Cross? What is the reason for its drawing, melting, softening, subduing power? Why has it become an irresistible spiritual magnetforgreat masses of mankind? DlSCUSSiOTl Many reasons could be given, but three are outstanding: 1.—THE CROSS PRESENTS A NEW PICTURE OF GOD 2 Corinthians 5:19: “God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself.” Calvary is God suffering, weeping, bleeding, agonizing - God stretching Himself upon a felon’s cross - God the smitten Servant of His creation. Calvary is God the Reject; God the Outcast; God humiliated; God in disgrace! It is God coming so close to man that He shares his shame; accepts his handicaps, and endures his pain. It is God feeling for man; taking man’s place; receiving man’s punishment; enduring the consequences of man’s folly and sin. To the Greeks and Romans, the “gods” were remote and “untouchable” - preoccupied with fighting, and hunting, and lusting and feasting - totally indifferent to the needs and sufferings of ordinary men. The pagan “gods” were friends only to the strong, the successful, the beautiful, the wealthy, or the wise. But Calvary is God taking the initiative in reconciliation with a race of rebels; God going the whole way; God paying the whole price. Calvary is God; so incredibly disciplined; so meek; so emptied of self, that He will accept abuse and insult - shame; spitting; thorns; nails; flogging - without retaliation! History has many marvels, but none to compare with this! 2.—THE CROSS PRESENTS A NEW PICTURE OF SIN Romans 8:7: “The carnal mind is ENMITY AGAINST GOD, for it is not subject to the Law of God, neither indeed can be.” In the light of the Cross, “SIN” is not just “ignorance,” or “weakness” or “moral sag.” IT IS BRUTAL, IRON-FISTED REBELLION AGAINST GOD! (47) No. 7 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid “Sin is a raised hand; a clenched fist, and A BLOW IN THE FACE OF GOD!” “Man is not an angel-in-the-making, who is lifting himself to perfection. HE IS A REBEL WHO MUST LAY DOWN HIS ARMS!” According to Scripture, sin resides in the undisciplined will, that has become PRE­ OCCUPIED WITH ITSELF, and alienated from God (Romans 6:16). Sin is an insane passion for independence; a maniacal determination to prove that the creature can “run on its own juice,” without any assistance from God. Sin is the demon-spirit that would dethrone God! What sin did to Christ on the Cross, is a revelation of what it would do to God - and everything God stands for - if it had a chance. 3.—THE CROSS PRESENTS A NEW PICTURE OF MAN Luke 15:7: “Joy shall be in heaven, over ONE sinner who repents.” Calvary is a revelation of THE VALUE GOD PLACES UPON MAN; THE POSSIBILITIES HE SEES IN MAN, ANDTHE PRICE HE IS WILLING TO PAY FOR MAN’S RECLAMATION - EVEN THE WORST, THE VILEST, THE MOST DEPRAVED MAN! From the Cross, Christ is saying to man: “You are debased, defiled, depraved, and fallen. You are preoccupied with hating God, and hating and exploiting one another. You are a temple in ruins - the hold of every foul spirit, and the cage of every unclean and hateful bird. But I can expel those evil spirits. I can lift you, and heal you, and restore in you the image of my own beauty!” Calvary is a revelation of the price that God would have been willing to pay for the redemption of EVEN ONE HUMAN SOUL! Conclusion The story of Tokichi Ishii, a transformed Japanese murderer, is a shining example of the life-changing power of Calvary’s Cross! Tokichi Ishii was one of the most notorious and dangerous criminals of Japanese history, and the story of his conversion has been called “the strangest story in the world.” It is certainly one of the outstanding religious classics of our time. The story, which consists of Ishii’s own “confessions,” written between his final imprisonment and his execution, was first published in English in 1923, under the title “A Gentleman in Prison,” and he would be of cold heart and unimaginative soul who could read it without emotion. Dr. John Kelman, who wrote the foreword to the book, describes it as “the most realistic vision I have overseen of Jesus Christ finding one of the lost.” And Dr. Frank Boreham, who has woven the story of Tokichi Ishii into one of his inimitable essays, declares: “If I knewa man who had any doubt aboutthe reality of religion, or about the existence of God, or about the eternal Deity of Jesus Christ, I would rather hand him a copy of (A Gentleman in Prison’ than any volume of argument or of divinity that has ever been published. If ‘A Gentleman in Prison’ did not shatter his skepticism, nothing would.” The book is dedicated “To all In every land who never had a chance.” Ishii certainly never had. He was born in heathenism; his father was an inveterate drunkard; his mother was the daughter of a Shinto priest. Up to the time of his death he knew only two Christians, whom he met during his last imprisonment, after he himself had avowed faith in Christ. Between the ages of thirteen and forty-seven, Ishii had been in prison more than ten times, and for a total of over twenty years. Stealing, burglary, prison-breaking, assault, murder, were commonplace crimes for him. He was described as “an unequalled, incomparable scoundrel.” Then, suddenly, through the influence of Jesus Christ, this “human tiger” was tamed and softened, repenting of his sins and becoming a completely changed man. After almost thirty-five years of crime, Ishii was tried for the murder of a geisha girl in a tea­ house near Tokyo, and sentenced to death. Carolyn Macdonald, a Scotch missionary who was living in Tokyo at the time of Ishii’s final imprisonment and trial, sent New Year gifts of food and a (48) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 7 NewTestament to the condemned man. In his written confessions, Ishii tells of his unforgettable experience with that New Testament. Twice he picked it up, read it briefly and casually, and laid it down again. The third time, however, he chanced to read how Jesus was handed over to Pilate by His enemies, was tried unjustly, and put to death by crucifixion. “As I read this,” confessed Ishii, after his conversion, “I began to think. Even I, hardened criminal that I was, thought it a shame that His enemies should have treated Him in that way. I went on, and my attention was next taken by these words: ‘And Jesus said, Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.’ I stopped. I was stabbed to the heart as if pierced by a five-inch nail. What did the verse reveal to me? Shall I call it the love of the heart of Christ? Shall I call it His compassion? I do not know what to call it. I only know that, with an unspeakably grateful heart, I believed. Through that simple sentence I was led into the whole of Christianity.” “I wish to speak,” he says again later, “of the greatest favour of all - the power of Christ - which cannot be measured by any of our standards. I have been more than twenty years in prison since I was nineteen years of age, and during that time I have known what it meant to endure suffering. I have passed through all sorts of experiences, and have often been urged to repent of my sins. In spite of this, however, I did not repent, but became more and more hardened. And then, by the power of that one word of Christ’s, ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do,’ my unspeakably hardened heart was changed, and I repented of all my crimes. Such power is not in man.” “Today,” he writes, when death was very near, in the wonderful journal he kept all through the last days of his imprisonment, “today I am sitting in my cell with no liberty to come and go, and yet I am far more contented than in the days of my freedom. In prison, with only poor, coarse food to eat, I am more thankful than I ever was out in the world when I could get whatever food I wanted. In this narrow cell, nine feet by six, I am happier than if I were living in the largest house I ever saw. The joy of each day is very great. These things are all due to the grace and favour of Jesus.” When the morning of execution came, on August 17, 1918, Ishii met his death with remarkable serenity and fortitude. In the words of the prison chaplain: “He faced death rejoicing greatly in the grace of God, and with steadiness and quietness of heart.” His written confessions are accompanied by the testimonials of Japanese prison officials who bore witness to the genuineness of his remarkable conversion. Truly, Tokichl Ishii had been transformed by the power of Calvary’s Cross! (49) JAMES WHITE LIBRARY BERRIEN SPRINGS, Ml 49104-1400 IS GOD TO BLAME FOR PAIN AND EVIL? Introduction When we considered the marvels of creation which point to an all­ wise and all-powerful Creator (Lesson 1)f we called these evidences 'The Footprints of God". In this lesson we are going to study the other side of the picture, for the world abounds with "footprints" of a vastly different kindl Consider these examples: Fear; pain; poverty; waste; filth; ugliness; cruelty; accidents; hatred; war; disease; death. Are these the footprints of God? If not, whose footprints are they? And why are they present in a world that is supposed to be governed by a wise and loving God? Does the Bible shed any light on these questions? It certainly does. It explains how evil began, why God has permitted evil, and how it will end. The Bible's answer is concentrated in two verses found in the 13th chapter of Matthew. Verse 28: "An enemy hath done this." Verse 39: "The enemy is the devil!" The Bible traces all the evil in the world to a malignant, super-human personality called the Devil, or Satan, who was originally created as a perfect angel, but fell from his high position, and now lives in a state of hardened rebellion against God. Discussion 1 —™e history of satan Here is a brief summary of the Bible's history of Satan: Lucifer created perfect (Ezek. 28:12-15). Lucifer's heart lifted up (Ezek. 28:17). Coveted the throne of God (Isa. 14:12-14). Lied about God. Deceived angels (John 8:44). War in Heaven. Lucifer cast out (Rev. 12:7-9). Invaded this world. Usurped man's kingdom (Gen. 3:1-6; I John 5:19). Final victory over evil promised (Gen. 3:15). Satan's doom sealed at Calvary (John 12:31). Great wrath in last days. Knows he has only a short time (Rev. 12:12). Arrested and chained for 1,000 years (Rev. 20:1-3). Destroyed in the lake of fire (Rev. 20:10). 2.—THE MYSTERY OF SATAN The mystery of Satan can be summed up in four puzzling questions: (a) How could a perfect sinless angel become a devil? Answer: Lucifer made himself into a devil by the wrong use of his freewill. There was no external tempter. He became his own tempter. Honoured and .loved by God and his companions, with every incentive to do right and with no excuse for sinning, Lucifer chose to withdrew his affections from God and focus them upon himself. Little by little, by welcoming these selfish thoughts and repeating these selfish actions, he at length became infatuated with himself. His whole existence became self-centered instead of God-centered. He came to live in one narrow dimension—"I". Thus, by a long succession of selfish choices, Lucifer, the Archangel, debased himself into Satan, the Devil. (b) Why didn't God make Lucifer without freewill, so that he could not sin? Answer: God could have made Lucifer without freewill—like a piece of clockwork, a puppet, or a machine. In this case, Lucifer would have been incapable of choosing evil, but he would also have been incapable of choosing good. Voluntary worship and obedience, and the development of character, would have been impossible. God did not want mechanical angels, any more than we would want mechanical children. God wanted beings who could give Him spontaneous, chosen love and affection. This could be possible only among creatures endowed with freewill. (51) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid ANDREWS UNiVFRSITY N°' 8 No. 8 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid (c) Why didn't God kill Lucifer at the very beginning of his sin? Answer: If God had done this, He would have nipped Lucifer's sin in the bud, but He would have been misunderstood by the other angels. No satisfying explanation of sin and its consequences could have been given to them at that early stage. They loved and trusted Lucifer, and his sudden and unexplained disappearance would have given rise to uneasiness, suspicion and alarm. Other angels would have asked: "Who will be the next to disappear without explanation?" God would have killed one rebel, but He would have aggravated the spirit of distrust and discontent. So He chose the wiser course—to give sin time to grow, like a seed, and produce its own baleful harvest. Thus Lucifer would publicly expose his true character and condemn himself. (d) When Satan is finally destroyed, can we be sure that sin will never rise up again? Answer: Yes, we can be absolutely sure. At the final judgment day, when Satan is about to be cast into the lake of fire, the universe will be in a totally different position from what it was at the beginning. Then, sin was a masked intruder—a dark, inscrut­ able mystery—and even God could not fully explain its nature or consequences. But at the judgment day, the universe will have seen sin develop, mature, produce its fearful harvest, and thus unmask itself. Every question concerning the love and justice of God will have been finally answered. Every false accusation of Satan's will have been successfully met. Every shadow of suspicion will have been allayed. Every doubt will have been dispelled. Sin will have given birth to its own antidote—Calvary's Cross—and Calvary will have proved the monstrous cruelty of Satan, on the one hand, and the boundless love of God on the other. Because of this public demonstration of the true nature of sin, in stark contrast with the true nature of God, the universe will be forever secure. 3.—THE MASTERY OF SATAN One question remains to be answered—an urgent, personal question: "What about US? Has God left us to fight the battle with Satan single-handed?" We have been born without option into a world where Satan is master. What chance have we got against such a crafty, super-human foe? Are we just helpless pawns on the Devil's chessboard? No, thank Godl He has provided us with a supernatural armour which makes us impregnable against the assaults of Satan. Eph. 6:10-17: "The whole armour of God." Luke 10:19: "Over all the power of the enemy." I John 4:4: "Greater is He that is in you." Conclusion *n v‘ew °f what we have learned in this lesson, our deepest concern should be: "Have we got the armour on? The whole armour? Have we availed ourselves to the full of God's provision?" No Christian author has written more wisely or positively on this subject of personal victory over Satan than Ellen G. White, in her well-known book, 'The Desire of Ages". Her words are worth memorising: 'There are Christians who think and speak altogether too much about the power of Satan. They think of their adversary, they pray about him, they talk about him, and he looms up greater and greater in their imagination. It is true that Satan is a powerful being; but thank God, we have a mighty saviour, who cast out the evil one from heaven. Satan is pleased when we magnify his power. Why not talk of Jesus? Why not magnify His power and His love?" (p 493). Rev. 12:11: "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony." (52) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 9 WHY JESUS CAME TO THE WORLD Introduction When Adam and Eve sinned, they created a great gulf of separation between man and God. The sins of succeeding generations have widened and deepened that gulf. Isaiah 59:1,2: “Your sins have separated between you and your God” (See also Romans 5:12). In this emergency, there were several possible solutions that God could provide forthe sin problem. For example: 1. He Could Destory Sinners. This would have wiped out the human race, but it would not have solved the sin problem. I n fact, it would have created a far more widespread and serious problem. Angels would have asked: “Why?” and perplexity would have grown into fear, suspicion, distrust and deep insecurity. 2. He could Abolish or Relax His Laws. This would have removed the possibility of sin, but it would also have removed the possibility of goodness. There would be no absolute moral values any more. There would be no means of telling right from wrong. T ruth, honesty and j ustice would become as changeable as the wind. Since God’s law is the reflection of His character, to abolish His law would be to deny Himself-to abdicate as God. Hisgovernment would become a farce. 3. God Could Force Men to Obey Him. He could have established a “Police-State,” where obedience to His laws was secured by threats and penalties. Such coercion would have resulted in outward obedience, but it would have been only a mask - a veneer. Rebellion would have seethed even more fiercely in men’s hearts. 4. He Could Deprive Men of Free Will. The risk of sin would thereby be eliminated, for men would become like puppets, robots, or clockwork toys, incapable of choosing either to obey or disobey. But their seeming “obedience” or “conformity” would be worthless, for it would be purely mechanical, programmed, and loveless. 