"The coirimittee ori nominations “being ready to report, submitted: the following names-as officers of the society for the ensuing year which’ individuals were duly electet by the delegates. Co We your Committee on nominations do respect fully submit the following report : EA For Vice-President .................. C. M. Everest, « Rec. Secretary and Treasurer....L. B. Losey, ‘Assistant Secretary ............ Wm. Asp, « Corresponding Secretary Mrs. A. E. Ellis, “ State Agent J. FE. Pogue. The President of the Conference being president of Tract Society it was not necessary to elect him in the tract society. As no other business appeared the society ad- journed sine die. C. W. FrAIz, Pres. L. B. LosEy, Sec. Camp Meeting. THE last general meeting was held Sun- day evening, June 5. The camp broke up Monday morning early and most of the people returned to their homes that day. The weather was quite rainy as usual but it did not prevent those who were longing for a deeper experience from seeking God. There were earnest, agonizing prayers went up to God in the silent forest that he would be mer- ciful still to his people and spare them a little longer. : There were not as many laborers from abroad as had been expected, but there were enough to give the people a warning message which, if heeded, will take them to the king- dom. The visiting ministers who broke the bread of life to the multitude were Elder Erwin, Mrs. S. M. I. Henry, Dr. Paulson of the Sanitarium, Elder Westfall of Kansas, ‘Prof. Bronson of Union College, Elder O. A. Johnson also of the College. Fach had a message from the Lord, and especially is this true of the message given by Sister Henry. Her close, touching appeals to fathers, mothers, children and all, to live pure and true lives could not fail to arouse the hardest heart. Her earnest, plain, heart-searching talks re- sembled the teaching and preaching of Sister E. G. White more than any one we ever heard. She was the only one of the laborers outside of the State who was present during the entire . meeting; the others before mentioned not coming till near the close of the meeting. A spirit of consecration was manifested through the meetings, and especially was this | so on Sabbath day as’Gods Holy Spirit graced the meeting, and a deep moving “upon hearts we “was felt By every on.’ ‘When 'a call was made | : for those to stand up: who wished to consecrate anew their lives and give all to God, nearly the whole congregation arose. Even the child- ren stood up for Jesus. One little boy of elev- en arose when the Spirit convicted him of sin, and he afterward came to his father and con- fessed of a wrong he had done, and said when he arose and told the Lord he would live a bet- ter life, he felt he must make the wrong right. On Friday a collection was taken up for . the purpose of purchasing a new pavillion as the old one Was about worn out and in bad condition. Two hundred and three dollars were raised in cash beside pledges for a large amount was made. On Sunday Elder Erwin spoke on the foreign mission work and the need of means to carry forward this work. At the close of the meeting a collection was also taken up for the foreign mission work. $159.79 cash was raised besides pledges. The proceedings of the Minnesota Tract Society and the Minnesota Sabbath-school As- sociation appear in other columns of this pa- per, and the report of ‘work of the Conference will appear as soon as Elder Curtis, the secre- tary, can prepare it. No one who attended the meetings can re- turn home without carrying greater responsi- bility, on account of having received greater light. Will you walkin that light, my brother and my sister, that its mild and gentle rays may bring sunshine and peace and happiness into your home; that those Who denied them- selves and remained at home may catch every ray of light shed on your pathway? L. «+ THE SABBATH SCHOOL. x Tug Minnesota Sabbath-school Associa- tion held three sessions on the camp-grounds, June 1, 3and 5. At the first session .the sup- erintendents from the various schools of the State were seated upon the platform and re- ported of progress in their schools, also speak- ing of their need. About seventeen superin- tendents were present and their reports were full of courage. Many helpful thoughts were suggested by them. oo A summary of work done ‘the past year . "was read by the State secretary as follows :— | Another year of Sabbath-school work is in the past and as we compare the present condition of the work with the report read in your hear- ing two years ago, we sec advancement in fig- ures. May 30, 1896 the school of the Associa- tion numbered 111, with a membership of 2755. May 30, 1898 we had a membership of 2789 in 129 schools, eighteen schools having been or- ganized during the past two years. May 30, 1896 donations to missions $1236. May 30,1898 donations to missions $1596.20, including the Orphan’s Home donations. According to recommendation four Sab- vath-school Institutes have been held in differ- ent parts of the State. Much interest was shown in this work and there is a wide field of labor in this line of work. We found this to be a most excellent way of getting at the real needs of the work and also a means of devel oping the talent of teacning and helping others “with ones own personal experience. The English speaking schools are quite gen- erally supplied with Zhe Youth's Instructor, Our Little Jriend, and Sabbuath-school Worker, Out of the 129 schools now belonging to our Association over twenty speak the Scandina- vian language almost entirely in their Sab- bath-school work. These have very few helps. Some effort has been made the past year to help these schools, although the means within reach are very limited. The hour set apart each day for special prayer for the Sabbath-school work has proved a source of help and strength to those who ob- served it, and we surely have much for which to praise God today. : Officers were elected for the ensuing year as follows : President, M. H. Ellis; Vice- President, C. L. Emmerson; Secretary and treasurer, Fannie P. Johnson; Assistant sec- retary, L. H. Christian. Executive Commit- tee; M. H. Ellis, Fannie Johnson, C.L. Em- mersoti, L. H. Christian, A.W. Kuehl. More effort will be made the coming year to help the Scandinavian and German Sab- bath-schools. Mgs. F. P. Jounson, Sec. «For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall ob- tain favour of the Lord. “But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul : all they that hate me love death.” Ir has bees arranged to hold a local = | Camp-meeting at Pelican Rapids, June 22to0 26. ~ It is hoped that the brethren at Grgshiam, = Amoor, Lake Eunice, Barnesville, and Sabin + will make special effort to be with, us’ at.this meeting. Will the elders please make a. can-, vass of their churches and let ‘us know by.re- turn mail, if possible, the number of ‘tents ‘needed by their respective churches. Manitoba. Tue last work which I did in Manitoba was to attend the Provincial Christian En-- deavor Convention held at Portage la Praire and distributed quite a large amount of relig- ious liberty literature. From the time of concluding my work with the Legislature till I went to this con- vention I worked principally with the papers outside of Winnipeg. The daily and weekly papers in this city were furnished with matter from time to time during the time I was there as well as before by myself and others. P. S. OLSEN. Camp Meeting Number of “Gospel of Health’. Gospel of Health for June is a Camp-meet- ing number, and brimful of intensely interesting and practical instruction relating to how we may best retain our health at these annual meetings, and get the most good out of them. Five differ- ent physicians contribute articles for this depart- ment, taking up, among other things the follow-. ing subjects: ¢ Preparing for the Camp-meeting, ««Camp-ground Sanitation, «What shall we eat at Camp-meeting, Object of a Camp-meeting, and ITow it May be Met, Care of the Children at Camp-meeting’’, etc. : If you have not subscribed, don’t wait any longer. Gospel of Health keeps well abreast of the times. It has a corps of more than twenty physicians on its list of contributers. If you would have health in your home, be a subscriber. Free sample sent to the readers of the Min- nesota WORKER. on applicftion. | oo "The Gospel of Health, Battle Creek, Mich. lt «The eyes of the Lord are in every place, be- holding the evil and the good.”