through a revision of the present calendar. The following table shows how the proposed new calendar scheme would disrupt the weekly cycle once each year if it becomes effective in 1933 as proposed: Last WEEK OF DECEMBER, 10933 Blank T. W. T. F. S. Day 24 25 26 27 28 29 S. M. 22 23 FIrsT WEEK OF JANUARY, 1934 S. M. T. W. T. F. 8S. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The above table shows how the extra day at the end of each year is dropped out of the reckoning of the weekly cycle. Tt illustrates the last week of December, 1933, and the first week of January, 1934, with the extra 365th day of the year left out of the weekly cycle, thus altering the days of the week each year. The last week in December, 1933, ends on Saturday, December 28. The next day, the twenty-ninth, is the extra “year day,” which is called a blank day in the new calendar plan, and which naturally would be Sunday if the regular order of the days of the week was followed. But it is not reckoned in the days of the week, and so Sunday, under the new plan is carried forward to the first day of the month of January, 1934. In this way the weekly cycle is broken regularly each year under the Cotsworth scheme, which is recommended for universal adoption. During leap years the weekly cycle is broken twice, because two blank days are dropped out of the weekly cycle. It is proposed in the new plan to insert the new month of Sol between June and July, and to drop the extra leap-year blank day out of the reckoning between the last week in June and the first week of Sol. The following table shows how the weekly cycle is altered during 1936, the first leap year, as the extra leap-year day is dropped between June and Sol in the middle of the year: I,asT WEEK OF JUNE, 1936 Blank T. W. T. EF. S. Day 24 25 26 27 28 29 S. M. 22 23 First WEEK OF SOL, 1936 S. M. T. W. T. F. S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Thus the weekly cycle is broken twice during each leap year, once in the middle and again at the end of the year; and thus the Sabbatarian who conscientiously continues to observe the original Sabbath on the true day of the Bible week is compelled to observe his Sabbath on a certain secular week day each leap year for six months, and for seven months on PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT a different secular week day, according to the new calendar scheme. The same would be true concerning the Sunday observer, if he desired to observe Sunday in honor of the true resurrection day on the original first day of the week. The new scheme of altering the weekly cycle each year, and making the Sabbath as well as Sunday fall on different days of the week, is fraught with much evil foreboding to the moral and spiritual realm. When the governments of earth remove the moral restraints and safe- guards of religion by legal processes, and trample with impunity upon divine authority and sacred institutions for the sake of expediency and mercenary gain in big business, it does not take a prophet to foresee the harmful effect such lowering of moral and religious Some leading articles in the June Watchman We have been told by a critical sccial scientist that we need a new conception of God. What is Our Conception of God? By Allen Walker. The final settling of the ‘‘Roman Question’ raises An American Ques- tion. By William G. Wirth. The Most Development of Today. Lewis Shuler. Deathbed Repentance. Does God accept it? By Robert L. Boothby. The Secret of a Healthy Body. By Daniel H. Kress, M. D. Flies and Marriage. By Martha E. Warner. Visiting the Haunts of Queer People in Africa. By William H. Branson. Momentous Political By John standards is going to have upon the religious life of the people. All the calendar revisers of the past took scrupulous care not to disturb the Creator’s own arrangement of the weekly cycle. They have recognized God’s authority to set aside one particular day of the week as holy time and that day has never been lost sight of by God’s faithful children. The lawmakers as well as the astronomers in all past ages who brought about the calendar changes in the monthly and yearly cycles, made an attempt to find God’s true length of His invariable and in- fallible solar year so as to be in harmony with His own correct measure of yearly cycles, but never before in all history have men had the temerity to change the divine arrangement of the weekly cycle and make it untrue. That bold step has been reserved for our day, and now religion and conscientious convic- tions are to be crucified upon a cross of gold in order to facilitate big business and cater to the convenience rather than to the religious convictions of the world. Men should hesitate to rush in where angels fear to tread. This is another bold attempt “to change the times and laws . of the Most High.” Reaping the Whirlwind of Crime (Continued from page 4) and women and children on a scale unequaled in human history; in place of inspirational and uplifting music, we gave them jazz; and instead of the dignity of honest labor with the ax and the hoe, we gave them gold to wor- ship in place of God, to be secured by short hours and high wages, in return for a questionable equivalent of service or at the point of the pistol that was placed in their hand at birth. And with such a heritage, that nothing be lacking, we presented them with the most willing and efficient servant that crime of any age has possessed — the automobile. Hore ITH these facts and conditions before us we are forced to ask, “Is there any hope?” From the human source there is none; from the divine there is hope in abundance. And after thousands of years of consistent and, at times, deliberate repudiation of the true way to prosperity, peace, and success, when the world is on the brink of social, political, and religious chaos, it seems fitting that we turn again to the source of all true knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. And we are not disap- pointed; we find definite instruction for such training as will secure the preser- vation of high ideals of truth, honesty, integrity, loyalty, and Christian service to our boys and girls and to our youth. “Behold, I have taught you statutes and judgments, even as the lord my God commanded me, that ve should do so in the land whither ye go to possess it. Keep therefore and do them. . . . Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life: but teach them thy sons, and they sons’ sons.’’ Deuteronomy 45, 6, 9. Again we read: ‘“And when thy son asketh thee in time to come, saying, What mean the testimonies, and the statutes, and the judgments, which the Lord our God hath commanded you? Then thou shalt say unto thy son, We were Pharaoh's bondmen in Egypt; and the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand: and the Lord showed signs and wonders, great and sore, upon Egypt, upon Pharoah, and upon all his household, before our eyes: and He brought us out from thence, that He might bring us in, to give us the land which He sware unto our THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE