77. Armstrong Roberts That Cool Feeling Page 2J xxxviii, Afa. under act oj March 3 > i8ygy by the Southern Publishing Association, (Seventh-day Adventist) ^ 2119 24th Ave. N, Published monthly {except October, when semi-monthly). Price 23 cents a copy, $1.00 a year, PAGE TWO THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE NEWSPAPER- NEWS for the Watchman ' Arc Irtierprei/eroftHe, Times Edited by Robert 3ruce Tfturbec WATCHMAN MEANING The Most Colossal Publicity Movement of Modern Times stupendous task,and how it is being accomplished HE world teems with people. Any publicity program that would attempt to reach everybody in the world would have an enormous task to perform. If you saw “everybody” at once you would see something you would never forget. And if you had to teach “everybody” simply to say “Oh” at meeting you — well, eternity would be too short. In America alone there are estimated to be upward of 118,000,000 people. Each year 2,500,000 newly born Americans become consumers, 400,000 somewhat older Americans are being graduated from high schools, 1,250,000 brides begin housekeeping, and 1,250,000 young husbands begin bringing then-pay envelopes home to their wives. Add to these the 924,000,000 in Asia, 476,000,000 in Europe, 142,000,000 in Africa, and keep on around the world, and when you total it up you have a fabulous number of people. Someone has said that if you were to line up all the people of China and have them pass a reviewing stand twelve abreast as fast By Ewing Galloway, N. Y. We have reached the day of well-nigh universal air transportation, when taking a plane is almost as ordinary as taking a train AUGUST, 1929 PAGE THREE 2y Lyndon L. Skinner as they could walk — they would never all get past the stand, even if they marched forever and ever. It is a big world that we live in, and it is full of millions of people. To attempt to reach them all within the single lifetime of an average man with any real message calls for the most colossal piece of publicity the world has ever known. Some may even say it is a physical impossibility, and to them it would be; but to the little group of men and women of indomitable faith who have gone so far as to attempt it, all things are possible,— and they are actually doing it! Preparation for Publicity 71 /TODERN means of communication, the tele-IVJL phone, telegraph, radio; modern means of travel, automobile, motorcycle, railroad train, airplane : modern methods of education, the public school, church school, college, night school, church, motion pictures, newspapers, books, periodicals — all have by predetermined design come into existence just at this particular period of modern history to make possible this stupendous piece of worldwide publicity of an idea 2000 years old. Is it not a little strange, after all, that for nearly six thousand years the world plodded along, each generation doing practically the same things the previous generation had done, with very little progress or development, as we know and recognize it here in the twentieth century? Surely there must be some power or force, nineteenth century, did not come to successful operation until the early part of this century. The airplane is only twenty-five years old, and modern radio broadcasting was unheard of until after the world war. Were Abraham Lincoln to come back to life now and walk down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington on Inauguration Day, he would wonder if he had not been transferred to some The plant of the Southern Publishing Association where The Watchman Magazine is published, one of the 57 printing establishments throughout the world that are engaged in printing in 133 languages the message that God is sending to the world through Seventh-day Adventists Chinese colporteurs carry their loads from our Shanghai publishing house by wheelbarrow and back-pack Utopia he had never been able to envisage in his moments of wildest imagination. Should George Washington suddenly find himself standing again on the steps of Independence Hall in Philadelphia and viewing the immediate vicinity of the historic spot where our nation was given birth, his amazement at the picture he would see is almost beyond comprehension. The movements of the world in the past hundred years have sped on at ever increasing velocity until today even the most reactionary skeptics of two decades ago frankly throw up their hands and admit that nothing is now impossible to modern industry and science. Any serious thinking man recognizes that all these events have some positive significance, whether he can understand them or not. Many centuries ago the prophet Daniel, the prime minister of Babylon, then a world empire, wrote out a book of prophecies under the direction of God on the future history of the world. Thoughtful Bible students everywhere agree that he accurately forecast the outstanding movements of world history, the rise and fall of temporal and ecclesiastical powers, clear down to the present time. As Daniel finished his work, the guardian angel Gabriel, who directed his writing, said: “Shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” Daniel 12: 4. Along with the prodigious growth of scientific knowledge and invention during the past century, has come a tremendous awakening interest in the study of the Bible and particularly the prophetic books of Daniel and The Revelation, both of which some wisdom greater than the men who brought about these wonderful inventions of the past century, that worked through human instrumentalities to bring about these inventions for some great purpose, or we would not see the great growth and discovery that has taken place in the past hundred years. The Congested Century PRINTING with movable types is only a little more than 300 years old. The first newspaper advertisement was published in 1652. The first sewing machine was invented in 1790, though it did not come into common use until Howe’s machine appeared in 1846. The first successful steamship did not appear until 1807, and the locomotive was developed in 1814. Wireless telegraphy began to be investigated about 1842. Electric lights were not in use commercially until 1880. The automobile, while invented during the last ten years of the Our publishing house in France PAGE FOUR ; THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE for centuries had been regarded as “sealed” books— books that were beyond comprehension. Students of prophecy find in this very fact a fulfillment of the prophecy of Daniel that in the time of the end “many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” Thus the increase o. knowledge in science and invention has been accompanied with an increase of knowledge and understanding of the portions of the Bible that were written with particular application to our day. A primitive print shop in Burma India is well equipped for printing Fifteen distinctly different lines of prophecy in the books of Daniel and The Revelation point to our day as “the time of the end,” “the end of the age.” Jesus’ last command to His followers on earth was: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” Matthew 28: 19, 20. Jesus connected His promise of a return with a teaching that there would be an end of the world. When asked by His followers what would be a sign of His coming and of the end of the world, He said: “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. . . . Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven Argentina. South America, has a publishing house of its own with power and great glory. . . . Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away.” Matthew 24:21, 29, 30, 34, 35. Any history of the latter part of the eighteenth century carries the account of the great Dark Day of May 19, 1780, and how the moon appeared the following night with the color of blood. There are still living on the earth men and women who recall the falling of the stars on the night of November 13, 1833. This was a terrestrial phenomenon astronomers have never been able to fully explain from a scientific viewpoint.' These are literal fulfillments of Jesus’ own prophecy. He said that the generation who saw these things should not pass away before He would return. The book of The Revelation shows that “in the time of the end” there will arise a “remnant” people, keeping the commandments of God and having the testimony of Jesus. It teaches that their work will be to sound a clarion cry to the entire world to return to a faithful observance of all the laws of God and to make preparation for the imminent return of Jesus, which He himself, on many occasions, promised would take place. This work is to be done within the lifetime of our generation. Specifications Fulfilled THE only group today who comply in every detail with the prophetic word as to what this “remnant” will be is the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Its phenomenal growth in the past eighty years has astonished all who are familiar with its activities. It is this organization that has attempted the greatest publicity project the world has ever known—that of carrying the message of God for this time to the whole world in one generation. Some things begin small and get bigger. Others begin larger and get smaller. The Seventh-day Adventist movement is in the class that began small. The first general meeting of believers who later were organized as Seventh-day Adventists took place April 20, 21, 1848, at Rocky Hill, near Middle-town, Connecticut. There {Continued on page jo)- august, 1929 PAGE FIVE THIS WAR BUSINESS Herbert Photos, Inc. Infantry and tanks re-enacting the war in France. Realistic and thorough are the preparations for the next war How it originated and how it keeps going. A very revealing treatment of the seven sources of war EATED beside me on a park bench one beautiful day a few summers ago was a grizzled old man. Something about his bearing prompted me to scrutinize him closely. My eye caught a medal hanging upon his breast. It bore the imprint of Queen Victoria, and suspended beneath was a bar bearing the one word “Sebastopol.” I held back for no formal introduction, but bluntly inquired whether he were a veteran of the Crimean War, for the word Sebastopol and the Crimea are synonymous in the history of that mighty struggle in the middle of the past century. He told me of his service in that bloody conflict, and of how he watched from an eminence the charge of the famous Six Hundred as they rode forth into “the jaws of death, into the mouth of hell.” And on that quiet parkway he painted for me a picture of the struggle that now seems only a chapter of the time past. “But what particular connection does this incident have with the subject of this present article?” you may inquire. It has this very real and pertinent PAGE Six 2>y Francis D. Nichol connection, that it provides the basis for the very first point that I want to stress; namely, that war, instead of being an uncommon, unusual happening, is one of the most routine events occurring in every generation. This old Crimean War veteran, when mustered out at the close of that conflict, might have thought that men would now be sick of war, and that peace would henceforth reign over the world. But he lived to see a whole series of sanguinary struggles. In the sixties came the Civil War in the United States. This struggle had no more than ended when the Franco-German War broke out. Then the scene of conflict moved back again to the Western Hemisphere for the Spanish-American War. A few years later the Far East witnessed the gory struggle between the Russians and the Japanese. Then, in less than a decade, came the two Balkan wars, separated by little more than a brief truce, and followed swiftly by the world-embracing war of 1914. In other words, THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE in the lifetime of one man the world has witnessed some seven great wars, separated on the average by only a decade. But someone may inquire, “Are not conditions different from what they were in the years before 1914? Do we not really live in a different era today, where different forces are at work, and because of which we may be justified in concluding that history will not repeat itself?” The only way intelligently to reply to this question is to enumerate those conditions which existed before 1914 and were the cause of that terrible struggle and other lesser conflicts. Doubtless no two commentators will agree exactly as to all the factors that have contributed to war, but there are certain well-defined forces that have worked toward that disastrous end. They may be briefly described as follows: 1. Race Hatred.— The deep-seated hatreds and animosities that exist, that flare forth from human hearts when any dispute or difference of opinion arises—these factors of human nature that cause a street fight between two individuals over some personal matter — have been very real factors in all national conflicts; for, after all, a nation is but an aggregation of the human beings that compose it. One manifestation of this basic vice of hatred is what is known as race hatred, a more or less well-defined antipathy between peoples of different races. It is true that this unfortunate situation is not present in connection with all races, but no one acquainted with history will question the accuracy of the statement that the urge toward war has often received a strong impetus from that strange, yet very real, dislike of one race for another. In by-gone centuries the racial hatreds were more openly avowed; in later years men have endeavored to conceal them under one guise or another, but the feeling has been the same all along. 2. Commerce.— Nations live by commerce. Especially is this true in our modern industrial era. No nation is sufficient unto itself. There must be barter and exchange, and the na- The blue "peace uniform” of tlon th*t IS the most a United States Army Captain successful in selling AUGUST, I929 its wares and thereby establishing itself as the greatest creditor nation, has the greatest advantage -and power. Therefore, trade rivalries have loomed large as a contributing factor to national jealousy and ultimately to war. 3. Fear.— Fear of one nation by another — a fear sometimes based on specific grounds, but oftentimes vague and ill-defined—has contributed to war, because of two courses of pro-cedure that have grown out of this fear. The first is armaments ; the second, alliances. 4. Armaments.— It is because one nation has feared another that it has set out upon a program of increasing its armament, its number of guns, its fortifications, its army, its navy; and the greater the fear the greater the increase in armament. But this very increase has served to produce the opposite results from those desired. Instead of insuring peace, it is insuring war, for the increase of armament on the part of one nation has started a race in the same direction on the part of rival nations, and with all the energies and thoughts turned toward military preparations, a warlike atmosphere has been created that contributes very definitely toward conflict. 5. Alliances.