12 The Idvealional Messenger Class Organization Too-tHoo! Too-tloo! Too-Hoo! Who are those nineteen wise owls who are creating =uch a commotion? Why, the Semors of course, and thelr names are Fsther Graham, Grace Mevers, Aletha Shepherd, Morearer Jordans, Birdie River, Sadie Beard, Fave Felter, Mys, Too BE Westerner, Jack Marr, Witton Halverson, Harold Me- (unt [5 onn=ell, Daal Gibbs TL Oswald, Fadl Oswald, W WL Like. n Sector, Wilton Leech, and eter Gunderson. The clies met for orvanizaiion on Wednesday, January 220 and the fol- lowing officers were elected: President, Ho TD Saston: vice president. Wilton Halverson: seerclam, Grace Meyers: treasurer, Isaac Counsell. There are two very distinctive Tealures about one class: six of onl class are Wready =erdled for Hie, and al but one of the men are vini=ters, By June there will he more distinctions, =o Keep watch, The cls celebrated Le oreanization by a party at the home Elder and Mess THF Saxton, Satneday evenine, The time was spent noworhs aod play i Bon, The Presidents clock may be de preted upon to at =tatrdand time, Cr ves, abot the cat! Well ist ask Mach: he spent the remainder of the night ov the jungles of Africa. Fave FELTER. Elections Our Tuesday worming =eazonme of one ard sermon, of rigid avd torrid wt be arranoed by the arly lected allicers Tor the coring Terni who soe: Encore Soon leader: Rex Jacobson, assistant fosders Miss Form Tiliotson, secretary and Charles Larson, tres turer. Miss Caroline Keetennug having charee of the music will Loop harmony mone then, Crod Delteved inovariety in make the creatures of earth and sea and we Kons this atlimute t= an interval part of the new personnel of the Collece Sabbath school, These ares Jack Mair, =nperintend- ents Wikre Halverson, assi=tant superintendent: Miss Hilda Boe- cher, secretary tid Miss # Viole Drown, assistant scevetiory, Already new flavors of ovieinality inoprooram expression are visible, To both then: ard the Mision Volunteer officers above mentioned we pledac our happy =upport,