away from a belief in the Bible by the teachings of evolution. ‘The minds of men have thought out a system of teaching that discounts the historical stories of the Bible, but the man who really examines the evolutionary theory will see that as William Jennings Bryan said: “Evolution is only a million of guesses strung together.”” Paul Rader of Chicago, a well-known evangelist, could well afford to make a challenge accompanied with a $1,000 offer to the evolutionist who proves that the Genesis story of creation is untrue, for he knows that the apostles of evolution must search in vain for any truth that would destroy the Biblical record. The Bible is God’s word, God’s truth, God’s message to a sinful world, written by, and in the language of, ‘‘holy men of God” as “they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” (2 Peter 1: 21.) Yes, God wants men to think, He wants men who will think through propositions until they have arrived at the principles of truth. God wants men who instead of being swept along by the mass and swayed by some one master mind will think for themselves; but in our thinking we are to be governed by the teachings of the Bible, for this Book is the truth. ‘Yea, let God be true, but every man a liar.” The Bible is to provoke thinking. It is not to stifle thinking, but to govern our thinking; so let us “study to show ourselves approved unto God.” 2 Timothy 2: 15. Father and Son (Continued from page 13) in the passage that we have just read. The New Testament teaching that “God is love’ was no different from that of the Old. The teaching of Jesus that God is a compassionate Father was in no sense a departure from the revelation of Him in the Old Testament. When the children of Israel were suffering under the cruelty of the Egyptians, “The Lord said, I have surely seen the affliction of My people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows.” Exodus 3:7. This reveals to us a God of love and com- passion just as Jesus revealed God to men. The claim that the Old Testament represents God as a “tribal” God of the Jews, and concerned about them only, is not true. In speaking of God, in Deuteronomy 10:18 it is expressly stated, “He . . . loveth the stranger.” His command to the Jews was: “Love ye therefore the stranger.” Deuteronomy 10: 19. When God taught the Israelites His commandments based on love to God and love to man, He intended that through them ‘the nations . . . shall hear all these statutes.” Deuteronomy 4:6. God placed upon the Jewish people the obligation of imparting a knowledge AUGUST, 1929 of the true God and His statutes to the nations about them. This was revealed in the dedicatory prayer of Solomon when he said: “Moreover concerning the stranger, . . . if they come and pray in this house; then hear Thou from the heavens, . . . and do accord- ing to all that the stranger calleth to Thee for; that all the people of the earth way know Thy name, and fear Thee, as doth Thy people Israel.” 2 Chronicles 6: 32, 33. When this temple was finished God said of it, “Mine house shall be " called an house of prayer for all people.” Isaiah 56:7. How clearly do these Scriptures dispose of the claim that the God of the Old Testament was “a tribal god of the Jews,” caring nothing for other people. Another proof that God was not “a tribal god of the Jews” is that when they departed from Him and became depraved in sin and rebellion against Him, God punished them for their sins just as He did the heathen nations about them. (2 Chronicles 38: 14-17.) It has always been true that ‘“God is no respecter of persons.” Acts 10: 34. It has always been true that ‘‘in every nation he that feareth Him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with Him” (Acts 10:35), irrespective of nationality. The ‘God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob’; the God who directed the affairs of the children of Israel in the wilderness; the God who commanded the destruc- tion of nations who were hopelessly ’ steeped in vice and sin; the God who forgave David his sin and delivered Daniel from the cruelty of the lions, is the same loving heavenly Father whom Jesus came to this world to reveal more clearly to mankind. It was this God who “so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that who- soever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”’ John 3:16. Eight Ways for Sunday (Continued from page 22) and spoke unto the women which re- sorted thither.”” Acts 16:13. This was some twenty years on this side of the resurrection, but they still resorted to places of worship on the Sabbath. At Thessalonica, ‘Paul, as his manner was, went in unto them, and three Sabbath days reasoned with them out of the Scriptures.” Acts 17:2. This makes six meetings on the Sabbath. Then at Corinth, Paul “reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath, and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks. . . . And he continued there a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them.” Acts 18:4, 11. This makes a record of eighty-four meetings on the Sabbath, preaching to both Jews and Gentiles, yet they are passed by and ignored while the one meeting on Saturday night is sought out and repeated over and over, while ARABIC UNION MISSION Advent Villa, Mataria Cairo, Egypt. THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE, Nashville, Tennessee. Gentlemen: We are anxious to do something for the many English-speaking people in this field. We have a large Western population. Could you send us a good club of Tug WATCHMAN MAGA- ZINE each month for this work? Yours in the Master's service, Edward G. Essery. From the land of the bondage of the children of Israel, and where Jesus’ parents took Him for refuge, comes an appeal for copies of THE WATCHMAN for missionary work. An Appeal FromOld Egypt We can meet this and many similar requests that come to us from other foreign missionaries only through the Lend-a-Hand Club. You are invited to lend a hand by supplying as many copies as you wish to Egypt or any missionary whose address you furnish, or which we can supply. The foreign club rate is $1.25 a year. From gifts ranging from fourteen to one hundred dollars each, in response to previous appeals, a number of clubs are now being provided. The inclosed remittance of $ Name THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE, Nashville, Tennessee is to pay for missionaries for reaching English-speaking readers in their fields with the gospel. copies to be sent to foreign Address ......_. PAGE THIRTY-THREE