This Stock is Nonassessable, and Draws no Dividends. President. Secretary. This Certifies, That. is owner of............................. S h a re s of One Dollar each of the Capital Stock o f the SOUTHERN MISSIONARY SOCIETY, of Yazoo City, Miss., fully paid and non­ assessable, transferable only on the books of the Society, in person or by attorney, on surrender o f this Certificate. flit Witness Mbereof, the duly authorized officers o f this Society have hereunto subscribed their names and caused the corporate seat to be hereto affixed at Yazoo City, Miss., thu \i i i This Stock is Non-assessable, and Draws no Dividends. 1H C 0 R P O R IS T E 0 U K O E R T H E JUZTWQ OF M I S S I S S I P P I , 1 6 9 8 . Southern Missionary Soeiety. Cbts Certifies, ...A - is owner of...l. * v .................. Shares of Oiie Dollar eacfii ofj/the Cafifital Stock of the SOUTHERN MISSIONARY SOCIETY, of Yazoo City, Miss., fully paid and non­ assessable, transferable only on the books of the Society, in person or by attorney, on surrender o f this Certificate. Un Mttnees Wlbereof, the duly authorized officers of this Society have hereunto subscribed their names and caused ') be hereto affixed at Yazoo City, Miss., V n r ...lf&£.... Secretary. ( f / President. UR| mm Southern Missionary Society