— When one nation has looked across its borders in fear at another nation, the result has been, not simply to increase armaments, but to provoke alliances with other and friendly nations, so as to insure their support in the event of a struggle. Before the World War, as everyone will recall, almost all the important nations of Europe belonged either to one chain of alliances or another. There was the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance. That is what made the last war a world war. When all of the nations are bound by alliances, all are involved by any conflict that may arise in any corner of the world. Alliances are the fuses that carry the fire from one national arsenal to another. 6. Lost Provinces.— In harmony with the code of war, that “to the victors belong the spoils,” the close of each war has witnessed the (Cont. on page 28) PAGE SEVEN International Newsreel The Reverend George Hilton, rector of an Episcopal church at Huntington, Conn., who believes the "Star Spangled Banner" is too war-like a song to be sung in peace times Did Noah s Flood Read VERY now and then some one breaks into the limelight with the theory that the Flood of Noah was a localized catastrophe — comparable to such floods as that of the Mississippi River in 1927. The latest exponent of the local-flood theory is Dr. C. Leonard Wooley, director of the joint expedition of the University of Pennsylvania and the British Museum to Ur of the Chaldees. For the past seven years, Dr. Wooley and his assistants have been excavating in ancient Sumeria, or Shinar. Just last December they uncovered what they believe is the evidence of Noah’s Flood. Dr. Wooley states of their discovery: “We had descended twenty-six feet when one of the workmen reported he had come upon virgin soil. We had been excavating through the debris of ancient cities. I examined the clay and went to the bottom of the excavation to make notes. Then I ordered the digging continued. “Eight feet below the surface of this water-laid clay, in which no token of previous civilization was uncovered, we found thousands of pieces of inscribed tablets, arrows and painted pottery. “On top of this we have a fresh occupation which carried on only part of the old tradition, as if one element of the population had survived at the expense of the other. The eight-foot stratum of clay can have resulted only from a flood of unexpected magnitude, and this can be only the deluge of Sumerian legend and history and the Flood of the Book of Genesis. “This discovery,” comments Dr. Wooley, “conflicts with the literal in-terpretation of Genesis, which many scholars have assumed to state that the whole world was covered by the great inundation, because it proves that Noah’s Flood was caused by the overflowing of the Euphrates River over the low-lying land of Mesopotamia.” If we are to interpret the Bible story of the Flood in the light of such a theory, we must believe that Noah The archeologist turns over another spadeful spent one hundred and twenty years preparing a ship to escape the flood waters of a single river! How much easier it would have been for Noah and his family to have moved away from the Euphrates to Palestine or to Egypt and thus escape the coming flood! Why prepare a ship of more than 40,000 tons capacity, fill it with the various species of animal life, and remain in it for more than a year when such a prodigious undertaking could have been avoided? Any theory that makes the Flood of Noah less than universal reduces the Bible story to an absurd narration! One hundred and forty miles northwest of Ur of the Chaldees is the ancient Sumerian city of Kish. Here the Field Museum of Chicago, in a joint expedition with Oxford University, has been excavating under the direction of Professor Stephen Langdon. The Field Museum states: Guess Work ARCHEOLOGISTS of the expedition estimate, l from the depth of the layer of silt in the excavated site at which the evidence was found, from the traces of the damage done by water, and from inscribed tablets found there, that the flood recorded in the Bible occurred about 3400 b.c. The earlier International Newsreel The ark of William Greenwood, Olympia, Washington. Rather frail looking to withstand a big flood THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE PAGE EIGHT America? % l ervin wright International Newsreel William Greenwood, of Olympia, Washington, who believes a flood of the proportions of Noah’s Deluge will inundate America, and who has built an ark in preparation for it. The rainbow means nothing but colors to him flood, of which the excavators have revealed traces, is estimated to have occurred some 600 years earlier, at about 4000 b.c.” Professor Langdon believes that the world’s earliest civilization began at Kish before 4000 b.c. He believes that an early flood about 4000 b.c. wiped out the first civilization at Kish, and that the city had been re-established after the flood subsided, only to be wiped out again in another flood, which he identifies as the Flood of Noah. If man survived this first flood without the use of an ark, why was it necessary to build an ark to escape the second flood? The truth is that there were evidently two exceptional floods in the Mesopotamian valley some years apart. That these floods were six hundred years apart or occurred in 4000 b.c. and 3400 b.c. is guess work, and that either of these floods was the Bible Flood is preposterous. The Euphrates and the Tigris have always been inundating rivers. Fed by the mountain snows, which vary with the years, these rivers also vary in their flood waters. The Euphrates River is 1780 AUGUST, 1929 miles long; the Tigris is 1146 miles in length. The inundation period of these rivers averages in modern times over half a year. Immense volumes of water have flowed in their stream-beds in the course of a single year. The Euphrates flows through a canyon of rock, which it has dug down to the depth of one hundred to three hundred feet below the level of the Mesopotamian plain, and is at this point from two to three miles wide. This, digging of course, was not done all at once, but in the course of a single flood season countless thousands of tons of clay and silt are carried to the Persian Gulf. Tenfold Evidence WHEN Abraham was living in Ur, this city was upon the Persian Gulf. Today the gulf is scores of miles away. The sediment of the Euphrates and the Tigris river which is deposited at their joint mouth causes the waters of the gulf to be pushed back at the rate today of about seventy-two feet a year. Thus every seventy-three years the gulf is pushed back one mile. If it can be proved that the cities of Ur and Kish were covered with eight feet of clay at a single inundation, we have only the evidence of a flood of unexpected magnitude. Such floods might be expected from such rivers, which were in the habit of overflowing every year. But that the worst flood the Euphrates and the Tigris river could produce should ever be identified with the Flood of Genesis seems absurd. Whole cities might have been wiped out, but these rivers could never cause a flood which would call for the building of Noah’s ark. It is ludicrous to think of men’s supposing that a flood which laid down only eight feet of silt over a very restricted area should be the flood that God warned Noah was coming and that Noah preached about for 120 years. The evidence of Noah’s Flood is more than eight feet of Euphratean silt under the ancient cities of Ur and Kish. The facts of the case are that the eight feet of silt in question is only the evidence of a local flood of the Babylonian valley some time after Noah’s Flood had swept the entire earth. The evidence of the Flood can be found in every part of the globe. It can be found under the cities of Ur and Kish, but it is farther down than the archeologists have dug. The Flood