Tovar. : o— a tt AI ges a CET yo rami > ——" rsemiart —— “All ye inhabitants of the world and dwellers on the earth, see ye; when he lifteth up an ensign on the ——— - OT SS EA ATO mountain, and when he bloweth a trumpet, hear ye.”—Isaiah 18:3. Volume 4 - BRITTON, OKLAHOMA, MARCH -APRIL 1920 Number 51.52 THE BOLESHEVIC AND THE YELLOW PERIL. A Chapter taken from the new edition of the book “The Yellow Peril and The Bolsheviki” by G. G. Rupert. Forty to fifty years ago I read of the cruelties which be- fell the banished opposers of the Russian government to the far off land of snow and cold in Siberia, I read of the long drives made with the snow sleds which were loaded with prisoners who were torn from their homes and families, nev- er to see them again. The impression given of those prison- ers was, that they were very bad people, who stirred up strife and waged war on the government, thus making it a necessity to banish them where they could no more be heard of. Later years began to reveal in the reading matter, that the Government was a cruel despot over its subjects, which denied every privilege of speech and freedom in thought as to how things should be. [t was also revealed that those who had been banished were a class who had given vent to their minds and tried to help the poor down-trodden people out of their unhapy condition. Thus it was shown that the ones banished were the more intellectual and humane class and so the education has been going on until today, the old regime of Government is overthrown, and a Soviet form of Government is now in operation. Thus the point in these statements is designed to show that Russia, the “land of Ma.- gog’ the Grandson of Noah, was marked to be the place where the movement of the Socialist, The Communist, and all similar organizations were to have their rise, according to the story of the prophet. Today that same that characterized the long ago socialist of Russia, has grown in the world, till every nation under the sun is honey-combed with the same spirit. These are absolute facts. The U. S. has deported back to Russia many of that class who were sowing the seed in this country hoping to avert the spread of the contagious conditions that has troubled Russia. To say the least, 1t 1s time everyone should be well acquainted with the coming storm that threatens the World's overthrow. It can't be laughed off, nor sneered away, but like a pestilence of the Almighty, it will accomplish its work. To the man of the World it means everything to him. to the Child of God it means His redemption is nigh at hand. To the wise it is said he seeeth the evil and hideth himself.” To the foolish he passeth on and is punished.” Read this chapter and treasure it up in thine heart. A chapter printed in advance, taken from the new edition of the book “The Yellow Peril and the Bolshevick” by G. G. Rupert. THE BOLSHEVICK AND THE YELLOW PERIL It is the privilege of the student of prophecy, as of no other class, to see and know what movements in the World are such as are pointed out in the inspired word. It is their privilege as the movement shapes up, to discern the marks upon it as pointed out by the prophets. Thus seeing what are the distmguished marks given, which are to characterize the work pointed out which Russia will do. This book teach- es that Russia the ‘Land of Magog’ is to be leader of the greatest army against the west that was ever raised in past history. That army is to overthrow the whole west, as point- ed out in this book. It is therefore well to know and study well all the marks given, that we may know when and what are the underlying principles of the movement. Here are the marks. Says the prophet: “Thus saith the Lord God: “It shall also come to pass at the same time, shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought, and thou shalt say, | will go up to the land of unwalled wvil- lages, | will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without bars or gates, to take a spoil, to take a prey.” Eze. 38. The thirty-eighth chapter of Ezekiel as shown in this hook, deals expressly with Russia in the last days. It says, that evil thought is to rob and take a prey. Covetousness and desire for the things of others, is the prevailing sin of the last days, selfishness is at the root of every evil thing. The love of money sets the World in a craze, money buys virtue, it would cause every principle of that which is pure, honest, and true to bow at it’s altar. The rich and the poor are alike. It controls the buyer and the seller, the giver of usury and the taker ,of usury, it rules the producer as well as the prof- iteer, the consumer as well as the dealer, it enters into the sacred altars of the churches, it moves the ministry from place to place, it gives the rich the most pleasant seat, while the poor takes the opposite. Money is no respector of per- sons, it sacrifices the maid to the slave trade, it destroys the young man of promise, luxury which they think money pro- duces is the goal to be obtained even at the risk of life, in bank robbing, and the pick-pocket. There is no exception of class or color, money is the ruling God of all, it is but the genuine, who, have been made pure by the new birth, that escapes its grasp’ says the prophet, “it is the stumbling block of their iniquity.”