THE WATCHMAN Copyright, Underwoed, N. Y. Japanese War Balloons Used in Taking Observations at Port Arthur ing up harbor, and in the absence of all offi- cial news, every one from the oldest to the youngest, was anxiously looking out for sig- nals. Every one still had the secret hope that Makaroff might after all have been saved, but dared not say so aloud. Fvery one was wish- ing with all his heart that one of the battle- ships would soon hoist the flag which we had not long ago greeted with such joy on board the Novik.—We were not to see it again! It was a terrible day. Previous to this, and again later, during the war, I passed through bad moments, but never did I experience such a state of awful depression as after this event. My feelings were shared by all. “Don’t go about like a drowned rat,” I said to the boatswain; “You must cheer up the men, keep up their good spirits. You dont seem to be doing anything towards this. For shame! War can’t be made without losses. A battle-ship has gone down and the squadron has been weakened. We shall re- ceive reinforcements. A fresh squadron is coming out. Nene of your hang dog looks and idleness.” “Yes, yes, Your Honor,” said the boatswain; “we can’t do without losses.” He spoke in a hesitating tone, and did not look me in the face. “It’s not that at all, Your Honor. What is a battle-ship? They are welcome to sink an- other and even a couple of cruisers, That's not it; but WE HAVE LOST OUR HEAD, OH, WHY HAD IT TO BE JUST HIM AND NOT ANY OF THE OTH- ERS?" His voice broke, and he turned away. Just as my Dboatswain theught, so thought masses. This dominated offi cers as well as the common seamen, only on the lower deck, amongst those simple people, it was more openly discussed than in the officers’ messes.—Senmcnoff, Ibid. p. I14, I15. also the idea “God is Not With Us’ The one man who might have saved the sea for Russia was no more. Every one that from this time forward the Port Arthur fleet would be a sine- cure, But, more than this, officers and men believed, and they have written it down in their accounts of the war that God was against Russia in this war. This is testified to by numbers of writers in many places. The prophecy had stated over two thousand years before—“I am against thee, O Gog, Prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal.” The Russian sol- diers and sailors, although they were un- acquainted with this divine word Dbe- knew lieved and spoke the same thing. In its way and sphere this is one of the most In proof remarkable things in history. of this point IT will cite Commander Sem-