of Noah has left its marks in the thousands of feet of stratified rock all over the earth, and not in ninety-six inches of silt laid down by a single river in a small district. Beneath Ur and Kish can be found hundreds of feet of strata which were laid down during the period of the Deluge of Noah. Rocks all over the earth show that the crust of the earth is only a cemetery of a former arrangement when both plants and animals were larger and more wonderful than any now on earth. (Cont. on page 35) PAGE NINE Underwood 6* Underwood, N. Y. Scientists extracting radium. Can God be discovered by the scientific process? Putting God in the Test Tube Among other wonders, science makes bold to create a modernized object of worship BII HIS is the age of the laboratory, the x-ray and the test tube. Every subject, whether material, social, or spiritual, is subjected to their keen analysis. As a result, our world and the universe have been wonder-•= fully transformed. We ate now able to analyze the stars, to study the depths of the ocean, to span the world in a few seconds of time, to produce toxins and antitoxins that prevent or cure some of the worst diseases with which the human race has been afflicted. These and many other contributions have of course exerted a powerful influence on our actions and reactions, our ideas, and our thought processes. We begin to wonder if the whole structure of human knowledge, the whole foundation of human achievement, as well as the hope of a future existence, are to crumble into nothingness. And we begin to doubt the value of any and all things that cannot be seen, weighed, handled, or demonstrated. During the past few years the Bible and its author have been brought more and more into the scientists’ workshop, and in general they have appeared to suffer by the searching analysis applied to them. Let it be understood at this point that the author has no objection to any test that may be applied to either the Book or its Author, so long as the same principles are observed as are used in the analysis of any other subject. He has explicit confidence in the words of the great Hebrew scholar, Gamaliel: “If this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to PAGE TEN ‘By Guy H. Winslow nought; but if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it.’’ Acts 5:34-40. “But,” says one, “no one has ever seen God. We do not know where He is, how large He is, what He looks like. You show Him to me and I will believe that He exists.” Now, let me ask one or two questions, using the same principle as above. Where is the human mind? How large is it? How much does it weigh? Did you ever see one? No? Nor have I. You show me yours and I will believe that you have one. Or, again, you show me your life and I will believe that you are alive. Did you ever see integrity, love, honor, gravitation, an influenza germ, a radio wave? But who will deny that they exist? Hence, we must conclude that the fact that we cannot analyze God in a test tube is no proof of His nonexistence. In fact, the great laws that make all laboratory research possible and fruitful should impress one with the fact of an omnipotent, omnipresent God in the universe. So much for this part of our subject. Let us now turn to the Bible in its relation to science. There are, in general, three ideas regarding the relation existing between the Bible and science. First, there are the few who hold that scientific knowledge is limited to that taught in the Bible; that all science that is beyond what is found in the Bible is not true science, since it is not in harmony with the word of God. THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE Second, there is a much larger and constantly increasing multitude who hold that since the discoveries of modern science are not found in the Bible there is a necessary conflict between the Bible and science, and, since many facts of science are observable in the laboratory, the test tube of science, and that the teachings of the Bible and the person of its Author are not, hence the Bible is wrong, or at least has outgrown its usefulness. The final group would solve the problem between the Bible and science by keeping them entirely separate. This solution has been more generally adopted in Europe, however, than in America. Members of this group would regard the Bible and science as two distinct subjects — and the mind would place the knowledge secured from the study of one in a mental compartment entirely separate from that containing material secured from the study of the other. When such an individual studies science, he shuts out the Bible; and when he studies the Bible, his mind is closed to the teachings and methods of science. As a student of the Bible, history, and science, the writer is convinced that no one of these attitudes will ever solve the so-called conflict between science and the Bible. Conflict Does Not Exist IN THE first place, he is not willing to admit that such a conflict exists. He is convinced that the ‘‘laws of nature” are universal in their application, in all places, and at all times; that, because all the facts found in the study of the one are not found in the study of the other, it is no proof of the falsity or the lack of importance of the other; and that seeming inconsistencies are due to lack of knowledge rather than to actual contradictions. Furthermore, the Bible is a specialized book on a specialized subject — it is a book whose single purpose is to teach men how best to live here and how to prepare for a possible life to come. It is not a textbook for science, for history, for English, or for any other subject; but it is the one and only textbook on salvation, and the preacher or the religious teacher who would point his charges to august, 1929 some other source for knowledge and inspiration for their Christian welfare makes a mistake more fatal than the “scientist” who would use the Bible as a textbook of modem science. Between Science and Theology THE fact that a movement or fact recorded in history is not found in the Bible is no indication of the insignificance or the inaccuracy of those events. The fact that a newly discovered reaction in science is not mentioned in the Bible is no indication of its falsity. It is in both cases more evidence that the Bible is a specialized book; its one mission is to save souls for this world and the world to come. Again, and most important of all, many so-called conflicts between the Bible and science are not between the Bible and science at all, but between theology and science. Roger Williams was expelled from Massachusetts Bay Colony, not because his views conflicted with the Bible, but because they conflicted with the theology of the Puritan theocracy of Boston. Galileo was forced to recant, not because his science contradicted the Bible, but because it conflicted with the theology of the Catholic Church. Bruno was burned at the stake, not because his astronomy refuted the astronomy of the Bible, but because it did not square up with the philosophy of the Middle Ages. The Son of God was crucified on Calvary's cross, not because His teachings contradicted those of the Scriptures, but because they were out of harmony with those of the Hebrew rabbis. So it has ever been; the seeming conflicts between the Bible and science are in reality between theology and science. Man gives his own interpretation to the Scriptures, and then, knowing little or nothing of science himself, condemns science, because he finds that its teachings do not square up with his theology. The scientist, with his necessarily limited knowledge of his own field and his lack of knowledge of the Scriptures, condemns