ELLEN G. WHITE'S USE OF THE TERM "RACE WAR," AND RELATED INSIGHTS by Delbert W. Baker CONTENTS Introduction . . . © © © LL ee ee ee ee ea Pre-Summary Statement . . . . . . . Lo... 0. eee Contexts . . vv ve ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee a A. The Interview Setting (6) B. The Sociological Setting (8) C. The Historical Setting (14) 1. Emancipation Into "More Favorable Slavery" (14) 2. Jim Crowism: The Master of the New Slavery (16) a. Legislative (16) b. National (17) c. Intellectual (17) d. Civil (18) 3. "Race War" - The Extreme and Undesirable (19) Considerations . . . ©. vu he ee ee ee eee ConCTUSTIONS vv vv tt eh ee eee ee ee ee ee ss a A. Past Fulfillment (31) B. Present Implications (32) C. Future Promise (33) Appendices . . . LLL 0 ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee A. "Our Duty to the Colored People" (34) B. Historical Case Studies (34) C. "Slavery" Categories in the Spirit of Prophecy (36) D. Relevant Race Principles of Ellen G. White (39) Footnotes © . . . . oo ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ey eu Ellen G. White Estate Washington, D. C. August, 1984