5. He Could Soften and Change Man’s Attitude Towards Him. While God could not violate man’s freedom of choice, He could display His deep love for man so as to arouse his interest and win His trust. God might devise a plan of salvation so appealing, so persuasive that, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, the enslaved sinner might perceive his true condition, and reach out to God for help. Such a person might come to realize that submission to God’s authority is genuine freedom, in contrast to the slavery imposed by Satan and sin. Divine love might woo the sinner! God has chosen to take the fifth alternative, and this is the supreme reason why Jesus came to the world. Christ’s work for man’s salvation is beautifully summarised in Luke 19:10: “THE SON OF MAN HAS COME TO SEEK AND TO SAVE THAT WHICH WAS LOST.” Discussion ,n this Study Guide, we will trace seven great steps in the saving work of Christ. We will compare His work to the rungs of a ladder reaching from earth to heaven. (See John 1:51). All the rungs in this ladder are equally indispensable - much like the stones of an arch; the piers of a bridge, the colours of a rainbow or the links of a chain. Let any one rung be neglected or removed, and the whole ladder is marred. (See Chart No. 7 - Jesus - the Way to Heaven) (1) HE CAME (John 1:14; Philippians 2:5-7). His coming into the world is often called His “INCARNATION,” which means “to take flesh,” or “to become human.” (53) No. 9 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid Why was the Incarnation necessary? The Son of God laid aside His Divine powers and took human flesh to restore the broken relationship caused by man’s sin. By so doing, he revealed the true nature of God; proved God’s unquenchable love for fallen man, and provided a perfect illustration of God’s ideal for Adam and his descendants. By the Incarnation He also disproved Satan’s claims that the Divine law could not be kept in human flesh, and that a holy God had no option but to destroy all who had transgressed His law. Finally, the Incarnation made it possible for Christ to sympathise fully with fallen man, and to experience death on man’s behalf (Heb. 2:14-18). (2) HE LIVED (Hebrews 4:15; John 8:46). Wonderful though the Incarnation was, it was not sufficient in itself to save man. It was only the first step towards a complete redemption. In order to be our “Sin-Bearer,” Christ must live a human life without sin. Why was the Sinless Life of Jesus Necessary? To prove that the Law of God could be kept in human flesh, by total dependence upon Divine power. To provide a sinless Substitute who could die in the place of guilty man. To make it possible for Christ to impute, or credit, His life of perfect obedience to believers today. If Christ had once yielded to temptation, He Himself would have become a sinner, standing under the condemnation of God’s Law, needing a Saviour. He would have had to die for His own sins; the plan of salvation would have failed; and mankind would have been hopelessly lost. (3) HE DIED (John 3:16; Romans 5:8). The death of Christ as our Sin-Bearer is the central provision - the very heart - of the Gospel. Without the Cross, His sinless life, as an example of perfect obedience, would have only served to increase our condemnation, and would have stood as an eternal barrier between us and acceptance with God. Why was the Death of Jesus Necessary? To answer this question we must first realise the nature and consequences of sin. 1 John 3:4: “Sin is the transgression of the law.” God’s law is the reflection of His character. Sin is deliberate rebellion against God. The broken law of God condemns every soul in the world to death, because everyone has transgressed God’s commandments. Romans 6:23: “The wages of sin is death.” Because His nature is love, God could not abandon man to perish without hope. Yet, since the Divine law is as sacred as God Himself, only One who was equal with God could make amends for its transgression. Such was the love of Christ for guilty man that He said: “I cannot stand back and see them perish. I will take the full responsibility for their sin and its penalty. I will die for them!” Hebrews 2:9: “Christ tasted death for every man.” Isaiah 53:6: “The Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” God could devise no greater means of demonstrating His love, and thus winning man’s trust and allegiance. It is only by love that love is awakened. (4) HE ROSE (1 Corinthians 15:3,4). After Christ had lived for us and died for us, He must conquer death for us, and rise triumphantly from the grave. (54) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 9 Why was the Resurrection of Jesus Necessary? By His own resurrection Jesus demonstrated His right to forgive the sins of His people and to bring them forth in triumph from the grave. John 14:19: “Because I live, you shall live also.” If Christ had not risen from the dead we would still be eternally lost, in spite of His Incarnation, Sinless life and Crucifixion. Imprisoned forever in a sin-cursed world, burdened with diseased and dying bodies, we would have no prospect whatever of life beyond the grave. 1 Cor. 15:17: “If Christ be not raised, you are yet in your sins.” 1 Cor. 15:18: “Those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished.” If Jesus had not risen, both His claim to personal sinlessness and to Saviourhood would have been left forever in doubt. His mission to earth would have been a total failure. He would have remained History’s most baffling enigma. Mankind would have lived forever under the shadow of this mocking question-mark: “Was Jesus really the Son of God after all?” (5) HE ASCENDED (John 20:17). But Christ must not only rise from the dead. He must ascend to heaven. He who came from God must return to God. Why was the Ascension of Jesus Necessary? To receive the seal of divine approval upon His earthly mission. To testify before the universe that His former place at the Father’s side was His by right. To bestow the gift of the Holy Spirit upon His waiting Church. To guarantee our ascension to the presence of God at the last day. To make possible the next phase of His saving work - His priesthood. (6) HE INTERCEDES (Hebrews 7:25). Why was the High Priesthood of Jesus Necessary? Many people ask: “Was not Christ’s death all-sufficient? Did He not cry: ‘It is finished!’ on the cross? How then can His work in heaven add anything to the benefits of His finished work on earth?” These questions introduce us to the innermost heart of present and personal salvation. By His life, death and resurrection, Jesus made full and complete provision for the salvation of all mankind. He established an inexhaustible fund of saving merit. There was nothing lacking in this provision. His sacrifice was a finished and adequate sacrifice. However, in order to qualify for its benefits, we must individually accept this saving provision, and its benefits must be applied directly to our individual lives. By His present work in heaven Jesus is not adding to the merit of His redeeming work on the Cross. He is making application of the benefits of that redeeming work to the lives of those who come to God by Him. He does this in two ways: (a) By His personal intercession, whereby He shares with us the benefits of His sinless life and atoning death, before the throne of God (Romans 8:31,34). (b) By His gift of the Holy Spirit, whereby He shares with us the power of H is risen life, in our daily struggle with temptation (Acts 2:33; Romans 5:10; 8:13). (7) HE COMES AGAIN (Hebrews 9:28). In order to build the final “rung” in the great Ladder of Salvation, Christ must come again, to bring the long, dark night of evil to an end, and to complete the redemption of His people. (55) NO. 9 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid Why is the Second Coming of Jesus Necessary? One of the prime responsibilities of a righteous ruler and judge is that wrong shoulc be rectified, and right vindicated publicly. A ruler’s judgment must not only be just, but il must also be seen to be just in the eyes of all His subjects. If Jesus never returned to this world, a million wrongs would never be righted, a million virtues would never be vindicated, and a million questions about the justice of God would never be answered. Revelation 6:10: “How long, O Lord, do you not judge and avenge?” Luke 18:7,8: “Shall not God avenge His own elect?” By the Second Coming of Christ, God will begin the public exposure and condemnation of evil, and the public vindication of truth and righteousness. Matt. 25:31-34: “When the Son of man shall come in His glory.” When Jesus comes, He will raise the dead. He will judge the world. He will destroy forever the power of Satan, sin and death. He will reverse the tragic story of Genesis 3. He will cleanse the stricken earth, and restore it to its original loveliness. Thus He will complete the great Ladder of Redemption. Then He will say to His faithful servants: “Come you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world” (Matt. 25:34). Conclusion do y°u G°d has given US a chance to hear this wonderful Gospel story? Because He wants each of us personally, to take the step of faith that will put our feet firmly on to the Gospel Ladder! How do we do this? By reading our own names into the promises of God, and making a personal application of these seven great facts to our own lives. This is what it means to receive Christ as our personal Saviour. (56) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 10 THREE MIRACLES OF SAVING GRACE Intrndvrtinn “For by grace you are saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves, ' it is the gift of God. Not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8, 9). John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Church, once wrote: “I am a creature of a day, passing through life as an arrow through the air. I want to know one thing - the way to Heaven; how to land safe on that happy shore. God has written it down in a Book. Oh, give me that Book!” (Forty-four Sermons, preface, p 6). This is the heart-cry of millions of men and women today - including ourselves. We are all hungry for simple, understandable teaching about the Way of Salvation. What is God’s answer? When we studied “Why Jesus came to the world” (Lesson No. 9 ), we found that God’s way of salvation is through a Person - the Lord Jesus Christ. John 14:6: “I am the Way” But how does God’s “Way” operate? How does Jesus save? How does His saving work benefit us personally? This lesson is designed to answer these questions. Discussion The *irst work °*the Spirit Of God is to convict us of sin - John 16:8 (See Chart No. 9 “Guilty!”). When this work of conviction has been done, there are three miracles of saving grace that every sinner needs, to fit him for heaven. (1) CLEANSING from the guilt of past sin. (2) POWER to overcome sin, and keep God’s commandments. (3) RESCUE from a world of disease, decay and death. If these three needs could be met, we would have a complete salvation. All the ruin wrought by sin would be repaired, and man would be restored to the position from which Adam fell. Can Jesus meet these needs? Let us open the Bible and see. (See Chart No. 8 - Three Miracles of Saving Grace) I. —THE FIRST MIRACLE • “IN CHRIST” (“Justification”) Romans 5:1: “Justified by Faith.” To be “JUSTIFIED” means to be “put right” with God; to be cleared of blame; to have one’s innocence restored; to be accepted in God’s sight just as if we had never sinned. This means complete release from guilt, and restoration to peace and fellowship with God. Romans 5:8: “Chris* for us.” 1 John 1:9: “He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.” Isaiah 1:18: “Though your sins be as scarlet they shall be white as snow.” (See Chart No. 10- Cleansing at the Cross) 2 Corinthians 5:17: “If any man be IN CHRIST, he is a new creature.” To be “IN CHRIST” means to be covered with His robe of righteousness. (See Chart No. II, “Forgiven!”). It means the beginning of a new, God-governed life. Just as Noah and his family were safe when they were “IN” the ark (Genesis 7:1), and the Hebrew man-slayer was safe when he was “IN” the City of Refuge (Numbers 35:9-28), so we are safe from the condemnation of God’s broken Law when we are “IN CHRIST.” (57) No. 10 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid Romans 8:1: “No condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus.” Colossians 2:13: “Having forgiven you all trespasses.” This release from the burden of guilt is unspeakably precious, but deep in our hearts we know that something more than forgiveness is needed. The past has been cared for, but what about the present, and the future? We need power to overcome sinful cravings and sinful habits - power to keep God’s holy commandments. The Gospel would be a tragic failure if it provided only forgiveness for the past, and left us helpless victims of indwelling sin. What we need is a second mighty miracle of Grace, to set us free from sin’s enslaving power! 2. —THE SECOND MIRACLE - “LIKE CHRIST” (“Sanctification”) 1 Thessalonians 5:23: “Sanctified wholly.” “Preserved blameless.” “Sanctification” means “separation unto God,” or “setting apart for a holy use” (“Holiness” has the same meaning, for it is translated from the same word in the original Greek). “Sanctification” is the progressive breaking of sin’s dominion in the consenting, believing life. It is the writing of God’s law in the heart, and the restoration of the lost image of God in man. Romans 6:14: “Sin shall not have dominion over you.” John 8:36: “If the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.” Hebrews 8:10: “I will write My law in their hearts.” 2 Corinthians 7:1: “Cleansed from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit.” The Divine goal in Sanctification is the transformation of our characters into the likeness of Christ. 2 Corinthians 3:18: “Changed into the same image.” The Divine Agent in Sanctification is the Holy Spirit. Ezekiel 36:27: “I will put My Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in My Statutes.” (See also Ephesians 3:16,17). But supposing the Gospel made all this marvellous provision for forgiveness and victory, and left us still the victims of disease and death? Christianity would be like a bridge broken at one end. Obviously, a third miracle of Grace is needed, to rescue us permanently from our sin-cursed environment, and to put us forever beyond the reach of death! 3. —THE THIRD MIRACLE - “WITH CHRIST” (“Glorification”) Romans 5:2: “We rejoice in hope of the glory of God.” Romans 8:17: ‘That we may be glorified together.” “Glorification” is the miraculous and complete change from “mortality” to “im­ mortality” that takes place in our physical bodies when Jesus comes again. 1 Corinthians 15:51,52: “Changed in the twinkling of an eye.” 1 Corinthians 15:53: “This mortal must put on immortality.” Philippians 3:20, 21: Our mortal bodies changed. Revelation 2:7; 22:14: Restored to the tree of life. When this last great renovation of our physical bodies takes place at the Second Advent, we will be fully restored to the position from which Adam fell. In body, mind and character we will reflect the image of our Creator. We will be delivered forever from our sin-cursed environment, and restored to face-to-face communion with God. Our salvation will be gloriously complete! (See Romans 8:18-23). (58) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 10 When we are sick, and call the doctor, there are three steps towards recovery: (1) Diagnosis; (2) Prescription; (3) Application. Each step is indispensable. In this lesson we have learned God’s Diagnosis of our sickness - sin; and we have discovered His Remedy for sin - the saving power of Jesus Christ. The third step - the Application - is our part. We must dare to read our own names into the promises of God. We must take the Gospel medicine for ourselves! Psalms 116:13 “I will take the cup of salvation.” This chart, which depicts the Christian life as a series of ascending steps, is designed to illustrate what the Bible calls “GROWTH IN GRACE” (2 Peter 3:18). Just as there is continual growth, or progression, in normal, healthy thriving plants - so there will be continual advancement towards maturity in the new-born, healthy Christian life. The initial experiences of “Conversion;” “Forgiveness;” or “Justification” are not presented in the Bible as ends in themselves, but as means to an end - namely, the developing of a Christlike character, and the restoration of the lost image of God in the believing soul (See Lesson 12, The Fruit of the Spirit). However, this chart is not intended to give the impression that the Christian life can be divided up into sealed-off “compartments,” or segments that have no connection with each other. The Christian life, like other forms of God-given life, is a continuity, an organic unity, from beginning to end. God is the Author of every part; every part is 100% gift, and every part is 100% miracle. It is like Jesus’ description of a living, growing plant: “First the blade; then the ear; after that the full corn in the ear.” (Mark 4:28) The ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in “Sanctification” - the progressive inward transformation of the character - has been described as “the work of a lifetime,” and this element of continuity in Sanctification is shown by the arrows on the chart. But it is also true that “Justification” must be experienced on a continuous basis. Through neglect, the personal realization and validity of Justification can be lost. While one act of believing puts us “in Christ,” we do not stay “in Christ” automatically, nor are we held “in Christ” arbitrarily, against our will. It is imperative to note that the benefits of Justification do not cease with our initial act of believing. They are needed, and they continue, only as we keep on believing, throughout our entire Christian experience. Thus, while the whole salvation-process is “under-written” by Christ’s redemptive act on the Cross, its benefits continue to avail for us only as we continue to “abide” in Christ. Hence the series of arrows following “Justification.” The vital element of perseverance or sustained continuity in the Christian life is shown unmistakablyintheNewTestamentbytheconsistentuse of the “present continuous” tense, in the original Greek, when describing the moment-by-moment relationship of the Christian believer to his Lord. In scores of passages, “Coming” (John 6:37); “Hearing” (John 6:24); “Believing” (John 3:16); “Taking” (Revelation 22:17); “Receiving” (John 20:22); “Walking” (Colossians 2:6,7); “Continuing” (John 8:31); “Abiding” (John 15:4,5); and “Enduring” (Matt. 24:13), are used in the “presentcontinuous” tense-the tense that denotes “keeping on” - sustained, continuous, habitual action - to teach the absolute necessity of Christian perseverance, if we are to be saved. Nowhere does the NewTestament teach that we are automatically and irreversibly “locked” into salvation by one initial act of believing. Our continued acceptance, assurance, peace, and fruitfulness depend, not upon our initial reception, but upon our sustained retention of God’s free Gift. ★ * SUPPLEMENTARY NOTE TO CHART NO. 8 (59) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 11 THE PERSONALITY AND WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Introduction One Sunday afternoon at a seaside resort, a Christian evangelist was out on the beach, using a "Bible Bee-hive" device to explain the Gospel to a group of boys and girls. Each cardboard "Bee" that he pulled out of the model hive bore a short, printed exhortation from the Bible: "Be patient"; "Be kind"; "Be honest"; "Be truthful"; "Be sober"; "Be vigilant"; "Be pure". He must have had at least a dozen of these "Bible Bees". As he drew them out one by one, he contrasted the wages of sin with the sure rewards of a life of virtue. After some minutes of respectful attention, a hand shot up, and an unexpected challenge came from one young listener: "Please, sir, you've told us to be patient, pure and good, but you haven't told us HOW to be!" All unwittingly, that youngster had put her finger squarely upon the most baffling and urgent of all religious questions: How can we bridge the gulf between knowing the Gospel and living the Gospel? How can the beautiful ideals of Christianity be translated into corresponding actions? How does the saving power of Christ actually enter the soul of man? The answer is: 'Through the mighty agency of the Holy Spirit." Thank God, He does not leave us staring in baffled hopelessness at what He asks us to do. Not only does He give us the facts of the Gospel, He gives us the power to live in harmony with these factsl He does this by the gift of His Spirit. It is the presence and power of the Holy Spirit that makes Christianity a dynamic, supernatural, saving religion. Let us open the Bible and learn what it teaches about the Holy Spirit. Discussion 1 —who is the holy spirit, and what is his work? The Spirit of God is mentioned 350 times in the Bible (88 times in the Old Testament and 262 times in the New Testament). From these we select the following facts: His Deity. The Bible everywhere ascribes the attributes of God to the Holy Spirit. He is all-powerful (Luke 1 :35). He is eternal (Heb. 9:14). He is everywhere present (Ps. 139:7-12). He knows all things (I Cor. 2:10,11). Such statements could be true only of One who was God in the fullest sense. His Personality. Intelligence, emotions, and will are the three essential elements of a true personality, and the Bible ascribes all of these qualities to the Holy Spirit. He "knows" (I Cor. 2:10,11). He "loves" (Rom. 15 :30). He can be "grieved" (Eph. 4:30). He "bears witness" (Rom. 8:16). He "communes" with men (II Cor. 13:14). In John 14, 15 and 16, Jesus applied the personal pronouns "He" and "Him" to the Holy Spirit 24 times. Such statements could never apply to a vague, impersonal influence; they could be true only of a Person. His Work. He convicts of sin (John 16:8). He sheds abroad the love of God in our hearts (Rom. 5:5). He brings about the new birth (John 3:3-8). He guides into all truth (John 16:13). He gives power for life and service (Acts 1 :8). All the close, personal, intimate work of God upon our hearts is performed by the Holy Spirit. He is the direct touch of the warm and gentle hand of God. Every stab of conviction; every impulse towards truth and righteousness; every noble resolve; every stumbling half-step that we take towards God is prompted and empowered by Him. We could not even begin to be Christians without some work of the Spirit of God within us, and from the first stirring of spiritual life until we draw our last breath, we are wholly dependent upon Him. To deprive our souls of the Holy Spirit would be as disastrous as to deprive the earth of its atmosphere! 