THE GREAT THREEFOLD MESSAGE, Ir works, and of these His Sabbath is a remembrancer. But what He was for His people then in the creation of the world, He is to them now in recreating, upholding, preserving. The power of the word which He spoke during the six days of creation is still manifest in upholding and perpetuating the things He has made. It is manifest in the re-creation of souls born into the kingdom of God. The Lord is a very present help in trouble, and the Sabbath is to us the sign of His almighty present power in and for us. LESSON IV.—January 25, 1896. THE FEAR, GLORY, AND WORSHIP OF GOD. Review QuEesTioNs.—(a) Through what is the power of God manifest to save men? (4) What is its effect upon those who receive it? (¢) For how long is it to be offered to the world? THE FEAR OF GOD. 1. What duty does the message first enjoin? Rev. 14:7, first clause. 2. What is meant by fear? Ans.—The word * fear’ in its primary sense expresses ter- ror, apprehension, dread. When énjoined as a duty or Chris- tian grace, it refers to reverence; itis awe and love combined. If we know God, we will have some sense of His wondrous, "dreadful, and ineffable glory and of our own utter insignifi- ‘cance. In the light.of His glory will ‘we see our shame; in the light of His holiness, otir'sin; in the light of His. purity; ‘ocurtor- ruption; and when we see that all-these perféctions dare: given in love through Christ to save us, it creates love within our hearts, and fear and love combine in reverence. These views of self and God will lead us to choose God's will and way in FOR MISSION WORK IN THE SOUTHERN STATES.