MANNER OF CHRIST'S COMING. 13 God,” made like Christ and sharing His glory. 1 John 3:1-3; Phil. 3:21. The word means a complete showing forth. When the Son of God was first upon earth, it was a ‘‘coming’’ to earth, but it was not His “revelation” or ‘‘disclosure.” His divinity was veiled by humanity. He had no form nor come- liness that men should desire Him. Isa. 53:2. He was to many only a prophet, to many more the son of Joseph and Mary. But He will come again, and that coming will be a reve- lation of all that His people have believed Him to be, ‘“ Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.” He will be seen then as the blessed Redeemer, the Lifegiver, the mighty Creator and Recreator, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Every knee shall then bow, and every tongue shall then confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Phil. 2:11. The word epiphancia, rendered ‘‘appearing’” and ‘ bright- ness,’”’ refers, when used of Christ, to His appearing, shining forth, or glory, which will be revealed when He comes. See 1 Tim. 6: 14; 2 Tim. 1:10; 4:1, 8; Titus 2: 13, where itis rendered “appearing,” and in 2 Thess. 2:8, where it is rendered “‘ bright- ness.” ‘That wicked” will be destroyed ‘‘with the brightness [epiphaneia, shining forth] of His coming [ parousia, pres- ence].” The word erchomai also refers to the same event as well as to others. That simply denotes His coming, as in Luke 21:27. Parousia applied to the same event as in Matt. 24:27 and 1 Thess. 4:15 shows that this coming will bring the veritable, literal presence of Christ. FEpiphaneia shows, as in 2 Thess. 2:8, that that coming, or parousia, is overwhelmingly glorious, “the glory of His Father” (Matt. 16:27). This is also taught by Luke 21:27. And the word apokalupsis shows that all this coming and glory and presence of the Son of God are the revelation of His divine majesty and complete fullness. What the people of God have believed by faith, that glorious coming and presence of Christ will then reveal to all. From the foregoing evidences, therefore, we can come to no other conclusion than this: The Scriptures reveal but one second coming to this earth of our Lord Jesus Christ; that this coming will not be invisible and secret, but personal, literal,