3 (61) No. 11 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid 2—WHAT RICH PROMISES DID JESUS MAKE CONCERNING THE HOLY SPIRIT? On the last night before His death, Jesus had more to say about the Holy Spirit than at any other time in His ministry (see John 14, 15 and 16). These chapters contain the concentrated essence of Jesus' message to men—the rarest and richest treasure of the New Testament. This is saving truth in its simplest and most accessible form. Five rich promises concerning the Holy Spirit were made by Jesus in the upper room: He would be "Another Comforter"—Christ's Other Self (John 14:16). He would actually dwell in men—not merely with them (John 14:17). He would be to the disciples all that Jesus had been—and more (John 14:16; 16 :7). He would take the things of Christ, and “show,” or reveal them to men (John 16:14, 15). He would enable Jesus to live and “dwell” in His disciples (John 14:18, 23). in these chapters Jesus taught that the Holy Spirit would forge the last, indispens­ able link in the chain of human redemption. He would lift men out of the pit of baffled impotence and despair into a new dimension of life, power and victory. He would place the infinite resources of heaven at every believer's immediate disposal. Through the Holy Spirit the saving life of God would actually enter and take possession of the souls of menl This completes the Gospel provision. It exhausts God's resources. It empties heaven. Beyond the gift of the Holy Spirit there is nothing more that God can do for our salvation. 3.—HOW IS THE HOLY SPIRIT'S WORK RELATED TO THE SAVING WORK OF CHRIST? The work of the Spirit is never in competition with, or in opposition to, the work of Christ. The Incarnation of Christ and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost are two parts of the one glorious transaction. The indwelling of the Spirit is the climax and consummation of the Incarnation; the goal of redemption in this present life; the supreme objective towards which the earthly work of Jesus pointed. The saving work of the Spirit of God is simply the continuation and completion of the saving work of Christ. This is shown by the following chart: JESUS THE HOLY SPIRIT Begins the Salvation process Continues and completes the Salvation process God dwelling with men God dwelling in men Handicapped by a human body Not handicapped by a human body Present only in one place at one time Present everywhere at all times Accessible to a few people only, in one land, in one generation Accessible to all people, in all lands, in all generations The pattern for victorious living The power for victorious living , From this comparison it is evident that the Christian life is something far more than a valiant struggle on our part to "build a Christlike character", brick by brick, in the energies of the flesh. It is more than a mere humanistic striving to "be good". It is more than a strenuous effort to "imitate the beauty of Christ". It is the reproduction within us of His Divine character, by the superhuman energy of the Holy Spirit! Eph. 3:16,17: "Strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man; that Christ may dwell in your hearts." (62) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 11 It is the work of the Holy Spirit to take the fact9 of the Gospel and translate them into living deeds. He makes the saving life and power of Christ directly available to men. Christ's work during His incarnation was the work of provision. As the Great Physician, He prescribed the Gospel medicine and prepared it. The Holy Spirit's work is the work of application. He is like the gentle Nurse who pours the Gospel medicine into a spoon and actually administers itl S. D. Gordon expresses the same truth in this picturesque way: 'The Lord Jesus draws a cheque for my use. The Holy Spirit cashes the cheque and puts the money into my hands!" (Quiet Talks on Power, p 64). 4.—WHAT DIFFERENCE WILL THE INDWELLING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT MAKE IN OUR LIVES? The difference can best be seen by studying the lives of those who have experienced His power. For example, Christ's disciples, before receiving the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2: 1-4), were a group of cowardly, quarrelsome, defeated, despairing men. After Pentecost they were united, enthusiastic, bold, invincible. This dramatic change in the mood of the disciples is like moving out of winter into spring! The early chapters of the book of Acts are alive with buoyant phrases such as: "Great joy" (Acts 2 : 46; 5 : 41; 8 : 8; 13 : 52); Great "boldness" (4:13, 20, 29, 31); "Great power" (4 : 33); "Great grace" (4:33); and "Great wonders" (6:8). The indwelling and possession of the Spirit of God will produce the same results in our lives todayl Says Ellen G. White: "The work of the Spirit upon the soul will reveal itself in every act of him who has felt its saving power. When the Spirit of God takes possession of the heart, it transforms the life. Sinful thoughts are put away, evil deeds are renounced; love, humility and peace take the place of anger, envy and strife. Joy takes the place of sadness, and the countenance reflects the light of heaven" (Desire of Ages, pp 172, 173). (See Study Guide No. 12 - The Fruit of the Spirit) 5 —HOW DO WE RECEIVE THE GIFT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? This is by far the most critical point in our personal knowledge of the Gospell It is at the point of their application to human life that all our theories of Christianity must ulti­ mately be tested. Whilst the New Testament contains no neat, cut-and-dried formula, it does reveal a pattern. It shows that the method of receiving the Holy Spirit follows much the same course as what we call "falling in love". As a matter of fact, someone has aptly described the Christian life as "a long falling in love with God". How do we "fall in love" on the human level? Love begins with mutual attraction—a subtle magnetism; a deep, persistent "ache" for the society of one other person. The second step is a drawing near. Nearness is the soul of love. Nearness leads to mutual self-surrender. Nothing has been scrupulously weighed out or measured, but the barriers of reserve have been taken down, heart has been given to heart, and each knows that he or she belongs to the other person. Out of this self-surrender trust emerges. Trust becomes the medium through which life and thought, ideals and enthusiasms, hopes and dreams and confidences can be communicated to each other. Finally, trust develops into a programme of continual adjustment. The ultimate proof of love is a willingness to "put self aside" on a life-long basis, and "make room" habitually, for the wishes, tastes and preferences of the loved one. (63) No. 11 Study Guidos for Now Pictorial Aid These five stages can be traced in the experience of the men and women who passed through the life-changing miracle of Pentecost. Mutual Attraction. The desire for God( planted and nurtured by Jesus, had become an overmastering obsession. They were steadfastly in prayer for many days. Prayer brought a drawing near to God. By that nearness, sin was unsparingly exposed. They found themselves renouncing one cherished indulgence after another until self-surrender was complete. Out of that self-surrender came increasing trust; a trust that ventured all, and claimed all. Faith closed the circuit and became the medium whereby God and man were fused into one. 'They were all filled with the Holy Spirit" (Acts 2:4). Trust then merged into a programme of continual adjustment. From henceforth the Holy Spirit was consulted first in all areas of life, and His counsel was obeyed. "It seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to us" (Acts 15:28), was the phrase used to express the attitude of habitual deference to His wishes. Thus the will of man was married to the will of God, and out of this blending of the human and the Divine, there poured forth a torrent of winsome and irresistible goodness that changed the worldl Conclusion we W,'N fo,,ow the same pattern today, we will experience the same results. Says Ellen G. White: "There is no limit to the usefulness of the one who, putting self aside, makes room in his heart for the working of the Holy Spirit, and lives a life wholly consecrated to God" (Desire of Ages, p 250). (64) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 12 THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT Introduction When a farmer ploughs his field, and sows and fertilizes his seed, he has a definite goal in mind. He is supremely interested in the harvest He bends every effort, and spares no expense, to secure a “bumper crop.” Also, he is interested in quality, as well as quantity. So, in the Bible, God is repeatedly pictured as the Divine “Husbandman,” or Farmer (James 5:7). Over long centuries of time He, too, has prepared Hisfield - the human race, and sowed His seed - the Word of God. He has watered it, and tended it - all with a view to the final harvest. All the vast and costly machinery of Redemption; all the pain and anguish of Gethsemane and Calvary; all the blood, the sweat, the tears, have been spent to achieve this coveted goal! And God, too, is interested in quality. He longs to see His own beautiful character- qualities mirrored in His people. In the beginning, before man sinned, he was made “in the image of God” - capable of reflecting the beauty of God, like a clean, unblemished mirror (Genesis 1:26,27). God’s supreme objective in our salvation is to see that “image” restored (Romans 8:29; Galatians 1:15,16; 2 Corinthians 3:18). This is the ultimate focal point - the final goal - of God’s saving plan! To help keep this shining goal ever before us, and to pin-point the means of its achievment, God has given us a detailed picture of what human life will be like - in terms of inward character and outward conduct - when the beautiful “image of God” is restored. This picture is drawn for us in Galatians 5:22,23, where the “Fruit of the Spirit” is described: “BUT THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT IS LOVE, JOY, PEACE, LONGSUFFERING, GENTLENESS, GOODNESS, FAITH, MEEKNESS, TEMPERANCE.” (See Chart No. 12 - The Fruit of the Spirit) “Fruit” is used here in the singular, to describe the “fruitage,” or “product,” or “yield,” of the Holy Spirit’s unobstructed working in surrendered human lives. Some modern versions read: “The harvest of the Spirit” - that which naturally appears in the life when the Holy Spirit has full control. The “fruit,” or “harvest,” of the Spirit is therefore not the product of human power at all, but of a power that originates wholly outside of man. This “Fruit” is not earned or achieved by us, but is reproduced in us- with ourconsent, of course - by the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit (Ezekiel 36:27; Ephesians 3:16-19). There is an ageless lustre about these beautiful character-qualities. Like a cluster of heavenly jewels, they belong to a better world than this. Merely to articulate them brings a hush over the heart. DlSCUSSion As we p°ncler the“fruit of the Spirit” and our own relationship to it, three questions arise: 1.—WHY DOES THIS “FRUIT” MEAN SO MUCH TO GOD? Because these are the essential qualities of His own character. They are the basic elements of His personal “value-system.” These are His dearest treasures - shining, pearl-like threads from the fabric of His own innermost being. Galatians 5:22,23 is a photograph of the heart of God! And when you come to think about it, these are the only qualities that will last forever. They are the only qualities that deserve to last for ever. They are the only things that we have known in this world that God can touch with the dew of immortality. They will survive “the crash of matter, and the wreck of worlds.” (65) No. 12 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid 2.—WHY DOES THIS “FRUIT” MEAN SO MUCH TO US? Because, as Roy Hession so pointedly says: “The things that God is most concerned about are our coldness of heart concerning Himself, and our proud, unbroken natures.” Then he thrusts the point of the scalpel right home: “That is why there is scarcely a church; a mission station, or a committee undertaking a special piece of service for God, that is without an unresolved problem of personal relationships eating out its heart, and thwarting its progress. “This is because Christian service gives us opportunities of leadership and position that we could not attain in the secular world, and we quickly fall into pride, self-seeking, and ambition. With these things hidden in our hearts, we have only to work alongside others, and we find resentment, hardness, criticism, jealousy, and frustration issuing from our hearts. We think we are working for God, but the test of how little of our service is for Him is revealed by our resentment or self-pity, when the actions of others, or circumstances, or ill-health take it from us!” “In this condition,” concludes Hession, “we are trying to give to others an answer which we have not truly and deeply found for ourselves.” Galatians 5:22,23 contains that answer. It is the ultimate formula for success in human relationships. Let these hallowed qualities be welcomed and enshrined in human hearts, and lived out in homes and churcheaand schools, and factories, and heaven will have come to earth! The Bible contains no more searching moral challenge to our individual consciences than this. It is at this point • the point of their application to everyday human life - that all of our beautiful theories of the Christian gospel must ultimately be tested. Hence the third question in our examination of the “fruit” of the Spirit, is the most personal, and the most critical: 3.—HOW CAN THESE BEAUTIFUL CHARACTER-QUALITIES BE REPRODUCED IN ORDINARY HUMAN LIVES LIKE OURS? The answer is: By a continual miracle of grace and power • on God’s part, and a continual welcoming of that miracle - on our part. The Bible teaches that there can be no “fruit” without antecedent life — in this case, THE VERY LIFE OF GOD! Let this vitalizing, energizing, invincible life of God be communicated to believing men, on an uninterrupted basis, and there is no limit to the beauty, strength, and victory that may be cultivated in the soul! This was demonstrated in the earthly life of Jesus Christ. He displayed the beautiful “fruit of the Spirit” in a body of human flesh. And He took pains to explain, for our benefit, exactly how this miracle happened. “I can of My own self do nothing,” He said (John 5:30), “The Father, who dwells in Me, He does the works” (John 14:10). In the days of His flesh, Jesus laid aside the independent exercise of His Divine powers, accepted our limitations, and drew on no spiritual resources that are not freely and abundantly available to us! The testimony of Scripture is unanimous on this matter of how the “fruit of the Spirit” is produced: John 15:4: “The branch cannot bear fruit of itself.” John 15:5: “Without Me you can do nothing.” Philippians 2:13: “It is God who works in you, both to will and to do His good pleasure.” Ephesians 3:16: “Strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man.” Galatians 2:20: “Christ lives in me.” Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.” Ephesians 3:19: “Filled with all the fulness of God.” (66) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 12 Conclusion As in Nature*so in Grace. How does the inert and helpless seed grow into the stripling tree? And how does the tree bear fruit? Not by striving and struggling - but by relaxing. Not by noisy demonstrations, or stern self- discipline, or perspiring toil. But by yielding - yielding continuously to the friendship of soil, and sun, and rain, and air! In one of his marvellous books, Arthur Maxwell gives this graphic explanation of how the “Fruit of the Spirit” is produced: “In every forest, there are usually a few trees that retain some of their leaves throughout the winter. Storms may rage; gales may blow; torrents of rain mayfall; but still the leaves remain. You may take a stick and beat the branches with all your might, but you will not be able to dislodge them. But let a few weeks pass. LET SPRING COME! Some fine morning you will discover that the tree is bare. In a single night, every leaf has fallen to the ground! “Why? THE SAP HAS RISEN! That’s all. Life is flowing through the tree once more. Rushing up like a torrent from the roots, it is surging out into the farthermost twigs with a power that makes all things new, causing a million lovely leaves to appear, and cover the naked branches with verdant beauty. “Thus it is with the God-filled life. Without the aid of the Holy Spirit, you could wrestle with sin for a lifetime without success. But let Him flow in! Let the life of God rise like sap in a tree, and radiate through every part of your being! Instantly, old besetting sins will drop away. Conscience will awake. The will, now under Divine control, will express itself in a thousand gracious words and deeds.” Such is the new, God-ruled life the Bible portrays, and that God says you may live. You may not understand all its mysteries. He doesn’t expect you to. All He asks is that you believe His promise, and accept His offer! (67) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 13 THE ROOTS OF THE HEALTHY CHRISTIAN LIFE Intrndvrtinn A tree-lover once made the shrewd observation: “A TREE IS A MOST * WONDERFUL INVENTION, ONLY IT IS STANDING ON ITS HEAD!” Obviously, he was referring to the massive root-system which, though underground and out of sight, is so indispensable to the life, stability, and fruitfulness of a tree! Paul, in the book of Colossians, reminds us that no Christian believer - whether newly- born or mature - can afford to neglect his root-life. If he is to be a fruitful and durable witness for Christ, his own faith must constantly be nourished and stabilized by strong and vigorous roots. “AS YOU HAVE THEREFORE RECEIVED CHRIST JESUS THE LORD, SO WALK IN HIM, ROOTED AND BUILT UP IN HIM, AND ESTABLISHED IN THE FAITH, AS YOU HAVE BEEN TAUGHT, ABOUNDING THEREIN WITH THANKSGIVING." (Colossians 2:6,7) Discussion The ‘Toots” ofthe Christian life do not function by some magical process. They must be diligently cultivated. Though God is invisible and in­ tangible, there are three concrete “tangibles" that He has appointed, to help to make Him more real to us. These are three established religious habits, or “exercises,” whereby we maintain spiritual health and vigour. Our success, or failure, in the Christian life depends, to a great degree, upon the way we order our priorities in these three areas. Just as we need food, drink, and exercise - on a regular basis - in order to maintain physical life and health at “peak-efficiency,” so do we need these three vital, God-appointed “Roots” to give strength and tone to our spiritual life. (See Chart No. IS - The Roots of the Healthy Christian Life) 1.