Special Summer Issue GREETINGS FROM THE PRESIDENT: It gives me great pleasure to address a word of greeting to all the students of Union College—past, present, and future. Alumni of the college quite naturally turn their interest bock to the campus upon which they spent so many pleasant days, and we who are still privileged to be at the college wish to assure them that they are still remembered individuolly and collectively by the teachers who knew them. We take pleasure in following the record of graduates and the present student both of the college. They are scattered throughout the many states of the Midwest, and even in other states and countries. We read their can- vass'ng records and their letters with interest and look forward to their return to us in the fall. To the large body of young people who are getting ready to come to Union College for the first time, we wish to extend an assurance that the faculty and staff of Union College is devoted to the service of those whose sincerity of purpose will lead them to enroll in this Christian college. .41r1 40N- � .e‘t,‘;,1 � • � • 4.1"' t-1 ROBERT W. WOODS ' Entered us second class matter at the post office at Lincoln, Nebras.n, April 5, 1911, under Act of Congrel.s Nlarch-.3, 4897, Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided in Section 1103, Act of Octo'ier :3, 1917, authorized June 17, 1921: ' � ' Published bi-weekly during the school year except during holidays, examinations, and registration periods, and every month during the summer by Union College under the auspices of the faculty and students of Un on College. Subscription rate: $1.25 per year. W. H. Beaven, M.A., Assistant to the President Head of English and Speech Deportment E. B. Ogden, Ph.D., Dean Head of Mathematics Department H. M. Johnson, B.A. Treasurer and Business Manager 0 r Anne D. Dunn, M.S. Home Economics H. Ruth Bunston, R.N., M.S. in Ed. Director of School of Nursing N. Dick, Ph.D. History L. Marsh, Ph.D Biology M. D. Hare, M.A. C. Jorgensen, Ph.D. Chemistry Physics � Business and Economics R. W. Fow!er, M S G. Reinmuth, Ph.D. Modern Languages DEPARTMENTAL HEADS A. J. Weorner, M A. Religion E. M. Cadwallader, M.A. in Ed. Ed::cai'cn b • • • M. S. Culver, Dean of Men � Pearl L. Ree3, Dean of Women School Homes The majority of students attending Union College reside in either of our school homes, North Hall or South Hall. There is a "heap of living" dons in these homes w'nere one learns co-operation and good fellowship. NORTH HALL � SOUTH HALL -%•• 00'14-• ) " • 1% • .? •2 � 0., a 414) 4;7 f. � • A iI %., � ,,.. ,., .,. . i. .. ., � .. . . ,, � ...t•-44 ....?•. � 4fb ' i.:: • � 1.. 7 .•;', . f..C. � •:...ilf .if ' • • � ., i„k ;' .) � , 1 � " .9-• � N. (4 : i � •.f. rt: � 41(-.. • ": � - � ..t � ': i ,,,, k 4 /.. � . � ,. • '4" 4 '- -: ''^- �, �• ,.... • � 7 ... .... � . � . i., i,, �• ,..::. - r...- � -'4 � • � • r � Iv , ..•, , r - �2: '.g... � et- � .,, ( � I .fil 1 • 4 �:, � • � w .., - .., .A. i • 0. r, � ,..:4040: �1.1..4 . � ,t • �,„„sto, ..„. 't ,• #1 � • ;5 �iks:t'. '''''. 1- � .A:' �., c.,',• � .r. 4 !A � 4.4.;gYilie.Wi A � A 0., . .., /i.. A , • � . : i � le .1' .. � ....jo• 1,4