the Bible because he cannot find all his laboratory facts and data therein. It would seem, then, that the supposed conflict between the Bible and science is (Cont. on page 31) PAGE ELEVEN Herbert Photos, Inc. Omega Centauri, a star cluster that measures many billions of miles across. And these are but parts of His ways FATHER and SON Are they one in character and purpose, or do we see little resemblance between the God of the Old Testament and the Christ of the International Newsreel * The River Jordan where Jesus is thought to have been baptized. Here the Father of the Old Testament and the New confirmed His Son of the Old Testament and the New SIlT IS being very extensively taught and believed today that the God of the Old Testament is entirely different in nature and character from the God and Father whom Jesus came to reveal. The God of the Old Testament is spoken of as “the tribal god of the Jews,” “a god of war and bloodshed,” etc.; while the God whom Jesus revealed is a God of love and compassion. It is held that the Jews were a very primitive type of people with a low grade of intelligence, and that their concept of God was largely molded by the ideas of the heathen nations about them. Unfortunately, these distorted views of “the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob” of whom Jesus frequently spoke, is causing multitudes of people PAGE TWELVE who claim great reverence for the teachings of the New Testament to look with scorn and contempt upon the God of the Old Testament. Before me, as I write, are the following statements made by a Modernist preacher: “When I read anything in the Bible which reflects on the goodness of God, I do not believe it. All Scripture must be measured by the life and teachings of Christ. When I read that God killed all the people of the world except eight with a flood I say, ‘That does not sound like my God.’ When I read that God told the Hebrews to kill the Canaanites and take their property, I say, ‘My God is a missionary and seeks to save men, not to kill them.’ Why should I believe that story coming out of the dim past, THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE % ALLEN WALKER painting God as a cruel tyrant, any more than I should believe God told the Germans to kill the Belgians?* ” Arguments of this nature are being presented to students in many of the colleges and institutions of learning in our land today. There are very few who are sufficently informed to meet these subtle reasonings, and their faith in the Old Testament is wrecked, as well as all respect for the God who directed the affairs of the children of Israel. Same Compassionate Father IT IS the purpose of this article to prove that the God of the Old Testament is the same loving and compassionate Father whom Jesus revealed to man, that there is no difference between the God of the Old Testament and that of the New, that both are one and the same Person. There is no disputing the fact that God repeatedly instructed the Israelites to destroy the nations about them. But this was never done until they had become so steeped in such unspeakable sins and degradations that they were past all hope of any improvement, and their living would only serve to contaminate all others who came under their influence. As an example let us take the Amorites. In Deuteronomy 2:24, 32-35 we find the following: “Rise ye up, take your journey, and pass over the river Arnon: behold, I have given into thine hand Sihon the Amorite, king of Heshbon, and his land: begin to possess it, and contend with him in battle. . . . Then Sihon came out against us, he and all his people, to fight at Jahaz. And the Lord our God delivered him before us; and we smote him, and his sons, and all his people. And we took all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the men, and the women, and the little ones, of every city, we left none to remain.’* In dealing with this destruction of the Amorites, we wish first to show that God bore long with them until they had completely filled up their cup of iniquity and that they were beyond all help. Then we will read how low they had sunk in the depths of sin and vice. Hundreds of years before the Israelites were instructed to destroy them, we find that God, in speaking to Abraham, said, “Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not their’s, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years; and also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterwards they shall come out with great substance. And thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace; thou shalt be buried in a good old age. But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full” This language makes it plain AUGUST, 1929 that so long as there was any hope for these people God would let them live. It is also plain that the time would come when their “iniquity” would be so intolerable, and their offspring so poisoned with the depraved nature of their parents, that divine wisdom would direct their destruction. When looked at from this Scriptural viewpoint we readily see that instead of their destruction being an act of “cruelty” on the part of God who gave them life, it was a act of mercy to deprive them of it when they used it only to degrade themselves and to deprave others. Speaking of the depravity and vices of those nations which God instructed His people to destroy, Deuteronomy 9:5, and 12: 29, 30 declare: “For the wickedness of these nations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee.” “When the Lord thy God shall cut off these nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, . . . take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, . . . for every abomination to the Lord, which He hateth, have they done unto their gods: for even their sons and their daughters have they burned in the fire to their gods.” These nations had forfeited their right to live. They were unspeakably debased and brutalized. Their forms of religion were corruption itself. The screams of their children dying in agonies and torture could be heard daily as they burned them alive to their gods. It was when their manner of living reached this state that their “iniquity” was “full,” and divine justice and mercy alike demanded their extermination, and the children of Israel were used of God to bring about their destruction, just as the state today could put parents to death who were guilty of burning their children alive. When we get at the Bible truth of these matters, we plainly see the reason for these things, and find that the God who executed these judgments is a God of justice, love, and mercy and the same loving Father whom Jesus revealed to the world. Adoration Unsurpassed IN THE writings of Moses we find descriptions of the character and nature of God just as beautiful and appealing as anything found in the New Testament; and, moreover, there can be found nothing in the writings of Moses, when properly understood, that is in any way to the contrary. In Exodus 34: 5-7 we read: “The Lord, The Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty.” Again: “Because I will publish the name of the Lord: ascribe ye greatness unto our God. He is the Rock, His work is perfect: for all His ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is He.” Deuteronomy 32: 3, 4. We do not recall that Jesus ever said anything about God or ever taught anything about Him that is more sublime and beautiful than the presentation of God (Continued on page jj) PAGE THIRTEEN Herbert Photos, Inc, Professor Albert Einstein, considered to have the keenest mathematical mind the world has ever known HILE the great mass of the people do no hard, serious