—THE FIRST “ROOT” - PRAYER “Pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 6:17). Prayer has been described as “The Breath of the soul" and, for the healthy, virile Christian, it is as spontaneous and indispensable as breathing. As our physical bodies die quickly without air, so do our souls die quickly without prayer. The Christian, for as long as he lives in this fallen world, is much like a deep-sea diver - immersed in an alien, hostile environment. Prayer is the all-important “Life-line" that connects him with heaven! But prayer is not an automatic, self-regulating, mechanical exercise. It is not an arrangement where we play a passive role. God does not operate the prayer “Life-line” for us. He leaves the controls of the “Life-line" in our hands. By our own practice - or by our own neglect - of prayer, we regulate the supply of life-giving, spiritual “air” that comes to us! Prayer, in its simplest form, means to cease all resistance; to abandon all self-dependence, and to give God access to our needs. That’s just like breathing, isn’t it? The air doesn’t have to be forced or pumped into our lungs. It is there waiting - actually pressing - to come in! Even so, to pray, in the Biblical sense, is to let God in - to give Him permission to employ His omnipotent powers for the alleviation of our distress. To pray is to open the heart’s door and admit God. And this requires no human strength. It requires onjy the consent of our wills. Will we give God access - complete access - to our needs? That is the one great question to be settled in connection with prayer. Prayer is something deeper than words. It is present in the soul before it has been formulated into words. Prayer is first of all a condition of our hearts; an attitude of our minds. It is a silent admission of our helplessness and extremity. It is the bowing of our wills in total submission to God. (69) No. 13 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid God has designed prayer so that the weakest and most destitute among us may use it best. It is not our prayers that move God to save us. He is moved by His own great love. Our acknowledged helplessness simply admits Him, and gives Him opportunity to grapple with the problems that exhaust and baffle us! 2. —THE SECOND “ROOT” - BIBLE STUDY “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). Regular Bible study is one of the most urgent and vital means of soul-culture. It is one of the three “tangibles,” or “means of grace” that help to make God more real - more personal - to us. If prayer is the “Breath” of our souls, Bible study is our spiritual “Food and Drink.” Both of these “roots” are equally indispensable. As with prayer, however, we have conscious and complete control over the time and effort we put into Bible study. We ourselves determine the rewards that we derive from this exercise. We get out of Bible-study in direct proportion to what we put in. Bible reading is not an automatic, involuntary, magical function for the Christian. It is not arbitrarily dictated, programmed, or miraculously enforced. As far as this indispensable “root” is concerned, the success - or the failure - of the Christian is also in his own hands. The systematic memorization of Scripture is one of the most beneficial forms of soul- nourishment. One dedicated Christian leader was recently heard to say, concerning his Bible: “I want to know every word in this Book, before I die!” But no one else can do our in-depth Bible study for us - just as no one else can eat for us, or breathe for us. We are to build our convictions of Biblical truth for ourselves - as we are to answer for ourselves before God. If we neglect personal, frequent Bible reading, we pay the inevitable price in spiritual anaemia, starvation, and stagnation. Spiritual realities lose their relevance and clarity for us, and inevitably fade. 3. —THE THIRD “ROOT” - SHARING OUR KNOWLEDGE OF CHRIST “Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you.” (Mark 5:19) God’s message of salvation never becomes so precious or so meaningful as it does when we attempt to pass it on to others. That is one of the most well-established “laws” of the Christian life. If Prayer is the Christian’s vital “BREATH,” and Bible-reading is his “FOOD,” then Witnessing is his “EXERCISE!” The very first impulse of the renewed heart is to win others, also, to the Saviour. A Christian who is not making other Christians is as much a contradiction as a fire that gives no warmth, or a candle that gives no light. We nourish and preserve our Christian faith by giving it away! How do we go about this work of sharing Christ? Where do we begin? There is no formal, stereotyped pattern, relative to time and place. Opportunities often come unexpectedly. But there is one, sovereign, “sure-fire” method, that even the most inexperienced Christian witness can use. It can be expressed in four words: “TELL YOUR OWN EXPERIENCE!” We are to tell what we, ourselves, have seen, and heard, and felt, of the transforming and enabling grace of God. If we have been following Jesus, step by step, we will have something right to the point to say concerning the way He has led and helped us. We can tell how we, ourselves, have tested His promises, and found them true. And this is the witness for which our Lord calls, and for want of which the world is perishing. (70) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 13 Conclusion Someone has imagined a scene that may have taken place soon after Jesus went back to heaven. This writer pictured the Master walking down the golden street one day, arm in arm with Gabriel. The two are talking together intently, earnestly. Gabriel is saying: “Master, you died for the whole world down there, didn’t you?” “Yes.” “You must have suffered terribly,” with an earnest look into the great face with its unremovable marks. “Yes,” again comes the answer in that wondrous voice, very quiet, but full of the deepest feeling. “And do they all know about it?” “O no! Only a few in Palestine know about it so far.” “Well, Master, what’s your plan? What have you done about telling the people you died for, that you have died for them? What’s your plan?” “Well,” the Master answers, “I have asked Peter, and James, and John, and Andrew, and some more of them down there just to make it the business of their lives to tell others, and the others are to tell others, and the others others, and yet others, and still others, until the last man in the farthest circle has heard the story and has felt the thrilling, transforming power of it.” But Gabriel knows us folk down here pretty well. He has had more than one contact with the earth. He knows the kind of stuff that is in us. And he answers, with a sort of hesitating reluctance, as though he can see difficulties in the working of the plan. “Yes — but — suppose Peter fails. Suppose after a while John simply does not tell others. Suppose their descendents, their successors away off in the twentieth century, get so busy about other things — some of them proper things, some maybe not so proper — that they do not tell others, what then?” And back comes that quiet, wondrous voice of Jesus, “Gabriel, I haven’t made any other plans; I’m counting on them!” (71) Study Guidas for New Pictorial Aid No. 14 GOD’S WINDOW INTO THE FUTURE Introduction A famous English author once said: "A silent heaven is the greatest mystery of existence." Why is God silent? Is He indifferent to human needs and sorrows? Will He remain silent forever? Or will He one day break the silence, burst in with awesome majesty upon the human scene, and actually do something to bring the long reign of evil to an end? The Bible answers: God will break the silence. He will intervene. He has vast and wonderful plans in mind for the future of this planet. These plans are revealed in Daniel, chapter 2. This prophecy has been called: "God's Window into the Future". In this lesson we will take a look through this amazing prophetic window. Discussion 1—Nebuchadnezzar's forgotten dream (w 1-6) Nebuchadnezzar II was the greatest king of the Second Babylonian Empire. He brought the power of ancient Babylon to the pinnacle of its glory, about 600 B.C. Daniel was a young Hebrew captive in Babylon, a worshipper of the true God, who had already earned a reputation for great wisdom (see Daniel 1). Verse 29 shows that before Nebuchadnezzar fell asleep on the night of his dream, he had been worrying about the future of his kingdom. This was probably the reason why he was so anxious to recall the dream. It might contain some kind of key to the future! 2 —THE FAILURE OF BABYLON'S WISE MEN (vv 7-13) These men were members of a guild of magicians, soothsayers and astrologers, who claimed to be in direct contact with the Babylonian gods. This explains why Nebuchad­ nezzar became so angry with them. When put to the test, they confessed that they did not have contact with the gods, after all, so their hypocrisy was openly unmasked (v 11). Because of his reputation for wisdom, Daniel was evidently classed among Babylon's "wise men". Therefore, he, too, was involved in the death decree. 3. —THE DREAM AND ITS MEANING REVEALED TO DANIEL (vv 14-30; 31-35) Note the simplicity and childlike faith of Daniel and his companions. In their extremity they got down on their knees in an old-fashioned prayer meeting. And God heard their prayer. He will do the same for us today if we approach Him with Daniel's simple faith. Note also the references to "the latter days" (v 28); "hereafter (v 29) and "what shall come to pass" (v 29). God took the troubled mind of Nebuchadnezzar, filled with anxious thoughts about the future of his kingdom, and made it a channel through which to reveal the future history of the worldl 4. —GOD'S WINDOW INTO THE FUTURE (vv 36-43) A Divine Hand now turns the pages of world history in advance. The ages yet to be burst wide open before Daniel's astonished eyes. These eight amazing verses, containing only 213 words, foretell the major political changes in the world's future for 2,500 years. (See Chart No. 14-The Great Image of Daniel 2) Head of Gold (vv 37, 38)_________BABYLON ........ 605 B.C.-539 B.C. Breast and Arms of Silver (v 39)™MEDO-PERSIA ______________ 539 B.C.-331 B.C. Thighs of Brass (v 39)___________GREECE _____________________ 331 B.C.-168 B.C. Legs of Iron (v 40)______________ROME __________ 168 B.C.-A.D. 476 Feet of Iron and Clay (vv 41-43)___DIVIDED NATIONS OF WESTERN EUROPE___A.D. 476-Second Advent 5. —ROME DIVIDED INTO FRAGMENTS (vv 41-43) {See Chart No. 15—Map of European Kingdoms) (73) No. 14 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid Whilst the year A.D. 476 has commonly been given for the downfall of Imperial Rome, the disintegration of the Empire was actually a long-drawn-out process which lasted for over 200 years. Between A.D. 350 and 550, Rome's territories were penetrated by suc­ cessive hordes of Germanic invaders. Some of these barbarian tribes passed quickly into oblivion, leaving scarcely a trace. Others succeeded in carving out more definite and permanent territories from the body of the prostrate Empire. Our map shows the approxi­ mate location of ten of the more representative and permanent of these barbarian king­ doms. However, boundaries were continually fluctuating, and no single still map can give an accurate picture of the rapid succession of changes during this period of vast political upheaval. An adequate portrayal of the partition of the Roman Empire would require a motion picture of the events of two centuries. The following chart lists the original kingdoms and their modern successors: Anglo-Saxons ........................... England Visigoths ......................................... Spain Franks ............................................ France Suevi..............................................Portugal Alemanni.......................... Germany Ostrogoths....Disappeared from history Burgundians ........................ Switzerland Vandals..........Disappeared from history Lombards .......................................... Italy Heruli..............Disappeared from history 6.—ATTEMPTS TO CREATE A UNITED EUROPE (vv 42, 43) The Roman Empire has been described as "History's 'Humpty Dumpty'". After Rome's downfall in A.D. 476, "all the king's horses and all the king's men"—the warriors and diplomats of fifteen centuries—have failed to "put Humpty Dumpty together again." Six notable rulers who have tried vainly to unite Europe were: Charlemagne (of the Franks) ... 8th century Napoleon (of France) ............19th century Charles V (of Spain) ............ 16th century Kaiser Wilhelm (of Germany) 20th century Louis XIV (of France)............18th century Adolf Hitler (of Germany) 20th century Repeated efforts have also been made to weld the fragments of Europe by inter­ marriage between ruling families, especially in the period between 1850 and 1914. These, too, have failed. Says historian Charles Downer Hazen: "Europe has always refused to be dominated by a single nation or a single man. It has run the risk several times in its history of passing under such a yoke, but it always, in the end, succeeded in escaping it" (Modern European History, p 229). Why have all past efforts to unite Europe failed? Because men have attempted to do what God has said never will be done! "The kingdom shall be divided" (v 41). "They shall not cleave [cling, adhere] one to another" (v 43). 7.—THE CLIMAX OF HISTORY—GOD STEPS IN (vv 44, 45) (See Chart No. 16—Stone Descending on Feet of Image) For centuries the prayer, "Thy Kingdom Come", has been uttered by the lips of millions (see Matt. 6:10). Here is God's dramatic answerl When this prayer is answered, the long, dark night of tragedy and sorrow will end forever. Time will melt into eternity. Heaven will touch earth in healing and beauty. Man's dream of eternal peace and security will be realised at last! Conclusion Before we conclude our study of Daniel 2, let us put ourselves into the prophetic picture. Why do you think God has given US an opportunity to hear these things? Is it just an accident? Just a freak of chance? Ah, no. This question was asked of a young Australian couple at the close of a Bible lesson like this. After some moments of thoughtful silence, the young woman replied: "I suppose it is because He wants us!" He does indeed! And it is wonderful to be wanted—especially by God! (74) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 15 THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST Introduction Whenever the subject of the Second Advent comes up for discussion, five questions are almost sure to be asked: Discussion 1 - |S IT reasonable? James 5 : 7, 8: "The husbandman [or farmer] waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth." This is a farmer's text, and it agrees perfectly with farming practice. 'The precious fruit" for which the farmer waits, is the harvest—the climax of the whole year's work. Imagine a farmer who cleared and prepared his field, ploughed it, fertilised it, sowed it, harrowed it and tended it all through the year, and then, a few weeks before the harvest, suddenly lost all interest in his crop, went for a long holiday to the other side of the world, and made no provision whatever for the harvest! Would that be reasonable? Now put Jesus in the place of the farmer. Suppose He went to all the expense of Bethlehem, Nazareth, Gethsemane and Calvary; preparing the soil, sowing the seed, watering it with His blood and His tears, patiently tending the field at such enormous cost, over centuries of time. But suppose He made no plans whatever to return to the world, and reap the harvest! Would that be reasonable? 2 — IS IT SCRIPTURAL? The Bible thrills from beginning to end with the hope of Christ's Second Coming. The Old and New Testaments contain well over 1,500 specific references to our Lord's Return. If we were to remove these references from the Bible, the book would literally fall to pieces in our hands! From this vast body of evidence we select the following: John 14:1-3: "I will come again." Heb. 9 : 28: "He shall appear the second time." Titus 2 :11-14: "Looking for that Blessed Hope." Rev. 19 :11-16: "I saw Heaven opened." Rev. 22:20: "Surely I come quickly. Even so come, Lord Jesus." 3.—IS IT LITERAL? {See Chart No. 17—Second Advent of Christ) Christian opinion is divided at this point. Some people say that the Second Coming takes place at conversion, or at death. Others say that Christ's coming is "spiritual", or "symbolic", but not real or personal. They insist that He "comes" in the form of great movements for social reform, education, and world betterment. Still others believe in what they call a "Secret Rapture", or an "Invisible Presence" recognised only by a favoured few. But these are only human guesses, after all. Our chief concern is: What does the Bible say? In the New Testament there are more than 40 plain texts which describe the manner of Christ's Second Coming. These texts unite in declaring that this event will be a literal, visible, personal, public appearing. It will be as real and recognisable an event as was His first coming, except that the marks of poverty, humiliation and suffering will be absent. The following are just a few examples: Acts 1 :9-11: "This same Jesus shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go." Rev. 1 :7: "Behold He cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see Him." Matt. 24:24-27: "As the lightning." Matt. 24:31: "With a great sound of a trumpet." Luke 21 :27: "With power and great glory." Matt. 25 :31: "In His glory, and all the holy angels with Him." (75) No. 15 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid I Thess. 4:16: "With a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of God." I Cor. 15 :52: "The trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised." If the words of the New Testament are to be take at face value, and we believe they are, Our Lord's Return will be a stupendous public spectacle, conducted in the open gaze of the worldl It would seem that Jesus has deliberately chosen words which give the impression of unparalleled majesty and splendour when describing His Second Coming. Consider these examples: "Clouds"; "Lightning"; /Trumpet"; "Shout"; "Power"; "Glory"; "Angels"; "Brightness"; "Flaming fire", etc. Put these words together, and they make a scene of incomparable grandeur and power. It defies all attempts at description. It beggars all comparison. It will be the greatest spectacle of the agesl 4.—IS IT NECESSARY? Not only does the Bible make plain the promise of Christ's Coming, and the pattern of His Coming. Its testimony is equally plain concerning the purpose of His Coming. John 14:1-3: To receive His people unto Himself. Rev. 14:14-16: To reap the harvest of the earth, after centuries of sowing. Matt. 13 : 39-40: To separate the wheat from the tares. I Thess. 4:14-18: To raise the righteous dead. I Cor. 15:51-53: To bestow the gift of immortality. II Thess. 1 :7-10: To punish the ungodly. Rev. 22:12: "To reward every man according as his work shall be." I John 3:8: "To destroy the works of the Devil." II Pet. 3 :10-13: To create a new heavens and a new earth. 5 —IS IT NEAR? Can we know anything about the nearness of our Lord's return, or is the matter veiled in secrecy? I Thess. 