THE TEMPTATION OF CHRIST. AFTER the baptism of Jesus in Jordan, he was . led by the Spirit into the wilderness, to be tempt- ed of the devih When he had come up out of the water, he bowed upon Jordan’s banks, and . plead with the great Eternal for strength to en- dure the conflict with the fallen foe. The open- ing of the heavens and the descent of the excel- lent glory attested his divine character. The voice from the Father declared the close rela- tion of Christ to his Infinite Majesty: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” The mission of Christ was soon to begin. But he must first withdraw from the busy scenes of life to a desolate wilderness for the express pur- pose of bearing the three-fold test of temptation in behalf of those he had come to redeem. Satan, who was once an honored angel in Heaven, had been ambitious for the more ex- alted honors which God had bestowed upon his Son. He became envious of Christ, and repre- sented to the angels, who honored him as covering cherub, that he had not the honor conferred upon him which his position demanded. He asserted that he should be exalted equal in honor with ~ Christ. Satan obtained sympathizers. Angels in Heaven joined him in his rebellion, and fell with