Tlie Messenger BSOUTHEAST ASIA UNION MISSION 1B Key Staff Members Leave SAUM Three Kev statfmembershave departed from SAUN recent months, and so taronly one ofthe openimeshas been filled. Thusthe Union staffs somewhat shorthanded ata crucial time when the work is expandmg into new areas suchas Cambodia, Callsare beng extended toreplace the other staff members, but no otficial appomuments have been made. First to depart from the statt wis Wo Rayburn Buddy smith, who had served as Publizhing Departirent Director since 1929 Ravburn also served m the Thadand Mission from 1978 to [980 The Smisth family faced a dithicult decision alter the dosing of Far Eastern Academy mm Mayo Although they telt a