5:1-6: God's people need not be "ignorant" of the "times and seasons" relative to the future programme of God. They are "not in darkness", that the day of Christ's Coming should overtake them "as a thief". Whilst it is true that "no man knows the day nor the hour" (Matt. 24: 36), God has given many, unmistakable "signs" by which we may know with certainty when the Coming of Jesus is near. We will consider these "signs" in Lesson 16. Conclusion Everyone is naturally curious about the question: "When will Jesus come?" But there is another question that is far more personal and urgent: "Are we ready for His Coming?" The New Testament never mentions this subject without sounding an earnest call for personal preparedness: Luke 21 : 34-36: "Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man." Luke 12:35-40: "Blessed are those servants whom the Lord when He cometh shall find watching." Thank God, we are not left in doubt as to how to make this personal preparation: I John 2 :28: "And now, little children, abide in Him; that, when He shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before Him at His coming." (76) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 16 TWELVE GREAT SIGNS OF THE RETURN OF JESUS Introduction ln this ,esson we wil1 Study “The Signs of Christ’s Coming,” and the obvious place to begin is with the pointed question which the disciples asked Jesus about this subject. Matt. 24:2: “What shall be the SIGN of Thy coming?” (See Chart No. 18 - Signs of Christ's Coming} Disnminw Think of the world as a giant clock-face. Call the hour-hand “BIBLE SIGNS,” and the minute-hand “WORLD CONDITIONS.” When we see “WORLD CONDITIONS” coming nearer and nearer to the point of agreement with the “BIBLE SIGNS,” we may know by that sure token that our Lord’s return is near! Consider these twelve great signs of the return of Jesus that are being witnessed in our day: THE “SCOFFERS” SIGN (2 Peter 3:3,4) Peter predicted that the prevailing mood of the “last days” would be one of open scepticism about the signs of Christ’s coming. This is certainly true today. Every modern scoffer is a walking, talking sign of the coming of the Lord. The Christian can say to the scoffer “Friend, Peter made a prediction about you. You are the latest sign I’ve seen!” THE “WAR” SIGN (Matthew 24:6, 7) The 20th Century has witnessed the two most devastating wars of all history (1914- 1918, and 1939-1945). A total of over 70 million were killed, wounded, or missing. But none of the 40 haunted years since the close of World War II has been wholly free from conflict, somewhere in the world. It is an unpalatable but inescapable fact that war is “chronic” in our modern civilized society. The years 1900-1985 have been the most blood-stained years on record. Apart from “World Wars I and II,” the seemingly-endless series of “local wars” is heart­ breaking. Said one observer “There has not been one day of genuine peace since the Armistice was signed in 1918!” Spain; Hungary; Indonesia; Korea; Algeria; India and Pakistan; the Suez War the Palestinian War Greece, Turkey, and Cyprus; Vietnam; Chile; Lebanon; the Falklands; Afghanistan; South Africa: Inter-America; Ethiopia; New Caledonia; Iraq and Iran - all are grim reminders that our civilization seems to operate effectively only under the brutal stimulus of war! Add to all this the sinister fact that the “super-powers,” while strenuously affirming their commitment to peace, have stockpiled enough intercontinental ballistic missiles in their “nuclear arsenals” to wipe out the human race many times over! THE “FAMINE” SIGN (Matthew 24:7) Our century has already witnessed four of the greatest famines of recorded history (Russia, 1921 and 1933; China, 1928-1930; Bengal, 1943-1944. Total deaths estimated at over 20 million). Added to these disasters, as the 1970’s merge into the 1980’s, is the calamitous drought/famine of North and Central Africa, where the death-threat has already (1985) reached monumental proportions. Reliable statistics of total deaths are not yet available, but even in the early stages of the famine, a United Nations release estimated that 120 million lives were “at risk!” The rocketting and apparently uncontrollable “population explosion” only serves to aggravate the threat of continued and escalating food-shortages. Famine, like War, has become a chronic world-circumstance of our time, and the outlook is positively frightening. Unless the birth-rate can be drastically curbed, the threat of famine seems destined to swell to a calamity of global magnitude. Every morning there are well over 200,000 extra mouths to feed. From an estimate published by the United Nations, the world-population will have grown to five billion (5,000 million) by 1988, and to 6.25 billion by the (77) No. 16 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid year 2,000. Already over 1,000 million people in the world are grossly under-nourished, with almost half that number literally starving! THE “PESTILENCE” SIGN (Matthew 24:7) The early years of our century witnessed one of the greatest pestilences on record (The “Spanish Influenza” epidemic of 1918, which claimed an estimated 21 million victims). And now, in the 1980’s, as if in defiance of all the spectacular advances of the modern healing sciences, a new, fast-acting, lethal, degenerative disease has leaped dramatically into the medical headlines. With stunning rapidity AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), is devastating homo-sexual populations, and threatening to spread by wayof bi-sexualsand drug- users into heterosexual society. From a handful of cases that first appeared in a few homosexual men in the summer of 1981, when the “killer disease” was first diagnosed, virus- caused AIDS has exploded into the Number 1 serious communicable disease-problem of our age! Described as “one of the most sinister infectious diseases of this or any century,” AIDS annihilates the body’s immune system. Multiplying 1,000 times faster than any known virus, it leaves its victim prey to a multitude of infectious agents. No cure for the “Gay Plague” is yet known to medical science, and it has been branded “The New Leprosy” because of the paralysing fear of contamination it induces. THE “EARTHQUAKE” SIGN (Matthew 24:7) Our century has witnessed two of the greatest earthquakes ever recorded. (China, 1920. Killed 180,000 people. Japan, 1923. Total casualties 1,500,000, of whom 200,000 perished). The Japanese earthquake was described at the time as “The greatest single disaster since the Flood!” Never before have earth’s subterranean forces wrought such wide-spread havoc as in our century. Admittedly, calamitous earthquakes have occurred sporadically down through history. But in our time major earthquakes and volcanic upheavals are rocking our planet with unprecedented fury. The facts are overwhelmingly conclusive. From 1901 to 1944 - during more than forty years - only three earthquakes measured “Magnitude 7” or over. “Magnitude 7” can be defined as a major earthquake that causes wide-spread, heavy damage. Then, in just 10 years, from 1945 to 1954, the number leaped to 21 ’quakes measuring 7 or over. From then on, the number of major earthquakes has escalated alarmingly. For example: From 1955 to 1984 - in thirty years - 356 earthquakes have measured 7 or over (from 1955 to 1964,87. from 1965 to 1974,136, and from 1975 to 1984,133). In just one year, 1980, 14 earthquakes measured magnitude 7 or over. Thirteen earthquakes of similar magnitude were recorded in 1981; 10 in 1982; 12 in 1983; 8 in 1984. The Mexico City earthquake of September 19,1985, which claimed more than 7,000 lives, was the worst ’quake in recorded North American history. THE “KNOWLEDGE” SIGN (Dan. 12:4) Today we are witnessing an unparalleled “knowledge explosion” - an “epidemic of human inventiveness.” Man has made more spectacular advances in science, invention, medicine, transportation, communication, and in almost all other areas of knowledge in the past century, than in all previous centuries put together! Try to assess the fabulous wonders that are locked up in these words: “Motorised Transport;” “Aero-dynamics;” “Technological Warfare;” “Telecommunication;” “Satellites;” “Nuclear Fission;” “Electronics;” “Computerization.” Then reflect that all these marvels belong uniquely to our time. They are part of the incredible burgeoning of human knowledge that marks our century. Never in all history was there such an unparalleled “running to and fro” as there is today. Never were there such amazing facilities for rapid and easy travel. Never was there such an obsession with speed. Never were such fantastic speeds achieved, or dreamed of, (78) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 16 THE “PERILOUS TIMES” SIGN (2 Tim. 3:1-3) In spite of the most ingenious and costly equipment for fighting crime - violence, murder, robbery and rape are increasing at an alarming rate. Frustrated law-enforcement agencies can curb, but they cannot cure. They are like people with brooms on the seashore, trying desperately to sweep back the incoming tide. Most sinister among the criminal forces of our time is the international drug-traffic, which yearly claims its multitudes of victims, especially among youth. So powerful is the strangle-hold of this universal social “octopus,” that many serious thinkers wonder if it can ever be broken. The sins of Noah’s day are being repeated, just as Jesus predicted (Matthew 24:37-39). In Noah’s day advanced civilisation and great learning were handicapped by unbridled violence and scandalous immorality. So it is in our day. But the most alarming aspect of the current moral landslide is the fact that it is occurring in spite of the most superb enlightening and civilising agencies ever available to man! THE “POLLUTION” SIGN (Revelation 11:18) Since the 1950’s, mankind has come suddenly awake to an insidious, new, global peril - “ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION” - the frightening price that is being exacted by galloping and irresponsible technological advance. “Pollution” has become a second, mortal menace that ranks beside Nuclear War in its Apocalyptic magnitude and horror. Atomic wastes; chemical wastes; pesticides; fungicides and defoliants are rapidly poisoning man’s total environment beyond hope of repair. Vital inland lakes and streams are irreparably contaminated. Vast forests die from “acid rain.” Our protective atmospheric shield of Ozone gas is being reduced alarmingly. Even the ocean, with its stupendous self-purifying power, and its teeming oxygen-producing plankton, is in peril. The collapse of our planet’s basic life-support systems has now become an awesome and early possibility. Unless the wholesale, wanton fouling of earth’s water, soil, and air is quickly arrested and reversed, mankind faces the stark prospect of self-created doom! THE “FEAR” SIGN (Luke 21:25,26) With the advent of the Atomic Bomb, our dream of peace and security has turned into a chilling nightmare of horror. Since 1945, the world has lived nervously under the sinister shadow of a nuclear “mushroom.” At the very time when man’s mastery of his environment ought to guarantee freedom from fear “STARK FEAR HAS THE WORLD BY THE THROAT!” says one candid observer. But the fear of wholesale annihilation by nuclear war, or by environmental pollution, has now been compounded by another paralysing horror - “INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM.” This is mass-blackmail in a new, unprecedented, and utterly callous form. Its disregard for human life and property is total. Without armies, navies, or air-forces, a handful of power-crazed fanatics, by means of threats, kidnappings, high-jackings, bombings and other indiscriminate acts of violence, can hold a whole community - or a whole nation - at gun-point! What is more hair-raising still is the fearsome possibility that the terrorists will “go nuclear,” steal or manufacture an atomic bomb, and threaten the ultimate, desperate act of unbridled violence - INDISCRIMINATE MASS-SLAUGHTER! THE “EXTREMITY” SIGN (Luke 21:25,26) Jesus predicted that the “last days” would witness the development of a crisis in human affairs that would be beyond man’s power to remedy or to control. He used the word “PERPLEXITY” (Greek APORIA, which means NO EXIT; NO WAY OUT). This final, incurable crisis is now upon us. Man has no permanent solutions for his rapidly-escalating problems - whether they be social, economic, political, environmental, or moral. He has reached the point of “NO RETURN” - the irreversible extremity. All our dazzling technological achievements have not brought us one millimetre closer to the elimination of war, famine, mass-starvation, crime, greed, terrorism, pollution, drug-abuse, or humanly-inflicted epidemics of self-destruction. If anything, we are further from the solution of these mammoth problems than ever before. (79) No. 16 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid In terms of human resources, no adequate salvaging mechanisms are available - or in sight - that can halt humanity’s headlong downward plunge, and lift the race back to sanity and peace. Indeed, so desperate has the international crisis now become, that one commentator has described our modern world as “AN ELEPHANT HANGING OVER A CLIFF, WITH ITS TAIL TIED TO A DAISY!” THE “GOSPEL” SIGN (Matthew 24:14) During the past 100 years, through the magic of the printing press, the aeroplane, radio, television, and—latest of all—Communications Satellites, the preaching of the Gospel on a world-wide scale has become an actual possibility. One man can now address an audience of tens—even hundreds of millions of people! The Bible is translated into over 1,800 languages, and is being distributed - in whole or in part - at the rate of hundreds of millions of copies every year. THIS, SURELY, IS THE BRIGHTEST SIGN OF ALL! THE “ALL THESE THINGS” SIGN (Luke 21:28-32) When confronted with this impressive list of Signs, some people argue: l4But crimes, and wars, and earthquakes, and pestilences have ALWAYS been happening. There’s nothing abnormal about these things; so how can we treat them as Signs? Besides, sincere people in the past have expected the Lord to return in their day, and been disappointed. They misinterpreted the Signs. Couldn’t we be making the same mistake?” Those who raise this objection overlook one immensely significant difference between our generation and all past generations. It is simply this: Today, for the first time since the risen Lord ascended to Heaven, ALL the predicted major Signs of the end of the age are SYNCHRONISING! One or more of these Signs may have occurred in earlier generations, but never have they all occurred SIMULTAN EOUSLY, as we see them today! MANKIND HAS NEVER BEEN IN THIS POSITION BEFORE! Jesus has never asked us to believe in the nearness of His coming on the strength of one sign alone. One solitary snowflake does not make an avalanche. But when all the rapidly- multiplying Signs are allowed to bear their accumulated testimony, they make an avalanche of irresistible power. So unmistakable are the Signs of Christ’s coming that no intelligent person should fail to recognise them. They are as plain as If God were to speak in thundertones from heaven, or to write in giant, blazing letters on the skies! Conclusion Why do you th,nk God has given US a chance to hear these tremendous tidings? So that we might “discern the signs of the times” and be ready to welcome Jesus with eagerness and joy. Luke 21:28: “When these things begin to come to pass, then look up, lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh!” (80) Study Guides for New Pictorisl Aid No. 17 WHAT HAPPENS AFTER JESUS COMES? Introduction When we have learned what the Bible teaches about the Second Coming of the Lord, the next logical question is: "What happens AFTER Jesus comes?" The simplest way to answer this question is to read from Revelation 19:11, which describes the Second Advent, right through to the end of chapter 20. From these verses we learn that the Second Coming will be followed immediately by a period of 1,000 years, which is mentioned six times in Revelation 20:1-9, and is commonly known as 'The Millennium". This word is not found in the Bible, but is an English word, made up by joining two Latin terms, "Mille" (1,000) and "Annus" (a year), and meaning simply—"one thousand years". Discussion Our Study of the Millennium will fall into three parts: (See Chart No 19—‘The Millennium Prophecy—First Part) 1.—EVENTS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE MILLENNIUM The Return of Jesus: Rev. 19:11. Compare I Thess. 4:16. This, as we have seen, is the obvious starting point. The Righteous Dead Raised: Rev. 20:4, 6. Compare I Thess. 4:16. The Living Saints Caught Up: I Thess. 4:17. See also Matt. 24:31; John 14:3; 13:36; 17:24; which show that all the righteous are gathered and return to heaven with Christ at the Second Advent. The Living Wicked Slain: Rev. 19:11-16, 21. Compare II Thess. 1:7, 8. The Earth Desolated: Rev. 16:17-21. See also Rev. 6:14-17; Jer. 25:30-33; Jer. 4: 23-26; Isa. 24:1, 5, 6, 17-22, which describe the stupendous changes which will take place in the physical world at the Second Advent. Any suggestion that social life, industry, commerce, agriculture, education, sport, travel, etc., will continue as usual during the thousand years is unthinkable. This planet will be rendered completely uninhabitable when Jesus comes. note: the “bottomless pit”—These two puzzling words are translated from a single Greek word “ABUSSOS”, which means a dark, waste, desolate region; a state of chaos. In the Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament, “ABUSSOS” is used to describe the earth in its original chaotic condition before light and vegetation appeared, when it was “without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep” (Greek “ABUSSOS”) Gen. 1:2. Compare Jer. 4:23-26, which shows that at the Second Advent, the earth will again be reduced to a similar condition of chaos. The term, “bottomless pit* is not used in the Revised Versions of the Bible, or by most other modern translators. They use the more appropriate and under­ standable word, “ABYSS”, which describes the earth as it lies completely devastated and emptied of human inhabitants after Christ comes. This will be Satan*s dreary prison-house during the thousand years. Satan Bound: Rev. 20:1-3. Literal, material chains cannot be intended here. They could not bind a supernatural being. Satan will be bound by a chain of circumstances. The saints are in heaven, beyond his reach, and the wicked are all dead, to remain in that condition for a thousand years, so that the Devil has no one to tempt. No prisoner was ever more effectively chainedl 2.—EVENTS AND CONDITIONS DURING THE MILLENNIUM ( Chart No. 19—Second Part) The Saints Reign in Heaven "with Christ": Rev. 20:4, 6; 3: 21. The Saints Assist in Judging Wicked Angels and Men: Rev. 20:4; I Cor. 6:2, 3. Other translations of v 4 are illuminating—Weymouth: 'To whom judgment was en­ trusted". Goodspeed: "Who were empowered to act as judges". (81) No. 17 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid The Wicked Remain Dead: Rev. 20: 5, first part; Jer. 25 : 33. Satan is Bound by a Chain of Circumstances: Rev. 20: 3. The Earth Lies at Rest: Jer. 4: 23-26. 3.—EVENTS AT THE END OF THE MILLENNIUM ( Chart No. 19—Third Part) This earth now becomes the scene of the closing events in the long conflict between Christ and Satan. Christ the Saints and the Holy City Descend: Rev. 21 : 2, 10; 20 : 9. 