thinking, but allow their minds to become sluggish and shallow, there is another class who are veritable mind worshipers. They even set their minds above God. They discount the teachings of the Bible. They tell us the story of creation has been proved by scientific minds to be untrue. They say man has not fallen but rather is continually rising into a higher state of being. They deny the virgin birth of Christ, and declare Him to be only a good man rather than the God-man. The miracles of the Bible are called simply fairy tales. They say the writers of the Bible were inspired only as Shakespeare or any other writer. The Bible, instead of being God’s book, they say, is the best book that men at that time could write about God. THE Bible has always had its enemies. It has withstood the attacks of a countless number of its foes, but today it is being assailed by those who pretend to be its friends. Rank infidelity is masquerading under the disguise of the ministry of God. The Lord has said, “The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” 2 Timothy 4:3, 4. Again our Saviour, as with prophetic eye He discerned the apostasy of the last days, said: “Nevertheless when the Son of Man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8. The Bible claims that it came into existence not as the product of great minds but rather, “holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” 2 Peter 1:21. Good, sound thinking is not to be stifled. God wants men to think, but always the thoughts of men should be guided and kept balanced on the side of truth by bringing every thought to the test of the Bible. Jesus declared concerning the word of God, “Thy word is truth.” John 17: 17. The Bible is more than the best thoughts of the deepest thinkers and the smartest men. If that is all it is, as many today are claiming, then why do not some of the smart men today write another book like MIND Does God no longer Lord,” not because God spoke to or through them, but because they meditated until they convinced themselves that their own thoughts were the voice of God. In this he ignored that the prophets spoke often what they did not themselves understand, and predicted events that have been coming to pass ever since. Thus it becomes easy, according to this author, to believe that the prophets were inspired if we believe all people are inspired. “ If you bring all into one class then the doctrine of inspiration becomes credible.” Back of this can be seen the motive that has actuated men from the beginning, to exalt self at the expense of the Divine; to refuse allegiance to any power outside of the human mind. Traitorous Friends At a recent ministerial meeting the writer listened to a review of a book dealing with the question of the inspiration of the Bible. The passages emphasized were all those that belittled the Bible to the level of human fancies. For example, the author claimed that the prophets used the phrase “Thus saith the PAGE FOURTEEN THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE MOUNTS /^THRONE it? The Bible needs no one to defend it. As one has nicely illustrated, to try to defend the Bible is like caging a lion and then putting poodle dogs on the outside to defend the lion. The lion can defend itself, if let out of its cage; so can the Bible answer its critics, when given a chance to speak. The trouble is that some men do all the talking and give the Bible no chance to talk. Isaiah represents God as saying: “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55: 8, 9. The Bible claims to be a “thus saith the Lord.” (2 Timothy 3: 16; Jeremiah 2: 1, 4.) As God’s thoughts are higher than man’s thoughts, so is His book superior to all the wisdom and the understanding of men. The Bible taught many things that the men of that day in which it was written did not believe, and today those teachings are proving to be scientific facts. Men used to believe that the life was in the air we breathe. Harvey, the discoverer of blood circulation, was the first one to prove that the life was in the blood; but Moses under the inspiration of God wrote this truth centuries before the wisdom of men’s thoughts had declared it. He wrote: “The life of the flesh is in the blood.” Leviticus 17: 11. How did Moses know this when other men did not believe it? The answer is, God spoke through Moses. Men for ages had believed the earth to be flat and the heaven above with its stars to be but a great dome. Men laughed when it was suggested that the earth is round. “The True Story of Christopher Columbus,” written by Elbridge S. Brooks, comments as follows: “By this time Columbus was a man. He was thirty years old and a great sailor. He had been captain of a number of vessels; he had sailed north and south and east; he knew all about a ship and all about the sea. But, though he was so good a sailor, when he said that he believed the earth was round, everybody laughed at him and said he was crazy. ‘Why, how can the earth be round?’ they cried. ‘The water would all spill out if it were, and the men who live on the other side would all be standing on their heads with their feet waving in the air.’ And they laughed all the harder.”— Page 21. Divine Thoughts in Human Tongue CENTURIES before men had discovered the earth to be round, Isaiah the prophet had written: “It is He that sitteth upon the circle of the earth.” Isaiah 40: 22. How did Isaiah know the earth was round? The smart men of the day, the learned men, the scientists of his day, did not believe it. Did august, 1929 Robert L. Boothby Herbert Photos, Inc. The “inner man” of a robot, the thinking machine of modern science Isaiah simply depend on his own thoughts when he wrote his book? If so, then it would have been mixed with the errors of the day; but it stated scientific truths years before men had discovered them. This book was the result of the omniscient God speaking through the prophet Isaiah. God gave the message and Isaiah wrote the book. Toricelli was almost made a martyr for declaring that the air has weight and that nature abhors a vacuum; but Job inspired by God had written, “God understandeth the way ... to make the weight for the winds.” Thus the Bible had declared the air to possess weight centuries before thinking men believed it. God’s thoughts are higher than man’s thoughts, and likewise the Bible, God’s Book, possesses thoughts that place it above the wisdom of the minds of men and give evidence that a divine mind has given a message clothed in human language. Prophecies are found in the Bible that predicted the future, years before the events took place, and these predictions in every detail have been fulfilled as the word declared they would be. In the second chapter of (Continued on page 31) PAGE FIFTEEN International Newsreel Mr. Hoover together with members of the Law Enforcement Commission, recently appointed by the President to seek for a solution of, and suggest a remedy for, excessive crime in the United States Holding the Winds TRADE and armament rivalry have in recent months brought Great Britain and America into serious difficulties with each other, even to fears of ultimate war between the two greatest English-speaking peoples. History records bloody wars between powerful aspirants for world markets and control of the seas, growing out of much less serious differences than now confront England and the United States. Pacifists would have us believe that the greater enlightenment of the present age keeps us out of conflict; but we doubt it. Civilized and educated greed and hatred are just about as uncontrolled and uncontrollable as the savage type, when it comes to the last provocation. No, wars will come, and