and loud voice was heard: “Bo- lillo, bolillo, bolillo!” In that part of Mexico, fami- lies eat fresh food. That includes bread. The bread is carried through the streets by vendors offering still-warm, fresh-from- the-oven bread called bolillo. The director came up with a great idea. Why not buy fresh bread for everybody? The problem was the tall fence that divided the cemetery from the street. The solution? Find the tallest tomb and try to call the attention of the bolillero (the bread man). So the club director, a great Christian woman who was very skinny, climbed onto one of the tallest tombs and began shouting, “Bolillero! Bolillero! Bolillero!” The vendor thought that someone from one of the sur- rounding houses was calling him to buy bread from him. He looked here and there, but could not locate the origin of the voice, until, to his surprise, on top of a tall tomb there was a skinny woman with long hair calling and motioning him. “Come! Come!” You can imagine the terror on the face of this poor man, who thought the Llorona Loca was calling him over to the cemetery. Immediately he threw away his canasta (basket) filled with bread, and ran for his life. After climbing over the fence, some of the Pathfinders went to the place this man had left his basket. They put all the bread back inside the basket and waited for a while to see if the man would come back for his bread. They waited a long time, but he never did return. Too bad. It would have been great to witness to him about the truth of the state of the dead so he would never need to fear Llorona Loca again. @ A Timely Message Tonight many people will try to forget the fear of death that has filled their minds for much of the year, and entertain themselves by facing another fear—the fear of spirits. But we have good news to share. We know that death is like sleep, and that Jesus Himself will wake us up if we die! This news is just too good to keep to ourselves. That’s why Guide has created this special issue with a sharing insert. Simply remove the inner half of the magazine, and you’ll have a sharing piece that you can pass along to a non-Adventist friend. Don’t want to tear apart your Guide? Want to share it with more than one friend? Check out the ad on page 3 to find out how to order more. October 31, 2020 | GUIDE | 7