'The Beloved City" (v 9) is the heavenly—not the earthly—Jerusalem; for all earthly cities collapsed in ruins at the beginning of the Millennium (Rev. 16:19; Jer. 4: 26). Up till that time, the Scriptures locate the Holy City in heaven (Gal. 4: 26). Yet now, at the end of the Millennium, it is declared to be on earth. There is only one logical way in which a city which has been situated in heaven can be located on earth, and that is by being transported bodily thither by the power of God. And there is only one logical time for this re-location to occur—namely, at the end of the thousand years! The Wicked Dead are Raised: Rev. 20:5, first part. Satan is Loosed: Rev. 20 : 7-9. As Satan was bound by the catching away of the righteous and the death of the wicked at the beginning of the thousand years, so now he is loosed by the resurrection of the wicked of all ages. Here again is his kingdom and again he plies his deceptions, taking up his stubborn and bitter warfare against God. Doubtless he finds it an easy task to persuade the wicked that it is by his power that they have been raised to life, and to inspire them with the hope that they may yet prevail against the Most High. The Last Judgment: Rev. 20:11, 12. Now, for the first and last time in the history of man, all who have ever lived upon this earth will stand alive before God and each other at the same moment. The godly will be safe inside the walls of the beloved city—redeemed, immortal. The ungodly will stand outside—in the devil's army—awaiting the sentence of everlasting doom. There will be no third side on which to stand. Satan and Sinners Destroyed: Rev. 20:9. The Earth Cleansed and Renewed: II Peter 3 :10-13; Rev. 21 :1, 5. Conclusion From our Study of the Millennium, three challenging facts emerge: 1. Each one of us will spend the Millennium in either one of two places: With Satan, on this lifeless, silent earth, or with Christ amid the joys of a sinless heaven. 2. Each one of us will be alive on the earth at the end of the Millennium, in either one of two places: With Satan, outside the Holy City, or with Christ, inside the Holy City. 3. Which place it shall be depends upon our individual decision now. It will be too late to delay our decision until Jesus comes. The line between Christ's side and Satan's side will then be sharply and unalterably drawn. No longer will it be possible to transfer from one side to the other at will. These are solemn thoughts, indeed. And no Bible subject brings them home to our hearts with greater force than the Millennium. Thank Godl The transfer of allegiance from Satan to Christ is still possible today. 'Today, if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts." (Heb. 3 : 7, 8). Let us respond to this gracious invitation while there is still time. (82) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 18 WHAT AND WHERE IS HEAVEN? Introduction Some people regard "Heaven" as a childish fantasy, a mythical after­ life which the imagination of man has conjured up to compensate himself for the disappointments and sorrows of the present life. Others think of it as a hazy, unreal existence, where white-robed "saints" sit on the edges of clouds or rainbows, dangling little golden harps. Still others rejoice in the assurance that "Heaven" is the home of reality and fulfilment—the place of eternal satisfaction and joy. What does the Bible say? The Bible uses the word "Heaven" in three ways: The First Heaven: The atmosphere. Where the birds fly (Gen. 1 :6-8; Rev. 19:17). The Second Heaven: The starry heaven. Where suns and planets race (Ps. 8:3; Rev. 6:13; Gen. 15:5). The Third Heaven: Paradise. God's dwelling-place (II Cor. 12:2-4; I Kings 8:30; Matt. 6:9). Obviously, if there is a "third" heaven, there must be a "second" and a "first". Once we have grasped this basic fact, we have the first important key to the Bible truth about Heaven. In this lesson we will study about "Heaven" in the third sense—God's dwelling- place—which is to become the eternal home of His redeemed children. Discussion When we open the Bible, we discover seven heart-warming facts about Heaven: FACT 1— HEAVEN IS A REAL PLACE John 14:1-3: "I go to prepare a place for you." Matt. 5:12: "Great is your reward in Heaven." Luke 15 :7,10: "Joy shall be in Heaven in the presence of the angels of God." Luke 10:20: "Rejoice, because your names are written in Heaven." No Bible writer ever expresses any doubt about the reality of Heavenl FACT 2—HEAVEN IS A PREPARED PLACE John 14:1-3: "I go to prepare a place for you." Matt. 25 : 34: "Inherit the kingdom prepared for you." Heb. 11 :13-16: "He hath prepared for them a city." Think of all the love, tenderness and imagination that are going into the preparation of our heavenly homel FACT 3—HEAVEN IS A FAMILIAR PLACE Whilst the Bible promises God's children a home in "Heaven" (I Pet. 1 :4), it also promises that the meek shall inherit "the earth" (Matt. 5:5). At first sight this seems like a contradiction, until we recall that at the end of the Millennium, after the cleansing fires have done their work, Heaven is actually going to come down to this earth! This familiar planet, restored to its original Edenic beauty, will thus become God's "tabernacle" or dwelling-place, and the eternal home of the saved (Rev. 21 :3, 5). Rev. 21 :1, 2,10: John saw the Holy City descending out of Heaven from God. Rev. 21 :3: "The tabernacle [dwelling-place] of God is with men." Rom. 4:13: God promised Abraham that he would be the "heir of the world". (83) No. 18 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid Heb. 11 :14, 16: The home of the saved is called "a country", "a better country", a "heavenly country". Because of their close similarity in character and conditions, the Bible mingles its description of the "Heaven" that now is, with its description of the "Heaven on earth" that will be. This is the second important key which, once grasped, widens immensely our understanding of the Bible truth about Heaven. (See Chart No. 20 - Eden Restored) FACT 4—HEAVEN IS A CLEAN PLACE Rev. 21 :27: "Nothing that defileth." Matt. 6:20: No rust or pests. I Cor. 6 :9,10: No drunkards, idolaters, blasphemers or unclean persons. Ps. 24:3-5: "He that hath clean hands and a pure heart." FACT 5—HEAVEN IS A SAFE PLACE Rev. 22:14: All citizens will be commandment-keepers. Isa. 11 :6-9: "The wolf shall dwell with the lamb." Matt. 6:19, 20: No thieves. Isa. 33:24: No sickness. Isa. 35 :9: No ravenous beast. Rev. 22: 3: "No more curse." FACT 6—HEAVEN IS A HAPPY PLACE Rev. 21 :4: All tears wiped away. No more sorrow, crying, pain or death. Luke 20:36: "Neither can they die any more." Isa. 35 :10: "Songs and everlasting joy." (Also the whole of this chapter.) Isa. 65 :17-25: "Long enjoy the work of their hands." Ps. 16 :11: "Fulness of joy. Pleasures for evermore." FACT 7—HEAVEN IS A MEETING-PLACE I Thess. 4:16-18: The meeting in the air. Matt. 24:30, 31: God's elect gathered from the four winds. Jer. 31 :15,16: "They shall come again from the land of the enemy." I Cor. 13:12: "We shall know, even as we are known." Conclusion Why do y°u think God has given US a chance to hear these wonderful things about Heaven? Because He wants us to have a share in the joys of His eternal home! God is not trying His hardest to keep people out of Heaven. He is trying His hardest to get people ini John 14:2: "In My Father's house are MANY mansions." "Many mansions", shows that Jesus is expecting a large number of people to respond to His invitation. Who could resist such a tremendous offer? We must decide to be among that happy companyl (84) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 19 CHRIST’S GUARANTEE OF VICTORY OVER DEATH Introduction Christs guarantee of victory over death is found in Rev. 1 :18 "I am He that liveth and was dead, and behold, I am alive for evermore, amen; and have the keys of hell [Greek HADES = the grave] and of death/' This verse is a condensation of the whole message of the Bible concerning victory over death. The keys of the grave are in the hands of a Friend—our best Friend, Jesus Christ—One whom we can love and trust! What more positive, comforting assurance could ever be given to a grief-stricken world? When Jesus says He has the "keys" of the grave, what does He mean? Firstly, that He alone can unlock the dark prison-house of death and set its captives free. Secondly, that He alone can unlock the dark mystery of death, and tell us what it means. In this lesson we will study the seven "Keys of the Grave" which Jesus offers, to help us to understand the Bible truth about death. (See Chart No. 21 - The Nature of Man in Life and Death) Discussion 1 —the first key — how life began Before we can understand what death is, and how it began, we must first know something of what life is, and how it began. Gen. 2:7: "God breathed into man's nostrils the breath of life." Here, in a few simple words, is God's answer to the baffling questions that men have been asking about the "Origin of Life" for thousands of years. Life is a direct personal gift from God! Once given, how was man's life to be sustained? Had man now become a source of life, independent of God? Gen. 2:9: 'The tree of life in the midst of the garden." The Tree of Life was the abiding symbol of man's total and continuous dependence upon God. It was an enduring reminder that man did not have life in himself. He was not naturally immortal. His life was conditioned on obedience. Should he ever be cut off from access to the life-giving tree, his existence must inevitably cease. 2—THE SECOND KEY — HOW DEATH BEGAN Gen. 2:15-17: "In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." This is the Bible's first mention of "death". What a baffling mystery God's warning must have been to Adam and Evel They had known only a world filled with life! Gen. 3:1-4: "Ye shall not surely die." Satan contradicts God's warning. Gen. 3:5-6: Man believes Satan's lie, and disobeys God. Gen. 3:17-24: The tragic result of disobedience: Separation from the tree of life. Rom. 5:12: And so death passed upon all men. note: In spite of these plain Bible facts, the idea persists in many minds that man, even as a sinner, is naturally immortal, so that some part of him can never die. Millions have been deceived by the Devil*s false assurance: "ye shall not surely die". This is the taproot of all the widespread confusion about life, death, and immortality. Yet this confusion would never have existed if men had read, and believed, the last few words of genesis 3. The one sure defence against Satan*s lie is to recognise that sin cut man off from access to the tree of life. This basic Bible fact makes an immortal sinner impossible! (85) No. 19 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid 3 —THE THIRD KEY — WHAT HAPPENS TO THE BODY AT DEATH Gen. 3:19: "Till thou return unto the ground . . . Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." This text requires no explanation. There is no element of mystery here. All human experience confirms this plain statement of the Bible. 4—THE FOURTH KEY — WHAT HAPPENS TO THE SPIRIT AT DEATH Because there is some confusion among Christian people at this point, we should consider the following Bible facts very carefully: Eccles. 12:7: "The spirit shall return to God who gave it." This text does not say that the "spirit" of good men only returns to God at death. No distinction is made here between good men or bad men. According to this passage, the "spirit" of all men returns to God at death. What is the "spirit"? According to the Bible, the "spirit" is the life principle, or "breath of life", which God originally gave to man (Gen. 2:7), and beast (Gen. 7:15, 21, 22). The common Hebrew word for "breath" (RUACH) is many times translated as "spirit". (See Job 33 : 4; 34:14, where "spirit" and "breath" are used interchangeably.) Eccles. 3:19-21: The "spirit", or "breath of life", is a gift from God which man shares with the lower animals, so that in this respect man has no pre-eminence over the beasts. Job 27:3: The "spirit" or "breath" from God resides in man's "nostrils". Ps. 146:3, 4: Man's "breath goeth forth", and "he retumeth to his earth". According to this passage, death is the separation of the breath of life from the body—the simple reversal of that process by which God originally gave life to man. James 2:26: "The body without the 'spirit' [margin, 'breath'] is dead." Therefore, the simplest definition of the "spirit", when used in this sense, is: That which keeps life in the body, and returns to God at death. note: A further significant fact should be observed here: Whilst life and consciousness result from the union between the “spirit” (or breath) and the body, the Bible never suggests that the "spirit** is a kind of second, living personality—an independent centre of self- consciousness—which can enjoy personal existence when separated from the body. Nowhere does the Bible teach that the human “spirit” has the power of independent consciousness, intelligence, emotions, sensations, memory, or will, prior to, or subsequent to, its union with the body. The recognition of this fact will also save us from a great deal of confusion. 5.—THE FIFTH KEY — WHAT HAPPENS TO THE SOUL AT DEATH Gen. 2:7: As a result of the union of the breath of life with the body, man "became" a living soul. The text does not say that man was "given" a soul, or that he "had" a soul, but that he was a soull What is a "living soul"? According to the Bible, a "living soul" is a living being; a conscious person, or personality; an individual. (See Gen. 12:5; 36:6; Lev. 4:2; where "soul" obviously means "person".) Compare Matt. 16:26 with Luke 9:25, where the Bible uses the terms "soul" and "self" interchangeably. Obviously the "soul" means the "self"; the whole man, the total, conscious, living, breathing personality, as it functions normally in life. (86) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 19 It should be carefully noted that the body alone is not the total "self" or "soul". Nor is the "spirit" alone the total "self" or "soul". The "soul", or "self" exists only when the body and the "spirit" are united! This "living soul" or "self" is the human organism which does have the power of consciousness, intelligence, memory, emotions, sensations and will, but only so long as the breath and the body remain united. At death the "soul" or "self", with all its wonder­ ful powers simply ceases, for the time being, to exist. The "soul" does not "go" anywhere at death, it simply lapses into non-being, as a conscious entity. Eccles. 9 : 5, 6: "The dead know not anything." Eccles. 9:10: "No work, device, or knowledge in the grave." Ps. 6 :5: "No remembrance of God in death." Ps. 115 :17: "The dead do not praise God." Job 14:21: The sons of the dead man come to honour, and he knows it not. Acts 2 : 29, 34: David, though he had been dead for a thousand years, had "not ascended into the heavens". Accordingly, the complete lapsing of consciousness and personality at death is called "the sleep of death" (Ps. 13:3). Over fifty times in the Bible, death is compared to a "sleep", because sleep is only a temporary condition, which carries with it the promise of a certain awakening. This is by far the simplest, most positive, most comforting way to think of death. 6.—THE SIXTH KEY — WHEN DEATH'S POWER WILL BE BROKEN Thank God, the Bible's teaching concerning the nature and destiny of man does not end with the temporary lapse of the "soul" or personality at death! God has the power, whenever He pleases, to repeat the miracle of Gen. 2:7; to re-unite the body and the spirit, and thus restore a dead man as a conscious "self", or "living soul". This is what the Bible calls "the resurrection of the dead". I Cor. 15:21, 22: "As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive." Job 14:12-15: Job expected to "wait" in the grave for his "change", when God should "call", and "the heavens should be no more". Job 19 :26: "Though worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God." John 5 : 28, 29: "All that are in the graves shall hear His voice, and come forth." I Cor. 15 :51-55: "The dead shall be raised incorruptible." I Thess. 4:16-18: The Lord descends, the dead in Christ rise. I Cor. 15:26: "The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death." Rev. 21 :4: "No more death, sorrow nor crying." Luke 20 : 36: "Neither can they die any more." 7—THE SEVENTH KEY — WHAT DEATH MEANS FOR THE CHRISTIAN For the Christian, death is compared to: (a) "A sleep" (Acts 7:60). A thousand years in the grave will seem like a moment of silence and darkness. (b) A "shadow" (Ps. 23:4). A shadow is powerless to harm anyone. (c) An enemy with its "sting" plucked out (I Cor. 15 : 55). Therefore, the Christian does not fear death, as if it were an all-powerful or eternal foe. Conclusion Rom- ®: 38' 39: Death, even in its most dreadful form, cannot pluck us out of the hand of Christ. With this confidence, we, like Paul, may look into the face of death without fear (II Tim. 4:6-8). (87) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 20 THE BIBLE TRUTH ABOUT “ HELL ” Introduction Certain ideas about Hell have been instilled into our minds from child­ hood. If we were to ask a hundred people in our neighbourhood: "What is your idea of Hell?" we would probably find that most people gave answers something like this: "A vast fiery pit, where sinners are kept burning for ever and ever, while demons, armed with pitch-forks, gloat over the torments of the damned." Does the Bible endorse this conventional picture of Hell? Let us open the Book and see. Discussion 1 —what does the bible mean by "hell"? Four different words from the original Bible languages are trans­ lated by the one English word "Hell": (a) SHEOL (Hebrew)—Has the general meaning of death, the state of death, the grave, the dominion of death and the grave. The sphere of death as opposed to the sphere of life. The after-world. The unseen or invisible realm to which all men go at death. In the Greek "Septuagint" version (the first translation from the Hebrew into Greek), the Hebrew SHEOL is commonly translated by the Greek word HADES. SHEOL does not carry with it intrinsically the idea of fire, or the conscious torment of the living, but simply death, the abode of the dead, both good and evil. The word occurs sixty-five times in the Old Testament. Example: Gen. 37:35. (b) TARTAROS (Greek)—Refers to the place of banishment of evil angels, and evidently means the regions of space surrounding this world, to which the rebellious angels were cast after their expulsion from Heaven. Does not concern the fate of ungodly men. Occurs only once in the New Testament: II Peter 2:4. (c) HADES (Greek)—Means literally that which is in darkness, hidden, invisible, obscure, and applies to the unseen world, or the abode of the dead. It is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew SHEOL, and therefore means the grave, or the dominion of death and the grave. HADES does not carry with it intrinsically the idea of fire, or the conscious torment of the living, but applies simply to the invisible world to which all men, good and evil alike, go at death. The word occurs eleven times in the New Testament. Example: Acts 2:27. (d) GEHENNA (Greek)—Applies literally to the Valley of Gehenna near Jerusalem, where in Christ's day all kinds of refuse were cast, including the carcases of beasts, and the unburied bodies of criminals. Fires were kept constantly burning to consume this waste material. GEHENNA is the Greek mode of spelling the Hebrew words which mean "the valley of Hinnom". However, the fires of GEHENNA were not for the torment of the living, but for the destruction of the dead. Jesus used the Valley of Gehenna as a symbol of the "second" or final death—the total, fiery destruction of the wicked at the end of the Millennium. The word occurs twelve times in the New Testament. Example: Matt. 5:22, 29, 30. 2.