el dy ‘th ¢ book of Daniel, or any. other book, without | . Ee HTSRROTX : oRkER. Bp SR iid rs oy crea mime or o— de “be necessary yl HF schists obciirs that a good faith ful librarian’ s, hpsband | is not in the message, and fi ’ “plnéial aid i is quite’ fieCessary to secitre the atténdanee, “Will ‘the’ ‘6ffiders ‘and ‘members’ of the churcH give the matter proper cotsideration? "NL w. "Ad * is dow THE SABBATH. "SCHOOL. :. IN THE WORKERS’ INSTITUTE In ‘hecordance with, the’ promise, ‘made a ‘few weeks! ago, we give’ a ‘synopsis of the talks on thé" Sabbath | . .8chool work in the Institute now in progress. At the first meeting, held Apr. 11, Fld. W. A. Alway spoke with reference to the opportunity the Sabbath. School , affords for the study of the Bible.. He said that while we recognize the ‘blessing of God ‘which has been over | the work in the past, and are thankful for all th t has been accomplished: ift’the work, wé cannot: rest satis. fied with what has beenddne: ‘Our Sabbath Schools are nothing less thay Bible Societies, and they may | embrace much more than they have hitherto done in the sacred work.” Conf. Bulletin, P >, 206. 1 "Our young ‘people are now forming Habits of study, and it is very important that they fofm correct ones. The. objeat of the : Sabbath School work is to’ bring + souls to Christ, but as it is the word of God lalone that is able to make us wise unto salvation, ~the: ‘Sabbath School is, to call our minds Jo. the word. . We, do net “réalizd the FEhpbrtahice UE Bible'stidy “2% We should. We have been falling away—back sliding—from $udy | so that at the present tine ‘we do not study the’ Bible] as much as we, did twenty, years ago. It is. impossible | . to study. to advantage without a system of some kind. In the Sabbath School we have a ‘complete system for. Bible study. We’ have carefully prepared lessons, a plan for the daily study of these lessons, a place ‘and time appointed for recitation, ahd a: teacher to. Hho owe can recite; Lr He emphasized the mportanes of the © daily stu of the lessons and spoke of the program for such, Study | gént ‘out by the Association’ based’ oti ‘the Words of the testimony which says, “Patents, set apaitia- ttle time each day for the study of the Sabbath: School lesson with, you, children,’ Also of the plan of study- ng the chapters by topic, §38 no one. cangcqyrectly , Jorming an outline of’ the chapters i in his mind. . tint At the bdbohd ideting, Held APT 18, Bla Hotsdr gave some practical thoughts on thé: ¥elation of! ‘the Gospel Workert£o the §abbath. School Work.” He NE omeg sthat the vitgl part of. the work, bf the, ifinistér Vast sto teach people how to study the.avord for them~j .. selves, and as this is | just, what the Sabbath Schogt i isd: "organized for, {heconnection between the abbas male the truth plaid, .. i: CCE mid 1 Qn gatering a new, field the minister will find it to his adyantage to organize ‘the ‘Sapbath School early and hold meetings for the children.” Jn Germany they | have followed the plan of starting a Sanday School | for the children in theit.new fields. i He ‘will find it .| ne¢essary to select teachers. and Anstrict:them-in the | best. methods of work, holding, teachers. meetings, with them and thus getting the Sabpath § Schoal work on a ood footing long before ‘the chiirch is organized. In visiting schools” ~ fhe ~~ ininister ican see where they are weak and can often help them,” not by telling them of their weakness;but by making helpful suggestions, taking a lively interest in, the work,and showing them how to do it in the best way. The donations to missions are an important feature in our schobls, and although & good work: has been done in this directiod,we have net reached the ¢limax yet. The ministers; just: the pneto Help im *his. The schools will not be ay mo ny giving, they ago. ‘He ‘encouraged’ ihe i idea of Hodidlg meetings with jrens’ meetings in’ Russia; - We shouldsstudy to §imp- ify | the truth, and bring it down to. the. simplicity of the, children. They, will understand much, and-this will bélp the teachers to know how to do this. work. CUT horRR cori) SRA EE nl PE WORKERS": INSTIUTE iN MINNEAPOLIS. “Fag Triktitute- began at 7: 80 Wednesday * eve- ning, Apr. 10. The evening service . was, ‘con, ducted by Ed. H.P. Holser who Was one of the workers in our State a few years ‘gince; but was removed - to the Central European | Field about “I'seven years ago.’ The discourse tended id show thie the work of God Was. far “ahead: of « our gon- ception of it’s préseht standing. The three ‘things, the iniage of the beast, © ‘the + warning of all the warld, and the latter rain, which we, a8 a people, have beén looking forward. to; are here upon us. Though this i is true, few realize it’s “truthfulness, ‘and Sa are looking for | some ' remarkable thing to yet transpire. “There is dangef i in ‘this, Jor. many have their eyes, on somethin {hat will “ot come. They, Heriti stand a good hance, of being de- hy School work and Shat of of the minister” is Very Hose. J ifPhe - nEAISHTS ionies Work is fo teach’ thie word: Thé] i sivork lofi tie’ 'SEBtath Schooll is to teach. the:werd, P therefore the minister; gughtdobe ableitg helpAdb- «bath Schopl teachems in their work, fo. show them how to study, a od how to teach.. Imorder to work: sucgghe- fully i in this ins he rust understand the best methods. every dag ‘We must iow ‘the’ voi 971 the true | Shepherd, or we will certainly, be decgived. We ‘have not spate’ to ‘notice the discoyrses sep- arately, #nd Jill simply m ly Ed He + omnst' study tradi ii ofder to the’ children, and t61d of the success they hdd in child- - lines, and notice such winder each as sho especial- : ® THE MINNESOTA WORKER. The program of the meetings runs something like this: 9 - 9:45 A. Mm. Prayer and Social mieet- ing; 10 -‘11, The consideration of some subject relative to the work. These “meetings are especially helpful to the workers as workers- 11. 15 - 12, Bible Study, generally led by one of our ‘brethren from abroad, as are the evening studies- 8-4 Missionary Work; 4.15 -5 Sabbath: school work; 7.30 - 8.30 Bible Study. The prayer and social meetingsare very helpful to us, as the blessing of the Lord is always with us. The consideration of the work as it relates to the worker need not be very fully reported as most of those directly engaged in the work have the privilege of hearing the instruction. = But while we are not able to report the meetings very fully, I trust it will be reported in the work of every laborer as he enters the field again. Our Bible study which was conducted by Eld. Holser till Saturday night, has been very interest- - tng and helpful. When Bro. Holser left us Eld. Durland took his place, but our interest has ‘not abated, nor are the studies of less help to us. But it is entirely impossible for us to give any- thing of a report of these seasons, so we forbear the attempt. Sr. Alberta: L. Little, our State Sabbath School Secretary, has kindly taken the responsibility of reporting on this special line of the work, and so you will find the Sabbath-school report in its ~ proper place. Our first lesson on Home Missionary Work con- ducted by Sr. A. E. Ellis on Thursday afternoon. The subject for this day was, ‘‘The Duties of the Librarian as Related to the Duties of the other officers in the Church; and as these duties have "been told in the last... number of the Worker, I refer all to that, and ask a careful reading of the same. I am sure thissubject is not understood by all: Perhaps the librarians understand it better than some of the other members of the church; therefore, we especially ask all to read the article ~ named. During the lesson the suggestion -was ‘given that since the duties’ ofall the officers in the church aad missionary society aré so closely) re- lated it would be a real good plan for the }ibrarian, - elder, and other. officers, to constitute 8 counsel board, that each might help the others by ad vice. Besides this, brethren, if you have the chance. of counseling, . you will take mueh great- er interest in everything you counsel about. : C. L. EMuzrsox. THE CANVASSERS. Last Tuesday was a busy day for the canvass- ers, as they were leaving and preparing to leave for their fields of labor. Below 1 give the territory asigned to each. Great Controversey. * P. 0. Johnson and K. O. Sjaahem, Kittson Co. Minn. . W. H. Moore, L H. Christian and A. E. Clyde, Fillmore and Houston Co’s. Minn. ~ Erick Peterson, Clarence Patch, and S.J. ‘Johnson, Kandiyohi Co. Minn. F. E. Rew, Mower Co. Minn. : Maggie Walde and Segrid Lobdahl, North Minneapolis, John Lyndin, ‘West Duluth, Christine Hanson, Renville Co. Minn. Prophecies of Jesus. Iver Hilde and Albert Nelson, Goodhue Co. Minn. Gust Henrikson *and H. E. Sjelstad, Grand Forks Co. N. D. | 8. H. Wing and Henry Nash, Pembina Co. N. D. C. E. Burgeson and Wm Layland, Otter “Tait Co. Minn. Nels Hanson and James Jacobson, Nicollet Co. Minn. ~ C. Nelson, Rice Co. Minn. So : Ida Rice and Emma Hanson, Minneapolis, Minn. "Mollie Boyer and Rachel Budd, N, E. Minneapolis Bible Readings. =~ F. A. Detamore, R. E. Campbell and. A. J ust, Mec Leod Co. Minn. David Quinn and Wm. Melicke, Waseca Co. Minn. : Othilla Johnson and Mary Peterson, towns or St. Louis R. R. between Minneapolis and Water- ville, Minn. Thoughts on Dan. and Rev." ~ HE. Nash and N. Mortenson, South Minneapolis. : Sunshine at Home. Victor Brickey, Mark Comer sed F. G. Olson, Polk Co. Minn. oo Steps to Christ. Eliz Hilde, Swift Co. Minn. At present 8. H. Wing, A. L. Whitelock and Joseph Emmerson are working on Glorious. Appearing in Minneapolis with good success. Just received a letter from F. A, Detamore stating that he and Bro, A. Just, expect to be in their field ready for work April [6th P. O. Johnson, Gust: Henrikson and H. E. Sjel- stad leave April 14th for their field of Labor. *