will increase in number and ferocity till the great Armageddon. The only deterrent of war is the Spirit of God working on the hearts of men, and manipulating peoples and statesmen in such a way that wars are postponed. In a most remarkable way we have just had an illustration of this in regard to British-American relationships. Feelings between the two nations were becoming more and more strained when, in that sudden way the British have, an election was called, and early in June a new group came into power, the Labor Party, with Mr. Ramsey PAGE SIXTEEN MacDonald as Prime Minister. The Laborites are very much opposed to war, and lean more to the Socialist attitude in this regard. As soon as Premier MacDonald was securely seated, he proposed taking a trip to America, an unprecedented move, to talk over armaments with President Hoover. Both countries now seem to be making every effort to conciliate each other, and war talk has gone kiting. This is a lull rather than a lapse in war preparations, however; for the spirit of war is still strong among all nations. There will be other such postponements of crises in the near future. For God’s work is not yet done on the earth, and He it is who is “holding the four winds’’ of strife and commotion from blowing on the world’s peoples till His elect are sealed in their foreheads. (See Revelation 7:1-3.) It would be catastrophic to the carrying of the gospel to all the earth, if just now the two most powerful nations of the world were to be plunged into titanic conflict. God keeps watch above His own, and in ways of which we little dream He will restrain men and nations and keep in leash the hounds of war till the last soul on earth has been warned, and it is time to let the destroyers destroy themselves. Only those who know the way of God will escape then. And whoever will, may know. “Divers Sort of Flies” FLORIDA is going through an experience akin to that of ancient Egypt when the plague of flies struck it. The Mediterranean fruit fly has invaded its orchards and gardens. From the scare and the havoc it is making in the peninsula state, directly and indirectly, we wonder that there is any fruit left in Mediterranean lands. Incidentally, the greatest damage is being wrought by efforts to stamp out the pest. It is said that the boll weavil might have been halted if strenuous efforts had been made against it when it first made its appearance. Hence the extreme measures taken to stop the fruit fly, for the South has learned its lesson. The fly deposits its eggs in ripe fruits and vegetables, and the larvae hatched therefrom feed on the fruit and cause it to fall off and rot before harvesting time. Both the Federal and State governments have appropriated millions of dollars to fight the plague. Surrounding states have put a quarantine against all Florida fruits. Eradicative measures within the state take the form of wholesale destruction of all suspected fruits, together with vegetables which ripen above ground, and prohibition against raising anything that will give sustenance to the fly. It is reported that the universal destruction is extended to wild fruits also, no small task in a semitropical country with much uninhabited and uninhabitable land. International Newsreel Benito Mussolini speaks to 35,000 Alpine troops who marched over the Alps to Rome. The premier of Italy has had disagreements with the pope, but the great Church and State pact still stands THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE The News Interpreted The News Interpreted Herbert Photos, Inc. Model of the structure that will be built to house the United States Supreme Court We have only admiration for the people of Florida as they stagger, yet fight, under this latest blow at their prosperity. What with wind storms and collapsing real estate booms and bank failures, their increasingly valuable fruit and vegetable culture industry for the supplying of Northern winter and early spring markets was counted on to retrieve previous misfortunes. With this affected, Florida is indeed stricken. We harbor no fears about the recovery of the state from this fresh setback. Man keeps finding ways out of his difficulties. Science is doing marvels to help mankind in its battle against encroaching insect marauders. But we learn a lesson from the distressing fact that in spite of all science can do, the bug evil is becoming more and more of a menace. It is more than a battle to raise anything any more. It is a war; and a world war. It is a matter for the League of Nations. May it not be that insects, as well as men, devils, and angels will have a part in bringing about Armageddon? God has used insect pests in the past to teach humanity His way, and to check men over-wicked. May He not be doing it now? Not at all that Florida needs it more than other communities. All are afflicted. Egypt in Moses’ day felt the divine Hand through “divers sorts of flies.” (Exodus 8:21-31.) Israel in the time of their apostasy were troubled with the cankerworm, caterpillar, palmerworm, and the locust, till nothing was left. (Joel 1:4.) Then God rebuked the devourer for their sakes, when they brought unto Him His own and gave heed to His counsels. (Malachi 3:8-12.) Will He not do the same today? But more even than this, we need to see in these plagues the signs of the end of all things. The earth is waxing old as a garment. (Hebrews 1:10-12.) All nature is waiting for the Lord to deliver her from the bondage that results from millenniums of sin. (Romans 8:21-23.) Providence would have us long and prepare for the time soon to come when "‘they shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain.” (Isaiah 65: 25.) Premier and Pope Clash THE Lateran treaty of June 7, between the Roman Catholic Church and the Italian State, which gave to the Church a huge sum of money, an infinitely small civil territory and jurisdiction, and infinitely great power and influence, was counted on as settling for all time any controversy between church and state in Italy. Both claimed gains by the agreement, and both were AUGUST, 1929 happy. But in spite of the great pains that were taken to exactly define all future relationships between the contracting parties, these relationships were not well enough defined to be understood by all concerned. No sooner was the ink dry on the treaty than Premier Mussolini sought to explain the new status to the Italian Chamber of Deputies. Among his provocative statements were those to the effect that “within the state the Church is not sovereign and is not even free”; that the Church had always been dependent on the state, for “if it had not been for the universal character of the Roman Empire, which finally embraced Christianity, Christianity would probably have died among the many other forgotten religions born in Palestine”; and “that the Lateran treaty had not Vaticanized Italy.” To this the pope rejoined by saying that the Premier’s words were “heretical and worse than heretical.” He vehemently objected to the statement that the Catholic Church in Italy is subject to the state. As reported by the Italian correspondent of the New York T imes: “The fact that all other religions are freely admitted in the Italian State does not find objections on the Pope’s part, 'provided,’ he says, 'it is clearly and loyally understood that the Catholic religion, and the Catholic religion alone, is the State religion with all the logical and juridical consequences that that State implies, especially where propa- ganda is concerned, and provided it is no less clearly and loyally understood that the Catholic religion is not merely one of the many tolerated or permitted religions, but is what the letter and the spirit of the Lateran Treaties and Concordat make it.’ “Premier Mussolini’s pronouncement that Italy must enjoy full liberty of conscience and full liberty of discussion does not meet with the Pope’s approval. Full liberty of discussion, he says, was inadmissible because some forms of discussion can easily trick unenlightened minds and become cloaks for harmful propaganda. Nor is it possible to concede full liberty of conscience, he says, as it 'would be like saying that creatures are not subject to the Creator,’ unless, he adds, this means that it is recognized that consciences are not subject to the State, in which case it follows logically that it must also be recognized that the task of education belongs to the Church and not to the State.” From all this, the following facts are plainly evident to the casual observer. The battle between Catholicism and the civil power in Italy (and in the world) is not yet over. The hierarchy has not changed its historical attitude one iota. While for expediency the Church will tolerate people in Italy who hold other religions, any propagation or evangelization by these other religions will not be tolerated for a moment. Free speech and religious liberty, the twin boons of democracy and Protestantism, have never had, and never (Continued on page 27) PAGE SEVENTEEN We are given to Hero Worship Our welfare depends on our choice of a hero HE people of earth are given over unalterably to hero worship. They set up heroes as patterns and as gods to follow and to worship. Yet, sad to say, the majority of these popular heroes are not all that the name implies. That there have been true heroes I am aware; and yet there is not a popular hero introduced and lauded in history, carried along through voluminous pages, with his bloody deeds, lust, license, debauchery, and crime, who did not have contemporaries who overtopped him in real accomplishment and outdistanced him in true greatness, yet of whom history is silent or takes but slight notice. The mention of the one by the historian has helped, in a sense, to perpetuate their misdeeds to following generations; whereas we may affirm also, because by beholding wre become changed, that the mention of the other would have helped to stem the awful tide of evil that has all but engulfed the world. Out of Proportion TO ILLUSTRATE this choice of heroes: In a historical work of twenty-five volumes of nearly 700 pages each, I find quite 250 pages given over to an account of the life, acts, and time of Alexander the Great. This monster, who could undermine the influence of his own father, kill his best friend in a drunken brawl, burn the great and beautiful city of Peisepolis to gratify the whim of a courtesan, pull down the battlements of a thousand cities to gratify his pride, levy tribute upon his enemies to erect a gilded tomb over a favorite who helped feed his passions, triumph over a bleeding world, and weep because there were no more worlds to conquer and destroy, is thus passed on as a popular hero for school boys to imitate; while in the same broad work of general history I cannot find a single line given to the philosopher Diogenes. Here was a man who dared treat the depraved Alexander with contempt, and whom even the world conqueror no doubt recognized as a superior. Diogenes, of whom the proud Alexander said, “If I were not Alexander, I would be Diogenes,” and the philosophers, poets, artists, and educators of that age, and not Alexander the Great, are the men who created Hellenic prestige, lifted Greece to true greatness, and created a civilization and a culture that following generations have been pleased to honor. They were the true heroes of that age. Yet history exalts the murderer, the destroyer, the moral pervert, the depraved glutton, while too many true heroes— the builders who wrought and toiled, sacrificed and died, for principle and truth — sink down into unmarked graves, and historians ignore the mention of their names. Or take the days of Augustus Caesar, those days when Rome was at the zenith of its power and the height of its glory: A hundred pages plus are given over to popular heroes, to Augustus, Antony, and Cleopatra, to their wars, their intrigues, their passions, their illicit relationships, their depravities, their hates, their murders, and their suicides; while a scant three pages are grudgingly given to Virgil, one of the greatest poets of antiquity, and only one page to Jesus of Nazareth. Yet, I ask, What was it tarried Roman civilization and culture onward when the power of the realm crept into the base hands of depraved, crafty, egotistical, murderous men? It was the foundation laid by Virgil and his companions in work and compatriots in feeling. What was it saved civilization and culture to the world PAGE EIGHTEEN Wide World Photos THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE Imired hero of our times Edward J. Urquhart when the barbarians swept down upon Rome and extinguished its already feeble lamp? It was the followers of the Hero of the universe, Jesus of Nazareth. Yet the historian with twenty-five large volumes to fill finds men like Alexander and women like Cleopatra so fascinating and engrossing that they fill the whole work, and a single page is begrudged to the founder of Christianity, Jesus Christ. This looks like a conspiracy against all that is good and pure and true. In every age and in every nation it has been the same. The monsters of cruelty, the masters of intrigue, the gluttonous, drinking, reveling moral perverts are upheld as heroes, while most of those who were truly great, who toiled and sacrificed for principles, and shaped the trend of events, are entirely ignored or passed by with slight mention. On the one side stand such popular heroes as Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Charles the Fifth, Frederick the Great, and Elizabeth, and such perverts as Cleopatra, Antony, Nero, Catherine, and others—that great army that history has been pleased to honor in one way or another; and on the other side those thousands of poets, philosophers, Christian leaders, writers, educators, and that innumerable company of the common great, nearly all of whom history ignores or disposes of with a few brief paragraphs. We exalt lust, we worship power, we glorify war and make heroes of those who murder and destroy, and then we pray for peace on earth and good will toward men and wonder that the spirit of war hovers over the nations. We sow the seeds of avarice, hate, strife, and contempt, and look for a harvest of peace, moral growth, universal good-will, and spiritual advance. We are willingly ignorant of the fact that there is a law that operates in the sowing of seeds and the reaping of harvests: “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” “They have sowed the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.” Struggling Against Odds IT IS no wonder that those who are fighting for the uplift of humanity and the good of the world are having such a hard time of it. It is the estimate we place upon things that causes the terrible struggle, The opposition got in on the ground floor several millenniums ago with the exaltation of warrior-heroes, and the reading of their deeds on history’s pages has ever kept them in the ascendency. Having gained that advantage, they have pressed it through the years, strengthening it with every succeeding generation, till the warrior-hero is acclaimed great and is exalted to a pedestal high above that occupied by the true heroes, geniuses, and victors of earth. But even though our histories {Coni, on page 24) august, 1929 PAGE NINETEEN Eight Ways for Sunday