—WHY IS THE FIERY HELL OF THE BIBLE NECESSARY? Because God is a clean God, and He wants to have a clean universe. His holy nature is the very opposite of evil, and therefore cannot tolerate wickedness in any form. The primary purpose of the fiery Hell is to disinfect the universe from everything that is evil and unclean. I John 1 :5: "God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all." Habakkuk 1 :13: "Thou are of purer eyes than to behold evil." Heb. 12:29: "Our God is a consuming fire." (89) No. 20 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid Fire is God's great antiseptic, and His use of it to destroy evil at the last day is not because He is vindictive, spiteful or cruel, but for surgical or cleansing purposes. Rev. 21 :27: Nothing that defileth can enter the New Jerusalem. I John 3:8: God's object is to destroy the works of the Devil. Rev. 5:13: God will eventually have a clean universe, in which every rational creature will praise and bless Him. 3 —HOW CAN WE RECONCILE THE BIBLE'S PICTURE OF HELL WITH THE LOVE AND JUSTICE OF GOD? This reconciliation is not difficult if we keep three facts in mind: (a) God does not arbitrarily consign anyone to Hell. He does not shut the door of Heaven against anyone. He wants all men to be saved, and has made abundant provision for this. But some people shut the door of Heaven against themselves! By persistently choosing evil they exclude themselves from Heaven and consign themselves to Hell. They are shut out from Heaven by their own unfitness for its society. Each man finally casts his own vote, either for Heaven or Hell. God simply endorses the sinner's own choice. Ezek. 18:30-32; 33:11: "God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked." II Peter 3:9: "He is not willing that any should perish." John 3:16: His love provides a way for all to be saved—if they choose. Isa. 28:21: Punishment is God's "strange act"—something that His whole nature recoils from. (b) God's withdrawal of the gift of life from the wicked is in kindness to them. They would not be happy in a clean and sinless universe, any more than germs would be happy in sunlight, or in a strong antiseptic solution. They would welcome destruction in preference to the society of God and angels. "The sinner could not be happy in God's presence. He would shrink from the com­ panionship of holy beings. Could he be permitted to enter Heaven, it would have no joy for him. His thoughts, his interests, his motives, would be alien to those that actuate the sinless dwellers there. Heaven would be to him a place of torture. He would long to be hidden from Him who is its light, and the centre of its joy" (Steps to Christ, pp 17, 18). Prov. 8:36: "All they that hate Me love death." Rev. 22 :11: "He which is filthy, let him be filthy still." (c) God's withdrawal of the gift of life from the wicked is in kindness to the universe as a whole. God must safeguard the happiness and well-being of the universe at large— like a surgeon who cuts out a diseased organ, or amputates a poisoned limb, in order to "disinfect" the rest of the body, and set it free from the risk of disease or death. It would not be love or justice for God to allow the cancer of evil to go on growing and spreading contamination forever, any more than it would be kindness for a doctor to spare a patient's gangrened foot or finger. The admission of one incorrigible sinner into heaven would expose the whole universe to the threat of evil developing a second time! 4 —ARE THE FIRES OF HELL BURNING NOW? Matt. 13:40-42: The wicked will be cast into a furnace of fire at "the end of the world". II Peter 2:9: The unjust are "reserved" unto the day of judgment to be punished. 5 —WHERE IN THE UNIVERSE WILL HELL BE LOCATED? Rev. 20: 7-9: "They went up on the breadth of the earth. Fire came down from God out of Heaven and devoured them." Prov. 11 :31: Sinners shall be recompensed "in the earth". (90) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 20 6. —HOW LONG WILL THE FIRES OF HELL BURN? Until every unclean and evil thing has become "ashes". Then, when there is no more material to consume, the fires will subside of their own accord. Mai. 4:1-3: The wicked will be "burned up", till they have become "ashes". Jude 7: Sodom and Gomorrah suffered the vengeance of "eternal fire". II Peter 2:6: Sodom and Gomorrah were reduced to "ashes". 7. —WHY MUST THE DOCTRINE OF AN ETERNALLY BURNING HELL BE REPUDIATED? It contradicts the Bible. It is a monstrous perversion of justice. It makes God into a fiend. It makes sin immortal. It makes God lose, and the Devil win. 8 —IF MEN AND WOMEN ARE FINALLY LOST, WILL THEY BE ABLE TO BLAME GOD? Isa. 5 : 4: "What more could I have done?" Matt. 23 : 37: "How often would I have gathered thy children, but ye would not." John 5 : 40: "Ye will not come to Me, that ye might have life." Conclusion R®v- 22: "Whosoever will, let him come and take of the water of life freely." The Gospel message is not "do", but "come"! It is not "try", but "come"! It is not "reform", but "come"! It is not "improve", but "come"! All through the Gospel, like the swell of silver trumpets or the echo of the bells of joy, is heard the Saviour's blessed invitation, "Come!" The feast is ready; come and eat it. The water is gushing; come and drink it. The pardon is proffered; come and take it. The love is free; come and enjoy it! John 6 :37: "And Him that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out." (91) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 21 THE WALL GOD BUILT TO SAFEGUARD CIVILISATION Introduction ,sa- 48:18: "0 that thou hadst hearkened to my commandments! Then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea." (,See Chart No. 24—God's Commandments—Our Protection) The Bible presents a positive and practical picture of God's Ten Commandments. They are likened to a great protecting wall (Deut. 6:24). Inside this wall are the most precious elements of our civilised society. The Home. The School. The Church. Just Government. Honourable Business Methods. Clean and Humane Sports. Peace, Liberty, Health, Prosperity and Happiness are there, also. These most valuable of human assets are all guaranteed to us and safeguarded for us by this massive protecting wall. But let the wall be broken down at any point and not one of these institutions is safe! The best way to test the value of the Ten Commandments is to ask two questions: What sort of world would we have right now if everybody SCRAPPED the Ten Commandments? The Reign of Terror in Revolutionary France (1793), and the Police Strike in Mel­ bourne (1923) are grim examples. Life, property, reputation, liberty, decency, the church, the home—no longer safe. The survival of the fittest! The law of the jungle! The weak to the walll Every man for himself, and the Devil take the hindmost! Would you like to live in a world like that? What sort of world would we have right now if everybody KEPT the Ten Commandments? The Home, the School, the Church—all safe. Life, property, law and order, reputa­ tion, decency—all safe. Health, liberty, peace—all safe. No need for banks. No need for locks on our doors. No need for gaols. No need for a police force. No need for an army. We could push all our tanks and guns and warplanes and bombs into the sea. The world would be transformed into a suburb of Heaven overnightl Would you like to live in a world like that? God's Commandments have nothing to fear from these tests. What do you say? Yet, in spite of the indisputable value of these Commandments, there seems to be a suspicion lurking in some minds that somehow we have outgrown them, or that they were only for the Jews, or that Christ changed them. Do these suspicions have any foundation in the Bible? Let us open the Book and see. Discussion 1—were the ten commandments given as a means of SALVATION? Perhaps the most serious misunderstanding about the Command­ ments arises at this point, so our first work must be to settle this question. The answer we give will determine whether we believe in salvation by grace, or salvation by works. The Bible's answer is that God's Law was given as a Teacher, but never as a Saviour! Ps. 19:7-11: "The Law of the Lord is perfect, making wise the simple." Prov. 6:23: "The Commandment is a lamp." Rom. 3:20: "By the Law is the knowledge of sin." James 1 :23-25: The Law is God's mirror. A mirror can reveal stains, but cannot remove them. So God's Commandments can expose our sinfulness, but they cannot cleanse us from past guilt, or provide strength for future obedience. This is not their work. If we are to honour God by obedience, we must first meet Him in true conversion, and experience His mighty saving power. Ex. 20:2, 3: "I am the Lord Thy God, which brought thee out. . . Thou shalt. . ." etc. Note God's order. Salvation first—then obedience. Redemption first—then right conduct. David saw this clearly. So did Ezekiel. So did Jesus. So did Paul. 4 (93) No. 21 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid Ps. 119:146: "Save me, that I may keep Thy testimonies" (margin). Ps. 119:32: "I will run the way of Thy commandments, when Thou shalt enlarge my heart." Ezek. 36 :26, 27: "A new heart will I give you, and I will cause you to walk in My statutes." John 14:15: "If ye love Me, keep My commandments." Rom. 8:1-3: "What the Law could not do . . . That the righteousness of the Law might be fulfilled in us." Eph. 2:8, 9, 10: "By grace are ye saved. Not of works. Created in Christ Jesus unto good works." According to the Bible, obedience is not the means of salvation, but the evidence of salvation. It is not the root, but the fruit of salvation. We are not saved by obedience— we are saved in order that we may obey. To teach any other gospel is to put the cart before the horsel 2.—WERE THE COMMANDMENTS GIVEN ONLY FOR THE JEWS, OR FOR ALL MEN IN EVERY AGE? Gen. 26 :5: "Abraham kept My commandments." Eccl. 12:13: "Fear God, and keep His commandments . . . the whole duty of man." Matt. 19:17: "If thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments." Rom. 3:31: "Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid; yea we establish the law." James 2:8-10: "He that shall offend in one point is guilty of all." 3— DID JESUS CHANGE OR ABOLISH THE TEN COMMANDMENTS? Matt. 5:17-19: "I am not come to destroy. One jot or one tittle shall not pass from the law." John 15:10: "I have kept My Father's commandments." By His example of lifelong obedience and by His death on the cross, Jesus reinforced the unchangeableness and permanent authority of the Ten Commandments. The fact that He died to pay the penalty for man's sin is conclusive proof that the Divine Law could not be abolished, relaxed, or changedl 4— WILL THE DAY EVER COME WHEN EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD WILL LOVE AND KEEP GOD'S COMMANDMENTS? Not before Jesus comes. But afterwards—yesl Rev.,22; 14: "Blessed are they that do His commandments." Matt. 6 :19, 20: "Thieves will not break through nor steal." II Pet. 3:13: "A new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness." Isa. 65:25: "They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain." 5.—HOW CAN WE MAKE SURE OF A PLACE IN THAT SAFE AND HAPPY WORLD? Heb. 10:15-17: The New Covenant. "I will put My law in their minds, and write it in their hearts." Eph. 3:16, 17: "Strengthened with might by His Spirit." Phil. 4:13: "I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me." Conclusion Gal- 2:20: Christ ,iveth in m6- When Jesus truly lives in us today, what kind of life will He live? A commandment-keeping, or a commandment-breaking life? There is only one rational answer. His life in us today will be manifested by the same joyous and eager obedience which He manifested during His earthly life (Ps. 40:7, 8). Our commandment-keeping is simply the overflow of His life within us! (94) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 22 GOD’S SHRINE OF REMEMBRANCE Introduction The most beautiful memorial shrine in the world is the Taj Mahal, at Agra, India, which was built by the great Mogul Emperor, the Shah Jahan, between 1631 and 1645, in memory of his favourite wife. Described by one visitor as "a dream in white marble", this stately tomb is still a shrine of remembrance for thousands of tourists who flock to it each year from all over the world. God, also, has a "Shrine of Remembrance", built not of marble, but of time. It is the Sabbath, the weekly day of rest, which was appointed by God in Eden, before man sinned, and will be kept in Eden restored, when sin is forever past. Since the days of Eden, man's thoughts concerning the Sabbath have often changed. The tide of human opinion has ebbed and flowed, but God's thoughts have never changed concerning His Holy Day. Isa. 55 : 8, 9: "My thoughts are higher than your thoughts." The purpose of this lesson is to ask: "What are God's thoughts concerning the Sabbath?" {See Chart No. 24 —God's Shrine of Remembrance) Discussion The entrance to the Sabbath Shrine is composed of ten pillars, and every pillar is a text. THE FIRST PILLAR — Gen. 2:1-3 {See Chart No. 23 —Creation Week) Three steps were involved in making the Sabbath: (1) "Rested" — Not the rest of exhaustion, but of achievement and satisfaction (see Isa. 40 : 28). Thus God set an example for man, and invited man to share His rest. (2) "Blessed" — To "bless" means to "speak well of", "to pronounce a blessing upon". Adam and Eve were the only members of the human family present in Eden, so God must have "spoken well" of the Sabbath to them! (3) "Sanctified" — To "sanctify" means to "separate" or "to set apart for a holy use". These three Divine actions are equivalent to a command that man should keep the Sabbath holy. They put the Sabbath in a class by itself, for no other day was thus separ­ ated or set apart by God. Nor can anyone but the Creator Himself remove His blessing from the Sabbath, or transfer it to another day. Some have asked: "Was the Sabbath appointed at Creation, or at some later time?" The answer is found by comparing Gen. 1 :28 with Gen. 2:3, where the word "blessed" is applied both to marriage and to the Sabbath. No doubt seems to exist in any mind that marriage was appointed at Creation, and was intended for the entire human species. The fact that the same word "blessed" is applied to the Sabbath, in the same context, proves that the Sabbath, also, was appointed at Creation and was intended by God for the whole human race. THE SECOND PILLAR — Ex. 20 : 8-11 "Remember" shows that the Sabbath was not a new institution at Mount Sinai, but was already well known. "Of the Lord thy God" shows that the Sabbath does not belong to any race, or sect, or church. It belongs to God. This is the foundation plank of the entire Bible doctrine of the Sabbath. This is what makes the Sabbath different. This is what makes it important. This is what makes it sacred. The Sabbath is God's property, not man's. This means that if we wittingly take the Sabbath and put it to our own use, we are guilty of robbing God! (95) No. 22 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid THE THIRD PILLAR — Isa. 58 :13, 14 "Turn away thy foot from the Sabbath." This means: Take your foot off the Sabbath! Cease to trample it under foot as if it were a common thing. "Call the Sabbath a delight." A "delight" is something that gives us intense and lasting pleasure; something that we think of with relish; something that makes our hearts glow; our faces shine; our eyes sparkle; our pulses leap. This is God's ideal in the gift of the Sabbath. He never intended it to be a day of austerity and gloom, a hardship, a burden, or a yoke of bondage. THE FOURTH PILLAR — Ezek. 20:12, 20 "Hallow" is a word which brings an instant hush over the heart. It means to treat the Sabbath with profound reverence and respect. "A sign between Me and you." Just as the wedding token worn by a bride is the visible sign of a unique relationship between her and her husband, so the Sabbath day is the sign of a special relationship between God and His people. It is the visible badge of those who worship God as the Creator, when the majority of men have allowed the fact of Creation to fade from their minds. If a woman loves her husband, she does not try to hide the token he gave her. She proudly and openly wears it. 'The Lord that doth sanctify you." These words show that in the mind of God, the Sabbath is much more than the outward, formal observance of a particular day. Funda­ mentally, the Sabbath is an experience of sanctification—a condition of heart—whereby the believer himself is separated unto God—set apart for His use. It is the marriage of the human will with the will of God. This experience is not confined to a particular period of twenty-four hours. It overflows from the Sabbath day and extends to every other day in the week. The Sabbath can therefore be truly loved and reverenced only by those who have come to know the power of God in "sanctification". This is the Old Testament word for conversion, or re-creation, whereby the life is voluntarily and permanently set apart as the property of God. The outward observance of the Sabbath day is the God-appointed sign of this inward experience. THE FIFTH PILLAR — Matt. 24: 20 Here is proof from Jesus' own lips that the sacredness of the Sabbath would continue unchanged into the Christian era. The Roman invasion of Judaea, which made it necessary for the servants of Christ to flee from Jerusalem and the surrounding districts, did not take place until A.D. 66-70, almost forty years after this prediction was made. It is evident, therefore, that Jesus' attitude to the Sabbath did not change after the Cross, neither did He wish the attitude of His disciples to change. THE SIXTH PILLAR — Mark 2:27, 28 "Made for man." Man was created before the Sabbath, not after it. The Sabbath was then made for man's benefit—for his refreshment, rest and well-being. "Man" is used here to mean "mankind" as a whole, not merely one section of the human race. "Lord also of the Sabbath." The Sabbath is the only day of the seven which Jesus claims as His own. It is therefore the true "Lord's Day" of the Bible. As the Lord of the Sabbath, Jesus is its Maker, Owner, Interpreter and Defender. THE SEVENTH PILLAR — Luke 4:16 "As His custom was." A custom is a regular practice, a habit. Two lifelong customs of Jesus are mentioned in the Gospels. One was the custom of prayer. The other was the custom of Sabbath observance. (96) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 22 "He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day." On any other day of the week, if we passed by the carpenter's shop in Nazareth, we would hear the strokes of the axe, the tapping of the mallet, or the rasping of the saw. We would find Jesus there. But if we called at that shop on the seventh day, we would find the door closed, the shutters drawn, the tools hanging neatly in their places, the timber all stacked away, and no sign of the Carpenter. If it was the hour of public worship, we would find Him in the house of God. At other times we might find Him at the bedside of some sufferer, or in a quiet grove reading the Scriptures and communing with His Father. At the beginning of this lesson, we set out to discover God's thoughts about the Sabbath, and the Scriptures have now led us into the presence of Jesus. His lifelong example of reverence and obedience is the clearest possible revelation of the mind of God concerning the Sabbath! If Jesus were here today, would He still teach and practise according to His life­ long custom? Heb. 13:8: "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today and forever." THE EIGHTH PILLAR — Luke 23:54-56 "The Sabbath according to the commandment." This passage establishes beyond all question the true position of the Sabbath in relation to the other days of the week. The Bible Sabbath corresponds with our Saturday. We can establish this by comparing Luke's record with our modern calendar, especially in connection with the observance of Easter. 