ONE DAY SDA HISTORICAL TOUR OF BATTLE CREEK ALSO PARKVILLEs OTSEGO 8 ALLEGAN August 7, 1965 Follow map and schedule0 Caravan driving only when indicated0 Distances may be a little short of those given0 Marked maps available at White Estate office, Room 112, Seminary Hallo GENERAL INFORMATION; Eat breakfast before departing,, Take enough food for lunch and supper0 Estimated arrival back in Berrien Springs about 9 p#m# SCHEDULE Sabbath, August 7; 6;00 A9Ma — Leave Berrien Springs for 60 mile trip to Parkville0 Parkville is due east, from Berrien Springs, and 8O5 miles northeast of Three Rivers. Take Rt0 3.1 south to Niles, then take Rt 0 60 east (turn left) to Three Riverss Continue on Rt0 60 east 707 miles to Parkville Road on left, just beyond ’’Fisher’s Lake” and marked by white sign "Parkville Grangeo" Drive 0o7 miles to Town Store, turn right, go 1 block to Grange Hall on left0 7:U0 — Arrive Parkville Grange,, Grange building embodies the Parkville church, easily seen0 Visit Parkville Church0 Vision of Civil War given here, January 12, 1868, 8:20 AoMo — Drive Caravan (lights on) on Rto 60 to Mendon church, 7o0 miles0 (Address of church is 124 Jackson Street) 8:50 A.M. — Leave Mendon church, drive 34 miles to Battle Creek9 Take Route 60 to Rto 78 and north on 78 to Rt, 940 Turn left, drive west 1 mile to traffic light and Capital Avenue0 Take Capital Avenue north into Battle Creek0 Capital Avenue le4 miles to Fountain Street0 Left on Fountain Street, 1 block to Upton Avenue0 Bear right on Upton 1 block to Ravine Street, turn right on Ravine, drive to Washington Avenue and to the Battle Creek Health Center which is located at 147 No Washington, turn left on Manchester and park in the Manchester Street parking lot near the Health Center gym0 Enter the institution from the door at the top of a small flight of stairs0 A hostess will be there to welcome you and direct you0 (If uncertain, watch for towers of old Battle Creek San) BATTLE CREEK HEALTH CENTER0 Built by a Dr0 Phelps — 1899-19000 Chas0 Post rented it from Dro Phelps, and he then rented it to Bernard McFadden, the famous physical culturisto In time the Health Center was taken over by the John Harvey Kellogg group and operated as part of the Battle Creek Sanitariumo At the present time this institution is operating along the lines of the traditional Seventh-day Adventist medical Sanitarium and hospital approach in cooperation with the Battle Creek Community0 At the present time it is operating a rather full program and meeting with good successo 10:00 AeM Assemble at Health Center for Sabbath School 11:05 A.M. —■ Church Service begins. Elder Delafield will speak. 12:30 P.M. Please bring your lunch to the Battle Creek Academy where facilities will be provided for us to have a picnic lunch0 We will drive caravan from the Health Center to the Academy which is located at 180 Welch Avenue. 1:15 P.M. — Leave for the old Battle Creek Sanitarium building on North Washington Avenue, traveling caravan with lights ono Park in the Champion Street parking lot. Champion Street crosses N. Washington0 The parking lot is on Champion Street east of Washington0 1:30 - 3:30 P.M. — Tour of Battle Creek 3:30 P.M. — Leave for Otsego and Canright’s grave (32 miles) Take Rt. 96 (Michigan Avenue) west to Rt0 89 and continue to stop light at center of Otsego. Turn right and drive past water tower 0.6 miles to Mount Home Cemetery. Enter main gate, drive to custodian’s office, and continue 0.1 mile. Take second turn to the right after passing custodian’s office. Continue down hill to edge of cemetery. The grave of De Mo Canright is 25 paces from the large oak tree on the right in direct line from the tree to the caretaker’s office. 4:30 P.M. — Assemble at Canright’s grave. 4:45 P.M. -- Drive caravan to Hilliard Home where Health Reform vision was given in 1863. We will not be able to enter, but will drive by. To get there, return to center of Otsego. Turn right on Rt. 89. Drive to Jefferson Road at west edge of town. Continue on Jefferson Road one mile, cross river and take sharp turn to left on 21st Street. Continue to intersection of 102nd Avenue and one block to house number 2108 on left. Picture of home in Trail of Pioneers, p. 17. From Otsego, 3 miles. 5:00 P.M. — Pass Hilliard Home. Drive to Allegan and South Monterey. Con-tinue on 102nd Avenue to Rt. 40 and Rt. 40 to Allegan and Monroe Street. 5:20 P.M. —- Allegan, Michigan. Bridge on Monroe Street crossing Kalamazoo River. At Allegan, Jo Eo White in 1893 built the 72 foot missionary boat, the ’’Morning Star” for missionary work in the South. He sailed it down the Kalamazoo river, across Lake Michigan to the Chicago Canal and then South to labor for the colored people. See Captains of the Host, pp. 634-40. 5:50 P.M. -- Continue caravan (lights on) driving 5 miles to Joseph Bates home in So. Monterey. From bridge take Grand 1/2 block to Main Street, branching to the left and thence to unnamed country road north 5 miles to So. Monterey. Turn left on 125th Street. Go 1 block to first house on right. 6:00 P.M. — Joseph Bates’ home built for himself as retirement home. Bates spent last years here. 6:10 P.M. — Drive caravan (lights on) past site of Monterey church on right and one mile to Poplar Hill cemetery on left. Enter main (center) gate. 6:20 P.M. — Poplar Hill Cemetery. Graves of Joseph and Prudence Bates marked by new granite stone on the hill to the north. (See Footprints, pp. 164- 169). (Stone pictured in Footprints has been replaced by the General Conference with a new stone.) 6:45 P.M. — Homeward Bound. Take Route 40 to 1-94, Turn right on 1-94 and get off at Scottsdale exit to Berrien Springs. Happy traveling and safe journey. Ellen G. White Estate Andrews University Seminary Hall, Room 112 August 3, 1965