'That day was the preparation." This was the crucifixion day, the day before the Sabbath, corresponding with the modern sixth day, or "Good Friday". "The Sabbath drew on." This was the seventh day, during which the disciples rested, and Jesus lay lifeless in the tomb. We now call this day "Easter Saturday". "The First day of the week" (Luke 24: 1). This was the day after the Sabbath and corresponds with "Easter Sunday". THE NINTH PILLAR — Acts 16:13 This incident in the ministry of Paul occurred about A.D. 52, twenty years after the resurrection of our Lord. The Sabbath is still given its original, sacred title. There is no hint that the mind of God has changed by a hair's-breadth concerning the Sabbath; or that the original Sabbath has been abolished; or that Paul and his companions knew of any other weekly day of rest for Christians, apart from the seventh day. THE TENTH PILLAR — Isa. 66:22, 23 "From one Sabbath to another." The Sabbath greeted us first in Eden lost. It greets us now in Eden restored. There is no hint anywhere in the Bible that the passing of centuries has made the slightest change in the thoughts of God towards the Sabbath. Nor is there any suggestion that the passage of time should make any change in the minds of His people towards His Holy Day. Honoured and loved in Eden of old; trampled underfoot and forgotten by a rebellious world, the Sabbath will at last come into its own again in the earth made new. There it will fulfil the purpose for which God intended it, as if sin had never been. "All flesh." The world to come will not be divided on the Sabbath question. There will be no discord or confusion there. "All flesh" will honour the Sabbath of God's appointment. If we are planning to keep the Sabbath there, is it not reasonable that we should begin to keep it here? 4 (97) No. 22 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid Conclusion Amos 3 : 3: "Can two walk together except they be agreed?" God wants us to be in full agreement with Him on the Sabbath question, as on all others. The simplest way to come into agreement with God on any subject is to ask: "Where did Jesus stand on this question?" It is always safe to follow where Jesus leads the way. The strongest proof that the mind of God has never changed concerning the Sabbath is found in the attitude of Jesus towards God's holy day. No true Christian will ever enter into controversy with His Lord about the true Sabbath. His only question will be: "Where did Jesus stand?" Having found from the Gospels where Jesus stood, he will say: "If the Sabbath was good enough for Jesus Christ, it is good enough for me!" (98) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 23 IS SUNDAY SACREDNESS TAUGHT IN THE NEW TESTAMENT? Introduction A temPt»n9 fortune is waiting for the person who discovers a Bible text which records the Divine appointment of Sunday as a day of rest and worship for Christians, and commands the weekly observance of that day. In spite of the fact that thousands of dollars have been offered for such a text, and in spite of the most painstaking research, this elusive passage cannot be found. Even the word "Sunday" does not appear anywhere in the Bible! However, there are eight references in the New Testament to "the first day of the week", and one reference to "the Lord's day". Because serious claims for Sunday sacred­ ness have been based upon these texts, they call for careful examination. {See Chart No. 25 —The Sunday Temple) Discussion ™E FIRST TEXT - MATT. 28 :1 This passage states that in the early hours of the first day of the week, after the Sabbath was past, the friends of Jesus came to visit His tomb. However, no sacred title is here given to the first day; no suggestion of sacred­ ness is attached to it, nor is there any command for its observance. THE SECOND TEXT — MARK 16 : 2 This also is a straightforward historical narrative, not a command. Mark records the same visit to the tomb as Matt. 28:1, using slightly different words. THE THIRD TEXT — MARK 16 :9 This, too, is a simple statement of fact, recording the resurrection of Jesus and His appearance to Mary Magdalene. THE FOURTH TEXT — LUKE 24 :1 This passage adds little to the above, except that it explains the object of the disciples' visit to the tomb; namely, to anoint the body of Jesus. Obviously, they expected to find Him dead! THE FIFTH TEXT — JOHN 20 :1 This verse also describes Mary's visit and her discovery that the tomb was open. Obviously, these first five Scriptures need not detain us long in our search for New Testament evidence for Sunday sacredness. They simply record the fact that Jesus rose from the dead on the first day of the week, and that His empty tomb was visited by several of His disciples in the early morning of that day. However, these passages record no Divine example of first-day observance. They contain no Divine command for such an observance. They apply no sacred title to the first day, nor do they give any reason for its observance. On the other hand, they show that Christ's disciples treated the first day as a common working day, for they were prepared to embalm His body on the first day, a task which they declined to perform on the Sabbath! (99) No. 23 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid THE SIXTH TEXT — JOHN 20:19 Whilst this passage records a gathering of Christ's disciples on the evening of the resurrection day, it also explains the reason why they were assembled behind closed doors—"For fear of the Jews". Their motives were unbelief and fear, not faith and devotion. Some have suggested that the disciples were gathered together to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, but Mark 16:14 and Luke 24:41 show that most of the disciples remained in a state of gloomy unbelief in the resurrection right up till the evening of that dayl THE SEVENTH TEXT — ACTS 20 : 7 This verse records one isolated meeting of one small-town congregation of Christians on the first day of the week. However, the context shows that it was a special meeting, called for the purpose of farewelling Paul. It was also a unique occasion because, due partly to the accidental death of a young man in the congregation, and his miraculous restoration, the meeting continued all night (vv 8-12). There is no evidence here that this or any other Christian congregation met regularly for worship on the first day of the week. There is no evidence that these or any other Christians devoted the whole of each first day to religious exercises. The text shows rather that the all-night farewell meeting was followed, not by a day of rest and worship, but by common, everyday activities, such as travelling. No sacred title is given to the first day, and there is no evidence that the Christians at Troas, or anywhere else, were accustomed to celebrate the Lord's Supper every first day. As a matter of fact, it is impossible to prove from this text that the Communion service was celebrated on this occasion, for there is no mention of the wine, and the term, "the breaking of bread", is frequently applied in the New Testament to a common meal (Luke 24 : 30, 35; Acts 2 : 42, 46; 27 : 35). So, in order to find in these verses an evidence for Sunday sacredness, we have to read into them a great deal that is not there. Besides, the meeting described began some­ where before midnight either on what we now call Saturday night, or on Sunday night. If it was Saturday night, the meeting began hours before our modern Sunday. If it was Sunday night, the meeting continued for hours after our modern Sunday, until daybreak on Monday morning. Nowhere does the Bible suggest that the conducting of one isolated religious meeting on a certain day, apart from any Divine act of sanctification, makes that day a Sabbath, or a regular weekly day of worship. If the mere holding of a religious meeting automatically sanctified a day, then every day in the week would qualify as the Sabbathl THE EIGHTH TEXT — I COR. 16:2 In spite of a widespread misunderstanding, this passage does not refer to the public giving of offerings in regular church services on Sundays. The advice, "Let every one of you lay by him in store", refers rather to the private laying aside of sums at home, by individuals, for a special "Judaean Relief" appeal. These sums would presently be col­ lected by Paul (or his deputy) on his way to Jerusalem (vv 3, 4). There is no reference here to the giving of public offerings for the support of the local church or ministry, or for "Foreign Missions", as we think of them today. Nor is there any reference here to any universal or permanent Christian institution, or to any universal or permanent pattern of Christian worship. Paul is certainly not attempting to legislate for the whole Church, or for the entire Christian age. His appeal was prompted by a local and temporary emergency, namely, the current hardships of the Judaean believers due to famine and persecution; but this emergency affected only a small section of the Christian community at the middle of the first century. (100) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 23 To use this text as proof of regular Sunday-keeping by all the early Christians, or as legislation for Sunday observance by all future Christians, in all lands, for all time, is to go far beyond the evidence contained in the text. This exhausts the eight New Testament references to the "first day of the week". We will now consider the lone reference to "the Lord's day" which some regard as the key-witness for Sunday sacredness. THE NINTH TEXT — REV. 1 :10 This passage refers to a literal person—John; a literal place—the isle of Patmos; a literal condition—"in the Spirit", and a literal time—"the Lord's day". It proves beyond question that in the Christian age, God still has a day which He claims as His own. However, no number, such as first, second, third, etc., is linked with the "Lord's day" in this text. Nor is it safe for us to guess which day of the week it was. The Bible alone must be allowed to decide this question. To discover which day of the week God claims as His own, we must turn to other Scriptures, such as Ex. 20:8-11; Isa. 58: 13, 14; Ezek. 20:12, 20; Mark 2: 27, 28. These passages show that the only day of the week which the Lord has ever claimed as His special property is the seventh day! If we are resolved to let the Bible and the Bible only settle this question, then the Sabbath alone qualifies as the true "Lord's day." {Remove flap of pillars with texts, and reveal pillars bearing the word “T-R-A-D-I-T-I-O-N ”) Conclusion We now have P°s* 9 : Christ appears now in the presence of God for us. In order to experience the full benefits of the Gospel, we must appreciate the work that Jesus has done for us in the past and the work that He will do for us in the future, but most of all, we must be aware of the work that He is doing for us NOW1 If Christianity is to be to us a saving, satisfying, keeping power, we must know Christ in the present tense. When we studied Why Jesus Came to the World (Lesson 9), we promised that at a later time we would come back and learn more about the sixth “rung” of the Gospel Ladder — Christ’s Priesthood — which involves His present ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary. No area of Bible truth is more satisfying or rewarding than this. Discussion 1—the preview of his priesthood This preview was given to us in Lesson 33, when we studied the Earthly Sanctuary and its services. Heb. 8:5: The Earthly Sanctuary was the "example" and "shadow" of heavenly things. Heb. 9:8, 9: The first tabernacle was a "figure" for the time then present. We learned that the Earthly Sanctuary service was a 'Telescope of faith", by which Old Testament believers could grasp the essentials of Christ's sacrifice and heavenly ministry. The value of this "telescope" is greatly increased for us by the addition of two more powerful Tenses"—the Book of Hebrews and the Book of Revelation—which are supplied in the New Testament. When Leviticus, Hebrews and Revelation are studied together, they provide a remarkably clear and satisfying picture of the work Jesus is doing for us in Heaven now! Matt. 27:51: "The veil of the Temple was rent in twain." The supernatural rending of the Temple veil at the very moment Jesus died signified that the Earthly Sanctuary had completed its work. The earthly priesthood had now been replaced by the Priesthood of Christ. From henceforth the attention of God's people must be focused upon the Heavenly reality to which the shadowy services pointed. 2. —THE PLACE OF HIS PRIESTHOOD Heb. 9:24: "Into Heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us." Heb. 9:12: "He entered in once into the holy place". Heb. 8:1,2: "A minister of the true tabernacle." Heb. 8:5: God showed Moses a heavenly "pattern", or blueprint, from which the Earthly Sanctuary was copied. Heb. 9:11: The Heavenly Sanctuary is "greater" and "more perfect" than the Earthly; Therefore, it cannot be any less real! From these texts the conclusion is inescapable that there stands in Heaven today a "true" tabernacle—-a great, original Sanctuary—of which the Earthly was merely a minia­ ture copy, or model. Whilst it is futile to speculate about the size, materials, or appoint­ ments of the Heavenly Sanctuary, there can be no doubt whatever about its reality, or about the fact that it is the place where Jesus performs His present work for man! 3. —THE PROGRAMME OF HIS PRIESTHOOD Obviously, this programme follows the pattern that is already familiar to us by our study of the Earthly Sanctuary. (141) No. 34 Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid If the Heavenly Sanctuary is the original, and the Earthly is the miniature or copy, there must be a close correspondence between the programme of ministry in the two sanctu­ aries—at least, in general features—else, what point would there be in comparing them? The most conspicuous feature of the Earthly Sanctuary Service was its two-fold division. It was conducted in two apartments, and the full year's programme of ministry was divided into two phases—the Daily and the Yearly. (See Chari No. 47 —Parallels Between the Two Sanctuaries) From this comparison we conclude that the two phases of ministry in the Earthly Sanctuary during one year, provide a key to the two phases of ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary during the whole Christian era. The keynote of the Daily Service on earth was the continual priestly ministration of the blood of sacrifice, and the continual rising of the incense of intercession. This corres­ ponds with the first division of Christ's heavenly ministry. I John 2:1: "An Advocate with the Father." Rom. 8:34: "Christ makes intercession at the right hand of God." Heb. 7:25: "He ever liveth to make intercession for us." Rev. 5 :6: "A Lamb as it had been slain." The keynote of the Yearly Service on earth was the judgment and final blotting out of sin. This corresponds with the second division of Christ's heavenly ministry. Heb. 9:23: The Heavenly Sanctuary, like the Earthly, must be "purified" or "cleansed" from the defiling shadow that sin has cast. Dan. 7:9,10: The books are opened for final judgment. Acts 3:19: The promise of the "blotting out" of sins in a "last day" setting. Rev. 22:11: All human destinies decided and characters fixed. Rewards apportioned. "Unjust—unjust still"; "holy—holy still". 4.—THE POWER OF HIS PRIESTHOOD Three New Testament words describe the power of Christ's priesthood. They are: "HE - IS - ABLE". Heb. 7:25: "He is able to save to the uttermost." Heb. 2:18: "He is able to succour them that are tempted." Jude 24: "He is able to keep us from falling and present us faultless" to God. Jesus, in His present role as our great High Priest, is the inexhaustible supply of all our needs. He is the evergreen, moment-by-moment REALITY which was pictured so vividly by the various symbolic features of the earthly sanctuary: The Human Priest—pictured ACCESS TO GOD through Jesus. The Ark and Law—pictured RIGHTEOUSNESS BEFORE GOD through Jesus. The Mercy Seat—pictured ACCEPTANCE BY GOD through Jesus. The Blood of Sacrifice—pictured RECONCILIATION WITH GOD through Jesus. The Golden Candlestick—pictured ENLIGHTENMENT FROM GOD through Jesus. The Table of Shewbread—pictured SUSTENANCE FROM GOD through Jesus. The Altar of Incense—pictured the CONTINUAL FRAGRANCE OF JESUS' INTERCESS­ ION BEFORE GOD. When we studied "The Saving Work of the Holy Spirit" (Lesson 7), we learned that Jesus, from His place of authority at God's right hand, sends forth His Holy Spirit—His "Other Self"—to translate these Divine provisions into daily reality in our lives! What more could we ask? What needs do we have that Jesus does not supply? (142) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 34 Conclusion Three other New Testament words describe the ideal response which we must make to the truth concerning the present ministry of Christ. They are: "LOOKING - UNTO - JESUS" (Heb. 12:2). This means focusing all our love and devotion upon Him. It means complete reliance upon Him; utter trust in Him; total commitment to Him for time and eternity. It means refusal to be satisfied with any substitute for Him. It means refusal to tolerate any rival to Him. It means abandoning all reliance upon our own gifts, or merits, or works, or will­ power. It means personal, daily, moment-by-moment dependence upon Christ, "the Living Bread (John 6 : 51), who is also "the Living Vine" (John 15 : 4, 5). A radiant young Christian was dying. Her influence had drawn a whole community nearer to God. Friends asked her the secret of her fragrant life. Lifting one hand to Heaven, she said with calm conviction: "CHRIST THERE!" Then, pointing to her own heart, she whispered: "CHRIST HERE!" That dedicated Christian girl had found the innermost secret of the life of victory. She was qualified to become a teacher to the world. "CHRIST THERE!" . . . "CHRIST HERE!" That is the Everlasting Gospel condensed into four vibrant words. When we have laid hold upon the saving work of Christ in this way, we have found the very key to Paradise! (143) Study Guides for New Pictorial Aid No. 35 GOOD NEWS ABOUT THE JUDGMENT Introduction The truth °* a *'nal jud9men* at *he end °f history is deeply rooted in the Bible. It is mentioned scores - possibly hundreds-of times. Psalmists, prophets and apostles all bear consistent testimony to it. Jesus, also, made many pointed references to the judgment. It marks the climax of some of His greatest parables, and is the focal point of much of His teaching. But the Bible writers had a unique perspective on the judgment. They did not treat it as bad news, but as good news! They did not view it as something outside the redemptive process, but as part of that process. They saw the judgment as proof that God is a moral God, and that the universe has a moral base. They saw it as proof that history is not in a state of endless suspense, where good and evil grapple in equal and eternal conflict, without hope of resolution. Nor is history an aimless and undirected process, like the erratic path of a falling leaf, or the random course of a meandering stream. To the Bible writers, history was going somewhere - like an arrowshotfrom a bow-and the day of final accounting was the inevitable destination. Therefore, they welcomed the judgment with eagerness and hope, because it promised the ultimate exposure and condemnation of evil, and the ultimate vindication and triumph of righteousness and truth. We need urgently to recover the Biblical perspective on the judgment, and this Study Guide is designed to help us to do so. DlSCUSsion The <